Kim Possible Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible: The Impossibilities Series ❯ Chapter 2: More Impossibilities ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Impossibilities by Jarkota
Author's Note:
Thank you to everyone who read the previous installment. I neverexpected to get over 1,000 hits, but it happened. I was originally going to make this story arc a part of the first one, but when I saw how long the original was, I decided it might be best to split it up. Disclaimer from the previous chapter still applies - I don't own any of these characters; only the sick, twisted situations I put them in. This takes place roughly a year after the first. Finally, I am using a (very) rough estimate as to how old Shego is - some works cite her as being around thirty, and some place her at the same age as Kim, but I'm making sort of a compromise here. ********************************************************************* ************** Shego hummed an upbeat tune as she headed back to the Possible home, - her home now, as well - grocery bags in hand. She still found it hard to believe that Drakken and his cohorts were locked up securely in the main Global Justice compound and that she was truly a free woman for the first time in several years. At twenty-two years of age, she felt like she was being born all over again. She had a full pardon from Global Justice, a renewed association with her brothers, who had seemed to mature a little over the years, a place to finally call home and, to top it all off, two fantastic lovers in Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. Even now, that was the hardest part for her to believe. The mutual attraction she shared with Kim had blossomed into love; of that, there was no doubt in her mind. Ron was a great friend and a great lover, and treated her with every bit of the respect and compassion that he did Kim. She didn't know if she'd ever "love" him, per say, but that didn't mean the two of them couldn't continue to enjoy the relationship they had. Especially since the Possibles had allowed Ron to move in with them. When Shego arrived at the house, she noticed the garage door open. Curiosity getting the better of her, she started to head in when a pair of familiar voices stopped her. "Careful, Shego; we're working with a new....."
"....variation of the X-47's rocket fuel. We're trying to...." "...boost efficiency while minimizing pressure to.... "......make the plane more compact and...." "...safer." She sighed. Sometimes, living in the same house with Jim and Tim was like having her own younger twin brothers around. "Alright, you two," she said as she turned around. "Just don't test it out in the lawnmower again. It took your dad and I five hours to find all the parts last time you did that." "We said we were....." "....sorry!" "Yeah, well 'sorry' didn't pay to replace that window that the carburetor smashed, did it?" Her words could have been construed as mean, but her tone was anything but. She had a fairly good, if antagonistic, relationship with Kim's brothers; each side always trying to get in the last word in a discussion or outdo the other in practical jokes. Fumbling in her pocket for her keys, she managed to get the front door open. "Great timing, Shego!" Anne said, looking up from the stove. "I was just ready to start dinner." "Can't wait. Your cooking in the best, Mrs. P." "You know, you don't have to call me that. You're part of our family now; you might as well call me Mom." The olive-skinned woman smiled. "Thanks,, Mom." "That's better. Still wearing those clothes I gave you, I see." "Kim teases me because they're 'old-fashioned', but I like them. They're comfortable." At that moment, she was wearing a red sweater, black denim jeans, and a pair of black lace-up sneakers with silver accents. "They're a perfect it." "Not 'perfect', dear. You're quite a bit bigger around the chest than I was when I wore those. They're obviously tight on you." "Like I said," the raven-haired woman replied, running her hands down her sides and following the swell of her breasts beneath the sweater, "a perfect fit." The two shared a laugh over this, and not for the first time Anne thought that her daughter and Ron were fortunate to have this woman in their lives. Shego took the sweater off, revealing a tight black tank top that left nothing of her figure to the imagination, tied an apron around her waist, and started with the dinner preparations. "So, what are we having tonight?" "Shego, you've already taken over the cleaning and laundry; you don't have to cook, too." "The way I see it, Mom," she said with a smile, putting deliberate emphasis on the word, "without a job, I've got to do something to earn my keep around here." "Yes; but you're family, not a housekeeper." "Why can't I be both? It gives me something to do." "Besides Kim and Ron, you mean?" Now it was Anne's turn to smile. Shego stuck her tongue out playfully, and Anne said, "Oh; I can see why Kim keeps you around!" Shego blushed furiously, causing Anne to to start laughing again. "Come on; seriously, what are we having?" "Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, and corn on the cob." "Alright. I'll get started on the potatoes and biscuits, then." "If you insist. The potato flakes are in the cabinet and the biscuits are in the bottom drawer of the fridge." Shego made it a point to ignore those directions and start looking elsewhere. "Shego, dear, did you hear me?" "Oh, I