Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts:Behind the Scenes ❯ Are you gay?? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kiari walks in Sora's apartment,only to see Riku and Sora dancing in boxers to hit me baby one more time.

Kiari:I knew it...

Sora:-yells over the loud music-What'd you say Riku?


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Axel:Do it again!!!




Axel: Uhahaha!!!!

Kiari walks in

Kiari:Help me!

Hyena:Shoot at me girl friend!

Kiari:Ok!-bang shoots hiones-

Axel:That was my entertainment.

Kiari: Welp now its my lunch!Now help me or I'll shoot you to.

Axel:-suddenly frighten-OoooK.

Kiari: I think Sora and Riku turned gay on me and I need your help to find out if this is true.

Axel: Your not Dora the Explorer.

Kiari:Say map...

Axel: Map!!!

Kiari: Now your Boots the Monkey.

Axel: Oh yeah I like monkeys!

Kiari:Ok then you can be the goat.

Axel: What goat?There is no goat in Dora the Explorer.

Kiari:Ok then you can be the big red chicken.

Axel: Are you calling me fat?
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*Meanwhile again*


Riku:Ya know we could be doing something other then video games.

Sora: Lets be in movies!

Riku: Oh yeah if the same dudes who make Final Fantasy casted us as the main guys then other people would totally do it!
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*But yet what were they doing/thinking when they casted Sora and Riku,lets find out*

Bob:-burp-I am soooooo high!I mean we are so successful with the Final Fantasy games it don't even matter if this game completely bombs!

Bulakitty:OH yeah lets just get the casting over with.Ok I cast you and you come on up.Spikey and gay.

Sora:Oh yeah Riku we rule!

George:Ok lets go have pizza.
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Kiari and Axel go into Soras apartment together,laughing and holding hands.

Kiari:OmG Axel that's soo funny.

Sora: Get away from my women!-throws Axel out the window.-

Axel:Agh Holly Crap!

Kiari:Well bye big red chicken...

Sora:Does that mean your Dora?

Riku: O O can I be Boots the Monkey?

Kiari: You look like a monkey!

Sora: Your mommas a monkey.

Kiari: Sora,hush you-

Riku:OH What you say about my moma.

Kiari:Oh dear lord here we go.I'm going to find Sora and Riku a part in some random Christmas movie....

(3 hours l8er)

Kiari: Sora Riku!!!!Get your badonky donks in here.


Kiari:I got you and Sora a part in the Rudolph the Red-nose fat a$$

Sora: reindeer it's not a donkey.

Kiari: I didn't say you could talk you misfit.Ok Riku your Hermes,and Sora your Rudolph.

Sora:-snif-I wanted to be the monster.

Kiari:Well technically the only thing your doing is being a husky and a reindeer and singing the Misfit song.

Sora:Are you in it?

Kiari:Unfortunatlly.I have to sing at the end.

Riku: And this is a remake of the original movie?

Kiari: You tell me ya elf.
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*Part.well I don't actually know so I'll guess #4 Misfit.*

Sora:Why am I such a misfit,I am not such a mifit just because I have a small,di


Sora:Dinner!Why don't I fit in?

Riku:Why am I such a misfit?I am not just a misfit just because of my freakishly large di-

Kiari:OMG this airing to little children across the country!!!!

Riku:NOSE!!!!Why can't I fit in?

LCAC (Little Children Across the Country):0-0 that's scary.

Kiari:Why are they such misfits.Yes,I know they are misfits.Just because they are a bunch of dumb a-

Riku and Sora:KIARI!!!!

Kiari:Ass.Why can't they fit in?
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Sora:Well that went great!If Kiari hadn't have let everybody in the world know what a donkey's butt was.Then we-

Kiari:Sora,Shut up your mouth!!!!

Riku:Shut up your mouth?That's a new one....Normally Its Sora,shut your face or something or another....

Kiari:Sora,can I check my e-mail on your computer?

Sora:Wouldn't you just mad at me?


-Smackerz! Right in Rikus face with Kiari's overly large purse-

Kiari:No,I just see no reason at staying mad...

Kiari sat down at Soras computer desk.

Kiari:Hey whats this letter?

Sora:Oh some baka wants me to go to some school.Don't see why,who needs schoo when you got my brains.

Riku:Hey I got that letter.Ha Kiari didn't get one.

Kiari:I haven't checked my mail,and you know you can't ignore these right?Guess were going to high school.

Riku:To get kicked out!

Sora:For liberty,for justice,and for the manly men in green tights!

Kiari and Riku: 0-0....

Sora:And for all!!!
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Will our hero's -coughs losers-get kicked out of school during there first week?Will I ever do that Mr.Rogers skit I was planning?And will I ever complete my FMA story?Find out next time.