Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf ❯ Chapter 6: They fight'n in the club ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6
They Fight’n in the Club

Koji sat in the control room of the black large ship. Leo was putting in coordinates into the ship.

Koji: Man this is a nice ship.
Leo: Thanks.
Koji: Where can I crash?
Leo: [points toward the hall] It’s the first door on the right.

Koji went to his new room and hit the bed.

Koji: [slowly falling asleep] I’m…so…tired…

He fell asleep instantly and looked around him. Koji was standing in a beautiful place that had forests, plains, rivers, and lakes.

Koji: Wow, this place is beautiful and somehow familiar.

Koji turned around and saw a shrine made entirely out of crystals.

Koji: Wonder what’s in there?

He walked into the shrine and found a gigantic crystal door. Koji felt drawn to it a placed his hand on the door.

Koji: Huh?!?

The door began to glow brightly and slowly creaked open. Just as Koji’s eyes began to adjust to the light, he was woken up.

Koji: Umm…Leo?
Leo: Wake up, we’re about to land.
Koji: Where are we heading to?
Leo: A place to get info.
Koji: [thinking] Just what was behind that door.

They land on another planet, in a city. It was nighttime and the city was crawling with people.

Koji: Wow, cool looking city . . .
Leo: Take this.

Leo throws him a black organization jacket.

Koji: Why?!
Leo: We have to go in a club. Trust me, it’ll help you fit in.
Koji: All right . . .

They headed to the club and as they walked in, the place was crawling with people in black coats.

Koji: [whispers] Are they all from the Organization?
Leo: [whispers] No, but that guy is. [points to a muscular guy in the back]
Koji: Mine if I go get a drink? [thinking] I love this jazz music.
Leo: What do I look like, your dad?

Koji walks over to the bar to get a drink. Leo walks over to the muscular guy and he then stands up and shakes Leo’s hand.

Leo: What’s up Ben?
Ben: I’m good, Leo.
Koji: [walks over to them]
Leo: this is my new friend.
Ben: Hey!
Koji: . . . [thinking] Leo told me not to talk.
Ben: Not much of a talker, huh?
Koji: Any more members coming?
Ben: Not tonight.
Leo: Any whereabouts on that Mitsuko girl?

Koji had a shocked look on his face under his hood.

Ben: No, but the little bitch is around here somewhere on a nearby planet.
Koji: [thinking] I’ll kill this bastard if he doesn’t shut the fuck up!!!
Ben: We’ll keep her as bait for him then I’ll just kill her or use her body! [laughs]

Koji’s anger had reached its limit and as a result, he punched Ben who then crashed into a wall.

Leo: Koji!
Ben: [gets up] What the fuck?!
Koji: [pulled off his hood] You disrespected my girlfriend! YOU’RE DEAD!!!
Leo: Well, our cover is blown . . .
Ben: You?! The keyblade master! Leo, you betrayed us for a so called “hero of light”.
Leo: From the looks of it, yeah.
Ben: Well them I’ll kill you both!

Ben pulled out a large axe and slammed his right foot to the ground, causing large rocks to float around him. The rocks flew towards them but Koji and Leo easily avoided them. Leo fired bullets from his pistols, but he blocked most of them with his axe and several of them hit his left arm. Blood sprayed from his wounds as Ben laughed.

Koji: What the hell?!
Ben: Is that all? The Leo I know is stronger than that!
Leo: I ‘ll show you just how strong!

Leo rushed forwards shooting and Koji followed. Ben blocked but was caught by a vertical slash from Koji. A cut from Ben’s face enraged him, then a giant boulder began to rise and glow brightly.

Leo: Hmm, Koji.
Koji: Yeah.
Leo: Run!

They both took off and so did the other people. Leo fired a energy blast from his gun to make an exit, as the boulder approached, Koji raises his hand and shoots a giant crystal to cut through the boulder. Ben came running after them through the hole in the wall.

Ben: My face . . . look what you did!
Koji: [smirk] I’d say it’s an improvement.
Ben: You little bastard!

Ben’s axe came down quickly, causing Koji to quickly block him. Ben’s sheer strength was forcing Koji back. Leo then fired at Ben’s axe which allowed Koji to flip out of the way.

Koji: Thanks.
Leo: I got your back.
Ben: Damn . . . I’m going to get rid of you Leo!

Ben plunged his axe into the ground and caused earth to form golem-like creatures.

Ben: Golems, keep Leo busy!

They surround him ready to battle.

Leo: Take care of Ben.
Koji: Sure.

Koji formed a crystal shield around his left arm. Ben brought his axe down with a mighty swing. The shield held the axe, allowing Koji to pull off a six hit combo.

Leo: Shotgun Mode!

Leo combined his two guns together to form a white shotgun. He cocked it and wielded it with the same hand. He ran up the Golem’s body and flipped off it using a shotgun blast. Leo still in the air, spun and shot several other Golems killing them in the process.

Leo: [smirk] It’s over.
[meanwhile . . .]

Ben used his powers to drag fragments of earth into the air.

Ben: Hope you don’t mind me creating a new battlefield.
Koji: Not at all.

Koji jumped from rock to rock and Ben send rocks toward him. He easily countered with crystal shards. Koji reached the floating rock that Ben was on and began to exchange blows with him. Ben wrapped earth around his hand and swung his axe. Koji blocked but was still flung off the rock. He began to panic at first but calmed himself.

Koji: [thinking] Come on Koji…Remain calm and focus. Wait maybe I can form something out of crystal.

He streched out his hand and a crystal board formed. Koji got on and gained his balance.

Koji: Yeah, now to finish you!

Koji flew full speed at Ben and knocked him off the rock, sending him spiraling towrds the ground.

Koji: [smirks] Is that all you got?

Ben was as mad as he could get.


Ben covered himself with earth to form armor. He charged his body forward but Koji was ready.

Koji: Maybe I can do that too.

He focused and then covered different parts of his body with crystals. They both met head on and clashed into one another. Both of them fell back but Koji pulled himself back up. He looked over at Ben who was laying on the ground with crystals sticking out of his body. He began to disappear.

Ben: [weak voice] You . . . did well . . . kid. Since you beat . . . me . . . don’t you dare lose.

Leo who had just finished off the Golems walked over.

Leo: You okay?
Koji: [tired] Yeah . . . just tired.
Leo: Let’s go look for Mitsuko.

Leo picks up Ben’s axe.

Leo: [low voice] Ben, I’ll miss you . . .

Koji and Leo boarded the ship again and headed off to another world.