Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ WHO'S THE EGGMAN NOW!!? ❯ Chapter 7: Return of the Biolizard, Shadonic's rescue pt.1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 7: The Final Hazard's return, Shadonic's rescue! Pt.1

Super Shadow and the enraged Super Sonic were still going at it but due to their carelessness they were getting extremely close to the Earth's atmosphere. Unfortunately Shadow had gained the upper hand a while ago and he was dodging and blocking Sonic's attacks with ease. "That all you got?" Shadow teased only infuriating Sonic more. "Stop teasing me!" Sonic demanded. "Is the wittle Sonic the hedgehog gonna cry?" Shadow continued to tease making Sonic more and more angry with his insults. "SHUT UP!" Sonic screamed not paying attention to the fight which allowed Shadow to kick him in the groin making Sonic double over in pain. "I told you that if you don't join I'll kick you in the groin." Shadow said and sent an uppercut straight to Sonic's chin making him fly upwards into a stray meteor. The meteor was about the size of a small town house but still big enough for Shadow to land on. When he landed he slowly walked over to Sonic who was laying down holding his crotch. "That was a low blow! NO FAIR!!" Sonic whined "Stop whining and suck it up Sonic the pussyhog." Shadow taunted this insult angered Sonic to the core and he let go of his crotch and vanished. "Nice magic trick pussyhog." Shadow said as Sonic reappeared behind Shadow with an angry look on his face. Shadow knowing Sonic was behind him quickly sent his elbow out towards Sonic's face who narrowly dodged his attack. Sonic retaliated by quickly ducking down and kicking Shadow's ankles making him fall. Sonic followed up by sending a kick straight to Shadow's back while he was falling making him fly upwards. Sonic then cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled "That's for calling me a pussyhog....pussyhog!" Still flying upwards Shadow quickly turned around with a smile on his face. "Tell me how you like it burning up in the Earth's atmosphere!" Shadow hollered. Sonic quickly turned around and indeed he was headed toward the Earth's atmosphere. While Sonic was distracted Shadow took this opportunity to act. "CHAOS SPEAR!" Shadow's attack destroyed the meteor Sonic was standing on and Shadow quickly teleported so he was right ahead of Sonic and kneed him in the abdomen. Sonic quickly recovered from Shadow's attack and quickly flew away as the remains of the meteor he was standing on dissipated in the Earth's atmosphere. Shadow also flew upward and the both of them were right outside of the ARK.

"You ready to finish this?" Sonic asked "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Shadow responded and the two hedgehogs energies grew so much that there was golden chi's surrounding them both. They soon charged at each other but Sonic was soon distracted by.... "Yeah Sonic whoop Shadow's ass!!" Rouge yelled from the ARK's window. "Yeah rip his head off for killing Amy!!" Cream growled making Tails step backwards a bit. These few words distracted Sonic enough for Shadow to grab one of Sonic's arms and throw him towards the ARK's window. Before impacting Sonic flipped so that he could jump off of the window with his feet which he did and sent a flurry of punches and kicks toward Shadow which most connected. Soon the two jumped apart from each other and both were panting. "C'mon Sonic you can do it!" Tails cheered jumping up and down. Sonic and Shadow charged at one another and Sonic threw a punch out but Shadow ducked and grabbed Sonic by the face and threw him as hard as he could through the ARK's window. Shadow then flew inside where Sonic flew through and saw the heroic mammal laying on the ground changed back to normal and apparently unconscious. "Now that your friend's out of the way I can deal with you." Shadow said as he began to walk towards the group. "Stay away...or else." Slash warned as he and Tails hopped in front of the girls.

"Hmph pathetic." Shadow mumbled and continued to walk towards them until he felt someone's hand on his ankle. "What the..." Shadow looked down and saw Sonic with one eye open and holding on to his ankle. "Leave them alone the only one you're fighting is me." Sonic said. "As you wish." Shadow responded Sonic still hanging on to Shadow's ankle brung his leg up and kicked the air really hard like he was kicking off a football. This stunt sent Sonic into the wall. "You still wanna fight me?" Shadow asked and with a flick of his wrist Sonic somehow broke through the wall and flew through a couple walls behind him. Shadow began to walk through the holes Sonic made but Slash and Tails jumped in front of him and held their arms out. "WE WON'T LET YOU PASS!!" They both screamed and slash drew his sword. "Tails take care of Sonic I'll handle my brother." Slash demanded Tails did as instructed and ran through the holes in the wall to go and get Sonic.

"Do you really think you can beat me?" Shadow asked "with that?" he added. "You're right I've been relying on this sword too much." Slash replied and threw his sword down and put up his dukes. "Your still going to fight me? But I'm super powered and you're not." Shadow said. Slash just smiles and says "that's all about to change." Slash then pulls out all of the sol emeralds. "Let's see what these babies can do." He says as a violet energy surrounds him then the streaks on his quills turn from black to blue and his red fur goes white. "Say hello to hyper Slash!" Slash smiles and his muscles double in size and the violet chi still surrounds him. "You sure you wanna fight me?" he asks "I'd fight you any day!" Shadow replies and they both charge at each other but Slash hops over Shadow and sends a kick to the top of his head and when he comes down kicks Shadow in the back of his head with the other leg. "CHAOS SPEAR!!" Slash just stands perfectly still as Shadow's chaos spear moves in on him. With the blast inches away from him Slash disappears. "Where'd he go?" Shadow asked himself frustrated then Slash reappears right in front of him. "Right here einstien!" Slash says and lands a kick right to Shadow's neck making him fly through the ARK's window. Cream and Rouge just stand there in awe at Slash's amazing display in agility and power. "Don't worry ladies I'll be right back." Slash says gives them the thumbs up and flies out of the window. "Give up now Shadow I don't wanna have to kill you!" Slash demanded "You kill me? I don't think so bring it foo'!" Shadow yelled and the fight was on. The two hedgehogs charged and swung their fists at each other at precisely the same time and nailed one another right in the jaw. "DAGGER STORM!" Slash hollered and he began to start throwing daggers that appeared from nowhere.

Shadow had trouble dodging the daggers because they were all coming so fast there was a storm of daggers surrounding him. Shadow tried his best to dodge the daggers but no avail so he brought out the secret weapon "CHAOS CONTROL!" Time instantly froze a dagger inches away from Shadow's face with time running out he quickly uppercutted Slash then followed up with a backflip kick to the chin. When time unfroze Slash staggered a little bit holding his chin in pain then held his other arm up. "FLAME SPHERE!" Slash screamed as scorching hot flames escaped from his hand and enclosed Shadow within them. "Be careful Shadow because the walls of fire will begin to close in on you!" Slash warned chuckling. "Dammit." Shadow cursed then he closed his eyes and folded his arms across his chest and began to think. 'how can there be fire in outer space? There's no oxygen up here' Shadow thought but just shrugged it off and teleported out of the fire sphere. "foolish hedgehog!" Shadow insulted as he reappeared outside of the fire sphere which evaporated seconds later. "what's that noise?" Shadow wondered then turned around to see one of Tails' spaceships (the one from Shadow the hedgehog) heading straight toward him. "isn't that the doctor?" he asked himself but soon got his answer when Eggman yelled "Nobody steals my empire!" from the cockpit. Slash took this opportunity of distraction and grabbed Shadow and threw him towards the spaceship. But Shadow teleported behind an unsuspecting Slash and "CHAOS SPEAR!!" Slash was the one about to hit the spaceship. "let's see how they fare against me at full power!" Shadow whispered to himself and flew back inside the ARK. Upon entrance he was greeted by a flurry of punches and kicks from Rouge and a recovered Sonic. "ENOUGH!!!" Shadow bellowed as a powerful shockwave erupted from his body which sent Rouge, Sonic, Tails, and Cream fly into walls. Slash reentered the ARK being as silent as possible trying to sneak up on Shadow but alas it didn't work Shadow heard every footstep and attacked with a karate chop to Slash's head knocking him out of his hyper form and temporarily unconscious. Then the Sol emeralds fell from Slash's body and like magnets they flew over to Shadow and they began to circle him. "WHO'S NEXT!" Shadow bellowed again as Eggman crashed Tails spaceship into the ARK and hoped out along with Blaze, Prodigy, Riku, Giga, Mighty, Metal Sonic,.....Amy and Knuckles?!!? When Shadow saw Amy he began to shout "WHAT THE FUCK?!!? YOU'RE DEAD!! I SAW YOU DIE I KILLED YOU!!" Shadow screamed at the top of his lungs breaking some of the ARK's windows in the process. "Actually Giga saved her before she entered the Earth's atmosphere." Eggman corrected. "WHO THE FUCK IS GIGA!!?!" Shadow fumed. Giga just raised his hand and said "G'day mate!" Blaze then noticed something about Shadow's appearance. "He's got all the sol emeralds!" She said averting everyone's attention to the sol emeralds circling Shadow. "Knuckles I thought you were dead?" Shadow asked in confusion. "Yeah I was. But who knew the Master Emerald could bring people back to life?" Knuckles replied " I guess you're a good guy again huh?" "yup!"

When Sonic noticed that Amy was back he literally ripped himself from the wall he was imbedded into. "AMY!?!" Sonic screamed and pulled Amy into a big hug. "I thought I lost you." He whispered into her ear making her blush a little. "ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" "What the fuck was that?" Riku asked then ran over to the window. "Everyone come 'ere!" He instructed then everyone ran over to the window and what they saw scared the shit out of them. "That's not possible!" Shadow whispered dropping to his knees. "But we killed him." Sonic said. Yes he was back the biolizard was back again bigger and badder than ever. He didn't have a life support system anymore and he had hind legs other than that he was pretty muck the same but was much bigger he was about the size of the ARK and Eggman's base combined. "Shadow Sonic you are the only ones who can beat him." Eggman said. "Here take these." Mighty said and threw them the super emeralds. Sonic and Shadow exchange nods as Shadow turns normal so the chaos emeralds, sol emeralds, and the super emeralds are surrounding them. "You have to fuse it's the only way to win." Tails said.

Sonic in Shadow got into position. "fu-sion-HA!" They both yelled causing a bright light to wash over the space colony. When the light cleared there was a hedgehog standing were Sonic and Shadow once were except he was Brown. "Prepare to meet your doom. Shadonic!