Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Into Darkness ❯ It all falls down ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ican't believe this Sora said frowning at the letter in his hand. Which read:
Dear Sora, Heartless have begun to invade the worlds of our allies and I fear the Destiny Island could be next. Shortly after learning this I discovered another Ansem report. Revealing blue prints to build a gate to the realm of the heartless. Something called the Zion project was hidden by Xenahort there. I wish I could handle this myself but I think only your key blade can open the door. I have already sent Donald and Goofy in a gummi ship to retrieve you they should be there shortly giving you enough time to say your goodbyes. Sora I truly wish there was another way.
King Mickey
“Helluva thing Huh” said Riku yanking Sora out of a state of concentration. Yeah, Sora replied. How am I gonna tell Kairi he continued she's gonna be pissed. “Your probably right, you do have a way of disappearing for years at time” Riku said choking on his words looking depressed. “I'm going with you” Riku insisted as mood instantly changed. Sora looked at him gravely “ you can't someone has to take care of Kairi and everyone else in case of an attack“ Sora argued. Riku nodded his head sadly in agreement Sora took the letter in his hand as he turned to leave.
Kairi so uh... I'll be leaving soon... Oh and I don't know when I'll get back. Sora recited to himself in his head as he walked toward Kairi's house. Kairi how's it going I'm leaving so... see ya later.No that won't work either. Sora jumped as he heard Kairi say “ who are you talking to?”. I have something to tell you Sora begun. OK but tell me inside its getting chilly Kairi said staring up at the pink sky as the sunset. “So what did you have to tell me” Kairi said as she sat down on her couch? Sora felt his heart drop as he spoke his next words “ I have to leave the islands again”. Kairi laughed hysterically “good one, you almost got me now what did you really have to tell me”. Sora shuffled thru his pockets and produced the letter from the king and handed to Kairi. She looked down examining the letter hastily. When she finally looked up her eyes were swelling with tears.” Tell me your joking” she sobbed “Tell me you lying”. Sora could only stare solemnly. “SAY SOMETHING” Kairi screeched tears flowing down her cheeks. “You can't do this... I love you” she said muffled because she had buried her head into Sora's chest. Sora lifted her head his blue eyes fighting back tears of their own and Said “ I have to”. “Get out” Kairi screeched her hand cluntched in a fist pounding into Sora's chest. But-” Get out now” Kairi interrupted. Sora began to walk out the door as he took one last look over his shoulder he saw the love of his life on both knees with her head in her hands whimpering.