Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ [MSTing] MFT9K Episode I: Hands to Scorch My Skin ❯ Part Four ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Joel carried Tom into the theatre and set him in the far-left seat as the others sat down in their normal chairs. “To recap: Demyx dies, Kazumi has a freaky day-dream, then Axel takes her to Twilight Town and later she kisses him after a lot of weird creepy stuff,” Mike said. The fanfic continued.
> Once again, I found myself avoiding Axel. It had been only a few days
> but I still couldn't believe what I'd done. I'd actually kissed him!
> Standing in my room I found myself banging my head on the wall
> lightly. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!”
TOM: Geez, with all the chanting she does, she could be a one-woman monastery!
CROW: Nah, she's not celibate.
> It wasn't just that I'd crossed the line between servant and master,
> or even the line between friends; it was the fact that I actually had
> feelings about Axel.
MIKE(Eric Bauman): You have now, officially, CROSSED THE LINE!
> They were small, yes, and could have been easily overlooked.
> And now I knew things could never be the same again.
> Things would be awkward, and we'd most likely just stay away from
> each other. Leaving me alone.
JOEL(Kazumi): Leave me alone, me!
> I hated the thought of being alone. Hated it with every fiber of my
> being.
CROW(Kazumi): Except for that little one on my left big toe. That one's just nuts.
> I needed to have someone with me to make it through life.
> Someone who could at least pretend to care about me.
MIKE: She should talk to the United Way. I hear they have a Big Sibling program now.
> “I'm so stupid.” I muttered to myself, leaning against my bedroom
> door. I sighed and started walking towards the kitchen to do my
> chores. “Maybe if I just apologize to him…ugh…I hate my life.”
MIKE: I take that back. She needs Zoloft, and lots of it!
> I washed dishes with a few other servants for an hour before I
> noticed them staring at me and whispering to each other. I raised an
> eyebrow. “What is it?”
CROW(Kazumi): Why must you unnamed characters bother me?!
> One blonde girl looked down. “It's just that…well, we heard that
> you…kissed Mister Axel and…we know that Mister Xigbar had stuck his
> claim on you…”
JOEL(Servant): And those stickynotes aren't cheap, ya know!
> I rolled my eyes. Great, just what I need; rumors. “I did nothing of
> the sort and Mister Xigbar doesn't have any claim on me whatsoever.”
TOM: In the event of rumors, Kazumi will disavow all knowledge…
> I started scrubbing the dishes again. “And I'd think you guys
> wouldn't be so childish to gossip.”
MIKE: Ah, gossip: truly the foundation of any society.
> Another girl scoffed. “Yeah right, you can try to act innocent if you
> want. We all know that you were banging Mister Demyx before and now
> you've moved on to Mister Axel.”
TOM: Woah!
CROW: Oh no she didn't!
CROW: Oh no she didn't!
> I stared at her in shock. “What did you just say?” I resisted the
> urge to slap her. “How dare you be so disrespectful! Demyx was a good
> man and—”
> “Yeah, says his toy. So, how was he in bed?”
MIKE: Mrow!
CROW: Hiss!
CROW: Hiss!
> My self-control gone, I went to slap her but found my wrist caught in
> a gloved hand. I looked back. My eyes widened.
JOEL(Kazumi): Master Hand?!
> The girl gasped. “M-Mister Xigbar! What are you doing here, sir?”
TOM(Xigbar): I'm selling these fine leather jackets…
> Xigbar's one eye went to her.
MIKE: While the rest of his body stayed put.
BOTS(Jafar/Iago): Eeeugh…
> “You ladies are excused. I believe Kazumi has to explain a few things to me.”
JOEL(Xigbar): What were you doing on the night of August the 18th?!
MIKE(Kazumi): Giving Axel a sponge bath?
MIKE(Kazumi): Giving Axel a sponge bath?
> The girls looked at each other unsurely. Xigbar growled. “I gave you
> an order.” At the sound of his voice they rushed out. He looked down
> at me, a smile coming to his face. “That's better.”
TOM: You know, somehow I just can't picture Xigbar growling like that.
