Kim Possible Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible: The Impossibilities Series ❯ Chapter 1: An Impossible Romance ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

An Impossible Romance by Jarkota
Author's Note/Disclaimer:

This is a work of fanfiction. I in no way own or claim to own any of the characters, locations, or other copyrighted materials in this document. No infringement of any kind is intended, and no profit is made or is intended to be made - I am merely a fan writing for the enjoyment of other fans. This takes place six months after the events of So The Drama, thus effectively placing it as an alternate universe to the current season. Finally, this story contains mature content including some mild language, sexual themes/innuendos, same-sex coupling, and sexual content. If any of this offends you, close this file and read no further. That said, this is dedicated in part to StarvingLunatic on, Classic Cowboy on and, and RinaCat over at deviantART. *************************************************************** ******************** Kimberly Anne Possible stared at the note in her hand. It was typewritten, obviously to avoid handwriting identification, and her own tests using her brothers' lab equipment had shown no fingerprints on the paper, meaning that Kim knew the sender and that said sender wanted to keep their identity hidden for the time being. Kimmie, it began, I'm sorry for doing this, but we need to talk. ASAP. Meet me at the old Middleton train station at 9:00 P.M. I'm willing to tell you everything there and you can decide what to do, but I have nowhere else to turn. And whatever you do, don't tell anyone. If I get the slightest impression that you're being followed, I will leave and you'll never know what I have to say. That was all there was to the cryptic message. No real hint as to who it was, though there was something decidedly fishy about it. She was tempted to tell Ron, at least, so he wouldn't worry, but decided against it. His monkey Kung-fu had been in rare form since the Lil' Diablo incident, and he could probably follow her without even her knowing it now. She checked her watch; 7:45. It would take her a little less than an hour to reach the station, which meant she'd have enough time to see any potential traps coming before they were sprung. Donning her black mission shirt and a pair of dark pants, she slipped quietly out of the house. Ronald Eugene Stoppable stared at the note in his hand. It was typewritten, though it was a wasted effort since he couldn't tell one person's writing from another anyway, and Rufus's keen eye couldn't see anything resembling a fingerprint, not that they had any sort of way to make use of that information even if they had it. But, contrary to popular belief, Ron wasn't an idiot; he knew that the reason for such secrecy was that he knew who had sent it and that they didn't want him to know who sent it. At least, not until the time was right. Ronnie, it began, I'm sorry for doing this, but we need to talk. ASAP. Meet me at the old Middleton train station at 9:00 P.M. I'm willing to tell you everything there and you can decide what to do, but I have nowhere else to turn. And whatever you do, don't tell anyone. If I get the slightest impression that you're being followed, I will leave and you'll never know what I have to say. Stoppable was at a loss. he knew he should tell someone, Kim at the very least, but he also wanted to hear what this person had to say. After a quarter hour of debating it with himself, and realizing he'd have to leave soon if he were to go at all, he made his decision. Sighing and steeling himself for his first real solo mission, Ron silently crept out his window and headed into the encroaching night. As Kim arrived at the station, she was surprised to see Ron approaching from another direction. She ran over to him, waving her arms to get his attention. "KP!" he said once they got close to each other. "What are you.....wait, did you type this?" he said, reaching into his pocket and showing her the note. Kim shook her head. "No; I got one, too, and I guess this means you didn't type mine." "Right on, Princess." Both teens turned to see the source of the voice- a cloaked figure in the doorway of the station. The individual stepped into the meager light and pulled the hood back. "Shego!" Kim exclaimed, dropping into a fighting stance. "What are you doing here?" The hostility drained from Kim's face and voice when she saw how bad Shego looked. The green-skinned beauty looked like she hadn't slept or had a decent meal in days. Her eyes had dark circles under them and were puffy and red, as though she'd spent a good deal of time crying. Compassionate instinct overriding distrust for a moment, Kim rushed forward and embraced the other woman. "What happened to you?" the redhead asked. "I'm leaving Drakken and that entire world behind, but I need help. I used to be a hero and I liked the feeling, but I thought being a villain would have more perks. I was an idiot. Drakken's teamed up with Dementor, Monkey Fist, Killigan, the Seniors, and HenchCo. They're putting together a terrible weapon - something that can alter the moon's orbit and cause gravity shears that will rip the planet apart unless the world leaders do what they say. I didn't mind the odd weather machine or subterranean tunneler designed to release lava onto the surface - those kinds of things can be stopped. I was in it for the money, Kim - I don't....I don't....." Shego sniffed once, then concluded, "I don't want to see anyone hurt!" before she proceeded to cry into Kim's shoulder. Puzzled, Ron asked, "And you expect us to.....?" Regaining some of her composure for a second, Shego answered, "Contact Global Justice. I'm willing to squeal on every one of them - their bases, timetables, equipment, everything - but only if I can be guaranteed protection. By you two." Kim asked, "Why us?" "Because, out of everyone I've met since leaving my brothers, you're the only ones I know I can trust not to try and hurt me anyway." the older woman replied. After thinking it over for a short moment, Kim said, "You've got a deal, but I won't go through Global Justice. They'd just lock you up anyway. The three of us will bust Drakken's operation up together, and you can stay at my place. No questions asked." "Th-thank you....Kim..." Shego said before collapsing into tears once again. "Come on, Ron; we've got to get her home and let Mom look her over." Without any hint of hesitation, Ron, trusting Kim's judgment and, for a reason he couldn't figure out, Shego, moved over and helped Kim support the green-skinned woman as they made their way back to the Possible home. ********************************************************************* ************** "You brought WHO home with you?????" James Possible said as Kim and Ron laid the now-unconscious Shego on the couch. "Look, Dad; she's in trouble and she has information we need to stop Drakken once and for all. Plus......she used to be like me. Like her brothers. She was a hero, Dad. And besides that, she said herself that the main reason she decided to turn against Drakken was because she knew people would get hurt if he succeeded. Nobody with that much regard for life can be completely evil. She just.....made some bad decisions. Fell in with the wrong crowd. There is still good in her, and with a little luck, I can make her realize that, too." James sighed. "Alright; if you trust her, then I trust her. I'll call your mother at the hospital and tell her we've got a patient for her here." With that, he left the room, still not entirely sure what his daughter was thinking. Jim and Tim were at Shego's side, measuring vital