Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Revealment ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi people!!! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! Sorry I didn't reply for a really long time! I had major writer's block, that and since I'm failing Science, I had to cut back on my computer time a bit and study to bring me grade up to an A again. Well, it has been accomplished, and I have a new chapter for you guys! I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, if I did they would be making out by now!!!
Blackness. Never ending darkness. That's all Sora saw as he plummeted into nothingness through the portal. It was crushing him; the darkness suffocating him, taking control of his senses. He felt dizzy. He wanted to close his eyes and sleep, then wake when light flooded through him once more. But, before he could fall into a state of unconsciousness, the portal opened and he fell through, falling to the floor harshly.
He groaned and lifted his head from the floor, pushing his hands against the wood to heft his body up.
He felt numb all over, and struggled to his feet. Alright, that was something he hoped he wouldn't have to do again.
The man grabbed him by his shirt collar roughly, throwing him back, and making him slam against the back of a steel dog cage. He whimpered softly as pain shot up his back from the spot where he collided, and slid to the floor once more.
The cage door slammed shut and locked in place as the man smirked down at Sora.
Sora ignored the pain in his spine, and glared up at the man. “Who are you?” He ordered, kicking the cage door repeatedly with his foot. “Let me out!”
The man rolled his eyes before kicking the side if the cage, sending Sora to the other side of it. “Be quiet. All of your banging is giving me a head-ache!” He said calmly. “My name is Zylos, and as I said before, your Master wishes you here. I wouldn't mind doing you in right here and now, but I have been given strict orders that I am not to kill you.” He scoffed, grumbling incoherently under his breath.
Sora sighed, figuring fighting the cage wouldn't get it open, and instead sat down, crossing his legs Indian style in the back of the cage, leaning back against the wall of it. “Fine then Zylos.” He said as he looked up at the older male. “Who is this Master guy and why does he want me?” He asked curiously.
Zylos took his original position back against the wall. “You have caused him much grief, and he wishes for revenge.” He smirked. “You are now his slave.” He replied smugly.
Sora blinked a moment before starting to kick the cage door once more. “I will NOT become someone else's slave!” He told the other straightly.
Zylos chuckled, not even bothering to stop the boy's rants. “I'm sure you'll be very happy serving-” He was cut off as the door opened and another figure walked in, much taller than Zylos, and more handsome with radiant silver hair flowing down his back. He glanced down at Sora and gave a nod of approval. “Thank you Zylos. You have done well.” He praised the other, clearly pleased.
“Thank you Lord Sephiroth.” Zylos replied, giving a bow of respect to the upper headman, taking a step back.
Sora cowered back slightly, having stopped the banging once the other had entered the room. He reached his hand out suddenly to the side, hand open, and smirked up at him. But then his smirk turned into a frown of confusement. “Huh?”
Sephiroth chuckled. “Can't summon the Keyblade can you?” He glanced down at the boy, amusement present on his face.
“Why…….how……?” Sora was at a loss for words.
Sephiroth chuckled, clearly amused. He tapped the top of the cage lightly with his finger. “A powerful spell. I knew that once you discovered who your new Master was, that you would summon your Keyblade to attack me.”
He bent down and unlocked the cage, reaching in and grabbed Sora by his shirt collar, like Zylos had done, and pulled him out, holding him up above the floor.
Sora gasped and tried to kick the other that held him a bit too tightly, but he couldn't reach him.
Sephiroth chuckled. “So feeble without the power of the Keyblade.” He said as he studied him a moment before releasing him. But, he didn't fall like Sora thought he would, instead he stayed suspended in the air by invisible ties.
Sephiroth turned and went to a cabinet, one that would be used to hold weapons suck as daggers, swords and such, and took out a black dog collar with small silver spikes coming from it.
Sora rose an eyebrow at the collar, and his eyes widened as Sephiroth turned and started to walk back to him, going to clasp the collar on him. “Oh no! There is no way in Hell that you're putting that thing on me!” He said as he fought to be cut down from the air.
Sephiroth snapped his fingers, and suddenly the boy stopped moving completely, leaving him completely still, as if frozen. “Wha?” Sora asked, unable to move, but could still talk.
