Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ WHO'S THE EGGMAN NOW!!? ❯ Chapter3:the battle for keeps ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter3: The battle for keeps
Desclaimer: I only own Slash the hedgehog and Prodigy the echidna. Giga the hedgehog belongs to Mega Warrior.
Sora , Sephiroth, and Roxas were all standing outside the window of Sonic's house where they saw their hostages. “This is gonna be a piece of cake.” Roxas said. “Stay focused!” Sephiroth scolded Roxas. “Alright let's go.” Sora said eager to finish this mission. With a flick of his wrist Sephiroth blew the front of the house away so that they could walk right in. “Who are you guys?” Sonic asked. “Yeah and what do you want?” Tails added “We're here for the girls!” Sora yelled answering their question. “Well you're gonna hafta get through us!” Sonic said getting into his fighting stance. “Yeah!” Tails said getting into his fighting stance also and winding up his Tails. “Girls run!!” Sonic yelled at them. They replied with a simple nod and ran away.
“Okay let's get this party started. AAHHH!!” Roxas hollered as he charged forward with his keyblade at Tails. Tails dodged his attack and kicked him in the neck and it sent Roxas into the ground. “I'll handle this.” Sephiroth said taking a step forward to Sonic. “Well let's see what you got!” Sonic replied charging at Sephiroth. Sonic began to throw super fast punches at impossible speeds and Sephiroth dodged some and the others landed right in his kisser. “I've had enough!” Sephiroth yelled and kicked Sonic in the air, Then drew his sword. And he raised it in the air and jumped after Sonic Sephiroth began to swing his sword just as his sword was inches away rom Sonic's body Sephiroth felt a punch collide with his face and it sent him flying into the remains of Sonic's house.
“Who the hell are you!?” Sora asked as the figure that had thrown the punch he turned around and revealed himself. “Name's Prodigy, Prodigy the echidna.” Prodigy answered. “Well I don't care who you are you're mine!!” Sora screamed and Charged at him with his keyblade ready but before he could impact Sonic spindashed into his side sending him into a nearby building. “I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog.” Sonic said flashing his trademark grin. A few seconds later Tails had been knocked into the ground by Roxas and his impact left a crater the size of a SUV. “Tails!” Sonic called running over to Tails but before he could get to him Sephiroth had hit him with a Fira blast and knocked him down. Then Roxas, Sora, And sephiroth had made a circle around Prodigy. “Prepare to die!” all three of them screamed as they charged but Sephiroth was blasted by a laser beam that came from……Eggman's mech. “If anybody's going to kill those blasted furries it's me!” Eggman yelled as he kicked Sora and Roxas with the powerful legs of his mech. “Sonic Tails are you alright?” Asked Eggman as he walked over to their bodies. “Huh…Eggman? You saved us?” Tails asked.
“Yes I did. We have to stop Shadow and Knuckles. Fist we have to get rid of his henchmen. Which are these three.” Eggman said referring to their strong opponents. “Less talking more fighting!” Prodigy yelled as black flames consumed his arms. “Black Dragon Barrage!!” Prodigy yelled as he started to smash Sephiroth, Sora , and Roxas with his rock hard fists. “Go get the girls I'll hold these three off.” Prodigy said Eggman, Sonic, and Tails replied with a nod and ran in the direction of the girls.
“You think we lost them?” Rouge asked while they were walking away from the battle. “Yeah I think so.” Cream replied. “Hey wait up!” Sonic called to them as him, Eggman, and Tails ran up to where they were standing. “Eggman what are you doing here?” Amy asked. “Eggman saved us Amy.” Tails stated
“I don't think Prodigy can hold off those three for much longer. Tails take the girls and keep moving forward Eggman you come with me.” Sonic said. “Who's prodigy?” Rouge said “Long story.” Said sonic.
And out of sheer coincidence Prodigy had landed back first in the ground battered in brusied. “Prodigy are you o.k.?” Sonic asked the echidna “ I'm…fine.” Prodigy replied struggling to stand. “You're bleeding. You need to rest.” Amy said. Then Prodigy started coughing up blood. “Don't worry I still got some fight left in me.” Prodigy replied. But then Prodigy fell back to his knees. “Come on stand up mister Prodigy.” Cream pled tears welling up in her eyes. As she put her han on his shoulder Prodigy winced in pain.