signs. "Her blood pressure is low, temperature high," Jim said. "Breathing regular, heartbeat strong. Obviously malnourished, though we'll have to wait and see what Mom says about feeding her." Tim finished. "Looks like those med classes are beginning to pay off, eh Kim?" Ron asked. Kim nodded in agreement. "I know I've been hard on you two before, but I really appreciate you offering to help take care of Shego." "Think nothing of it, Sis," Jim replied. "It's not every day guys like us get to feel around on a babe like this." Tim said. "You two shrimps had better not say that again," Shego said weakly, her voice cracking, "or I'll personally give you each a wedgie with a flagpole cable." The two boys gulped and said, "Yes, ma'am!" Shego laughed, coughing a little with the exertion. "Relax; I don't hurt kids. Besides, it was a nice compliment." This was proceeded by more coughing. "You need to conserve your strength, Shego," Kim said. "Mom should be here soon, and she can help you get back on your feet." "I still don't get.....why you decided to trust me." "There's.......something about you, Shego. You're not really a bad person; otherwise you'd have hurt or even killed me and Ron a dozen times over by now. I don't like to see potential good go to waste. I just wish you'd have come to us sooner." The sound of a car pulling into the driveway got Kim's attention. "Mom's back. Jim, run upstairs and get a couple of more pillows. Tim, get an icepack ready. Mom'll want to get her fever down quickly." The boys nodded once, then dashed out of the room. Anne Possible walked into the room carrying her medical bag. "How is she?" she asked her daughter. "The boys took her vitals; temperature's high, blood pressure's low, breathing and heartbeat regular. Looks like she hasn't eaten in a while, though." "I see." Anne said, rummaging through her bag until she found a small glass bottle and hypodermic syringe."This will help fight off infections, but she needs something to get her strength back up. Ron," the doctor said, turning to the blond boy, "go to the kitchen and heat up some of the broth from that beef stew James made last night. It's not a perfect treatment, but it'll do for now." Ron nodded and raced into the kitchen. Anne rolled up Shego's sleeve and sterilized part of the arm with alcohol before filling the syringe and injecting the antibiotic. "So, Kim, where'd you find her?" Anne listened as Kim told her the story. "Somehow, I don't think this is just because of this new weapon of Drakken's. I'm a doctor, not a detective, but I believe there was something else that prompted her decision. There's something she isn't telling us...but whatever it is, I don't think it's harmful. Rather, I've got a good feeling about this." At that moment, Ron came back with a coffee mug filled with the broth on a small tray. Anne took it from him and said, "Kim, Ron, you need to pull her up so she can sit." The teens put Shego into a sitting position. Jim returned with three very large down pillows, and they used these to support the green woman's back against the couch arm. With some effort, they helped Shego to drink half of the broth before their patient drifted off to a restful, if somewhat troubled, sleep. "Kim, I'm going to need to get her to the hospital." Anne said finally. "She needs better equipment than I've got here if she's going to recover." Kim shook her head. "I don't know, Mom; she's fairly well-known. What if someone recognizes her and calls the police?" Anne placed a reassuring hand on her daughter's shoulder. "When have I ever let you down? We'll bring her in through the delivery entrance and use the freight elevator to get her to the top floor storage area. We keep spare equipment and beds up there, and only the regular doctors have access. Some of my private staff will know, but they're trustworthy people. It's going to be okay, Kimmie." Anne emphasized this last with a hug, which was the last thing it took to make her daughter break down into tears. "Wh-why am I doing this, Mom? Shego's supposed to be my enemy, yet I'm treating her like she's a sister. Why......why have I suddenly changed my mind?" "Maybe you haven't changed your mind," Anne said softly. "Maybe, deep down, you always cared for Shego. You're a good person, Kim, and I've never known you to truly hateanyone. In that way, you're a lot like your father. You know he and Drakken went to college together, and more than once Drakken has endangered you and even kidnapped James. But James doesn't hold a grudge. He pitiesDrakken for his choices, but doesn't hold them against him. You may have gotten my looks, but your heart.....thatcomes from your father." Kim's tears had mostly dried up, but her voice was still shaky. "You always did know what to say, Mom,"
"I wouldn't be a good mother if I didn't, Kimmie." Standing, Anne went to get the car ready. Ron and James carried Shego out the door and laid her in the back seat, leaving a spot for Kim to sit next to her. Ron and Anne climbed into the front of the car. "I'll stay here with the boys," James said. "I'll call into the lab and use one of my personal days tomorrow and keep the boys in from school. We'll come by in the morning and help you watch her." "Dad," Kim said. "What is it, Kimmie-cub?" "Thanks. Thanks for being here for me. And for Shego." "You're welcome, sweetie. It's going to take more than the promise of some information to get me to trust her completely, but if you believe her, that's good enough for me right now." "I love you, Dad," she said, embracing her father. "I love you, too, Kim; just try not to get in over your head." "I'll try." With that, Kim slid in next to the unconscious Shego and the car pulled out of the driveway. "I just hope you know what you're doing, Kimmie-cub," James said aloud as he and the twins went back into the house. ******************************************************************** *************** Shego awoke early the next morning. At first, she panicked at seeing the medical equipment, but Kim quickly calmed her down. "It's alright, Shego;" the teen said. "This is a secure part of Middleton General. Only Mom and a few other doctors know you're here, and they value human life more than a reward from InterPol or Global Justice." Shego smiled, albeit weakly. "You really can do anything, can't you Princess? From saving the world to saving your arch-enemy." "You're not my enemy, Shego. I....I never really saw you that way. Drakken is and always will be my enemy, but you are something different. I can't put my finger on it, but....." Kim's voice started to crack and a stray tear welled up in her eye, only to be quickly wiped away by the green-haired beauty. "If anything, I'm the one who should be crying. I just found out I had friends I never thought I could have. Do you have any idea what that does to a girl?" "Actually...right now, yeah." Kim said. It did not escape her that she was drawing closer and closer to Shego, but she also didn't care. There was....something drawing her to the woman. When their faces were only a couple of inches apart, Kim lurched forward, capturing Shego's lips with her own. Shego's eyes went wide with shock, but then she relaxed and returned the kiss. They stayed this way for several moments until they heard a familiar male voice in the room. "Hey, KP; I got us some breakfast burritos from the Bueno Nacho Express in the cafeteria and...." The women broke off their contact and looked over to see Ron standing in the doorway, tray of food in hand, jaw on the floor. Kim shot a quick look to Shego that said 'I'll be back soon', then rushed over to her boyfriend. "Ron? Ron, are you okay?" She waved her hand in front of his face several times. "Ron???"
