InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong Turn ❯ Bachelor Party ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. If I did, the manga/series would be a WHOLE lot different (namely, Kikyo.)

More in-depth summery: InuYasha is a rich 22 year old by inheritance. He is getting married to the perfect girl, Kikyo, and plans to have the perfect wedding, with his best friend, Miroku as a best man. Miroku doesn't approve of Kikyo. At all. So in a last ditch attempt to separate the two, he makes a wrong turn home from the bachelor party, leading them, inevitably, towards the city where Kagome and Sango live. Pairings: InuYasha/Kagome. Sango/Miroku.

Author's notes: This is my first InuYasha fanfic ever. I would REALLY appreciate it if I could get some feedback. I really did try to be original ^_^;; OH! And P.S. I have absolutely NO knowledge of the Japan area. So, bear with me on the names of places and things please.

Read, Review and Enjoy!

Wrong Turn

Chapter 1

Bachelor Party

InuYasha never was the one to be easily amused at a party. Even if it was his. That sort of thing was Miroku's deal. Always was and probably always would be. Yet even so, he found himself sitting in a corner of the Bay-Ridge lodge.

If one took a good look at him, they would notice his nearly flawless face, which at the moment was locked in an obviously bored position. He had long black hair, which it would seem he took a great amount of pride in. It was well down his back and was definitely something any half-brained woman would die for.

His violet eyes peered through the dim light of the bar, piercing through the gloom and shining with radiance. At the moment, InuYasha was wearing his normal garb; cargo pants and a sweatshirt of some kind. Preferably red or black.

If anyone knew InuYasha, though, they know that appearances could be deceiving. Key word there; could. Once befriended (which was a task in its own), InuYasha was an extremely loyal person. One could even describe him as protective. If you got on his bad side, though, you probably made a mortal enemy for life, and once InuYasha gets a grudge against someone, he holds that grudge.

Because of this, InuYasha was a very unpredictable person, even to those who knew him best. Sure, Miroku always knew that when InuYasha set his mind on doing something, it was best to not get in the way. And that if InuYasha was hungry, he would always go for some ramen before anything else, but he never shared any real emotions with anyone………besides anger and annoyance that is. He would normally just cover it up with something-anything lest someone see his weak side.

He had long since retired from the main action in favor of sitting alone with a beer and admiring the lodge. Miroku had managed to get a hold of his address book and had half the people in it come to his 'surprise' bachelor party. Little did Miroku know that he probably could hide an elephant easier then a surprise.

He watched as Miroku went around making sure everyone was having a thoroughly good time. He, of course, was ecstatic. Anyone one who knew him knew why that was in an instant.

Miroku had taken the liberty of hiring an exotic dancer by the name of Sasha, or something of that nature. Currently she was in the middle of the room (or in the middle of the circle of men, your choice). Judging by the hooting going on, she was dancing. And judging by the loud smacking noise, Miroku had just tried to touch the merchandise.

He was right. Miroku came staggering towards him with trademark boyish grin in place. He plopped down into the seat next to him.

Miroku was also rather handsome. He had shorter black hair tied in a small ponytail at the nape of his neck. He had lavender eyes, which were shining with excitement and amusement. He too was wearing his common clothing style. Miroku went for any kind of dark pants and a normally purple shirt. The aforementioned grin was always around when pretty women were about.

Miroku had………unusual, women habits. Most of which had gotten him into quit a bit of trouble many times. Trouble, which InuYasha would have to get him out of.

All unusual habits put aside, Miroku was a nice guy. He had the patience of a saint. He was best friends with InuYasha, how could he not? He was quite smart. Something that InuYasha needed desperately during high school. He also seemed to know the ways of the world. As though he has been there and back. His forgiveness though, is probably why he is still friends with InuYasha today. One could always count on Miroku in a tight situation. Well, unless it involved women, his biggest weakness.

