Kim Possible Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible: The Impossibilities Series ❯ Chapter 4: Anything's Possible With A Possible ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Anything's Possible With A Possible by Jarkota
Author's Note:
I'm overwhelmed by how well this is going; I've already written more on this than I have every other story I've put together in my life combined. I've become too attached to this series to end it, so I've decided to continue beyond the ending point I'd set for myself back in Chapter 2, though I don't know exactly how long it will go past this. I would like to take another opportunity to thank each and every one of you that has been reading this thus far, and to send a special thanks to Classic Cowboy and Digifan316 for their continued support and putting up with me bouncing ideas off of them on a daily basis. Finally, as before, all characters appearing in the Kim Possible television series are the property of Disney; not me. *********************************************************************** ************ Two months after their adventure in Tokyo, Kim, Ron, Bonnie, and Shego had grown very close. Bonnie still wasn't sure where she fit in with the group, what with Ron and Shego being in love with Kim and Kim loving them in return, but she certainly wasn't complaining about being shortchanged. Since inviting her into their home - and eventually their bed - the trio had come to regard her with as much compassion and respect as they did each other. The only difference was Ron. Whereas Kim and Shego liked him to take them as hard and fast as he possibly could, Bonnie liked for their couplings to be slow and gentle. He had taken her once like he did the other girls and it wasn't any less satisfying physically, but she didn't get the emotional gratification from it, and since then he'd agreed to stay with their usual pace. Kim and Shego, however, weren't so accommodating. When one of them took the notion to couple with the brunette, they were anything but slow about it. Strange thing is, she often thought, when the girls do me like that, it's different from Ron. I get a thrill from them being rough with me. Maybe it's because he's gentle by nature and they're both born warriors; their personalities make the difference. She didn't have long this time, however, to dwell on her thoughts, as she was currently tied face-down to the bed by her wrists and Shego was forcefully ramming into her with a strap-on dildo that was as nearly as large as Ron. Each thrust by the green-skinned Amazon hit her like a ton of bricks (albeit a very pleasurable ton of bricks). Normally quiet, Bonnie couldn't help but scream as her lover brought her to climax again and again; indeed, the brunette had lost track of how long they had been there or how many times orgasm had taken her, but she was beyond caring. Beside them on the floor, Kim was on all fours, reaching behind her to move a long vibrator in and out of her anus as Ron was plugging his member into her cunt from below. Her cries of pleasure more than matched Bonnie's in volume, and not for the first time Ron thought about acquiring ear protection. Back on the bed, Bonnie came powerfully and went limp, her body drained. Shego pulled out of her and untied the brunette's wrists from the bed. She started to take off the strap-on when she saw Kim and got an idea. Climbing off the bed, she yanked the vibrator out of Kim's ass and replaced it with the rubber phallus strapped to her waist, making Kim scream even louder. "Sh-Shego....." she stammered out, "you know what this....does to me....." "Why do you think I did it?" the green-skinned woman replied. "I gonna...ngh...get you for this!" Shego just smiled. "Can't wait, doll. Can't wait." Sandwiched between the two people she loved more than anything in the world, Kim knew that it just didn't get any better. As she felt them time their movements so that when one pulled out, the other pushed in, she let out another scream. This is....this is just too much.... she thought. They drive me out of my mind normally, but when they do's unbelievable....if only Shego's was as real as Ron's...... Her train of thought was interrupted by yet another orgasm which turned her world into nothing but swirling colors and flashes of light. Ron, meanwhile, was getting as much out of it as Kim was. The sight of Shego behind the redhead, pumping away with total abandon, and the feel of his member rubbing against the strap-on inside Kim were as pleasing to him as the double-penetration obviously was to Kim; if the dazed, stupefied look on her face was any indication, that is. The three continued their actions for close to half an hour, Kim and Shego climaxing multiple times, before Ron's own pleasure overtook him and he poured his seed into Kim's womb. He sighed, a cat-that-got-the-canary grin on his face, and passed out. Kim did the same a moment later. Shego smiled and withdrew the strap-on from Kim. She unbuckled it and set it in a nearby chair, making a mental note to wash it later. Without warning, she found herself thrown onto the bed and tied to the posts with the same ropes she'd bound Bonnie with. Craning her head around, she saw Bonnie behind her, grinning evilly, another dildo strapped around her waist. "Looks like the 'sitch' is reversed, eh, Shego?" Bonnie said, pressing the tip of the phallus against Shego's lower lips. Oh, this is gonna be a loooooong night, the green-haired woman thought as she felt her tunnel being filled. ******************************************************************* **************** The next morning, the quartet sat at the breakfast table dining on scrambled eggs and wheat toast. Just a few weeks before, Ron had found it strange that the girls almost never put on any clothes around the house, but he had quickly learned that the practice had its advantages and, on some occasions, had taken to doing it himself. It nearly traumatized Rufus, at first, but the mole rat got used to it. This particular morning, though, Ron was wearing his usual pants and a blue-and-white Hawaiian shirt. "So," Bonnie began, "you all know Ron was my first. But I've been curious - what about you guys? Who'd you do it with the first time?" Kim spoke up first. "Ron. A couple of guys came close, but I decided not to go through with it. And now," she beamed at her boyfriend, "I'm glad I waited." "What about you, Stoppable?" the brunette asked. "Kim," he answered. "She was the only girl to pay any real attention to me; to like me for who I was. Zita was only interested because she thought I was some uber-gamer and Yori thought I was some powerful ninja warrior. That wasn't real affection. I probably could have had at least one of them if I'd wanted, but it wouldn't have meant anything to me. But, when Kim and I finally did was special, and nothing could ever have topped that." "Okay," Bonnie said, "your turn, Shego." "I'd rather not," the raven-tressed woman said. Kim giggled, the action making her bare breasts bounce a little. "Hey; we've all shared intimate stuff before; how's this any different?" Shego scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. "It just is, okay?" Kim made a pained face. "Oh wasn't....Drakken, was it?" Ron and Bonnie shivered. "No; no it wasn't Drakken." "Then who?" Kim asked. "Tell us!" Bonnie piped in.