“Prodigy get up. You can do it they're coming!”
“Don't worry sonic I'll finish them off.”
“But you have to get up first.”
“Tails help me pick him up.”
“Sure thing Sonic.” Tails replied as they helped Prodigy to his feet. “Here's Sora.” Sora said while he rushed at an incredible speed right toward Prodigy. Prodigy then pushed Sonic and Tails away and Punched Sora as hard as his powerful arms would let him right in his face. The punch sent Sora flying straight into the ground where he lay there unconscious. “Okay let's finish this.” Sonic said excited as he ran toward Sephiroth and spindashed into his face but Sephiroth took the blow like it was nothing grabbed Sonic and Tossed him up in the air. “Thundara!” Sephiroth hissed as a giant bolt of lightning charged its way toward Sonic but with his amazing speed he moved out of the way and yelled… “Sonic Wind.” The powerful whirlwind caught Sephiroth up in it and hurled him into the sky. “Summon Stich!” Roxas yelled, and out of nowhere Stitch (from lilo and stich) appeared and began shooting at Eggman's mech “Laser blast!” Eggman said firing a huge laser then it hit Stitch and he was dismissed in one blow. “Take this.” Tails said as he headbutted Roxas in the face and sent him hurtling into a nearby tree. “AAAHH” Screamed Sonic as he clasped his hands together as he came down an hit Sephiroth in the back and he was on his way back down to the Earth then landed with a thud. (A/N: Oh and when you are reading this imagine Live and Learn playing in the backround because that was what I was listening to when I wrote this) Sora then got up off of his ass groggy and rubbing his head from the massive blow he had just suffered from.
“Come on Guys we can't lose to a bunch of animals and a fat bastard.” Said Roxas “Right” his teammates replied “X KUMAE FORMATION!!” They all said simultaneously and dashed past the furries in a blinding speed grabbed the girls and vanished. “Dammit they got away!” Sonic yelled into the sky. “We have to go after them and save the girls.” Eggman said “Yeah we do.” Prodigy said regaining his consciousness everyone was so busy fighting nobody noticed that he fainted.
“But we need a plan. A good plan.” Tails said “We'll think of something.” Eggman said. “First we need to wait for Prodigy's wounds to heal.” Sonic stated “Let's take him to my workshop.” Tails suggested. And with that they were off to Tails house to come up with an effective enough plan.
in the empire
“Here are the girls that you requested sir.” Sephiroth said kneeling down in the presence of his master. “Excellent. But why are you all so battered and bloody?” Shadow asked “We had a run in with that hedgehog and his friends m'lord.” Sephiroth replied
“Oh. Anyway on with phase 2 of my evil scheme. Mwhahahahahahahahahzhahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahzhahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!! Hey where's Knuckles?
back in the workshop
“Dammit how are we going to beat Shadow and Knuckles when we could barely beat those henchmen he sent here!” Sonic cursed he was very angry that they barely survived their attack with the so called kidnappers. “We'll need reinforcements. Call somebody.” Eggman suggested “That's a great idea Eggman!” Sonic replied. Then he picked up Tails' phone and dialed a number “Hey Blaze……Uh-huh you already know on your way bye?” Sonic said confuzzled right before his eyes Blaze the cat appeared. “Hey Everybody I know the deal with everything I saw the commercial.” Blaze said “Hey who's he?” Blaze asked pointing to Prodigy who was lying on Tails' bed. “That's Prodigy he's the one that practically saved us.” Sonic replied. Then he picked up the phone again and dialed another number. “Yeah Slash……You already know? K bye.” Then Slash the hedgehog appeared in the room. “I saw the commercial, so my brother finally got to take over the world?” Slash asked. “Well yeah unfortunately.” Sonic replied. Then yet again Sonic picked up the phone and dialed another number “Yeah…….uh-huh you too? Well get over here as fast as you can!” Then out of nowhere Riku appeared. “So you can help us end Shadow's reign?” Sonic asked “Yeah, if Sora is working for him then this is my chance to beat his ass!” Riku said. “I know somebody that we haven't called yet. ^_^ Plus he owes me a favor.” Prodigy said jumping up and running toward the phone. Then he picked up the phone and began to dial away. “Hey………you know? Okay bye.” Prodigy then hung up the phone. “He said he'll meet us at the empire.”