Kim Possible Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible: The Impossibilities Series ❯ Chapter 3: Nothing's Impossible Anymore ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Nothing's Impossible Anymore by Jarkota
Author's Note:
Once again, thanks to everyone who's been reading this. I'm overwhelmed by how well this is doing. I still don't own any of these characters; if I did, you'd be watching this on a DVD sold from the back room of a video store instead of reading it on the Internet. ***************************************************************** ****************** As Bonnie Rockwaller entered the house, Kim noticed just how bad the girl looked. Her hair was a mess - something Bonnie would never allow - her clothes looked like she'd slept in them for a week, and her eyes were red and puffy as though she'd been doing a great deal of crying. Kim wondered just what could have happened to bring her down so many pegs from her self-erected pedestal. "Bonnie," Kim said softly as the brunette sat down with her on the couch "what happened?" The redhead hadn't forgotten the torment that the other girl had put her through, but Kimberly Anne Possible wasn't the type to turn her back on someone in need. Bonnie sniffled a few times, as though she was trying to keep from crying again, and began to speak. "First of all, you know how upset I was when Brick graduated." Kim nodded. "I tried dating other guys - Josh, Brian, Julio, Ned - but it wasn't the same. I didn't realize it until I couldn't tell him, but I had honestly fallen in love with Brick." She sniffed again. "His family moved right after graduation, and I don't know where they went. I moped around for weeks; I didn't go to the beach house during summer break, lost my job because I didn't go to work......I wasn't even able to use my ticket to the Shaniqua concert and ended up giving it to Connie." Now Kim was really worried; Shaniqua had been Bonnie's favorite singer since her debut album. "You cared about Brick that much, huh?" Bonnie nodded. "I wish I hadn't treated him so bad; he was as loyal to me as Ron is to you." Looking up at Shego, she added, "Both of you."
Shego raised an eyebrow. "How did you know about that?" Bonnie managed a small grin; an echo of her old self. "The town's not that big, unlike the mouths of a certain pair of twins." She sighed. "Anyway, when school started again, I was feeling worse than ever. As I said, I'd tried dating again, but it didn't work out. Then, something magical happened." "What?" Kim said. "Tara." "Tara?!" "Tara." Bonnie smiled. "I'm still not sure how it happened, but it did. One minute we were showering after practice, and I'd started noticing how well she'd developed, the next....we were all over each other; I'm just glad the locker room was empty. I'd never felt that way about anyone but Brick, and I'd never even looked at another girl before....though if I had, you and I might have gotten along better, Kim." She sighed. "We kept it a secret until yesterday." "What happened?" the redhead prodded. "It was after Tara and I got into Middleton University and onto the cheer squad there. My parents were going out of town for the weekend, and I convinced them to let Tara stay with me while they were gone. We were finally going to have the time, the space, and the privacy we'd been wanting." She paused a minute and seemed like she was going to cry again, but stopped herself. "After Mom and Dad left, we didn't waste any time. I had her on my bed and halfway stripped when Mom came back in saying that she'd forgotten her overnight bag." "Than what happened?" Ron asked, although he already had a pretty good idea. Bonnie took a deep breath. "Mom just stood there in shock, like she didn't know what to do. Then, Tara started screaming. She grabbed her shirt and held it in front of her as she ran away from me, saying that I'd forced her into it with threats of getting her kicked off the squad. The noise brought Dad in, and Tara kept repeating the same story about how I was forcing her to do it. I tried to tell them that that wasn't how it was and that she and I had a real relationship going, but they chose to believe her over their own daughter. They told me to get out - wouldn't even let me pack any clothes - and to never return; that I was a disgrace to the Rockwaller name." Kim pulled her into a hug. "Bonnie, I'm....I'm sorry. You shouldn't have been treated that way." She looked up at her mother and smiled. "I guess not all parents are really understanding." "You can say that again." Bonnie replied. "I went back to the University but I didn't have my car, so by the time I got there, everyone was believing the lie. I was kicked off the cheer squad and had received notes from my teachers asking that I not come back to their classes, so I emptied out my locker and left. I wandered around for a few hours until I found your parents' house. I don't know why, but I decided to see if you would help me. Your mother told me you'd moved out and brought me here." "I didn't know what else to do, Kimmie," Anne said. "I could have let her stay in your old room, but she needs more than a place to sleep right now. She needs friends, Kim. Real friends who won't turn her away because of some stupid lie told by a girl who was too scared to admit the truth." "Please, Kim," Bonnie pleaded, on the verge of tears once more, "I've never begged for anything in my life, but I am now. Just give me a place to stay until I can find a new job and start over. I won't be a problem; I promise." "Bonnie," Kim said, running her hand through the girl's brown locks, "you can stay as long as you want. I admit you've not exactly done anything to deserve this......but I don't believe in holding grudges. I'm willing to clean the slate if you are." Bonnie could hold her tears in no longer. She collapsed into Kim, sobs wracking her body as she tried to say "Thank you," but couldn't quite get the words out. Kim sat there for several minutes, stroking Bonnie's hair and whispering words of comfort to her. Finally, the brunette fell asleep. Kim and Anne carried her into the bedroom and left her to, hopefully, have peaceful dreams. "So," Ron began, "what do we do now? I mean,we'll obviously have to curb it while she's here. We wouldn't want to make her even more depressed." Shego nodded. "Agreed. I think I can hold back. When we do do anything, it'll have to be when she's gone or when she's asleep and we can be quiet about it." "Pretty tall order," Anne interjected. "You sure you can handle it?" Kim shrugged. "We'll have to." ********************************************************************** ************* The next two weeks were, to say the least, tense. Bonnie had more or less taken up residence in the den, hardly moving from the couch. She would eat meals brought to her and respond when spoken to, but other than that, it was like she was an empty shell; as though the most important part of her - the spark that made her who she was - had been taken away. "I'm tellin' ya, Kimmie," Shego said as she lay in bed one night, "I'm not sure how long I can take this. Not only is her brooding making us all upset, but we haven't been able to do anything in days. I'm at the point where I'd almost be willing to bang Drakken." All three of them shuddered at the mental picture that produced. Kim sighed. "With any luck she'll snap out of it soon. But I am worried; I've never seen Bonnie this down before." "I hope you're right, Kim," Ron chimed in, "because I hate to see any..." his sentence was cut off by a loud scream from downstairs. The trio sprang out of bed, quickly throwing robes over their nude bodies and dashed down to the den. There, they found Bonnie curled up on the couch, sobbing. When Kim and Shego attempted to get near her to offer comfort, she just screamed and started kicking. They tried several times, but with the same results. Acting on impulse, Ron moved next to her before the girls could react.....but they didn't need to. He eased himself onto the couch, laying a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. "Well, I'll be," Shego said. "Seems we're not the only girls wooed by his charms." "It's not that, Shego," Kim replied. "Bonnie was hurt by another girl. In a case like this.....I guess it takes a guy to help take that pain away." Bonnie shifted position so that her head was now resting on Ron's knee, and Kim allowed herself a small smile at the sight. "There's nothing we can do here - you up for a cup of tea?"
