Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10
Two Surprises-Mitsuko's Here?!?
Last time, Koji and Leo met a new keyblade master named Kai. He wants to avenge his parents death by killing a guy named Itchitori. It turns out that Itchitori is Koji's cousin and he tells Leo to keep Koji alive for him. Just what does he want? They have now arrived in a new world.
Kai: So we're here? Leo, who are these friends of yours?
Koji: Yeah, so…[feels something]…huh?!? What's this feeling [takes off]
Leo: Koji!
Koji takes off into the city and sees a strange creature with a whole in its chest and a white mask-like face sneaking up on a girl.
Koji: Hey, watch out!
Just as the creature reaches her, Koji slashes through its head with his keyblade, killing it instantly.
???: Oh thank you! [hugs him tightly] I wasn't paying attention.
Koji: [blushes] No problem. [thinking] Man, her breasts are huge!!!
???: You must have high spirit energy if you can see Hollows and kill them in one strike.
Koji: Hollow? What's that?
???: Hollows are former deceased human souls that lose their hearts to despair or remain in the real world for too long. Any spirit that is not guided to Soul Society by a shinigami may eventually descend into a Hollow.
Koji: So what do shinigami do?
???: They battle hollows and guide lost souls to the afterlife. Its really amazing that you knew a Hollow's weak point.
Koji: I just figured the head would be a good spot.
Orihime: Sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Orihime and you are…?
Koji: Name's Koji Hikari.
Orihime: Did you say Koji?
Koji: Yeah.
Orihime: [hugs him again] Yay!!! I'm so glad I found you. Mitsuko's been wanting to see you again.
Koji: Mitsuko?!? Where is she?!?
Leo: [walks up] Calm down.
Kai: Yeah, take it easy.
Orihime: Hi Leo. How have you been?
Leo: Good…
Koji: Where's Mitsuko?!?
Orihime: Let's go meet up with everyone else. We'll explain then.
They made their way to her friend's house.
Orihime: Everyone introduce yourselves.
Ichigo : Ichigo Kurosaki.
Rukia: I'm Rukia Kuchiki.
Uryu: Name's Uryu Ishida.
Chad: Yasutora Sado, but everyone calls me Chad.
Kai: Kai Tanaka.
Leo: You guys already now me.
Koji: Name's Koji Hikari.
All of them: Koji!!!
Koji: Yeah?
Ichigo: Man, Mitsuko talks about you constantly.
Rukia: She said you were really nice, sweet, and charming. [thinking, blushing] And hot!
Uryu: You're a noble guy, you'd make a worthy Quincy.
Chad: So…we have to tell you something…
Koji: What?
Orihime: She's been kidnapped.
Koji: By who?!?
Ichigo: Some guys in black coats.
Leo: Organization…
Koji: [silent]
Koji takes off running out of Ichigo's house. The only thing on his mind was Mitsuko. Her being in danger is the only thing that makes him lose his cool.
Leo: Wait, you don't even know where they are.
Koji: …I don't care!
Suddenly various types of white creatures surrounded them.
Koji: Get the hell out of my way!
Uryu: Are these Hollows? No, they're different.
Leo: These are Nobodies.
???: So it's you Koji? If you want your precious woman, come to the woods. [voice fades]
Koji: That voice is…
Leo: Yeah, let's go.
Kai: Right.
Ichigo: Let's see how strong these Nobodies are.
Uryu: Go, we'll handle things here.
They headed towards the woods and cut down the Nobodies that got in their way. As they got to the middle of the forest, they spotted two Organization members. One was in front of them and the other was standing on a tree branch holding a leaf.
Koji: I know its you Kazuo. Where is Mitsuko?
Kazuo: Oh you mean her…[snaps his fingers]
A portal made of darkness appears. Mitsuko was trapped inside of it.
Mitsuko: Koji! [cries] I missed you so much.
Koji: Hold on, I'm coming! [runs forward]
Kazuo: Oh now, I wouldn't do that if I were you. I can kill her right now with the flick of a finger. If you want her back then fight him…alone. [points]
The other guy throws the leaf he was holding while leaping down from a tree branch and strikes at Koji. The leaf had somehow become razor sharp. Koji dodges it and blocks the attack but is surprised by the weapon. This guy's keyblade was green with a twisted design to it and a very sharp end.
Koji: A keyblade?!?
Then the hooded guy jumps into the air while slightly spinning then comes down with a tremendous kick. Koji jumps to the side and dodges the very familiar attack.
Koji: That kick…no, you're…
Hiroki: [takes off the hood] Yeah, its me Hiroki.
Koji: Why…why are you on their side? You attack me…and kidnap my girl…we're best friends…why?
Hiroki: [chuckles] Why…you want to know why?