Finally, he snapped out of his stupor. "Woah; KP. I must've been sleepwalking. I was dreaming I came in here and saw you kissing Shego...." "Ron," Kim took a deep breath, "you weren't sleepwalking and that wasn't a dream." " were kissing Shego?" "Yes, but it's not what it looks like......I mean, yeah, it kinda is what it looks like, but.....Ron, I love you. No matter what else happens, I will always love you. But there's....there's something about Shego...." The boy grinned. "Oh, you mean besides the fact that she's got a bust line most women would kill for, legs that go all the way up, and an ass that just won't quit?" "RON!" Kim shouted, somewhat taken aback by her lover's comment. Shego piped up. "Let the boy keep talkin', Princess. I'm starting to like him more and more." "SHEGO!" the redhead said, turning away in an attempt to hide the fact that she was blushing. Ron put a hand on Kim's shoulder. "Kim, hon; it looks like the three of us have some talking to do." Kim could only nod weakly. The two lovers went over to Shego's bed in the erstwhile observation room, which was little more than a hastily-arranged storage room on a floor full of such rooms. They ate the burritos in silence, then Shego spoke up. "For the record, I have no idea why Kimmie kissed me; although I am definitely not complaining about the experience." "I kissed you because.......well, you're beautiful, Shego. I won't deny that. just felt like the right thing to do.....and like I'd been wanting to do it for a long time, but didn't even know it myself." "So," Ron said, "Kim's obviously had the hots for Shego for a while, and Shego doesn't mind the attention. But where does that leave the loyal boyfriend?" "I'd never leave you, Ron; but, right now....I don't think I could just cast Shego aside, either." The blond boy looked back and forth between the blossoming young redhead that he'd known all his life, been in love with for the past few years, and who he knew and who knew him better than anyone else, and the drop-dead gorgeous green-hued ex-villainess, who's proportions were more than satisfactory to any man. Both women were obviously attracted to one another, though they were rather unsure of themselves at this point. That left Ron with only one course of action. He took each girl by the hand, then brought their hands together, encased in both of his. "Ladies," he said, "I think this is the start of a truly beautiful and mutually satisfying relationship." For the second time in an hour, Kim was well and truly shocked. "Ron! Do you know what you're saying? You're suggesting a...a....."
"I believe the term you're looking for," Shego said, "is ménage àtrois." "A what?" Kim asked. "It's a French saying," Shego replied. "Literally, it means 'household for three'. It's actually a fairly common practice; it's just usually kept private." "And you two would be okay with this?" Kim asked. "Hey; it wouldn't both the Ron-man to have two lovely ladies on his arm instead of just one." "Although I can't believe I'm saying this, your boyfriend is kind of cute, Kimmie. And you're not so bad in the looks department yourself. I'm not sure how it'd work out, but I do owe you two big time. I'm willing to give this a shot if you are." Kim sighed. "Even if I was against it, I'm outvoted." She sighed again. "Alright; we'll give it a try. But after we take down Drakken." "Agreed." Shego said. "When can I get out of this hospital and do some good?" "As soon as you can keep solid foods down and not collapse on yourself when you try to walk," Anne Possible said from the doorway. "Mom! How long have you been there???" "Long enough, dear; but don't worry, I'll smooth this over with your father and we won't tell anyone else." Kim raised an eyebrow. "So it doesn't bother you that I'm essentially dating Ron and Shego now?" "As long as you're happy, dear, you could date DNAmy for all I care." This caused all three of the young people to shudder. "And anyway, I've no room to condemn you. Oh; the stories I could tell you about the girls' dorm back at the University......" "Um, no offense Mom, but we'd rather you didn't. We just ate." Anne laughed. "Alright, sweetie. I'll be back to check on Shego later on. I've already called the school and said both you and Ron are staying with a sick friend and will be out for a few days." "Thanks, Mrs. Dr. P." "Thank me by helping my patient get better, Ron." With that, Anne left the room. Ron stood up. "I'm going to head home for a bit; I've got to feed Rufus and tell my folks where I'll be. If you want, KP, I can swing by your place and have your dad get you a change of clothes." "That'd be great, Ron. Thanks." "Don't sweat it, babe; I just became the luckiest guy in the Tri-City area." With that, he gave both girls a quick kiss on the cheek and left. Shego giggled; an unusual sound coming from her, but not entirely out of place. "He is a big goof, isn't he?" "Yeah. But he's a lovable big goof." "No argument there. I just don't see why you two didn't hook up before. Hell, the villains all thought you had. I mean, what other reason could you have for dragging him around all the time?" "Funny; we used to think the same think about you and Drakken." "Now that was below the belt, Princess." Shego said. "No; this is below the belt." Kim replied before kissing the green beauty again and letting one hand run along her thigh. Shego moaned into the kiss. "Oh, you sneaky little devil. As soon as this Drakken situation is resolved, I'm paying you back for that one." Kim looked up and down Shego's body, barely concealed by the flimsy hospital gown. "Trust me, Shego - I'm looking forward to it."
****************************************************************** ***************** "Kimmie-cub," James began, his voice heavy with concern, "are you sure you're not making a hasty decision here? I mean, less than two days ago, this woman was an enemy, and now you and Ron want to date her?" Kim fidgeted in her seat next to Shego's bed. "That's just it, Dad; I never really thought of her as an enemy. I'm not sure where these feelings came from, but they are real and I'm not going to ignore them." She sighed. "But I admit this is strange; it's almost like I'm a character in someone's twisted romance fantasy." Ron laughed. "Oh, come on, KP! What are the odds of that?" "I guess you're right, Ron. That is a pretty silly idea." "Um, excuse me, but can I say something here?" Shego asked. When everyone's attention was on her, she said, "Mr. Possible, I can understand you not trusting me. Quite frankly, I wouldn't trust me if I were you, either, given my track record. I'm really not sure how I feel about this right now, or how it'll work out, but if Kim and Ron hadn't agreed to hear me out and help me with this, I'd probably be dead now for lack of food or by one of Drakken's goons, and neither is an easy way to go." She took a deep breath, then continued. "I'm willing to give this a chance; I mean, stranger things have happened." "You mean like getting mysterious super powers from a rainbow-colored comet that crashed into your treehouse, destroying it, the tree, and a good portion of your backyard and irradiating you and your brothers without killing you?" James replied. ".....Yeah, I guess that one is right at the top of the 'Strange' list. But if this relationship doesn't work out, I won't try to stalk Kimmie or abduct Ron or anything. I'll just be on my way and probably never cross into your lives again. But....." she looked at Kim and Ron, holding hands next to her, ".....somehow, I've got a feeling that this is probably the best thing that can happen to us right now." "Ronald, do you feel the same way? You have no objections to sharing Kim with Shego?" James asked. "Mr. Dr. P.," the teen said, "it's not just sharing Kim with Shego. When you think about it, we're all going to be sharing with each other. It's kind of an 'equal opportunity' relationship." Shego grinned. "Plus, this way, it's almost guaranteed to never get boring." Kim bowed her head to try and hide another blush. "I swear; you guys are going to make me die of embarrassment." Ron and Shego both shuddered at that one. "KP, I so did not need to be reminded of that day...." "Yeah; that was probably one of Drakken's worst ideas." Shego said. "Actually, I was referring to her date with Josh Mankey." Now it was Kim's turn to shudder. "I do not know what I ever saw in that boy." "Join the crowd." the entire room chorused at once. After the ensuing laughter died down, James cleared his throat and spoke. "Okay; I know I couldn't stop you three from being together if I tried, so I won't. But I want to know what you're planning on doing about Drakken." "As soon as I'm better, sir, we're going to go in there and bust up the operation," Shego said. Now it was Kim who spoke up. "That kind of worries me, Shego. I've been thinking about this, and I don't think just the three of us could pull this off. It's not just Drakken and a few synthodrones; this is every major supervillain in the world. They'll have HenchCo's technology, the Seniors' money, Monkey Fist's ninjas, Drakken and Dementor's combined brainpower, and probably some stuff we haven't even thought of. We're going to need some extra muscle on this one." "What; you want to hire Team Impossible?" the green-hued woman said. Kim grimaced a bit. "Not exactly. We need people we can trust not to go overboard on weapons or insanely-complex plans that will probably backfire in some way......and who'll work for free. And I did happen to have four guys in mind....." Kim said this last part looking at Shego's green-and-black jumpsuit. "Who are you tal......" Shego's gaze followed Kim's eyes to her clothes. "Oh, no! Not them! Anyone but them!" "'Fraid so, girl", Ron said. "We got....." ***************************************************************** ****************** "..........the Go Team." Shego said, looking at her four brothers now assembled in the room. It was odd seeing them in civilian clothes, and normally she'd have attempted to fry them the second they walked in, but be it her own weakness or a change of heart she wasn't aware of yet, she'd decided to tolerate their presence. For now. "So," Hego began, "Miss Possible tells us you've decided to leave the side of evil for good, Sheila." "Don't read too much into it, Herman. I never did much like the idea of people getting hurt; I went out of my way to avoid it. But this 'Axis of Evil' that Drakken's put together isn't going to have the same scruples. Each and every one of them has tried to kill before, and they're trying now. They have no remorse, no conscience, and no morals. I did as much as I could to keep Drakken from doing too much damage - after all, money's no good if every place to spend it is a pile of rubble - but this is more than I can take." She slammed her right fist into her left palm for emphasis. "I'm taking that freak and all his pals down once and for all." "How do we know we can trust you? Last time we worked together, you betrayed us and took all out powers." Mego said. "You never figured it out, did you, Melvin? I let Kimmie shatter that crystal. I wouldn't have minded keeping them all for myself, but if something were to happen and someone else were to get that staff, it could have be very, very bad. So I figured having that power in the hands of four knuckleheads like you is better than in the hands of someone like Monkey Fist." "We think....
"....she's telling the truth." This was the Wego twins. "She's our sister, after all...." "........and still a part of the Go Team." "At least you two have some sense." Shego said, motioning her younger brothers over for a hug. "You two were the only ones I missed at first. But, eventually, I started to miss all of you. You could be overbearing, obnoxious, self-serving, and whiny sometimes....but you're family, and I never should have left you behind." "That's good enough..... "....for us, Sis." Hego looked at Mego and said, "Wesley and Webster are willing to trust her, and I never believed she was truly evil. Why can't you give her this one more chance?" Mego sighed in exasperation, folded his arms across his chest, and said, "Fine! One chance. But at the first hint that she's turning on us, all bets are off." "I agree to your terms, brother; but your caution will not be necessary. Sheila is back to stay." ******************************************************************** *************** Three days later, Shego was declared healthy enough to leave the hospital. They sneaked her out in the middle of the night and set her up in Kim's room at the Possible home. Ron had a pillow on the couch, and the rest of the Go Team were in the guest room. However, none of them were really sleeping just yet. Gathered in the kitchen, they peered over a rough sketch of Drakken's base that Shego had drawn up, planning their assault. "This will be an easy one; Drakken's using another timeshare lab. The way I see it," Kim said, tracing a line along a section of the map with one hand while holding a chocolate bar in another, "is that Ron and the Wegos will be able to crawl along these air ducts here until they reach the control room for the Graviton Inverter. You say there are vents every so often in those ducts, Shego?" "Right. That give them the advantage in that they'll be able to see where they're going, but if they're quiet enough and the twins and Rufus can manage to disable the alarm systems before they go in, Drakken and the others won't know they're there until it's too late." Hego spoke up. "I think Mego and I should go in trough the main gate." Mego shouted, "Are you crazy? We can't exactly ring the doorbell - this is a covert mission, not a smash-and-grab." He looked at his sister. "No offense, Shego." "None taken." "Hear me out," the blue-clad hero began. "Mego's shrinking powers could let him literally get inside the heads of the guards. If he can locate the right nerve inside the inner ear, he should be able to cause a sensory overload and they'll go down without them ever knowing we're there. Then, when Shego gives us the signal, I bring the door down." Shego smiled. "I like, big brother. You're more cunning than I give you credit for." "Playing chess against almost-telepathic..... "......twins will do that for you." "So, KP, where do you and Shego come in?" Ron asked, munching on a chimurito. "Simple: she's going to capture me." ".....Huh?" "Kimmie's going to play the part of my prisoner. I'll just march right into the room with her, and we can use some makeup to make it look like we gave each other the once-over a few times. I'll explain to Drakken that I went AWOL on him to hunt her down and remove her from the picture so she couldn't mess up the plan, tying her up for emphasis." "But the ropes will be loose, and all I'll have to do is flex and they'll fall away." "Right. Then, when, Drakken's about to make his ransom demands and everyone's distracted, I'll give the signal. Hego busts down the door, Ron and the Wegos drop through the vents, Kimmie shakes her ropes off, and we go in swinging." "What's the signal?" Hego asked. Shego grinned. "You'll know it when you hear it." "Alright," Kim said. "We've got a plan. But when do we do it?" "According to Drakken's timetable, we have to move tomorrow night. I suggest we all get as much sleep as we can; this will be a short operation if everything goes right, but we need to be prepared for a drawn-out engagement. And remember - once we begin the operation, we'll maintain comm silence unless absolutely necessary." With that, the group broke up and headed for their respective beds. ********************************************************************* ************** In their room, Kim and Shego dressed for bed. Anne had left one of her nightshirts for Shego to use, and Kim blushed when the green-skinned beauty stripped off her boots, gloves, and jumpsuit before donning the shirt. "Not much on modesty, are you, Shego?" the redhead asked, blushing. "Sorry, Princess," the older girl said. "I'm just not used to anyone else being around when I'm sleeping. In my old line of work, it was pretty much a required safety measure." Shego stretched a bit, all the while feeling Kim's gaze travel over her very womanly figure, then started to crawl into the sleeping bag laid out for her.
