Kim Possible Fan Fiction ❯ Kim Possible: The Impossibilities Series ❯ Chapter 8: The Impossible Vacation - Part 2 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Impossible Vacation:
Part 2
by Jarkota
Author's note: As promised, the second installment to my newest story arc. As always I don't own these characters; I'm just playing sick, warped, and demented games with their lives. *~*~* Ron stared at the two mutated beasts that were once Shego and Kim, now called Tokka and Razhar, tears flowing from his eyes and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. Regaining his composure and steeling his resolve, he stood up, shifting his gaze to the Shredder. "SAKI!" he yelled out. "I'll have your head on my wall for this!!!!!" The blue aura of his monkey power flared around him and his eyes turned solid blue, the ground cracking beneath him under the strain of the energy. " appears you have some power after all. Interesting. Perhaps you will be my next solider." He made a quick signal with his right hand and the Foot warriors swarmed in to attack. Bonnie and Yori didn't hesitate. They dove straight into the army of ninja, hands and feet lashing out too fast for most eyes to follow, trying to clear a path to Shredder. The four Turtles, now joined by Casey Jones, were also working to make a path, but there were just too many enemy fighters. As soon as they'd take down three or four, double that number would replace them. "I'm curious," Raph said as he knocked two warriors against the wall of the Daily Bugle building. "Any a' you guys ever heard the expression 'fair fight'?" A second later, three Foot drew katanafrom sheaths on their backs and advanced on him. "Guess not." he said, drawing his sai. Donatello took out another pair with a single swipe of his staff. "We need more room to maneuver!" He tripped up another ninja. "At this rate, we'll be overwhelmed!" "How do you suppose we getmore room?" Casey asked, using a baseball bat and a hockey stick to fend off his opponents. Before anyone could answer, several thick, white strands of....something shot through the air, sticking to the legs of a group of Foot soldiers and hoisting them into the air, leaving them hanging upside-down over a lamp post. A man in red-and-blue tights landed in front of Casey. "You boys looked like you could use some help." "Hey," Casey said, lifting his goalie mask, "I know you! You're that spider-guy that's in all the papers!" "That's Spider-Man, but I'm flattered you recognized me." "How'd you know who to go after, if you don't mind me asking?" "It wasn't hard. The good guys don't usually wear black and show up with werewolves in a big rig.” "Good point." He looked over Spider-Man's shoulder. "Heads up – here come the relief players!" Casey lowered his mask and braced for the assault. Spider-Man whirled around and lobbed two large globs of webbing at the ninja, knocking them down and securing them to the pavement. "Eh, these guys ain't so tough." He twisted to one side and then the other to dodge several shuriken that stuck deep into the wall behind him. "Can't take criticism, either." Meanwhile, Ron had gone ballistic. He was tearing through Foot soldiers left and right, casting their battered, unconscious forms carelessly aside, as he made his way towards Shredder. He'll pay for taking KP and Shego away from me.....He'll pay like Mankey and Gemini did. Nobody hurts my family and gets away with it!His aura flared even brighter and blue-white electricity started flickering across his body, his hair standing on end due to the residual static field. Each blow he struck was accompanied by the wet snap of bone, cartilage, and muscle being broken and crushed under the force. Bonnie and Yori had split up. While the Japanese girl shifted her focus towards Karai, her brunette lover was slowly but surely fighting her way to the expressionless Tatsu. Parrying their weapons with her adamantium katana, Bonnie was relentless in her assault on the Foot warriors. She knew that Tatsu was respected as much as the Shredder, and that, if he were to fall in battle, many of the Foot would lose their resolve and either be easier to defeat or quit the fight altogether. Just like a snake, she mused. Cut off the head and the body dies without a fight.Several minutes later, she found that the path was open; Tatsu was hers. He drew two large double-edged knives from a sheath at the small of his back and poised himself to face her. As soon as she attacked, she began to wonder if she'd made a mistake in facing him alone. Tatsu was a formidible opponent; obviously as skilled as she was, if not more so. As fast as she was with her indestructible blades, he was even faster. Every slice was blocked, every thrust parried, and every feint properly scouted and ignored. It's like he's a step ahead of me at every turn. But that's impossible; Yori taught me everything she learned at Yamanouchi and.... Then, it hit her. Of course! Saki trained at Yamanouchi, and hetaught this guy! That's why I can't beat him. Everything I've learned, he has a counter for it.She clenched her jaw. Well, I'll just have to mix it up a bit. Bonnie stepped back, her right foot backwards, as though she was intending to retreat. Come on, Baldy, she thought. Fall for it. She resisted the urge to grin as he lunged forward with one of his daggers. Gotcha!She leaped straight up, doing a full 360° forward flip before landing on his shoulders, facing the opposite direction he was, then pushing off again, landing square on her feet while pushing him to the ground and knocking his weapons away from him. Smirking, she walked back to the ninja, who was attempting to get to his feet, and delivering a sharp kick to his forehead, knocking him out cold. She slid her katana into their sheaths, raising an eyebrow at the odd man in the red-and-blue tights that appeared and bound Tatsu's wrists and ankles with a white, sticky substance. "Who're you?" she asked. "Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," he said before leaping into a crowd of Foot ninja. "Only in New York....." she said, dragging Tatsu's unconscious form over to the van where April and Splinter waited. Splinter bowed to her as they secured their enemy in the back of the vehicle. "Astounding form, young one. Where did you learn that technique?" Bonnie grinned. "Eight-grade cheer squad," she replied before running back to join he battle. In the same time it had taken Bonnie to reach Tatsu, Yori had reached Karai. The two were locked in combat, Yori's twin fans to Karai's single katana, neither gaining an advantage. "The Master Sensei has taught you well," Karai said. "You will find that I am fullof surprises, traitor!" Yori replied, spinning rapidly once, her fans fully extended, and almost knocked Karai's sword from her grasp. The older woman was stunned long enough for Yori to plant a kick square in her stomach, sending her backwards and into the side of the eighteen-wheeler. "Most impressive, Yori." The girl scowled. "How do you know my name? Answer!" Karai smiled. "I have known you since before you were born, though I am surprised to find you alive. I was a student of Yamanouchi." She struck with her katana, catching Yori off-guard and forcing her to step back. Another two strikes at the distracted ninja girl parted her from her fans, and a swift kick to the shin brought her to her knees. "I'm betting that Master Sensei never told you what happened to your mother." "He told me enough. He told me of the day you murdered her." Karai laughed evilly. "No, Yori. I am your mother!" Yori's jaw went slack. At first, she didn't believe the woman. But looking at her facial features, her eyes, the shape of her body.....there