Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Crystal Wolf ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: Crystal Memories
The orange sun glared and the crystal blue waves crashed against the beach of the southernmost island. It was a calm and peaceful day on the Tranquil Islands and Koji Hikari was lying under a palm tree next to the ocean, his favorite place. He had somewhat long, spikey black hair that went downward. Koji wore white pants and a white jacket with a black shirt. He smiled and felt the cool ocean breeze. Koji looked as three boys he knew and one he didn't ran towards him. The first boy was really big and muscular, he was the tallest of the boys. The second boy was skinny and the third was average built but was a trained martial artist. Their names were Shogo, Oikawa, and Hiroki.
Shogo: Koji, this Kazuo guy wants to fight you.
Shogo pointed at the fourth boy. Kazuo had slick black hair that stopped in the middle of his neck. The guy had dark cold eyes that seemed to have no emotion.
Koji: Tell `em to fight me at the stadium.
Kazuo: Very well, we fight in three days.
Koji: [smirks] Sure, just don't be mad when I win.
Kazuo: [stares coldly] …
Kazuo precedes to walk away.
Oikawa: Koji, I heard that guy is tough.
Koji: Other guys have been “tough” too, but they weren't shit. Hiroki's the only one who can give me a challenge.
Hiroki: [laughs] But you always win.
Koji: Hey, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
His friends left but Koji stayed and listened to the sound of the ocean.
Koji: ( I wonder where she is…Mitsuko)
Flashback 11 years ago…
A young Koji runs up to a girl waiting for him on the beach.
Koji: [out of breath] Mitsuko…I'm…here!!!
Mitsuko: Koji…
Koji: I brought you something special.
Koji opened his hand to reveal a crystal dragon.
Mitsuko: It's beautiful!
Koji: I've been watching Grandpa so he taught me how to make crystal sculptures. This is the first one I ever made and I want you to have it.
Mitsuko: Thanks, I'll always remember you…[crying]
Mitsuko kisses him on the cheek and runs off…
Flashback over
Koji holds the side of his face where she kissed him.
Koji: (Mitsuko…)