"Wait, Shego," Kim said, blushing ever more furiously. When Shego turned back towards her, Kim was stripping down and donning a simple nightshirt herself, then pulling the blanket back and climbing in. "'s not right that you should have to sleep on the floor when there's enough room here for two...." "Kimmie...." Shego began, walking over to the side of the bed, "I thought we'd agreed to not go any farther until after this mess with Drakken's sorted out." "We're not. This is just sleeping. Nothing more. But....I need to be close to you, Shego." "You're sure about this? We may start something we're not ready to finish." "I trust you to keep me in line." "Oh; so you're not worried about me trying anything?" "I didn't say that, did I?" Kim said this with something of a mischievous grin on her face. "Princess, you're one of a kind. But all we're doing is sleeping. Nothing more. We're just not ready for that step yet." "Alright. Now get in this bed before I have an attack of sanity." Shego did as she was told, pulling the blanket over her and snuggling her full-figured body into Kim's petite frame. Both were asleep in minutes. ****************************************************************** ***************** The next day was an eventful one. Wade had managed to divert all air and ground traffic for three miles around Drakken's lab, preparing for the almost-inevitable explosion. Shego had disappeared early, managing to not wake Kim up in the process, and was gone for half the morning, returning with several Bueno Nacho bags. When asked where she was when she wasn't getting the food, she became distant and simply said, "It was just something I had to take care of,", which concerned Kim. Ron and the Wegos were getting outfitted with new gear, courtesy of Jim and Tim. "New grappling hooks, titanium-reinforced safety harnesses...." Jim began. "... smoke bomb grenades, taser launchers, close-range stun guns and, for Ron....." Tim said. ".....and new rope loop which won't pull your pants off." they finished together. "Thanks, guys," Ron said, stowing the gear harness in a duffel bag. "This stuff just might give us an edge if things go wrong." Kim walked up and put a hand on his shoulder. "Ron, I've never seen you so.....serious. What gives?" "Look, KP, if we can pull this off, every single major supervillain in the world will be locked away for good. We won't have to go on missions as often, the world won't be in any real danger, and we can start to live normal, happy lives together. All three of us." "So, you think this can work?" "The plan, or the relationship?" "Well, both, I guess." "The plan can't fail. We've got a team of superheros helping us this time, and one of them knows Drakken better than anyone. As for the three of us......I think it can Work. I love you, Kim, and I know you love me. You and Shego are obviously hot for each other," Kim blushed at this, "and I gotta admit, she is a looker. It may end up that it's nothing more than a 'friends with benefits' thing with her, or it might become something more. But I don't think the three of us will be worse off for this." "That is without a doubt the most intelligent and philosophical thing I've ever heard you say, Ron." Kim said. Ron smirked. "Maybe those monkey statues gave me more than fighting skills, Kim, but over the past few months, I've been feeling smarter. Or maybe it's just because I've got you and can finally relax. Be normal." With that, he gave her a soft, yet passionate kiss on the lips. A minute later, he broke it, saying, "I'll get back with you in a bit, babe. Shego's gonna run me through a few moves of her Crane and Dragon styles to compliment my Monkey moves. I'll need all the advantage I can get against Monkey Fist." Kim gasped. "But, Ron! You've only been able to use that stuff at will for a few months now....Monkey Fist has had years to hone his skills. You'll be no match for him!" "I gotta do this, KP. Drakken's your arch-enemy, and Monkey Fist is mine. I need to settle this with him for keeps. And with you and Shego at my side," he gave her another quick peck on the lips, "I can't lose." With that, he opened the sliding doors to the patio and joined Shego in the backyard. "He's really grown up, hasn't he, Kimmie-cub?" Kim turned around to see her father sitting in his easy chair, newspaper open in his lap. "Yeah; but I'm worried all the same. What if he's just overconfident? Or what if his moves fail him at the wrong time? Or what if She......" Kim cut herself off before she said anything else. "You mean, what if Shego sold you guys out when she disappeared this morning?" ".....Yeah. I hate to think that about her, but she wouldn't say where she'd been. If she was doing something perfectly innocent, why would she be so vague about it?" "Maybe she was getting her final affairs in order, just in case." "Huh?" "This is a dangerous mission, Kim. She's not immortal; none of you are, though I'd bet that Hego fella comes pretty close. She may just have been planning for the worst and didn't want to worry you." "Maybe. But it still leaves me uneasy." "That's because you love her." "Love?" "Love." James repeated. "I think, in a way, you always have. You were always bragging about how she made you be your best when you two fought, but you never had a mean word to say about her. I've heard you utter a few choice phrases about Lipsky and his bloodline, but you never once made it seem as though you were angry with her. Disappointed that she was on the other side, perhaps, but never angry. And when I saw you bring her into this house a few days ago, then sit with her night and day at the hospital, it was obvious to me. Sometime during your rivalry, you fell in love with her, Kim. Now I'm not going to tell you that it's right or wrong; you're old enough to make your own choices." "Thanks, Dad." "I'm not finished." He drew in a deep breath, then let it out. "I just hope this doesn't affect you and Ronald. You two are going to make a great husband and wife one day, and, as far as I'm concerned, the sooner the better. But what if Ron and Shego don't get along? What'll you do then?" Kim looked out into the yard, seeing the two in question running through various combat moves, broad grins on their faces as they ducked, dodged, and struck. "Somehow, Dad, I don't think that'll be a problem. But if it does........" she trailed of. "I'd have to choose, I guess. But I can't choose. I love Ron, and.....and I guess I really do love Shego." "Do you guess you love her, or do you know you love her?" Kim thought a minute, weighing her emotions carefully. "No - I know I love her. That's the only way to describe it." "Then I hope you don't have to make that choice, Kim. Now, get in the kitchen and distract that Mego guy before he drives your mother crazy." Kim laughed a bit, then hugged James. "Thanks, Dad. You and Mom have been a big help." "We just want to see you happy, Kim. That's all we care about." He watched as his daughter strode into the kitchen, where Mego was pestering Anne about the cholesterol content of the food in the refrigerator. ************************************************************* ********************** That night, they made their move. Mego incapacitated the guards, and Hego opened the three outer doors until only one slab of three-foot-thick steel separated them from Drakken's machine. Shego and Kim applied the right kinds