Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Bishounen from the Sky ❯ Chapter 2
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hola, Víspera aquí. Elizabeth's boring, so I'm taking over. Muahaha. Right, well, last chappie we had just finished KHII, if you remember, and Bishies started falling from the sky. Now THAT is my kind of pre-apocalyptic sign. Neways, we were all stunned like a nobody's business, when…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Elizabeth made her way through her immobile awe-struck friends towards the crater.
“You guys…it's…it's THEM,” She frantically declared.
Their faces were illuminated by the light of the quarter moon as they all lay unconscious in the hole made by their impact. Each of the five school girls' eyes grew larger as they scanned each face, confirming Elizabeth's statement.
Right before them were eight figures who, in their wildest daydreams, they would never have imagined seeing:
and oh yeah, Sora was there too.
After a long silence, Alyxx offered the first reasonable suggestion.
“Maybe we should wake them up.”
“Let's poke `em,” added Rae.
“Maybe we shouldn't touch them…” said Tash, warily.
“Psh. I wanna touch them,” V stated.
“Guys, shut up,” started Elizabeth. “I'll go first.”
Silence immediately fell over the group, watching in amazement as Elizabeth tip-toed over to where the first bishie, Cloud, lay.
“Hey…” she said softly as she gently shook his shoulder. “Hey, um…Cloud…are you ok?”
Cloud suddenly inhaled sharply and proceeded to blink a lot while trying hard to breathe. He looked in Elizabeth's direction as she backed away a little.
Immediately, Cloud's eyes grew large and he tried to sit up. He looked right into Elizabeth's eyes and said,
“Aeris? Ow.” He finished, while wincing and rubbing the back of his head.
Blinking, Elizabeth asked, “What about her?”
But before a confused Cloud could respond, there was a loud “Hey, stop it!” heard a few feet to the left. Everyone who was conscious, turned to the spot, only to see Rae poking a now wide-awake Axel with a stick she had found.
“Hey, guys, they're real,” Rae informed her friends.
“Yeah. We've established that,” Tash responded with a would-be sweat drop.
“Umm…where am I?” Axel rubbed his head and looked at each of the girls, wondering which one would be most helpful, until he looked about him and saw Roxas.
“Roxas!” Axel gleefully ran to his sleeping form and shook him awake. “Roxas! You're here! Wait…I'M here…” He stopped a moment to consider this, while Squall began to sit up, rub his head ( a recurring theme) and look around. He was followed by Riku and Sora, who immediately tried to wake Kairi. Sephiroth had been awake for a while, but was just really quiet about it.
Suddenly, lights from the next door college's football stadium turned on, and sirens started wailing.
“Huh?” questioned Alyxx.
“You guys,” cried V, suddenly struck with realization. “The whole town must've seen them come in; they probably think a plane crashed, or something. They can't be seen, we have to get them inside.”
“You're right,” confirmed Elizabeth, turning to Cloud and starting to pull him up. “C'mon, Cloud, you have to hide…quickly.”
“Uh…if you say so, Aeris,” he consented while rising.
Elizabeth and the girls lead the way into Catto, followed by Cloud, who was followed by Squall, who was followed by Sora and Riku carrying Kairi, who were followed by Roxas, who was followed by Axel. Sephiroth slowly sauntered in their direction, not really caring if they were seen, but mildly interested in what the party was doing anyway.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
The back of Catto was dark enough, and it was late at night so not only did the party have the cover of night, but most inhabitants of the dorm were still sleeping when the girls tried to quietly get the mass of strangers into the middle room of their suite. As soon as Sephiroth was inside, V quickly closed the door and spun around.
“Okay,” she began. “Now we have to take a plan of action.”
“Wait,” interrupted Riku. “Where ARE we?”
V stared at him in fan-girl awe for a moment, before Alyxx took over and answered him.
“You're…in our world,” she said.
“Well, obviously,” scoffed Squall.
Alyxx screwed up her eyes at him as Elizabeth took over the conversation.
“No, no, no, it's more like you're in our dimension.”
“What are you talking about, Aeris?” questioned Cloud, innocently.
Everyone looked back and forth at each other, wondering who should state the obvious and tell Cloud that this short redhead was definitely NOT Aeris.
“Umm, Cloud…” began Elizabeth, trying to come up with an explanation. But suddenly, she realized Cloud's hallucinations might prove to be rather amusing. That is, until she realized…
“I died!” she exclaimed.
“Yeah, I was wondering about that,” responded Cloud.
However, Elizabeth's quick mind came up with a solution.
“You see, when I died, I went to this dimension.”
“So…we're dead?” asked Sora.
“No! No…at least, I don't think so,” added Elizabeth.
“Ok, ok…” interrupted Rae, getting tired of the useless banter.
“For some reason you're all in our dimension, in which you are characters in a video game,” she explained bluntly.
A short silence, and then…
“What are you talking about?” inquired Axel.
“Yeah, what game?” added Roxas.
“Ok,” interjected Tash, “maybe we should explain that one later. For now we need to get you to…”
“Stop,” spoke Sephiroth, for the first time. “Who are all of you?”
“Oh…I'm Tash.”
“I'm Rae.”
“My name's Víspera, but you can call me V.”
“I'm…” Elizabeth looked over at Cloud. “…called Elizabeth in this world.”
“Well, while we're at introductions, my name is Axel.”
The girl gamers couldn't help it. They said, in unison:
“We got it memorized.”
“Got it mem….wait.” he stopped, confused. “How did you know I was gonna say that?”
“It's like Rae said, “ answered Alyxx. “In this world you guys are all characters from a video game…which we just now finished, actually.”
“So, you don't really have to introduce yourselves, we already know your names,” informed Rae.
Unknown to the rest of the group, Squall/Leon breathed a sigh of relief.
“But we have to get you guys out of here.” V urgently declared. “It's bad to have people in the dorms that aren't even Giftie School students, but boys too…”
“We'll be expelled!” screamed Elizabeth, horrified.
((“Expelled for boys in my room. My mother will be happy,” added Rae.))
“Calm down…there has to be someway to get them somewhere else that's safe. They can't leave the bubble…it's best to keep them isolated,” said Alyxx.
“Maybe they can stay with someone…someone in the boys dorm…” offered Rae.
“Someone we trust…” added Tash.
“Someone who would care…” added Elizabeth.
“Someone who plays Kingdom Hearts…” said V.
And then it clicked. It was so obvious.
V took out her cellphone. “We need to call him.”
Author's Note: Him? Him?!?! Who the HELL is “Him”? Well wait your ass right down, or no convenient solutions for you!! Right…read and review and all that crap. We like to hear from our readers…after all, we don't just write this for our own foolish desire to see ourselves with hot Square Enix characters….
…oh wait…this is a Mary Sue.
YES WE DO!!!!!
Ok, enough of me. I'm giving this to Alyxx.