Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts:Behind the Scenes ❯ Handy Dandy Phone Books ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sora:So bored...GAH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!!

Riku:Sora,shut up....

Sora:Riku, you do not tell me what to do, you here me!?


Kiari whom is watching amused.

Sora and Riku glare at echother for a few seconds untill Kiari broke the silence.

Kiari:Riku go call and see what good movies are playing.

Riku:OK ^^

Riku walks over to the phone.


(Frog jumps over Rikus head and grabs the phone)

Riku:Curse you Riku I mean Soraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Kiari:Hush your face...

Sora:T-heh dialing the number to the movies.But I don't know it, Kiari what is it.


Sora:But,these are 123's.

(Ranma-Chan93:a.k.a. numbers Sora,baka.)

Kiari:Well ain't you a smart cookie!...

Riku:Here look it up in the handy dandy,phone book!

Kiari:Two smart cookies!...

Sora:Look Riku I found it.


Kiari:Yep, smart cookies...-_-

-Sora dialed the number (eventually)-

Sora:Yo dude what is your hottest movies playing.Ok thanks.

Riku:Soooo whats playing?

Sora:The Omlet, That there Old Dead Guy thats Dead,Cars,and somthing else.

Kiari:What???-mutters-Smart smart cookeyed freinds ya got Kiari

Riku:Hmmm, I wanna omlet...

(Sneaks off into kitchen)

Kiari:So you mean;The Omen,The Decent,and Cars?


Kiari:Well goody tooshus for you they all sound sucky ta me.

Sora:I smell smoke, wheres Riku he can put it out.

Kiari:Does he look like a fire extinguisher to you!?

(Ranma-Chan93:That was the hardest 2 sentences I ever wrote,I though I was going to die with laughter!)

Sora:Ex-ting a what?Riku!Kiari said a big word!

Kiari:I'm outa here...

Sora:See ya!

While Riku was making himself an omlet Sora was reading (picture this) a shampoo bottle?


Riku:(pops outa no where)Don't I look smart!?

Sora:No,no you don't....Suave Kids free shampoo...

Riku:Wow you can read!?

Sora:For two months now!Anywho if I poured this whole bottle down my eyes, it wont hurt.

Riku:Do it do it!!!


2 seconds later.

Sora:(runs around screaming)Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it burns like regular shampoo, agh!!!!

Riku decided sense his omlet was done he would leave.

Riku:Hope you feel better.

Sora(laying on the ground twitching):Heelp please don't go.

Riku(pops his head in the door):Simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight its hard to let it go!!!


Kiari came back about thirty minutes later to see sora rolling around the floor screaming.

Kiari:Hey smart cookie theres no fire.

Sora:Shampoo in my eyes, going to sue Suave, kill Riku!!!

Kiari:Put water in your eyes.



After the job was done:

Sora:I'm hungry.

Kiari:Yeah, hey I just noticed Riku wasnt' here.

Sora:The son of a donkeys butt left on me.Hey lets go eat a fatty duck.

(Ranma-Chan93:I just heard that of off Sienfeld I found it funny ^^)

Kiari:A fatty duck?

Riku(whom just came in and everybody started clapping):Whoa am I that sexy do I need to strip?

(Ranma-Chan93:X-X no Riku please...)

Kiari and Sora:Noooooo!

Riku:Why am I here?What is my sole purpose?Why do these people clap for me?

Shadow The Hedgehog (pops in):Quit sounding all depresed like me!!!

He then jumps out the window.

Sora:That was random...

Kiari:Who ever is writing this needs to end this before anymore important people die.

Sora:You loved him, I thought you loved me!!!!!NOOOOOOO!!!!

Kiari:No Sora, my heart belongs to you don't worry -sarcastic-.

Riku:I've all ways wanted Kiari, but just to shy to admit it...

Kiari:Wow Riku I never knew.

Riku:Whatever shy means...

Sora:Haha Riku don't know what shy means!

Kiari:What DOES shy mean Sora.






Kiari:I'm outa here.


Riku:Wait Kiari!Sora said a loooooong word.-runs to catch up-

Sora:Ok I give!Where'd everybody go?

Sora goes and sits on his couch all alone.
(sad music starts and there ends this totally random chapter)
________________________________________________________________________ __________


Mr.Rogers:We should all share!

Sora:Stupid deaf man.

Mr.Rogers:What you say boi!?

-pulls out machine gun and started chasing Sora around with it.-
Riku(eating bread):It looks like a cat!!!

Kiari:Your bread?

Riku:Hehehe yes....

Kiari:T-T I'm surronded by bakas!
________________________________________________________________________ __________

Ranma-Chan93:Wow done finally!I enjoyed writing well typing this chapter it cracked my up!R&R enjoy ^^