Shego growled, stood up, slammed her hands on the table, and yelled, "IT WAS HEGO, OKAY???????" The tea that Ron had been drinking shot out his nose and splashed onto the far wall. "HEGO?!" Kim asked, incredulous. "Hego," Shego repeated, sitting back down. "Told you it was different." "But...but...but how?" Bonnie asked. "It was right after our first victory over Aviarius. We'd stopped small-time thugs before, but he was our first big mission. I talked a liquor store owner we'd helped before into giving me several bottles of booze for a little 'celebration'. There were some objections, but then we figured we did deserve a little something for what we'd done. Mego passed out after a few shots, and the twins didn't hold out much longer. Hego and I got into a drinking game, and that's the last thing I remember. We woke up the next morning buck-naked on the conference table in the Go Tower and there was no doubt about what had happened. We agreed never to tell anyone about it, and we've done our best to act like it never happened. But to this day, Hego still thinks my guilt over that had a part in leading me to crime." "Did it?" Kim asked. "Not really," the other woman replied. "I mean, it was kind of hard to work with him for a while after that simply because I knew what had happened, but I mostly got over it." "That was....surprising, Shego," Kim said, laying her hand over her girlfriend's. "But we're not going to hold it against you. Are we, guys?" Their lovers shook their heads. "See? None of us are in a position to be judgmental here." "Thanks, Kimmie. That means a lot." Shego replied, hugging the redhead. Shego's rather startling revelation wasn't the only surprise Fate had in store for the young lovers on that day, however. Around noon, they got a phone call from Jim and Tim, telling them to meet with both Kim's and Ron's parents at Bueno Nacho for dinner that evening. As they were getting ready to leave, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Bonnie called out. She buckled a belt around the waist of her cream-colored slacks, slipped a blue cotton blouse over her bare torso, and opened the door. There, she saw the absolute last person she'd ever expected to see again. "T-Tara???" Indeed, on the doorstep stood her blond ex-lover, flanked by her parents. "Bon-Bon," her mother said, "this has gone on long enough. Please; come home to us." "Oh, so now you want me to come back? I've finally found a little piece of happiness after the Hell I went through the last year, and you want me to throw it all away???" "Bonnie," Mr. Rockwaller began, "we know about what goes on here. The whole town knows. This can't be happiness. Not by any stretch of the imagination." By this time, drawn by Bonnie's angered yelling, her lovers joined her at the door; Kim and Shego flanking her on either side and Ron behind her. "There a problem, Bonnie?" Ron asked. "Not anymore," the brunette replied, craning her neck around to kiss him, then doing the same to Shego and Kim. "Now, why are you here, Tara?" "I want you to come back to me," the blond girl said. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did; I got scared and didn't know what to do. I've cleared things up with your parents and at the University. Everything can be exactly as it was, and we can be together again. You said yourself that we were meant to meet; why should we deny Fate?" "That's right," Mrs. Rockwaller chimed in. "We'll let you and Tara see each other, if that makes you happy. She can come over to the house any time you two want to be alone, and we won't say a thing." Bonnie smirked. "So let me get this straight - you three want me to leave the people that have made me happier than I've been in years just so you can have a clear conscience? Sorry; not happening." "But, Bonnie," Mr. Rockwaller said, "you know this can't last. Kim and Ron are probably going to get married one of these days, and you and this other woman will be cast aside. That's the way these things end up working out according to..." "According to what?" the brunette asked angrily. "Those dollar-store romance novels? The tabloids? So-called 'statistical' reports that only talk to a hundred or so people and say it's that way everywhere?" She calmed her voice, then continued. "It's not going to end that way, Dad. Kim, Ron, Shego, and I have a special relationship. We've...'connected' in a way I didn't think possible. No pun intended, Kimmie." The redhead smiled. "I won't lie and say I've fallen in love with them all, but I don't need to. We're comfortable with the way things are. As friends, they're loyal to a fault and as lovers," she said, looking directly into Tara's eyes, "they cannot be beat. I am happy here, and there isn't a damned thing any one of you can do about it. You lied about me," again looking at Tara, "and you kicked me out of the house and the family." This, of course, directed at her parents. "Meanwhile, Kim and Ron, who had no reason to help or even trust me, were perfectly willing to accept me into their home and every aspect of their life. And Shego was very patient with me while I was hurt over what you did to me, and since I got over it, she's been one of the best friends I've ever had. I don't need you," pointing at Tara, "or your money," to her parents, "or anything else as long as I have them. Now," her voice positively dripping with malice, "get the hell off our property." The Rockwallers sighed in resignation and headed for their car, but Tara stayed for a moment. Whereas her features had previously held the expression of a mournful lover, they had now turned to anger. "You just wait, Bonnie," the blond said. "Nobody turns me away like that and gets away with it. I swear - I'll ruin you for this! Nobody will give you a job or admission to a college or anything by the time I'm done!"
"Go ahead and try," Bonnie replied nonchalantly. "Like Dad said, everybody in town knows what we're up to here. But nobody treats us any differently. Our old friends still talk to us, Kim, Ron, and Shego's families have been more than accepting and willing to help us out when we need something, and it's more or less business as usual. Except with you. You didn't bother to come clean about what happened until you found out I was with someone else and wasn't going to come crawling back to you on my hands and knees, begging to be let into your arms again. I shouldn't have been so harsh with Mom and Dad, because they were duped by you as much as anyone else, and I intend to make it up to them because I don't hold a grudge. But I'm not going home; I don't have to. I am home. But you, I can never forgive. We did have something beautiful, once, but you threw it all away to save your own ass! I could never go back to you even if I wanted to. I'd never know what lies you'd say next to protect your reputation. We're through, Tara; we have been since you pulled your little stunt, and we always will be." She smiled and added, "Oh, yeah. You know that little thing you wanted while we were dating?" The smile broadened into a grin. "I've already given it to Ron, and he deserved it much more then you ever did." Tara pointed a finger at Bonnie, her face now contorted into an expression of pure hatred. "Mark my words, Rockwaller," she said, "I will get even with you! You'll be hip-deep in so much scandal you'll wish you had taken me back!" Bonnie smirked again. "I can handle anything you can dish out, Tara....and my hips are no longer any of your business." The blond turned on her heel and stomped away, disappearing around the street corner a minute later. Bonnie shut the door and leaned back against it. "Wow," Kim said, "you sure gave it to her." Bonnie sighed. "I wish I didn't have to. But if I'm going to stay here, I had to let her know it was over between us." "You didn't have to." Ron said. "After all, she is kinda cute, and..." "Don't even finish that sentence." Shego warned. "Relax, Shego," Kim said. "He's not wrong. Besides, would another girl really be so weird after all this?" Bonnie shook her head. "No; letting her in would have been a bad idea. The second she thought someone was whispering behind her back, she'd construct some sort of story where she was the victim trapped by us in something evil that she couldn't escape." She checked her watch. "Let's go; we're going to be late, and I do not want to miss out on All-You-Can-Eat Naco Night." Kim chuckled. "Okay; you've been hanging around Ron way too long." The four quickly finished their preparations, Rufus hopped into Ron's pocket, and they headed out the door. A moment later, a black-clad figure silently dropped from the roof, picked the lock on the back door, slipped into the house, took up a position in the kitchen pantry, and waited.
