Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf ❯ Awakening Of The Crystal Wolf - Koji’s New Ace ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7
Awakening Of The Crystal Wolf - Koji's New Ace
Koji and Leo walked back into the ship and took a seat.
Koji: I've been thinking and I don't really know you that well. So where did you come from anyway?
Leo: Well I come from one our family's planets. In all we have about 35 planets but one of them is very different from the others and can only be entered by certain people. On that planet lies a creature of incredible size and power.
Koji: What is it?!?
Leo: You'll find out soon enough.
Koji: Well then tell me about your life.
Leo: I'm the nobody of your cousin, Leonardo Hikari.
Koji: Where is he now?
Leo: [sighs deeply] He's…dead…
Flashback to 6 years ago…
Leo: [age 15] Hey Leonardo, I'm going to the store and I'll be right back.
Leonardo: Alright.
When Leo was out of sight, a shadow rose up from the ground. It's bright yellow eyes glowed fiercely.
Leonardo: Huh?!? [turns around] It's you!!!
Heartless: So you're finally alone. You're parents are gone and that damn Leo isn't here to protect you. [smiles] To bad they won't see you die.
Leonardo: Fuck you!
Leonardo pulled out a pistol and fired three shots. Using his arm, the Heartless absorbed the bullets into his body. He flung his arm and returned the bullets to Leonardo. He tried to dodge them but was struck in the left leg.
Leonardo: Arrrgh…Damn you!!!
Heartless: Yes, that anger and pain, let it consume you. I've had fun but alas all good things must come to an end!
The Heartless charged forward but Leonardo used his right leg to push his body out of the way. However, the Heartless sunk into the ground and reemerged behind Leonardo. It's claw went straight through Leonardo's body.
Leonardo: [screams loudly] Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!
Leo: What was that?!?
He kicks down the door and sees Leonardo in a pool of his own blood and his Heartless standing over his body.
Leo: No, Leonardo!!!
Heartless: What a touching reunion. [smiles] The human, the Heartless, and the Nobody. But only one of us will walk away from this…
Leo: You're right… [eyes turn beast-like] but it'll be me!!!
Leo's keystone glows brightly and so do his dual pistols. An afterimage of a lion covers his body and he fires a energy blast that completely destroys the Heartless.
Heartless: Nnnoooo…[fades away]
Leo: [runs over to Leonardo] Hey, are you alright? Hold on…
Leonardo: Leo… [coughs up blood] listen…closely to…me…
Leo: Don't talk, I'll get you to a doctor.
Leonardo: It's alright…just make…me a…promise. Find the… next in line… for the crystal… wolf and protect…him…
Leo: I will, I promise you.
Leonardo: [smiles] Thanks…and good bye…Leo…
Leo: [crying] Good bye old friend…
End of Flashback…
Koji: So his Heartless killed him?
Leo: Yes, and afterwards I joined the Organization. Luckily they were looking for Nobodies to join them. I knew it was the only way to find you.
Koji: Thanks, man you're really noble. You also stick to your promises, just like me.
Leo: So we'll find Mitsuko…
Koji: …Yeah, no matter what.
Leo: You really love her, don't you?
Koji: With all my heart and soul…I will find her.
After their conversation, Koji ate an enormous amount of food and then he went to his room. He feel asleep very quickly and found himself in that dream world again.
Koji: I'm here again?
???: [howls]
Koji: Huh…what's that?!?
A white wolf appeared out of nowhere. He motions his head as to tell Koji to follow him. The wolf takes off as Koji tries to keep up.
Koji: Hey, slow down!
The wolf slows down so Koji could catch up.
Koji: [smiles] Thanks.
???: [smiles back]
Koji saw a mysterious figure in the distance. As he got closer, the figure seem to get larger. When he finally got to it, Koji was amazed by its sheer size. It was a giant white wolf that had crystals covering some of his body.
Koji: Damn, it's bigger than that giant Heartless I fought!!!