"Why not? I don't think I'll be getting any sleep now anyway." A few minutes after they left, Bonnie spoke up. "R-Ron?" "Yeah?" he replied. "Why did she do that?" "Well, Kim saw that I had things under control and just figured Shego could use a drink." "No; not that. Tara." "Oh." He thought a minute. "I have absolutely no clue, Bonnie." Bonnie sobbed a few more times. "I....I loved her. As much as I did Brick. She was...special. You know?" Ron smiled, thinking of Kim and Shego. "Yeah - yeah, I know." He looked down at her. "The only thing I can tell you is that she didn't love you. Maybe she was just using you. I really don't know. But if Tara loved you, she wouldn't have freaked at the first sign of trouble like she did. She would have stood by you and made everyone accept you two for what you were." Bonnie smiled. "Now I know why Kimmie keeps you around...." "Oh, there are other reasons, but I won't get into that." Bonnie sat up. "Ron....thank you."
"For what?" "For being there. For being a friend. Despite how I've been to you in the past. I just have to ask: why?" Ron chuckled. "I wouldn't be much of person if I turned my back on someone in need. If Kim and I hadn't done that a year ago, we wouldn't have ended up with Shego and the world probably would be ruled by Drakken by now." He shifted his position so he could look her in the eye. "It's all about heart, Bonnie. Without it, we're nothing. I learned a long time ago that the only thing that matters is the here and now. The past is the past and can't be changed, and the future isn't written yet." "That is really deep, Ron." "Yeah; got it from a fortune cookie." Bonnie laughed and playfully punched him in the arm. Ron smiled; he'd actually gotten through to her and touched the real Bonnie. Unable or unwilling to stop himself, he started laughing, too. Bonnie took a moment to look him over. He's really not bad looking, once you think about it. And a heart of gold, too. Kim is really lucky. Maybe if I'd been nicer to him before....... She blushed and turned her head away as she realized he'd caught her staring. "S-sorry..." she said. Ron cupped her chin and turned her head back towards him. "Don't be," he replied. It didn't escape either of them that their faces were growing closer. "Ron...." Bonnie said, her heart rate increasing, "should we be doing this? What would Kim do if she saw us?" "Probably ask to join in. But this isn't about her, and it's not about me. This is about you, Bonnie. You're not a bad person; you just need to be shown that you're loved, and I'm willing to do that if you want me to." "I want don't know how bad I want it......but I'm concerned about what Kim would say right now." "I'd be saying 'go for it and have fun, Bon-Bon'." Kim said from the top of the stairs. Bonnie's face turned white as a sheet. "How long....I mean, how much did you...?" "I thought I'd take a peek when I heard you two laughing. I'm rather surprised at how forward you are, Ron, but I can't very well stop you. Just make sure that this is what you both want." Ron gulped. "Kim, that sounded kind You're not going to....leave, are you?" Kim smiled. "I can't very well leave you for sleeping with another woman when I'm doing the same thing. But take care of her, Ron, and we'll all talk about where to go from here in the morning. But, somehow....." she smiled even wider. "Somehow, I think we're going to be okay." With that, she left the room and shut the door. Upstairs, she sank onto the couch next to Shego. "Went a little easy on him, didn't you?" her girlfriend asked. Kim shook her head. "No; no, I think this is in Bonnie's best interest. Like Ron said, she needs to know that somebody still cares. It's probably going to be a one-time thing anyway, so why worry?" "Well, since Ron's obviously going to be busy and I haven't really had any 'alone time' for a while, have we?" Shego's smile sent shivers through Kim. A second later, their faces were pressed together in a passionate kiss. In the den, Ron wasn't wasting any time. He already had Bonnie's shorts and T-shirt off and was fondling and suckling her breasts. She was about the same size as Kim, but whereas his redheaded lover's were firm and perky, Bonnie's were soft and pliable with larger nipples. He loved the way they bounced with every movement she made. After servicing her chest long enough to get her sufficiently excited, he got on his knees in front of the couch and began lapping at her outer lips. Her gasps and whimpers of pleasure encouraged him; after teasing her for a bit, he parted her petals and drove his tongue as far into her as he could go. She locked her legs around his head, as if trying to drive him deeper within her. The blond was mildly surprised at her; whereas Kim and Shego were both screamers, Bonnie, though obviously no less sensitive, made almost no noise at all. Bonnie, meanwhile, couldn't believe how good this was. If Ron's got this kind of skill, she thought, it's no wonder Kim's so happy. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, by Ron sliding two fingers into her and moving to suck on her clit. She squeezed her legs around him even tighter and gripped the couch cushions until her knuckles turned white, her eyes wide and mouth open in a silent scream as her first orgasm hit her like a Mack truck doing sixty on the Interstate. When she came down from her natural high, she went limp, her head resting on the back of the couch. When she didn't move, Ron tapped her shoulder. "Um, Bonnie? You okay?" She smiled weakly, her sizable chest heaving with each breath. "I'm.....I'm fine. That was! I mean, even Tara wasn't that good....." her smile faded as she recalled her ex-lover. "Hey," Ron said, sitting next to her again. "Don't be so down. You're here now, and I'm sure KP and Shego won't mind you staying. You can move on. If Shego can come back from a life of villainy, you can come back from this." "Thanks for the confidence Ron. incredible as that just was.....I think I'm ready for more." "You sure?" "As I've ever been. You're right - I need to move on, and this is the best way." Nodding, Ron slipped off his robe, revealing his half-erect manhood. "Holy....!" Bonnie's eyes went wide when she saw it. "I'd heard the rumors, but I didn't think.....DAMN!" "Yeah - Kim and Shego had that reaction at first, too." "Speaking of 'first', um......well, this is mine." Now it was Ron's turn to be shocked. "You mean you're a.....? You've never....? But, I would have thought....." "You and everyone else. I was always being asked how Brick was in bed, or how Josh was, or how this guy or that guy was. I got sick of it. I was waiting for the right guy and, well..." she blushed, "....I think I've found him." Upstairs, Kim and Shego had moved to the bedroom. Their robes long discarded, the two were delving into each other with their usual abandon. Shego was on her back on the huge bed and Kim was on top of her, each licking and probing into the other's intimate places. Kim moaned every time Shego nibbled on her clit; the mild pain mixed with the twinge of pleasure set her off like nothing else. Kim didn't think of herself as a masochist in he traditional sense, but she wouldn't deny that a little pain added a new level of intensity to such encounters, either. The two women kept working each other over like this for several minutes, not caring about anything but pleasuring one another. That, as they would tell anyone who asked, was the real secret to the relationship they shared with Ron. Each of the trio was more concerned with making their lovers feel good, and their own pleasure was a result of how much said lovers cared for them, which just made it all the better for those involved. Upon reaching their mutual climax, Kim rolled off of her lover and they lay on their backs for a few minutes, regaining their breath and their strength. Body glistening with sweat and female juices, Kim crawled on top of Shego again, this time face-to-face. She kissed her green-skinned girlfriend, reveling in the taste of their combined fluids. The redhead positioned her legs one under and one over those of Shego and lowered her hips until their shaven mounds came into contact with one another. Each holding her lover tightly, they began rocking against each other, building towards another blissful release. Back in the den, Bonnie was now laying on a large blanket that had been laid on the floor. Her legs were spread and knees bent, giving Ron a perfect view of her vulva. He smiled inwardly; like Kim and Shego, Bonnie kept hers shaved free of all hairs. Must be a trend or something, he thought. He knelt inbetween her thighs, the tip of his erection pressing against her lips. "Are you sure about this, Bonnie? I mean, maybe you should wait and find someone, well, smaller." Bonnie shook her head. "No way, Ron Stoppable. If Kim could take that her first time, then I can. And besides," she sat up and stroked his cheek, "I know you'll be as gentle as you can." Smiling down at her, Ron parted her lips with one hand and slowly began pushing, making both of them moan. Four inches in, he found her barrier. Looking into her eyes for approval, Ron braced his hands on her knees and lunged forward. Bonnie's back arched and she left out a shriek of pain as her walls were stretched to accommodate him; she felt her hymen being torn, but it was inconsequential compared to being so rapidly filled. Ron stopped when he was halfway in her. He leaned forward and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Do you want to stop for now? We can try again later, after you've recovered...."
