InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong Turn ❯ If You ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: So…its been a while ^_^;;. Sorry that I haven't updated. Really! I know that when the story starts flowing more, it will be easier to write, and I will be able to put out chapters much sooner. Sorry again!!! I really want to thank all of those who reviewed! It really means a lot to me to hear from you all, so keep `em coming! ^_^

Disclaimer: Do you really believe I own InuYasha? Then I would be Takahashi-sensei. And if I were her, I would be one of the happiest people in the world.

Wrong Turn

Chapter 2

If You

InuYasha woke to the sound of chirping birds and the smell of freshly cut grass. Not quite wanting to awaken fully just yet, he allowed his eyes to remain closed. That's when he noticed the position he was in.

Realization dawning on him, he took note that he was in a car. He thought back to last night, only to find it a blur. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't remember a thing. All he knew at the moment was that he had a headache fit to split the Great Wall of China in half.

Groaning, he turned over (something difficult to do in a safety belt) and started to open his eyes, trying to ignore the searing pain the light caused.

Dull violet eyes cracked open…only to meet bright lavender.

"AHHH-OW!" InuYasha attempted screaming, but his own voice didn't help his headache situation any, so he simply sent a withering glare at Miroku and grasped his head within his hands, mumbling curses fit to make a sailor blush.

Laughing, Miroku took the opportunity to annoy InuYasha. Even if he knew he would have to pay for it later. Taking care to speak especially loud, Miroku started.

"Hey InuYasha! Did you have a good nap? Aww, your sleeping face is just so adorable! Though you apparently still have that problem of talking in your sleep…the shrink didn't help? Hey what's the matter Mr. Grumpy-poo?"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" A big mistake for InuYasha. Moaning he placed his forehead on the glass of the passenger side window, enjoying the cool feeling seeping through his skin. He then took a look at his outside surroundings.

He was right on his earlier assumption. He was in his own car. But the scenery outside was completely unfamiliar to him. Actually, it was foreign to the city in general.

The car was obviously pulled over on the side of the narrow road. In front of him, however, was a beautiful park of sorts. Of course, it was much bigger then any park near his home, and was adorned with blooming flowers and charming little benches.

He was also right about the birds and grass. The newly mowed grass had horizontal lines along the lawn and a few birds were gathered around a fountain, chirping merrily.

Moving his gaze across the street (and now looking past Miroku, who was staring out of his window also) he saw…a flight of stone stairs.

Slightly taken aback by the sudden lack of nature, and a little slow from his hangover, he merely blinked in surprise.

"Uh…Miroku? Where are we?" he asked in a weak and rather rough voice laced with suspicion.

"My poor dense friend. Clearly, we are at a shrine! If the scenery and building at the top of the steps didn't give it away, you could've read the sign…" Miroku replied, with the same happy look he got every time he knew something InuYasha didn't.

InuYasha looked to his left, and sure enough, there was a sign reading: `Higurashi Sunset Shrine. Open to public Sunday-Wednesday 11:00 am -7:00 pm. Visit the Sunset shop, on premises!'

"Oh. So would you mind answering me a question, Miroku?" InuYasha asked, attempting to mask his annoyance.

"Hmm?" Miroku mumbled, not quite paying attention, for a large car driven by a tall blonde woman had stopped at the traffic light ahead.

"Why the HELL are we at a shrine in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!?" roared InuYasha, his face contorted with fury, which quickly died down to lead way for a wince.

"Well you see," Miroku started, his face the epitome of innocence and hurt. "You went and got horribly drunk last night, leaving me to drive the cold harsh roads alone! And you know how much I hate driving at night-you cant see who is in the cars next to you, so I don't know if I should be polite or just cut them off! Well, I got terribly lost, and then, just our luck, we ran out of gas! That was only about an hour before you got up. I guess it really is a good thing we are stranded here! Priestesses always help out! And maybe there are some young shrine maidens!" finished Miroku, with a happy sigh and far-off look in his eyes.

InuYasha, to say the least, was shocked. Leave it to Miroku to put a guilt trip and some sort of perversion onto the same paragraph.

"Now, if you don't mind…" Miroku said, getting out of the car, and taking care to slam the door. "Aren't you coming? Or perhaps I'll turn on the radio…"

That was enough to get InuYasha moving, since he promptly un-buckled himself and sluggishly got out of the car. "You're sick. You know that?"

Miroku, seemingly used to this, just hummed happily while crossing the street with InuYasha in tow.

Looking around, InuYasha couldn't help but be a bit envious. Sure the City was nice, but you could walk for hours there, and not find anywhere as fresh and clean as this. Maybe Kikyo would agree to move to an area like this after they were married…?

He was pulled from his thoughts when he bumped into Miroku (nearly falling down the enormous flight of steps behind him), who had turned around and was surveying the area. Looking from between the simple, red arbor above them, InuYasha also glanced at his surroundings.

He was surprised to see that this wasn't a little town at all! There was a small city just beyond a thin boarder of trees, probably within a brief five minute drive from his very spot, yet the shrine and neighboring residential areas seemed totally secluded from all the activities and noises associated with normal urban life.

