InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Xue Fang: Lady of the West ❯ Arrival ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The retainer sighed impatiently as he perpetually paced the weather worn docks of Kyoga Island. The woman and her crew were to be arriving anytime now. He hoped he wouldn’t have to wait longer.

Her ships were rumored to be the swiftest vessels that graced the seas, it is said that it’s almost as if the sails beckoned high winds to them. He had been informed prior the that the lady would be bringing her entire fleet, and was to get a warm welcoming upon her arrival. He remember how his young master had warned him of the dangers of displeasing the fast approaching warrior from China.

Sure enough , the winds started to pick up as the black battleships came into view. Far into the horizon as they were, he could clearly feel the overwhelming youki surrounding the ships, and at such a distance! There we many strong youkai on the ship! Not even his lords armies looked or felt as impervious. As the ships rapidly advanced, darks sails whipping furiously in the wind, he had to suppress the desire to flee. As the rumors said a furious gale pushed the ships towards shallow waters, sinister clouds billowing in the wake of the massive vessels.

Pulling into the diminutive harbor, they looked out of place. Her ships towered over all others in the bay, attracting the local fishermen’s attention as well as many passing people from the village. Finally they came to a stop, dropping anchor next to the dock. The crew made haste to put down the ramps so that they could come ashore.

As expected the Capitan was the first to disembark from the ship, leisurely strutting down the ramp of the first ship. He immediately bowed deeply to the raven haired demoness, who just cast a condescending glare in his direction and continued towards the awaiting mounts, ignoring him completely.

Finding the black dragon fitting for the traverse, she hastily mounted the large beast. Adjusting the saddle to her liking, she took hold of the reigns and prepared for flight.

Scurrying as fast as his little legs would take him he rushed over to the woman about to leave.

“Wait!!! M’lady you don’t know the way!”

Ignoring him again she instructed the creature to take flight. Spreading its vast wings, it crouched lower then sprang from the dirty streets. He watched hopelessly as she rode off into the distance. His master would have his head if she didn’t show up at the palace!

As he shifted worriedly from foot to foot, he failed to notice the bubbly demoness behind him.

“You don’t need to worry, Lady Fang has a keen sense of direction…she will have no problem locating his castle” she said patting him on the shoulder.

He highly doubted that, but felt it was best not to say otherwise. The wench never had been to Japan before, let alone his master’s abode, she would surely get lost!

He sighed and went to escort the rest of the crew to their mounts.

Higher ranks took the dragons, while the lesser demons and humans rode on horses. The luggage would be put in carriages that would take up the rear of the procession.
Embarking on their journey, the servant could only hope that Lady Fang reached the palace unscathed.


Xue Fang tugged the reigns to the left, the large beast’s wings extended and glided towards the west. The toad had been foolish to assume she could not find her way to Lord Taisho’s palace. She already knew he resided in the western lands, and assuming he was just as powerful as herself she figure his youki would be easy to distinguish once she reached his property.

Peering over the side of the dragon, she wasn’t surprised nor afraid that her eyes only meet the tops of clouds. She’d grown used to riding at such heights, and had come to enjoy the flights. Her only discomfort was the frigid cold that accompanied such heights. The sleeveless cheongsam did little to warm her, she found herself dropping the reigns in favor of rubbing her shivering arms in an attempt to warm them.

Night was rapidly approaching, and the temperature noticeably declining. She cursed at her stupidity, wishing she had donned warmer attire.

Grabbing the reigns again she guided the beast down threw the clouds and into warmer air. She smiled as the air seemed to warm up considerably. Goosebumps slowly fading from her toned arms.

Her happiness was short lived, for it almost immediately began to pour. Cursing her bad luck she continued to fly threw the sudden downpour hoping it would cease momentarily.

She found herself regretting leaving the frigid skies above her. Now cold and soaked to the bone, she was beyond displeased with the unyielding weather.

The dragon shifted slightly to the north, she figured he must recognize the landscape below.

An hour or so passed before she felt his overwhelming youki in the distance. The dragon must have noticed too, because he slowly started to descend.

Far off she spotted the palace and smiled, finally shelter! She couldn’t wait to take a soak and change into some dry clothing. She had heard that the country was known for hot springs and could only hope the palace had one.

In the lasting sunlight she could tell the castle was quite extravagant. It sat securely on a hill, several stories high. Surrounded by a mote glistening in the dying light, it looked enchanting.

The dragon glided gracefully into the courtyard, landing with ease. A small audience had slowly started to gather at her arrival.

They all peered curiously at the drenched woman in the strange kimono, some laughing softly at her condition. She was far from amused , and was ready to lash out at the nearest person cackling at her, when the source of the intense youki she had felt stepped forward and silenced them.
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