She looked up at him, tears of a different sort now welling in her eyes. "Just the fact that you're willing to enough to let me keep going. Go on, Ron; we both want this and there's no sense stopping now." Ron pulled back a little, deliberately not looking down as he didn't want to see the blood he knew would be there, then repositioned himself and began pushing in farther. Six inches went in, then seven, then eight, and he could feel Bonnie shuddering. Looking up to her once more, he saw her give a brief nod and he kept going. Nine inches....ten....eleven...twelve.....he heard her whimper as he pushed past the opening of her cervix as the final inch settled within her. Bonnie didn't know it was possible to be so full. She could feel the head of his member buried deep within her; all the way inside the entrance to her womb, if she remembered her anatomy correctly. He waited for what seemed like an eternity to her before he started moving; slowly, at first. He pulled out until just the tip of his member was in her, then pushed forward again until he was fully within her once more. She shuddered with pleasure as he bottomed out again; there was still some discomfort as her muscles weren't used to having anything thicker than a finger or tongue parting them, but, as far as she was concerned, it didn't matter. Ron was being so loving, so caring, and so gentle that she felt like a princess being taken by her handsome prince. She realized that was a silly analogy, but she couldn't think of another way to describe it. Ron, meanwhile, was struggling to hold back. Being a virgin up until a minute before, Bonnie was very tight. The heat of her body and her natural lubrication, which seemed to be produced in even greater quantity than Kim or Shego, were giving him a sensory experience that threatened to overload his brain. It took every bit of the discipline he'd developed mastering his monkey kung-fu to not release right then and there. He paused halfway through he third thrust into her depths to muster his self-control; he wanted her to experience this act fully and know the full depth of the emotion behind it. It didn't take long. After she had more or less gotten used to him, she started moving her hips in time with his and had locked her legs around him, urging him to go faster. As he sped up, all pain and discomfort were pushed to the back of her mind as she concentrated on the nerve bundles that were being tripped one after another. Of their own accord, her arms wrapped around Ron's shoulders, forcing their torsos together and rubbing her nipples against his chest with every thrust. Finally, the sensory overload hit her and she arched her back, pressing herself into Ron as much as possible, and tossed her head back, once again silent in her climax but no less passionate. Her walls flexed, clamping down on Ron and releasing again erratically as he continued to pump into her. A few minutes later, Bonnie was building to another orgasm and Ron was reaching his limit. He ceased his motions and started to withdraw; Bonnie sensed what he was doing and locked her legs tighter. "No you don't, Ron," she said. "We're in this to the end." "But I'm about to.....are you on the...?" "No; I'm not on the pill and I don't care. If I get pregnant, fine. If I don't, I don't. But I want the real thing for my first time." She blushed. "And, really, carrying your baby wouldn't be such a bad thing." Ron nodded and pushed back into her. He built back up to his previous pace, and after a handful of thrusts, felt the release once again building. He knew he couldn't last much longer. He still had reservations about cumming inside her, but she knew what she wanted and he wasn't going to deny it to her. With a final grunt, he shoved himself in up to the hilt and gasped as he felt his semen pouring into Bonnie's womb. The release of his seed set Bonnie off again. Unlike before, though, she actually cried out as her climax overtook her. She pulled him in close to her, capturing him in a passionate kiss as the warm liquid flooded her insides. When her orgasm faded, she went limp on the blanket, sighing in contentment before losing consciousness altogether. Ron noticed that she was positively glowing and smiled. He withdrew from her, his member already going soft, and grabbed a towel to clean them both up. When he was done, he tossed the towel into the hamper and lay down beside Bonnie, pulling another blanket over them and joined her in her slumber. Upstairs, Kim and Shego heard Bonnie's cry of pleasure and it only made them hotter. They rocked against each other with abandon, their clits literally slamming together with each thrust and their lower bodies covered with a mixture of both their sweat and juices. Their hands mauled each other's breasts, squeezing flesh and pinching nipples, as their pleasure built. When it hit, they let out twin screams that might make one think they were being brutally slaughtered. It seemed to last forever, and when it finally ended, Kim rolled limply off of her girlfriend. They turned their heads to look each other in the eye, then mustered the energy to curl up in each other's arms before drifting off to sleep. ******************************************************************** *************** The next morning, Ron and Bonnie awoke to the smell and sound of something being fried in the kitchen. At first, they jumped when they saw who they were lying next to, but as the events of the previous night came back to them, they smiled and blushed at the same time. They got up and started to reach for their clothes when Shego appeared at the doorway, wearing an apron and nothing else. "Don't bother getting dressed," she said. "Kim wants you to shower and eat breakfast, and then she says we all have to talk." Blushing, Bonnie walked up the stairs, all the while aware of Shego staring lewdly at her nude body. Bonnie showered first. She normally liked to stay under the spray as long as the warm water held out, but she knew Ron still had to shower and that Kim wanted to talk with them, so she took just enough time to soap up, rinse off, and wash her hair before stepping out and grabbing a towel. She winced when she went to dry between her legs, as she was tender from the previous night. When she was dry, she looked for a robe or other article of clothing but found none, so she wrapped the towel around her torso and left the bathroom. As she was heading back down to the den to get some clothes, she saw Kim and Shego setting plates on the table, both naked and seemingly not caring. When Kim saw her, she grinned and pulled the towel off. Bonnie shrieked. "Kim!" she said, "What's come over you??" "Come, come, now, Bonnie," the redhead said teasingly, "don't tell me you're ashamed after wat you did with my boyfriend last night." Bonnie blushed. "It's not's just....well...." "Not used to walking around a house buck-naked?" Shego asked as she set a plate of bacon on