Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ WHO'S THE EGGMAN NOW!!? ❯ chapter5:it aint over till its over ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Desclaimer: I only own Slash the hedgehog and Prodigy the Echinda. Giga the hedgehog belongs to Mega warrior. And all the other furries and characters belong to SEGA and SQUARE ENIX.
Chapter5: It aint over till its over
Inside the empire at the front door
“So everyone clear on their jobs… right?” Said Sonic “Hey boss what do I do?” Giga asked feeling left out of the action. “Okay Giga you take out all of the followers that joined this wretched empire. And if you see anyone in trouble help them out.” Sonic replied as they continued to journey into the empire but as they took a few steps they came across the bodies of Vector, Espio, and what was left of Charmy's wings. “Oh no! who could have done this?” Mighty said running over to their lifeless bodies. “That would be me.” Knuckles replied stepping out of the Shadows. “Sonic…..change in plans Knuckles is MINE!!” Mighty yelled getting into his fighting stance. “No you fool we are going to do this my way!” Sonic retorted. “I don't give a fuck what you say! I'm fighting Knuckles so run along you blue douche bag!” Mighty screamed back at him. Sonic sighed defeated and replied with a nod like everyone else and ran away to the next room of the empire.
“Why'd you do it Knuckles?”
“Because I am part of an empire that now controls the world and do you think that some former, now dead friends is going to get in the way of that? I don't think so.”
“Well I guess this is it my friend…. A fight to the death.”
“I guess it is.”
As soon as the last word had been said Mighty and Knuckles had charged at each other at lighting speed and began to throw super fast kicks and punches. “THUNDER ARROW!!” Knux yelled and threw his arrow of thunder at Mighty but he dodged it with ease and head butted him in the stomach which sent him into a nearby wall. Knuckles retaliated by throwing a flurry of punches all at mighty's face which most of them landed the others due to Mighty's movement hit him in the stomach. Then Knuckles attacked with a powerful uppercut that sent Mighty into the ceiling. As Mighty fell back down he curled into a tight ball and threw himself at Knuckles with a black and red trail behind him. With an incredible force he impacted on the top of Knuckles head which Knuckles had took due to the fact of his literal hard headedness. When Mighty uncurled himself from his tight ball he stood a few feet away from Knuckles both of them panting like tired dogs.
“You've improved your fighting skills since the last time we fought Knux.”
“You as well Mighty.”
“Playtime is over it's time to finish this.”
“I agree.”
With that being said they both charged each other again at a speed that would very well rival Sonic's speed. “This is a little trick I learned a couple years ago, time to bring it out. DARK SPINDASH!!” (stupid name yes I know) Mighty yelled at the top of his lungs as he curled into an armadillo like ball and shot forward at a blinding speed and vanished. “Huh….where'd he go?” Knuckles said to no one but felt massive pain when he soon realized that he was being flung around like a four year old's rag doll. Everywhere he looked he couldn't see Mighty all he felt was excruciating pain. “Let's finish this!” Mighty hollered as he became visible again and plowed right through Knuckles chest as fast as a stray bullet. Knuckles only coughed up blood as he watched in slow motion himself fall to the ground. “You haven't won y…you f…..fool.” Was all Knuckles could say before he had died. “Charmy, Espio, Vector I'll be with you guys again…….i promise.” Mighty said to their dead bodies and raced after the others.
in the next room of the empire
Sonic and the gang except for Mighty ran into the next room and stopped at the sight of their new opponents. Sephiroth, Sora, and Roxas. “So you're back for another beating eh?” Said Roxas drawing his heyblade. “If my memory serves me correct we kicked your asses!” Prodigy replied getting into a fighting stance. “Would you like another ass kicking.” Prodigy added. “Sonic, Slash, Eggman, Tails, and Giga go. Me, Prodigy, and Riku will stay here and handle these bastards.” Blaze hissed also getting into her fighting stance. “Yeah!” Riku agreed drawing his keyblade. “Alright……let's go you guys.” Sonic told the others and they ran off into the next room.
“Oh the wittle kitty witty thinks she can beat us.” Sora teased. “Stay focused you fools! Never judge a book by its cover I sense a great power in all three of these fighters especially the cat and the echidna!” Sephiroth scolded them. And the fight began.
Sephiroth charged his way towards Blaze with his sword drawn and swung with intense speed but he saw no Blaze. He frantically began to shake his head from side to side searching for Blaze. “Right here big boy.” Blaze said as Sephiroth turned around she was standing on the end of his sword. “What am I too fast for ya?” She teased and kicked him in the mouth pretty hard which sent him staggering grasping his mouth in pain. “Enough of this!” Riku hollered and charged at Sora and swung so did Sora. They both jumped apart when their keyblades contacted. But they kept doing the same thing over and over…it was like they could read each other's moves before they even made them and continued to counter each other's blows that is until Riku decided to use that weird move he did against Sora a couple years ago (Near the end of Kingdom Hearts 1 where Sora gets his Keyblade taken From Riku. The second time when you fight him alone.)