was no way to deny it, though Yori tried anyway. "You could neverbe my mother! My mother would have had a sense of honor and decency! She would never join someone like Oroku Saki!" Karai smirked. "You would be surprised how the definition of 'honor' can be different depending on who you ask. Oroku Saki was a great warrior, surpassed only by his brother. Early into my training at Yamanouchi, Saki and another boy protected me from the older students. It was Saki who opened my eyes and showed me what true strength was. That other boy, Li Kwan, would eventually become my lover, and your father. He was a kind, compassionate person, but I eventually saw how weak it made him." Her smirk took on a devil-like quality. "So weak, in fact, that he could not even bring himself to fight me that day. I took greatpleasure in parting his head from his shoulders." Yori's anger mounted through the telling of the story, and that last sentence sent her over the edge. "You BITCH!" she exclaimed, lashing out with her foot to kick Karai's sword arm away, then rolling to the side and to her feet. "Is that any way to talk to your mother, Yori?" the older woman said, grinning evilly. The girl said nothing; her eyes were full of both tears and hatred. She reached down to scoop up her fans, then turned away from the conflict, leaving a grinning Karai behind her. Why didn't you tell me, Sensei? Why did you make me discover this on my own when you knew it would cause me pain? Ron had reached Shredder, but the armored man was now being guarded by Tokka and Razhar. "What is the matter, boy?" Shredder asked. "Can't fight them knowing who they were?" He laughed. “Those girls no longer exist. This," he said, holding up the almost-full canister of mutagen, "has completely erased all but their basic DNA. Their minds are gone, replaced by what I have told them. The only thing that they know is that I am their master and that they are to destroy anyonewho gets in my way." "I'm goingto get them back, Saki," Ron said, his aura flaring again. "Kim and Shego are still in there, and when we're back together, you're going to wish you'd neverscrewed with us!" "Will I?" He snapped his fingers, and the two mutants charged. It was all Ron could do to avoid the massive claws and gnashing teeth. Damn! They're quick for things that size. Got to be careful; don't want to hurt them.No sooner had he finished that thought than Razhar backhanded him, sending him flying across the battlefield and into several Foot soldiers. "Enough!" Shredder called out. "We have proven our point!" He motioned towards the truck and the two mutants climabed back into it. Two Foot ninjaclosed and locked the doors. Shredder climbed into the passenger's side of the cab and Karai slid in behind the wheel. "Where is Tatsu?" he asked. "Captured. One of the girls took him down." "He should have been more careful. We will not waste time on him." The truck's engine roared to life, and Karai maneuvered it down the street, breaking past two police cruisers that had been positioned as an impromptu barricade to keep the public away, and disappeared around a corner. Ron, Bonnie, Yori, and the Turtles climbed into the back of the van. April gunned the engine and left the scene before anyone could start asking questions. *~*~* Back at the Turtles' lair, Ron was sulking even worse than before. For the next three days, while the rest of the group tried, unsuccessfully, to interrogate Tatsu, Ron just sulked. He barely ate and slept little. All he did was lay on his cot and stare at Kim's engagement ring. “We have gotto do something about this," Bonnie said. "He didn't even respond to the grande-sized Naco platters we brought in." Yori sighed. "Ron-chan's heart may never heal. I am not sure minewill, either." Bonnie hugged her girlfriend. "It'll be okay, Yori. If you ask me, she gave up any right to call herself your mother a longtime ago." "It is not that, Bonnie-chan. I am bothered by the fact that the Master Sensei lied to me about my parents." "Welcome to my world. I've been lied to before, but you can't let it get you down. And besides," she gave the Japanese girl a kiss on the cheek, "I'll always be here to help you kick some ninja tail." Yori smiled. "Thank you, Bonnie-chan. I do not what I would have done if I had not met you." Their hands found one another, the fingers entwining as they leaned against one another on the couch. "I only wish I could speak with Sensei and learn why he did not tell me the truth." "Perhaps you can, young one," Splinter said, stepping out of one of the train cars. "How can I do that, Sensei?” Splinter reached under his chair and removed a small, well-worn bundle of cloth. He sat cross-legged on the large rug in the middle of the floor, motiong for Yori to join him. When she was seated, he unrolled the cloth to reveal a large candle. “I have not needed this in many years,” Splinter began as he lit the candle. “Close your eyes and concentrate. Seek the Master Sensei on the spiritual plane, child, and you will find your answers.” Yori did as she was instructed. The smoke from the fragrant wax that the candle was made of seemed to dull all of her senses, yet at the same time sharpen her mind. She left the subway station behind for a world purely ethereal in its nature. All around her were shadows of buildings, animals, people, and other things of the physical world, some of which were as close to her as she knew she was to Splinter in actuality, but distant and far away. She traversed this plane of existence, not by walking nor flying but seemingly a combination of both and yet neither, for what could have been a minute, an hour or an eternity; time itself ceases to have meaning to those walking in the spirit realm, and though Yori had done this before under the guidance of the Yamanouchi teachers, it never ceased to amaze her. Towards the end of her journey, she saw a faint light in the distance. She focused her attention upon it, and it began to grow larger in her vision. As time went on, such as it does in the spirit world, at any rate, it grew until it was several times the size of Yori herself, and she could see that it was a large sphere of blue light. When she reached it, it seemed to pulse with energy, as though it were alive. Steeling herself, somehow knowing that the truth of her past was inside, she pushed onward and entered the sphere. Inside, she was greeted by the astral form of the Master Sensei, sitting before an ethereal fire. “Master Sensei!” she said, bowing before him. The old man smiled. “Yori. It is a pleasure to see you again.” He then sighed. “But I fear circumstances are not as we would wish.” “They are not, Master.” She 'sat' in front of the fire with him and her voice took on a dark tone. “I have met Karai.” “I see. Do you wish to seek vengeance for your mother?” “How can I avenge her when she never died?” She clenched her fists. “You lied to me. You told me Karai betrayed and murdered my mother!” “So...she told you.” Yori nodded. “This is unexpected....and unfortunate.” “Unfortunate that I know the truth?” “Unfortunate that you faced her before you were ready. You were not prepared for this burden.” He paused. “Your mother was corrupted by Saki's promises of wealth and power. She ceased to be Setsuna Iimoru and became Lin Karai. When that happened, the good woman who was your mother was destroyed. I told you the truth....from a certain point of view.” “This is beginning to sound like one of Ron-chan's movies.....” The Sensei's astral form lowered his head. “Setsuna was a good friend. When I first met her, she was little more than an orphan whose parents were killed by the Yakuza, but I was amazed at how strong she was even when