MIKE: Yeah, it'd be more “Get out dudes before I go totally radical on you!”
> I tried to pull my wrist free. “Sir, please let me go.”
CROW(Olivertwistbot): Please, sir, you're hurting me!
> He shook his head. “No, we still have some unfinished business, Kazumi.”
JOEL(Xigbar): You still haven't paid your income taxes!
> With a jerk I fell against him and one of his arms snaked
> around my waist. His other hand grabbed my chin.
TOM: So he DID let her wrist go then.
MIKE: Looks that way.
> “You're mine, Kazumi. The sooner you learn that, the better off we'll be.”
CROW(Singing): Mine, mine mine…
> I jerked my face away. “Let go of me! Superior will—”
> “Superior won't know anything.” He fisted the back of my hair,
> forcing me to look at him. “Because you're going to keep your mouth
> shut, or else.” As if to prove his point, he gave my hair a sharp
> tug. “Now, be a good girl and do what I tell you.”
TOM: Uh-oh…
JOEL: Come on, Kazumi, fight back already!
MIKE: Are you kidding? This is obviously a set-up for Axel to be the hero again.
CROW: Like once wasn't enough…
> His lips were on mine and they slowly traveled down my throat.
MIKE: His LIPS traveled down her throat?!
TOM: Sheesh, is everybody a contortionist around here?
CROW: Well, those Dusks are pretty limber…
TOM: Sheesh, is everybody a contortionist around here?
CROW: Well, those Dusks are pretty limber…
> With tears in my eyes I reached back to the sink, trying to find something
> to use as a weapon.
JOEL(Kazumi): Hmm…meat grinder, no…kettle, no…cast-iron pan, no…ahah, a plastic plate!
> My fingers curled around a handle of a knife. Quickly I attacked him with it.
*Tom makes a slicing sound*
CROW: Xigbar's pants fell around his ankles. Hilarity ensued.
CROW: Xigbar's pants fell around his ankles. Hilarity ensued.
> “AHH!” Xigbar screamed, jumping back as he held the large gash on his
> left cheek.
MIKE: A gash on his cheek? I kinda figured she'd stab him with it.
JOEL: Nah, Kazumi's too elegant for that.
> He glared at me. “That's it, you're dead.” His guns
> appeared in his hand and I terror shoot through me.
CROW: Too bad Xigbar's immune to Fear.
*Tom shakes his head*
TOM: Those damn status spells…they never work on the enemies you need them for…
TOM: Those damn status spells…they never work on the enemies you need them for…
> I backed away, the knife held tightly in my hand. He aimed one gun at
> me and I squeezed my eyes shut. I heard it fire. “Axel!” I screamed
> in fear.
JOEL(Pilot): Uh, tower, this is Flight 211, Clichéd Hero sequence. Request clearance for runway one.
MIKE(Tower): Flight 211, you are cleared for landing.
> After ten seconds went by and I realized I was still alive and
> unharmed, I slowly opened my eyes. I stared in disbelief at what was
> in front of me and dropped the knife. Axel was standing in front of
> Xigbar, his hands on his throat, Xigbar's guns tossed to the floor.
JOEL(Pilot): Roger, tower, we're landing now.
*The Bots imitate the sound of an airplane landing*
JOEL(Pilot): Tower, this is Flight 211; we have landed. Repeat, the Clichéd Hero sequence has landed.
*The Bots imitate the sound of an airplane landing*
JOEL(Pilot): Tower, this is Flight 211; we have landed. Repeat, the Clichéd Hero sequence has landed.
> Axel's hands had flames licking at them, burning the flesh on
> Xigbar's neck. “I thought I told you to leave her alone.” He snarled
> through gritted teeth.
MIKE(Axel): Ptooie! I need to stop eating sand.
> Xigbar hissed in pain. “Let me go!”
> “Apologize to her!”
> “Fuck off!”
TOM: Not a smart thing to say to someone holding you by the throat…
CROW: Gasp! Does this mean we don't have censors now?
JOEL: Crow, we never had censors.