heard you," the other woman said, standing up with a bag of flour in one hand and a sack of potatoes in the other. "It's just that I know a better way. Instant and canned foods are fine sometimes, but really, the real thing is so much better." She sat down at the table and began peeling the potatoes. "Oh, now I know you're a keeper, Shego. If you need any help, let me know." "Thanks....Mom." Anne Possible hadn't smiled like she did at that moment since Kim was born. "By the way, where's Kimmie? She was gone when I woke up this morning, and even Ron didn't know where she'd taken off to." "I'm afraid I don't know either, hon. I saw her heading out the door just as I came in from my E.R. shift this morning, and all she said was that you and Ron were going to love it, whatever 'it' is." Shego sighed, a smile creeping onto her face. "It's no wonder I love that girl.....", then went back to peeling the potatoes. ***************************************************************** ****************** Kim got back home just before dinner. She was carrying a large yellow envelope, but wouldn't let anyone see what was inside it. "That is going to have to wait until after dinner. If I tell you now, you'll want to see it in person, and I do not want to miss out on Mom's meatloaf." she said, beaming. "Besides, it'll be fun to watch you squirm." "Didn't do enough of that for you last night, eh?" Ron said, tracing a fingertip along her earlobe, making her shudder. "Ron, honey, you don't want to get her all worked up before tonight, do you?" Shego said as she walked over to them, deliberately swaying her hips in the tight jeans. "You're a fine one to talk, Lil' Miss Come-And-Get-Me." Ron said before leaning in and giving Shego a kiss that she gladly reciprocated. Kim shuddered again. "There's something about you two that drives me nuts....I don't think I can last until tonight." "Kids!" James called from the kitchen, "Come and get it!" Kim sighed. "Saved by the dinner bell." As the extended family ate their meal, they spoke of James' new developments in rocket booster technology, Anne's upcoming paper on nervous system reconstruction, and the latest sorts of experiments, public places, and people that the twins were banned by law from performing or going near. Finally, as the last scraps of the meal disappeared from the plates, Kim held up the envelope. "Okay - I know you're all wondering why I was gone most of the day." she said, her finger on the metal clasp holding the envelope shut. Shego smirked. "Well, you didn't have Ron with you, so I know one thing you weren't doing." Kim feigned annoyance. "Anyway, I saw this the other day, but I had to get some help from Dr. Director." She opened the envelope and withdrew a folder with a clear plastic cover. Behind the cover was a full-color picture of a one-story ranch-style house, the logo of a real estate company above the image, and the words "Rental Property #086-753-09" beneath it. "Woah, Kimmie!" Ron said. "We can't possibly afford this!" Ron said, flipping through the folder and checking the monthly rates. Kim smiled. "That's where Dr. Director came in. She actually purchased it outright from the landlord for Global Justice, under their 'Special Agent Housing Accommodations' directive." "Wait," Shego said, holding up a hand. "Does that mean what I think it means?" "It means," Kim said, "that we're officially on the Global Justice payroll. We'll each have monthly salaries and live rent-free in the house. GJ is also picking up the tab for furnishings and utilities. They'll only call us out when someone like Drakken or Gemini is causing trouble. We won't have to deal with the minor stuff that a lot of their normal agents do." "Especially since we more or less busted up the lion's share of the supervillains a while back," Ron said, smirking as he remembered how Monkey Fist had looked at the end of their last encounter. "Right," Kim continued. "We'll get our pay whether they send us out that month or not, and there's always a bonus for a successfully completed mission." Kim took three pieces of thick paper from the envelope. "These contracts are already signed and stamped by Dr. Director; all we need to do is sign them and we're good to go." "Kimmie-cub," James said, concern in his voice, "are you sure you three are ready to strike out on your own? I mean, you're really no trouble. Not since we soundproofed your room, anyway." Kim giggled at that. "It's not that we're not happy here; it's just that we need more space. The three of us are in that one room, and while that does have its obvious advantages," she said, winking at her lovers, "sometimes, it's not enough." Then she shot an accusing eye at her parents. "Plus, I'm getting tired of finding cameras all over the room..." James and Anne quickly turned away and started whistling innocently, drawing a look of shock from Ron and a laugh from Shego. "That was you two?" the olive-skinned beauty asked. "I figured it was the boys! Just when you think you know someone....." She then reached over, still chuckling, and pushed Ron's mouth closed. "Anyway," Kim said, I thought we'd all go and take a look at it together before we move in next week." Anne spoke up. "This is a bit sudden, isn't it? I mean, we just got used to you all living here. I'm not sure if we're ready for this." "Mom," Kim said, placing a reassuring hand on Anne's arm, "this is something we need to do. We're adults and we need our own place. And besides, if something