the other students refused to accept her. At that time, Yamanouchi did not allow many female students, and they 'singled her out', as they say. I saw how determined she was to become a warrior and took it upon myself to train her as a ninja. I thought I could instruct her as well as I had been.” He paused. “I was wrong.” “Could there still be good within her?” He looked into the flames, as if he was trying to avoid eye contact. “Too long has she walked the dark path. She is more an extension of Saki than anything else; twisted and evil.” Yori shook her head. “I cannot do it, Sensei.” “You cannot escape your destiny. You must face Lin Karai again.” “I can't kill my own mother!” “Then Saki has already won. You were our only....” “Do not give me that!” She stood up, her face contorted with rage. “There must have been dozens of trained ninja that could have killed her and Saki both!You were waiting for me to do it! Was this to be another of your 'tests'? Another 'trial' that I was supposed to undergo?” The old man did not answer. “Why have you not been honest with me? What elsehave you lied about?” “Yori, you must believe me when I say I have been truthful with you in all other things. I kept this from you in case you ever didmeet Karai. I did not feel you could kill her knowing that she was your mother. I sought to hide the truth from you to ease your pain, though now I see that I have only deepened it. But...there was another reason.” “What 'other reason'?” Yori asked, still angry. “Your mother was a very powerful warrior; possibly the greatest to ever come from the two schools. The Shredder knew as I did that if Setsuna were to have any offspring that they would be a treat to him. That is why, until now, you remained safely anonymous.” Yori thought about this for a moment, and when she saw the truth of why her teacher had kept her past from her, she began to relax and even feel guilty about her anger. “You did it to protect me, not merely to use me against her.” “Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down, Yori. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Shredder.” “Sensei,” she asked, “is it Yamanouchi's will that I kill Karai?” “That is up to you, Yori. You are the only one who can make that decision. But remember my words.” His image began to flicker and fade, as did the rest of the astral plane around her. “Do not underestimate the abilities of the Shredder, or you will suffer your mother's fate.” A moment later, Yori was back in the subway station, with Bonnie sitting next to her. “Honey,” the brunette said, putting a hand on her back, “is everything alright?” Yori said nothing, but hugged Bonnie fiercely and began sobbing into her shoulder. *~*~* “Three days?” Yori asked as she bit into a slice of pizza. “I was meditating for three days?” Splinter nodded. “We had actually started to worry about you.” “Gomen nasai. I did not wish to....” Leonardo spoke up. “Don't worry about it. These things do take time, after all. But while you were in the spirit realm, we finally found out how to get Tatsu to talk.” “Yeah,” Michelangelo added, picking up a slice from the Domino's box. “Who'd have figured the dude was afraid of spiders?” “So, do we know where Saki is keeping Kim-chan and Shego-chan?” Splinter nodded. “An old warehouse on the harbor. As soon as you have recovered, we will make our move.” Ron stepped out of one of the subway cars and, to Yori's surprise, actually spoke. “Donatello thinks he can reverse the mutation, but he'll need some samples of mutated blood to work with and human blood to compare the results with.” He smiled when he saw the Turtles and Splinter hold out their arms and Bonnie, Yori, April, and Casey roll up their sleeves. “Ron-chan,” Yori said, “you are feeling better?” “Now that I know there's a chance to get them back, yeah.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Yori....I haven't been fair to you and Bonnie since all this happened. I'd been spending all my time with Kim and Shego, and when we're all back together, I want to make it up to you.” “No apologies necessary, Ron-chan. I know how you feel about them, and you know how Bonnie-chan and I feel for one another. I will never cease to care for you, but she is the one I love.” She smiled and kissed his cheek. “But that does not mean we will be moving out, if you get my meaning.” “Booyah.” *~*~* Two days later, Ron, Yori, Bonnie, and Splinter were perched on a rooftop a block away from Shredder's warehouse. On the other side of the warehouse, the four Turtles and Casey were on another rooftop. The two groups watched for any signs of activity, but as there were no guards posted outside and the windows were painted black, there was little to the seen. “I'm worried, guys,” Ron said after a couple of hours. Yori gripped his hand. “Do not worry, Ron-chan. We will get Kim-chan and Shego-chan back and make both Saki and Karai pay for what they've done.” “It's not that, Yori. It's whether or not we can return them to their human forms. I mean, sure, Don's test results were promising, but those were only small blood samples. What if they won't work on a larger scale?” Splinter motioned towards the building. “We will deal with that when the time arises. For now, our adversary makes his move.” Sure enough, the massive metal door of the warehouse was slowly creaking open. Several dozen Foot ninjaemerged, followed by the semi-truck. Shredder, Karai, and another dozen ninja flanked the truck. Splinter picked up the daggers they had taken from Tatsu and prepared to stand. “When I give the signal, we move in and...” Ron jumped up and leaped from the roof. “No; I'm taking him now!” “Stoppable-san, wait!” But it was too late; Ron had already crossed half the distance to the warehouse. Splinter sighed. “Kids.” Yori cursed loudly and rapidly in Japanese as she and Bonnie followed Ron to the ground. Splinter joined them a moment later. Despite Ron's rash behavior, they still managed to catch the Foot by surprise. With the Turtles and Casey on the north side, Splinter's group on the south, and the waters of the harbor to the east, the ninjawere trapped. The ensuing onslaught took a quarter of them down in less than a minute, and the rest started to fall back into the warehouse despite Shredder ordering them otherwise. The others may have been content to fight the lackeys, but Ron and Yori had other objectives in mind. They pushed their way through the small army, intent on reaching Shredder and Karai. Yori didn't have to wait long. Karai was waiting for her, katanain hand; the same one that had murdered Yori's father and countless Yamanouchi and Yamimori ninja. Despite the blade being perfectly clean, Yori imagined she could still see the blood dripping from it as it had in her dream. The young ninja drew her twin fans; never in her life had she desired to kill, but now she found that she relished the thought. “Hello, Yori,” the older woman said in a mocking tone. “Hello, mother.” Yori's reply was in the same vein as Karai's greeting. “So, you have accepted the truth.” “I have accepted the truth that you were once Setsuna Iimoru, my mother.” “That name no longer has any meaning for me! That person was weak, fragile, and incompetent! But I am the most powerful ninjaon Earth!” “We shall see about that!” The two females clashed once more, sword to fans, and neither had any thoughts about the rest of the world; so absorbed were they in their fight that nothing else even entered their notice. Not even Ron and Shredder doing battle less than ten feet away. As he worked his way through a very complex sequence of offensive and defensive moves, a part of Ron's mind that wasn't busy fighting was wondering why Shredder hadn't already brought Kim and Shego out to fight him. They must be in the truck,he thought, but you'd think he would have brought them out by now. They wiped the floor with me last time, and Saki's the kind of guy that would take every advantage he can get. Shredder, meanwhile, found himself hard-pressed tokeep up with the young man's relentless assault. Never had he encountered someone with such passion and fury. He is well-trained in the ninjaarts; that much is clear. But where does this strength come from? Even through my armor, I feel it every time he strikes. He's no stronger than he was the last time. How can this be? The answer, which would forever elude the evil ninja, was that Ron's anger was now tempered by his love for the two women whom Shredder had mutated into his own twisted minions and his resolve to get them back. In their first encounter, he had let that anger consume him and had ceased to think. This time, however, he was in control of his emotions. He felt the mystical energy boiling within him, begging to be relased once more, but he held it at bay, knowing he would most likely lose his cool under the influence of that power. Bonnie, meanwhile, had slipped through the crowd of Foot soldiers and to the rear doors of the truck. There were two massive locks holding them shut, but a few swipes from one of her adamantium katanamade short work of them. Reaching into the pouch on her side, she produced an air-powered gun that Donatello had modified to shoot specially-designed darts with hollow needles that carried his anti-mutagen formula. “If you can get one clean hit on both of them, it should begin to work almost instantly,” he had told her when he gave her the gun and a half-dozen darts. “Well, Donnie,” she said, as she loaded a dart into the gun, “let's hope you're as smart as we all hopeyou are.” She reached out with her left hand, slide aside the heavy bolt, and yanked the doors open. The trailer was empty. The brunette swore loudly and often over the next few seconds. “Guys! We've been had! The truck's a decoy!” This distracted Ron just long enough for Shredder to trip him up with a leg sweep. The armored man took the opportunity to run back into the dimly-lit warehouse. Thankfully, Yori was not as easily distracted as Ron. She had heard Bonnie's revelation about the truck, but she was able to keep her focus on her deadly opponent. Karai's sword slashed quickly through the air, and there were several times that the only thing which saved Yori was the fact that she had two weapons with which to shield herself. “Give it up, Yori,” Karai said as the girl ducked a swip from her blade. “You cannot win. If you join us, you will live. Otherwise....I shall enjoy killing you as I did your father.” Yori felt her anger boiling to the surface. “I will never join you, murderer! And if only one of us is to leave here alive today, the it shall be me!” She spun rapidly in a complete circle, fanning her blades outward and making two neat parallel cuts on Karai's left arm. The older ninjahissed as the fans sank in and she saw the blood start to pour from the arm. “Is that any way to treat your mother, Yori?” The younger ninjadid not cease her assault. She struck quickly and accurately with her twin weapons, causing many cuts, both shallow and deep, all over Karai's body. Her last swipe caught the woman's sword arm at the wrist. The sword, still gripped by the hand, flew through the air to clatter against the concrete loading dock and Karai dropped to one knee. “My mother died a long time ago. You killed her, Karai, and used her body and face to commit many criminal acts. For that....for that, I shall have my vengeance!” Yori lashed out one final time, neatly severing Karai's jugular vein. The assassin fell forward somewhat, catching herself on her left hand and the bloody stump of her right. She looked up at Yori, her daughter and killer, and grinned evilly. “ areas powerful as Master Shredder had foreseen.....perhaps...toopowerful....” Those were the last words spoken by Lin Karai before her bloody corpse slumped wetly against the pavement. Yori sighed and folded her fans, placing them in the sheaths at her belt, and administered a small blessing for her mother's gentle soul, now released from Karai's hate-filled mind. Perhaps any good left in her may now find peace,the girl thought before turning her attention to the battle at large. Most of the Foot were being handled quite nicely by the Turtles, Casey, and Splinter. Ron and Bonnie had entered the warehouse in pursuit of Shredder, but the dim lighting combined with the sheer size of the building made it hard to see much of anything on the lower level and left the upper tier shrouded in darkness. By the time Yori joined them, there was nothing to mark Shredder's passing, much to the frustration of the trio. “Looks he got away clean,” Bonnie said with more than a hint of frustration in her voice. Ron shook his head. “No; that main door is the only way in or out. He's in here somewhere.” As soon as he said it, a light near the far end of the warehouse clicked on, revealing Shredder's caped form. “Sometimes, I hate it when I'm right.” Shredder laughed, his voice echoing in the warehouse. “I give you all one last chance; join the Foot, or perish.” “As if!” Bonnie said. “Now, where are Kim and Shego?” “They're right here.” The rest of the lights clicked on, revealing Tokka and Razhar chained to the far wall with heavy metal muzzles covering their mouths. “My mutations have proven successful; I will soon have an army of mutated warriors and have no more need of these two. You may have them......if you can reach them in time.” As he spoke, a pair of large drill-like devices lowered from the ceiling, stopping when they were aimed at the chests of the two mutants and about thirty feet away. In that same time frame, over a hundred Foot ninjafiled into the warehouse to stand between Ron and his goal. “It was all too easy to see you earlier. We knew you were planning to attack, so I decided to set up a little 'game'. If you live through it and if you can move quickly enough, you get your precious women as your prizes. But, if you lose.....” “I get the deal, Tin Man!” Ron said, angrily. “I've dealt with madmen like you before. Let's get on with it.” “Very well. Oh, but before we begin, I would like to thank the little one for putting an end to Karai. She was growing far too influential. I would have had to kill her myself before long had you not saved me the trouble.” “Enough!” Yori said, her own anger mounting. “We will play your 'game', Saki, and when we win, it shall be your head which decorates my wall!” Shredder laughed again. “Only the boy will fight. If anyone else gets involved, they die instantly.” By this time, the Turtles and Casey had knocked out or run off the Foot that were outside and joined Ron and the girls in the warehouse. “Ron,” Leonardo said, “don't fall for it. You don't have a chance against that many!” “I haveto have a chance. It's the only way to save KP and Shego.” He cracked his knuckles. “Let's rock!” Shredder turned a dial on a controller in his hand, and the drills powered up. As the heads spun, the mechanisms began moving along unseen tracks on the dark ceiling far above their heads on a direct course for the forms of Tokka and Razhar. Ron charged ahead, his resolve stronger than it had ever been, and plowed through the army of ninja. I'm on it... I've got it... I can do anything. His blue battle aura flared around him as he relentlessly attacked the black-garbed lackeys. He grabbed one pair by their necks and slammed their skulls together violently before dropping them to the floor. What you need.... Got your back.....
Just say the word I'm there.
Once, he encountered a tall, barrel-chested warrior who would not be moved by any of his attacks. Ron solved that particular problem by stomping down on the man's foot, gripping one muscular arm in both of his, and pulling with all his might. A moment later, muscle and bone detached from one another and he flung the now-detached limb to the ground. Its former owner, too shocked by the sudden, brutal nature of the attack to do much, was helpless to block or avoid the kick smashed into his temple, sending multiple bone shards into the frontal lobe of his brain. He staggered, fell to the ground, and breathed his last. Ron didn't even stop to consider what he had just done; he was a man possessed, and nothing was going to stand in his way. If you find your world is cavin' in... can bet you're gonna need a friend. Someone to take those fears away. Monkey blow. Crane kick. Snake thrust. Tiger strike. Mantis swipe. Dragon claw. Leg sweep. High roundhouse kick. Palm thrust. Ron worked his way through his repertoire of moves as fast as he worked through the Foot. To those watching him, it seemed as though another was guiding his actions; as though Ron himself was so obsessed with getting to Kim and Shego that he totally gave control of his body over to a greater force than himself in order to rescue them. Say the word. Make a call and I'll be there. Anytime, anywhere; have you heard?
That I'm all about savin' your world.
All you have to do is say the word. Bonnie and Yori had seen him like this only once before. This is how he looked when he fought Gemini,the brunette thought. I'm starting to feel sorry for Shredder. Almost. She watched in rapt fascination as Ron swiped a quarterstaff from one ninja, gripped one end of the shaft, and swung around quickly, using the entire length of the weapon to take down several of his enemies in one swift move. In trouble; in it deep. This is a promise that I can keep. Even Leonardo was impressed with the moves the young man was using. He tapped Yori on the shoulder. “Howmuch training did he have at Yamanouchi?” “Only one week of formal training,” she said. “Most of what he knows is due to exposure to a mystical energy field, but Kim-chan, Shego-chan, and I have taught him other techniques.” “The skill of a ninja, the strength of a samurai, and the fearless resolve of a Hun,” Donatello commented. “Yeah; remind me not ta cross dis guy,” Raphael added. Bonnie looked away from Ron for a second to answer that. “He isn't always like this. Just when one of us girls is in danger. Otherwise, he wouldn't hurt a fly.” “Ron-chan fights with his heart and his soul, and both are dedicated entirely to us.” Make it right; count on me... be the best friend I can be. When your life is bending upside down, I'll be the one to turn it around. Ron was getting closer. Without actually counting, he knew he was nearly halfway through the ninjabarrier. Gotta keep going,was the only thought in his head. His body was beginning to fatigue, but he urged onward. Gotta keep going....for Kim and Shego.As his determination increased, so did the raw power coursing through his body. Unlike his earlier battle with Shredder, this time he let his anger out. He let almost nothing else into his mind; he fed that anger, and in turn it fed his power. He was an unstoppable machine, and any who tried to stand against him soon realized the folly of their actions. Say the word. Make a call and I'll be there. Anytime, anywhere; have you heard?
That I'm all about savin' your world.
All you have to do is say the word. On the other side of the warehouse, Shredder was shocked that Ron was making such progress against his best warriors.If he continues like this, even I may not be able to stop him. Fortunately, he will be dead soon. As will they all.He eyed the drills slowly moving towards the two struggling mutants on the wall. He felt no remorse for setting their deaths in motion; he could always create more. They were merely a test of his technology and of his new opponents' fighting skills. Save for his own, life meant nothing to the twisted madman behind that mask. If you find your world is cavin' in..... can bet you're gonna need a friend. You will fly or I will take your fears away. Ron had decimated the Foot ninja. The remaining dozen or so were easy pickings for him, and then the hundred fallen warriors littered the floor of the warehouse. The only thing standing between Ron and the girls was Shredder. “It's over, Saki! I won your little game; now let them down!” Shredder laughed. “Oh, I had no intention of letting them go. In fact, I hadn't expected you to win at all.” He turned the dial again, and the drills sped up. Ron's anger mounted, and his aura flared. “You son of a bitch!” He dashed forward, and when he was only a couple of feet from his enemy, Shredder pressed a button on the same controller. Ron's body was wracked with pain as bolts of electricity arced across the room from unseen generators to jump into his body. He dropped to the floor, writhing and screaming as he was slowly being cooked by the artificial lightning. Shredder looked down at him, smiling evilly beneath his faceplate. “Foolish boy. Only now, at the end, do you understand. This city is mine, and soon the world will bow before me! The scrawny redhead was a firebrand, though; much like Tang Shen and Karai. Too bad I couldn't have kept her for myself, but I can't afford to have any around who could defeat me. He started to press another button on the controller when it was knocked from his hand. Startled, he looked behind him to see the box held fast to the wall by a long-shafted arrow. The drills and lightning both stopped, and Shredder cast his gaze upwards. Say the word. Make a call and I'll be there. Anytime, anywhere; have you heard? The others followed his gaze, and there, on an upper catwalk, stood Splinter, his long bow in hand. He flashed Ron a thumbs-up and said, “Booyah.” Ron got to his feet. He still hurt, but the danger was past. The girls were safe, he was alive, and Shredder was defenseless. “Now,” he began, “now we finish this my way!” Despite what he had just been through, Ron wasn't slowed down. He used his pain to fuel his anger, and his assault on Shredder was more intense than even Ron himself would have anticipated. But he didn't care. He kept up the attack, backing his opponent against the wall. With each blow, the metal armor and helmet of his adversary dented and buckled, and despite his skill, Shredder could not manage to stop or parry any of the strikes. He was totally helpless, and, for the first time in his life, scared. This feeling did not last long, however; Ron managed to wrench his helmet off, and one hard punch sent him into a world of darkness. That I'm all about savin' your world. All you have to do is say the word. Without missing a beat, the blond warrior rushed over snapped the heavy chains holding Tokka and Razhar to the wall and broke their muzzles off. The two mutants looked at him with confusion in their eyes. They has just seen this person beat their master and his warriors to a pulp, and yet he had saved their lives and was treating them with kindess and compassion. As they looked into his eyes, they saw something....familiar. Something important to them. Bonnie walked over, the dart gun in hand. Ron was hugging both of them and crying. “It's going to be alright, girls; Ron's here and I'm not going to let anything else happen to you. Please; remember who you are. You're going to be safe; you're with people who love you. But you haveto remember!” “Ron, move away. I need a clear shot.” She worked the actuator on the rear of the gun to fill the chamber with air pressure. “And what if it doesn't work?” the young warrior snapped at her, tears in his eyes. “What if it kills them?” “There's no evidence that it will.” “There's no evidence that it won't, either!”
“They won't be the same unless we try. You weren't acting this way before.” “I hadn't thought about it before! I won't lose them again, Bonnie. Never.” “You won't lose them. If I thought it wouldn't work, I wouldn't try. And Don wouldn't have made this stuff if he thought it would hurt them.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “Trust us, Ron.” Realizing that she was right, and that it would have to be attempted at some point, Ron nodded and backed away. Bonnie fired the first dart into Razhar's forearm, then quickly loaded another and shot it into Tokka before the startled turtle mutant could react. Both fell to the floor, unconscious. Dial a number, call my name. Day or night; it's all I need. Say the word. The rest of the group joined them, and all watched with anticipation as the massive forms began to quiver and shake. Hair, shell, fangs, claws, spikes, teeth...all began to grow smaller and eventually vanish. Skin returned to normal, muscle and bone shrank to their regular size, and slowly, oh so slowly, human forms began to reappear. It took several minutes, but Tokka and Razhar were replaced by the nude forms of Kim Possible and Shego. Ron knelt before them, pressing two fingers to the veins on their necks. “They're alive!” he exclaimed, eyes flooded with tears to the point where he could no longer see anything with any clarity. 'Cause I'm all about savin' your world. All you have to do is...say the word. Ron picked Kim up and cradled her in his arms. Splinter, Casey, and the Turtles turned their backs so as to give them privacy and to conserve some of Kim's modesty. “Kim,” Ron said, shaking her gently, “Kim, can you hear me? Come on; wake up, KP!” The redhead in his arms groaned, and a moment later, her eyes fluttered open. “Hey, handsome,” she said, weakly. “Kim....” Ron hugged her tightly. “We beat him. Shredder is finished.” She scowled briefly. “Too bad. This 'scrawny redhead' wanted a piece of him.” Ron was shocked. “You heardthat?” She nodded. “I remember everything that bastard made me do. Oh, Ron; I'm so sorry I hurt you!” She wrapped her arms around his neck, sobbing. “Ssshhhh. It's okay; we're together again, and that's all that counts.” Next to him, Shego had started to stir. She sat up, on her knees, rubbing her eyes. “Look who's awake, KP.” Kim turned her head and smiled. “Hey, babe,” she said. “How's the most important woman in our lives?” “Hurt, confused, disoriented, and pissed off, not necessarily in order.” She rubbed her temples and shivered. “Would someone mind getting our clothes? It's cold in here.” Kim looked to Bonnie. “Karai stashed them in one of the lockers next to those cages.” She shuddered when she thought what had happened to them in those cells. Bonnie walked over and searched them for a bit before returning with Kim's purple sweatshirt, jeans, and black sneakers and Shego's boots, jeans, blue button-up shirt, and cowboy hat. As the two women dressed, Ron thought of something that hadn't occurred to him before. “Girls, while you were here....did Shredder....I mean, he didn't......did he?” Shego smiled. “No, Ron; he didn't touch us. Karai was the one that took our clothes, and Shredder hardly ever came close to us. All he did was pour green slime into some tubes in our arms.” Donatello had begun searching the lockers. “ mean this?” He held up the glass canister with the 'TGRI' label. Kim nodded. “I was afraid of that. TGRI went under years ago, so we've got no way of finding out what's in this stuff or what its full effects would be. It was probably the same stuff that mutated us, but that's all I can tell you. I'd suggest keeping an eye on them for a few days.” Splinter nodded. “Agreed. You can stay with us until they are rested.” “Domo arigato, Master Splinter.” Ron said. “Oh! I almost forgot!” He pulled the emerald ring from his pocket and slid it onto Kim's finger. “I never let it get away from me, Kim. Just like I never gave up hope that I'd get you back.” He kissed her on the lips. Kim, her own eyes tearing up now, flung her arms around him. “I never gave up hope either, Ron.” She gazed at Shego. “Wedidn't give up hope.” “And that's something else.” Ron looked at Kim, then Shego, and the redhead took the hint. She grinned, stepping over to Bonnie and Yori, to give them a little privacy. “Shego, I should have told you before. My feelings for Kim haven't changed at all, but my feelings for youhave.” He took a deep breath. “I love you, Sheila Goh, and I want you to stay with us, now and forever. The two of you make me complete. Any strength I have is because of the way I feel about you, and knowing that you care for me just makes me that much stronger. I'd be lost without either of you. I hope this doesn't change our arrangement, but I hadto tell you.” Shego giggled. “Ronnie, I'd never leave you. Remember what I said our first night together? I told you I wouldn't discard the idea of us getting closer than we were. I'm glad that it happened. You're the first guy I've ever felt this way about, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You, me, and Kimmie....we've got a bond few can ever understand and even fewer could ever have.” She pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. “We're inseperable, Ron Stoppable. No matter whathappens.” “Uh, guys?” Michelangelo broke in. “I hate to ruin such a Kodak moment, but where's the Shred-dude?” Ron looked over at where their enemy had fallen, but Saki was nowhere to be seen. “Let him go,” Splinter said. “I suspect that our days of being troubled by Oroku Saki are over.” As they left the warehouse, Yori saw something out of the corner or her eye. Turning quickly, she saw what appeared to be an astral form kneeling over Karai's corpse. The figure's ethereal hands were moving in what looked like a ritual blessing. When this was finished, the being stood upright, revealing a young Japanese man with handsome features, close-cropped hair, and kind eyes. The young ninjahad never seen him before, but she knew who he was. He smiled at Yori, and she smiled back as he faded into nothingness. “Rest in peace.........father.” *~*~* An hour later, Saki stood before a large monitor in the basement of an abandoned office building. The silhouetted figure on the screen was nothappy. “Your army was decimated, one general captured, the other killed, your base compromised, your mutant warriors were made human again, andyou lost the last canister of the X-1138 formula, yet youstill expect me to help you?” The light British accent sounded refined and polished, but Saki knew that it belied his associate's cold, ruthless nature. Saki removed his mask and bowed, wincing at the pain in his back. His face was bloody and bruised, one eye swollen shut, but he still tried to maintain his dignity. “I was unprepared for the ferocity of their assault. If I had more men...better weapons....” “No. You are as clumsy as you are stupid. You tried to kill Yoshi's rat with the X-1138 before, but it only made him more powerful andmutated those turtles in the process. Since then, you have tried to erase your mistake dozens of times over, but have yet to succeed. I have long since grown tired of this and have no interest in equipping you further. I had thought you could help me bring down my enemies in New York's criminal underworld, but it is clear to me now that your incompetence knows no bounds.” “I beg you...give me another chance!” “The time for chances is over. You have failed me for the last time, Saki.” He pressed a button on his console, and Saki began screaming. “I'm not surprised you never located the neural disruptor in your helmet. Of course, if you had, then you probably wouldn't have been stupid enough to have been defeated in the first place.” The armored ninjadropped to his knees, his body paralyzed with pain, before collapsing. A few residual muscle twitches were the only sign of life left in the body of Oroku Saki. On the other end of the comm line, a muscular, beige-colored arm pressed a switch that severed the connection. The arm's owner turned to face the large machines nearing completion behind him. “Saki proved useless to me, but I'm hoping you will fare better, my pets.” Grinning to himself, Alistair Smythe began finalizing the plan for his ultimate revenge on those who had wronged him so. *~*~* The next few days were spent in the Turtles' subway lair, resting and recovering from recent ordeals. Kim, Ron, and Shego never left each others' sides, and most often when they were seen Ron would be sitting on the long couch with the girls in his lap, the three sometimes cuddling and petting but usually sleeping. April had taken the footage she got of the fight in Times Square and put it on the air with herself providing voiceover commentary. Most people recognized Ron Stoppable, of course, but no mention was made of who Bonnie and Yori were, why Kim wasn't at Ron's side, or who Tokka and Razhar really were. The four Turtles, Casey, and Spider-Man were treated as heroes despite the attempts of Jonah Jameson at the Daily Bugleand the news manager at Channel 13 to make them seem otherwise. Public opinion was in their favor, and it looked as though it would remain that way for a long time. On one particular morning, the group was awakened by a panicked Michelangelo. “Guys! Guys! We've got majortrouble here!” “Mikey,” a groggy Raphael said, sticking his head out the window of a subway car, “unless the lair is on fire, there's a giant lizard attacking the city, or Hilary Clinton just became President, the only trouble here is gonna be yoursfor wakin' me up!” “This is serious, Raph! Tatsu's gone!” “WHAT?!” the other three Turtles said in unison. “He's gone!I went to drop him off a few slices of pizza and he wasn't there. Looks like he chewed through the rope.” “This is bad,” Leonardo said. “He knows where our lair is. If he manages to reform the Foot Clan, we could be looking at a major incursion.” “We will deal with that when the time comes, my son. For now, I believe we have guests to see off.” Splinter said calmly. Indeed, Ron, Kim, Shego, Bonnie, and Yori were approaching the end of their vacation. Though they were remiss to leave their new friends, Middleton beckoned them home. After one final meal of pizza and a few heartfelt goodbyes and promises to keep in touch, the young lovers took their leave of the subway station. They hailed a cab and managed to get to the airport with their luggage with an hour to spare. The flight was rather uneventful, but by the time they arrived back in Middleton, it was after midnight and they decided it would be best to let their families know that they were back in the morning. They entered the house and threw their suitcases in the den for later unpacking and sorting. Once in the bedroom, they collapsed onto the large, comfortable bed, glad to be home. The house was empty since Rufus was with the Possibles and Anakin and Hikari were with the Rockwallers. “I'm sorry our vacation turned into another battle, KP,” Ron said, holding her close and stroking her hair. “No big, Ron. At least we got out of it alive.” “You and Shego almost didn't. If it hadn't been for Splinter, those drills would have cut you to ribbons.” Shego chimed in. “And you were almost extra-crispy thanks to that lightning.” “Yeah,” Bonnie added, “and we can't forget what Yori went through. Having to kill your own mother is notsomething I could imagine as being pleasant.” “It is not, Bonnie-chan. No matter how I may have felt about Karai, she didgive birth to me. In a way, I owe her my life, and yet I took hers from her.” “Don't go there, Yori,” Kim said. “Shetried to kill you when you were just a baby. I think anything you owed her was settled a long time ago.” “Perhaps you are right, Kim-chan, but I will need some time to get over this.” Kim grinned wickedly. “I think I know how to get started.” She pulled Yori's top off and latched onto one breast with her mouth. Yori moaned. “I believe I like your style of therapy, Kim-chan,” she said. “Wait a minute, KP,” Ron said, starting to remove his own clothing. “Shego and I haven't had our turn at the bar yet.” Kim pulled away from Yori's nipple, tiny drops of white on both the breast and Kim's lips. “My bad, Ron. Be my guest.” Ron, now naked, crawled over to Yori and kissed her, reveling in the feeling of her small tongue moving against his larger one. His hands roamed over her small body; across her breasts, down her sides, over her stomach which, much to her relief, showed no signs that she had ever borne a child, and down to the waistband of the knee-length blue skirt she wore. He tugged at it playfully for a moment as he continued to play with her lips and tongue before sliding it off altogether and running his finger along her smooth mound, eliciting a small squeak from her. The other girls, meanwhile, had likewise disrobed, and Kim and Shego had each commandeered one of Bonnie's tits and were doing their level best to get every drop they could from her. Not that the brunette was complaining, of course. As they sucked, their hands also covered every inch of her body, and she was more than happy to return the favor. Ron moved farther down Yori's body, licking and kissing her neck, shoulders, and the valley between her breasts. Her light moans and squeaks never ceased to excite him, and he doubted they ever would. He may not have loved her on the same level as he did Kim and Shego, but Yori was still his friend as well as his lover, and he had no intention of jilting her when it came to the 'activities' their group liked to share. He nudged her legs apart with his, nestled between them, and slid into her depths. She was naturally looser than before she gave birth to Hikari, but the change was not significant and both of them still took great pleasure from their couplings. As Ron moved within her, he lowered his head to her chest and began to suckle until the warm flow of milk splashed against his tongue and the roof of his mouth. KP was right,he thought. This ispretty good! Next to them, Kim and Shego had finished draining Bonnie of her milk. Kim straddled the tanned woman's hips as Shego slid a twelve-inch long, two-inch thick twin-headed dildo into them. The brunette and the redhead let out identical moans as their clits touched and the rubber phallus seated itself firmly into them. The two former rivals began to grind against one another, and not for the first time they wondered how they could have ever despised one another so in the past. Shego, not wanting to be without a partner, latched onto Yori's free breast and started sucking the milk from it. It's not as thick as Bonnie's, but it's sweeter. I think I'm getting as hooked on this stuff as Kimmie is.As she sucked, she felt Yori's hand work its way between her legs and she almost bit down on the nipple in her mouth when the Japanese girl pinched her clit. Next to her, Ron had settled into a slow, steady rhythm, and it was plain that between his movements and having both of her breasts sucked dry of milk was driving Yori insane with pleasure. She reached orgasm quickly, her pelvic muscles clenching tightly around Ron's shaft. She let out a long, low moan as her entire body stiffened for several seconds, then went limp. She was asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. Ron and Shego didn't need to voice their mutual idea. They pulled away from her breasts and kissed, passing her milk back and forth between them before breaking away and swallowing. Ron sat up on his knees and Shego sat down on him, impaling herself onto his thick member in one stroke. She gripped him tightly with her arms and began raising her hips until just his head was in her, then slamming back down again. Her large breasts mashed against his chest and he felt her stiff nipples rubbing against his flesh with every movement. Ron took hold of her buttocks with his hands and stroked the firm, taut mounds of flesh as she rocked his world like only three other women in the entire world could. Kim and Bonnie, meanwhile, had swapped positions. Bonnie was now on top, and she deliberately set the slow, gentle pace that she preferred, which frustrated Kim. She liked being with Bonnie, as the brunette was an attentive and passionate lover, but sometimes the speed she preferred to keep to in lovemaking was torture to the redhead. “Bonnie, can't you speed it up a little?” “I want you to be able to last a while, Kimmie. You and Shego like to take things too fast; that's why Yori and I can keep going when you're out cold.” She grinned evilly; even though they were friends and so much more now, she could not resist playfully tormenting the young heroine now and then. Kim reached up and grabbed Bonnie's shoulders. Her firm, decisive tone told Bonnie that now was not the time for mischief. “I haven't had any for almost a week, Bonnie Rockwaller. Being turned into a mutant werewolf doesn't exactly do wonders for your sex life. I need this right now, and you're goingto do me like the bitch in heat that I am.” “Whatever you say, Princess,” Bonnie said with a shrug. She repositioned herself, and began thrusting as hard against Kim as Shego was Ron. The redhead screamed in pleasure as she felt her orgasm build. As much as she preferred her slower pace, Bonnie had to admit that it did feel pretty good to be so forceful with Kim. She wasn't afraid to be a little rough with Shego because she knew the Amazon could take it, but she was a little afraid of hurting Kim and tried to hold back, much to Kim's chagrin. Shego had worked her way through two strong orgasms and was beginning to tire. She disengaged herself from Ron and got onto all fours, leaning over Yori's sleeping form. Not needing any more of a hint than that, Ron slipped into the green-skinned woman from behind and began thrusting within her for all he was worth. Several minutes later, she cried out as a third climax ripped through her body and she collapsed onto her side next to the ninja girl, falling into an exhausted sleep a moment later. Kim and Bonnie, meanwhile, were in full swing, each giving as good as they got. They had discarded the dildo and locked themselves into the classic 'sixty-nine', each one getting a mouthful of the other. Kim rolled back on top, and Ron got an evil, evil idea. He slid over to them and grinned down at Bonnie, holding out the index and middle fingers of his right hand and spreading them apart, indicating what he wanted her to do. She pulled Kim's labia apart as wide as she could, then pulled her mouth away, allowing Ron to enter his fiancée. Kim shrieked into Bonnie's tunnel at being filled so suddenly. Ron's powerful thrusts made it somewhat difficult to keep feasting on the pussy in front of her, but she managed to adapt. Bonnie was in the unique position that allowed her to pleasure both of them at once, and she took full advantage of it. She deliberately took long, slow licks, making sure to get Kim's tender flesh and Ron's member with each movement. Kim was being rocked back and forth as Ron drove in and out of her, and that rubbed her nipples across Bonnie's stomach and her stomach across Bonnie's tits, and Bonnie teased both Kim's clit and Ron's balls with her hands as she licked at her lovers. At the pace they had settled into and with all of the stimulation going on, the trio didn't last long. Ron buried himself as deeply into Kim as he could with each thrust, as if trying to prove to her how much he missed her after Shredder had kidnapped her, and poured his load deep into her. The flood of liquid sent Kim over the edge. She shrieked again and again as orgasm took her, and she held herself tightly to Bonnie's thighs. This caused her chin to press down on the brunette's clit, and that pressure sent the tanned girl into her own pleasure spike. As Bonnie cried out, large globs of Ron's cum dripped down into her mouth and onto her face, which she eagerly licked up as she rode out her orgasm. The three disentangled themselves and lay back on the bed. Without waking Yori and Shego they managed to get the blankets over themselves. Kim sighed in contentment, cuddling up to her husband-to-be. “Too bad we can't do this again for a while.” “Why's that, KP?” he asked. “We've got to get the kids from Bonnie's parents tomorrow, and it's hard to find a time when those two are asleep and we aren't exhausted.” Bonnie grinned. “Actually, we've got one entire day left on our vacation. We could always leave them with my parents until then. Come to think of it, Mom didsay she'd watch them any time we wanted...” “Bonnie, we can'tjust foist them off on your parents all the time. That's irresponsible and could be harmful to the kids.” The brunette held up her hands defensively. “I'm not suggesting we do that. I'm just saying that it wouldn't hurt to let the kids stay with them one weekend a month or something.” Kim yawned. “We'll talk it over with Yori and your parents later. All I want to do right now is sleep.” She pressed closer to Ron and closed her eyes, dropping off to sleep. “You're a lucky guy, Ron,” Bonnie said a few minutes later. “Kimmie's quite the catch.” “Yori isn't exactly the worst fish in the sea either, you know. We both did good.” “Yeah. Ron....I know I've said this before.....but I'm sorry about how I treated you when we were in school. I'd seen you in action before, but seeing you fight like you did to save Kim and Shego made me realize what kind of guy you are. I'm not falling for you or anything; I'm not sure we could handle it if this got any more complicated. But you're much more of a man than I ever would have given you credit for. I...I just wanted you to know that.” “Thanks, Bon-Bon. That means a lot.” He reached over Kim to kiss her on the forehead. “Goodnight.” “'Night, Ron.” The brunette reached over, turned off the bedside lamp, and the pair joined their mutual lovers in blissful slumber *~*~* Well, that's the end of The Impossible Vacation. I'm sorry it took so long to crank out, but I've had a lot of projects to do lately. House cleaning, fixing a garage door, camping trailer air conditioner repair.....this stuff seriously takes away from my writing time. Also, I just got a new girlfriend, and I've been spending a lot of my evenings talking with her instead of writing. I'm not quite sure what direction I want to take with the next chapter, but I dohave plans for more beat-'em-up action, hopefully sooner than later.