Vines come from the surrounding trees and entangle Koji. He didn't see them coming and was trapped.
Hiroki: It's because…I hate you!!!
Koji: Don't do this Hiroki!!!
Hiroki attacks but a crystal dome shield covers Koji.
Hiroki: So that's your power. My power is all around us…the forest.
Koji's crystal cut him loose and he instantly goes on the offensive. They exchange keyblade slashes and send each other back. They both landed on tree branches.
Hiroki: Hey Koji, why don't we kick it old school style?
Koji: Sure…[smirks and laughs in his mind]
The two of them put their keyblades up and jump toward each other. Both of their fists collide with each others faces and repel them back.
Koji: See someone's been training.
Hiroki: Yeah but you always win…and we're not kids anymore…I don't need you to save me anymore. [balls up his fists] I was different back then.
Koji: I know…
Hiroki: I have to fight you!
A bright green glow came from underneath Hiroki's coat and then he vanished. Suddenly Koji felt a fist on the side of his face. The punch sent him flying towards a tree. He was able to catch himself though.
Koji: What the…that glow was…
Hiroki: Yeah. [pulls out his keystone] Now check this out.
A second keyblade appeared in Hiroki's left hand. Then plant-like armor his arms and fused the keyblades to his arms.
Koji: Guess it's my turn. [keystone glows and a second keyblade appears]
Hiroki: So now you have two? Well you can't do this!
Hiroki ran forward and vanished. He appeared from behind Koji and unleashed a fury of slashes. Koji entered Solid Wolf style and blocked all of Hiroki's attacks.
Hiroki: Blocking is pointless. I will beat you Koji!
Koji: Oh yeah?!? [glows differently]
Leo: [thinking] His aura changed?!?
Hiroki: It won't work Koji.
Hiroki dashes towards Koji but then he was thrown back. Before he could respond he was being tossed around. Hiroki then used a cloud of leaves to cover himself and jumped so he could get some distance.
Hiroki: [thinking, looks around] Where is he?
Koji: Over here.
Hiroki: What? [struck by Koji's keyblades] …Damn.
Koji: [smirks]
Hiroki: How the hell are you that fast? Is it your keystone's power?
Koji: Nope. You know that everyone's body has aura, or energy right?
Hiroki: Yeah.
Koji: Well I learnt to control my aura and change it to increase my strength, defense, or in this case my speed. I call it Sprinting Wolf Style!
Hiroki: I still won't let you beat me!!!
He flared up with energy and blitzed Koji. But Koji was ready as he matched Hiroki's speed. As they made contact they increased in speed and matched each other blow for blow.
Kai: Damn!
Leo: I can't even see them anymore!
The two of them were going so fast that they couldn't be seen. All they could hear were the loud clashing sounds of the young fighter's keyblades. The force from their attacks started uprooting trees. Kazuo watched from below and smiled.
Kazuo: [thinking] Yes, its all going according to plan.
Hiroki: Alright Koji, time for me to finish this!
Koji: Before this is over, I'll show the true power of crystal!
Both of them concentrated and then crossed and uncrossed their arms.
Hiroki: [aims at Kazuo] Leaf Shower!
Koji: [aims at Kazuo] Crystal Storm!
Both: Gotcha!
Kazuo: What?!?
A mixture of crystal and razor sharp leaves bombarded Kazuo. He lost his hold on Mitsuko and Koji sped over to her with Hiroki following him.
Koji: You okay? [smiles]
Mitsuko: [blushes] I am now. [kisses him]
Kazuo: Hiroki…you traitor. After I trained you so you could beat Koji.
Hiroki: Sorry. Hate to break it to you but I was never on your side. I just pretended I was because I needed more training. And no matter what, Koji is my best friend and I can't betray him. [bumps fists with Koji]
Kai: You guys are pretty good actors.
Koji: Yeah and Operation “Save Mitsuko” was a success.
Hiroki: You okay your highness? [laughs]
Koji & Mitsuko: Shut up Hiroki! [hit him on the head]
Hiroki: Ouch.
Leo: So let me guess, you guys were talking while you were fighting. And in that fast state with all that noise you made it so we couldn't hear or even see you two.
Koji: Exactly.
Kai: Kazuo, its over.
Kazuo: Sorry goodie-goodies but another day…another fight [disappears]
Kai: Coward.
Mitsuko: Nice to meet you Mr. Leo. You're Koji's cousin right?
Leo: Yeah but there's no reason for the mister. We're family right?
Koji & Mitsuko: [look at each other, blush]
Kai: [laughs]
Ichigo: Yo, you guys okay?
Ichigo and the gang catch up to them.
Koji: Yeah.
Ichigo: I see you got Mitsuko back.
Koji: Of course, no one kidnaps Koji's lady.
