InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong Turn ❯ Necessities ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: A much sooner update! I am struggling with the plot a bit, but nothing I can't handle ^_^. Also, I have been juggling with a few other InuYasha fanfic ideas, but wont start them until this is up and running nicely. And I have been drawing a lot lately also, so please forgive my lateness. Sorry ahead of time for any spell mistakes. I guess I'll revise this one a bit later in time, but I figured I would just throw you guys a bone, so here it is! Oh! And happy post `talk like a pirate' day. Arrgh!

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape or form, own InuYasha. I do, however, own a bunch of InuYasha memorabilia, and my kitty Kirara!

Wrong Turn

Chapter Three


"And here is where you'll both be staying." Kagome said, opening another simple door with a flourish.

"Wait a minute…both? As in I am sleeping in the same room as this sicko?" InuYasha asked distastefully while jabbing a finger at Miroku

InuYasha was in a much better mood now that the situation was looking up. And as though that wasn't good enough, he was even supplied a few pain-relievers and a cup of strong coffee.

"Well, I hardly think you are in a position to be picky." Sango mumbled, though it was clear she knew they would hear her.

"Er…What Sango means is that our other rooms are being used as storage for the time being." Kagome corrected her friend. "Its okay, isn't it?

"Of course Kagome! After all, any room is better then no room! And besides, I would sleep in the well house if it meant being able to be in your company." Miroku stated with a smile in her direction, and earning two snorts from behind him.

InuYasha just rolled his eyes and stalked into the room.

The room itself wasn't too large, being just big enough to fit two dark wood twin beds (thankfully, because if it were just one bed, Miroku would be sleeping on the floor for a while).

There was also a set of matching drawers beside each bed, reminding InuYasha that he had no clothes at the moment.

"I'm sorry this is all we could do for you…but if it helps any, you guys will have your own bathroom just don the hall" Kagome started kindly, but was interrupted by a loud curse from InuYasha.

"Crap! Miroku, we need to get some clothes and junk. Hey wench!" InuYasha directed the statement towards Kagome, but she didn't seem accustomed to being called by that and remained silent, making InuYasha to whirl around and glare at her.

"Wench! You are taking me to the nearest mall. Got that?" He demanded of her. She simply gawked at him for a moment; not comprehending that someone could possibly be this rude.

"You aren't serious, are you? How can you have the nerve to ask me that?!" She all but screamed into his face, causing Miroku and Sango exchange glances.

"Why?! You got a problem with it?!" Snarled InuYasha.

"Of course I do, you moron!" Kagome yelled. Nearby, Sango gasped.

"Problem, Sango?" Miroku asked casually, as though the screaming contest going on beside him wasn't even there.

"No…nothing. Come on. They're bound to follow sooner or later." She turned around and stalked down the hallway, Miroku at her heels.


"I still don't get why you get to drive my car." InuYasha complained from his seat, and former bed, on the passenger side.

"Because, dummy. I know how to get to the mall, and you don't." Kagome said. She was calmed down by now, and seemed to be taking pleasure in annoying InuYasha.

"And you couldn't just give me directions because…? Or even use your car?" InuYasha asked, glancing behind them into the backseat of the car to make sure Miroku was still behaving.

Sango was scooted as close to the window as possible, sending a wary glance towards Miroku. Or rather, his hands.

Miroku, on the other hand was sitting in the center of his seat, totally relaxed. He had drooped one of his hands leisurely over the back of the car seats, landing hazardously close to Sango's shoulders.

Shaking his head, InuYasha looked back towards the road ahead of him, listening slightly to Kagome's answer.

"I really don't trust you behind the wheel of a car. Especially one housing my best friend and me. And I don't really have a car at the moment. I'm trying to support public transportation!" She stated cheerily, turning down another road and into a crowded parking lot.

"Aha! We're here!" She chirped, racing into a parking space, and narrowly missing an elderly couple.

"Oh thank Gods!" Sango muttered, flinging herself out of the car.

Everyone else calmly slammed their car doors shut, and Kagome tossed InuYasha his keys after securely locking the doors.

Walking through the parking lot, they came to a stop at the doors.

"Okay." Sango said. "So we don't need to be in there forever, what exactly do you guys need?"

"Need?" Miroku echoed. "My dear Sango! You are definitely at the top of that list!"

Sango simply smacked him over the head and directed her question to InuYasha.

"Clothes, obviously. And toothbrushes. `Ya know. The usual stuff." InuYasha stated, as though that would answer her question.

"Well, assuming that also means you need shampoos, brushes and clothes to work in -because you will be working- we should get going" Kagome said, feigning an air of authority and walking through the glass double doors.

"Hey Miroku? How long do we plan on staying here, anyways?" InuYasha asked as they were led through the mall by two ecstatic girls. After all, they had their own luggage boys, who doubled as live mannequins, what woman wouldn't be thrilled?

"I guess I didn't think about it much. About a week would be my best guess." Miroku said, trying to get a good view of Sango without her noticing, because she has noticed several times already, each one earning him a new lump on the head.