As he turned around, following Miroku once more, he thought about if his city had small sanctuaries like this one on its outskirts as well, and why he hadn't paid more attention to notice before.

Once again looking around him, InuYasha saw that he was on a neatly swept stone patio, with a simple wooden door ahead of him.

Miroku walked up to this door, re-arranged his slightly wrinkled clothing, put his `irresistible' smile on, and lightly rapped his knuckles against the door.

Inside a door could be heard slamming, some loud footsteps approaching the door, and a mumbled curse. The door creaked open to reveal a tall woman, about the age of twenty by the looks of her. She had long deep brown hair, reaching down to mid-spine and burgundy eyes.

"Sorry Sir," the woman started in an exasperated tone of voice "the shrine isn't open on Fridays. If you come back on Sunday, you-"

Miroku cut her off before she slammed the door in his face "Oh! I'm terribly sorry Miss, but our car has run out of gas. I was wondering if I could possibly use your phone?"

She seemed to think this over for a moment, before opening the door fully and allowing them inside.

InuYasha watched his surroundings as the woman led Miroku and him through the foyer and into the kitchen. Around him he could hear a TV, the faint sound of water running through pipes, and the birds outside, chirping happily away.

Inside the kitchen, InuYasha took another brief glance around and raised an eyebrow. This shrine wasn't quite what he had expected. Rather then some old, barely working appliances, there were advanced electronics, a microwave and even an electric stove.

"Well, they said the tow-truck should be here within the hour, meaning we have at least a good two until they actually arrive. Would you, a lovely shrine maiden, allow my good friend InuYasha and me, Miroku to wait here and enjoy some time with you?"

For a second, the woman almost looked embarrassed, but she quickly corrected herself, and sighed. "Fine. I'm Sango. Sit down while I go get the priestess of this shrine…" and the woman, Sango, started to leave the room.

`Just great!' InuYasha thought bitterly to himself. `Now, not only am I lost in the middle of nowhere with my idiot letch of a `friend', but I have to meet an old hag also!'

Hearing a door opening behind them, Miroku and InuYasha turned around, expecting to see Sango leading an old woman in a typical red and white priestess costume. Instead, stepping out through a cloud of steam was another woman of Sango's age.

She stopped short, shocked eyes locked on InuYasha, and apparently too stunned to speak, and for once, so was Miroku.

Her long black hair was soaked, making it look extra glossy and straight, and causing it to stick to her shoulders and face. Her eyes were of a stormy blue, and were outlined by her dark lashes and flushed cheeks.

She had a small towel wrapped around her petite frame, and, at least to InuYasha and Miroku, looked very familiar.

"…Kikyo?" InuYasha asked taking a step closer with wide eyes.

"Ahh! Perverts!" She screamed, grabbing the nearest object, which happened to be coffee mug, and threw it directly at InuYasha, who sidestepped it with ease, allowing it to crash on the floor.

"Hey, what's going on in here?!" demanded Sango, walking into the room and stopping short at the scene before her. "…Kagome? So that's where you were! What happened?" She asked with a frown.

"Sango! These…these SICKOS were out here waiting while I walked out of the bathroom!" Kagome shouted in outrage.

Sango's face changed to a mixture of sympathy and laughter. "No Kag. These men were just waiting for their car to be towed. Now, maybe you should go and change into something a little less…revealing." She finished, and watched realization dawn on her, as she ran into the hallway and up some stairs, her face as red as a tomato.

Miroku and InuYasha just stood there dumbfounded. "Kagome? Who is she? Another shrine maiden? Miroku asked, while thanking his good fortune.

Sango's eyes narrowed slightly, as though she could read what he was thinking, and said with a smirk, "No, Kagome is the priestess of this place. I work for her."

Both men had shocked and astonished faces. "B-But she's…young!" InuYasha stuttered out.

"Yeah. Kagome inherited this shrine and has been running it ever since. Age doesn't always matter. If you have enough training, you can be a great priestess. Now, if you don't mind, I have a traumatized friend to attend to." And turning on her heel, Sango left up the stairs also.

Miroku turned to InuYasha and asked in a playful tone "Kikyo doesn't have a twin, does she?"

"No, you idiot. Of course she didn't. She's an only child." InuYasha stated in a sulky tone.

"Ahh, but you must admit, this Kagome sure is a looker! I wouldn't mind spending time with her! Hmm, she looks so much like Kikyo, yet totally different? How is that? But then there was that Sango…" Miroku said, with a goofy grin on his face. InuYasha just looked away with an unreadable expression.

"Something wrong Inu?" Miroku inquired, only to receive a grunt in reply. "You…you aren't ready to get married yet…are you? he asked, more to himself, not noticing that the two women were standing in the doorway. "I'll tell you what! Lets take a little vacation! Take some time to relax and think things over! Rushing into something isn't exactly wise, you know."

`InuYasha,' thought Miroku. `If you were prepared to be married, you wouldn't have that look in your eyes. Like a lost child…'

"And why should I do that? What reason could I possibly have to stay here?!" InuYasha demanded, rousing Miroku out of his thoughts.

"I guess you don't have one…but if you don't do this for yourself, then please do it for me. As your best friend?" Miroku reasoned, putting on a big puppy face. InuYasha sighed resignedly.

"Your puppy face sucks, you know that? But…what choice do I have? I guess I'll just have to call and tell Kikyo something…" InuYasha mumbled, letting the end of his sentence hang in the air.

"A pre-wedding gift? You know, just hanging with the guys?" Miroku suggested.

"Nah, then she would want to know all the details and all, I'd be more of a hassle then anything else." InuYasha trashed the idea. Hell, Kikyo would probably invite herself to his vacation.

"Well…what about a visit? You could always say that you are visiting my uncle with me. Last time they met, she hated the man, so she would probably just leave it alone." Miroku offered.

"…I guess that could work…except that we cant use my credit card on a hotel room, because we are `staying' with your Uncle…"

Both males were surprised by a voice coming from the door. "You could stay with us, I suppose. I mean, we have extra rooms. If you are willing to help out for the time being…" Said a nervous and embarrassed looking Kagome.

"Brilliant idea! That's what we'll do!" said Miroku happily, walking over to Sango and grasping her hands. "Apparently I was right in saying that all shrine maidens were visions of loveliness!" Sango seemed too taken aback to notice the hand that was moving lower by the second until it was too late.

SMACK! "You perv! What do you think you're doin'?!" She screamed, backing away and clutching herself protectively. Miroku just laughed and put a hand up against his pulsing cheek.

InuYasha, meanwhile, was staring at Kagome, who was laughing at Miroku's antics.

With her hair dried, and when dressed, she didn't look so much like Kikyo. Her hair was now slightly wavy, while her eyes sparkled in mirth. Something he had never seen in Kikyo's murky blue depths.

Turning to look out of the open window at the rest of the shrine grounds he saw a few more smaller buildings and a huge tree with sakura blossoms on it, ready to fall any day while in the background another loud slap echoed through the room, followed by some laughter.

`Yes,' he thought, with a small smile quirking on his lips. `It's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the City for a while.'

*~*~*~*~*End Chapter 2~*~*~*~*

Review Responses:

I really appreciate reviews from readers, because at least then I know that this story is actually (hopefully) being enjoyed by people.

Anandria-Well, I am glad you think so! Don't worry; I really do want to finish this story, so I don't plan on stopping. Thanks!

ChiBi AznAnGeL-Kikyo is evil *laugh*. Thank you for your review!

Tomo*223-Yo! Whoa. I really am terrible at updating, ne? I don't think I could ever write something considered a drama, or tragedy, cause I always put some sort of comedy in XD. Ja ne! (Oh yes. I am such a linguist)

Officially*Obsessed*with*Pyro-Well, this was the new chapter (obviously). Hmm, I don't think I'll kill Kikyo, but maybe bash her a tiny bit ^_~

Mari-Thanks! Yes, writers block, among many other things. *sigh* I do the same thing with everything. I tend to start something, then put it to the side…>_<. I am very bad at cliffhangers. But, I guess one on the first chapter would be mean.

nekoyoukia-Thank you! Gomen for not updating soon, like you asked…^_^;;

sabriel7-No worries! I totally agree with you! Of course, I am a die-hard InuYasha/Kagome fan, so we can probably bet that Kikyo won't get to marry him…but I don't want to give anything away!

wolfstar03- Thanks for the rating! Eh? Sorry, I don't quite understand your comment…The end of last chapter was basically saying that Miroku (dumbbut hahaha) wanted to stop InuYasha from making the mistake, so he figured he would introduce him to the world a little more. Spontaneous adventure I guess. InuYasha was passed out, and Miroku was thinking that if he were awake, he would be saying that Miroku was an idiot for trying to change him. Sorry if it was unclear.

Anubis_Himura-Aww, thanks for the rating also. Well, Kikyo fans are asking for it sometimes, if you ask me. Miroku is cool :p

Risika-Another high rating! Thank you! Well, after you said that, I looked into the movie, and found a horror film by the name of `Wrong Turn'. Where college students get stuck in the woods with a bunch of incest guys? I watched it, and thought it was so bad it was funny! I really hope my story isn't like that! Well, I hope this wasn't a cliffhanger -_-.

kokorozashi-Well, I didn't quite update soon, did I? ^_^;; I hoped you liked this chapter!

du(ck)ie-I am so glad to hear that! Thank you for your support!

Post Note:

Wahh! I'm tired! Its almost five am! I really need to change my sleeping habits or something!

Once again, I am so sorry for not updating in so long! It was my birthday! I am now fifteen, and it feels the same, but yet, on that one day, a whole new array of possibilities opened up to me!…Okay, maybe that's a bit overdoing it, but I can get a job now, so that's nice! I tried to make this chapter longer, but there isn't much of a difference!

I was also wondering about Sesshomaru. I would like to put him in (non bashing), but wouldn't know who to pair him with! If you want to help, state your choice in your review. I would prefer Rin or Kagura, but am open to suggestions for anything!

Remember, reviews are greatly appreciated!