the table. "Well, yeah, but....this is just so....sudden. I mean, last night was great and all...." she trailed off, uncertain what it was she wanted to say. "Tell you what," Kim said. "Help us set the table and see if you can't get used to it. If you still feel uncomfortable when Ron gets in here, you can get dressed." The brunette nodded. "Good. Grab some oven mitts; it's time to take the biscuits out of the oven. And don't worry - we're not going to judge you, and Ron is going to love it." Ten minutes later, Ron was out of the shower, towel around his waist, and breakfast was on the table. His jaw dropped when he saw Kim, Shego and Bonnie sitting at the table, naked as the day they were born. "See, Bonnie?" Kim said, giggling. "I told you he'd like it." Ron blinked a few times. "KP," he said, "Shego in just an apron is one thing, but this is just so...." "Sudden?" Bonnie finished. "Yeah - how'd you know?" Shego replied, "She said the same thing." "Ron," Kim said, "it's obvious the four of us have something special here. I mean, last night, Shego and I had a great time, and it sounded like you were giving Bonnie the best sex of her life. It'd be kind of silly to not pursue this, and if modesty is an issue right now, it probably won't be for very long anyway." "Kim," her boyfriend said, "are you sure this is alright? I mean, for all we know, Bonnie's parents are going to come around looking for her saying that they overreacted and want her to come home." "No," Bonnie chimed in, "they won't. When my older brother Johnny admitted he was gay, they kicked him out and they haven't even talked about him since. That was four years ago." "Wow." Shego said. "Harsh." "No kidding. So, no, Ron; I don't harbor any illusions that I'll be welcome back there ever again." "But you're not gay! Last night proved that!" the blond boy said. Bonnie shook her head. "Won't matter to them. They're very fundamentalist in their ideas and so set in their ways it's pathetic." Kim stood up, her breasts jiggling slightly with the motion. "I hate to be rude, but breakfast is getting cold. We can talk later." Ron started to sit down next to her, but before he could, she whipped his towel off as she had Bonnie's earlier. "Kim!" he yelled. "Lighten up; we've all seen you anyway. Now, sit down and eat." Sighing in resignation, Ron did as he was told. ********************************************************************* ************** After the meal was eaten and the dishes tucked away in the dishwasher, the group sat in the living room; Kim and Ron on the couch and Bonnie and Shego each in an easy chair. At Ron and Bonnie's insistence, Kim had put on one of her green camisoles and a pair of short-shorts and Shego a T-shirt and denim cutoffs. Ron was in his usual attire, and Bonnie had slipped into one of Kim's T-shirts and a pair of sweats. "Alright, Kimmie," Bonnie said. "You wanted to talk." Kim cleared her throat. "Okay; we've obviously got a unique sitch here. Bonnie, Shego, Ron and I could be called away at anytime by Global Justice. It's the main condition of living here. Do you think you could handle that?" "No; no I couldn't." "I thought so; that's why I..." "That's why when you go, I go." Ron's eyes went wide. " you know what you're saying?" "Yes, Ron; I do." The brunette stood. "You're willing to let me stay here and I appreciate that, but I'm not going to just mooch off of you. Contact this Global Justice or whatever it is and get me the same deal you guys have." "Bonnie, hon," Shego said, "I've got superpowers and we're all trained in at least one kind of martial art.'re a good cheerleader and dancer, but what else do you have that you can tap for something like this? You're just not ready." "You want to know what I've got? I'll show you." Bonnie ran across the living room, her bare feet slapping loudly on the hardwood floor. When she reached the other side, she planted one foot on the wall, did a back flip, twisted so she landed facing Kim, then leaped straight up into a flip, pushed off the ceiling with her feet, and dove at a 45-degree angle at the floor, tucking and rolling as she hit, coming to a stop standing in front of Kim. Rufus, from his cage on the table beside the couch, started clapping. Shego whistled. "Not bad, but fancy maneuvers aren't all there is to this gig. You've got to be trained for combat. I learned with my brothers, Kim took lessons when she was a kid, and Ron got his downloaded by a monkey statue." "I can learn. I'm every bit as flexible and athletic as you guys. Just give me the chance." Before Kim could reply, the Kimmunicator beeped. "It's Dr. Director," she said as she pressed the button. "Kim," Dr. Director said, "I'm calling from our Tokyo office. We need you to come to Japan. There's a ronin over there causing mass panic. He hasn't killed anyone, but he has threatened to take hostages if his demands aren't met." "What demands?" "He wants you, Ron, and Shego. Apparently, someone put a contract out on you. And there aren't many left who can do that, so there's a pretty short list." "Alright; we'll go. But there's one little problem." "What?" "We've kind of got a new roommate. Her parents kicked her out - don't ask; it's a long story - and she's got nowhere else to go. She....she wants to come with us when you send us out." "Name?" "Bonnie Rockwaller." Dr. Director tapped a few keys on an unseen keypad. "Seems she's got a cousin, Franklin, in our European branch. Good agent. We put potential new recruits through a field test before we hire them anyway; take her with you, and if she survives, consider her on the payroll. You've got until tomorrow at noon, Tokyo time, to get to the specified location before he carries out his threats; I've arranged for one of our jets to meet you at the Middleton airport in an hour." "Gotcha." The screen went blank. "Well," Shego said, "this is gonna be interesting." Bonnie asked, "Kim, what's a ronin?" "A samurai without a master;" Ron answered for her. "There are a lot of people who call themselves that, but they're either full of it or they stick to small-time stuff, like extortion, thievery, smuggling; they're really just thugs with a fancy name. But there are this guy....who are serious. They've followed the old codes to the letter, and though there are no warlords now to give them orders, they act as mercenaries. They'll do anything; assassination, arson, kidnapping....they're totally ruthless. And because of the way they operate, they're hard to track down. This guy could have easily found us on his own, but he wants us to come to him. That means he wants us on his turf, so he's probably got the place rigged with traps." He sighed. "Unlike the real samurai and ronin from the old days, these modern guys have no sense of honor. They really don't have any right to call themselves samurai." Shego spoke up. "Okay; thanks for the history lesson. But what are we going to do about her?" She pointed at Bonnie.
Kim grinned. "I've got just the thing. It should let Bonnie keep up with anything this guy can throw at her." "Kim," Shego said, "I don't like that look...." Ten minutes later, Bonnie stood in the living room, dressed in Kim's blue-and-white battlesuit. "Kinda snug, isn't it?" the brunette asked. Kim replied, "You'll get used to that. It doubles everything you can do; if you can jump five feet, it'll let you jump ten. If you can run at six miles an hour for fifteen minutes, it'll let you run at 12 for thirty. It's also got an inertial dampening system to help you take hits with less pain." "And this will compensate for lack of combat training?" Bonnie asked, running her hand over the curves of her body beneath the suit. "Not entirely," Kim said, "but it should at least help you come out of this alive." Ron came out of the bedroom carrying four bags. "Got us all packed, KP," he said. "Woah, Bonnie! You are smokin' in that thing!" Bonnie giggled, blushing. "Thanks, Ron." The blond smiled and turned to Kim. "I called your parents; they're coming by after we leave to drop off your brothers. They're going to watch Rufus and the house while we're gone." "Wait," Kim said. "You're not bringing Rufus along?" "It's not a good idea. Not this time. Ronin are dangerous, and we're going to have our hands full here. This isn't hand-to-hand combat like with Monkey Fist or a synthodrone; this guy's probably going to have weapons coming out his nose, and I'd rather not take the chance on Rufus getting hurt." "I understand, Ron. I'm sure Jim and Tim will take car of him." Ron stepped over to the cage and lifted Rufus out. "Sorry, bud, but you're sittin' this one out. Too risky. I'll be back for you as soon as I can, okay?" Rufus sniffed once, then hugged Ron's cheek. "Miss you." "I'll miss you, too, little guy." He put the naked mole rat back into the cage. The girls could tell he was trying not to cry at the thought of leaving the rodent behind, but said nothing. If anything, this only proved to them how mature Ron had become. The quartet left the house a minute later. Rufus blinked away a few tears, then curled up in his hammock to wait for Kim's family. ******************************************************************* **************** It was an uneventful and strangely quiet drive to the airport and equally-so flight. The G.J. pilot never said a word other than announcing the standard fare about seat belts, estimated arrival time, and the like. Bonnie was nervous; this was her big chance to thank Kim, Ron, and Shego for letting her stay with them, but she didn't have a clue about that to do. She'd hoped they'd have time to train her before a big mission like this. Stop it! she told herself. You're a Rockwaller, damn it, and if one member of your family can do this, then so can you! She argued with herself like that the entire trip, and it didn't make her feel any better. When the plan landed, they found a G.J. man waiting for them with a car, but he was no more talkative than the pilot. He drove them to a rather plain-looking residence on a hill, then drove away when they got out. They hiked up the stairs, noting the sheer lack of anything in the way of decorations, and rang the bell. As soon as they did, a trap door opened beneath them and they slid down a metal slide for a full minute until they landed on a concrete floor. It wasn't until they hit that Bonnie realized she'd been screaming the entire time. Blushing, she got up and dusted off the battlesuit, trying to regain some dignity. "You'd think," Kim said, "that I'd be used to these entrances by now." "Yeah." Ron said. "Why can't you use doors like everyone else?" Dr. Director stepped into view. "Enough banter. You've got two hours until you're supposed to meet with the ronin at the base of Tokyo Tower. Here's all we have on him." She handed Kim a rather thin folder, then looked Bonnie over. "This the new girl?" Shego nodded. "Yeah; we gave her Kim's suit so she'd have an easier time of it her first time out." "Your cousin Franklin is quite adept at dismantling explosives, Miss Rockwaller. What's your specialty?" "I don't really have a be honest, I'm not sure why I wanted to do this. But I'm here now and might as well do my best." "Good attitude; you'll go far. Any special training?" "Other than dance and cheerleading, no." Then her eyes lit up. "Wait - scratch that! My uncle was an Army surgeon during Vietnam, and when I would stay with him during the summer breaks, he taught me a lot about field medicine! I can't believe I forgot that until now...." Dr. Director smiled. "Good. Every good team needs a medic." She called a young Japanese boy over. "This is Shiro. He's the base medic. He'll get you some basics in a kit and brush you up on a few things while I brief your teammates; they can fill you in later." Bonnie smiled and snapped up a salute. "Yes, ma'am!" She then bowed to Shiro and he led her into an adjoining room. "Certainly is eager to please," Dr. Director noted. Ron smiled. "You can say that again." While Kim was reading the dossier in the folder, Dr. Director brought the data up on her computer terminal. "His real name is Akaza Atsuki, but he calls himself Jigoku no Banken. It means 'guard-dog of Hell'; probably a reference to Cerberus or Anubis. We don't have much that we can solidly pin on him, but he's known to have been connected to at least a dozen murders around the world and suspected of being involved in a hundred more. The rumors state that he's been trained in the ninjutsu art as well as those of the samurai, and if that's true he knows more than a little about concealment and stealth. He's also a historian specializing in mythology, which is probably where he got his name and the idea to be a ronin. Before his current career choice, he was a top-of-his-class history student at Tokyo University, going for his doctorate and a sure position at the college, but he abandoned all that about eighteen years ago. He was in financial trouble, and we suspect he started as a ronin to pay his tuitions, but then decided to forgo his studies altogether and become this mercenary." She shook her head. "A brilliant mind and physical talent, wasted. He would have made a fine agent." Bonnie came back a minute later carrying three new pouches on her belt. "Ready to go, ma'am," she said, saluting Dr. Director again. "The salute isn't necessary," the older woman said. "An elevator will take you back to the surface, and the driver will pick you up again. You'll go straight to Tokyo Tower within the timeframe. Kim, make sure to brief Miss Rockwaller on the way." Before anything could be said further, the quartet was pushed onto a platform which took them back up to the doorstep of the house. They made their way down the steps, and just as they touched the sidewalk, the car came around again and stopped. They piled in and the driver took off once more. ********************************************************************* ************** The group arrived at the tower with a few minutes to spare. Bonnie was looking nervous again after Kim read her what was in the dossier, but resolved to not give in to panic. Shego scanned the area for any signs of traps, but found nothing. "This is weird," she said. "Why would he have us come to a place so open? It would have been easier to do away with us inside a building or something where he could rig darts to shoot from the walls or a pit of spikes or a giant boulder to roll at us or something. It means that there's something here I'm not seeing that he knows about and I do not like that at all." At that moment, an arrow struck the ground a few feet away with a long rope attached to it. They looked up and saw that the rope stretched all the way to the top of the tower. As they watched, a human figure was seen sliding down the rope with a pulley-like device held in one hand. When the figure was thirty feet up, it let go and dropped straight to the ground, landing on one knee. It rose and began walking purposefully to them. As it got closer, they could make out the blood-red helmet and leather armor pads on the shoulders, hips, and shins and gray leggings and chest plate. A protruding wooden mask, carved and painted in the image of a snarling grey wolf stuck out from the helmet. Two katana, one on each hip, were belted to the armor. When the man was less then ten feet away, he stopped, bowed, and spoke. "I am the Jigoku no Banken," he said in very good English. "We have never met before, nor do I hold a grudge against you. But I have been hired to kill you, Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, and Shego, and must carry out my mission." With that, he drew the katana from the left-hand sheath and charged. Kim and Ron dodged his first attack, and Shego parried the second with a combat knife from her belt. The ronin, undeterred, drew his second sword and slashed, forcing her back. Ron tried to get in close to land a strike, but the man, even in the armor, was quicker than the blond boy. He jumped backwards, one sword held with its point towards Ron and the other held at an upward angle to block a blade attack. Shego came in from the side, kicking and punching for all she was worth, her green battle aura totally encompassing her body. The ronin, however, easily blocked or parried her strikes, and it baffled her why the swords weren't melting under the heat of the plasma. While the mercenary was thus occupied, Kim flipped over his head and tried to yank the helmet off, but it was held on tight, most likely by a string or buckle beneath the man's chin. She landed awkwardly in front of him and barely ducked a slash that would have taken her head off. Ron took that opportunity to sweep their adversary's feet out from under him. For a second, he thought he'd given them the upper hand, but was shocked to see the ronin do a backwards somersault and land on his feet. "You fight well," the armored man said, "but you cannot hope to beat me." "We'll see about that," Kim said. "What do you mean?" "For a great ronin, you sure are dumb." Shego said, looking at a point behind the ex-historian. "You forgot - there are four of us!" Before the man could turn around, Bonnie, who had skirted around the battle and gotten in behind him, planted a double-leg dropkick into the small of his back. He stumbled forward, head dipping low, and that was all the opening Ron needed. Balancing on his left leg and lashing out with his right, Ron planted his crane kick dead-center into the wolf mask, shattering it. The ronin shot upright again, and Kim and Shego kicked the swords out of his hand. Reeling from the blows, he tried to get into his belt pouch, but never got the chance to get whatever it was he was going for. Bonnie had rejoined her friends by this time. "Kim, I see an opening!" she called out. "Human trampoline!" She then flipped backwards several yards. "What does she mean?" Shego asked. "She wants us to stand in a circle facing each other," Ron answered, "and link our arms together. She's going to jump into the center and use us as a springboard." "Is that safe?" "Usually," Kim replied. "I about broke my collarbone the first time I tried it, but that was because I didn't get enough height on the second jump." "Oh," was the olive-skinned woman's only reply. A second later, they had linked their arms and Bonnie was in a dead run. She leaped, flipped once in the air, landed on her companions' arms, then jumped again, the battlesuit giving her the height she needed. But instead of doing another forward flip, she flattened her body out in mid-air and stretched her right foot out. She caught the ronin square in the forehead, and she grimaced when his head snapped back to an unnatural angle. They both hit the ground.....but only Bonnie got up. Standing over him, seeing the now-lifeless eyes, there was no doubt about it. The Jigoku no Banken was no more. She took a deep breath and dropped to her knees, shaking. "What....what have I done, Kim?" she asked when her friends rejoined her. "What we probably would have ended up having to do anyway," Shego said. "Like Dr. Director said, this guy was dangerous. Even if they had locked him up, whoever hired him this time or wanted to hire him in the future would have sprung him and he'd be out there to kill again. This way....this way, at least the suffering ends here and now." She picked Bonnie up and hugged her. "I know, I know; it never gets easy. I've had to kill before - back when I was on the Go Team - and I always hated it. But there are times when it's necessary." Bonnie sniffled. "Th-thanks, Shego. I just....I hope I can move on after this..." her eyes were brimming with tears. Kim put a hand on her shoulder. "You can. You're strong, Bonnie; stronger than I would have given you credit for. You were thrust into a life-or-death situation, you gritted your teeth and charged into it without fear, and took down a deadly assassin in the process. Furthermore, we couldn't even touch him until you got him from behind; he would have killed us if you hadn't been here. You saved our lives, Bonnie, and for that....for that, we owe you more than just a place to stay. About that time, Ron came over with the two katana, back in their sheaths. "These are yours now, Bonnie." "Wha...?" "Warrior's code; what he lived by. The weapons of the fallen go to the victor as a trophy, so that the spirit of the original owner may continue to live on and achieve honor after death." He held the swords out to her. She started to take them, but then let her hands drop. "Think of all the blood on those things; there's no way I could even bring myself to own them knowing they were used to murder innocent people." "They may not all have been innocent," Ron said, "but think of it this way: he can't use them to kill anymore, and if you use them for a just purpose, then you'll be purifying the blades; letting the souls of those he killed know that they've been avenged and can rest in peace for eternity." "Wow," Kim said, wide-eyed. "That was deep, Ron." "Another fortune cookie?" Bonnie asked. "No; the heart." he said, before giving her a brief kiss on the lips. "Thanks," she said, reaching her hands out again and accepting the swords. "You have been avenged," she said aloud. "May your rest be undisturbed now." Kim grinned. "Let's go home, guys." They started back for the car, which had mysteriously arrived right after the ronin was dead, but a voice from behind them stopped them. They shivered when they turned and realized it was coming from the fallen