Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ WHO'S THE EGGMAN NOW!!? ❯ chapter4:the empire raid ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter4: The empire raid!
Sonic and everyone else that had been called upon in the last episode were standing outside the empire divising a plan. “Hey Prodigy where's that friend of yours?” Sonic asked “He'll be here.” Prodigy replied. Then a rustle in the bushes can be heard, then another, then another, and another until a Green hedgehog with hover shoes like Shadow, three green bangs, one violet eye one aquamarine eye, and a peach muzzle stepped out of the bushes. “Who the hell are you?” Sonic asks glaring at the strange looking hedgehog. “Name's Giga, Giga the hedgehog. Prodigy called and said that you needed help I'm your man.” Giga replied. But Sonic continued to stare at him, in Sonic's eyes this guy didn't seem much of a fighter at all if anything he looked like a crackhead. “You don't look like much of a fighter to me.” Sonic said still eyeing him up and down. “Do you wanna fight me and see for yourself?” Giga asked “Are you sure ya got the balls to fight the world's fastest hedgehog?” Sonic asked flashing his trademark grin. “No Sonic this guy is a monster you don't know what kind of power you're dealing with!!” Prodigy scolded him. “Listen to Prodigy you don't want your friends to see you eat your words do you? `cause I'll make it happen!” Giga hissed. “Yeah I'm ready let's get this party started!” Sonic hollered as he dashed at an incredible speed right over to Giga to tackle him but before Sonic could get to him he was gone. “Huh? Where are you, you COWARD!?” Sonic screamed into thin air. Sonic then took a glance into the sky to see about 30ft above him Giga floating in the air with his arms folded and his eyes closed. “You call that fast? My grandmother can move faster than that and she's in a wheelchair!” Giga teased. Sonic was fed up with his words and jumped as high in the air as Giga was to confront him. “Eat this! SONIC WIND!!” Sonic screamed and with a flick of his hand summoned up a blue whirlwind that circled itself around Giga. The whirlwind began to spin itself faster and faster then Giga threw out his hand to the side and the whirlwind disappeared. “Child's Play. Time to show you my true power AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” Giga screamed at the top of his lungs as his muscles grew four times their normal size and his green fur turned to a Purplish black and his pupils vanished (like Broly when in Legendary Super Saiyain) and a bloody red aura surrounded his body as his voice changed to a dark evil voice of all evil like bang your mom give her millions of STD's and laugh about while he's chopping her head of with a chainsaw and STILL banging her evil!! “You think you can defeat me now Sonic? HAHAHAHAH!! Prepare to eat your words!!” Giga Screamed while charging at a scared shitless Sonic. “Okay, Okay I give don't kill me!” Sonic pled while cowering in fear on the ground. “That's all I wanted to hear.” Giga said and reverted back to his original form. “Can we please go inside now?” Slash begged. “Alright here's the deal Slash, and me are going to take out Shadow, Blaze and Mighty you're going to handle Sephiroth, Riku you get Sora, and Tails and Eggman and Prodigy take care of Knuckles and find a way to get the girls free. Alright?” Sonic said and everyone replied with a simple “YEAH!” and burst through the doors of the empire to do what they were told.
A/N: I know it's short but I'll make the next one a lot longer I promise. I just wanted to make sure everyone was clear on their missions so READ AND REVIEW!! PLEASE?!