Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 9
Frozen Revenge- A New Ally and A Old Enemy

They looked around the snowy area. It was very white and beautiful place with its majestic snow covering the ground. Koji and Leo headed to the nearby village.

Villager: Welcome to Hatoba Village. We don’t get many visitors here.
Koji: No wonder, it’s cold as hell. [shivering]
Leo: It is pretty cold. By the way, is there a keyblade master here?
Villager: Oh, you must mean Kai. [points to a distant house] His house is that way, you can’t miss it.

As they walked through the village, they noticed how big it was. Leo spotted a house larger than the others and figured it was the house. The two of them knocked on the door. A beautiful girl with long white hair and blue clothes answered the door.

???: Hello, I’m Aurora. Can I help you?
Koji: Yeah . . . . Um . . . Is Kai here? [thinking] She’s beautiful . . . . No Koji, remember Mitsuko . . . . Focus.
Aurora: I’m sorry, he’s not here. Kai is training up in the mountains. You can wait here if you want.
Leo: No thanks. Excuse us for disturbing you.
Aurora: No problem. [closes door]
Leo: Well, let’s go.
After heading through the forest, they got to the base of the mountains.
Leo: You still freezing Koji?
Koji: Nah. I guess my body adjusted to the cold. Well see ya.
Crystal spikes appeared out of the side of the mountain as Koji jumped on each one.
Leo: Hey wait.

Leo made crystal spikes of his own and pursued Koji. In no time at all they had reached the top of the mountain. A boy with dark blue spiky hair, blue vest with a black shirt and blue and black pants was training with his keyblade. His keyblade was blue and slightly wide with bird wings around the handle. The boy senses their presence but doesn’t turn around.

Leo: Excuse me, we would like to ask you something?
???: As you can see I’m training so leave.
Koji: You’re Kai, right?
Kai: How do you know my name?
Koji: Aurora told us.
Kai: She did . . . [turns around] . . . . You.
Koji: Huh?!
Kai: YOU!!!
Kai rushes forward with a slash but is countered as Koji quickly pulls out his keyblade.

Kai: How did someone like you get a keyblade?
Koji: What are you talking about? [blades clash then they jump back]
Kai: You work for him, don’t you?
Koji: Who?!
Kai: Itch . . . Itchitori.
Leo: What . . . [shakes angrily] what did you say?
Kai: You heard me.
Leo: [angrily] How dare you accuse us of working with that bastard. I hate him . . .
Koji: Man, Leo . . . I never seen you so mad before.
Leo: We are trying to bring down the Organization and we believe they have ties to Itchitori, will you help us?
Kai: Yes, but first I want to see how strong you are?
Koji: Why not? [sticks out his hand] Name’s Koji Hikari.
Kai: [shakes hand] I’m Kai Tanaka.

Koji fires crystal shards but Kai jumps over them and comes down with a slash. Koji puts his left hand on the ground and kicks with his left foot. Kai blocks it but is caught off guard and sent into the air by Koji right foot.

Koji: Take this, Adamant Barrage!

He slashes with his keyblade glowing to release a energy slash. Kai block the energy but crystals came behind the light of the blast. Kai moved out of the way but was grazed on the side by one of them.

Kai: Not bad. Frozen Beam!

He pointed his finger and fired blue energy that looked like electricity. Koji moved but it caught his right leg and froze it. Kai swung his blade but Koji ducked and kicked upward with his frozen leg. Kai jumped into the air while Koji smashed the ice off his leg with his blade.

Kai: Frozen Blast!

Kai’s blast was much larger this time. Koji formed a crystal shield around his keyblade and reflected the blast off in another direction. It headed directly towards Leo’s ship.

Leo: No!!!

The blast had been amplified by Koji, so it didn’t freeze the ship, it destroyed it.

Koji: Sorry, Leo.
Kai: Yeah.
Koji: Say, you’re pretty good.
Kai: You too.

As they prepared to continue fighting, a dark energy formed in the air and a man in a black coat appeared.

???: Enjoying your little match, and Leo, you betray us for little Koji here. Le me guess, it’s a promise you made to my little brother, but you’re his Nobody so I guess that makes us brothers too.

He pulls off his hood, the man looks similar to Koji but with longer hair. Truthfully, he looked like Leo but with black hair.

Itchitori: It’s me.
Kai: Itchitori!!
Leo: Aaahhh!!

Both of them jumped towards him with their weapons in their hands. He smiled and sent out two very tiny black crystals. When they touched them, Leo and Kai were incased in crystals and hit the ground. Their whole body was covered except their heads.

Itchitori: Sorry but I need to talk to Koji.
Kai: No let me out of here damn it! You killed my parents! I’ll kill you!
Koji: You what?
Itchitori: Kai’s parents wouldn’t give me what I needed. Then not only did the wolf not pick me, but his servant, the lion, didn’t pick me. I didn’t understand . . . I’m superior.
Koji: Shut up.
Itchitori: Hmm?
Koji: Shut up! [runs towards him]
Leo: No Koji! Don’t do it, he’s too strong!

He attacked with a flurry of slashes. Itchitori pulled out this scythe and blocked each slash. Koji made crystal clones and closed in on him. They were made of crystal but they looked exactly like him.

Koji: What’s wrong? Can’t tell us apart?
Itchitori: Not bad, but you still need work.
Koji: [angrily] . . . .
All of Koji’s clones ran up from different sides.

Itchitori: Crystal Explosion.