Once in the presence of a woman he deemed 'worthy' (which was basically just being pretty and dumb most the time) he would put on a sickly sweet show of manners and politeness, and did whatever the lady wanted, and if something went wrong, he went into innocent mode. Unfortunately the methods weren't as successful as he would have hoped for.

"InuYasha, you should go over there and dance with her. It's your last party as a free man, after all. Hell, if I were marring Kikyo I would probably-" Miroku was cut off by InuYasha cupping him over the head.

"Miroku, you aren't really in a place to insult my women choices hmm? Just look at where your approach and choice in women has gotten you" InuYasha said, gesturing to his throbbing cheek.

"Yeah, that may be so, but at least I have some fun in life. I mean, I take all this time and energy to plan your bachelor party and your back here brooding. Not that you don't have anything to brood about. Kikyo is probably putting you into chronic depression or somethi- HEY!" Miroku was again cut off, but this time by a painful bop to the head.

"Tell you what. You stop insulting my choice in Kikyo, and I'll go over and have 'fun' tonight. Deal?" InuYasha stuck out his hand and awaited Miroku's confirmation.



One would think that perhaps InuYasha had a little too much fun. After getting utterly and totally drunk he had proceeded in destroying roughly around eight hundred dollars worth of furniture and scared Sasha from the party.

He had also managed to completely humiliate himself. Well, only of you consider professing your undying love to the bartender humiliating, of course.

It was now four in the morning, and InuYasha had finally passed out. A few of the guests had stayed a little longer to help Miroku load him into his SUV and Miroku bid them farewell.

Miroku watched as all the cars sped off out the south exit of the desolate parking lot and quickly got an idea.

InuYasha was many things in life. Rich, handsome, popular with the ladies, relatively smart, and quite a few other things. There was one thing he wasn't though.

InuYasha was NOT, in any way, shape or form, ready to get married. And as if taking on the ol' ball and chain wasn't enough, he was also doing it with a witch of a woman.

Kikyo Hitoki was beautiful. One could be sure of that. But that was about as far as her qualities went. InuYasha and her had been high school sweethearts, and had met up again after college. Kikyo didn't seem too interested in him at first, but when she found out how much money he had, she had, oddly enough, warmed up to him.

Miroku, having watched the whole thing play out from the sidelines, could see there was trouble. If he tried to warn him, as he would often do, InuYasha would just wave it off. Kikyo had him totally under her control.

Soon, even as best friends, close enough to be brothers, InuYasha was shutting him out. Miroku wouldn't see InuYasha for days at a time. Which wouldn't be so bad, if InuYasha wasn't his roommate.

InuYasha, despite his money, liked living with him. Miroku, luckily, never was too humble, and allowed InuYasha to furnish their two-floor apartment with top of the line everything. Though their favorites were most likely the electronics. InuYasha had even hired a maid (with whom he had taken the time to make sure the agency sent over an elderly one) and chef. Though why InuYasha needed a chef was beyond Miroku. He only had him cook ramen half the time.

Back to the story line, soon InuYasha was following Kikyo around like a lovesick puppy. He would go shopping with her and buy her anything she desired.

Last month, though, he had shocked Miroku beyond words. He had picked up an engagement ring. Not just any ring though. This ring was HUGE. No doubt picked out by Kikyo herself.

InuYasha had thought up a lengthy speech to match the ring.

His speech was actually quite touching, Miroku having to have heard it multiple practice times. It said quite a few things about love and how they were soul mates.

Too bad all of it was wrong.

So Miroku, finally making a decision, got into and started up the SUV, and instead of going out the south exit towards their home and a totally sheltered way of living, left the North exit.

Not having any specific plan of any sort, he just kept driving. And, as the sun rose on the new day, he thought that perhaps going this way could affect the bigger scope of things.

Too bad InuYasha wasn't awake to tell him this was insane.

Because then Miroku would be able to rub it in his nose for years to come.

Post Note: Well, like I said, it was just a random idea that popped into my head. Of course, I am not exactly sure on where I am going with this, but that's the fun right? Any type of review would be greatly appreciated.