of stage makeup so that it would seem that they had put each other through the ringer and went in the side entrance with Shego's security code. Just before they reached the main room, Ron and the Wegos arrived at the vent above said room. What they saw there prompted them to break comm silence. "Guys, we've got a problem," Ron said. "This had better be worth it; we're just outside the room." Shego replied. "It is. Drakken's got someone in there we didn't plan on." "Who?" Hego asked over his comm-link. "Aviarius." the twins said together. "WHAT?!" Shego said. "Why in the world is he there? He's got no ties to any of the others." "It doesn't matter," Kim said. "We've beaten him once, we can do it again. Plus, we have the element of surprise. Shego and I are moving in; stand by for the signal." Shego tapped in an access code while Kim slumped over, as if she was barely conscious. Taking a deep breath, they entered, one taking a long, proud gait and the other shuffling along. "Shego!" Drakken said, obviously surprised to see her. "Where have you been?" "Taking care of her," the green-hued girl said. "I knew she'd muck everything up as usual, so I decided to take her out in advance. I had to wait a few days until she got separated from that bungling boyfriend of hers, but once I did, she was easy pickings." She maneuvered Kim over to a metal support beam and wrapped several strands of rope around her and the beam, then left the ends loosely coiled around Kim's wrists, which were hidden from view behind her back. Shego marched over to stand next to Drakken, who was addressing his allies. "Gentlemen," he began, "and I use that term loosely, we are about to usher in a new age. With my Graviton Inverter and our combined resources, we shall transform this world into a wretched hive of scum and villainy unlike anything before seen by man!" Shego rolled her eyes. "Free advice, Dr. D - lay off the SciFi Channel." "Quiet, Shego; you're ruining my speech." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, in just a moment, the screen behind me will be tuned in to the main floor of the United Nations building, where we will demand complete and undisputed control of the world. Each one of you shall control a continent, and evil will reign supreme for all time!" "Wait - what are you gonna be rulin' if we control the continents?" Duff Killigan asked. "I will sit at the primary seat of power in the U.N. building, supposedly in charge of all of you, but it's mainly an honorary thing; mostly so I can get top billing in newspapers and enjoy the kind of fame that comes with that sort of title. But each of you will have total control over your continent, and the only time we'll really even have to speak to each other is if one needs some support keeping his citizens under control. Sound agreeable to everyone?" Nods of surprised approval answered his question. "Wow, Dr. D; you actually thought this out. I'm impressed." Shego said. "Thank you, Shego. You'll make me an excellent Executive Assistant." "Not that impressed, Lipsky." She pulled out her commlink. "IT'S GO TIME!!!!!!!" Right on cue, Ron and the Wegos dropped from the air duct, Hego punched through the door, and Kim slipped out of the ropes; they gathered in the center of the room, and Shego did a series of backflips until she stood alongside Kim. "Surprised?" "Actually, yes. I never thought you'd go goody-goody on me, Shego. Axis of Evil, destroy the traitor and her friends! The one who brings me Shego's head will get North America!!!!" Immediately, Ron leaped in front of the pack and charged Monkey Fist. The two began a complex series of offensive and defensive moves that even Kim couldn't follow. Killigan and Jack Hench started launching explosives from machine gun-like weapons at the Wegos, but their duplicates were taking all the hits, leaving the real twins free to slam headlong into the diminutive Scotsman and the businessman, taking them off their feet. Hego was in a slugging match with Dementor, who had hopped into a convenient mech-suit. The machine was strong and Dementor was relentless, but Hego was fighting with his heart. There was no contest between the two; once Hego got a grip on the machine's leg, he was able to tear it off, bring the hulking monstrosity down, and forcibly extracting the would-be dictator from the cockpit. Mego was actually enjoying himself. The Seniors were trying to double-team him, but every time they would attempt to land a blow, he'd simply shrink down, then pop back up and land a counter-punch. They eventually maneuvered so that they were on either side of him, and Jr. pulled back his fist and let it fly......right through the space where Mego's head had been and into Sr.'s face. The muscle-bound buffoon stared in shock as his father keeled over, a dazed look on his face, right before Mego grew back to normal size and drove his kneecap into the larger man's groin as hard as he could. Jr. whimpered before dropping to his knees and collapsing next to his father. Shego had Aviarius backed into a corner. The hawk-nosed villain had attempted to set a hunting falcon on her, but a quick dose of some of Kim's knockout gas took the bird out of the equation. "Now, now, Shego," Aviarius said, "there's no need for this. You can still help us rule the world." "Why would I want to do that when I've finally found what I've been looking for all along?" "What's that?" "Something you'll never have if you live to be a thousand, bird-brain." She punched him hard in the stomach, taking the breath from his lungs, then smashed his head into the wall for the knockout. "Love." Ron and Monkey Fist had yet to land a blow on one another. Ron had managed to dispatch several ninja monkeys in the course of the fight, and the rest of the troop was staying as far away from the two combatants as they could. "Your skills have improved greatly, Stoppable. You're almost as good as me." "No, Fiske; I'm better." "What makes you say that?" "I fight for the right reasons. Friendship, justice, peace. You're only in it for your own power." "That may be true, but I've learned techniques you've never even imagined. And I'm not going to give you the chance to discover them." He feinted a roundhouse kick to Ron's midsection, then aimed a monkey blow at the throat; a killing move, should it connect. But Ron was too quick. He dodged around the strike, then drove the heel of his palm up into Monkey Fist's nose. He grimaced a bit as he heard and felt the bone shatter, but pressed his attack. While his opponent was reeling from the previous blow, he shifted stances into an elegant, erect pose, then lashed out vertically with his right leg as straight as an arrow. The Crane maneuver struck Monkey Fist in the chest and sent him careening backwards into an open crate. When Ron looked inside, he saw his enemy unconscious, his face a bloody mess, and allowed himself a small smile. It's finally over, he thought. While all this was going on, Kim was laying a genuine beating on Drakken. Without his synthodrones or henchmen to back him up, he was little more than a sniveling blue coward. Normally, Kim would just knock him out and wait for someone to arrest him, but not this day. For the first time in her life, Kim Possible was fighting to hurt. She repeatedly landed heavy blows against Drakken's ribs, face, stomach, and kneecaps, all the while listening to the man beg for mercy.