JOEL: Crow, we never had censors.
> I could see Axel's hands tighten before he shoved Xigbar to the side,
> causing him to fall over. Xigbar held his burnt neck, coughing. Axel
> turned to face me, his eyes hard ice.
TOM: Uh-oh…looks like his eyes froze again.
MIKE(Resigned): I'll get the blowdryer…
> “You okay, Kazumi?” He reached out to touch me but I took a step
> back. “Kazumi?”
> I stared at him, eyes wide. “Y-you're angry…you burn when you're
> angry.”
*Everyone applauds*
MIKE: Congrats on figuring that out, Kazumi!
JOEL: Took her long enough
MIKE: Congrats on figuring that out, Kazumi!
JOEL: Took her long enough
> I looked at his hands, which no longer had flames on them.
> “Wh-why are you here?”
CROW(Axel): Geez, talk about ungrateful. Remind me never to save your butt again…
> “What are you talking about? You called me.”
*Tom giggles*
TOM: So, what, he moves at the speed of light now?
TOM: So, what, he moves at the speed of light now?
JOEL: He's no Flash, that's for sure.
> He looked down at Xigbar, a disgusted look on his face. “Let's continue
> this somewhere else.” He grabbed my wrist, ignoring my wince, and pulled
> me through a portal.
*Everyone hums the tune to Portal*
> We were in my room. I rubbed my wrist, which was slightly red.
MIKE(Axel): Indian burn!
> “Thank you…” I said in a low voice, looking away from him.
> Axel shrugged. “It's no big deal. I'll take any chance to kick
> Xigbar's ass.”
JOEL(Axel): I'm kicking ass and chewing bubble gum! But I'm all out of gum…
> “Oh…”
> A moment of silence enveloped and I half expected him to leave, but
> he just continued to stand in front of me.
CROW: Aw, crap! Axel locked up!
TOM: That's what they get for running him on Vista…
> Finally he spoke up, “Why won't you look at me?”
ALL(Singing): Why won't you look at me…!
> I swallowed, feeling my cheeks get a little hot. “B-because…I don't
> want things to be…awkward.”
MIKE: Uh, Kazumi, you're making things more awkward that way.
> “Awkward?”
TOM: You know, clumsy, bumbling, inept…
MIKE: Wrong awkward, Tommy.
> I nodded. “Yeah…since I…y' know…k-kissed you…”
ALL(Singing): When a kiss isn't just a kiss…
> For some reason, he seemed to find that funny and started laughing.
> “You're an idiot, kid.” He took a step closer. “Look at me.”
TOM: Some Romeo he is…
> Hesitantly, I looked up. I let out a squeak when he leaned down and
> kissed my lips briefly. “A-Axel! What're you doing?!”
CROW(Axel): Tasting you…mmm…strawberry!
JOEL: Eww…
> He grinned. “Nothing. You sneaked one, so why can't I?”
> My face was on fire.
MIKE: That's why, you idiot!
MIKE: That's why, you idiot!
*Crow pulls out a fire extinguisher and fires it at the screen.*
CROW: There ya go, Kazumi!
CROW: There ya go, Kazumi!
*Pearl's voice pipes into the theatre*
PEARL: You're cleaning that up after the fanfic, Crow!
CROW: Ah, nuts.
PEARL: You're cleaning that up after the fanfic, Crow!
CROW: Ah, nuts.
> “N-no! You can't—I mean, we can't—It's wrong!”
TOM(Axel): If this is wrong, I don't want to be right…
> An eyebrow went up at that. “Why?”
> “B-because! We just-just can't! It's not allowed!”
CROW(Kazumi): The law is the law!
CROW(Kazumi): The law is the law!
> One of his hands went to my back and pulled me closer. “You talk to
> much.” He said before his hot mouth was on mine again, this time more
> demanding. I felt myself melt against him.
TOM: The Incredible Melting Kazumi!
MIKE: So what makes Axel better than Xigbar, again?
MIKE: So what makes Axel better than Xigbar, again?
> A minute later he let me go and I panted for air. He gave me his
> token smirk before kissing my forehead and exiting my room.
JOEL(Kazumi, Ominous): You'll pay for that, fire-boy…
> jhjkhsdklvjhskljvhkl
CROW: Oh my God! It's a mass grave of lowercase letters!
MIKE(Solemn): We say goodbye to those we have lost today…
MIKE(Solemn): We say goodbye to those we have lost today…
> My eyes hurt the next day from lack of sleep. Due to the confusion a
> certain fire-wielder
TOM: The Human Torch?
CROW: Pyro?
MIKE: Black Mage?
JOEL: Hermione Granger?
MIKE&BOTS: Yeah—huh?!
CROW: Pyro?
MIKE: Black Mage?
JOEL: Hermione Granger?
MIKE&BOTS: Yeah—huh?!
> had left me with I had been wide awake all night.
> I rubbed my eyes, yawning. “Damn it, Axel.” I leaned against the
> wall, sighing. “I can't make it through the day like this…wonder how
> much trouble I'd get in if I bailed? Hmm…”
TOM: Probably a lot since you were kidnapped and forced into this job…
> Midst my contemplating I didn't notice someone approach me and only
> noticed when they slipped their warm arms around my waist. “Axel!” I
> cried, squirming as he kissed my neck.
CROW: So how'd he know she was awake?
MIKE(Omnious): The walls have eyes…
MIKE(Omnious): The walls have eyes…
> Axel smirked down at me, bending down to kiss my neck again. “Good
> morning, dear.” He said jokingly. “How'd you sleep last night?”
JOEL: Ba-dump-chiss!
TOM(Monotone): Ha-ha-ha.
TOM(Monotone): Ha-ha-ha.
> I pushed him back, as far as I could. “You're annoying.” I stated
> blankly.
> “So I've been told.” He grinned, “Kiss me.”
ALL(Singing): Kiss me baby…
> Rolling my eyes and blushing I pecked him on the lips. “So…what does
> this mean?”
MIKE(Jack Skellington): What does this mean, what does this mean?!
> His arms tightened around me. “It means you're mine. If you don't
> like that, then tough. Alright? Alright.”
JOEL(Quagmire): Hehe…Awright!
> I nodded. “Fine, but…” I gulped and blushed before wrapping my arms
> securely around his neck,
TOM(Kazumi): Squeezing harder and harder until HIS EYES STARTED TO POP!
JOEL: Woah, calm down, Tom…
JOEL: Woah, calm down, Tom…
> “that better mean…th-that you're mine as well.”
> “Sure thing, babe.”
MIKE: Soitainly!
> mhvdksuhfksjdhfkls
CROW: Now lesse…move this letter here…and…nope. No hidden words.
> Life couldn't have been better unless Demyx was still `alive'.
> Everyday I got up early, tore through my chores, then rushed to
> Axel's waiting arms. I no longer had any issues with Xigbar; the man
> knew to leave me alone, and the other servants had long since stopped
> their senseless whispers about me. I was, for the first time since my
> parents had died, truly happy.
MIKE: And a one, two, three…
ALL: Awww…
TOM: So does this mean it's over?
> Two months had gone by since me and Axel had been official.
JOEL(Gary Shandling): Okay, two months have just passed…
TOM: Nope. Darn.
> Every week he'd take me to a new world. He said he wanted to help me make
> my dream come true while he was still around to see it. I hated when
> he talked like that.
MIKE(Kazumi): I mean, sure, I'm going to murder him in his sleep one day, but he doesn't need to remind me!
> The organization had been getting killed off by the Keyblade wielder,
> it was all too obvious. The last one was Xalden. Luxord was lucky to
> have escaped. Though Axel was cocky, I could tell he was afraid of
> fading into the darkness.
CROW: Okay, okay, hold it! HOLD EVERYTHING!
*The other three look at Crow, confused*
CROW: Axel betrayed the Organization at the Battle of Hollow Bastion! Why's he still running around free?
*The other three look at Crow, confused*
CROW: Axel betrayed the Organization at the Battle of Hollow Bastion! Why's he still running around free?
