Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ A Visitor, a Heartless, and a Nobody ❯ Mysterious Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Unfortunately… Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 and all of its precious characters, settings, and plot aren’t mine… They belong to Tetsuya Nomura and/or Square Enix. The great Gods and creators of Final Fantasy series and Kingdom Hearts! But the ones you don’t recognize from the game are mine.

A Visitor, a Heartless, and a Nobody

Destiny Islands… Nice sandy beach, bright blue skies, palm trees and coconut trees, the Cabin, the Secret place and a waterfall. The main hang out for our trio, Sora, Riku, and Kairi, and where the three had their first and second adventure. But what exactly awaits them when King Mickey had sent them a letter in a bottle? It all depends on one person to fall in love...

“… Don’t forget me…”

“I won't! I promise I’ll never forget you.”


“Yes! You’ll always be in my heart… I… WAIT! Don’t go!”

“Thank you… Riku…”

Riku jolted up from his slumber on the branch of a Paopu Fruit tree, feeling water dripping down from his face and onto his yellow and white zipper vest and black T-Shirt. His light sliver bangs flatten against his wet forehead, ruining his spikes in his hair. He looked up from his semi-wet clothes to the one who's standing in front of him as he shields his bright blue eyes from the blinding sun. A red-haired girl glared down at him with her usual worrying blue eyes. Both of her hands are on her hip, as she shifted all her weight on one leg. She obviously didn’t throw the water on him. She didn’t have any evidence.
“Riku, did you stay up thinking about the letter again?” Kairi asked, knowing the answer quite well. Riku glanced up at Kairi before shaking the water out of his hair as best as he could.
“Riku, we got that letter 5 days ago. And in the letter King Mickey said that someone will come to us and explains things… You could at least relax until then.” Kairi said in her pleading voice.
“I’m fine Kairi…” He replied.
“Just don’t worry about it too much Riku.” Kairi ending the conversation, she walked over to the small island’s edge and sat down to let her legs dangle over the edge.
Riku took that time to think about his dream before he forgets about it.
*It’s that black haired girl again. This time she was fading from my arms…. Who was she? Why did she mean so much to me?*
Riku gave a sigh, bringing his hand to his face. *This is the third time already…*Now getting off the Paopu Fruit Tree branch, Riku patted at his clothes. Then something caught his eye. Some blue blob was heading his way. He looked up and saw a big bubble slowly drifting towards him.“Is that water?” He asked, taking a few steps towards the object.
Suddenly, the big bubble filled with water fell down on him, causing him to become even more drenched!
“SORA!!” He cried with anger, his spiked hair and clothes totally ruined as his face flushed from embarrassment.
“It’s just a little wake up call Riku!!” Sora’s laughter rang from the shallow ocean below. Kairi also laughed, giggling and smiling in her own little cute way.
Riku dash towards the edge and dived down; tackling Sora into the shallow water.
“AHH!” Sora cried, collasping into the water with Riku. Kairi hopped off the edge of where she sat and rushed over towards them, watching them wrestle in the water as laughter filled her stomach.
During all the commotion, they didn't notice a portal opening on the beach shore. Darkness spew from the vortex, violently pouring, however, a person amazingly walked out of the limitless night. Their footseps slowly landed onto the sand, taking one small step and then another, and soon falling over.
Riku suddenly stopped, pinning Sora down underwater. He sensed darkness nearby.
As for Sora, the poor boy was trying to pull Riku’s arms away as air bubbles escape from his mouth.“RIKU!” He screamed, the water making his voice bubbly and quiet, but good enough for Riku to let go.
“Sorry!” Riku said, quickly unpinning Sora and slowly got up. Sora just coughed, with Kairi beside him patting his back as he gasped for air.
“What was that for!?” Sora finally breathed enough air to shout at Riku. He held his fist up as his necklaces and chains jingled from his clothing. In spite of it all, Sora didn’t have Riku’s attention; he was distracted by the unconscious person washed up on shore.
Both Sora and Kairi looked at what he was staring at.
“Is that a girl?” Kairi gasped.
“When did she–RIKU!” Sora called after Riku, just spotted him hurrying over to the girl. Sora’s blue eyes looked at Kairi, who nodded before they both ran after Riku.
Riku had a feeling. A feeling that he knew what was going to happen next. As he rushed, water splash all over as he ran towards the girl while his heart raced.
The long sliver haired boy finally made it, his stomach going in and out as he tried to catch his breath. He placed both hands on his knees as he bent over to look at the girl’s face, still trying to regain his normal breathing. Soon Sora and Kairi were at his side, both observing the girl.
The girl, hair with the color of a raven’s that stopped at her hips, laid across the white sand on her side. Her eyes were shut and her face was calm, the looks of a normal 16 year old. Her clothing, a sleeveless red vest, open to reveal a white tank top, and a black skirt that is ripped halfway on the side to reveal red shorts underneath. As for her shoes? One black boot, zipped up on the side to her ankle, and the other one is missing, leaving a sock.
“This girl is missing a shoe.” Kairi pointed out, crouching near her legs.
*Her hair is black… but I’m not sure if she’s the same one in my dream…* Riku thought, now standing up straight as he didn’t care much for the girl’s missing shoe.
“Yeah…” Sora agreed, “Hmm…. Hey what’s that?” He pointed at her chest; both of her arms are wrapped tightly over something covered in a pitch-black cloth, as if she was trying to protect it.
“Maybe it’s a hat?” Sora suggested, folding his arms across his chest, thinking of the possibilities of what the black thing might be.
Suddenly, a moan escaped from the girl’s lips as she turned a bit, lying down on her back. The sunlight forced her eyes to shut tighter, soon opening them to revealing gray mystic-looking eyes.
The Trio instantly bent over her, staring at her as she began to wake up.
Once the girl’s vision began to clear, she was staring back at three pair of eyes. The one she notice the most was Sora’s huge blue eyes, closing in on her.“Hey!” He greeted, smiling real big.
Instantly, the girl jolted up, almost crashing her forehead with Sora’s.
“Whoa!” Sora cried, avoiding the collision by falling back on his bottom. Kairi hurried over to Sora, laughing as she helped him up.
As they did that, the girl was busy scrambling to her feet. Riku only stared at her, chuckling at the way she reacted. For some reason, he thought it was cute.
Once the girl got to her feet, she looked down at the black object in her arms. She sighs with relief as she happily smiled. Immediately, Riku’s face reddens. He quickly turned away from everyone as he covered his mouth. “Impossible…” Riku muttered.
The girl shyly looked up at everyone, opening her mouth to say, “Has anyone seen a Nobody?”Sora, Kairi, and Riku stared at her, confused on why this girl would want to ask something like that. Sora was about to ask the girl a question, but another dark portal appeared behind her, rising up as the girl waited for her answer. An arm slowly appeared from the portal, looking as if the hand was about to grab the girl.“Watch out!!” Riku called, rushing towards her and knocking her to the ground, the sand softening their landing. He had one arm holding her head against his chest, as he had his other arm covering his own head.
Kairi stood her ground, holding her own Keyblade as Sora got out his Kingdom Keyblade.
The figure finally got through, holding a black boot in his hand, and turned towards the portal. The portal that is now being crowded by the Heartless!
“BLIZZARA!!” The boy yelled, his hand held up towards the portal; however, no magic appeared to freeze the portal. “I have no more MP!” He cried.
“BLIZZAGA!” Sora yelled, pointing his Keyblade at the portal as he shot ice at Heartless that almost broke through. Soon, the portal slowly disappeared as the Heartless retreated.
The boy, who failed to cast magic, ran his hand through his short brown hair. The clothing he wore is simple. A long brown coat hanged from his shoulders, dropping down to his knees which covered a blue T-Shirt and black shorts. At his feet, he wore boots that where black with blue stripes. His pale grey eyes looked towards Sora as he walked towards him. The young stranger smiled as he grabbed Sora’s hand and shook.
“Thanks! I didn’t think you can use magic too!” He smiled. “The name’s Gakex!” Sora, with widen eyes and utterly confused, accepted his thanks.
“No problem.” He replied, giving him an unsure smile as he let go of Gakex’s hand. “I’m Sora. And this is Kairi.” He looked to his left at Kairi who smiled cutely at Gakex.
“Please to meet you, Gakex.” Kairi greeted, her Keyblade now gone.
Gakex nodded, then asked, “Anyone seen a girl with a missing boot?” He held up a black boot and pointed towards it. Sora and Kairi looked over to Riku and the girl, expecting to find them getting up, but Riku was the only one standing.
Riku glared at the black blob, pointing his Way to the Dawn Keyblade at it. Riku would have destroyed it by now, but the girl was in the way.
Sora and Kairi rushed to Riku’s side, “What’s going on?!” Sora cried, taking a peek at the black blob.
Kairi gasped, “Is that a Heartless…?! How did that get through?”
Gakex eyes’ widen as he stared at Way to the Dawn.
“Keyblade wielder…?” His mind flashed back to a few seconds ago, remembering that Sora and Kairi had keyblades as well! “Uh oh…”
“NO!! Don’t hurt him!” The girl pleaded, arms wrapped around the Heartless as she covers it with her body.
“It’s a Heartless! It will take your heart away! It shouldn’t be alive!” Riku shouted.
Gakex jumped in front of Riku, hands up. “Whoa, whoa...! Let the girl explain!”
The girl lifted up the small, black, yellow-eyed Heartless as her eyes flashed with relief. “Gakex!” She called.
Gakex turned around and smiled, “Hey, hey.” He took one of her hands and placed her boot into her palm, “Why don’t you explain who this little guy is?”
The girl looked towards Gakex, “But…” She protested as she looks at her shoe.
“It’s alright! They’re Keyblade wielders.” Gakex replied as he winked.
The girl nodded, a small smile formed; however, that smile disappeared as she looked towards Riku with a glare. In return, Riku looked away, having an annoyed look. *That wasn’t cute…*
“This Heartless happens to be my brother!” She blurted, almost shouting it.
“WHAT?!!?” Riku, Sora, and Kairi yelled, all together.

Author’s Note: So? Ya like? If you noticed, I kind of got lazy on the details later in the story. Sorry! >_< This is my first fanfic on Kingdom Hearts 2… So be kind! Laters!