Giant Wolf: [to the wolf] Thank for bringing him here, Suishou.
Suishou: [nods then disappears]
Koji: Who are you?
Kouseki: I'm Kouseki Okami but just call me Kouseki.
Koji: Sure Kouseki, but why am I here?
Kouseki: To be tested, Koji Hikari.
Kouseki leaps forward but Koji slides back.
Koji: What the…
Kouseki: Show me your strength, keyblade master.
Crystal spikes came from the ground but Koji back flipped away from them. More spikes came out so Koji slashed one of them and stood on top of it.
Koji: [smiles] Hmm…
Kouseki: Not bad.
Koji: You ain't seen nothing yet!
He leapt towards Kouseki ready to strike. Kouseki; however; caught Koji's keyblade with his teeth and flung him to the ground. Koji then opened his hand and released a blast of crystals which Kouseki just absorbed into his body.
Koji: [thinking] I figured that wouldn't work.
Kouseki: What…too tough?
Koji: [smirks] If you were my size I'd kick your ass!
Kouseki: Let's see about that.
He started to glow with an intense light and when it faded a man stood in his place. He had long black hair and wore white clothes with a long white jacket. He also held a crystal keyblade in his hands and looked like a grown version of Koji.
Koji: You look like me?!?
Kouseki: Yes, I was also surprised when I first saw you. You look just like your ancestor, Koji Hikari, the Legendary Crystal. That is also the form I take as a human, because he was the first to fight alongside me.
Koji: Did he create you?
Kouseki: No, I was created by all of your people and my purpose was to defeat the Egyptian God Monsters but eventually all sources of evil. A little while ago, a boy with a keyblade and his friends found a way to defeat them.
Koji: Well let's get back to the business at hand.
Koji rushed Kouseki but was blocked by his keyblade. He then kicked with his right leg, but was caught by Kouseki and thrown to the ground.
Koji: Damn, isn't going to be as easy as I thought.
Kouseki: Not a chance.
He attacked Koji but was blocked by a crystal wall.
Kouseki: Good, show me how well your crystal powers are.
Koji: Sure, why not?
A crystal appears from out of nowhere in the sky and head towards him, but he jumps out of the way just in time of its collusion. But more come out of the sky, slamming hard into the ground trying to strike Kouseki. But they go in a circle and he jumps right back from where he started.
Kouseki: [looks around] I see…
Koji: Too late!
The walls start to shoot at him with crystal shards, but Kouseki takes a strong stance and slightly glows for a second. He then counters each shard as they fly towards him. As he is taking them out one by one, Koji slides around the walls and strikes him with the keyblade. Kouseki is sent back but regains his balance just as he is about to collide with a wall. Merely on instinct, Koji charges forward with his fist and repeatedly punched him. His final punch sends him through a wall.
Kouseki: [gets up] So you used it…
Koji: Used what?!? [notices he's glowing] What the?!?
Kouseki: You used the Solid Wolf style on instinct. It's a style passed down in our clan. It will increase your powers incredibly. You can use this style with any weapon but it's best used with your bare fists.
Koji: So that what you used to block my crystals.
Kouseki: Yes. And congratulations, you passed my test. [bows] I will now serve you, Master Koji.
Koji: Thanks. [thinking] This is incredible, he's fighting by my side…now I'm unbeatable.
???: Hey Koji, wake up.
Koji: Huh?!?
Leo: Wake up.
Koji: [wakes up] Oh, I forgot I was sleep.
Leo: So you met the wolf now huh?
Koji: How did you know?
Leo: [points to the white stone hanging from his neck] You have his keystone. You can use it to call him out.
Koji: So where we headed next?
On a distant planet…
A boy practices with his keyblade attacks on a snowy mountain. He has spikey dark blue hair with blue eyes. He has on a blue vest with a black shirt and blue and black pants and shoes.
???: Damn, the crystal clan…mom…dad…I will have my revenge!!!
He glows with a blue aura and ice raises up from the ground and ice spreads out in all directions.