Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Into Darkness ❯ Paradise Interrupted ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“You Know I do“ Kairi giggled. “Yeah but I wanna hear you say it“, Sora said with a smirk as he tickled Kairi. “Sora stop“; giggle “I mean it“; giggle giggle; “I'm gonna pee myself Kairi snorted over her own laughter“. “C'mon, Kai I said it“. “Ok, ok she coughed ...I love you to Sora; now let me go“. Sora watched as she stumbled out of his bed and into his bathroom. He let out sigh of satisfaction; life had been good no heartless, no nobodies and best of all his mom was out of town for the weekend visiting his grandmother. Which meant he and Kairi could “enjoy” each other's company without worrying about getting caught. “You know you promised that if I came over we wouldn't have sex“. “Yeah but your such a little horn dog” Sora interrupted. “Me! What about you” Kairi half yelled half giggled as she pounced on Sora to attack. See there you go again Sora laughed mouth now full of pillow. “Pinned ya Kairi shouted victoriously“. Yeah life has definitely been good Sora thought to him self, nothing could ever mess this up. “Hey where are my panties“? Kairi's inquiry jolting Sora back to reality. Before he could answer Sora's cell phone began to ring the caller ID read Riku.
Sup Riku.
“You won't believe this“
“Try me“.
Sora I can't find my panties Kairi whispered.
“What was that Riku asked“?
“Kairi's looking for her...don't worry about it just continue“.
“Okay so me and Tidus and Wakka were scouting the beach for girls right.
And; Sora interrupted. “Guess what washed up on shore“.
“ What Sora said now enthused“? “A letter in a bottle with the king's emblem on it and it's addressed to you it seems important you should probably get down here“ Riku sighed. “Found em' Kairi cheered...what's wrong” as she noticed the depressed look on Sora's face. Nothing could mess this up why'd I have to go and jinks its IDIOT! Whatever I do I can't tell Kairi yet. “'Um it's probably nothing” Sora finally answered Kairi.