Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Stolen ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey guys! Alright, this is my first ever Kingdom hearts fanfic, so please! Don't flame me if it totally sucks! WARNINGS! Violence, rape, and later lemons. Okay, oh! One more thig, I DON'T OWN KINGDOM HEARTS! SO DON'T SUE!!
Okay, I'm done ranting now! Enjoy!
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The sun was slowly declining, the sky turning a pink-orange hue. It had been at least three years since Riku and Sora defeated Xemnas and destroyed Kingdom Hearts. After they did, Sora and Riku went back home to Destiny Islands, and it had been peaceful ever since. Except for Riku.
Hollow Bastion, now known as RadiantGarden, was peaceful and quiet.
Riku stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked past the marketplace and into the borough. He walked over to the ledge and looked out over the ruins of the knocked down castle. His silver hair blew softly in the passing breeze, and his blue-green eyes shimmered in the sunset.
He had been thinking a lot lately. `I don't belong in the light. Darkness still is going strong in my heart. But, I can't leave. Sora would be upset and it would tear him apart. Plus, I wouldn't be there to protect him if anything were to happen.'
He let a sigh pass through his lips and closed his eyes. He heard a faint sound of approaching footsteps and turned around to be met with a smiling form. “Sora? What are you doing here?”
Sora went up to him. “I just thought I'd pay you a visit. You haven't been home for a long time, and I was getting worried.”
Riku glanced back at the sunset. “You don't have to worry about me.”
Sora placed a hand on his shoulder gently. “You know I always worry about you.” He smiled his goofy grin that Riku loved.
Riku couldn't help but smile back. “Thanks.”
Sora then slapped his forehead. “Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Guess who I found here?”
Riku raised an eyebrow. “Who?”
Sora placed his thumb and forefinger in between his lips and blew loudly.
Riku heard the pounding of feet as they came barreling towards them. He was suddenly knocked over onto the ground by a force, and something wet was being slapped against his face.
Sora started laughing histarically.
Riku pushed the being off of him and sat up, wiping the slobber from his face.“Where did you find him?”
Sora bent down and patted Pluto's head. “I found him in the alley beside Merlin's house.”
“Since Pluto's here, I wonder if the King is here too?” Riku wondered, glancing around.
Sora shrugged unknowingly. “I dunno.” He smiled at Riku. “Let's go for a walk.” He suggested.
Riku nodded in agreement, and the two walked side by side out of the borough as Pluto sniffed the ground in front of them.
Sora put his hands behind his head as he walked. “Hey Riku, when are you coming home?” He asked.
Riku didn't look at him. “I don't know.”
“Kairi is worried about you as well.” He said.
Riku remained silent. He never did care for Kairi. She was always hanging all over Sora, and it sometimes got on Riku's nerves.
Sora released a sigh. “You have to come home some time.”
“I know.” He responded. Something caught the corner of Riku's eye. He glanced over into one of the alleyways. He caught the glimps of something sinking into the shadows.
“Riku? Is something wrong?” Sora asked.
Riku glanced back at him. “Huh? Oh, no it's nothing.” He replied. Pluto stopped in front of them as he sniffed the air.
“Pluto? What is it boy?” Sora asked as he went over and knealt beside the dog. He stood up after a while and walked a few feet in front of the,. “I don't see anything.” He said shrugging.
Suddenly, a figure rose from the ground, wrapping an arm around Sora's waist and the other was around his throat, which held a dagger. “What the-“ He was cut off though as the blade pressed harder.
Riku drew out Soul Eater and ran at the stranger, rage visible in his eyes.
Sora hissed out in pain as a small line of crimson formed where the dagger cut deeper into his neck, the blood dripping slowly down his neck.
“Strike me and he dies.”
Riku stopped and glared at the hooded stranger. “What do you want with Sora?” He ordered.
“Oh, we don't want him. We want you.” He said, his voice venom.
Riku scowled. “What? If you want me then take me! Leave him out of this!”
The stranger shook his head, though only the hood moved to show he did it at all. `We want to see you suffer. You have caused us a lot of grief. We want to give you a taste of your own medicine.”
Riku glared. “Who are you?! Who is `we'?” He barked.
The man merely laughed as darkness took over his and Sora's forms, sending them into a portal. Sora cried out. “RIKU!” He cried, reaching out for the other. Riku ran towards him, but they disappeared before Riku got there in time.
Riku fell to his knees as he stared at the spot that Sora had just been. Sora had been kidnapped from him. He would NOT let them get away with this. He boiled with rage as he swore he would find out who did this.
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Okay! Until next chapter! Please! Review! I want to know what you think!