Kim Possible Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible: The Impossibilities Series ❯ Chapter 7: The Impossible Vacation - Part 1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Impossible Vacation:
Part 1
by Jarkota
Author's Note:
Well, here it is: the first installment of my new story arc. I would once again like to say thanks for your continued support. I've had this in mind since sometime during the third chapter of the first arc and have been anxious to get started on it. Roughly six months after Bonnie and Yori's children are born, Ron and his girls are given some vacation time and head to New York, where they run into a group of "unique" individuals called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As before, none of these characters appearing in Kim Possible or TMNT are mine; I'm just borrowing them for a while. Also, I'd like to credit Classic Cowboy for inspiring me to do this. He's writing a KP/TMNT crossover and I liked the idea so much I asked him if I could run with it and do my own little spin on things. Of course, since I'm here writing this, he gave me the go-ahead. I hope you like what I managed to come up with. On a final note, this fic diverges from the TMNT storyline in two ways. The first is that I'm changing it so that the first live-action TMNT movie took place in 2005 instead of the 1980's, and the second is that Shredder didn't fall into the garbage truck. That said, on with the show. ********************************************************************* ************** "This is gonna be stellar," Bonnie Rockwaller said as they stepped off their flight. "I've always wanted to go to New York. How did you manage to swing this, Ron?" Ron Stoppable grinned. "Since Kim and I are getting married in a couple of months, Dr. Director decided to give us our wedding gift a bit early: an all-expenses-paid vacation to wherever we wanted." Kim Possible nodded, both of her arms wrapped around her fiancé's. "We've been here before, but it was always to stop somebody's evil scheme, so we didn't have much time for sightseeing." She kissed Ron on the cheek. "This time, nothing's gonna stop us from enjoying ourselves." Yori smiled, clutching Bonnie's hand tightly in her own. Though they couldn't be formally engaged like Kim and Ron, the two wore matching gold rings on their left hands as a sign of their love. "It truly is a beautiful city. Comparable in many ways to Tokyo." Her expression changed to a slightly worried one. "I am grateful you have allowed me to join you, but I am concerned for the children." Shego patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry. They've got Bonnie's parents looking after them and the rest of the families are just a phone call away. They'll be fine." When they got to their hotel, they decided to rest up before hitting the streets. Kim, Ron, and Shego took one room to themselves and left Bonnie and Yori in the one right next door. Yori's sleep, however, was far from peaceful. In her dream, she saw Yamanouchi with its gates torn from their hinges and most of the buildings nothing but smoldering ruins. A heavy rain fell, and the occasional bolt of lighting crossed the sky. Bodies were strewn all about the grounds, both of Yamanouchi students and oddly-clothed people she'd never seen before. Standing in the midst of it all was a woman, her hard-featured face and cold, ruthless eyes illuminated briefly by the lightning, dressed in black and holding a bloody katana. A caped man clad in strange armor appeared, and she knelt before him. He spoke to her, then turned around, and she rose to follow him away from the school. In a far corner of the compound, the Master Sensei crawled out of a pile of broken wood and shattered stone, clutching a small bundle to his chest. He looked at the carnage that was once his school and wept. Pulling back a piece of cloth away from the bundle, he smiled a little when he saw that the baby was asleep and unharmed. Yori sat up quickly, her body covered in sweat. The sudden motion also jarred Bonnie awake. "Yori...." she said, seeing the look on her beloved's face. "The dream again?" The Japanese girl nodded. "Still no idea what it means?" "No, and that worries me more than the dream itself." "Have you thought about talking to Master Sensei about it? I'm sure he could help." "I do not wish to trouble him. It may be nothing." "You've had that dream every night for a month now. It's not 'nothing', and you know it. There's another reason you don't want to tell him about it." She stroked her lover's hair. "But you know you can tell me anything." Yori sighed. "Dreams of this nature either show the past or the future. If it is the past, then it has already happened and cannot be changed. If it is the future, it would be unwise to attempt to change it as we must accept Destiny and not fight it." "That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Bonnie said flatly. "If your dream is showing the past, then there is a reason. And if it's the future, then someone or something let you see it for a reason, and I can't think of any reason but to try to change it." "Perhaps you are right, Bonnie-chan, but what good would I be against someone that could defeat every Yamanouchi ninja?" Bonnie hugged her lover. "Remember; it's not just you. I'll always be here, and Ron, Shego, and Kim will never turn their backs on us." Yori winced. " are hurting my chest." The brunette blinked. "Oh; that's right." She gently squeezed one of Yori's milk-filled breasts. "Without the kids here, we haven't been able to get rid of this stuff, have we?" "No; I had completely forgotten about it due to the excitement. I will get Kim-chan; I am sure she would not mind being awakened for this." She started to get up, but Bonnie's hand on her stomach stopped her. "Why don't....why don't we take care of each other? It's the one thing we haven't shared with each other yet......and seeing how much Kim loves it, I wouldn't mind giving it a try." "I knew there was a reason I fell in love with you, Bonnie chan." Yori replied, smiling. Bonnie didn't say another word; she merely laid Yori back onto the pillow and took a nipple into her mouth, sucking until she felt the warm, sweet liquid touching her tongue. I can see why Kim is so into this, she thought. It's even better right from the source. She pumped three fingers in and out of her girlfriend while she sucked, eliciting from her the tiny squeaks and light moans she had always found so adorable. Is it even possible to love this girl more? ran though Bonnie's mind as Yori stiffened and arched her back when she orgasmed. The brunette finished draining her lover's breasts of milk, then lay back on the bed. "I think you need a drink, Yori," she said, holding up one of her own breasts in offering. She smiled when her lover took right to the task, the smile on the Japanese girl's face telling her that she was enjoying the experience, as well. When the brunette was emptied of milk, they cuddled and kissed for a little while before Yori pushed her onto her back, locked their legs together, and began rocking against her lover. Bonnie moaned. "Feeling a little frisky, aren't we?" she said, holding onto her girlfriend's buttocks as they rubbed their mounds against one another. "How can I not be....when you are so love?" She punctuated this with a kiss, and the two remained locked that way, with every conceivable part of their bodies touching, including their now-quite-sensitive breasts and nipples, and worked their way through a pair of strong, passionate orgasms before pulling apart and laying side-by-side, facing each other, and going back to sleep. ******************************************************************** *************** Across the city, an order came in to a small pizzeria. As the order was filled, the owner called his delivery boy over. "Peter! I gots a rush order for yas!" The scrawny-looking young man approached the counter. "Where to, Mr. Pannuci?" "Address is on da ticket." He set four pizzas on the counter. "Now gets to it; I gots more sweepin' for yas ta do when yas gets back!" The boy nodded, took the pizzas, hopped on his scooter, and drove off. Panucci sighed and reached down to scratch the shaggy brown mutt that hung around the shop behind the ears. "Pete's a good kid, but we both miss Philip, don't we, Seymour?" The dog whimpered. "Come on; I'll let yas stir da sauce. Dat always cheers yas up." It took Peter almost half an hour to get to the location specified on the ticket. "Let's's Yancy to find 122...and 1/8?" He stared at the ticket for a moment. "Yup; 122 and 1/8." He looked around, and saw that the buildings went from 122 right to 123. "Great; where's 122 and 1/8?" "You're standin' on it, dude!" Peter jumped back, as the voice was coming from the storm drain directly below him. "Just slip 'em down here!" An unseen hand pushed some money through the grate, and Peter took it before sliding the boxes, one by one, through the wide slats in the drain. Looking at the wad of bills, he said, "Wait - this is thirty. The tag's only for twenty-five." "You're five minutes early, dude; I tip a dollar a minute when you show up ahead of time. Later, 'gater!" Peter heard someone running away into the sewers and sighed. "Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to leave home without the costume...." He got on his scooter and drove back to the pizzeria. ***************************************************************** ****************** Beneath the city, there lived five very unique beings. They were not human in the biological sense, yet in many ways were far more human than most who live on the surface. They swore an oath to protect those surface-dwellers, and yet a very, very select few even knew of their existence. Even those who might have been allies would not completely have understood them, and humans tend to distrust what they do not understand. For that reason, they remained hidden, using a long-abandoned subway station as their refuge from those they protect. Born into darkness, living in darkness; such is the fate of the ninja. In the aforementioned subway station, these five gathered around a table and four open pizza boxes. A pair of three-fingered green-skinned hands lifted one out of the box. "Yes friends, it's the improved....." Another hand clamped down on his arm. "You do the 'Turbo-Ginsu' bit again, and I break the GameCube." "Aw, but Raph...!" "'But' nothin', Mikey; Master Splinter is tired of cleaning sauce out of his fur!" The one called Leonardo spoke up. "Take it easy on him, Raph; you know how tough things have been lately. On all of us." Raphael stuck one of his sai into the table. "Ya don't have ta remind me, Leo. Why did Shredder have ta miss the garbage truck when he fell off that buildin'? We coulda been done with him a long time ago." Donatello shook his head and lifted a slice of peanut-butter-and-ice-cream pizza into his mouth. "Let it go, Raph," he said, swallowing. "As Master Splinter always said..." "......'The past is forever etched into stone, but the future is forever ours to create." an old, gravelly voice from the other side of the room said. The four known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stood and bowed in his presence. "Master Splinter," Leonardo began. "Please; sit and eat with us." The humanoid rat shook his head. "There will be time for that later. My meditations as of late have revealed to me disturbing images." "What kind of 'images'?" Donatello asked. Splinter sat down in his favorite chair, walking stick across his lap. "Images from the past. And the future. For us....and for others." The Turtles knelt on the floor in front of their aging sensei. "It is time I told you the origins of the Foot Clan, and thus some of our origins. Many years ago, in Japan, there were two ninja schools overseen by a wise and powerful teacher known as the Master Sensei. One school, which sat atop a great mountain, was called Yamanouchi. The other, hidden deep within a forest, was called Yamimori. For centuries, the two schools were at peace. That was changed when a new leader came to power within the Yamimori school. Oroku Nagi. "Nagi and my own master, Hamato Yoshi, were both students of the Yamimori school, and the best of friends. That friendship became a bitter rivalry, however, when a student from Yamanouchi, the woman Tang Shen, came to the school. Both of them instantly fell in love with her and began to compete for her affections, but it soon became clear that her heart had been captured by Yoshi, and this infuriated Nagi. For years, while Yoshi and Shen grew closer and eventually married, Nagi immersed himself in his training, striving to become the greatest warrior at Yamimori, in the hope of one day winning Shen from Yoshi. The teachers could not see his true motive, and, when the leader of the school reached the end of his life, they elected Nagi to replace him, making him second only to the Master Sensei. "When Nagi tried and failed to seduce Shen with his new position, he became angry and tried to kill her. Yoshi was forced to kill him to save his wife, and was then given Nagi's leadership role. However, the story does not end with Nagi's death. Rather, it has only begun." Splinter paused for a moment and poured himself a cup of tea from from the pot sitting on a small stool next to the chair. "As you know, Nagi had a younger brother - Oroku Saki, a student at the Yamanouchi school. When he heard of his brother's death at the hands of Yoshi, he demanded that he be allowed to avenge him. The teachers forbade him to seek this vengeance, as Nagi's death was a result of his own dishonorable actions. In his anger, he departed the school and it was presumed the matter was settled. "After leaving Yamanouchi, Saki went to Yamimori and began secretly gathering those that were loyal to his brother, reorganizing them into an army dedicated to his revenge. When the teachers discovered this plot, they exiled the conspirators and the Master Sensei told Yoshi to take his wife into hiding. They came here, to New York, but Saki followed. He killed Tang Shen while Yoshi was away, and waited for him in his home. When my master returned, they fought violently, and my cage was hurled to the floor. I watched as Saki killed Yoshi, and in my anger, I attacked, jumping onto him and clawing and biting at whatever targets I could find. He threw me to the floor next to my master and his beloved, leaving the house filled with nothing but death and sadness. "Saki returned to Japan and his army. He felt that his vengeance would not be complete until he eliminated those who allowed his brother's death to go unpunished. He knew that not only the Yamimori school would have to suffer, but Yamanouchi, as well. To this day, I do not know what happened in detail, but visions I received recently in my meditations have shown me the total destruction of Yamimori and very little surviving of Yamanouchi." He sighed. "Saki, by this time having taken on the identity of the Shredder, then brought his army, called the Foot Clan, back to America, and I believe you know the rest." "Master," Leonardo said, "we knew of your Master Yoshi's death. But you never told us of the two schools or how Shredder formed the Foot Clan. Why now, after so much time?" "Because, my son, I feel that this past will be coming back to haunt us and others tied to it, and we must be prepared for whatever we may encounter." *************************************************************** ******************** The day after they arrived, Ron and the girls hit the streets. They stopped at the usual tourist spots - Central Park, Times Square, the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge - and took a few minutes to pray at the site of the World Trade Center and pay their respects to the dead. When they were done with the sightseeing early in the afternoon, Ron pulled out the Global Justice credit cards they'd been given and headed for the shopping district. After the sun had started to set, and they had loaded themselves down with more bags than they could effectively carry, they hailed a cab and headed back for the hotel. "Hey, KP," Ron said as the girls tried their best to fit their new clothes and souvenirs into their suitcases. "Why don't we dress up and go get something to eat? You know; play the part of the rich tourists?" "Sounds great, hon. In fact, we picked up some stuff today that'll blow your mind." She picked up one of the overstuffed shopping bags and pulled Shego over to Yori and Bonnie's room. Smiling to himself, Ron got into his suitcase and changed from his street clothes into a black suit and tie, and was in the process of combing his hair back when the girls returned. Kim was wearing a skin-tight shiny black dress with a hemline that only came a quarter of the way down her thighs and an upper portion that pushed her breasts up and pressed them together, creating - and showing - an ample amount of cleavage. The dress was only held up by two very thin straps over the shoulders, and it looked as though her chest did more to keep it in place than the straps. Her long red hair was styled in the same manner as it was during their 'date' at the Middleton Days carnival, with the upper left-hand corner of her face obscured, and her feet were covered in shiny black stiletto heels. "What do you think, lover-boy?" she asked in a sultry voice. Ron was speechless. "I think he likes it, Kimmie," Shego said, stepping into the room. If Kim looked hot in her outfit, then Shego was on fire. Her sequined emerald-green dress was every bit as tight as Kim's, though hers came down to her ankles. The dress had no back, no sleeves, no straps, and a plunging neckline that ended just above her navel in a sharp 'V'. The dress was obviously small around the chest, as her rather massive 'assets' were barely contained by the material. Her hair had been tied into a long braid that almost reached her waistline, and a pair of open-toed black heels completed her outfit. "Of course, I'm nothing to sneeze at, either." Bonnie and Yori stepped out together. They were wearing matching red Chinese-style dresses with white stitching that reached their knees. Embroidered gold dragons ran up the right sides of the dresses, starting at the hem, and running all the way up, with the heads of the serpentine figures positioned right below the necks of the dresses. They had white stockings that ran up beneath their hemlines, adorning their feet were soft red velvet slippers, and Bonnie's hair was done up in a small bun. At this point, Ron had ceased to even think coherently. "Poor Ron-chan," Yori said. "Perhaps we have, as you say, overdone it?" Kim smiled. "Nah; this is pretty normal for him." She walked over and planted a deep kiss on Ron, which snapped him out of his stupor immediately. "Booyah," he said, looking the girls over. "Come on, ladies; somewhere, there's an expensive restaurant with our names on it and menus we can't even read." They joined arms and left the hotel and set out to enjoy the New York nightlife. Sadly, though, they didn't make it very far. A few blocks from where they started, Yori spotted something odd. "Ron-chan, Kim-chan," she said, pointing to an alleyway behind an electronics store, "I believe that place is being robbed." "She's right, Kimmie," Shego added. "There's a van parked back there, and I doubt they're just making a late delivery." Kim sighed. "Great; I just bought this dress. Oh, well. Let's go." They headed into the alley, not knowing that what they would see there would change them forever. Circling around to the rear of the van, they saw several men in black jumpsuits and full facemasks with red headbands encircling their foreheads. "You know," Ron said, getting their attention, "if you're going for the whole 'ninja' look, the red has got to go. Doesn't exactly make you at one with the shadows, know what I'm sayin'?" One of them set down the television he was carrying and stared at the small group. "We don't normally do this, but since we're in a hurry, I'll make you a deal - leave and pretend you saw nothing, or you don't leave at all." Kim smirked. "Sorry, but we don't make deals." "Then prepare to die." "I don't think so." Shego said, her hands flaring to life with plasma energy. The black-clad warriors took a step back, but there was no place for them to go. Ron, Kim, and Shego charged into the midst of them, scattering bodies everywhere. Bonnie and Yori fanned out to either side and knocked out those that could still stand. One of them managed to slip by the group, hop into the van, and take off, leaving his comrades to their fate. When all was said and done, the five young warriors were standing tall, and their clothes weren't even scuffed. "Well, I'd say we handled that pretty well." Ron said, taking out his cel phone. "Kim, call the police. I'm gonna give these guys the once-over and see if I can find out who they're working for." He bent down and started searching the unconscious forms, but found no markings other than some kanji on heir headbands. "Yori, do you recognize these symbols?" The Japanese girl examined the markings and shook her head. "No, Ron-chan. It is unlike anything I have ever seen before." "I don't think we should be around when the cops arrive." Shego said. "They might ask questions we don't want to answer." "Agreed." Bonnie said. "I don't relish the idea of trying to explain how the five of us can beat a bunch of ninjas and not get a scratch." They left the alley and continued towards the restaurant district, unaware that every movement they made was being watched from the roof of the store. Concealed by the darkness and the edge of the roof, a black-clad woman scowled at the defeat of the ninja, knowing that her master would not be pleased. ****************************************************************** ***************** In a run-down warehouse on the wrong side of town, two individuals listened to the woman's report. One of them, dressed in armor covered with spikes, a metal facemask, and razor-sharp helmet, was most displeased. "And you say our warriors were unable to touch them?" "Yes, master." she replied. "But there was something familiar about the way three of them fought. Something...something we thought was destroyed." The armored man scowled beneath his mask. "You assured me that there had been no survivors." "I believed there were none. It was my belief that Yamanouchi was destroyed as completely as Yamimori. It appears I made an error." "Yes," the third person, a bald Japanese man, said. "A large error. If Yamanouchi survived, we are in danger." The armored one was silent for a moment, then spoke to the bald man. "Tatsu, take your best men and find these people. I want to know who they are. Karai, I want you to search for any mentions of Yamanouchi. If they still exist, we must eliminate them. Permanently this time. None can live that know our secrets."
"Yes, Master Shredder." they both said before leaving the room. ********************************************************************* ************** April O'Neil left the office of the Chief of Police in a huff. Pulling out her cel phone, she dialed a number she'd long ago committed to memory. "Casey," she said when someone picked up on the other end, "we've got a problem." "What kind of problem, babe?" "A ninja kind of problem. Someone took out a bunch of Foot Clan last night, but it wasn't the guys." "But who else around here can fight that good?" "Nobody I know of, and that's the trouble. One of the boys in the NYPD owed me a favor and I got to look at the police report. Someone called them in to pick up the crooks and bolted from the scene, but they were able to trace the call to a cel phone. I've got the name the phone was registered to and I'm gonna see if I can track this guy down, but I want backup going in. I do not want to be caught alone with whoever can take out two dozen ninjas. Especially if I'm reading this name right." "Gotcha covered, babe. Lemme grab my stuff and I'll meet you at your apartment in an hour." "Casey, what would I do without you?" "Probably live a sane, safe, happy life." "That'd be boring. Bye, hon." She ended the call and climbed into her car. I just hope I know what I'm doing, she thought. ****************************************************************** ***************** Some time later, Ron was awakened by a knock on the door. Sliding from between the nude forms of Kim and Shego, he donned the black silk kimono he'd been given at Yamanouchi during the Lotus Blade ceremony and opened the door. "We didn't order any room service or a wake-up call," he said, trying to sound polite for a man who hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night. "I'm not with the hotel," the brown-haired woman said. "I'm April O'Neil, with Channel 3 News. I'd like to talk to you about a robbery attempt last night." Ron tried to hide his nervousness. "Look, just because we've got an expensive-looking hotel room doesn't mean we robbed anyone. I'm getting married in a couple of months and this vacation is a gift to me and my fiancé from our boss. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to bed." He started to close the door, but a muscular arm stopped him from doing so. "Thanks, Casey," the woman said. "Look, I know you're the one who stopped those ninjas. The call to the police station was made from your phone, Ron Stoppable. And I also know a little more about you; we reporters tend to keep track of globe-trekking heroes. I know that you and Kim Possible can fight better than most professionals, and I also know..." "Did you know about me?" Shego said, stepping into the doorway, flanked by Kim, the two of them also dressed in their Yamanouchi robes. "If you're trying to threaten Ron, you picked the wrong time to do it." The color drained from April and Casey's faces. Kim pushed the door open. "If you want to talk, fine. But this is off the record and I don't want anything appearing on TV or anywhere else. Got it?" April nodded. "I didn't intend to say anything. It's just that...well, there's only one group I know of that can take down ninjas like that, and if I'm right, you're connected to them. And even if you aren't, you've made an enemy of the Foot Clan and you'll need help from someone that knows them." "'Foot Clan'?" Kim asked, pulling out the headband Ron had taken from one of the thieves. "You mean these guys?" April nodded. Ron motioned them inside. "Sit down; we'll talk." O'Neil shook her head. "No; this is something you're going to have to see to believe." Shego sighed. "So much for sleeping in. I'll wake up Yori and Bonnie." ******************************************************************** *************** An hour later, Ron and the girls stared incredulously as Casey pulled a manhole cover aside and climbed down into the hole, followed by April. "Um, where exactly are we going again?" Ron asked as he followed them down. "I told you," April replied, her voice echoing slightly, "to meet some friends of mine." The rest of the group descended into the hole, Shego pulling the heavy metal cover back over it when they were in. They trekked through the sewer for a short time until they came across a rather large hole with a ladder leading downwards. "Down here," April said. "And I hope you're not too shocked by what you see." "Hey," Ron said as he descended the ladder, "there's not much that can surprise us these......days...." He was stopped cold by the sight of four humanoid turtles sitting on a couch watching TV and a rat in an easy chair drinking tea from an old cup. "Um, yeah - consider me shocked..." "What're you doin' down here? And how'd you even find us?" One of the turtles, who wore a red mask, said as he drew twin sai from his belt. "It's okay, Raph," April said, jumping down the ladder, followed by Casey. "I brought them here." Kim, Yori, Bonnie, and Shego joined them a moment later. "We've got some things to talk over." April explained what she'd found out, and the five young lovers filled in the gaps. When they were done, Splinter explained their side of the story. "And, using an old Renaissance art book I found in a storm drain, I gave them all names. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael." "Oddly enough, that's somewhat tame considering some of the things we've run up against," Shego said, igniting her right hand for a second. Ron spoke up. "So, this 'Foot Clan' used to be part of a school like Yamanouchi?" Splinter nodded. "The two schools were once enemies, but the first Master Sensei united them when the warlords began encroaching on the lands where the schools were built. The invasions were repelled, and the schools were at peace for many, many years." Yori stood. "I know the rest of the story, if I may be allowed to speak." "Go ahead, young one. I feel that yours is the most important story of them all." Taking a deep breath, the Japanese girl continued. "Years ago, Yamimori was attacked and destroyed by a group of rogue ninja. I have been to the grounds, and nothing remains. Yamanouchi fell under attack soon after, but there were survivors - the Master Sensei and myself, along with several students and a few teachers. It took some time, but the school was rebuilt. My parents were killed in the attack by a ninja named Lin Karai." "KARAI?!?!?!" Leonardo said, jumping from his seat. "You know of this woman?" "How could I not? She's tried to kill us a dozen times over. She's also one of the leaders of the Foot Clan." "Who are the others?" Raph jumped in. "A bald guy named Tatsu and the Shredder. He's the one in charge of the whole thing." Splinter nodded again. "The Shredder was once known by the name Oroku Saki, which is most likely familiar to you, Yori-san." "Hai. It is. The Master Sensei told me that Karai was once a student of Yamanouchi, but she became part of Oroku Saki's army and killed my parents." "It would appear that our enemies are one and the same. It would not be safe for you to remain on the surface. If you would like, you may gather what belongings you have and join us down here." Yori bowed. "We are most honored by your offer, but we would not wish to impose." Bonnie put a hand on Yori's shoulder. "Yori-chan, I don't think we can exactly refuse here. If there's a ninja army going to be hunting us, I'd rather be hidden." Ron stood up. "Alright then. Shego, you and Kim are with me. We're going back to the hotel to pack up." He nodded towards Casey. "If you wanna tag along, big guy, be my guest. Always nice to have some extra muscle along for the ride." ******************************************************************** *************** "Have you found them?" Shredder asked as Karai knelt before him. "I tracked them back to a hotel on the north end of the city, but by the time I arrived, they had checked out. I do not know where they could have disappeared to." "You have failed me again, Karai. If you were anyone else, you would not be living to have a chance at a third mistake. You are to remain here and meditate on your failures and the consequences of doing so again until I say otherwise." "Yes, Master Shredder." "When I send you out again, you are to find them and bring at least one back here. I want to see how much they know." "By your command, Master." ******************************************************************** *************** By noon, Ron and the girls were set up in the old subway station. Their belongings were stowed in one of the unused rail cars, and five old-but-sturdy cots had been set up for them to sleep on. "It ain't exactly the Hilton..." Michelangelo said, ".....let's face it - you'd be better off staying at the Hilton." "We were staying at the Hilton." Bonnie said with a wry grin. "My bad," the orange-masked ninja said, returning her grin. Yori had told Splinter of her dream, hoping for the insight of a fellow ninja, and what she described troubled him. "What you are seeing," he said, "is a vision of the attack on Yamanouchi. The armored one you saw was the Shredder, and the woman was Karai. There can be no doubt of that." Yori sighed. "I have long suspected that the dream was an image of the past. Can you tell me why I am only now seeing this?" Splinter nodded. "The reason for this dream, I fear, is that you are to come face-to-face with the murderer of your parents. You must choose whether to forgive Karai or exact vengeance." Yori bowed. "Thank you, sensei." Splinter smiled. "I have not earned that title, young one." "I beg to differ, sensei. You are the last survivor of Yamimori. That makes this," she spread her hands to encompass the station, "the new Yamimori school, and you are its master. While I am here, I would be honored to become your student." "And I would be honored to teach you, Yori-san." Bonnie strode over and put an arm around Yori's waist. "You mean train us. Yori's been teaching me what she learned at Yamanouchi, and I am not going to pass this up. Besides," she turned her head and kissed Yori passionately, "we're a set. You get one, you get both." Splinter nodded. "Very well. It will be refreshing to have new students again." He sighed when they kissed again. "And I thought I had seen it all....." Inside one of the cars, Ron and Kim were cuddling on one of the long sets, her sitting crosswise in his lap and her head on his shoulder. "Sorry this vacation turned out to be another 'evil-madman-trying-to-kill-us' thing, Kim." "It's no big, Ron." The redhead fingered the emerald ring on her left hand. "At least we're still together." "That's something we need to clear up." He took a deep breath and looked down into her concerned eyes. "Kim, you know I love you and always will...." " aren't having second thoughts about getting married, are you?" "No! Never! Of course I want to marry you! It's just that things have become....complicated. With one of the girls." "I thought this Yori thing was settled; she's with Bonnie now and they've got children." "It's not Yori, Kim." He paused, knowing he had to continue but not sure if he wanted to. "It's....Shego." "What about her?" "It took a long time....a very long time.....but I've come to care about her, Kim. The same way I care about you." " love Shego?" Kim asked, her eyes going wide. Ron nodded. "I hope you can understand, Kim. I man, you love her and we've done just fine so far. You're the one I want to marry, but over these last three years, I've come to realize I couldn't bear to lose either of you." "Ron....I'm not sure I can deal with this. Knowing that you're in love with another woman and all....." "I was afraid this would happen. Look, KP, I've been sharing your heart with Shego all this time. Is it so unreasonable that you could share mine with her?" He started to say more, but Kim silenced him with a giggle. "Silly Ron! You still can't tell when I'm playing you!" She nuzzled his neck. "I've seen the way you look at her; it's the same look you give me, and I couldn't be happier. Shego hasn't said as much, but I think she knows that you two are beyond the 'friends-with-benefits' stage by now. This just means that our marriage won't be hurt by anything like jealousy." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Say,'re Jewish; do you still have provisions for marrying multiple women?" "Don't even joke, KP. If it went sour, there's no way I could afford those kinds of alimony payments." The two began laughing, a sound which carried all the way across the station where Shego and Raphael were sparring. Wonder what they're so happy about? the olive-skinned woman thought as she ducked several rapid kicks from the red-masked ninja and countered with a hip throw that he expertly maneuvered out of, landing squarely on his feet. "You're good." she said. "Not good enough, or you wouldn't 'ave been able ta grab me at all." he replied. "Again?" "Always." They bowed and resumed their match. Later that evening, after a sizable dinner of several pizzas, the four Turtles were preparing to leave their lair. "Where you guys headin' off to so late?" Ron asked, stretching back on one of the cots. "Patrol," Leonardo said. "We have to remain vigilant and alert if we're going to stop the Foot." Ron hopped up form the bed. "Then we're going with you." "Time out!" Leonardo replied. "It's too dangerous. We can't keep an eye on you and the city at the same time." "I think we can take care of ourselves," Shego said dryly. Raphael put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "She's right, Leo. These guys took out two squads of Foot without our help; they might come in handy." Leonardo sighed. "Alright; they can come along. But I'm not going to be responsible if they get hurt." He climbed the ladder, followed by the other three Turtles. "Booyah." Bonnie said, cracking her knuckles. "These guys killed Yori's parents, and I think it's high time to return the favor." "No!" Splinter said, striking the ground with the end of his staff for emphasis. "You must remain calm. Keep your emotions in check at all times, or you will lose focus. Despite what the Foot Clan has done in the past, they are merely pawns. Your true enemy is the Shredder. He is the one behind your sorrows as well as mine."
Bonnie looked flustered for a bit, then bowed to the rat. "I am sorry, sensei. I just...."
Splinter raised a hand to silence her. "I know. Love is a powerful weapon, but like all weapons, it must be tempered." "Wow," Kim said. "That sounded exactly like something the Master Sensei would say." "Stands to reason, KP," Ron said. "Identical schools, remember?" "Right." She started to climb the ladder, but Ron stopped her. "You might wanna leave the ring here, Kim. I'd hate for it to get lost." Kim nodded and took the ring off, handing it to Splinter. "Take good care of that, alright?" "I will not let it go until you return," the aging master replied, clutching it tightly in one clawed hand. He watched as the nine warriors departed for the surface. "Take care, young ones. I fear that soon we will all have a great trial ahead of us." ******************************************************************** *************** Hours were spent scouring the city. The Turtles kept to the rooftops, whereas Ron and the girls, being a little less conspicuous than their amphibian allies, kept to the streets. By two in the morning, they had found nothing and were ready to call it quits. "The Foot don't just 'stop' their activities." Leonardo said. "We haven't even seen a sign of a pickpocketing case, much less any sort of major heist. I don't get it." Ron was looking around at the skyline of the city. "I do. They're following us. Have been for an hour now." Raphael's eyes went wide. "How do you know that? If you've been leading them to us this whole time..." he reaches for his sai, but Leonardo stopped him. "If that were the case, they'd have ambushed us in the lair where we would have had less room to fight." He looked at Ron. "But how do you know? And why didn't you say something?" "It's a long story involving some very old monkey statues that I can't really get into right now. And I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure who it was until a minute ago, but there's no doubt about it; we're definitely being tailed by ninja." About that time, the woman known as Karai landed across the roof from them. "It appears that our enemies are now allies. That will make it easier to destroy you all." Several dozen Foot ninja surrounded them, weapons drawn. Yori's gaze hardened at the woman. "You are the one who shall know defeat this day; my parents will be avenged!" She whipped out her razor-sharp fans, opening them with a flourished spin. Bonnie did the same with her katana. Karai looked at her for a moment, her eyes going wide. "Yori....?" "How do you know my name?" Karai was silent. "How????" Karai still said nothing; she merely gave a hand signal to her warriors. As one, they rushed in in an attempt to overwhelm the Turtles an their new allies. Ron met them halfway in his usual style. Combining his Monkey style with the other combat forms he'd learned from Shego and at Yamanouchi, the Foot ninja were easy pickings for him. Punch, punch, block, parry, kick, leg sweep, hip toss.....the movements were almost automatic for him, and whether it was one, three, or a half-dozen at once, he found no great difficulty in reducing them to so many unconscious forms on the rooftop. Kim and Shego, fighting side-by-side, found no greater challenge than Ron did. What one could not reach the other could easily dispatch. Kim's graceful, elegant Crane style proved to be the perfect compliment for Shego's brutal Dragon moves, and between them, not a single enemy remained coherent for very long. As usual, Bonnie and Yori mirrored one another's defensive moves perfectly. Yori was having a difficult time pushing aside her anger towards Karai, but she knew that she had to in order to stay alive. If I lose my cool, then Bonnie-chan would follow suit and we would both be killed. Now is not the time for revenge; that will come later. She stole a glance over at Bonnie, who parried the strike from akatana-wielding ninja and kicked him hard in the chest, sending him stumbling backwards and over the edge of the roof. The Turtles, meanwhile, were occupied with a second group that had joined the battle, led by the stone-faced Tatsu, but it seemed much easier than usual. "Hey, Raph," Michelangelo said as he knocked one of his adversaries to the side, "I may not be the smartest guy here, but it seems to me these dudes aren't even trying." "Ya got dat right, Mikey, an' 'at just means one thing." "Trap." they both said at the same time. They whirled around to call out a warning to the others, but it was too late. A new group of Foot warriors appeared on the next rooftop over, bringing crossbows up to their shoulders and firing in one fluid motion. One bolt whizzed past Ron and two more flew over the heads of Yori and Bonnie, but another pair struck Kim and Shego in the shoulders. The girls screamed as electricity coursed through their bodies, and Leonardo recognized the weaponry. "Tasers! Watch yourselves!" But his warning was too late. Each Turtle was struck with one of the electrified weapons, and without them, Ron, Bonnie, Yori were overwhelmed within minutes. The last thing Ron saw before losing consciousness was Tatsu and Karai picking up the fallen forms of Kim and Shego and leaping away from the rooftop.
************************************************************** *********************
Shredder stared down at the two captured warriors strapped to the metal tables at the back of the warehouse. "You have already interrogated them?" he asked Karai. "Yes, Master. They did not cooperate at first," she held up a hypodermic syringe, "but I found ways to loosen their tongues. The Master Sensei survived and rebuilt the school. Yori is alive, as well." "Are you sure?" "Yes, Master. She was present at the battle today. I would have captured her, as well, but we had already lost many warriors and I knew that these two would not remain stunned for long. They are quite resilient; at least as much as the Turtles." "If the girl is allowed to live, she could destroy us. She knows too much of our ways, and most likely now knows of my existence. She could bring all of Yamanouchi down on us, and that is a battle we could not win." Shredder smiled beneath his mask. "I think I know of a way that these two can be of some use to us in destroying her." He opened a dented, rusty metal cabinet and removed a glass canister filled with a green liquid. "Take a squad of warriors to the Central Park Zoo." "I will obey, Master, but...." "You question my orders, Karai?" "Only in part, Master. Yori is a powerful warrior, but she is only a child. Her skills are not yet complete. She could destroy us one day, but if she could be turned....." "You believe she could be made to serve our purposes?" "She will join us or die, Master Shredder." "Very well. You may have the opportunity to make her one of us. In the meantime, carry out your mission." "Yes, Master." Karai bowed and left the warehouse. Shredder stared down at the canister. "This failed to destroy the legacy of Hamato Yoshi before; but perhaps now, when channeled properly, my vengeance will be complete." He ran his fingers over the bold letters that spelled out "TGRI", then looked back to the two unconscious women and allowed himself a smile. ******************************************************************** *************** Ron woke up on the couch in the Turtles' lair. "Ugh...what hit me....?" "About three dozen Foot soldiers." Donatello said, wrapping a bandage around Michelangelo's torso. "Bonnie and Yori are in one of the cars. They haven't woke up yet." "What about..." Ron sat up sharply. "Kim! Shego! Where are they?" "I am afraid they are gone." Splinter said. "They have been captured by the Shredder, and I do not hold high hopes for their recovery." "I'm going to get them back." "As warriors, we must learn to be able to let go of the things we are attached to. They are most likely dead by now, Ron-san." Ron's face turned dark and angry. "Until I see them for myself, they're alive and that's all there is to it!" "I understand your resolve and commend you for it, but you must be prepared to accept the loss." "I'll prepare for it when it happens." Ron said flatly. ******************************************************************** *************** The next several days were spent healing wounds and preparing strategies. The primary concern was that Shredder would be able to extract the location of the lair from Kim and Shego, and thus defenses were beefed up. Someone was always standing guard at the entrance, the tunnels leading into the subway station were barricaded and rigged with alarms, and all openings save the primary entryway through the hole and ladder in the ceiling were sealed. "The big question is," Leonardo asked, "if Shredder has learned where we are by now, why hasn't he attacked?" "The answer to that one," Yori replied, "is all too easy, I am afraid. Master Splinter has told me much of Oroku Saki, as did the Master Sensei at Yamanouchi. He is driven by vengeance and little else. He will want to enjoy his victory over us and humiliate us in the process. The best way to do that...." " in public. Where we can be seen." Donatello finished. "And wit' dose two girls he nabbed," Raphael added, "he's got a bargainin' chip." "Yeah," Ron said. "A big one." The young man had slept and ate little since Kim and Shego's capture. The two women he loved more than anything - and one of them he was set to marry - had been kidnapped and possibly killed by the Shredder. He looked down at the emerald ring in his hand and started crying again. He'd lost count of how many times he'd done that so far, but he didn't care. Bonnie and Yori sat on either side of Ron, embracing him to show that he wasn't alone in his pain. "We are here for you, Ron-chan." "Yeah; and when we find those creeps, we're gonna give them whatever they gave Kimmie and Shego back double." ******************************************************************** *************** Shredder looked at the two massive cages that had been constructed in his warehouse stronghold. Inside each, Kim and Shego were strapped, still sedated, on the metal tables. Next to them were smaller cages containing the prizes that Karai had returned with. "You are certain that these are the most vicious animals you could find?" "That we could safely return with, Master Shredder." she said, bowing. "We tried to get the tiger, but two men died in the attempt and I did not feel it was wise to try a second time." "These will be more than adequate." He eyed the women on the table. "They will be the hammer that I will use to crush the Turtles once and for all!" He opened the glass canister and poured some of its contents into a glass globe suspended in front of the cages. From that globe ran two clear plastic tubes, and those tubes terminated in needles that were inserted into the right arm of each girl. Shredder smiled wickedly as the green substance flowed down the tubes and into his captives. ******************************************************************** *************** "Guys!" April said, sliding down the ladder followed by Casey Jones. "We've got trouble!" "What's up, April?" Michelangelo asked, putting down the feather duster he had been cleaning with. April held up a folded piece of black paper with white kanji marked on it. "This was stuck to my door with a knife." Yori took the paper and unfolded it. "It is from Oroku Saki. He wants us to meet him in Times Square at noon tomorrow to get Kim and Shego back. If we are not there, he will order his ninja to attack the city." "But if we do go," Leonardo said, "everyone in town will know about us." "If it is a choice between our secrecy and the safety of the city," Splinter said, "then there is no choice. We must meet the Shredder as he has demanded." "But it's obviously a trap!" April said. Ron nodded. "Yeah - a trap we're going to break and get the girls back!" "I'm with Ron." Bonnie said. "Kim showed me a lot more kindness than she had to a while back, and without her, I never would have met Yori. I owe her more than I can ever repay, but this seems like a good start." Yori got up and took her lover by the hand to show her support. "I never said we weren't going. Protecting the innocent is what we're sworn to do; no matter what the cost." Leonardo said. "But we're not going in blindly. Or alone." ******************************************************************** *************** The four Turtles, clad in long trench-coats and wide-brimmed hats, stood atop the Daily Bugle building, looking out for any sign of the Foot Clan. Below them, Ron, Bonnie, and Yori were standing around the lamp post across from the Bugle. Across the street, Casey stood in an alley hidden from view in case backup was needed, and April was a little ways down the street on the other side of the Square, crouched in the back of an old van she'd borrowed from her cousin and holding a video camera. Splinter was behind her, clutching a bow and a quiver of arrows in his claws. "Three minutes." Ron said, looking at his watch. "I hope he didn't send that note just to toy with us." Yori shook her head. "Saki is sadistic, but not in that way. He enjoys inflicting physical and mental pain at the same time. He will be here." As soon as the clocks began to strike twelve, a massive tractor-trailer roared down the street, causing the civilians to scatter, and parked itself in front of the Bugle building. At the same time, Foot warriors began climbing out of manhole covers, out of alleys - though some of these were taken out by Casey before they could join their brethren - and out of other vehicles parked in the Square. Out of the cab of the truck stepped Shredder, Tatsu, and Karai. "So, you have come," Shredder said when the Turtles leaped from the roof to join Ron, Yori, and Bonnie. "You give us Kim and Shego back right now, you tin-plated creep!" Shredder laughed. "Certainly. But I doubt that they are in any condition to say 'hello'." He snapped his fingers, and Tatsu unlocked the back of the truck, allowing the doors to swing open freely. "TOKKA!!!!! RAZHAR!!!!!" The group looked on in horror as two massive....things walked out of the truck and slammed down onto the pavement. One of them was a red-furred werewolf-like beast with enormous fangs and even bigger claws, and a very familiar pair of green eyes. The second was a humanoid turtle with a spiked shell, a razor-sharp beak, and an olive skin tone as familiar as the other's eyes. "No...." Ron said. "It can't be......" He stared at the two creatures, and dropped to his knees. "Kim....Shego......what did he do to you????????"
To Be Continued........ ******************************************************************** *************** And there's the first entry of my new story arc. I hope you've enjoyed it, and I have anothersurprise in store for the next part. Until than, ja ne!