warrior. "So, Kim Possible," the voice said, "you've managed to defeat my assassin. The guard-dog of Hell was the best in the world, and as soon as I find out how you beat him, I'll make sure you pay for this and the last time you thwarted my plan." "I know that voice," Ron said, walking over to the corpse and removing the gray leather armor over the chest. "You do?" Shego asked. "You don't forget a man who kidnapped you," He pulled a small video comm device from behind the armor and stared into its viewer, "do you.....Gemini?" The one-eyed man on the screen laughed. "Ah, Mr. Stoppable. I remember you well. You, too, shall pay for your part in my defeat." Bonnie stepped up and took the comm away. "Then you'll have to deal with all of us!" On the screen, Gemini smiled. "Well, well, well; you must have been the unknown factor in the equation that led to the ronin's death. No matter - I won't make that mistake again! That is, assuming you survive my final surprise. I'd planned on using this on the ronin so I wouldn't have to pay him, but this will do just as well." With that, he cut off the communication. A second later, from the body, a beeping sound was heard. "Ron," Bonnie asked, "are samurai supposed to beep when they're dead?" "No; they're not." He pulled the armor back farther and saw a sizable wad of what looked like the kind of putty children play with attached to several wires which, in turn, led to a red digital time display. 10....9.....8... "Run, guys!" Ron shouted. "He's rigged to blow!" The quartet barely managed to get to the car before the bomb went off. The shock wave knocked them to the ground and took their breath away, but the main force of the explosion was far enough from their position that they didn't suffer any real injuries. Kim had a cut on her forehead from hitting the concrete, but Bonnie patched it up with a disinfectant and a kind of liquid bandage from her medkit and was rewarded with a kiss for her efforts. "Now," the redhead said, "let's go home. I want to get back into our bed and rest." She looked into Bonnie's eyes as she said this, and the brunette realized that, if she didn't before, she now felt like she belonged, and it caused her to tear up all over again. They entered the car and drove off, totally unaware of the shadowy figure watching them through a pair of binoculars a hundred yards away. At the G.J. Tokyo base, Dr. Director presented Bonnie with both an official agent I.D. card and a silver disc hanging from a red strip of cloth, which was pinned to the blue G.J. coverall she now wore instead of the battlesuit. "Congratulations, Miss Rockwaller. You're now an official agent of Global Justice and a recipient of the Medal of Achievement. Your ingenuity in the field, as well as striking down the world's deadliest assassin, was nothing short of brilliant." Smiling wryly, she saluted Bonnie, who cheerfully returned it. "Thank you, ma'am." the brunette said. "The thanks are all ours to give, Agent Rockwaller. Now, go home and get some rest. From what you've told us, Gemini will be gunning for you even harder now, and he's not an easy man to get away from." She let one hand run over her eyepatch. "And you can take my word on that."
**************************************************************** ******************* Back in Middleton the next morning, Kim, Shego, Bonnie, and Ron unlocked the door to their house to find the living room in total chaos. There were bags, boxes, and wrappers from Bueno Nacho everywhere. Diablo Sauce packets and 42-ounce plastic cups covered the coffee table. And, sleeping in the middle of this wreck, lay two human boys and a very overstuffed naked mole rat. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO TO OUR HOUSE???? WE WERE ONLY GONE FOR A DAY!!!" Kim yelled, startling them awake. "Well, Rufus got hungry and....." Jim began. ".....Mom and Dad left us some money for takeout....." Tim continued. "......and we had a four-for-one coupon on Nacos." they finished together. "Mm-hmm! Four-for-one!" Rufus added. Kim sighed. "Well, I guess I can't really be mad at you. You did agree to do this on short notice. Just clean this up before I call Mom and Dad, okay?" The twins nodded and began gathering up the garbage. Ron picked up Rufus, who was overjoyed to see his owner again, and put the naked mole rat in his cage. "When we wake up, I'm unpacking that exercise wheel," he said, poking the rodent's distended stomach, producing a belch and a squeaky "okay". The boys had the mess cleaned up soon after, and James and Anne came by to pick them up. Before they left, the Possible adults wanted to hear about Bonnie's first mission, and they were spared no details. They were shocked when they heard how Bonnie had dispatched the assassin, but when they saw how it was obviously taking it's toll on the girl, they didn't press the issue. "Well," James said when they were done, "it seems like you guys are going to have your hands full with this Gemini character. I hope you don't get into too much trouble." Anne put a hand on his arm. "They always do that, dear;" she said with a smile. "But they've also got quite a way of getting back out of it again." "That they do, honey; that they do." He stood up and went for the door. "Well, boys, it's time to go home. We'll swing by and visit your sister again sometime soon." "Anytime, Dad." "Bye, Kimmie-cub.....and congratulations. You seem to have a winning team here, and I don't mean just on your missions." With that, the Possibles left and Kim was once again alone with her lovers. "As relaxing as a nice, long nap sounds," the redhead said, already starting to peel her clothes off, "I can think of better things to do in that bed." She drew Bonnie close to her and pulled her into a deep kiss. Bonnie moaned at the contact and at Kim's bare chest pressing against her torso. She hurriedly unzipped the coverall and shoved it to her waist, letting herself melt into Kim as their breasts rubbed against each other, sending tingles through both women. "And I haven't had my turn with you yet, Bon-Bon, so you're not going to be sleeping for a while, either." The two women headed off to the bedroom, shedding clothes as they went. Ron smiled wryly at Shego. "Well, looks like it's just you and me. Wanna go to the den or stay here?" "Nah; we'll just go to the bedroom. It'll be more.....interesting that way." Hand in hand, they followed their lovers to the bedroom, the sounds already emanating from which promised many, many happy times ahead for all four of them. Despite the dark cloud looming over them in the form of Gemini, these unique individuals found much pleasure in each other that day, and for many days to come. ********************************************************************* ************** And another chapter down. This one almost ended up being as long as the first. So now you all know the majority of the plot I had planned for this series. Gemini is the villain, but what does he have in mind for his revenge? Who was the mystery watcher at Tokyo Tower? You'll just have to read the final installment to this series to find out. But don't worry; it won't be the end, with any luck. I've got several more adventures planned for Ron, Kim, and their lovers. Until I write again.......