Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ [[Keyblade Fantasies]] ❯ Marco Pollo, a Game, an Adventure ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Solita: Hi!! I'm hyper! -zooms about the page- Oops sorry.. Anyway… This is Keyblade Fantasys…. Enjoy?
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts are owned by square enix or something like that…. Not meh….
“Riku this isn't fair! You can throw your voice! Marco!”
The brown haired boy searched through the nearest waters for his friend.
“Polo! Find me Sora!” Riku jumped out of the water and sat on the edge.
“You're no Fun Riku! Sora! Riku cheated again! Open your eyes!” Kairi said kicking her feet in the water.
Sora turned around “Riku You Cheat!” Sora had an easy smile on his face as he accused Riku.
“Oh no! What ever shall I do? I'm a cheat!” Riku said with mock worry in his tone.
“If Kairi wasn't here, how long would you have me going like that? Seconds? Hours? DAYS?”
`Until you were close enough so I could kiss you,ifonly Kairi wasn't here…'
Riku thought, “I don't know, I thought of going and getting a soda and jut leaving you here.”
Kairi playfully slapped Riku's shoulder “Guess you're lucky you had me here, huh Sora?”
Sora walked out of the pool and walked over to his towel. “Yea that I am Kiari.”
Riku and Kairi both got up and walked over to sit next to where Sora was. “Do you know how long you have until you go back to work with Mickey?”
Kairi asked “Because I want to know how long we have to hang out, all three of us!”
Sora smiled “I go back in a month and a half, so we have plenty of time to hang out!”
“You guys want to spend the night tonight? Mom said you could since I'm dating Tidus now, so she's not worried.” Kairi asked while walking home.
Sora shrugged “Sure, I'll have to check with my mom though…”
“Me too”
Riku said kicking a rock in front of him.
Kairi smiled “Good, then we'll all be together! And my mom cannot wait to see you guys, she hasn't in ever. Because of Sora's new job, and Riku's new obsession, you guys haven't been around much…”
“Mom! I'm home!”
“I'm in the Kitchen Sora!”
Sora let Riku and Kairi in and walked to the kitchen. “Hey moooommm?”
She turned around and wiped her hands on her apron “What do you want?”
“To spend the night at Kiari's house.”
She sighed “Fine, if it's all right with her mom. Call me tomorrow. Have a good time Baby.” She leaned over and hugged her son tightly.
“Moooommm!” Sora pulled away and smiled “I'm going to go get some stuff from my room, Come on Riku, come on Kairi.”
“Thank you mom!” Riku yelled as he ran out of his house, his overnight bag in hand.
“Let's go.”
He said to Sora and Kairi. “Yay!” Kairi yelped jumping up and down.
“Everyone to my house!” She took both Riku's and Sora's hand “Off we go!”
Riku pulled his hand back “Careful Kairi or Sora and I will ditch you!” He laughed and put his hand back in Kiari's and tugged. “Faster, slowpoke”
“Ok your turn Kairi, Truth or Dare?”
Riku shoved more Doritos into his mouth. Kairi thought a moment
“Aw, you're no fun!”
Sora said while Riku thought of a question.
“Just how far have you gone with Tidus?”
Kairi blushed “Well… We have held hands… We've kissed, made out…and…”
Sora's jaw dropped “You guys have done it! I can't believe it!”
“Sora! Your mom's on the phone!” Sora sighed and leaned over to the phone in Kiari's room.
He put her on speakerphone and told everyone to be quiet.
“Hi mom. What do you want?”
His mom sighed, “Sora, I know you're hanging with your friends but… King Mickey called. He needs you early. He is terribly sorry but there has been some trouble you see… And he needs you. He's sending over a gummy ship for you. He says he wouldn't mind if you Brought Riku along, he can help you. I'm sorry dear.”
She hung up leaving Sora to his goodbyes. Sora hung up the phone
“Kairi… I'm sorry… I have to go Mickey needs me… A job is a job.”
He leaned over and kissed her cheek.
“Riku are you coming? You don't have to.”
`And miss a chance to be alone with you? No chance.'
“I'm coming too. Bye Kairi.”
He too kissed her on her cheek.
“Let's go get all of our stuff Sora. How long are we going to be there?”
Sora opens the door out of Kiari's room
“I don't know… Maybe a couple of days, maybe a couple of years. There's no telling how long.”
Sora turned to Kairi
“We'll call.”