*************************************************************** ******************** When the quartet of lovers entered Bueno Nacho, they found the Stoppables and Possibles already waiting for them at one of the large tables near the back. As they sat down across the table from the four parents, Ron noticed a rather sizable cloth-covered basket sitting between his parents on the bench. "Yo! Mom, Pop! What's in the basket? We goin' on a picnic?" he asked. Mrs. Stoppable laughed. "It's not really a basket, son; it's a...well, look inside and see for yourself." Ron reached over the table and pulled away the powder-blue cloth to reveal a smiling baby girl. "This is Hana Stoppable; your new baby sister." "Woah!" Ron said, falling back into his seat. "I know I haven't called in a while, but I didn't think it was that long ago!" His father laughed. "We adopted her a few days ago. We kind of missed having someone else around the house, and your mother had always wanted a little girl, so we went to the adoption agency and found little Hana here. We've got her nursery set up in your old room; we hoped you wouldn't mind." Ron had become completely engrossed in letting Hana squeeze his finger. "Nah; it's cool. Not like I'm using it now, anyway." Mrs. Stoppable cleared her throat. "Ron, listen; we want to talk to you about your new living arrangements...." Ron sighed. "Please don't tell me you're going to try and break us up. We've already had Bonnie's parents and ex-girlfriend try that today." "Oh, no no no! We'd never do that. Forgive the poor choice of words. You're obviously content with this, and we're not going to interfere." "That's right," his father added. "Besides, we're Jewish. Our ancestors kept multiple wives and concubines for over a millennium. Solomon himself had over a thousand; we can hardly begrudge you three." "A thousand, eh?" Mr. Possible asked. "And here I thought the guy was supposed to be wise." Anne jabbed him in the side. "Sorry, honey." "What we wanted to say," Mrs. Stoppable continued, "was that we're just concerned about Sheila." Shego sighed. Despite her insistence that they do otherwise, Ron's parents never ceased to call her by her given name. "We have no doubt that she's changed for the better; otherwise, you and Kim wouldn't be with her. But her past makes her a target, and a lot of her old allies might have their gun sights trained on her. Especially given what she helped you do to Drakken." She pulled a business card from her purse. "There's a friend of ours from high school who runs a security firm. If you give him a call and mention who you are, he'd probably set up alarms, cameras, or anything else you wanted without any problems." Ron smiled. "I appreciate the concern, Mom, but we've got things well in hand." Taking a quick glance to make sure nobody was watching, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, opening it to reveal his Global Justice ID card. Taking his cue, the girls did the same. "You can't tell anyone you saw that," he said, pocketing it again, "but it means things are fine. If we get into trouble, there's a transmitter in these cards; all we have to do is trigger them with the code word and a literal army of G.J. men will be with us in less than an hour." "Well, that's good to hear," Mr. Stoppable said. "We're not going to stop you from being happy, Ron; as parents, our job is to ensure your happiness. We just wanted to make sure you were safe." "Thanks." Ron replied, hugging his parents from across the table. "Now, lets get down' to eatin'." "Help yourself," Mr. Stoppable said, pointing to the buffet bar. "I already ordered the All-You-Can-Eat Naco buffet for us." "BOOYAH!" Ron and Bonnie said together, making a beeline for the food. ********************************************************************* ************** That night, when the four lovers reentered their home, they had no clue as to what awaited them. But as Ron opened up the door to the pantry to fill Rufus' food dish, he felt something hard smack him in the face. He got a glimpse of a black-robed individual before several more blows hit him in the head, then the gut, and he went down to the floor. The girls, hearing the noise, rushed in. When they saw the figure kneeling over Ron's unconscious form, they charged. At first, the obvious training of the attacker kept them off balance, but once they got in synch with one another, it was only a matter of time. Kim lashed out with a kick to the intruder's head while Bonnie tackled the legs from behind, sending their foe to the floor, where Shego ripped the cloak and hood off to reveal the identity of Ron's attacker. Kim couldn't believe her eyes. "YORI????" "Hai," the Japanese girl said. "Your skills have much improved, Possible, as have your numbers. Even after seeing you eliminate the Jigoku no Banken, I was not prepared for you to be able to defeat me without Stoppable." "So, you saw that?" Bonnie asked. "Yes," Yori replied. "I was sent by Yamanouchi to kill the ronin, but you beat me to him. As a result, I was discharged from Yamanouchi in dishonor. A ninja is not supposed to let anyone get in the way of accomplishing his task. Honor and tradition demanded that I kill you all back in Tokyo, but I could not, as I thought you were my friends. But when I saw Stoppable kiss that one," she pointed to Bonnie, "I knew he had betrayed my love for him." "Wait," the redhead asked. "What happened to 'Stoppable-san'?" Yori huffed. "That is a term of endearment and respect used between friends." She looked own at Ron. "He no longer deserves either." "Let me guess," Shego said, "Blondie here forgot to tell you that we've all been doing the horizontal mambo together and now you're here to exact bloody revenge upon us?" "That is the extent of it, yes." Kim sighed. "Okay; Ron was a dip for not telling you. But, really; there are better ways to work things like this out." "Like what?" Yori asked. "Like talking," Bonnie said. "Look, I'll be level with you on this: I didn't even know you existed until I hooked up with Kimmie here. But I can tell you this - as far as Ron was concerned, you were a friend. That's as far as it went. He loves Kim, and nothing will ever change that." She noticed that Yori was trying hard to reign in her emotions. "But you don't have to give up on him. You see....I'm just a friend to Ron, as well." "But...the kiss..." "We are a bit more.......intimate than friends usually get, I'll admit that. But that doesn't mean it's wrong or any less enjoyable. What we all have here is unique, yes; but it's also special. When Ron wakes up, we can talk it over. But I'm sure there wouldn't be any problems." She smiled at the female ninja, her eyes wandering to the form barely hidden by her garb. Yori's eyes went wide. " can't be suggesting that I...that I...." she looked to Kim and Shego, but found the same expression on their faces. "HENTAI!!" she screamed, slapping Bonnie across the face and scrambling to her feet, heading for the door. Shego blocked her way. "Not nice, girlie," the raven-haired women said, gripping her by the shoulders. She sat her down in a chair, and Kim secured her to it with Bonnie's belt. Bonnie walked over, rubbing her cheek. "I'm willing to forgive that, provided you're a little more cooperative from now on." "If you mean cater to your perverted whims all day, then forget it! I won't be forced into anything!" "Yori," Kim said softly, sitting down next to her at the table, "nobody is forced into anything here. If one of us starts to do something that another thinks is too far, we stop. If you stay here with us - and you're more than welcome to - you'll