Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ [[Keyblade Fantasies]] ❯ Tangled ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Solita: Hello again!!! Sorry Its taken me forever to upload… I forgot I had this story up already… Haha… -sweat drops- Well Uh anyways…
Disclaimer: Sora and Riku's sex lives, and everything that relates to them do not belong to me. -Cries- I wish dey did…I only own Elle… Cuz I needed an extra character… haha
“Yo Sora, Riku! Ready?”
Cid opened the hack and helped the teens throw their heavy bags into the ship. “I know it's late so, there's a bed in back if ya'll want to sleep. Its gunna take about a day to get to the palace. So just kick back and relax.”
Sora sat in one of the plush chairs “If it takes a day to get to the palace, then how'd you get here so fast?”
“I was nearby. Oh and we have to stop at Traverse town, Goofy needs something from there.”
Riku nodded, “Hey Sora, want to come to the back with me? I'm tired, and I know you are, lets go to sleep.”
Sora yawned, “I'm not tired.”
“Yes you are come on.” Riku picked Sora up “Thanks for the ride Cid. Come on you.”
Sora fought weakly “I'm not…” He yawned “…Tired.”
Riku placed Sora on one side of the bed and plopped himself on the other side.
“Night Sora.” He crawled under the covers, quickly turning away from Sora.
“Nightly night Riku!” Sora jumped into the covers and squirmed until he got comfortable.
Riku laughed “Comfy yet?”
Sora rolled over next to Riku, so close that Riku could feel his warmth, “Now I am”
`Is he intentionally flirting with me? Or does he just really feel comfortable there? Aw sweet Jesus!'
Sora had Rollen halfway on top of him, asleep.
“Bed hog.” Riku looked at Sora's sleeping complexion “Hey Sora?”
`I love you.'
************************************************************** ********
“Hey Kids! We're at Traverse Town, want to Stretch your legs?”
Cid came into the back room and laughed. The two teen boys were completely wrapped around each other, He could not even tell who ended where and who started where.
“Boys?” He reached forward and shook something he thought would be a leg.
“Boys wake up.”
Both boys wiggled a little “Why can't I move?” Riku's voice asked raising his head a little.
“Aw jeeze, Sora wake up!”
The brown haired teen stirred quickly “What?”
He looked at him and Riku “Oh… Uh let's see… This is my arm,” He pulled one arm out of the tangled mess.
A little more than ten minutes later, the teens were completely dressed and untangled, with a little help from Cid.
All three of them stepped out of the ship and blocked their eyes from the rising suns. “God I miss this place.”
Sora said aloud as he walked down a street with Riku close behind. “Riku lets go visit the Dalmatians ok?”
He grabbed Riku's hand, who quickly pulled it away. Sora gave Rika a confused look. “Don't worry Sora; I'm just not in the hand holding mood.”
Sora shrugged and started walking toward the familiar house.
Riku followed `I'm sorry Sora, but that just puts me in a position, that you won't be able to handle right now.'
Sora walked through the house, politely saying hello to everyone he saw.
Until a little girl ran up and grabbed his attention.
“Sora!” She jumped into his waiting arms
“How've you been?” She says pulling on a loose hair in Sora's face.
“Elle! I've been good, I've been hanging ou twith Riku a lot , but yeah. You?” The girl continued to tell about maybe her whole life story, plus some.
Riku looked awkwardly, and silently, from Sora to The girl. “Sora? Who's that guy?”
Sora looked at Riku, “Oh, I'm sorry, this is Riku.”
Elle nods, “Your Boy friend?”
Sora and Riku blushed deeply “No, He's just my friend Elle.”
She looks confused “But you said that-“
“It doesn't matter what I said!” Sora's whole body was deep in a Crimson blush.
“Sora!” Another girl walks into the room, “Riku!”
“Namine!” Riku step forward and hugs the blonde girl.
Sora puts the smaller girl down when Riku and Namine part and hugs Namine.
“Hey Namine. How's Roxas?”
“Why don't you ask me yourself, you dolt.”
Sora turns to see his Blonde equal, “Roxas!” They share a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Hola Riku” Roxas says, slightly slipping on the Hola part.
“Oh great, It's bi-lingual now! Get my shotgun!” Riku laughs and steps forward giving Roxas the same treatment Sora did.
“Man, I haven't seen you guys in ages, what's the occasion?” Roxas throws some popsicles out of the freezer for anyone to take.
“We're actually going to see King Mickey; we just stopped here because Cid needed to get something for Goofy.” Riku explains getting a blue Popsicle for himself and a pink one for Sora.
“Oh… So I guess you won't be staying long?” Namine asks, giggling at Sora have a fit of getting a pink one.
“Nope, I don't think we will be... Riku! You're so mean! I'm not weak; I don't need a pink one!”
“Here Sora, I'll trade with you.” Roxas says handing Sora a green and taking his pink.
Sora smiled and shoved it in his mouth. “oo no Wha Rika? Oo rrr too meeeen fur oor on goot.”
Riku scoffs, “Yea, and I should care, why? Don't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting, drool slips everywhere.”
“Oo no oo like ig” Sora drools a little bit and shyly smiles as it gets on his pants, “oops.”
“See what did I tell you?” Riku says pulling his Popsicle off the stick, then crunching it in his mouth.
“Sora, Riku, Time to go! I got what I needed to get, come on or you'll be late.” Cid says through the town intercom.
Riku sighs “Lets go Sora,”
He turns to Namine and Roxas “It was nice seeing you again.”
“Yeah.” Sora says walking toward the ship.
“Hey Riku, I needa talk to you for just a second.” Roxas says pulling him away from everyone.
“What?” Riku demanded, angry that he cant walk with Sora.
“I just got to tell you one thing.” Roxas paused for dramatic effect “If you don't go for him-“ He motioned to Sora, “Then I will.”
Roxas and Namine stood on the launching pad, waving to their friends. “So, what did you say to Riku?” Namine inquired to Roxas “Oh nothing really, I just lit a fire under his butt.”
Solita: Yay! Another chappie up!!! YESH!! I will try to write soon, ok? It will just have to avoid my current writers block... Eh heh heh…. R&R? Please? No flames? Yeah Yeah? Ideas too? Oneegai?