Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ WHO'S THE EGGMAN NOW!!? ❯ Chapter 6: this is how it should be! this is how she wanted it. ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 6: This is how it should be! This is what she wanted

Shadow looked out the window of the ARK staring down at Earth with hate in his eyes and a huge frown on his face. "Disgusting humans! I hate them I hate them all! Their demise will be soon enough along with their so called heroes!" Shadow cursed and turned towards the door and began to leave the room. "That damned hedgehog! He thinks he's better than me does he?! He may have destroyed all of my followers but the fun's just beginning!" Shadow whispered to himself as all the chaos emeralds appeared and began to circle Shadow's body. "I think I'll go finish them now." Shadow said and ran down to the room where the capsules in the ARK were housed. Shadow entered the capsule room and entered one of the capsules the scowl he was wearing never leaving his face. "Those greedy humans will get what they deserve. Maria I swear to God I promise you REVENGE!" Shadow said with more and more anger and chaos consuming his soul. But he didn't care he just wanted to avenge Maria's death. Shadow then closed his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "Pathetic fools! I'm coming for you, prepare to die!" Shadow scoffed. He was about to launch the capsule into space when he heard a loud THUMP! Then an alarm went off. 'INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" the alarm boomed. "So I guess they decided to come and face me?" Shadow then jumped out of the capsule and walked toward where the noise was coming from. "That foolish hedgehog his persistence is beginning to annoy me." Shadow said and then ran faster to meet up with his adversary.


"Tails your piloting skills could use a bit of polishing." Sonic said climbing out of Tails spaceship. Unfortunately Tails wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and ran right into the ARK. "Shut up you're the one that made me do it!" Tails accused pointing a finger at Sonic. "Guys quiet let's just get the girls and leave I don't wanna have to face Shadow again." Slash said peeping around the corner. Yes only Sonic, Tails, and Slash came the others are still recovering from injuries at Tails workshop. Eggman and Giga are taking good care of them. "What you guys think you can just rescue my hostages and just leave without getting to play first?" Shadow said coming into view. "Shadow. Where are the girls!" Tails yelled.

"Stop yelling! Everything was quiet until you came up here." Shadow said

"This is no time for games Shadow. Tell us where they are now!" Sonic demanded stamping his foot into the ground to make him sound more intimidating. "Fight me, beat me, and then I'll tell you." Shadow said folding his arms against his chest. The emeralds still circling him. "He's got all the chaos emeralds." Slash stated. "Yes I do." Shadow responded. "Chaos emeralds or not I'm not gonna let some fake hedgehog beat me!" Sonic smiled and got into a fighting stance along with Slash and Tails. "Tell me Sonic? How can I be your copy if I was created 50 years before you were even born?" Shadow asked then began to continue "If anyone's the fake it's you!" Shadow said a evil smile finding its way across his features. Sonic just stood there with nothing to say gritting his teeth. Breaking some of them in the process. "CHARGE!" Sonic screamed as he, Slash, and Tails charged forward. Shadow just stood there smiling. "SONIC WIND!" "PHEONIX BLADE!" Sonic and Slash yelled simultaneously as their attacks fuse with each other and race toward Shadow which connect with a direct hit. But also making some dust kick up. When the dust cleared Shadow stood there and then waved his hand making the blue dust from the combined attacks disappear. "That all you got?" Shadow asked still smiling. "Far from it!" Sonic hissed and charged forward with a punch that hit Shadow square in the nose. But he didn't even flinch. "Child's play." Shadow declared and kinda like backhanded Sonic through the window of the ARK sending him into space. Shadow then jumps through the hole in the window with Slash behind him. "Tails, Sonic and I will hold 'em off while you go find the girls." Slash requested. Tails replied with a nod and ran off in a random direction. "Now time for you to bow down to the ultimate power!" Shadow said and begins to transform into his super form which somehow Slash and Sonic are able to transform Sonic into his super Form and Slash into his hyper form. "Ha there's us two against you Shadow there's no way you could win." Sonic said proudly. "Two against one? I like those odds. BRING IT!" Shadow hollered charging forward like a bat outta hell. "CHAOS SPEAR!" Shadow says and blasts Sonic into some nearby meteorites. Then Slash draws his sword and charges. Slashing away as fast as his arms would allow him to still missing every shot. "That all you got big bro?" Shadow taunts making a vein pop in Slash's head. "PHEONIX BLADE!" Slash screams as his blade swings pick up speed by a mile and start nailing Shadow getting about 25 hits a second. Then ironically a phoenix made entirely of flames appears from thin air, somehow enters Slash's blade, and shoots itself like a projectile sending Shadow back a couple kilometers. "Eat this." Sonic says bursting from the meteorites he was knocked into and spin dashes into Shadow who gets sent back another few kilometers or so. "CHAOS CONTROL!" time freezes as Shadow flies faster than the speed of light and stops with his hand outstretched inches away from Sonic's face. "CHAOS SPEAR!" Shadow screams as he blasts Sonic in the face which the blast sends him back into the ARK through a couple walls and transforms him back to normal.

"Where are they....found them!" Tails declares as he walks inside a dark room which has Cream, Amy, and Rouge chained up to a wall in tattered and torn clothing. "Tails there you are!" Cream screams showing her excitement. "Get us down fox-boy." Rouge demands and Tails gets them all down. "Where's Sonic?" Amy asked worriedly tears forming in her eyes. As if one cue Sonic plows through the wall all battered, bruised, and beaten. "Oh Sonic! Who did this to you?" Amy cried and crawled over to Sonic's lifeless form and pulled his head into her lap. "Most likely Shadow." Tails answers. Amy then suddenly carefully drops Sonic's head and gets up. "Amy What are you doing?" Cream asked curious to what her best friend might be planning. "Tails take care of Sonic," Amy demanded in a cold voice then her trusty piko piko hammer appeared. "I'm going to teach Shadow a lesson." Amy replied and ran through the holes Sonic made.


Slash just lay there in space and reverted back to his original form. "Looks like there's no challenges around here. "Guess again!" Amy screamed and jumped out into space and nailed Shadow as hard in the face as she could, but to her surprise her hammer broke. "whatever." Shadow mumbled then grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and threw her toward Earth's atmosphere. "let's see how you like taking a trip through that accursed planet's atmosphere!" Shadow cursed and watched as he saw Amy disintegrate into nothing in the Earth's atmosphere. "Foolish Bitch!" He mumbled and began to laugh maniacally at the sight of his rival's girlfriend vanish into nothing. Shadow then felt excruciating pain around the jaw area and was surprised at what attacked him. It was...Sonic in his Super Form. No he was more powerful than that much more powerful and he began smashing Shadow's head in one blow at a time. "You killed her!" Sonic accused and threw another blow to shadow's gut making him cry out in pain. "How could you just kill her without feeling any remorse for your actions?!" Sonic yelled still beating Shadow's face in. Shadow finally got away long enough to respond. "Easy, firs I grabbed her by the..." Shadow stopped mid-sentence once he had taken a look to Sonic's eyes there were no pupils there. Just white this only meant on thing....he was blind with rage. "Finally tapped into your true power I see." Shadow said and a smile formed across his lips.

"this is gonna be good. AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!"