be given that same respect. Nobody's being hurt here, and nobody ever will." She smiled at Bonnie. "Actually, there's been a lot of healing going on lately." Yori gritted her teeth. "But this is just" Kim smiled. "Well, that is my favorite part about it." Then she got serious. "Look, Yori; Ron probably wouldn't object to you moving in with us. And neither would we. To put it bluntly, you've got a fantastic body." The Japanese girl was now blushing furiously. "I don't know why you think I would be interested in this." Shego scoffed. "I've been to Japan before, sweetie. I've seen what goes on over there. You've probably not seen it because you were secreted away at that ninja school, but there was more than one time during my stay there that I got some pretty tempting offers from some very pretty girls. Came close to accepting a few of 'em, too." "I know very well what perversions go on outside the mountain; it is one reason I chose not to leave unless I had to." "Girl," Bonnie said, "you missed out on a lot." Kim put a hand on her shoulder. "Perversion is in the eye of the beholder, Yori. I admit, I had my reservations about this sort of thing when Shego first came into the picture. But I knew I felt something for her and that it would be stupid to not explore it. But I didn't want to lose Ron, either, so I was glad when he worked up this 'arrangement' of ours. And Bonnie literally just kind of fell into it a while back, but none of us have been complaining." She stroked the Japanese girl's cheek. "Just give us a chance; anything you don't like, you don't have to do. We won't force or pressure you into anything." Ron chose this moment to wake up. "You can talk to him yourself, as long as you don't hit him again." ******************************************************************* **************** A little while later, they all sat around the table. Ron was holding an icepack to his forehead and sporting the beginnings of two black eyes. Yori, having been untied once she swore to behave, sat across from him, with Kim and Bonnie to his left and right and Shego between Bonnie and Yori. Ron gave a brief rundown of how they came to be involved with one another, as well as their relationship. "You probably heard this while I was out of it, but I want you to hear it from me," he said. "Kim and I love each other, but Kim and Shego also love each other. That's how this whole thing got started. Shego and I aren't in love and I can't imagine we ever will be, but we're cool with that. We both get to be with Kim, and we're not exactly shy with each other, either. Bonnie's more of a 'friends with benefits' kind of thing; she came out of a relationship that had a bad end and we started out just letting her crash in the den, but it became more than that. We all care about each other; we may be lovers, but we're friends first." He sighed. "I still consider you a friend, Yori, and I'm sorry you lost your position at Yamanouchi because of us. We had no idea you were after the ronin; and believe me when I say that if we did, we would have helped you if you asked or stayed out of your way. We didn't mean to cost you everything....and I didn't intend to betray you." He put his hand on top of hers. "I don't want to lose that friendship. Even if you choose to live somewhere else, I'd want to know that we are still friends." "Friends???" she said, clenching the hand Ron held into a fist. "If you were my friend, you would have told me about this! Wouldn't have left me in the dark that you had found someone when I loved you!" She started to tear up. "Yori," Kim said, "Ron didn't know. Hell, I didn't know. Until today, we'd thought it was just you crushing on him. We figured it would have been over by now." "Well, you figured wrong!" the ninja said. "I gave you my heart, Stoppable, and you threw it away!" Ron blinked. "Yori...." "What?" "........You're cute when you're angry." Yori had no reply to that one. She simply stared at him, flabbergasted, as did the other girls. Then, the corner of her mouth began to twitch, her belly began to quiver, and started to laugh. "That's our Ron," Kim said. "Humor for any tense situation." Yori's laughter was infectious, as laughter usually is, and soon everyone at the table had caught the bug. When they finally calmed down several minutes later, Ron took Yori's hand again. "That right there proves you don't really hate us, Yori. Stay with us for a while; we promise that nothing will happen unless you want it to. Okay?" Slowly, the Japanese girl nodded. "Good," Kim said. "We'll fix you up a place to sleep in the den." "I will not be an inconvenience?" "Nope," the redhead replied, beaming. "Not at all." Yori bowed her head. "Domo arigato, Possible-san and Stoppable-san, and gomen nasai to you all for my behavior." "Like I said," Bonnie added, "just don't hit any of us again and we're cool." On impulse, she got up and hugged their new roommate. Yori squeaked, but quickly realized that there was only friendship and nothing sexual behind the embrace, and returned it. "Hai," she said. "I think I will like being 'cool' with you." "Question," Kim chimed in. "What?" Yori replied, not letting go of Bonnie. "Aren't you, like, in the country illegally?" "No; when I was exiled from Yamanouchi, the teachers thought it would be a suitable 'punishment' if I were banished to this country, so they arranged for my immigration. They probably thought I would seek you out and kill you - which I am sad to say I wanted to, for a time - and would then return. But I don't want to go back. Anyone who would cast me aside over a matter so trivial is not worth going back to." She smiled, which made Kim and Ron smile in turn. "I believe....that I have found a new home." ******************************************************************** *************** Two weeks later, Gemini sat in his fortress, looking across his desk at the five individuals he had summoned. They sat shrouded in darkness, while a single light illuminated Gemini and part of his desk. "I gathered you here not only because of the unique skills you possess," he said, "but also because each of you holds a grudge against Kim Possible or one of her allies." "Yes," a female voice said, "but there are only four, including Kim herself. Why are there five of us?" "Because," the one-eyed man replied, "I've been monitoring her ever since the defeat of my assassin, and they've added another to their number." He indicated the person on the far right of the group. "Which is why I summoned you; you're the best equipped to deal with her." The stranger inclined his head. "What's the catch?" a male voice from the middle said. Gemini grinned. "You might be able to do it as you are, but I had some 'tools' in mind that you could use to exact your vengeance." He handed each one a folder stuffed with papers. "With these, Team Possible will be crushed, and we will rule this world together." "This is some pretty high-end equipment," another male said. "I'm not even sure most governments have access to this kind of technology." "All the better, my boy, for dominating this planet!" "I'm not interested in domination; my goal is Kim Possible's destruction and the restoration of my pride and status. Nothing more." "Then you shall have it, my boy. And, should you change your mind, I'll have a place reserved for you at my right hand in the new era we will bring to this world." The five stood, saluted their new leader, and left the room. Gemini turned his chair to face the single window in the room and placed his fingertips together. "Soon, Possible; soon, I will have your head on my wall, and Gemini will reign supreme!"