MIKE: And why'd it take two months just for Sora to revisit Port Royal? Come on!
TOM: Right! That doesn't make any sense at all!
JOEL: Eh, just roll with it guys. We've just got a bit more to the end here anyway.
TOM: Right! That doesn't make any sense at all!
JOEL: Eh, just roll with it guys. We've just got a bit more to the end here anyway.
*The Bots and Mike fidget a little, but they settle down*
> I sat next to him on his couch. He was casually reading a magazine
> he'd picked up somewhere. I laid my head on his shoulder and let out
> a sigh.
TOM: She's not going to start chanting again, is she?
> “Something wrong, babe?” Axel asked, not looking away from the
> magazine.
JOEL(Axel): I only care THIS much!
> I looked up at him. “Axel…lets run away.” That made him laugh. “No,
> I'm serious.”
MIKE(Axel): But running away never solves anything! It said so on the T.V.!
> “I'm not going to turn on the Organization, Kazumi. I've done too
> many horrible things to do that.”
*Crow picks up a pillow and slams his face into it repeatedly*
> I straightened and continued to stare at his face. “Ax, I love you. I
> don't want to lose you like I lost Demyx.”
> He sighed and set down the magazine. He pulled me to him. “You know I
> can't say that back. I'm not capable of `love'.”
JOEL(Singing): `Cause I'm not capable of love…
> “That's wrong.” I felt my eyes water up. “Just cause it doesn't beat,
> doesn't mean your heart's not there. Axel, please, lets just leave. I
> don't care where we go, as long as we're together.”
MIKE(Kainichi): Sappy romance is good romance!
> “Hey, c'mon, don't cry.” He ran a gloved thumb under my eye to wipe
> away the tears. “I don't run, Kazumi, you know that. I never run.”
*Tom puts away a copy of “He bravely ran away”*
TOM: Darn it…I was waiting to use that!
TOM: Darn it…I was waiting to use that!
> I shook my head. “If you die…I don't know what I'll do…”
> “Then I just won't die.”
> “You can't control when you die, Ax.
CROW(Trelane): I decide who lives and who dies!
> If you could, I'd still have Demyx. And my parents.” I sniffled.
> “Axel…I can't lose you. I love you. I don't care if you don't
> think you can love me back, it doesn't change the way I feel.”
TOM(Phil): There're some things you just can't change…
> His hand massaged my scalp, making me sleepy. We sat in silence. When
> he finally spoke I was mostly asleep so I'm not sure if he actually
> spoke at all. “If I could, I'd love you too.”
MIKE: And again, one, two, three:
ALL: Awww…
ALL: Awww…
> vjksdhvjkshfkljdbh
MIKE(McMahon): This could be it!
TOM: We're almost finished, guys!
TOM: We're almost finished, guys!
> “Axel! That hurts!” I said as Axel pulled me sharply through a
> portal. We were in Traverse Town. I looked around. “Ax, what are we
> doing here?”
JOEL(Riker from Insurrection): Good question…
> He pulled me to him roughly, planting his lips on mine.
> They were cold. I pushed him back. “Axel, what's going on? You're
> cold! You're never cold!”
CROW: Must've been chewing Dentyne Ice…
> Axel looked around anxiously. “Kazumi, you love me, right?”
> I nodded. “Of course, but what does—”
> He put a finger to my lips. “Then you'll do what I say.”
TOM: Kazumi IS the Love Slave!
> He pressed a small pouch in my hand. “Kazumi, I want you to take
> this munny and buy a train ticket. Then I want you to go as far away
> from here as you can. Go to Hallow Bastion or something, I don't care.
> Some place safe.”
*Crow looks like he's about to nitpick again but a glare from Joel keeps him silent*
> He kissed me. “Kazumi, I'm never going to see you again.”
> “What? Axel, what are you talking about? I'm not leaving you. What's
> going on? Tell me.”
> “I have a chance…to help Roxas. And I'm going to, but I won't be able
> to come back from it. If the fight doesn't kill me, Xemnas will.” He
> grabbed my hands. “Roxas…I have to help him, even if it means my
> existence. Even if it's not my Roxas, I have to. You understand,
> right?”
MIKE: Okay, show of hands: who saw this coming?
*Everyone raises their hands, except Tom, who simply flails*
*Everyone raises their hands, except Tom, who simply flails*
> Tears were rolling down my face. I nodded, choking back a sob.
> “B-but, what am I supposed to do without you? I don't want to be
> alone again, Axel. I love you. I need you.”
JOEL: Poor Kazumi…I really feel for her.
*He pulls out a handkerchief and dabs at the tears forming at his eyes*
> His lips pressed against my forehead and a portal of darkness opened
> behind him. “I'm sorry.” He turned and the portal closed. And that
> would be the last time I would see him.
ALL: Bye, Axel!
TOM: We'll miss ya, buddy.
TOM: We'll miss ya, buddy.
> I fell to my knees, crying hard. I punched the stone ground, wincing
> as one of my knuckles broke.
> The End
*Everyone stands up and cheers*
CROW: Alright! Finally!
MIKE: We made it!
TOM: Boy that was a long one. I'm really looking forward to—
CROW: Alright! Finally!
MIKE: We made it!
TOM: Boy that was a long one. I'm really looking forward to—
> PSYC!!
ALL: Oh come on!
*They all sit back down*
*They all sit back down*
TOM(Garfield): People who write things like that should be dragged out into the street and shot…
> “You're Axel's friend, right?” A quiet, timid voice asked from above me.
CROW: Oh, don't tell me…
> I looked up. In front of me stood a blonde girl in a white dress.
ALL: Naminé?!
TOM: What's she doing here?
TOM: What's she doing here?
> She smiled and extended a hand. “We must hurry, I don't have much time.
> Riku's waiting on me.”
JOEL(Riku): Waiting is such hard work…
MIKE(Riku's Boss): Oi! Riku! Table six has been waiting for five minutes!
JOEL(Riku): Oh why did I ever take this job…
MIKE(Riku's Boss): Oi! Riku! Table six has been waiting for five minutes!
JOEL(Riku): Oh why did I ever take this job…
> I took her hand. It's not like I have much to lose. I thought
> bitterly. She guided me to the old mansion through the woods. We
> entered a computer room where a group of kids were sitting,
> completely focused on the computer.
CROW(Kids): Praise Vaal!
> The girl gestured for me to be quiet. She led me down a hallway.
> I stared at giant egg in front of me. I looked over at her. “What…?”
MIKE(Naminé): Oh, Yoshi laid this. Just ignore it.
> The girl smiled and gestured to an egg in the corner. In it was….no…
> “Demyx?!” I cried in disbelief.
TOM: Cue dues ex machina!
> She nodded. “Yes, he's been sleeping here for awhile.” She looked
> around the room. “DiZ built this place to restore Sora's memories but
> after that decided to use it to study Nobodies. If you step inside,
> you'll be able to be with Demyx again. And Axel when he returns.”
CROW: B-but DiZ HATES Nobodies…
JOEL: Just don't think about it, Crow…
> My eyes watered up. “Really? That…that's too good to be true.”
> She shook her head. “A world will be constructed from your memories
> and dreams.”
TOM(Naminé): We call it…Fantasy Island.
*All hum the tune to Fantasy Island*
> I stepped over to the egg. I touched it. “I'll get to be with them?
> Forever?”
> “Forever.”
CROW(Timmy Turner): FOREVER!
> A tear rolled down my cheek. “Thank you so much…”
> The girl smiled. “My name is Naminé.”
ALL: Hi, Naminé!
MIKE: `Course we already knew that…
MIKE: `Course we already knew that…
> “Thank you, Naminé.”
> I closed my eyes as the egg closed around me. Then I was on a beach,
> running to hug Demyx for the first time in ages.
> The End, For Real
TOM: Let's get out of here.
CROW: Uh-huh!
*The intercom activates again*
PEARL: Not till you clean up that mess!
CROW: Oh, darn it!
Joel picked up Tom and followed Mike as he left the theatre. Crow snatched a roll of paper towels from a shelf on the wall and got to work.
Crow finally joined Joel, Tom, and Mike on the bridge, who awaited them with Gypsy. “I am never making a mess in that theatre again…” Crow swore as he sat down with his companions.
Joel snuck a quick grin, and then asked, “So, what did you guys think of the fanfic?”
“Well,” Mike responded after a moment of thought, “it actually wasn't that bad. Sure, the romance was kinda corny, but there were some pretty good moments in there.”
“Like anytime Kazumi was ranting,” Tom interjected.
“Yeah. I think that, for an original character, Kazumi was a pretty good one.”
“It wasn't all good, though,” Crow said. “I like how Kainichi was trying to go with the storyline of KH II, but she kinda made some pretty huge errors there near the end.”
“It didn't help that her sentences were clipped all over the place,” Tom said. “Like I said during the fic, she needs to find a sense of flow.”
“A certain other person could use that too…” Mike muttered as he glared at Cambot. To the rest, he said, “And then there was that ending…”
“Oh, jeez, don't remind me…” Joel groaned.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” Tom scoffed. “The whole fic was really kinda sad, so I figured it was going to stick with that theme in the ending, right? But noo, Kainichi has to have a feel-good ending, so she whips out a whole bunch of dues ex machina complete with even more canon errors!”
“She definitely would've done much better to stick with the first ending,” Joel agreed. “That second ending was not good at all.”
“But I gotta say that overall, I actually kinda liked it,” Crow said. “Kainichi's definitely got some talent.”
“Uh-huh,” Mike nodded. “If she keeps up writing, she could turn out to be a pretty good one.”
“That's right,” Joel said. “If you're reading this, Kainichi, keep up your writing!” Everyone winks at Cambot.
The red light of the Mads washed over the bridge. Gypsy pressed the button to bring them up on the viewscreen. “So, whaddya think, sirs?” Mike asked them.
Dr. Forrester and Pearl looked to each other and shrugged. “Well, like mother said before,” Dr. F answered, “it was a test run.”
“We're definitely sending your shorter fanfics in the future though,” Pearl shuddered.
Dr. Forrester could only nod in agreement. “And don't expect anything good anymore, bambinos! You're gettin' the full enchilada of bad fanfics next time!” He glowered. “And don't forget that invention, or you'll be seeing how you like breathing without oxygen!”
Pearl sighed and gestured to Erhardt. “Push the button, Bobo.”
“Sure thing, Clarice!” Erhardt replied cheerfully as he pushed the button.
*MST3K Mighty Science Theatre theme*
Thanks for reading! I know for a first attempt it's probably not the best MSTing you've ever read—the host segments are, shall we say, not so great, and I really wish I'd chosen a different fic once I got about halfway through it or so—but I had a lot of fun MSTing this, even so.
Kainichi, thank you for letting me MST this fic, and I meant what I said up there in the final host segment: you've got a lot of talent. Keep it up.
I also want to thank Megane 6.7 for inspiring me to start MSTing. I hope it doesn't feel like I ripped you off anywhere…I did borrow the Gary Shandling “time passing” riffs, but I hope you take that as a compliment, since I definitely meant it that way. I hope this new MSTing series can live up to yours someday.
I would like very much to thank Jim Gadfly for his MSTing page full of tips for those looking to become MSTers, and ESPECIALLY for that amazingly useful source formatter tool of his which I happily used to format the fanfic and will use in the future for other episodes.
I also want to thank Best Brains Inc. and Joel Hodgeson for creating Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and giving us ten years worth of laughs. We'll keep circulating those tapes.
Again, thank you for reading this. By all means, leave a review where you found this or send one to my e-mail. Keep an eye out for more Mystery Fanfic Theatre 9000 pretty soon!
Email Kyronea at --- Jim Gadfly's MSTing page --- The Original, Un-MSTed version of the fanfic.
> Axel glanced at me before dropping my wrist. “Sorry, sometimes I
> forget how hot my body is.”