Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ WHO'S THE EGGMAN NOW!!? ❯ Chapter 2: Pledge allegiance or die ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Desclaimer: I only own prodigy the echidna everyone else belongs to the minds that thought them up.
Chapter 2: Pledge allegiance or die
“Shadow are you ready for your commercial?” the camera man asked the new ruler of the planet. “Yeah.” Shadow replied “Alright knuckles don't screw this up.” Shadow said “I won't.” “We're going live in 5 4 3 2 1.” The cameraman signaled the beginning of the commercial
Shadow and Knuckles are on screen their backs facing the camera. “Now.” Shadow whispered to knuckles as they turned around and started rapping.
“I just beat Eggman and took his empire `cause all his plans were sure to backfire we getting new members on the hour so come up and join my new empire.” Shadow sang and it was Knuckles turn “ So all ya gotta do is come up and join `cause if you don't I'll come and kick ya in the groin. We not playing we swear to Jesus Christ so if ya join you can be our faithful knights. I don't think this rap is working so I'll bring it up a notch and if ya don't join I'm a kick you In the crotch. So just remember that we rule the world now and some changes will be made we going to kill our former friends and fill our evil gauge.” They sang “we is out.” Then they began to walk off the set.
In the out skirts of station square
“Damn, two more asswipes I gotta go kill.” A silver echidna with a gold headband holding his dreads up with gold knux style boxing gloves and shoes. He also had a nasty scar on his peach muzzle in the shape of Z. and he went by the name of Prodigy the echidna. “The last bastard that tried to take over the world gave me this damn scar!” He said to no one.
“come on give it up you crazy fuck!” Prodigy said to some weird looking goof dressed up as Zoro and he was fat. “No you crazy little sewer rat I Zoro will rule the world. Mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah (deep breath) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!”
“Sewer rat? I'm an echidna I don't even look like a rat are you fucking blind?!”
“I saw your momma last night.”
“What did you just say?”
“I-saw-your-momma-last-night-when-I-fucked-her-brains-out.& #8221; The fat man taunted and just for fun he sliced a Z on prodigy's face. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Prodigy hollered as black flames consumed his arms and he screamed “BLACK DRAGON BARRAGE!!” and he began to throw punches at an impossible speed each punch landed in the fat fucker's face. “Stop please. Have mercy.” Fatso pled but Prodigy didn't listen instead he he punched his head off.
“That stupid fool.” He mumbled and he continued to walk in the direction he was going to the Shadow and Knuckles empire.
“Charmy come back here stop flying away!” Vector scolded the young bee. (A/N: someone requested for Charmy to die so goodbye Charmy.) “Oh but Vector I wanna go see Knuckles and Shadow at their new empire.” Charmy responded (they did not see the commercial) “All right if we're going to go then let's go.” A familiar voice stated “Espio come out of hiding.” Vector said. Espio did what he was asked and reappeared standing inches away from Charmy's face. “Aahhh!! Oh Espio it's just you. I thought I felt someone's hot breath against my face.” Charmy said. “Let's just go to the damned empire!” Espio retorted.
The chaotix had just made it to the front door of the empire. Then Charmy and Vector gave Espio a glare. “What? Why the fuck are you staring at me!?” Espio asked. “Open the damned door!” Vector yelled at him. But Espio tried to open the door but couldn't. Then Charmy tried to open the door but he couldn't open the door either. “Hey Vector I got an idea.” Espio said and continued to whisper his idea to Vector. “Okay on the count of three.” Vector whispered back “1.” Espio then disappeared “2.” Vector got himself ready “3!” they both yelled as Espio reappeared in front of Charmy then Leaf swirled him up in the air. “Now Vector!” Espio hollered as Vector jumped up in the air grabbed Charmy and threw him as hard as he could into the door. “AAAHHH!! You bast….” Charmy screamed but was cut off when he impacted into the door leaving a giant hole big enough for them to go through. As soon as they had crawled through the hole in the door they came face to face with Knuckles. “Hey Knuckles.” Vector said but without a word Knuckles grabbed Vector by the tail and ripped it out of …… where tails grow from and wrapped it around his neck and began to strangle the now bleeding to death crocodile. “Knuckles what are you doing?” Charmy asked tears forming in his eyes but knuckles just gave him a cold stare. “Knuckles you're scaring me.” Charmy cried backing into the nearest corner as Knuckles walked toward him. Knuckles then began to raise his hand then a bolt of lightning formed in his hand “THUNDER ARROW!!” He yelled. Charmy closed his eyes but opened them when he felt no pain and standing before him he saw Espio had jumped in the way of Knuckles' attack. “Run…Charmy.” Espio said as he dropped to the floor dead. “No…..Knuckles how could you?” Asked Charmy. “Easy. Like THIS!” Knux screamed and blasted him with his Thunder Arrow and disintegrated him with one attack. “Hmph.” Was all Knuckles said as he walked away.
In the main quarters of the empire
“So are you sure you can handle this job?” Shadow asked to a new henchmen that turned out to be Sephiroth. “Yes sir.” Sephiroth replied “Okay here's your first mission. Soraaa Roxasss!!” Shadow yelled and a few seconds later they came running into the room. “What?!” They both said simultaneously “I need you to capture these three.” Shadow said as he threw them pictures of Rouge, Amy, and Cream. “Why are we doing this?” Roxas asked “Because I'm paying you dammit!!” Shadow retorted “Now move out.” He commanded “Yes sir.” Then the three walked out of the main hall searching for Amy, Rouge, and Cream.
A/N: Yeah chappy #3 coming soon. So be there or be square.