Sephiroth said nothing as he clasped the collar around the boy's neck, locking it in place, and looking the boy up and down before snapping his fingers once more, and watching the boy drop to the ground.
Sora reached up and tried to pry the collar off, but it was locked tight. “What the hell??” He asked as he tried harder, but his attempts were futile. He growled softly and got to his feet, racing towards the door. Collar or not, he wanted his freedom Damnit!! He raced towards the exit, feeling excited, thinking he was actually going to make it!
Sephiroth stayed where he was though. Simply raising his eyes slowly to watch the running boy. He lowered his gaze once more, almost boredly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a sort of small, black, rectangular remote (think of an Ipod mini with only one button in the center). It had only one silver button in the center of it, which he pressed without hesitation.
As soon as the button was pressed, Sora fell to the ground, crying out in pain as he tried to desperately pry the collar off of his neck.
Sephiroth removed his finger from the button after a moment, and Sora's cries lowered to soft whimpers because of it; leaving him shaking slightly on the floor.
Sephiroth placed the remote back into his pocket without a word, before glancing down at the boy, walking over to him and standing beside him. “That collar is wired, channeling to my remote.” He stated calmly. “Disobey me or try to escape again, and bolts of electricity will run through your body once more, and I will make the amount higher every time.” He stated.
Sora groaned and sat up, shaking slightly still. He turned his head up and shot the other male a nasty glare, which Spirit just flat-out ignored.
He glanced down at him. “Struggling is futile, so don't even bother trying.” He explained in an almost bored state. He stepped back a bit, so the boy could get up, then turned and started for the door. “Now come.” He ordered
Sora stayed where he was, too stubborn to move. He really didn't like this guy, and had no intention of obeying him in the least.
Sephiroth tuned and glared slightly at the boy, before reaching down and pressing the button through his coat pocket once more.
Sora yelled out in pain once more, and knew that the guy meant what he said when he would turn up the amount. He whimpered softly, seeing as he had no choice but to follow. He stood to his feet, wincing every time the collar still shocked him slightly. He went over to the other male, gazing at the floor, as he stood beside him silently.
Sephiroth said nothing as he turned once more and headed out the door and down the hall.
Sora glanced up slightly, gazing around him as they walked. There were portraits of people who looked nothing alike, even to Sephiroth. Sora began to wonder who Sephiroth's parents were, completely oblivious on how the older male came to be.
Said male suddenly stopped in front of a door off to the side a bit, and dug around in his coat pocket, bringing out a key and unlocking it, ushering the boy inside. The room was extravagant! A large four poster bed with red satin sheets lay off to the side a bit, a red silk canopy slightly covering the top of it from the ceiling. It was tied back neatly at the corners of the bed though, still having a full view of the actual bed. The carpet was pure black, not drop of stained seemed to be on it, not even a piece of carpet seemed out of place. The walls, though, weren't a perfect shade of white, more of a beige color, but somehow it made everything fit; even the silver silk curtains that hung in front of the large bay window that led out onto a giant balcony, made everything go together. On the other side of the room across from the bed stood a large walk-in closet, and next to it, a silver painted dresser. The large, full moon shone very brightly that night, and the pulled back curtains made the moonlight flood into the room, making it almost seem like everything was glowing.
Sephiroth reached back and grabbed Sora's collar, flinging into the room, who landed on the floor with a harsh thud! Sephiroth closed the door and locked it before turning back to Sora.
Sora stood to his feet and faced the other male, his head slightly bent towards the floor so he didn't look at his face.
Sephiroth gave a small, playful smirk as he watched the boy, stepping towards him. He stopped about two feet before he reached him and merely smirked at him before speaking. “Take off your clothes.” He ordered.
To Be Continued…
Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm horrible. I made you guys wait all this time, and when I finally give you something, it has a cliffhanger. -smirk- I'm just evil like that, I know. Anyway, I figured out what I'm going to do about Riku. You're not going to hear from him until a couple chapters later! Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun…
Heh, yeah. Anyway, please review and make me happy!