Uryu: [looks at Hiroki] You're one of those guys!
Leo: Hold on Uryu. If he was do you think he'd be standing here right now?
Uryu: Good point. Then who is he?
Koji: He's Hiroki, my best friend and he was a spy in the enemy group.
Hiroki: Nice to meet everyone.
Mitsuko: We should celebrate.
Orihime: Great idea Mitsuko.
Koji, Hiroki, & Kai: Party at Ichigo's house!!!
Ichigo: Hey wait a minute!
At Ichigo's house…
Ichigo: Good thing my dad and sisters are out of town. I put a extra little something in the punch.
Koji: Good! A toast to kicking the Organization's asses.
Hiroki: I'll drink to that!
Kai: Cheers!
Rukia: How much alcohol can you guys drink? I've had enough.
Uryu: [drinks a cup] But you barely had any at all. Right, Chad?
Chad: [drunk] Yeah but….[sings] nobody knows how dry I am!!! [laughs]
Uryu: Chad's had enough.
Chad: [sings] I like to sang-a, about the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a…I like to sing-a! [laughs]
Ichigo: You want some?
Orihime: Oh no thank you.
Mitsuko: [drunk] Koji, why is the room spinning? [falls but Koji catches her]
Koji: [smiles] You're a real lightweight, you know. [lays her down, thinking] I'm so happy I've got you back.
Ryo tries to reach his paw in the punch bowl. He almost does but then he falls in and starts drink it all.
Koji: Ryo don't do that!
Ryo: [drunk] Meow!
Koji: My mama what?!?
Ryo: [laughs] Meow meow!
Koji: Well then no more carrots for you.
Ryo: [sticks out his tongue]
Kai: So I hear you train hard?
Hiroki: Yeah.
Kai: But not harder than me! I train shirtless on the tops of snowy mountains in the winter for fun!
Hiroki: Oh yeah? That's nothing cause I trained in a desert for two months with nothing but a paperclip and a piece of string!
Kai: So! I stayed in a cave that was a 200 degrees below zero with nothing but my lucky wool underwear!
Hiroki: I train harder than you!
Kai: No you don't!
Hiroki & Kai: [growls as static energy surges between their glare]
Chad: [picks them both up] Relax you guys, it's a party! Right Ryo?
Ryo: [still drunk, on Chad`s shoulder] Meow!
Hiroki: Hey!
Kai: Put us down!
Chad: Wooooo!!!! [falls over]
Uryu: [shakes his head]
Rukia: [laughs]
Uryu: So when are you leaving?
Koji: We'll wait until Mitsuko is feeling better.
In an hour Mitsuko got up as good as new.
Mitsuko: I'm fine now.
Koji: You're okay already?!?
Leo: She recovers from hangovers amazingly quick.
Ichigo: Guess we'll see you guys around? [shakes Koji's hand]
Koji: Yeah and next time I want a little sparring match. [shakes Ichigo's hand]
Ichigo: You're on.
Koji and his crew say their goodbyes and board Ryo. They all talked for a bit but then decided to go to sleep. Koji showed Mitsuko to her room.
Koji: This is your room. Hope you like it.
Mitsuko: Yeah it's nice.
Koji: You need anything let me know okay?
Mitsuko: Ok.
Koji: Good night. [kisses her]
Mitsuko: Good night.
Mitsuko took a shower and then put on her robe. She got into bed but she couldn't sleep. All she could think about was Koji. She wanted to be with him right now.
Mitsuko: [thinking] Should I just go for it? No maybe he'll think I'm too pushy. But then again he is a teenage boy so he won't mind. I bet he looks great in his boxers. [blushes] Okay I'm just gonna listen to my heart and go to my love.
It was the middle of the night and Mituko came out of her room. She was headed to Koji's room and Hiroki, who was coming from the kitchen, spotted her. He jumped back to stay out of sight and then he quietly went to Kai's room.
Kai: [yawns] What is it?
Hiroki: [smiles] I just saw Mitsuko go to Koji's room.
Kai: [laughs] No wonder he had Ryo make the rooms soundproof! Music, yeah right!
Koji was peacefully sleeping in his bed. He heard a knock on his door and forced himself to get up and answer it.
Koji: Who is it? [opens the door] Oh hey Mitsuko. What's up?
Mitsuko: [blushes] We haven't seen each other for a while and …it's…um…I don't want to sleep alone. Can I sleep with you?
Koji: Sure. [Mitsuko comes in and he closes the door]
Next Episode…
Koji: So Hiroki's a keyblade master and I got the love of my life back. Everything's all good right? Wrong! Just when something good happens, here comes something bad. It's time to head off to defeat the Organization. Itchitori finally lets on about what he wants with me. And what's the deal with Kazuo? Find out on the next episode of Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf.