Kim Possible Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible: The Impossibilities Series ❯ Chapter 5: The Final Impossibility ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Final Impossibility by Jarkota
Author's Note:
Thanks so much for all the hits, reviews, and ratings. This is now officially cemented as the most popular story I've ever written that didn't generate a massive controversy (a couple of my friends know what I'm talking about here). This story will wrap up the first story arc that I began way back in chapter one, An Impossible Romance. Back then, I had only a vague idea of what I was going to do, and it's evolved with such things as the addition of Bonnie. I was originally going to add Yori only, until I read a Kim/Shego/Bonnie fic over on Fanfiction.Net called In The Middle by StarvingLunatic, and it's been quite an inspiration to me in several areas of this work (and not just adding Bonnie to the mix). Last chapter was mostly plot and character development; in this one, I'm gonna try to focus more on the action. I realize that my last two fight sequences were rather lackluster, and I'll try to make up for it in this one. Again, though, this isn't the end; I have a second story arc in mind, and as soon as I start cranking it out, you'll find the new chapters under this same entry. As usual, any characters appearing in Kim Possible are property of Disney and not me. *********************************************************************** ************ Gemini watched from above as his Hunters worked through their training regimens. The months since the "upgrades" had not been easy for some of them, but they pulled through it even better than Gemini himself had expected. Kim Possible won't know what hit her, he thought, seeing the Hunter he'd specifically chosen to deal with her work the the motions of an advanced kata, destroying several practice targets and sandbags in the process. And when she's down for the count, the rest will fall apart. She's the keystone holding their group together; without her, they won't be able to work as a team, and their teamwork is their only real weapon. Take that away, and the world is mine for the conquering! Turning away from his observation deck above the training room, he dialed a number on his personal line. I'm going to have to break my tailor out of prison and commission a new wardrobe. I have to make a good first impression when I take over the planet.
*********************************************************** ************************ In all her life, Yori had never felt so loved. Ron, Kim, Bonnie, and Shego were more than willing to show her how much they cared, both in and out of bed, and she found that she had much to give them in return. Bonnie's training, for example. After seeing Bonnie try, unsuccessfully, to master wielding the katana she got from the Jigoku no Banken, she offered to train the brunette. "My fans are my weapon of choice," she had said, "but I am competent with the sword, as well, and it would be my honor to teach you, Bonnie-chan." Bonnie readily agreed, and over the next few months, Yori trained her not only in sword combat, but also in unarmed forms of the martial arts. Ron smiled as he saw them working out in the back yard. The mystery metal that the swords were made of never cracked, chipped, dulled, or rusted, and the two girls took advantage of that fact. The way they twirled, dodged, parried, and struck reminded him of something out of a George Lucas film. They do this for hours at a stretch, he mused, and yet they never grow tired. And Bonnie seems to be enjoying it, like just spending time with Yori makes her happy. I wonder...... His train of thought was interrupted by Kim walking in front of him - or perhaps strutting would be a better word - in a barely-there dark blue string bikini. His gaze followed her across the room, taking in every movement, every detail, every subtle ripple of muscle on her body. She craned her head to look him square in the eye with the most sensual, provocative look she could give him before slipping inside the bedroom door. Ron got the hint. "Booyah," he said quietly, then got up to follow her, taking a last look at Bonnie and Yori as he went. ********************************************************************* ************** In the bedroom, he found Kim laid out on the bed. She was still in her bikini, but her wrists and ankles were tied to the bedposts. Shego was standing next to her, clad in an equally-skimpy swimsuit that had the same pattern as her Go Team jumpsuit. "Do I really need to say it?" Ron asked, quickly divesting himself of his clothes. Shego smirked. "Say what?" "That I am the luckiest guy on Earth right now." "You better believe it, buster," the green-skinned woman said, pulling him into a kiss. "So, you've got your choice; you can either have your wicked way with Kimmy here, or watch me have her and you can join in any time you want." She gripped his hardening member and slowly stroked it. "This is, after all, your day." "Huh?" "Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday, Ron; it's the big two-oh." Kim said. "Um, well, with everything that's been going on lately....I guess I kinda did....Wow; I'm really twenty?" The green woman sighed. "I shouldn't be surprised by this. Anyway, what'll it be?" Ron grinned, sitting down in the padded leather chair at the computer desk, swiveling it around to face the bed. "I think I'll watch first; seeing you and Kim is about as hot as it gets." Shego grinned. "I was hoping you'd say that." She climbed onto the bed, straddling Kim's waist. Looking down at the redhead, the ex-thief remembered why she loved her so. She planted kisses along Kim's jawline, pecking lightly at her lips before moving on, and making her lover groan impatiently. "Hush," Shego said. "This isn't about you; this is about Ron. We've got to make this look good, you know," Kim whimpered a bit, but said nothing more. Shego reached her hands up to untie the knot holding Kim's bikini top together when the Kimmunicator on the computer desk went off. "Oh, of all the lousy times...." Ron said as he got up to answer it. "What's the sitch, Wade?" "Ron, sorry to bother you on your birthday, but we've got a problem." "What's up?" "Hit on the website. From Gemini." Ron's features changed. Gone was the Ron of old, who was merely living the good life with four beautiful women. This.....this was a Ron that Wade hadn't seen before. He'd heard about this side of the boy after the fights with Drakken's Axis of Evil and the Jigoku no Banken, but he'd never seen it. And now that he scared him. "Ron? Ron, are you okay?" "I'm fine, Wade. What'd Mr. Cyclops have to say?" Wade pulled up some data on his computer, then patched the feed into the Kimmunicator. "It's a challenge. He wants to finish things once and for all....with all five of you." Ron's face hardened; became angry. "Five? How'd that bastard find out about Yori?" "I don't know, but he's not playing around." "What's he threatening to do if we don't show up?" He looked over at Kim and Shego, who had discarded the bikinis and started to pull on their mission gear. "That's the weird part; he's not threatening to do anything. It looks like this is vengeance, pure and simple." Pulling on her boots, Shego walked over to the screen. "Where's he saying to meet him?" "Krakatoa," the hacker replied. "in five days. Oh, this is bad." "It's always bad, Wade," Kim said from the other side of the room where she was pulling her purple top on. "Not like this. Five days from now, geologists are predicting Krakatoa will erupt again, and it won't be a small explosion. If you go, even if you beat Gemini, you might not make it back." "And if we don't go," Ron said, "there's no telling what he might do. Drakken's a nutcase, but this dude's absolutely certifiable. We're going. Kim, call your brothers. I need someone to stay with Rufus. After that, dial up Global Justice; we're gonna need some backup on this one." ********************************************************************* ************** A few hours later, the five were gathered in the living room, joined by Dr. Director. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news," the Global Justice leader said, "but we think we may know part of what Gemini has planned." "Aside from wanting to turn us into greasy spots on the wall, you mean?" Shego quipped. "Several months ago, Will Du disappeared while on a mission in Germany. Our surveillance satellites had picked up movements in and out of Dr. Dementor's old lab, and Agent Du volunteered to investigate. We never saw or heard from him again. A few days ago, one of our undercover agents sent us a message - he found Agent Du." "I've got a bad feeling about this....." Ron said. "He's on Krakatoa.....and working for Gemini." She sighed. "I should have seen this coming. Du had been upset ever since we started calling you to deal with things instead of regular Global Justice agents, and his own duties had been scaled down to thing he termed were 'beneath him' - for example, when I sent him to follow Shego the day she told us about Drakken's Graviton Inverter. I'd seen his behavior slowly get worse, but I assumed he would get over it. It appears I was wrong." "Oh, this day just keeps getting better and better," Kim said. "Our undercover man was about to tell us more, but his transmission was interrupted; he's obviously been captured, presumed dead. But I've never known my brother to kill, and if he's sunk to that level, there's no limit to what he'll try. Suffice to say, you'll need additional firepower and training to deal with this." "What kind of training?" Ron asked. "The kind we're hoping you're not too proud to accept." ****************************************************************** ***************** Later that day, inside Global Justice headquarters, Ron was having a conniption fit. "No! No no no no no no no! There's no way I'm going to train with him!" He pointed across the table at the man - or, at least, he used to be a man - in the blue prison uniform he was expected to train under. "Really, Stoppable, I don't see how either of us has a choice," Monkey Fist said. "I intend to get out of here as soon as I can, and they've promised an early parole if I can train you well enough to deal with Gemini. And anyway," he paused. "If Gemini takes over the world, he won't want any competition. He's not like Drakken or the rest of us. We're willing to pool our resources, work together, and share the prize. But Gemini wants it all for himself. He'd kill us if he took over, and I would much rather live out a natural life, even if it is in a ten-by-ten cell. Do you remember, the last time we fought, I mentioned techniques that I'd learned that you never would?" "....Yeah?" Ron answered cautiously. "I'm willing to teach them to you. I know it will remove any advantage I have should we fight again, but that really makes it a bit more exciting, doesn't it?" "I guess it does. What kinds of techniques are we talking about?" Monkey Fist smiled. "Like nothing you've ever seen in your life, Ron my boy, and probably never will again." ******************************************************************* **************** While Ron and Monkey Fist locked themselves away in the deepest part of the underground base, the girls decided to take advantage of the advanced facilities Global Justice had to offer. Bonnie and Yori, once again, were working on swordsmanship and the martial arts. Yori was beginning to wonder, though, if the brunette was actually interested in the training itself or had an ulterior motive. She seems to be happy when it is just the two of us. She seems to make every excuse to be near me, and mostly ignores the others when we are in bed. If she's developed some sort of..... Her thoughts were cut off by a sweep kick from Bonnie which took the ninja girl off her feet. She lay there, startled, as the brunette leaned over her. "You're so cute when you're stunned, Yori-chan," Bonnie said, leaning in to give her a brief peck on the lips. "In fact, I think you get cuter by the day." "I thank you for the compliment, but..." Bonnie silenced her with a finger on her lips. "No need to thank me." She kissed her again. "Look, Yori.....this mission is going to be dangerous. We....we might not all come back from this one. So, I wanted to tell you......" Yori knew what she was about to say, but asked, "Tell me what, Bonnie-chan?" Tears were brimming in the brunette's eyes. "I love you, Yori. These last months you've been with us......I was attracted to you from the start, and the more time we spent together, the more I liked you. It''s not easy for me to open up like this after Tara, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. Not with what we're going up against. I didn't want to risk losing you.....without telling you..." By now, she was crying freely, the tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping onto Yori's clothes. "Bonnie-chan...." she reached up and stroked the other girl's cheek. "I am flattered. I truly am. But you know how I feel for Ron-chan..." Bonnie nodded. "I know, I know; but that doesn't change how I feel. Please - accept my love as it is and just be with me." Yori rose to a kneeling position, looked into the eyes of her bronze-skinned lover, and saw that the girl was being completely honest. There was a mixture of sincerity, compassion, love, and even loneliness in those eyes, and Yori couldn't find it in her heart to turn her away. "I will, Bonnie-chan. I accept your love and offer you what I have. I do not know how much I can give.....but I hope it will be enough." The brunette hugged the Japanese girl and whispered "Domo arigato, Yori-chan," into her ear. Yori returned the embrace, and the girls stayed that way for a long time. Kim and Shego watched them from the doorway. "Think this will work out for them, Kimmie?" The redhead smiled. "Yeah; yeah, I think so. They both need to move on. Yori may never get over Ron completely, but Bonnie might help her fill her heart with something new. And Bonnie's felt empty since Tara betrayed her; she's needed someone to love for a long time now." Shego smirked. "I just hope they don't forget about us. For someone who didn't even want to do this at first, Yori's quite the lay." "You're better." She pulled her girlfriend into a deep kiss. "Mmmm...." Shego moaned into the kiss. "Care to test that theory? There's a steam room down the hall." "Please and thank you."
***************************************************************** ****************** Three days later, the five-person team stood assembled in the G.J. control room staring at five copies of Kim's battlesuit. Instead of white-and-blue, however, these suits were predominantly black with stripes of a different color for each suit; starting with a band around the ankle, then running up the outside and inside of each leg, continuing up the sides of the torso, down the inside of the arms, forming a band around the wrist, then going up the arm and shoulder to terminate at the neck, where another band was formed. In the center of each suit's chest was a bold, hollow triangle done in white. "Nice duds, Dr. Director," Ron said. "Who're they for?" The G.J. commander smiled. "They're for you. You five are officially known as Delta Squad now; that's what the symbol on the suits represents." She pulled up some data on a monitor. "These battlesuits are a far cry from Wade Lode's original prototype. The metal that Agent Rockwaller's swords are made of is called adamantium. It's been classified as Top-Secret by the U.S. government and we have no clue how the ronin got it to make these weapons, but we were able to reproduce the metal in small amounts to reinforce these battlesuits. Thanks to the adamantium, we've made them lighter, more durable, able to withstand most types of heat and radiation, and were able to incorporate our new bio-neural circuitry to enhance your speed, stamina, strength, and reflexes. There's also an advantage in that the biological circuits can't be affected by electromagnetic fields or pulses. These won't make you totally invincible, but they'll stand up to even more than the prototype can." "What's with the color scheme?" the blond asked. Kim spoke up. "Those would be my idea. Each suit is color-coded to reflect our jobs on the team. Bonnie's our medic, and pink is considered a color of mercy and compassion. Yori is our tactical specialist, and any Trekkie can see how well yellow goes with that position. Shego's the muscle of our team, and green fits in more ways than one. I'm the tech specialist, which just begs to be matched with the color blue. And red....." she blushed, looking at Ron, "Red is the perfect color for a leader." Ron was stunned. "Woah, KP! I'm not exactly leadership material here!" "Yes you are," his girlfriend said. "You proved that by being able to bring all of us together. Starting in the hospital room with Shego, then in the den with Bonnie, and now with Yori. Without you, none of us would be in this right now. Some of us have found a home," she turned her gaze to Shego, "some of us have found love," she drifted to Bonnie and Yori, who blushed, "and we all found a side of us that we didn't know existed. All because of you. You bring out the best in all of us, Ron, and that is what makes a true leader." Ron smiled, a tear in the corner of his eye. "That....that means a lot, KP." "No," she said. "What will mean a lot is when we get to give you that birthday present that Gemini so rudely interrupted." All Ron could do was smile wider and say, "Booyah." ***************************************************************** ****************** Twenty-four hours later saw the newly-christened Delta Squad on a G.J. stealth jet, bound for Krakatoa. They were a little over half a day ahead of schedule, and they hoped to get the drop on Gemini, Will Du, and whoever else might be on the island. Even given the seriousness of the mission, Ron was uncharacteristically silent. Try as she might, not even Kim could get him to say much. The most he ever said was when she asked about what he'd learned from Monkey Fist, and then he only said, "If I have to use it, you'll know." His red-haired lover was beyond worry at this point. She kept wondering if this change was permanent and hoped it wasn't; she'd seen this side of Ron only a few times before, and she did not like it. He may be a better fighter when he's like this, she thought, but that isn't what I want to love about him. I hope things get back to normal soon, or I might lose him forever. Shego, meanwhile, occupied herself with observing Bonnie and Yori. The two seemed to be growing closer since Bonnie's confession a few days earlier, and were now sleeping in their seats, with Yori's head resting on the brunette's shoulder and their hands clasped tightly together. Shego smiled to herself, and silently prayed that they would live to explore this new aspect of the group's ever-evolving relationship. All Ron could think of was the impending danger of their mission. They were going into a situation with unknown enemies and unknown dangers, and he didn't like either one. He twirled a pencil in his fingers as he thought. I prefer to know who I'm fighting. Gemini's playing this one dirty, hoping to psyche us out before we even get there; even with the new battlesuits, we may not have what it takes to win this time. He sighed. And the sad part is, it's working. I'm a nervous wreck, which is causing Kim, of all people, to worry. I just hope that what Monkey Fist taught me will be enough. Eventually, Ron's tension caused him to clench his hand into a fist and the pencil to snap into three pieces Kim motioned Shego over and they each sat on either side of him, their heads resting on his shoulders and their hands on his chest. The blond boy smiled and put his arms around them. Unlike Bonnie and Yori, they were unable to sleep, but, at least for the moment, Ron's troubled mind was partially calmed by their presence. They remained like that for the rest of the flight, comforted by the bonds of love they shared between them. ********************************************************************* ************** There was no place for the jet to land when they reached the island, so Delta Squad had to rely on parachutes to get them down to the ground. Bonnie was understandably scared, as she'd had very little in the way of practical skydiving training, but Yori held her by the hand before they jumped and assured her it would be alright, kissing her briefly on the lips before they left the plane. At Ron's signal, they pulled their ripcords, the nylon ropes and parachutes snapping out into position to arrest their fall. Less than a minute later, they touched down on solid ground a few feet away from the waves breaking onto the sand on the eastern side of the island. They shed the parachute harnesses and the blue G.J. coveralls. Clad now in their form-fitting battlesuits, they headed for the active volcano at the center of the island. They hadn't walked more than a few minutes, however, when dozens of Gemini's goons leaped from the surrounding vegetation, completely encircling the young agents. Without hesitation, the five attacked. Bonnie and Yori reached into the sheaths on the backs of their suits, drawing their katana and fans, respectively, and quickly went to work on the henchmen. Their movements were flawless and perfectly in synch, as though the two were mentally linked. A kick here, swipe with a blade there, intermixed with the occasional flip or throw; it almost seemed like they had been trained to work together all their lives. Ron was busy with a large warrior, much taller and more muscular then the others, armed with a massive Arabian scimitar. Each swipe of the heavy sword would have been enough to cleave Ron in two had the blond been any slower in his movements. He was able to dodge easily enough, but being on the defensive kept him at a disadvantage. If I can't hit this guy, I'll be at this all day. But every time I get close, he brings that damned sword around. We can't let on how strong these suits are just yet; if we do, Gemini might find a way to neutralize them before we get to him. He rolled aside to dodge an overhead blow. Maybe I could use the.....No! I can't do that yet. I have to save my energy for when it really counts! He continued ducking and rolling, trying to find a weak spot to exploit. Can't get in close, and he's too fast for me to circle around behind him. But maybe..... The beginnings of an idea started to form in his brain. "Kim! Shego!" At the sound of their names, the two women quickly dispatched their opponents and darted to Ron's side. "Need some help?" the green-skinned warrior asked. "Oh, all I can get," her lover replied. "Think you two can keep him occupied for a bit?" "Yeah," Kim said. "Why?" "I'm gonna do what I do best." With that, he turned around and ran, disappearing into the foliage. Shego sighed. "I guess he hasn't completely changed," she muttered. "Trust him," Kim said, ducking a horizontal swipe. A minute later, a cry of "BOO-YAH!" was followed by a loud crack, and the large man slumped to his knees, then pitched forward onto his face. Standing behind him, as calmly as if nothing had happened, was Ron. "Miss me, ladies?" "Only for a second," Kim replied, stepping around the fallen man to give Ron and peck on the lips. "Shall we go help Bonnie and Yori now?" Ron looked over and saw the two tearing their way through the henchmen, leaving the unconscious forms behind them as though laying a trail to be followed. They did not seem to tire as they worked their way through complex offensive and defensive maneuvers, each of the two a perfect mirror of the other. "Nah," Ron replied. "They seem to have everything well in hand." A few minutes later, Gemini's men were defeated. Their broken, battered, and bruised bodies were left where they dropped, and the young warriors continued their trek across the island. They encountered no further resistance as they moved, which was even more unsettling to them than constantly fighting would have been. "Maybe the ones we fought earlier were all Gemini could throw at us," Bonnie said. Ron shook his head. "Not a chance. That was just to test what we could do and to see if we'd reveal a weakness. Whatever he and Du have planned for us, it's gonna be big, and he doesn't want to take any chances." He paused. "It bothers me that we're here twelve hours before the time Gemini specified, and yet they were waiting for us." "Do you think someone in Global Justice is giving them information?" Kim asked. "It could be that, or Du could have wired G.J. with surveillance gear. I'm not sure which, KP, but either way, I don't like it." A half hour later, they were at the base of the volcano. "I don't get it," Shego said. "This is where the intel said the opening to the base should be, but there's nothing here but solid rock." "Appearances can be deceiving, Shego." Kim replied and began scanning the rock face with her Kimmunicator. Ron spoke up. "You know, habits usually stay constant in a family...." "What do you mean, Ron-chan?" "Well, Gemini is Dr. Director's brother, and she's overly fond of....." Ron was suddenly stricken with a case of sentence interruptus as the entire group fell through a hole that suddenly opened up and were dumped down a long chute until they landed in a dark room. ".....trap doors." "Welcome, would-be heroes," the voice of Gemini said. Apparently, the room was full of speakers, as the voice seemed to emanate from everywhere. "I was going to merely let you walk in the main door, but you just had to try and get the drop on me by showing up early. Now your deaths will just come that much sooner. Behold - THE HUNTERS!!!!!" An overhead light clicked on, illuminating a familiar face wearing a suit of armor that gave him the appearance of a modern-day version of a Medieval knight, though Kim didn't expect him to charge gallantly to the rescue of anyone now. "Will Du," Kim said, staring at the ex-agent in front of her. "How could you do this?" Will scowled at her. "Quite easily, Possible. Ever since you showed up, my position at Global Justice has been threatened. I was reduced to such demeaning tasks as carrying reports from one base to another and following your mutant girlfriend when she tipped us off about Drakken. I saw the way you three fawned over each other that day and ever since, and it made me sick! To think that someone who would willingly engage in such perversion and debauchery was replacing me was unthinkable; an embarrassment! When I couldn't stand it any longer, I made the decision to contact Gemini, and we put this whole thing together. He gets the world, and I get my revenge on you for ruining my life. I think that's a pretty fair trade-off." Kim was about to reply when another light turned on, revealing a hulking cybernetic monstrosity with a human head and very tacky-looking mullet. "Shego, you're so gonna pay for getting Cousin Drew busted again. I mean, jail was one thing; I coulda busted him outta there. But that underground prison? Seriously!" "Oh, I so did not need to see you again, Ed." the green-skinned woman replied. "And you're even uglier than before." "Got me an upgrade, toots; I have seriously become one with the machines!" He let out a Drakken-like laugh, the smooth, silvery metal that now made up his twenty-foot-tall body reflecting the light like a mirror. Another light clicked on, illuminating a Japanese boy dressed in ninja garb and two katana in his belt. "Konichiwa, Yori-san. Or, should I just call you 'kokuzoku'?" he said. "You have no right to call me a traitor, Fukushima! You were willing to hand over the Lotus Blade to the forces of evil to satisfy petty revenge!" "I have every right! You not only failed to kill the Jigoku no Bankenand those that prevented you from getting to him, but you failed at the second chance the Masters gave you to save your honor! You have betrayed the code of the ninja, and for what? A life of perversion with these outsiders?" He spat the word out as though it were poison. "You made yourself an open target for any Yamanouchi ninja, and I will be the one to restore the honor of our proud school that youhave tarnished!" A fourth light brought into view a trim, lithe, blue-eyed girl whose once soft, tender features were now marred by hatred and malice. She was wearing a skin-tight bodysuit, though it could barely be seen beneath the weaponry she carried. There were two massive semi-automatic pistols on her hips, two Uzi machine pistols beneath them on her thighs, four large combat knives belted to her shins, another knife on the upper portion of each arm, a large forward pointing triangular blade strapped to each forearm, a smooth helmet lined with spikes in the pattern of a mohawk that hid her hair, twin bandoliers - one holding magazines filled with ammo and the other holding hand grenades - across her chest, and a massive M-249 SAW machine gun slung over her back. "Hey, Bon-Bon. Been a while. "Told you I'd get even with you for what you did to me." "Reality check, bitch," Bonnie replied, her hands dropping to grab the hilts of her adamantium katana. "You were the one who screwed me over. Cost me my family, my dignity, and my reputation." "Your reputation? Please! What about mine? Thanks to you, I'm considered a liar by everyone I ever knew! I can't even walk down the street without someone I know giving me an icy stare because they believe I did the wrong thing!" "News flash - YOU DID! We had something great, but you tossed it away because you were afraid of what everyone else would think!" "And I was right! They hate me now!" "They don't hate you because you were dating me, Tara. I know; I've spoken to them. What they hate about you is the fact that you lied!" The final light, situated in the middle of the other four, clicked on. In its glow stood Josh Mankey. He was wearing light workout pants with no shirt and had a black box seemingly welded into his chest. "Hey, Stoppable. Haven't seen you since before you stole my woman, and I think it's high time for some payback!" He pressed a button on the box, and he began to change. His body grew rapidly, quickly growing to tower over Ed's cybernetic form, and became covered in coarse black hair. His teeth grew into fangs, his once-upright body dropped forward to rest on his knuckles, and his feet morphed into hand-like appendages. For all intents and purposes, Josh was now a gorilla. A big one.
"Looks like I was right about Josh, Kim," Ron said, with a smirk. "Mankey is just one letter away from monkey." The beast that had been Josh Mankey roared. "I've had enough of you! Kim was my ticket into the family fortune. I had to at least be engaged, if not married, within a year after graduating in order to satisfy the conditions in my grandfather's will, and Kimmie was wrapped around my little finger until you had to butt in! She totally ignored me, and everyone could see that she was starting to get sweet on you instead! Now, I don't have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting any of Mankey Enterprises until Dad dies, and probably not even then! I'll never understand why she'd take a pathetic loser like you over me, but I'm going to remedy her mistake here and now! When I've finished grinding you into a greasy paste on the floor, she'll be mine again!" "Dude, you just said you can't get into the will now anyway. What's the big deal?" Ron asked, though he already knew the answer. "So that after you're gone from this mortal plane......I can take my frustrations out on her! I always did wonder how good she was in bed." That did it. Ron's eyes glazed over and he charged at Josh, a bright red aura surrounding his body. He slammed head-first into the giant ape, sending him to the floor with a loud crash. The rest of the lights came on, revealing that Delta Squad had been dumped into a massive underground arena. Gemini watched from a raised control booth at the side opposite the young warriors. The other Hunters bared their weapons and rushed the girls. The battle was joined. Yori drew her fans and met Fukushima's swords blow for blow. The sound of metal on metal rang out through the arena as the weapons met. For all her graceful fluidity and relative calm, though, Yori was hard-pressed to keep up with the older boy's hatred-driven strikes. After several minutes of this, her arms began to ache from blocking and parrying the heavy blows, and she knew she'd have to do something to tip the odds in her favor. She remembered a move Bonnie had pulled out during the brunette's training and went for it; she aimed her right fan slightly to the right, as if to block Fukushima's next horizontal blow, but at the last second, she moved it out of the way and ducked low to the left. As she'd anticipated, her opponent failed to arrest his momentum in time and the sword went through the space formerly occupied by the fan. He stumbled forward, his balance lost, and Yori struck. Rising as she flipped her fans in an upward motion, the blades tore through his right sleeve and left two long, bloody cuts in their wake. Fukushima screamed in agony as the razor-sharp weapons sliced into his skin, and he dropped to his knees, his swords clattering to the floor as he gripped his arm, blood literally pouring from the wounds. "If you admit defeat now," Yori said as she looked down at her former comrade-in-arms, "I will spare your life." Fukushima clenched his teeth and staggered to his feet. "I'll never yield to you, whore!" He reached into a pouch and pulled out a glass vial with a cork sealing it shut. He pulled the cork out with his teeth and drank down what looked like crude, unrefined oil. He shook as the liquid worked through his system, and at first, Yori thought he was committing a type of seppuku, but that theory was quickly doused when she noticed that his body was disappearing. The ninja screamed in pain as the transformation took him, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it was when Gemini had first given him the elixir. He found the rush of power exhilarating, and used the pain as a reminder of his hatred for Yori. He stood and began floating in the air as the last of his physical body was consumed by the formula, and when it was finished, he was no longer Fukushima, former Yamanouchi ninja, but a being of pure energy; his only purpose was revenge, and his only method to kill. He returned to ground level, held out what could be considered his arms now and the two swords flew from the ground and into what passed for his hands, where they were sheathed in the same energy that Fukushima had become. "What do you think of me now, kokuzoku? Still want me to admit defeat?" he asked in a rough, gravelly voice that sounded more like a demon from the Netherworld than anything human. "Well, it would make my day easier...." Her quip was answered by a kick from one of his "legs". Instinctively, she held her fans out to block the blow, but it went right through and struck her, sending a massive jolt into her body and causing her to fly backwards several feet. "Your weapons are useless against me now, whore! The energy that my body is now made of can't touch inorganic material, but it is quite devastating to living tissue! Every time I hit you, a pulse will travel through your body and into your brain, interrupting the normal electrical impulses there and causing you pain like you've never felt before, and, eventually, stop them altogether, ending your traitorous, dishonorable life once and for all!!! I have become a living weapon; an invincible neural disruptor of unparalleled power!" Yori struggled to her feet. Out of the corner of her eye, on a wall perhaps thirty feet away, she spied the one thing that could save her. She charged him, feinting as if to attack, but dodged away at the last second. Thankfully, she thought, the transformation has not made him any faster. If anything, his reaction time seems to be slower. He may not be totally used to his power yet, and I can turn that to my advantage. She continued feinting, dodging, ducking, rolling, and flipping, guiding him bit by bit over to the wall. As she hoped, by the time she was in position, he'd let his anger and frustration cloud his mind and didn't notice what she was doing. "You've forgotten one thing, Fukushima," she said, standing stock-still in front of him. He struck at her again, going for a killing blow. "I have forgotten nothing!!!!" Yori ducked the attack and rolled to the side, coming up just in time to see his energy-encased sword pierce one of the large cables that fed into the base's electrical system. "I beg to differ," she said as he screamed in his inhuman voice. "You've forgotten that a true ninja is a master of himself and his environment." A few moments later, the once-again-human Fukushima slumped to the ground, his body now nothing more than a blackened, charred skeleton with a few bits of carbonized flesh still clinging to it. "May your eternity be as tormented and troubled as your heart was in life, you bastard," she said, twirling her fans dramatically before folding them and slipping them into the sheaths on her back. While this was going on, Shego was dealing with the massive cyborg formerly called Edward Lipsky and his laughable attacks. "When you got the mechanical muscle, Eddie," she said, laughing, "you should thought to ask for a processor upgrade; this did not do anything for your IQ." "Hey! Leave my mother out of this!" He tried to backhand her with one of his over-sized metallic hands, but she deftly leaped over it and landed on his arm. Charging her hands, she thrust them into the elbow joint. The metal quickly gave way, and she burned her way completely through, severing the arm. "You can't do that! Gemini said you wouldn't be able to do that! This body is made of pure duranium! It can't be affected by heat!" Shego smirked, still standing on the fallen limb. "That would work if my powers were based on heat alone. Read up on your science, Ed. I create plasma energy. There's a lot of heat, yes, but it's mostly a corrosive agent. Especially when it comes to metals. You and your boss both screwed up big this time!" She dove straight forward, severing his left leg at the knee and causing the behemoth to topple backwards. Leaping onto his chest, the thrust her hands through his torso plating, melting away the armor until she found the artificial heart that kept his head and brain supplied with blood. "Hate to break your heart, Eddie," she said, returning her hands to normal and reaching into the chest to grip the large machine, "but it's better this way. Seriously." With that, she yanked the construct out with both hands, ignoring the spray of blood that came from the severed connections. Ed screamed and his body spasmed wildly, but a moment later he was still, his head flopping back and his eyes closing for the final time. Shego pitched the mechanical heart against the wall, grinning as it cracked and shattered, leaving a rather large blood stain on the metal. Had she not been so busy, Bonnie would have been impressed at the skills of her teammates. However, dodging hundreds of bullets rapidly discharged from fully-automatic weapons tends to occupy one's attention wholly. After exhausting her ammo belt in the M-249, Tara dropped the portable artillery and drew the two Uzis from their holsters. She emptied her magazines of nine-millimeter rounds in a matter of seconds, still unable to hit her target, and went for the spares on her bandolier only to find them stuck in their pockets. It's a good thing she's a lousy shot and can't stay calm under pressure, Bonnie noted. She darted ahead at the panicking blond, drawing her katana as she went, and thrust at her ex-lover's stomach. Tara just barely managed to dodge, and even still got a gash cut in her left side for her efforts. She dropped the machine pistols and drew two of the knives strapped to her shins in time to block Bonnie's next strike, but the third caused the smaller blades to snap under the force of the adamantium swords. Growling in frustration, Tara lashed out with the large blade on her right arm. A second later, said right arm was flying through the air, eventually landing and rolling to a stop several feet away. Tara stared at where her limb had been attached, now little more than a bleeding shoulder. At first, there was only shock, but then the anger set in. "You bitch!" she screamed. "You've mutilated me! My body was perfect, and you ruined it!" Bonnie smirked. "I wouldn't say 'perfect', exactly; you never did grow much in the way of knockers, Tara." The blond screamed and lashed out with a kick, which Bonnie easily dodged. The she brought her katana up and severed Tara's left arm at the elbow, which sent the blond to her knees. "When I first saw you here, Tara, I had thought I would try to save you, as a gesture of our old friendship that I was honestly sorry to lose. But you tried to kill me, and I can't forgive that." She looked into Tara's eyes; they held no fear, remorse, or regret. Only hatred. The brunette crossed her arms at the wrists, making the edges of the swords point towards either side of Tara's neck. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Your mind is gone, and you're too dangerous to remain alive. I did love you, Tara, before all this happened; I want you to know that." She uncrossed her wrists, bringing the blades together like a pair of scissors, and slicing through the girl's neck like paper. The body slumped forward and the head rolled a few feet away. Bonnie sheathed her katana and made the sign of the cross on her chest, praying for Tara to find some peace in her afterlife before moving to rejoin her teammates. Kim was not having an easy time with Will Du. The armor he wore wasn't letting any of her attacks get through, and even the new battlesuit was having a hard time compensating for the times that one of his blows landed on her. "Let's face it, Possible," he said. "You don't stand a chance here! This armor is composed of nanites; they're constantly adapting and rebuilding to counter anything you can throw at me. I am invincible!!!!" "Funny," Kim said, smirking. "Your buddy Fukushima said that a few minutes ago, and he ended up extra-crispy." Will glared at her from the T-shaped visor in his helmet. "He was an overconfident fool. I will not make the same mistake!" "You just did." "Wha....?" Before Will could react, Kim had reached into a pouch on her belt and slapped a small star-shaped device onto his arm. "What is this?" Kim grinned. "Electromagnetic disruptor. Thanks for cluing me in about the nanites; that was all the info I needed." She pressed a tiny button on the belt and a jolt of electricity coursed through the suit, frying the circuitry in the nanites faster than they could repair themselves and the suit fell from Will's body to form a pile of metallic sand around his feet. Realizing what had happened, he tried to run, but Kim was faster. She cut off his escape with a single jump, then slammed her elbow into his face with a bone-shattering crunch. Will stumbled back, holding a hand up to his shattered, bleeding nose. "'ll pay for that, bitch!" Kim smirked again. "I might buy that, if you could still fight." Without his armor, all he had was a tight gray coverall. "You never were a match for me, Du, and without your little toys, you aren't now. See you later." She turned started to walk away. "Don't you dare turn your back to me!!!!!" He charged at her, fist poised to strike. Kim whirled back around and planted a firm kick into his chest. She felt his ribs cave under the pressure, and he dropped to the floor. Blood started pouring out of his mouth and he coughed violently, making gurgling sounds when he tried to breathe. "Looks like your lung's been punctured," she said. "You're going to drown in your own blood." "You...." he coughed a few times, blood spraying out as he did. "You've killed me....can you live with that?" "I was going to let you go with the nose. Not my fault you had to be a jackass and try to hit me from behind. I was just defending myself." She walked away from the ex-agent. Less than a minute later, he was dead. Her ordeal finished, the redhead turned her attention to Ron. Surprisingly, her boyfriend was handling himself beautifully. Despite the fact that Josh was now large enough to pick him up in one hand with room to spare, he was more than holding his own. She could see that several of the large fangs that were Josh's teeth had either been broken or were totally missing and blood was pouring from his mouth, whereas Ron didn't even have a scratch on him. My guy really is something else, she thought. Ron rolled out of the way of a downward double-palm slap by Mankey which shook the entire floor. He could tell the boy-turned-ape was getting frustrated and it would only be a matter of time before he slipped up, but Ron knew he couldn't wait that long. He had to end this soon, and on his terms, if it was to be any sort of a victory at all. He leaped straight up, his red aura brighter than ever, and slammed into Mankey's chin, sending him staggering back and into the wall where Gemini's control booth was. The diminutive warlord had had the common sense, however, to leave as soon as he saw his Hunters being beaten by the very people they were supposed to have been able to destroy. Landing back on his feet some distance away, his aura changing from red to white, Ron cupped both hands at his right side and began channeling his energy. Okay, he thought, I was able to pull this off in training; let's see if I can do it when it really counts A small blue-white energy orb formed between his palms, and he felt the rush of power that came with the attack. "Alright, monkey-boy; you've interfered in mine and Kim's life for the last time!" His aura grew larger. "You think your pathetic little light show scares me?" The aura grew larger still. "One, you should be scared and two, this isn't a light show." The energy was now at the maximum level at which Ron could safely contain and utilize it. I hope this is enough, he thought. He poured all the energy he'd stored up into the orb, chanting out the appropriate syllables that were as much a timing device as they were a trigger phrase. "Ka.......Me......Ha........Me...........HAAAAAA!!!!!" On the last syllable, the thrust his hands forward, the orb erupting into a massive energy beam that lanced out across the room and went into - and through - the giant ape, leaving a gaping, smoking hole where its chest and the wall behind it used to be. All Josh could do was stare, dumbfounded. I guess he had some surprises after all...... was his last thought before he pitched forward and the life drained from his mutated body. "Ron..." Kim said, walking over to him. "That was.....did Monkey Fist teach you that?" The blond nodded. "Before he found out about the monkey power, he trained with a man they called the Turtle Hermit on a small island somewhere in the Pacific. He taught me the most useful of the things the hermit had taught him, and that one came in handy." He cracked his knuckles. "Now, we deal with Gemini." The girls gathered around him, and as one, they made their way through the door beneath the control booth. They wandered through twisting corridors for close to an hour until they found a heavy steel door, which Shego easily melted through with her plasma. Inside, they found a second arena, as large as the first, with a large cloth covering something even larger than Josh's ape form. "I've got a bad feeling about this....." Shego said. "As well you should!" Gemini's voice boomed. "I had a backup plan in case my Hunters failed, and with this, I will succeed in destroying you!" With that, the cloth fell away to reveal a massive robot with Gemini inside the clear cockpit in the chest. It looked like Motor Ed's cyborg body, save that it had six arms and a demon-like head with glowing red eyes. "Girls," Ron said, "you'd better stand back and let me handle this." "No, Ron." Bonnie said, gripping his arm. "We do this together." The blond shook his head. "No; I can take this guy down, but I need you all to stay back. I've only done this once and I couldn't really control it. I'm not sure what will happen this time." He kissed each one on the forehead. "Just stay near the wall and be ready to run." His lovers did as he asked. "Alright, Gemini," he said, looking up. "This one's for keeps." He raised his right fist into the air, looked to the ceiling, and called out, "EMPOWER THE MONKEY!!!!!" A blue aura surrounded him and he started floating in midair. The aura grew larger and larger and started to take on a shape of its own. Within a few short moments, Ron was hovering inside a giant blue gorilla made entirely of energy that was only a hair smaller that Gemini's robot. "Damn! Ronnie got some moves!" Shego exclaimed. Bonnie was confused. "Why didn't he just use that against Josh? He could have beaten him a lot quicker." "Ron-chan is radiating a lot of energy right now, Bonnie-chan," Yori said, in as much awe as the rest of them. "He can probably only do this once, and he wanted to save his most powerful technique for the greatest foe. It is a basic element of strategy." Bonnie smirked. "Remind me not to play chess with either of you." Gemini, meanwhile, was furious. "Why do you meddling kids always have to have an Ace up your sleeve? Why can't you just once keep things the way they are????" "And be beaten by losers like you?" Ron grinned. "Not a chance, Cyclops. We like our world peaceful and free of psychotics like you." Without any further conversation, Ron willed his energy construct forward and slammed its fist into the head of the robot, denting it badly and shattering the eyes into so much glass. Not to be outdone, Gemini tried to grab Ron's construct with his robot's arms, but they went right though. "What??? You can hit me, but I can't touch you???" "Damn right," Ron replied. "I can will this thing to be as solid or as fluid as I want. Like now!" He lashed out again, this time taking the head completely off. He rained his blows on the metal monstrosity one after another, solidifying his construct for each hit and causing it to phase out when Gemini tried to land an attack. Eventually, Ron got tired of dealing with the arms, so he started ripping them out of their sockets, one by one. The girls were amazed at Ron's brutality. None of them, not even Kim and Shego, who'd both seen him at his best, could believe that it was actually Ron Stoppable, the sweet, lovable, clumsy ox, who was beating the hell out of one of the most powerful criminals on Earth and the biggest robot any of them had ever seen. It thrilled them to no end....but, on another level, it also terrified them. When the arms were gone, Ron continued his assault. He focused on the glass dome of the cockpit, causing it to crack and splinter with each strike. As the dome gave way, the robot fell backwards, crashing into the floor and making a rather sizable hole. Ron's energy construct faded and he dropped gracefully to the floor. He climbed on top of the fallen robot, up to the shattered dome, and yanked Gemini out, throwing him to the floor. "N-now, now, Ron my boy..." Gemini said, trying to scramble away as the hard-eyed young man advanced on him. "There has to be a more peaceful solution to this. Maybe we can negotiate...." his sentence was cut off by Ron gripping him by the neck. "You weren't interested in 'peaceful solutions' or 'negotiating' when you thought you were going to win, Gemini." He started squeezing tighter. "The time for talking is over. You're going to share the same fate as your Hunters. Their blood is on your hands, not ours. Josh, Tara, Ed, and Fukushima probably would have stayed angry with us for the rest of their lives, but they'd be alive right now if you hadn't drawn them into this. Will never was the sharpest knife in the drawer and he probably did willingly come to you, but the others.......they had potential that will never be realized because you got it in your head to try some half-assed world domination scheme!" "You won't kill me.....I'm no threat to you or anyone else now....You're the good can't do it!" Gemini choked out, his face already turning an ugly shade of blue. Ron glowered at him. "I find your lack of faith disturbing." He continued choking the life out of Gemini, his grip growing tighter with every second. Finally, with a heaving sigh, Gemini went limp and breathed no more. Ron tossed his body aside and dropped to his knees. Cautiously, the girls made their way over to him. "Ron?" Kim asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Ron, honey, are you okay?" He reached his hand up and put it on top of hers. "I will soon as we can get home. This.....this has been a trying day. For all of us." "What about all this equipment? And the bodies?" Bonnie asked "Let the volcano have 'em. None of these corpses are very presentable, and this equipment shouldn't be allowed to fall into anyone else's hands. When the eruption kicks in, these chambers will fill with lava. Nothing will be left." He shakily stood up. "Now, let's go. We all need some rest." ******************************************************************** *************** After they filed their reports with Global Justice, the five heroes found themselves back in Middleton, where they personally delivered the news of Tara and Josh's deaths to their families. While Tara's parents were obviously distraught over the loss of their only daughter, the Mankeys seemed as if they couldn't care less. "That boy always was a screw-up," his father said. "That's why Dad put that provision in his will in the first place. He figured that if Josh could manage to get thatright, he might be worth something after all. But if what you say is true and he couldn't even beat thisscrawny thing," pointing to Ron, "after being mutated into a giant, he deservedwhat he got." Mrs. Mankey gave a similar response, and they were shooed out of the house shortly after. "Wow," Shego said. "If that's what he grew up with, no wonder he was such an ass." Kim shook her head. "Can't blame it all on his parents. He could have been a genuine nice guy if he wanted to be, but I guess he just couldn't stand the thought of not having all of that money. He really was a creep." "Tried to warn you, KP," Ron said. "And I'm glad I finally listened. I don't think I could live with myself right now if Josh had been my first instead of you." The two shared a brief kiss, then the group got into Kim's car and headed home. Upon arrival, they found Rufus, Jim, and Tim once again gorged and asleep in the living room floor, but this time the Bueno Nacho bags had, at least, been properly disposed of. They roused the boys awake, then Shego drove them home. When she returned, she found her four lovers cuddled up in the bed, but she could tell they hadn't done anything without her. They were obviously too tired physically and pained emotionally to do much more than sleep. The olive-skinned woman smiled when the saw Bonnie and Yori holding each other tightly in their slumber. She undressed, then slid in behind Kim, snuggling up to her girlfriend before drifting off to sleep herself.
************************************************************** ********************* The next day, Ron woke up alone on the den sofa. He wasn't sure how he got there, and he didn't care. All he knew was that he hadn't eaten since they left Global Justice headquarters and was starving. He climbed the stairs and went into the kitchen, where he found Kim and Shego, clad only in aprons, in the midst of mixing waffle batter. "Morning, honey," Kim said, walking over and kissing him on the cheek. "Sleep well?" "Why didn't I wake up in bed?" he asked. Shego chimed in. "We needed the bedroom to put your birthday present in; it's a few days overdue and we decided to add a little bonus, but we didn't want you to see it, so we carried you into the den. You're a very sound sleeper, you know that?" Kim smiled. "We'll have breakfast ready soon; why don't you go sit on the couch and watch TV with Bonnie and Yori?" "Sounds alright to me," he said, returning her previous kiss and heading for the living room. "Think he suspects?" Shego asked Kim when he was gone. "If he does, he's playing it cool. But I don't think he even has a clue." "Good. The bigger the surprise, the better." In the living room, Ron found Bonnie and Yori, as naked as he was, on the leather sofa. Bonnie had Yori in her lap, caressing the Japanese girl's hair with one hand and occasionally using the other to gently rub a breast or her belly; not to arouse, but to show affection. He sat down next to them and they tensed for a second, but relaxed immediately. "Go ahead and say it, girls," he said after a long, awkward silence. "After what I did yesterday to Josh and Gemini, you're scared of me. Can't say I blame you." "It's not that we are scared, Ron-chan," Yori said. "Actually, it is that we're scared. But just a little." her brunette lover said. "I've never seen anyone be that brutal before. You literally tore those two apart, and it was more than a little scary." "As I said, I don't blame you. I....I did what I had to do with Mankey, just like you guys did with the rest of the Hunters, but I lost control with Gemini. I should have brought him in alive to stand trial. I should have controlled myself better. But all I could think about was the lives he'd destroyed and those he wouldn't hesitate to add to that number if he got loose. But the worst thing was the danger he put you girls in with the Hunters. I saw how deadly they were, and it only fueled my rage that someone would try to hurt any of you. I.....I snapped. I've never really lost control like that before. I'm sorry if I frightened you. But I care about all of you girls, and if someone does that to any of you ever again....I'd probably do the same thing." The girls separated from each other and sat on either side of him. "Ron," Bonnie said, "it's alright. We don't hate you. We could never hate you. You've been one of the best friends I've ever had since this whole ordeal started, and Yori still loves you. Nothing you could do would ever change that." "Speaking of Yori," he said, "how are you two going to work this out?" Bonnie blushed. "Well, I don't know. Yori will probably never stop loving you, and I'll never have her heart completely...." Yori giggled. "If this has taught me anything, Bonnie-chan, it is to, as you Americans say, 'never say never'." She reached over Ron to take the brunette's hand. "We have already become closer than I thought we could. I will always care for Ron-chan, but I will always care for you, too." "I'm glad we're all getting along so well here," Ron said, putting an arm around each of them. At that time, Kim stuck her head through the door. "First batch is ready!" The three climbed up off the couch and joined their lovers in the kitchen for what promised to be a most filling and satisfying meal. ********************************************************************* ************** After breakfast, Ron found himself blindfolded. When he asked why, he was given the answer, "Because it makes it that much more mysterious!" from Kim. He felt himself being guided through the house and then heard the unmistakable sound of their bedroom door being opened. He was ushered in, the door shut, and he felt four sets of hands positioning him. "Are you ready?" This was Bonnie's voice. "As I'll ever be," he replied. The blindfold was lifted, and Ron went wide-eyed at what he saw. On the bed, naked and lashed to the bedposts by her wrists and ankles and a giant red bow tied across her breasts with a stray ribbon reaching down to cover her mound, was Monique. He turned to Kim and asked, "What's this about?" "Isn't it obvious?" his girlfriend said. "She's your birthday present. We called her up early this morning and asked if she'd like to do this and boy, did she ever jump on it. She's not moving in with us, but that doesn't mean it has to be a one-time thing, either. If it's alright with you, she might drop by from time to time to spice things up a bit." "Well, I've got no problem with it, but this is rather....surprising." "That was the general idea, stud." Monique said. "Now, are you gonna get over here and ravish me or not?" Ron didn't need a second invitation. He untied her from the bed, then undid the bow over her breasts and cast it aside. He bent down to kiss her briefly before taking one dark brown nipple into his mouth., making her hiss in pleasure. He smiled, and began working her breasts with his lips, tongue, and hands, making sure to not miss a square inch of her chocolate-colored skin. Bonnie, meanwhile, had Yori sitting in the leather chair and was on her knees, lapping at her lover's juices like they were the only source of nutrition in the world. She was glad Kim finally convinced Yori to shave down there, as it left more bare skin to be touched and caressed with her hands and tongue. She latched onto the girl's clit and suckled like a newborn babe at its mother, inserting two fingers into her folds for added stimulation. Yori's squeaks increased in volume as she neared her climax, and she locked her legs around Bonnie's head, bucking her hips as she rode out her orgasm. Kim and Shego weren't very far behind. They had lain down on the soft carpet next to the bed, Shego climbing on top, and began grinding against one another; by far their favorite position. It was unusual for Kim to let Shego dominate, but the green-hued woman wasn't complaining at all. They worked each other into one climax, then started on another. Back on the bed, Ron had made Monique orgasm twice already by playing inside her with his fingers and tongue, and both were ready for the next step. She gasped when he started to push his huge member inside her, but she seemed to take it better than the other girls their first time he bedded them. "You're awfully loose down here, Monique," he said. "Blame it on lonely Saturday nights and a drawer full of toys," she replied between moans. He stopped moving. "Is that how you lost your virginity? Took it yourself?" She nodded. "How long ago?" "I....I was twelve.....s-saw my Mom using this huge thing.....and it looked so good, I sneaked in later to try it. And kept going back for more." Ron started moving again, albeit very slowly. "Did you ever get caught?" "Ooooh....don't make me tell....." Ron stopped moving again. "You're evil, Ron....she..she caught me a few weeks later....I thought I was done for, but she just said to be more careful and don't let anyone else catch me. Then....then she started buying me my own." "So, I'm your first guy?" She shook her head. "Then who was it?" She didn't want to tell, but knew he'd only stop again if she didn't speak up. "....Ned..." "Ned?" Ron's eyebrows shot up. "Nerd-boy Ned down at Bueno Nacho?" He started speeding up. Monique nodded. "He got up the ask me out...and I was so desperate I couldn't say no.....he wasn't bad, though...." she squealed as she peaked again. And again. And again. Ron was driving her to heights of ecstasy she'd never even dreamed existed. After her fifth orgasm, he pulled out of her. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing," Ron replied. "Just trying something a little different." He flipped her over onto his stomach, spread her butt cheeks, and pushed his slick member into her anus. Monique screamed. "RON!!!" She let out a few gasps as he bottomed out, then started to pull back. "I'd kick your ass if this wasn't so good.....oooooohhhhhhh......." On the other side of the room, Bonnie was sitting on Yori's face, moaning and pinching her breasts as her beloved lapped at her inner walls. When she was with Yori, the pleasure went beyond the physical. The emotions she felt for the Japanese girl were intense; even stronger than those she'd had for Tara. It didn't hurt that Yori was better in bed, either. Bonnie lurched forward, having to steady herself by paling her palms on the floor, as Yori lightly bit her clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her. Damn, I love this girl, Bonnie thought as the ninja kept up her assault, not stopping until the brunette peaked several times. They finally collapsed onto the floor, holding hands and smiling as they looked into one another's eyes. Kim had gotten Shego onto all fours, and was happily pounding into her from behind with the thick, double-ended dildo they both loved so much. The redhead was leaning forward, pressing her firm tits into her girlfriend's back, while reaching around and gripping Shego's larger breasts for leverage. They rocked against one another, totally absorbed in the sensations and their love for each other, through four consecutive orgasms, each more powerful than the last. When they couldn't go any more, they fell into each other's arms like Bonnie and Yori had earlier,basking in the afterglow of their passionate lovemaking. With Monique's tight orifice gripping his rod, the blond boy couldn't hold out very long. After only a few minutes, he let out a grunt as he spilled his seed inside her rectum, then pulled out and collapsed beside her on the bed. They were joined a little later by the other girls, and the sheets were pulled up over them. "This," Ron said, "is getting complicated." "Yeah," Kim said, "but definitely not boring." ****************************************************************** ***************** Over a year went by without any disturbances. Monique was coming by at least once a week, but there wasn't always a sexual reason behind her visits. The most interesting thing that happened, surprisingly, came from Bonnie and Yori. Ron was glad the two had turned their fledgling relationship into what could be considered full-blown love, but their actions were starting to worry him. The young couple had been slipping out of the house at odd times of the day - sometimes in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep - and, when questioned about where they'd been going, simply said that everything was going to be fine and for the others to not worry. Then, one day, Anne Possible knocked at their door. "Hi, Mom!" Kim answered when she opened the door. "What brings you out here?" Anne smiled and said, "Bonnie and Yori. I believe you know they've been making secret trips out of the house for a while?" Kim nodded. "Well, it's time to tell all, but everyone needs to be here to hear it." They headed into the kitchen and sat down at the table, where Bonnie was already waiting. Yori went to the bedroom to get Ron and Shego, who'd decided to slip off for a bit of playtime before dinner. Once they were all assembled, Kim asked, "Okay, Mom; what's the big news?" Anne took a deep breath. "Well, as you may be aware, some of the geneticists at the hospital have been researching ways to perfect artificial insemination; specifically, the targeting of certain genes to be included or excluded to produce, hopefully, a perfectly healthy child every time." "That's great, but what does that have to do with Bonnie and Yori?" Ron asked. "It has everything to do with them," she said, beaming at the two smiling girls holding hands at the other side of the table, "because they're a month into their pregnancies now." There was a profound silence as the others took in this information. Finally, Kim spoke up. " I mean, I know how, but....they're on the pills and Ron's been careful to...." Anne laughed. "No; it wasn't Ron that did it. We used donor cells." "From who?" Kim asked. "Bonnie and Yori." Now it was Shego's turn. "But don't you need.....I mean, doesn't a guy have to...." The warrior woman found herself as unable to finish a sentence as Kim was. "Hence why I brought up the new research. You see, the man's sperm cell is merely a carrier for the raw genetic coding necessary to fertilize a woman's egg. With the right equipment, viable DNA can be extracted from a donor and used to fertilize an egg. Bonnie and Yori came to me quite some time ago because they wanted a child to raise together and to call their own, but there were obvious gender barriers to overcome. I knew the geneticists had already made some promising breakthroughs, so we all began to talk. The girls would go to the hospital both for tests and updates on the procedures, and finally, just over a month ago, we succeeded in extracting DNA from Bonnie and using it to fertilize an egg from Yori, which was then planted in Yori's womb. We then did the same for Bonnie, using Yori's DNA to fertilize the egg. But there was one thing different about Bonnie's." "What?" Ron asked, finally able to speak. Bonnie took over. "They were able to use amino acids and base proteins from Yori to artificially create a Y chromosome and add it to the DNA sample. The end result is that she's carrying my daughter, but I'm carrying her son." She put her hand over her belly for emphasis, as did Yori. "I'm glad you two can share this with each other," Kim asked, "but why didn't you just tell us? We were worried about you." "Because, Kim-chan," Yori said, "we did not wish to get anyone's hopes up." "Your mother advised us to wait a month or so to make sure the process had taken, and this morning's tests proved it." Bonnie added. Anne smiled. "The embryos are firmly rooted and growing normally. We'll be keeping an eye on them, but I don't anticipate any problems from these pregnancies." "Well, Mom, you've done it again," Kim said. "Done what, dear?" "Proven what Dad's been saying all along...." The entire group joined in and said, "Anything's possible for a Possible!" Their laughter could be heard throughout the entire neighborhood, and that was fine with them. Two of their number were going to experience the joys of motherhood, they had all shared a newer, stronger bond since Gemini's defeat, and their happiness or future was no longer in question. No matter what else happened, no matter who else tried to split them up or kill them in a bid for world conquest, they knew in their hearts that they would always be together, and nothing was going to get in their way.
****************************************************************** ***************** And there you go; the promised Chapter 5. This was almost exactly the length of the first one, and I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to go all-out on the fight without going overboard (big thanks to Digifan316 for setting me straight on that one area; I almost crossed a line there I would have surely regretted later) and tried to make the lemon scene sufficiently steamy, as well. As for the science behind Bonnie and Yori's pregnancies, I admit that I sort of made it up. I'm not a geneticist myself, but I am fairly competent in biology, and, theoretically, what I mentioned in the story is plausible as far as the impregnation goes. As for the Y chromosome thing....that probably isn't, but I wanted one of them to carry a son and that was the only way I could think of that might seem plausible without introducing third-party DNA to the mix, which probably wouldn't have been desirable to Bonnie and Yori had their situation been real. Well, again, I hope you enjoyed reading this. I'm going to take a break for a few days and then start working on my next story arc. I'm not going to reveal anything yet because I don't have all the details myself, but, with any luck, it'll be as good as this one was. Finally, thanks again to Digifan316 and Classic Cowboy for letting me bounce ideas off of them, StarvingLunatic for inspiring me with his stories, and RinaCat for inspiring me with her pictures. Until the next arc begins, ciao!