"Mercy?" she said in a mocking tone. "You were going to put the lives of every single person on this planet at risk, and you dare ask for mercy? Drew Lipsky, you don't even know what mercy is......but I promise you, after I'm through, you'll have a damned good idea of what is isn't!" She continued to rain heavy blows on the man. Blood poured freely from his mouth, nose, and several cuts on his face, and Kim was pretty sure some of his ribs were already broken. But it wasn't enough. I need to make him pay for what he's done, she thought. He needs to learn what pain truly is. Maybe then, he'll be a little less willing to inflict so much of it. She drew her fist back for another strike, only to have it stopped by Shego. "Let it go, Princess," the green woman said. "We've won. The boys have got the rest of these losers gift-wrapped for the authorities, and Drakken's not going anywhere with two shattered kneecaps." "No! He needs to be taught a lesson that no-onecould ever forget! He.... he...." "Let it go, Pumpkin. Let it go." With that, Kim collapsed into Shego, tears flowing freely from her eyes. As Drakken looked on, Shego tilted Kim's head up, wiped the tears ago, then placed a gentle kiss on the redhead's lips. Drakken's eyes went wide. "Y---you two....are....? This is fantastic! When the other evil geniuses hear that Kim Possible is a dyke, your reputation will be shot! Nobody will hire you anymore, and there won't be a single person that can stop the domination of this world by evil!" "Go ahead; tell them whatever you want. I don't care." Kim said. "Ron, Shego, and I will handle ourselves just fine no matter what anyone else says." "Let's face it, you think you're all that, Kim Possible, but you're not! By the time I'm done spreading this around the world, you'll be ruined! Ruined! Ruin....!" Kim cut him off with a snap-kick to the chin, slamming his skull into the concrete floor. "Sorry; but I was getting real sick of his voice." Kim said. "Can't argue with that. Come on; let's get him over with the others." A few minutes later, the group of villains were tied up neatly in the center of the room. Shego pressed a button on her commlink, and several Global Justice agents crashed through the ceiling. The green-skinned beauty turned to Kim and offered a weak smile. "This is what I did this morning, Kimmie. I set it up with G.J. to take care of these guys after we busted 'em up." "You had to offer them more than that, Shego. What was it?" "I told them.......I told them I'd go quietly. No fights, no escape attempts." "Why??? You, me, Ron.....we just found out what we mean to each other and now you're just going to walk away from it???" "Kimmie......They offered to give me a reduced sentence. Instead of life for all I've done, they said they'd cut it to ten years if I could give them this entire bunch." She waved her arm to indicate the villains being placed into a Global Justice containment sphere. "It'll be a regular prison, and you and Ron will have full visitor's privileges. Any time, day or night, you want to see me, you'll be able to." "But it won't be the same," Ron said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Kim's right; you shouldn't have made that deal." "But if I didn't, I'd stay a wanted woman all my life, and you two would have to deal with that. I don't want to put you through that kind of torment." At that moment, Betty Director walked up to them. "Dr. Director," Kim said, fire in her eyes, "I won't let you take Shego away from us. If you lock her up, you'll have to lock us up with her!" Ron echoed her sentiment, and the two moved in to flank Shego as if to protect her. "That won't be necessary," Director said, a slight smile on her face. She produced a document from her jacket and said, "Sheila Goh, in light of recent events, as head of Global Justice and empowered by InterPol, the United Nations, and the President of these United States of America, I hereby grant you a full, unconditional pardon. Furthermore, your record will be expunged. All criminal activities, jail time served, current warrants, and arrest records have been wiped clean. From this moment on, you're a free woman, and may live your life as you please, with whom you please." Her smile broadened and she winked at Kim and Ron. She than handed the document to Shego, who was quite shocked. "But...the deal we made....." "From the moment you left us this morning, we put a tail on you. Agent Du tracked you all the way back to the Possible home and watched your every move, listened to every conversation. When I saw what was going on, I couldn't allow you to be arrested. Not only did you save us years of work today, but I also owe Ms. Possible and Mr. Stoppable more than I can ever repay, and this obviously would make you all happy. So, I pulled every string I could, convinced my superiors in the government that you could be a valuable asset in the future, and got the pardon. I figured it was the least I could do." "Thanks. I mean that." Shego said, barely holding back her tears. "You can thank me by helping us out the next time someone tries a stunt like this." "Deal." the three young people said in unison. ******************************************************************* **************** After the arrests were formalized, the lab seized as evidence, and the Graviton Inverter shut down for good, the Go Team offered to help escort the captured villains to the proper holding facilities. But for Kim, Ron and Shego, it was Destination: Middleton. "So," Kim said, looking at both of her loves, "you really think we're ready for this?" Shego smirked. "We were ready for this in that hospital room, Kimmie." "Hey; after getting a better look at those bazookas," Ron said, pointing to Shego's chest, "I know I was!" Kim shook her head. "Ron, if I wasn't as hot for Shego as you are, you'd be in big trouble for saying that." "You know you don't mean that, Princess," Shego said, giving Kim's butt a playful swat. "Maybe we should get home before we start going at it right here." Kim said, fidgeting. "I'll snag one of Drakken's jets. It'll be a tight fit.....but I don't guess you two would mind that very much, would you?" Shego replied with a smirk. Using her passcodes to get into the hangar, Shego found a lone jet on standby. After saying their goodbyes to the Go Team and Dr. Director, the three climbed into the aircraft, fired up the engines, and headed for home. Home, Shego thought. It's strange that I have one again. Ever since I left my brothers and hooked up with Drakken, it's just been hopping from one base - or jail cell - to another. It'll be nice to actually have a place to stay that *doesn't* have guards or synthodrones hovering around all the time. It was several hundred miles to Middleton, but they covered the distance in less than an hour. Shego landed the jet at the Aerospace Institute and Kim talked one of her father's coworkers into letting them park it in the spare parts hangar until they could find a more permanent solution. After hailing a cab, they soon found themselves at the doorstep of the Possible home. "Yo, KP; there's a note on the door," Ron said. "What's it say?" Kim asked. "'Dear Kids,'", he began, "We figured you'd want some time alone, so James and I took the boys camping in the mountains for a few days. There's plenty of food in the fridge, and I left Shego some of my old clothes in your closet. They must be horribly out of fashion by your standards, but hopefully they'll do until you can get some of your own. Have fun, and try not to break anything. Love and kisses, Mom and Dad.'" "'Mom and Dad'?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Kim smiled and leaned into her girlfriend. "That just means they consider you family now. Which suits me just fine. Now, let's get inside. I don't think I can wait for you anymore." After fumbling with the keys for a minute, Kim finally opened the door and the three stumbled through the door. Shego kicked it shut with her foot, Ron turned the lock, and they literally fell upon one another. "Kim," Shego said in between the redhead's feverish kisses, "should least make your bedroom first?" "Can't wait.....need you....both of!" Ron smirked. "Gotta love a woman who knows what she wants, eh, Shego?" "Kimmie..." Shego said, finally pulling the other girl off of her, "as erotic as this is, we should really go to the bedroom. I mean, do you want the entire neighborhood staring in on us?" "Let 'em stare." Kim replied, trying to maneuver in for another kiss. "Okay - I haven't seen KP act this way since the Moodulator incident." Ron said, worry creeping into his voice. "Don't mention those again. Ever." With some effort, Shego stood up and tossed the still-squirming Kim over her shoulder and marched upstairs, Ron trailing behind. Sensing that he would rather not be around for the next part, Rufus hopped out of Ron's pocket and onto the couch, clicking the 'Power' button on the TV remote. Once they were in Kim's room with the door locked and the curtains drawn, Kim couldn't be restrained any longer. She took off her shirt and tossed it across the room, the pushed herself into Ron's arms and him onto the bed. She fumbled with his pants until she managed to get them down to his