************************************************************* ********************** A few days after this gathering of evil, things were more or less settling down at the home shared by Ron, Kim, Shego, Bonnie, and now Yori. At first, the quartet of lovers had tried to be discreet about their intimacies, but Yori quickly put an end to that. "If I am to live here," she had said, "then I must become accustomed to the ways of this house. As it stands, I am a guest, and have no right to infringe upon your routines." So, reluctantly at first, they resumed their activities. However, Yori was starting to doubt her decision. I had no idea they would be so loud, she thought one night as she lay on the couch, listening to the screams and other noises above her, or that they would do it so often. Five times a day can not be healthy. She did her best to ignore the sounds and the feelings in the pit of her stomach and between her thighs. And as if that was not bad enough, when they walk around without clothes...... She shut off that train of thought. She hated to admit it, but the girls did have nice bodies. She wanted to join them; she really did. She wanted to cast off her inhibitions and become one of them. But every other aspect of her old life had been stripped from her; her home, her rank, her friendships....she didn't like the idea of throwing everything of herself away, especially when it might lead to actions she may later regret. Sighing, the ninja rolled onto her stomach and buried her head beneath several pillows, trying to drown out the sound. It was a long time before she fell asleep. ******************************************************************* **************** Weeks went by with little in the way of anything interesting happening. Out of curiosity, Shego had both Wade and Global Justice analyze the katana Bonnie had acquired after defeating the Jigoku no Banken, but Wade couldn't identify the metal and G.J. refused to say what it was. The techs, however, were confident that they could reproduce the metal for later use. When asked what they would do with it, they gave the standard "That's classified" response, which didn't surprise the green-skinned femme fatale any. After this extended period of monotony, however, an event of some note took place. Yori disappeared for the day, which wasn't unusual; she often went down to the park to meditate or train by the pond. What was unusual was that when she returned that night, rather than go to her sleeping pallet in the den, she headed straight for the bedroom, where Ron and the other girls had already undressed and crawled beneath the blankets. "Yori," Kim said when the Japanese girl entered the room, "is something wrong?" "Hai," the other girl replied. "Something is very wrong." "What?" "Me." "....Come again?" the redhead asked. Yori stood silent for a moment, gathering her courage, then continued. "I have been living here for several weeks now and I am still as a stranger." "Don't say that, Yori," Ron said, sitting up and looking at her. "You're our friend, not a stranger." "That is....not exactly what I meant." She steeled herself again. "I would......I would join you in your bed this night, if you would have me." Kim raised an eyebrow. "Um, there might be a problem there....." She pulled back the covers revealing her nude body and implying that the others were in the same state of dress. "I....I have anticipated as much. I meditated on this for many hours, and am confident that this is the right decision. I do not feel ready for anything more....intimate at this time, but if I am to live here, I must not merely be a person who sleeps in the den. I want to become part of this....this family." Tears were welling in her eyes, and Kim couldn't stop herself. Joined a moment later by Ron, she climbed out of the bed and hugged Yori. The Japanese girl tensed a little at Kim's naked flesh pressing against her, but she pushed away her initial feeling of discomfort and accepted it for what it was - a gesture of friendship and compassion. When they pulled away, Kim asked, "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Yori nodded. "Then....may I....?" she indicated the black sweatsuit the ninjawas wearing. "I....I would rather....I would rather Ron-chan did it." The change of nickname didn't escape Shego. If she was right, then she had just acknowledged Ron as something more than just a close friend. A lot more. This, she mused, was going to get very interesting. The girls watched, trying to hide their anxiety, as Ron peeled the sweatshirt from Yori's body, freeing her chest. She was rather flat, with barely any breasts to speak of, but her nipples were quite large; at least half an inch across, if Shego's estimates were correct. Her stomach was rather trim, but the ripple of toned muscle could clearly be seen. Looking into her eyes to make sure she really wanted it - which Bonnie found adorable, as it was just like his behavior when she first gave herself to him - he slowly began to slide Yori's pants off. The two girls on the bed had to force themselves not to act when they saw the toned, shapely legs that led up to perfectly-formed hips and the surprisingly-trim thatch of hair between her legs. Yori quivered a little at standing naked in front of so many at once, but allowed Ron to lead her to the bed. She climbed in, shuddering at the contact of her flesh with Bonnie's, then Ron slid in next to her. Her heart skipped a beat as his thigh rubbed hers; her breathing was erratic, and Ron gently stroked her cheek in an effort calm down. Kim climbed in last, pulling the covers back over them. "I...I thank you, my friends," Yori said. "You are...most accepting." "The way things have developed here, we can't be anything but," Ron said. Yori laid down and turned onto her right side, facing Ron, and shuddered when Bonnie cuddled up to her back. "Don't worry," the brunette said, "this is as far as I'm going, unless you want more." She giggled. "You're just so cute I can't help it." "Domo arigato, Bonnie-chan," Yori replied, her voice quaking a little. Ron laid back, Kim snuggling up to him and laying her head on his chest, and but a few moments later, the five were fast asleep. For Yori, it was the most peaceful, most restful night she'd had in a very long time.