comes up, it's only a few miles down the road." She looked into her mother's eyes. "We'll be fine." "Alright, Kimmie. If you say so. Help me with the dishes and we'll have a look." ******************************************************************** *************** Though nice-looking in the photos contained in the folder, when Shego saw the quaint ranch house, she thought it was gorgeous. On the outside, it was an all-brick affair with a raised foundation to keep water from leaking into the house proper, a full-sized basement that had been converted into a functional den, a sizable kitchen, cozy living room with a real fireplace ans chimney, and attached garage with a doorway leading into the house. "Damn, Kimmie," Shego said, pulling her girlfriend close as they stood in the house's single bedroom, "you sure do know how to pick 'em!" Kim blushed. "Thanks, Shego." Ron spoke up. "So, GJ's paying for all the furniture?" Kim nodded. "The only things we'll have to bring with us are clothes and personal items." "What about our bed?" Shego asked. "Dr. Director said she'd take care of everything personally, and she was grinning when she said it." "Startin' to like her more and more, Kimmie," Shego replied, smirking. Ron chimed in, "Yeah - I guess you can say she has an 'eye' for this sort of thing." Ron's joke was answered by an elbow from Kim into his stomach. Not enough to really hurt, but enough to say 'shut up'. "Ow! Message received." "So, Kim," James said, "you're sure the three of you will be fine by yourselves?" "Dad, we went over this at home and in the car; we're adults now. It's time for us to make our own nest. I'm kind of sad about leaving, too, but it would have happened sooner or later." She smiled fondly at her girlfriend. "Even if Shego hadn't come along when she did, Ron and I eventually would have gotten our own place." James placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know....I know. This is just a little difficult. I knew you'd leave someday, but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon. Promise me you'll call if you need anything, okay?" "I promise, Dad." Kim said, hugging her fighter tightly. ****************************************************************** ***************** The day of the move came far quicker than James and Anne would have liked. The trio of lovers loaded their personal items into the Possible minivan and Kim's car; since it was mostly clothes, a computer, a few framed pictures, and Kim's Cuddle Buddies, they managed to get it all in one trip. Less than two hours after they'd begun packing, the boxes sat, waiting to be opened, in the den. "We'll keep your room ready for you," a teary-eyed Anne said. "If you ever need a place to sleep....any of you....just give us a call." She smiled weakly. "Just say the word and we'll be there." "Thanks, Mom; Dad." Kim replied, hugging both of her parents in turn. "We'll call ina few days and let you know how everything's going." A few more goodbyes and words of encouragement were said, and James and Anne left. No sooner was their car out of sight did Shego pounce on Kim, rubbing the redhead's breasts from behind through her thin camisole top. "I've been waiting for this; we can break this house in properly now." Kim moaned at the feeling of her lover's strong hands on her. "Shego," she half-said, half moaned, "shouldn't we wait until we're unpacked first?" "No." the raven-haired woman retorted. "We can unpack later." She hastily took Kim's shirt off, revealing the hand-sized globes of flesh, nipples hard and pebbly from Shego's 'attentions'. "Damn, I never get tired of these things," Shego said as she bent down to take one of the hard nubs into her mouth. Ron came up next to them and started stroking Shego's rear through her jeans. "Can't say I disagree with her, Kim. Especially not given this view." "Shut up and get undressed, Stoppable," Shego said, turning her lips to Kim's other tit. She stroked the breasts as she sucked them, eliciting further gasps and moans of pleasure from her girlfriend. Ron wasted no time in divesting of his shoes, pants, and shirt. Once stripped, he knelt behind Shego and started working the pants down her hips. "Since you've got Kim busy and all...." he began. Shego offered no objections. She unbuckled her belt and used one hand to push the jeans down until her blond lover could pull them and her shoes off, leaving her naked from the waist-down. Grinning and thinking about how he had to be the luckiest guy in the world, he positioned himself at her entrance and slipped into her waiting heat. Shego gasped as his length immersed itself in her. It didn't matter that they had done this countless times before; his size always filled her better than anything else ever had. As the speed and force of his thrusts increased, the green-skinned beauty let go of her grip on Kim, allowing the redhead to slide out from under Shego and finish removing her own clothing. Grinning like the cat that caught the canary, Kim pulled Ron away from Shego and removed the sweater from her girlfriend, licking her lips as her massive chest came into view. "Shego, you were pretty naughty just now; a big, strong woman like you just forcing yourself on a poor, innocent little girl like me." She mock-pouted and pointed an accusing finger at Shego. "You need to be punished." Shego tried to act scared, but she couldn't keep a smile from crossing her features. "'Punished'?" she asked, doing her best to sound timid.