ankles, then pushed them, his socks, and his shoes off all at once. Sighing with resignation, and realizing Kim wasn't going to stop for a long, long time, Shego slipped off her boots, gloves, and jumpsuit and crawled onto the bed next to the half-dressed lovers. Working around Kim's amorous gropes and kisses, she managed to get them both stripped down. Shego found herself surprised by Kim's undergarments; or, rather, lack thereof. "No undies, Kim? Kinky." "Makes it move to be careful......during....cheer practice....though...." Shego was about to say something else, but Kim shifted her body and Shego got her first look at Ron's package. "Damn!" was all she could say at first. "You were haulin' that thing around? No wonder you seemed so clumsy!" Kim grinned evilly. "You should see it when he's really excited. In fact, I know just how to do that, too." Kim slid down Ron's body and, in one gulp, took the entire six inches of his flaccid member into her mouth and down her throat. She didn't bother to move her head, but Shego could tell by the motions of Kim's mouth that she was using her tongue to great effect - if the look on Ron's face was any indication - and swallowing, creating even more suction. Less than a minute later, when Kim pulled her mouth away, Ron was standing at a very impressive thirteen inches, with at least three inches in width. "So," Kim said, "you wanna give it a whirl?" "I'm not sure, Kimmie; I've never taken anything that big before......" "Then maybe we just need to lube you up so he can fit better." Before Shego could react, Kim had pushed her down on the bed and buried her face into Shego's smooth mound. "Ngh! Damn, Kimmie! Where'd you....ah!.....learn to do that?" Kim stopped her ministrations long enough to say, "You'd be surprised at the videos my parents have." She then went back to lapping at Shego's outer lips and coaxing the pale woman's clitoris out of hiding. Once the nub was visible, she sucked on it with the same enthusiasm that she had Ron's cock a moment before. Thinking about that only made Shego more excited, and she reached over and began to pump the boy slowly, much to his pleasure. Kim was in heaven. Shego's skin was so soft and the juices coming from her were so sweet than the redhead thought she'd never get her fill of either. She continued lapping at Shego's folds, occasionally dipping her tongue into the sweetness or using a finger to tweak her lover's clit, all serving to further send Shego into ecstasy. It wasn't until Shego clenched the bedsheets in her fists, arched her back, and let out a scream that would put a Banshee to shame that Kim reluctantly pulled back. Smiling, she crawled over to Ron and kissed him, letting him taste Shego for himself. "I think she's ready, lover-boy." Ron needed no more encouragement. Kneeling on the bed between Shego's legs, he placed the head of his member at her outer lips. Kim reached over and held them apart, and he pushed his way inside her, going to the hilt in one stroke. For Shego, it was an odd mix of pleasure and pain. She'd never been penetrated so deep or been stretched so much in her life. Unlike Kim, however, Ron wasn't being driven to the brink of sanity by lust. He'd managed to keep his cool, and let her adjust to his size before starting off with slow, shallow strokes that sent sparks of pleasure through Shego's body. Soon, any sort of pain she'd felt was gone, and the olive-skinned beauty began moaning his name. "Looks like we've both made a good first impression, eh Ron?" Kim said. Looking over, he could see that she had one hand playing with her breasts and the other as far as it could go between her legs. "You know, Kim," Ron said, "you don't have to do that yourself." He nodded towards Shego, who was by now writhing on the bed and starting to scream in pleasure. Taking the hint, Kim crawled over and placed her dripping mound over Shego's face. The ex-thief needed no coercion. She pulled the redhead to her, burying her face first in the neatly-trimmed red triangle above Kim's slit, savoring the scent of the younger girl's skin, and plunging her tongue into the canal before her. Kim let out a scream as her orgasm was triggered, and Shego smiled. It had to be the most beautiful sound she'd ever heard. Ron took this as a cue to up the ante a bit. He gripped Shego's hips pulled almost all the way out of her, then rammed back in to the hilt. He repeated this action several times, driving the woman into a pure sexual frenzy. She latched onto Kim's clit and didn't let go, sucking for all she was worth, while Ron continued to hammer into her. They stayed locked like this for an untold amount of time; if any of them were to be asked later just how long they were like this, they would have to say that they didn't know, but also that they really didn't much care at that point, either. Finally, they reached a crescendo. Ron slammed back into Shego, and she clamped down on him, as if trying to pull him in deeper, and screamed, thrashing about as the biggest orgasm of her life crashed into her like an asteroid slamming into a moon. In her sexual high, she accidentally bit down on Kim's clit, sending the redhead into her second orgasm at the hands of the pale beauty. This was all too much for Ron. The sight of the two girls in front of him riding the waves of sexual bliss and the feeling of Shego's vise-tight walls sent him off the deep end. He rammed into his new girlfriend harder and faster than he had before until, when he could take no more, Ron buried himself into her depths and unloaded deep into her. When the trio regained their senses, they split apart and lay back on the bed; Ron in the middle, Kim to his right, and Shego to the left. "So, girls," he said, still out of breath, "how was it?" "You were fantastic Ron," Shego said, leaning over to give him a kiss. "But what about you, Kimmie? You didn't get any of this." She said this last part while pointing to Ron's softening member, coated liberally with their combined fluids. "I've had him plenty of times before, Shego," Kim said, still half-dazed from the experience. "This was about you. After going through all this for us, we thought you deserved something." "Thanks, Kimmie," Shego said, trying to blink away a single tear that had found its way into her eye. "That means a lot." Ron put his arms around both girls. "So, is this going to be a permanent arrangement, or just a one-time thing?" Shego licked his cheek affectionately. "After experiencing that, there's no way I could ever turn away from you guys. Shego's here to stay." "I'm glad to hear that." Kim said, reaching over Ron to clasp Shego's hand. "I don't think I could take it if you left." Ron spoke up. "You know, I'm not arguing about the sex or anything, because....well, Shego is a damn great lay, but is that all it's going to be? There's a lot about you to like, Shego, and I wouldn't discount the idea that I could grow to care about you in the way that I do Kim." "Whatever happens, happens," Shego said, "but I wouldn't discount it either, Ron. For either of us." Kim smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. But now, we need to get some sleep. Something tells me tomorrow is going to be anything but ordinary." With that, Kim and Shego pulled the blankets over them, Kim clicked the light off, and they drifted to sleep soon after. ******************************************************************** *************** On the other side of the room, nestled in amongst Kim's Cuddle Buddy collection, there was a small rectangular box; with the room lights off, the steadily-blinking red light above the tiny lens could be seen, and had the young lovers not been asleep, they almost surely would have noticed it. Once Kim turned off the light, the remote operators of the camera shut it off and turned to face each other. "So, dear; still think this could cause problems?" the redheaded woman said to her husband. "I had my doubts, Anne," James said, "but not anymore. Those three are already closer than I ever thought was feasible, and they're probably only going to get closer." "Agreed." Anne said as she clicked the 'Save' and 'Copy to DVD' buttons on the computer. And this one's going in the private collection." James smiled and held up his right hand. "Higga-bigga-boo....."
Anne grinned and gave him a high-five. "....hoo-shah."

To Be Continued.......
From the author: Well, what did you think? This is the first story I've successfully completed since 2002, and it feels good to finally get it done. It's even more of a shocker to realize I did it in less then three days. But, you ask, if the story is finished, why say "To Be Continued"? Simple - I plan for at least three more chapters to this. This canwork as a stand-alone story, but I want it to be so much more. So please, let the reviews, positive or negative, flow. While I have your attention, I would like to give a special thanks to Digifan316 and Classic Cowboy for all their help and input in the writing of this thing. (I know I must have tortured them over the instant messenger with ideas, excerpts, etc., and their patience as much as their input deserves my gratitude.) Well, without further ado, I'm off to start the next installment. Jarkota, signing off.