Black crystals spread out in all directions from his body. Most of the clones were destroyed but five of them avoided the attack. The remaining five blitzed him with combos but he blocked them all. Then they back flipped and fired a Adamant Barrage. Itchitori flies up and the force from the energy of their own attack destroys them but leaves the real Koji on the ground.

Koji: [knelt down, punches the ground] Shit.
Itchitori: Why don’t you give up?
Koji: Hell no. [smirks, thinking] I still have my keystone.
Leo: [thinking] Koji, just give up.
Kai: [thinking] Damn it, if I was free I could use my keystone.
Koji: Alright, Kouseki. Give me your power. [nothing happens] What?
Leo: [thinking] This isn’t like Koji. He usually always remains calm.
Koji: [eyes glow red] Now, give me your power!
Kai; Yeah, he activated it.
Leo: No, something’s wrong.

Koji’s teeth grow sharp, as he starts to become covered in white fur and crystals, but they slowly became black. His hands turn into claws and he grows a tail. His bandanna flies off as his hair grows longer and becomes wild. The white crystal keyblade in his hand disappears and is replaced by two black crystal keyblades floating behind his back.

Itchitori: Hmm . . . What’s this now?
Koji: [demonic voice] You’ll pay for your sins with your life!

He appears in front of Itchitori and punches him. He goes flying but Koji appears behind him and kicks him into the mountain side. Koji rapidly punches him, who starts to cough up blood. His final punch sends him through the mountain. Koji grabs him and start to knee and head butt him. Then the two blades slam him back where they started from.

Itchitori: [thinking] What the hell is he?
Koji: I’m just getting started.

Koji slashed with his claws, as he made a wall of crystals to block it, but he scatters it like it was glass. He start to slash him and then kicks him. Koji flares up with a dark aura and forms a dark energy ball in his hand. He rushes forward but just as he is about to blast him, he balls up his fist. He punches him with incredible force then opens his hand and blasted him. Itchitori was defeated on the ground.

Itchitori: [coughs up blood] Excellent. Your power is impressive. I have big plans in store for you. Leo, keep him alive for me. [laughs and disappears]
Koji: [returns to normal] What happened? The power was amazing, but I felt different.
Leo: You activated the keystone using hatred and rage. Don’t do that again or that creature you turned into could consume you.
Koji: Right.
Kai: Guess after you kicked his ass his crystal wore off. Too bad, I didn’t get to use mine.
Koji: [notices the blue stone] So you have one too.
Leo: Thanks for destroying my ship guys. Now how are we going to leave!
Kai: I know a way.

Kai leads them to a portal inside a cave.

Koji: Alright, let’s go.
Leo: Wait, I have to go get something. You should head back to your village, Kai.
Kai: Why?
Koji: To say goodbye to Aurora, come on.
Kai: [blushes] Hey! Wait a minute!
[back at Kai’s place]
Kai: So I’m going to be gone for awhile. I’ll come back soon.
Aurora: I understand. Please come back to me.
Leo: [walks in] I got what I needed.
Koji: What?
Leo: This. [shows him a multicolored crystal] It activated a split second before my ship was destroyed. It contains all our stuff.
Koji: Good, my ramen is okay.
Kai: So I guess this is goodbye.
Aurora: No, it’s just see you later. [kisses him]
Kai: [blushes] Uh . . . . I . . . um . . . See ya?

Kai grabbed some stuff from his house and then took them back to the portal. They passed through it and entered into a beautiful world. There were fields, forests, and lakes. Small creatures ran around. They had a rabbits tail, ears, and hind legs. They had a cats whiskers, nose, front legs, and they sounded like cats. They all had a small jewel on their foreheads.

Leo: What are they?
Kai: Cabbits.
Koji: How can they help?
Kai: They have the ability to transform into spaceships. We just have to find one to help us.

They go through the cabbits trying to find one that will help. Koji spots a gray one with a green jewel and a small x scar on its face.

Koji: Let’s try him.
Kai: Hey buddy, come here.

He bends down to pick it up but it kicks him in the face.

Koji: [laughs] Guess he doesn’t like you.
Leo: You try.
Koji: Okay. You wanna help us out?
???: [jumps onto Koji’s shoulder] Meow!
Koji: Thanks, but you need a name. Hmm . . . How about Ryo?
Ryo: [happily] Meow! Meow!
Koji: Alright Ryo. Transform!

Ryo jumps into the air and transforms into a cool gray spaceship. Ryo beams them on board, as Leo inserts his crystal into the main computer.

Kai: Wow, the inside of this ship is bigger than the outside.
Koji: All my stuff is back.
Leo: Ryo is amazing.
Ryo: Meow, meow, meow.
Koji: Oh, okay. That’s cool.
Leo: You can understand him?
Koji: Yep.
Kai: What did he say?
Koji: He said that the reason this ship is so big on the inside is because it’s a different dimension. Ryo can also after the ship, add more rooms, and all sorts of thing if we ask him.
Kai: Cool.
Koji: Exactly. Well, I’m going to the weight room.
[two hours later]
Koji: [towel on his shoulders] Man, that was one workout.
Kai: What’s up? [slurps his noodles]
Koji: Is that my ramen?
Kai: Yep. [throws the cup behind him; lands in a pile of ramen cups]
Koji: You know . . . That was my ramen.
Kai: I didn’t see your name on them.
Koji: I’ll kill you!!!
Leo: [two of them fight in the background] Would you two cut it out? These two are like best friends already. Guys, we’re landing in the next three hours, get ready.
Kai: Where we going?
Leo: To see some old friends of mine.