"Punished." Kim repeated. "Ron, hold her down. I'll be right back." Ron did as he was told, albeit half-heartedly as he knew Shego had no intention of trying to escape, while Kim walked over to one of the boxes on the floor around them. Her two lovers watched the swaying of her hips and porcelain-smooth backside as she moved, wondering idly what she had in mind. She bent over to open the box, deliberately spreading her legs a bit to give them a nice view of her shaven mound - a habit she'd picked up from Shego, much to Ron's delight - as she rummaged around inside, eventually producing a rather sizable red plastic case, which she set on the floor beside Shego on her return. Grinning, Kim opened the case to reveal several plastic and rubber dildos of various sizes and shapes. She pulled out one particularly thick one that was about a foot long and had a head on either end. Shego shivered when she saw it, knowing what was in store for her. Kim laid down on the hardwood floor and stuck one end of the dildo into her folds, moaning as it penetrated her. "Ron," she said, "bring her over." The blond boy did as he was told, though Shego didn't need much encouragement. He positioned her on top of Kim and spread her lips, allowing Kim to guide the other end of the rubber phallus into their mutual mistress. The two girls began rocking against one another, moaning at every movement of the dildo and every touch of flesh against flesh. After a few moments, Kim looked over at Ron and winked. Shego didn't notice this and thus was caught completely unawares when she felt Ron's massive member poke at her rear entrance.
"Ron, what are you doing??? We've been over this already - you're too bi......AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!" Shego's scream was loud enough that Kim hoped the windows wouldn't shatter. She could feel the woman above her trembling in pain as her rectum was spread out by their boyfriend. Ron was in heaven. The last time he'd had something that tight was when Kim let him do her in the ass; she hadn't screamed as much as Shego was at that point, though. Kim was so kinky that she even got off on that kind of pain; it was one of the many little surprises he'd had while dating her. Shego, meanwhile, was in Hell. She'd only taken a man in her like this a couple of times before and wasn't anywhere near ready for his size. It literally felt like she was on fire; Kim said she and Ron did this regularly until Kimmie went on the pill, and Shego couldn't imagine the redhead putting up with it, much less enjoying it. Thankfully, she had Kim under her, and her girlfriend was doing a fantastic job of working her other hole over. The raven-tressed woman knew she could have easily broken free and ended her torment, but she also knew that her lovers didn't mean her any real harm; she figured that Ron was been feeling overly amorous. Sighing, the green-skinned woman resigned herself to her fate, hoping that, eventually, it wouldn't hurt so bad (though she held no hopes that it would ever feel good). Beneath her, Kim was grinning almost sadistically. The look of contentment on Ron's, coupled with the agony on Shego's, was giving her a thrill she'd never felt before. She and Ron had worked this up days before; he'd been wanting to try Shego's back door for quite some time, but the older woman had always resisted because of his size. Perhaps, after this, she'd be a little more ways than one. Much to Shego's surprise, after a few minutes, she started to feel the tingle of pleasure, though it was largely overshadowed by the pain. It took all of the discipline she'd learned over the years, but she managed to ignore the bulk of the pain and focus on that tiny spark. Her moaning and whimpering never ceased, but now they were due to a different cause. About this time, Kim arched her back, which sent a jolt of pleasure through Shego as their clits slammed against each other, and let out an ear-piercing scream, thrusting her hips madly against Shego's. Ron was also reaching his limit. As incredible as Shego's mouth and pussy were, her ass was even better. The overwhelming sensations around his prick, the fact that Shego was really starting to get into it, and Kim's orgasm were all the stimulation he needed. After a few more thrusts, his muscles tensed and he spilled himself inside Shego, which, in turn, set her off. She screamed almost as loud as Kim, and Ron idly thought about getting earplugs before they did this again. With a sigh, he pulled out, his dick making a popping sound as it came free, and he collapsed onto his back. Shego groaned as the object which had been filling her rectum was removed and fell onto her side. She panted for breath, her sizable breasts heaving with each attempt, trying to stay conscious, but exhaustion and lack of oxygen got the better of her and she passed out, fluids leaking from both holes. Kim, however, wasn't done. Pulling the dildo out of her, she crawled over to Ron, licking her lips. The blond boy opened his eyes to see Kim straddling his hips, rubbing her mound against him in an effort to make him hard again. "Um, KP? That's been in...." Kim