Riku was moving so fast Sora couldn't even keep up with his movements. But Blaze wasn't doing so good Sephiroth had already had her figured out and was effortlessly kicking her ass. “You would dare hit a women?” Blaze hissed “I don't see any women around here when you do please let me know!” Sephiroth replied. That snide remark made Blaze super mad and she just let her cat instincts take over. She began to run around Sephiroth at a blinding speed. When Sephiroth swung his sword she jumped up at his face removed her gloves revealing her paws and claws and began to scratch at Sephiroth's face super fast about 100 times a second just scratching away making that loud screeching noise cats do when you treat them cruely. “AHHHH MY FACE!!!” Sephiroth screamed but Blaze didn't care how much he screamed she just wanted him dead at that moment in time. Sephiroth was now fed up with this animal's sudden scratch attack and cast a Fira spell and the fire ball hit Blaze directly in the face and sent her into the wall. Leaving a giant crater from which she impacted. Blaze just lay there unconscious with the smell of her singed fur there to accompany her. Fortunate enough for her, her companions were doing a lot better than she was especially Prodigy. He was beating Roxas to a bloody pulp dodging every one of his attacks. “Is that all you got?” Prodigy teased him. “Not even close.” Roxas replied struggling to get off of the ground. “Well I've had enough of you.” Prodigy said as he kicked Roxas in the chin whith his knee and Roxas was on his way through the roof…. Until Sephiroth saved him and set him down away from Prodigy. “Let's see how you fare against me echidna.” Sephiroth said already inches away from Prodigy. But then at that split second Sephiroth felt a great pain erecting from his jaw in slow motion his jaw moved to around the back of his head macking his whole body do a 180 in the air and then fly into a wall. “You okay?” The figure said which turned out to be…..Mighty!
“Mighty….thanks!” Prodigy replied as they both turned to see Riku getting his ass handed to him by Sora. “Come on Riku that all………” Sora trailed off because when he was talking Riku moved with an incredible speed and chopped Sora's head off all in on swift motion as Sora's blood splattered everywhere. “Never ever try to tease me when you think you have the upper hand!” Riku scolded Sora's severed head. Mighty and Prodigy watch in awe at the display of Riku's massive amount of skill. “I'm not finished yet!!” Sephiroth yelled charging his way at Riku. but Riku knocked his sword out of Sephiroth's hands and the sword flew over to Blaze. as she regained her consciousness and threw the sword straight into Roxas' chest when he tried to stand but that sword attack finished him off. “Looks like your all alone now.” Blaze stated a smile forming it's way onto her lips. “I'm not finished yet! THUNDAGA” Sephiroth hollered as his thunder blast struck everyone to the ground except for Prodigy. “Now it's just you and me.” Prodigy said cracking his Knuckles with a smile carved onto his lips. “Guess so.” Sephiroth replied throwing a massive flurry of thunder strikes and fire balls at Prodigy who didn't move a muscle. But all those attacks created a giant dust cloud. When the dust cloud cleared all that could be seen was Prodigy with his palm outstretched. Sephiroth just stood there shocked “How d…did y…you?” Sephiroth studdered stumbling backwards and falling on his ass. “Watch this!” Prodigy screamed as all the attacks that Sephiroth had thrown at him Prodigy returned in the shape of a kamehameha. But it wasn't one just in the shape of one. The blast had obliterated Sephiroth and most of the room they were in. “I did it.” Was all Prodigy said as he passed out on the floor.
in the final room of the empire
Sonic and the rest of the crew that had not fought yet had just made it into the heart of the empire where they had come face to face with Shadow. “Ah I've been expecting you Sonic and you're friends too!” Shadow said “Enough games Shadow tell us where Cream, Rouge, And Amy are right now!!” Sonic yelled at Shadow. “Oh them they're on the ARK which I've sent on a crash course to the moon or what's left of it any way.” Shadow replied chuckling a bit. “No you bastard tell us how to stop it!” Tails hissed at him. “Well…” Shadow trailed off just noticing someone he hadn't before “You've even got my brother on your side eh.” Shadow said referring to Slash. “Yeah and were here to stop you. So make it easy on yourself and tell us how to stop the ARK!!” Slash yelled at his brother. “I'll only tell you if you and Sonic can beat me in a fight.” Shadow replied. “Alright.” Sonic and Slash both said. “Okay then let the party begin.” Shadow said as he charged at Sonic and Slash. “CHAOS SPEAR!!” Shadow hollered as he attacked Sonic and Slash. Slash dodged this attack with ease but unfortunately the attack got a direct hit on Sonic and sent him into the wall which He retaliated by jumping out of the wall and using a homing attack which Shadow dodged then Slash used a homing attack to hit Shadow and knocked him into the ceiling. “Chaos Control.” Shadow said freezing time for 90 seconds as he sent two chaos spears out. One in Sonic's direction and one in Slash's direction.
As time went back to normal the two hedgehogs flew into the wall leaving giant craters in both of them. Then Slash made a sword with red flames around it appear. “ HELL FIRE SLASH!!” Slash screamed and swung his sword at Shadow's neck who grabbed the sword taking the excruciating pain due to the fact the sword was surrounded by flames. But Shadow kicked Slash in the neck who released the sword and it fell down to the ground.
“Time to finish you both!” Shadow said “Chaos Blast!” Shadow yelled as Sonic and Slash were sent back because of the force of Shadow's attack and the flew straight through the wall to the other side and they both lay there unconscious. “Ha! You could never beat me. See you on the ark. CHAOS CONTROL!!” Shadow said and was gone to the SPACE COLONY ARK.
END CHAPTER: phew that was a good chapter see you next time^_^.