***************************************************************** ****************** Things progressed more quickly over the next few days. Yori had taken to wearing less around the house, usually a pair of shorts and a shirt. She was grateful to Kim's friend Monique for giving her new clothes; her traditional shozoku from Yamanouchi made her stand out even in a diverse community like Middleton. The black girl had described it as 'no big', whatever that meant, and that any friend of Kim's was a friend of hers. Since she had opened up to Ron and his lovers, she felt more open with herself. She was willing to meet new people and make other friends, though she found that, by and large, the males around her age were more interested in what was beneath her clothes than what was on her mind. She had, however, made friends among Kim and Bonnie's old schoolmates save for the one called Tara, who she learned Bonnie had dated before becoming involved with Ron, Kim, and Shego. All in all, she felt like her life had only now just begun and that her time at Yamanouchi was merely a stepping stone. The months went by, the seasons changed, and things were finally looking like they had settled into what could be considered a 'normal' state. Yori still had not gotten intimate with any of the others in the house, but she knew that the time would come when she was ready, and that to rush it would be a mistake. The Possibles and Stoppables were also more than willing to welcome her. Kim had arranged for them all to come over on the 20th of December to celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah, and they took an immediate liking to the Japanese girl. She was glad when they called her a "part of the family", and Mr. Stoppable made a reference to someone called Solomon which she didn't quite get, but it obviously had a deep meaning for him, so she bowed to him and expressed her thanks. That same evening, Shego had invited her brothers over, and Jim, Tim, and the Wego Twins took an immediate liking to each other and to little Hana, who they spent most of the night making silly faces for and making her laugh. The older brother, Hego, seemed to have more than a working knowledge of the Japanese language and customs, and talking to him was almost like being back in her home country again. She felt a pang in her chest when she was reminded of Japan and how she could never go back, but that was quickly replaced by a new sense of family and belonging. Kim and Ron surprised everyone by preparing a dinner consisting of both traditional Jewish and American holiday dishes, as well as a smattering of Japanese cuisine that Shego had gathered the recipes and ingredients for. The Possibles had brought three folding tables, and they set them up in the kitchen to accommodate everyone. Mrs. Possible and Mrs. Stoppable insisted on helping Kim set the table, and Bonnie, wearing a rather festive red knitted sweater with a green collar, sleeve cuffs, and Christmas tree outline that, surprisingly, Mego had made for her, watched them from the doorway, smiling at her good fortune but also lamenting a loss. The only things missing, Bonnie reflected, are my parents. But I'm not ready to face them yet. Not until they can accept me for who I am. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, by Shego tapping her on the shoulder, then pointing up when she had the brunette's attention. Bonnie smiled when she saw that, while she was lost in her musings, someone, probably Shego herself, had tacked mistletoe on the doorway leading into the kitchen. She embraced the pale woman and pulled her into a passionate kiss, which resulted in Shego's brothers letting loose with a chorus of whistles and one wolf-like howl from Mego. When the extended family sat down to dinner, prayers in both English and Hebrew were given, and Yori and Hego stood and recited a Japanese blessing for health, happiness, and good luck in the new year, first in Japanese then in English, which brought tears to the eyes of all others present. As they ate their meal, Ron was surprised to see his parents eating decidedly non-kosher foods. His eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when his father added a slice of the ham that Kim had baked to his plate. "Ronald," Mr. Stoppable said when he saw his son's reaction, "you don't have to remind me. I know Rabbi Katz would have kittens if he saw me," Mrs. Stoppable chuckled at her husband's unintentional pun, "but these are different times, and as solid as our traditions are, it's okay to break them once in a while. Especially on an occasion like today, when we get to meet so many new members of our family." "I never knew you thought that way, Dad." "Neither did I, until today. But when I saw just how happy you are here, it made me realize that God wouldn't want us to be so stuck in our ways that we deprive ourselves of life's experiences." "That was deep, Dad." "I know. I got it from a fortune cookie."
The table erupted in laughter. "Like father, like son." Kim said.
When the extended family had calmed themselves down and returned to eating, Anne brought up a topic that even Kim and Ron hadn't thought of. "Ron," she said, "you've been taking my daughter to bed for over two years now; when are you going to marry her and make her into an honest woman?" If he hadn't managed to swallow it, Kim would have had to give Ron the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge the chunk of beef-and-rice okonomiyaki he had in his mouth. "Um, well, we hadn't actually given that much thought, Mrs. Dr. P.," Ron replied after clearing his throat. "The ways things are right now are fine with us. I mean, it's probably gonna happen sometime, but we're just not going to rush things here. I love Kim, and nothing will ever change that. A piece of paper with some signatures doesn't mean anything; it's what's in your heart that matters, and mine is filled with my love for Kim." "Well said, son," Mr. Stoppable said. Anne nodded. "Well said, indeed." The rest of the meal was finished rather quickly and the family sat around the living room exchanging gifts. The celebrations went on well into the night, and they were all surprised when dawn broke as they continued to share stories and tell jokes, laughing and getting along as though they had known each other for years. When the sun broke over the horizon, however, it was clear that they all needed rest. Shego's brothers left first, promising to return soon. The Possibles and Stoppables left soon after, with Ron's parents carrying away a covered dish containing several slices of the ham and okonomiyaki. Yawning, Yori started for the bedroom when she was stopped by Kim. "Where do you think you're going, beautiful?" "Gomen nasai; I thought we would sleep. I did not realize you wish to continue the party." Ron smiled. "Only for a few minutes; we've all got a gift for you, but we didn't want to give it in front of the families." He directed her to sit on the couch, then handed her a rather sizable white box, held together with a red bow tied around it. "We had to pull a couple of strings, but we've got connections." Yori took the box and untied the bow. When she opened the lid, she let out a gasp. "But...this is...." "You new Global Justice uniform." Bonnie said. "We got Dr. Director to make you part of our team a few days ago; you're on the payroll just like us, you'll go on missions with us when they send us out, and you'll be given full rights and status as an agent." She grinned. "Look under the suit." Yori did as instructed, finding a black leather bi-fold wallet at the bottom of the box. When she opened it, she not only found a G.J. ID card, but also a card declaring her as a permanent, naturalized citizen of the United States. "Domo arigato, my friends; this is more than I expected." "It was no big," Kim said. "For someone with Dr. Director's influence, a little thing like citizenship was easy. You'd need it sooner or later; all we did was speed up the process by about five years." Yori nearly burst into tears. She set the box aside and stood, embracing her friends. "Thank you; thank you so much. I wish I had something to give to you...." Then her eyes brightened as she got an idea. "Wait...I do have something..." "What?" Shego asked. "Me." Kim's eyes went wide. "Yori.....we agreed we wouldn't push you." "But you are not pushing me, Kim-chan," she said, beaming. "This is my decision, and I feel I am ready. If I am not now, then perhaps I never will be. But I have held back for longer than perhaps necessary. I appreciate your patience, and now it is time to reward it." She took Ron by the hand and led him to the bedroom, motioning for the others to follow. This, Kim thought, is going to be very interesting. ******************************************************* **************************** When everyone was gathered in the bedroom, Yori quickly disrobed, then motioned for Ron to strip. They climbed onto the bed and she lay on her back. "Before we begin, Ron-chan, I have to tell you that I have no barrier for you to break. It was torn long ago during an accident not long after I began my training." She stroked a hand along his thigh. "But I give my word of honor that I have not lain with anyone else, man or woman, before now." "That's fine, Yori, and your word is more than good enough for me." He leaned in to kiss her, and she almost melted at the contact. They had shared kisses before, but usually on the cheek or forehead as a sign of affection. Nothing had prepared her for the intensity or the passion this kiss held. Ron pushed her legs apart and knelt between them. She had seen his 'equipment' many times before, in various states of arousal before, after, and a few times even during his couplings with the other girls, but she still couldn't help but be amazed that it was actually expected to fit inside her. Before he entered, though, Ron wanted to make one thing clear. "Yori," he began, "this doesn't change anything. Kim is and always will be the girl I love. You'll still be a friend; just a lot closer than friends usually get. I'll care about you in that regard, but no more or less than I do Bonnie and Shego. Kim is always going to take priority in my life; this entire relationship and the fact that we're willing to share ourselves with each other and you girls is a sign of love and our trust in that love. I'll never stop loving her, and I cannot, now or ever, say that I love you. If you're hurt or sick I'll take care of you, if you're sad I'll try to cheer you up, and if you're happy I'll be happy with you. We'll be lovers, but that's not the same as being in love. Do you understand where I'm going here?" Yori nodded. "Hai, Ron-chan. I knew that long ago. I love you and always will, and just being with you in this house and in this way will be enough; knowing that you care for me as much as you do is more than most girls I know will ever have. I am glad to have someone so kind and with such a large heart to call my friend and my lover." She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I am ready." Ron smiled down at her, parted her lips with two fingers, then slowly slid himself within her. She wasn't quite as tight as Bonnie was their first time, but that was probably due to the rigorous bending and flexing she did in her ninja training. Still, he took his time, knowing from prior experience that she would need time to adjust. To Yori, it seemed like she was being split apart. She grunted when he breached the wall of her cervix and then bottomed out within her. He stayed there for what felt like an eternity, letting her body grow accustomed to him. He ran his hands over her body, rubbing her chest, teasing her nipples, and other little things to give her pleasure while she acclimated to the sensation of being so full. On the other side of the room, Kim decided she couldn't wait anymore. She pulled Bonnie down, stripping them both as she went. She attacked her brunette lover's lips with a fiery passion, and there wasn't an inch of the soft, pliable breasts her hands didn't explore. She commenced licking, sucking, and nipping her way down the girl's body until she reached the junction of her thighs. Kim thrust her tongue in, lapping the juices from Bonnie's quivering hole and making the other girl arch her back and cry out in pleasure. Not to be outdone, Shego disrobed and moved in behind Kim, rubbing her mound against the redhead's firm ass cheeks. She shuddered as her clit slid against the toned, muscular flesh of her beloved's backside and reached around to slide two finger's into the dripping tunnel she knew so very well. She curled and straightened them, pressing against the walls and releasing, almost mimicking a pianist's fingers on his keyboard as she pleasured her red-headed lover. By this time, Ron had started moving inside Yori, and the petite Japanese girl's squeaks further served to excite him. He deliberately kept his pace slow, so as not to hurt her, but the ninja had other ideas. Gathering her strength, she managed to flip Ron over onto his back and took advantage of his momentary shock to position herself properly. Hands on his chest and legs pressed firmly against his, she looked lustfully into his eyes. "Yori....this is a bit....sudden, isn't it?" he said. She smiled, blushing a little. "I have been doing.....'research'.....since I have been here; your 'Internet' is most educational." "Oh, boy," Ron said, his eyes rolling back in his head. He was about to say something else when she began to bounce. She started off slow so as not to lose her balance right away, but her ninja training helped her acclimate quickly, and soon she was riding him like he was a champion rodeo bull. Her squeaks couldn't even be heard over the noise of the obviously-overtaxed bed springs, which Ron found cuter than the tiny noises themselves. Despite being a virgin, her stamina was impressive, and she was able to keep going long after her first orgasm hit her. Ron smiled; she completely stopped moving, groin firmly against his, and her face contorted in pleasure as her walls spasmed around his manhood, clamping and releasing repeatedly. When she came down from her natural high, she smiled at him, glad that it was he bringing her this pleasure, and went back to her feverish pace. Back on the floor, the trio of women had changed their position, as well. Kim was now locked in position above Bonnie, their clits rubbing together to create an oh-so-delicious friction that sent sparks through their nervous system, and Shego was perched on Bonnie's face, the brunette eagerly lapping at her cunt as the green-skinned woman engaged Kim in a passionate makeout session, lips and tongues meeting and hands fondling breasts. Bonnie felt that she had to be the luckiest girl alive; she had friends that cared about her to the point that they shared their bed and their bodies with her freely, with no regrets or remorse about any of it. She pulled back from Shego a bit, putting her in a perfect position to nibble at the woman's outer lips and clit, which drove her into a frenzy. Shego herself redoubled her efforts on Kim, pinching and tugging on her erect nipples, nibbling her earlobes....all the little things that she knew kicked the fiery redhead into overdrive, which resulted in Kim thrusting against Bonnie even harder. This cycle continued, building to a crescendo, until the three reached their climax, bucking and griding against one another, trying to squeeze every last bit of pleasure they could out of it before collapsing onto the floor. Back on the bed, Yori was still going strong after three orgasms and headed for a fourth. Ron, meanwhile, was reaching the limit of his endurance. He tried to warn her, but he couldn't get it out. She slammed down on him, her walls clamping and releasing him as before, and it was just too much. With a final cry, he shot his seed into her womb, hoping fervently that she wouldn't get pregnant and yet thrilled at the idea of being a father at the same time. When their mutual climaxes ended, Yori fell on top of Ron, his member still inside her, and a bright smile on her face. A few minutes later, Yori found herself being pushed off of Ron and onto her back. Opening her eyes, she found herself staring into Kim's eyes. "Now that you've had Ron," she said, "would you care to experience the other side of the fence?" Yori nodded. "I am...not in a refuse. I offered you my body, and it is yours to take." Kim shook her head. "Not good enough, Yori. You have to want this. Remember our agreement when you first got here?" "I.....I can never forget, Kim-chan. You have been so kind to me....whatever you want to do, do it. I....I am ready." She reached up and cupped the redhead's chin. "I know you will never hurt me." With that, they kissed. It was a much more tender action than she was used to; Ron and Shego always took her roughly because she liked it that way, and she always took Bonnie roughly because she liked it that way. This was the first time someone was setting the pace for Kim Possible.....and the redhead wasn't complaining. It was plain from just that simple kiss that this petite girl had enough room in her heart for more than just Ron, and Kim knew that allowing her into their home was the right choice. Reluctantly, Kim broke the kiss and slid down Yori's body. She fondled the tiny breasts, so small and yet even more firm than her own, and took one of the cherry-sized nipples into her mouth, making the Japanese girl hiss in pleasure. Kim suckled and nibbled at the nub of flesh for a while, noting how sensitive it was, before moving onto the other one. This, she mused, is my favorite part of sleeping with another girl. Indeed, her breast fetish knew no bounds. Large or small, firm or soft, it didn't matter. She adored breasts of any kind, and she got quite the thrill from sucking on nipples. She only hoped that someday, with all the girls around now, that she'd get to satisfy her lactation fetish, as well. When she was done with Yori's tits, she licked her way down, just as she had done with Bonnie earlier. Her tongue trailed down between the valley of the breasts, past the abdomen, played around the navel for a moment, which got quite the squeal from Yori, then moved her attentions downward. She let the barest tip of her tongue play in the black hairs above her new lover's slit, making a mental note to convince her to shave it later. Natural isn't a bad look for her, but the hairs tickle too much. She parted the girl's lower lips with a practiced hand, practically drooling at the pink flesh, oozing both her own juices and the end result of Ron's labors. She couldn't resist a smile. "Looks like someone made a mess in your pretty little hole. Why don't we see if we can clean that up....?" Without awaiting an answer, Kim licked up a rather large glob of the stuff, tasting both male and female excretions and finding that Yori had a delightful flavor; one she couldn't keep to herself. Moving back up, she kissed Yori again, this time letting the girl taste her own juices as well as Ron's seed. Satisfied that the girl had had a good taste - and by the look on her face had enjoyed it - Kim returned to the dripping hole. She played with the outer lips first, alternating between flicking them lightly with the tip of her tongue and taking long, slow licks that made Yori shiver each time. Then the dove her tongue in again, lapping up the juices as if they were her only food source and she hadn't eaten in days. Like Ron before her, she was motivated by the tiny squeaks the girl made as she was pleasured; not that Kim needed much motivation when it came to eating pussy. When she was sure she'd gotten as much as she could from the girl, she raised her head and grinned at Yori. "Wanna try that on me?" "H-hai," the Japanese girl said, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. Kim Lay down on the bed and pulled Yori on top of her so that they were facing each other's cunts. The redhead resumed her frenzied licking, and Yori, after a few minutes of getting accustomed to the sensation so that she could move again, tentatively tasted Kim's flesh and juices. It will take some getting used to, she thought, but not that much. I should not have waited so long. Amateur though she was, Yori did her level best to please Kim. She stroked the redhead's inner walls with her tongue, her chin bumping the clit to stimulate her lover further. They remained this way, licking and stroking, bringing each other over the brink again and again, until neither had any energy left. With one last cry of pleasure, Kim went limp on the bed. Yori turned around and lay her head on the pillow next to her. "So," Kim said, "any regrets?" Yori shook her head. "Only that I did not do this sooner. I....thank you for all you have done for me. Kim-chan." "Don't mention it. You're part of the family now, and we're gonna look out for you. Now, sit back and watch the show." "What show?" Kim pointed to the floor, and Yori's gaze drifted to Shego, hands tied behind her back, getting rammed in the ass by Bonnie and a rather large strapon, who kept smacking the firm, round cheeks, leaving red handprints on the flesh. "Is she...hurting her?" Yori asked, concerned. "Not really," Kim replied. "Shego's tough; she can take a lot of punishment. In a half hour, she won't even feel those stings anymore. Bonnie knows that, and every now and then those two indulge their wild side more than they do with me or Ron. Really, they're quite a match." "How long will they be doing this?" "Couple of hours, give or take." Kim looked at the clock, which now said that it was nine in the morning. "Damn; we've been at it a while." She pulled the blankets over her and Yori, who then covered Ron up. "If they see us like this, they'll probably take it to the den to keep from waking us up. But I think I can sleep through anything right now." "As could I, Kim-chan." The two girls cuddled up, front-to-front, and let their exhaustion take them, secure in the knowledge that, if they were rivals for Ron before, they were far from it now.
****************************************************************** ***************** And thus, my fourth chapter ends. I'll begin cranking out chapter five (and the resolution of this particular story arc) soon. I know exactly where it's going and what's going to happen; it's just a matter of filling in some details. I'm not sure if I should begin the second story arc with an entirely new entry and make it a sequel, or simply add further chapter onto this entry and make it a continuation. Anyway, as usual, your thoughts and comments are always welcome, and thank you for reading thus far.