Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Bishounen from the Sky ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
So this is the first chapter of the monstrosity that got thought up when my suitemates and I FINALLY beat Kingdom Hearts II. If you haven't played much of this game, I suggest not reading this fanfiction. If you hate Mary-Sue's (which usually I do), I suggest giving it a try first, but the point of this fic is to be ultimate Mary-Sue madness, so you HAVE been warned. This fanfiction will probably be a Round Robin between my suitemates and I(Elizabeth). So yeah, have fun, please review.
Special thanks: Tash, for beta-ing this thing at midnight, and not minding the Sailor Moon comment. The rest of my girls, for helping me make this monster possible.
The Bishounen from the Sky: Chapter 1
“V! TAKE THE CONTROLLER! V!” Elizabeth shrieked as she pressed the start button on the Playstation 2 controller then waved it around in her friend's face. Her brown eyes were wide and glazed, a symptom of playing video games for way too long. She was still in the `newbie' classification and not used to the stress those crazily bright colors induced.
“Huh? Oh, right,” said V, taking the controller, pulling her long hair back as she settled herself for the task to come. They'd been going at this damn boss for about half an hour now, and they were all ready for this to be over.
“So, just… just break through the pink thing, and hit him, then keep killing him until the bright lights come, then give it to Tash,” the first girl continued, sounding much like a varsity football coach at the playoffs. “Tash, what IS the secret to that part?”
The other red head(who's color, unlike the first girl's, did NOT come out of a bottle) looked up from her drawing, realizing where they were in the boss fight and sitting up immediately. She'd beaten the game already and was the resident expert on all things Boss.
“You just hit triangle and X as fast as you can until it's over,” she said, hazel eyes watching the screen.
“HIT HIM! HIM V!” the shorter girl squealed, almost falling off her chair. “RUN RIKU RUN!” Her hands twitched as if she herself tried to hit the buttons.
“Elizabeth! You're going to get April in here and she'll scream at us again!” yelled a girl with dirty blonde hair from Elizabeth's bed. She often had been at the brunt of the older woman's wrath and it wasn't exactly her favorite past time.
“Sorry, Rae… I just get excited. I just want to beat this thing so bad! We've had Kingdom Hearts II since the day it came out and we still haven't beaten it!”
“That's Giftie School for ya… but seriously, the last thing we need is an angry residential life advisor on our asses. Again,” said Alyxx from the top bunk, typing away on her laptop, giving the screen only the occasional cursory glance.
This was the average life for the five girls that lived in Suite H100 in Catto Hall. They attended Giftie School, a residential high school created by the state to bring together only the brightest students from every county and teach them to use their unusually high potential. At least, that was one story. Some preferred calling it a prison to keep the crazy kids locked up so the only people they could hurt were each other.
Eating, sleeping, studying, and hanging out, these five girls did almost everything together; they made of the oligarchy of both the Anime Club and the Conclave of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Most of the time, however, the small group of girls could be found holed up in middle room of the suite playing Rae's PS2.
“Um, Reversal, V,” Tash said, beginning to rock back and forth. The HP bar was just a little too low, and the MP had yet to recharge itself.
“So, how much longer is there in the game?” said Rae, looking at the clock. “I really need to finish my project for Science Research.”
“All the more reason to finish… AH! BRIGHT LIGHTS! TASH! GO GO!” V screamed, pausing the game again, throwing the controller towards the girl rocking on the floor.
“EEP!” she squeaked as she grabbed the controller, her face suddenly becoming very still as she began mashing the triangle and X buttons as fast as humanly possible.
“Wow, look at Sailor Moon go!” Rae said with a smirk. Tash growled and flipped her roommate of with her slightly-more-free hand, her eyes never leaving the television in front of her. She never did understand how SHE of all people could be equated with such an annoying character.
Alyxx looked up from her MySpace, pressing her black hair behind her ears. The spastic flashing of lights across the television screen could hold the attention of a child on chocolate.
“I think she's got it…”
And then, almost like magic, it was over. Xemnas was dead. “Simple and Clean” came on in the background as the ending cut scene began to unfold.
“Oh you guys… it's our song!” V grabbed Elizabeth's hand which started a chain reaction, and soon the girls all held onto each other in the bizarre end-of-game ritual that was now common for them. Whimpers and giggles filled the room as the credits rolled down the screen along side brief, silent reunion cut scenes, but it was soon replaced by dread: Kingdom Hearts II was over. They actually had to study for finals now.
With a groan, Tash released her companions' hands—it was starting to feel a little weird—and started gathering together her sketch book and pencils.
“I have to go to the coffee shop now… we're having an American History study session. I'll see you guys later, ok?”
“Aw, bye Tash…”
“Hey guys, look out the window!” Alyxx suddenly cried out, flipping over on her bed in order to see better.
“Wow, someone's `Attention-Deficit Oooo Pretty!' is kicking in,” muttered V as she read the last few credits.
“But look! There's, like, a bunch of shooting stars… really BIG shooting stars, and they're all over the place. Oh my god, I think they're gonna land right behind the dorm!”
“Move your fat ass out of the way, I wanna see!” Rae exclaimed, putting down her laptop and attempting to make out what Alyxx was talking about.
Alyxx's eyes got wide and she jumped off the top bunk as the object smashed into the ground, creating a tremendous noise and a bright light that caused all five of the girls to shield their eyes.
“Wow, that was amazing… let's go see what's out there!” Almost immediately, V was running out the back door of the girls' dormitory.
“But… History…” Tash whimpered.
“Let's go guys! Screw history!” Elizabeth dragged Rae off the bed, grabbed Tash's arm, and ran after V, Alyxx not far behind.
“Woah…giant crater in the backyard. This might be a bad thing.” Said Alyxx as she caught up.
“Yeah, but I don't see any rocks or anything,” said V, looking around for anything that might be pieces of a crashed meteorite.
“Wait… is that a person in there?” said Tash walking towards the large hill that dropped off behind the building.
Rae squinted as she followed her roommate. “A person? I think it's people!”
The Gifties walked closer to the unconscious people, Elizabeth falling behind because of her short legs.
The four in the lead stopped in their tracks. Rae lost her balance and fell onto the grass while the others stared in astonishment towards the base of the hill.
“Oh my God…” Rae murmured, perhaps unaware that she had said anything at all.
“What? I can't see, you—whoa..” whined Elizabeth, pressing her way through her friends. Scattered in the grass, unconscious from impact yet unharmed, lay a group of people not from this world.
It was Tash who took the group's thoughts and made them into speech:
“Guys… I don't think we're in Twilight Town anymore.”