`Of course, things are turning out better then I thought. We are staying with to beautiful women! Sango and Kagome. Kagome…the one who is so alike and different from Kikyo. Could she possibly be able to make you happy…?' Miroku thought to himself, letting his thoughts linger on a certain feisty brunette.

"Come on! You guys aren't just going to stand there, are you?" Kagome asked, while Sango walked into the men's clothing store.

Fearing Kagome's wrath, they rushed through the threshold.

The second they were within reach, clothes were being tossed towards them. InuYasha just stood with his eyes wide, and he could have sworn he heard Miroku whimper.

"Kagome! I think I can pick out my own damn clothes!" InuYasha said haughtily, dropping the bundle of clothes on the floor, much to the displeasure of the workers.

Kagome simply scoffed and walked towards the seats in front of the dressing stalls. "C'mon Sango. They say they don't need us."

Sango just shrugged and sat beside her, and both then stared at InuYasha, as though daring him to try to shop without them.

"Hey!" Miroku called out. " I never said that!"

"Of course you did." InuYasha replied, relieving Miroku of his load and absentmindedly handing it off to the very same worker who was cleaning up his first mess. Miroku just pouted and went off to look for some purple shirts.

Five minutes later InuYasha walked over to the dressing rooms with a few sets of clothes in hand, and noticed Kagome (who was now talking animatedly with Sango) was getting some stares from various men in the store.

For some reason, this bothered him. He even had half a mind to go over there and glare at all of the others, but then he stopped abruptly.

Sango was getting just as many stares (which was most likely to the displeasure of Miroku, who was probably staring just as much), and yet he didn't notice. Not only that, but he didn't mind too much. Yet, when it came to Kagome, he felt like ripping out all their throats.

`What the hell am I thinking?' he thought to himself. `Why would I care if she is ogled like some leg of meat.' The thought caused a low growl to rise in his throat. `That's it. I don't care. She just looks too much like Kikyo for comfort.' He nodded to himself. That was it. She reminded him so much of Kikyo that he was confusing them slightly.

Continuing his trek over, and deliberately ignoring both the girls, he stormed into a dressing room.

Minutes later Miroku came walking up to Kagome and Sango, but took a different approach. "Girls! Would you two mind me modeling my clothes for you? You see, I am terribly self-conscious, and would love your opinions!"

"Sure thing, Miroku!" Kagome answered quickly. A little too quickly for InuYasha's taste.

"Whatever…" Said Sango, looking away slightly. Miroku just walked over to the booth next to InuYasha's and changed.

InuYasha quickly put on his original clothes, picked everything else up, and walked to sit next to Kagome. A few minutes later, Miroku skipped out, sporting an outfit very similar to his first one.

"Oh! That looks so nice on you, Miroku!" Kagome gushed, noting the way he took the time to match everything nicely.

"Thank you Kagome!" he said. "Sango? Your input?"

"Um…" Sango looked up slightly and blushed at Miroku in a purple muscle shirt, black over shirt and fairly tight fitting black jeans. "You look…fine" she managed meekly, before looking away again, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

Miroku seemed pleased with the answer, however, and walked back into the small space to change once more.

Sango, seeking a change in thoughts, asked InuYasha "You tried on all your cloths already? Why didn't you show us?" Kagome looked over, interested.

"Why?" InuYasha repeated. "Why should I show you guys what I'm gonna wear? Jeeze, you both are so nosy!"

They both just `hmm'ed and watched Miroku model the rest of his clothes, each set going the same way as the first.

Once everything was paid for on InuYasha's credit card, everyone waked over to a general store.

Kagome busied herself with finding a perfect shampoo and conditioner for InuYasha's silky hair (much to his protest) while Miroku dragged Sango off to get everything else.

Once those things were paid for also, InuYasha took the lead and had everyone follow him out, before the girls found another store to torture him in. Approaching the car, InuYasha beeped it, and tried to get in the front, only to be hit in the head by Kagome.

"I don't think so!" She said in a sing-song voice, and InuYasha could've sworn he heard Miroku say something along the lines of `Now you know what it feels like!' before Kagome continued. "Other side! Now!" and she walked past him into the drivers seat.

Grumbling, InuYasha buckled himself into the front seat as the car took off.

Miroku took a look around him and smiled slightly. The scenery was pasing in a blur outside, and couldn't have been more content. InuYasha and Kagome had found something new to argue about…the radio, judging by the shouting. And even better, Sango wasn't sitting quite as far away from him on the return trip. Maybe his plan would actually work.

"Its my car! I'll listen to whatever the hell I wanna listen to!"

"Yeah, well I'm the one driving!"

"Not by my choice! And its still my car!"

"Well you're staying in MY house!"

"What difference does that make?!"

Post Note: Well, it's finally out! Sorry, I think this chapter was rather boring, but there was some minor plot and character developing, right? Right?! Well, next chapter: new character! Can you guys guess who? ^_~ And, I do have a job now…sorta…-___-. Also, I am a bit to lazy to check now, but does anyone know how to fix posts so they don't bunch everything together like this? Its quite annoying…Review please?

Review Responses! This is something I really enjoy doing, and if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them.

angel8818- ^_^ Thank you so much!

Essence of a Shadow- I know! I am terrible at updating! Gya! Yeah, I did try to make the plot original, but now I am lost on what to do next! *sigh* I guess it will come to me…

bluegalx- I'm an excellent story teller?! Thank you! I hope that everything is flowing nicely. I am finding it a little hard to place certain characters in the modern times…mainly Miroku. It has gotten easier then the first chapter though.

DarkAngelMiko- Thank you for the compliment! Hmm, yeah. I think I am going to head in the Fluffy/Rin direction, but I cant make any promises (mainly because I don't know what is going to happen either! Haha)

Tomo223- Hey! Well, I guess my sleeping has gotten a bit better, but not by much! Ahhh! I hate school!

MirokuHoushi- Haha! I don't think I could write a story without humor! And yep, I am a total sucker for fluff, so expect some of that (I just don't know how soon…) Thanks!

demonspawn666- Thank you! Well, I can't say for sure, but I don't think this story is going to have that type of plot where InuYasha doesn't need to be a demon. I do need some ideas (my brain burns!) but as of now, it is just a regular complicated romance type thingy (I have no idea what I am talking about…) >_< lol

trixie-trix- Thank you! (By now I think I sound like a broken record with all these `thank you's) Yup! Sadly, InuYasha is marrying Kikyou…not that I like the idea!

Snoochie- Yeah, I get those vibes from Kagura too. I haven't thought everything through yet, so I don't know if I'll introduce her. Fifteen! Woo! Its called the `I-am-fifteen-but-still-cant-do-anything' club! I think I have a pretty vivid imagination too, so that really helps when trying to describe the story, but I am very glad that you enjoy my writing! ^^ Thank you so much!

Shrimple13- Kouga and Hojo? Yeah, I was thinking about putting them in…I just need to figure out a good time…I think your stories are good! Especially because you actually update…unlike

Animie fan- Thank you! Well, my update wasn't exactly soon but here was another chapter anyways.

mjustagirl131991- I don't think I know how to update. It takes me too long! Well, thank you for the review!

Yining Chen- Woo! People who appreciate my attempt at comedy! Haha! Thanks for the review!

Youkoforever- Yup, Inu/Kag fluff of sorts is promised for later. Hmm, yeah. InuYasha does mean dog demon but I wasn't about to change his name…lol. Thanks!

Sarcasm Girl8- Thank you! I updated…though I probably could have done it sooner…XD

Princess_Mononoke7- Woo! Long review! I love `em! Well, after certain parts of the series, I don't exactly hate Kikyou. I'll admit I don't like her…but I feel a little bad for her at the same time. Not to say that I would mind her getting hit by a car. That would be hilarious! LOL! Thanks!

Hidden_Rhapsody- Thanks! Yup yup. I am not a Kikyo fan…obviously…Rainbow socks! They rule! I have some! Then they get eaten by the evil washer machine…T_T

LOTRwolf-Thanks! I hope you liked this chapter!

Neko-Yuff16- ^_^…I love that face XD (and that one too) Thanks for the review!

IceSugarHigh- Haha! Yep! That could be my story summed up into a few short sentences! Lol! I am glad you think this is cute! Aww! And I haven't even gotten to the fluff yet! (which I hope I am okay at writing…XD)

Anandria- I am still not too sure about the `minor' relationships in this story, but I had better get my act in order, because I think they will start appearing soon! Aww, you cant get a job? That's okay, no one wanted to hire me T_T…I felt so unloved. Yeah, now that I look back on it…that is weird. I know I wouldn't allow it! But…uh…maybe because they are running a shrine? I dunno…-_-…Lol. As for the other characters, I guess you'll just have to wait and see! Thanks!

XxDemonic-PrincessxX- Thank you! Nothing is for sure yet, but I think I am moving towards Sesshy and Rin…

Amaris-11- Sesshy/Rin seems to be the popular coupling. ^_^..thanks for your review!

MrsInuyasha69- I hope it is gonna be cute! InuYasha and Kagome under the same roof dun dun dun!!! Lol thanks!

heykyra13- I am so sorry for making you wait so long! Yep! Those Harry Potter books are very addictive! You think my story is too? Thank you for the compliment!

Inu-babe666- Thank you! I updated sooner then the last chapter, I guess! >_<

Queen- The update wasn't soon, but sooner, I think! InuYasha and Kagome will get together soon enough! Haha but not before I torture all of you with InuYasha/Kikyou! Bwahahaha!

deena151- Thank you for the review! I tried to put some plot in here, but I don't know if it worked like I planned…

dita91- Yes! I am crazy! I left it on a cliffhanger? O_o…I didn't notice. Well, I hope I still get reviews! Thanks!

Thanks and review!