silenced him with a kiss. "Never stopped us before. The more I'm with you two, the more I want to be with you. And, at this point, I'm yours. Either of you. Any time, any place, any way. We could be on a bus, on a plane, in a car, in the park, at the beach, or even at my parents' dinner table for all I care. What we have makes me complete, and there's nothing I wouldn't do with you or her. Now," she raised her hips above him, spreading her dripping cunt open, "fuck me, Ron Stoppable. Mae me feel how a woman should feel with a man." All of Ron's inhibitions (not that he had many left) were shattered with that statement. He shoved his hips upward, spearing into Kim's tunnel and making her gasp at the entry. All this time, he thought, and she's still as tight as the first time we did it. I wonder how that's even possible? Deciding to figure that out later, he focused all his attention on pleasing the shapely female form riding him. He reached up to play with her breasts and nipples, marveling at how perky and firm they were and yet remaining soft to the touch. She wasn't anywhere near Shego's equal in that department, but Ron didn't much care. As much as he liked being with Shego, he loved Kim for what she was, and not just on the outside. That, he knew, would never change. Given their exertions with Shego only a minute before, it didn't take the two long to achieve a second climax. Ron grunted as he spilled his seed for the second time in ten minutes, and Kim cried out as she, too, reached her peak. When the two were finally spent, they pulled away from each other and curled up on either side of Shego, their arms reaching over her as though each was embracing the other two, and, like that, they slept for the rest of the day. ********************************************************************** ************* "I'm telling you right now, Stoppable," Shego said, sitting on an icepack on the den floor, "if you ever do that when I'm not ready again, I swear I'll kick your ass. OW!" Kim chuckled. "Better watch how you move for a while, Shego." Ron, however, wasn't in such a good mood. After he'd seen how much pain Shego was in after his little 'experiment' earlier the day, he was feeling downright low. And he knew Shego was mad, as she only referred to him as 'Stoppable' when he botched things. "Shego, I'm..." "Don't even talk to me! I told you several times to wait until I could prepare myself for that monster of yours, but you just couldn't hold back, could you? Could you???" Kim stared her in the eyes. "Before you decide to throw him in front of a truck, Shego, it was my idea. You've been into pretty much everything else we've gotten into lately, and I figured you'd like it once he was in." *She sighed and lowered her head. "I'm sorry." "Me, too," Ron replied. "I should have had more control. But, when Kim told me what she had in mind, and then seeing that awesome booty you've got there......I just couldn't help myself. But if you still want to kill me, go ahead." Shego smirked. "How could I hurt either of you when you look so bloody pathetic right now?" And besides," she lowered her head to hide her blush, "it was kind of fun. Just give me time to prepare next time, okay?" "Alright," Ron said, bending down to kiss her forehead. "Say, Kim; weren't we supposed to check in with Dr. Director today?" "Already took care of that. While you two were still napping, I unpacked the Kimmunicator and gave her a call. The furniture will be here in a couple of hours, so we had best shower and get some clothes on." She made her way upstairs, Shego and Ron once again marveling at her well-shaped posterior as she walked and wondering just how often they'd even be bothering with clothes now. ********************************************************************** ************* A week later, the lovers were well acquainted with their new home and it's furnishings. The bed that G.J. sprung for was by far better - and bigger - than they'd hoped. It could more than easily accommodate the three of them, no matter how they decided to lay upon it. Two large couches, one each for the living room and den, two decent-sized televisions, a rather large dining table and chairs, and four large, cushy easy chairs completed the set. At the moment in question, they were relaxing on the living room couch after a very filling meal expertly prepared by Shego when the doorbell rang. Kim got up and opened the door, gasping at what she saw. "Bonnie???" she asked, her eyes wide with shock. Anne Possible stepped into view. "I brought her, Kimmie. She needs help." "What kind of help?" Ron asked "Maybe you'd best let her tell you....." Anne said. Kim nodded. "Come on in." ********************************************************************** *************
And thus is my second chapter. I know it's shorter than the first, but I didn't have as much plot in the way. I wanted to do more, but then I realized that it'd be best to split it into two chapters. As it stands, this whole series will be at least four parts long, and might go more than that. I hope you've enjoyed thus far; as always, reviews and e-mails are appreciated.