Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters) ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2, this chapter is Sora based because, as those who've played before know, Roxas is Sora's Nobody and therefore is within him. So Sora is kind of important from time to time. (if Sora and Riku appear to be overly friendly, it's because I'm a fan of Riku/Sora pairings) Also, if Kairi seems a little pointless… It's because she kind of is for the time being, but I refuse to be like those people who completely exclude her from their stories without explanation. She was pretty important in the game so she has to be in there somewhere.
AN- Just an FYI Whenever I write pairings I usually put the character I like best in front so Axel/Roxas I like Axel best, Riku/Sora I like Riku best, etc. There are occasions when I like two characters equally and they go in whatever order.
(PS- Whenever there is a significant change in scenery, I will be stating it- Kind of like how when you enter a different world it states it.)
Kingdom Hearts II (Lost Chapters):
The Darkness-
Darkness all around, shadows blurring together with blue highlights in a haze Roxas found himself fairly alone. It happened from time to time. Usually Namine was present to keep him company, but sometimes she disappeared for hours un-end. Now was one of those times. All he could really do was wait for her to return; he hoped that would be soon.
“Roxas.” Came a voice from behind him and he turned quickly with a smile.
“Namine!” He greeted cheerfully. She was sort of hazy as well, her white clothes and pale skin and hair surrounding her in sort of a halo effect. It was always like this though; he'd long since gotten over the appearance given off by the darkness within dreams.
“I have something to tell you, something I think you should know.” She told him quietly her eyes dropping for a moment, her smile gone.
Roxas frowned. This was strange coming from her, ever since they'd gotten here, ever since he'd been reunited with Sora she'd always been so happy and carefree. A smile was always on her face, even if just a content one. If she wasn't smiling it had to be something serious, “What is it?”
“When Sora defeated the Organization and the members disappeared, what do you think happened to them?” She asked.
Heart sinking Roxas stepped back. He didn't like talking about the Organization, especially about their destruction. It was a life he once knew and cared for and it was gone now, along with everyone in it, “Well, they're just Nobodies… They just stop physically existing in our world, right? Not that they ever really existed to begin with.”
“They still exist.”
“What?! Then, they're coming back?” Asked Roxas in shock.
“No… They can't come back, not yet at least. Here.” Bringing her hands around from her back she held out two large weapons, circular and red in color.
“Axel's Chakrams!” Roxas exclaimed taking the heavy weaponry from Namine's hands and bringing them close to his heart, which he now shared with Sora, “Where did you find them? Is Axel alive?”
“I found them in `The World That Never Was'… All of their weapons are haunting that world.” She paused, pondering Roxas's second question, “He is where all nobodies go when they are taken from the world we exist in now. I have a feeling that wherever he is, it is dangerous… Especially without weapons.”
“I have to find him, I have to go. How can I get there? Namine, do you know how I can get there?” Roxas demanded, in his gut the sickness of worry began to turn.
“I do not… But, I'm sure someone at the Radiant Garden would know how to find out… You'll have to leave here for a long time again.” She told him sadly.
“What if he needs my help? I can't just forget, I just can't.”
Sora's Bedroom
Sora opened his eyes, blue orbs staring at the ceiling. The dream he'd had he could not remember, but it had left him feeling strangely lonely and sad. Sitting up he placed his hand on his chest, something had started to fall at the motion. Whatever had been set on him while he slept was hard and cold; it was metal and sharp. Bringing his hand out, he looked at the object, or rather objects.
“Axel…” The name felt foreign on his lips, but in his heart it felt close and native. In his palm were tiny versions of the larger weapons that accompanied Axel in battle, Sora did not know what they were called, “How'd these get here?” He wondered aloud before getting up and looking in his mirror. For a flicker in time a face not his own was reflected but it quickly blended back to his own, “Wonder if Roxas did this.” He spoke quietly looking at the items again.
“Sora! Are you still asleep, you slug?! Get out here! We're going to the island today, remember?!” Came a familiar voice from outside his window.
Jumping onto his bed Sora leaned out his open window to look down at who had called him. A bright smile lit his face as he brought up a hand and waved enthusiastically, “Hey, Riku! Kairi!”
“So you were asleep?!” Accused Riku hands cupped around his mouth as he called up. Kairi giggled and said something to Riku that Sora could not make out from his position. The older boy laughed and shook his head before playfully shoving her away, “Hurry up and get down here!” He called, “Kairi's threatening to steal me away!”
“Hey!” Sora objected, “Kairi! You know he's mine for the day!” He called down with a laugh, “Hold on a sec! I'll be down in a minute!” Then he pushed himself off the windowsill and back into his room. Throwing on his clothes, he tied the miniature red weapons to his shoe and rushed outside, sliding down the railing in his house to get there faster.
Town Streets & Ocean Straight
When he got outside Riku and Kairi were running down the street, Riku looked over his shoulder and stuck his tongue out at the brunette.
“Ah! Hey! No fair!” Sora called after them before looking around. His eyes landed on an old black skateboard, “Oh, I'm gonna beat them by a mile.” He told himself with a grin before running to the skateboard and jumping on it, the momentum sending him off to a rocketing start. Catching his balance with ease, he was coasting past the pair within thirty seconds, “Meet ya there!” He called landing a foot on the ground to speed past them.
“What?! That's cheating!” Riku called between breathes.
“Yeah! Cheater!” Mimicked Kiari.
“Oh that's it, if he's gonna bend the rules like that-“ He cut off his own words as he turned and ran up to one of the house. Jumping on the drainage pipe, he climbed up the metal tubing like a cat and was on the roof within second, “See ya later Kairi!” He laughed giving her a wave before taking off over the roof tops. It was a short cut he'd found one day, there was a select patterning of houses that allowed him to jump room to roof and take a direct course to the beach.
Jumping down from the last house, he hit the ground running. Riku was less than five yards from the beach. He could here Sora coming up from behind him so he jumped almost half the stair to get to the bottom. A look over his shoulder and he saw Sora jump his skateboard and grind down the rails. When he looked back, Riku stopped dead in his tracks mouth agape. Kairi smiled ear to ear waving to him.
“How'd she- Woah!” He let out a cry as Sora swerved past him, almost falling over. The younger boy hit the sand of the beach and was sent flying in the sand, rolling to a stop, “Sora!” Riku called out in concern rushing to his friend's side, Kairi right in step. The girl knelt next to Sora helping him sit up.
“Sora, you okay?” She asked as Sora brushed the sand out of his hair and eyes.
“Wha?! How'd you-“ Sora exclaimed mouth hanging open in surprise, his chest was heaving from exertion. Looking forward, he smiled at Riku's hand taking it to stand up. While brushing off the sand, