Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ WHO'S THE EGGMAN NOW!!? ❯ Chapter1: Trade Ya ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Desclaimer: I only own Prodigy the echidna everyone else either belongs to Squaresoft or Sega so on with the story
Chapter 1
Trade Ya
In the main quarters of Eggman's very huge empire there sat Eggman just getting a surrender call from Asia “Uh-huh you surrender well thanks for surrendering because now I'm gonna make your life a living hell!” He said “HEY Asia surrendered send some robots over there make sure they stay that way!!” Eggman commanded his robotic lackeys. “Yes sir right away sir.” One of his robots replied. “Sora, Roxas get in here now!!” The doctor hollered. A few seconds later Sora and Roxas came running into the room. “What does lord fatass want now?” Roxas asked rather annoyed.
“Sora take your other half and make yourself useful and bring me some lard.”
“Get your big ass up and get it yourself. Just because we live with you does not make us your lard fetcher boys!!”
“Yeah Roxas let's go….” Sora said before beginning to walk away. “Oh no you don't. GUARDS take them away!!” Eggman yelled after both of them. Then swarms of swatbots came pouring into the room running across the floor tripping over one another. “No you fools stop it your scratching my floor.” Eggman screamed infuriated. When the Swatbots finally got themselves together the battle was yet to begin.
some random fast food resturant
“Wait here guys I'll go order the food.” Shadow said as he ran over to the cash register. “Hello sir may I take your order please.” The cashier asked Shadow. Then Shadow noticed that the cash register had little pictures on it instead of numbers. When Shadow looked to the other cashier he looked kinda proud the way he was doing his job. “I think I'm gonna mix it up a bit. Just to have some fun.” Shadow thought then began to speak “Yeah I want 8 double cheeseburgers with extra pickles but no onions.” He told the cashier. She looked confused for a second because she couldn't find Shadow's order on the register. But she then decided to give some random price.
“Your total comes to $25.50.”
“Here's a 50.”
“Why are you giving me a 50?”
“Because I have no change.”
“Tell me what you're trying to do.”
“Nothing just get my order lady.”
“I'm not getting anything until you tell me what you're trying to do.”
“Now you listen to me you fucking dumbass. Just do your fucking job and take your ass back there and get my got damn order before I rip off your arms and legs grind them into chili and feed them to you!!” Shadow yelled at the cashier making her cry a bit. “No Shadow let's just go.” Sonic said grabbing Shadow and pushing out the door motioning everyone to follow.
Everyone had just gotten back to Tails' place and everyone just began randomly scolding Shadow for his performance at the resturant. “Shadow why did yell at that poor retarted cashier woman? You could have scared her out of her wits!” Amy scolded him. “Yeah I was hungry too!” Rouge added. “Why did you have to act like an ass?” Sonic asked “Don't worry about them Shadow I would have done the same thing to the damn broad.” Knuckles told him. Shadow had gotten fed with all their badmouthing him. “FUCK YOU!! One day I'll rule you all and you'll have to bow down to me or die! Lets go knuckles.” Shadow said as he and knuckles walked out the door.
“Shadow where are we going?” Knuckles asked “You'll see Mwhahahahahahahahah!!” Shadow replied with laughter as they both walked in the direction of Eggman's empire (A/N: Strangely enough Eggman's reign affects nothing nor anybody in Station Square.) When they finally reached the empire they burst through the doors and ran straight for Eggman's main quarters. They didn't even notice how poor Eggman's security was. Acouple minutes passed and they finally reached the main quarters of the empire. “Hey Eggman I want to make a deal with you.” Shadow hollered as he ran closer and closer to Eggman. “Yes, yes what is it?” Eggman asked him. Then Knuckles whispered something in Shadow's ear. “Eggman I'll trade your empire for some lard.” Shadow repeated
“On what?”
“How much lard we talkin'?”
“$50 worth.”
“You've got yourself a deal.” Eggman said as he shook Shadow's hand. “So when do I get my lard?” Eggman asked. “You don't. Knuckles now!” Shadow yelled then Knuckles punched Eggman so hard that he flew through the roof and somewhere else.
“With that taken care of time for my evil laugh. Laugh with me Knuckles.” Shadow said “Mwhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah!!!” they both laughed together. Then out of nowhere some random guy came from nowhere kicked shadow and Knuckles in the groin and ran away. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! Why Author Why???!!!” “Because if I have to suffer a random kick to the groin then so do you!” Ultimate Life form 101 boomed.
A/N: Yes I actually have been randomly kicked in the groin. (looks at screen) if the guy who kicked me is reading this just know when I find you, you are dead.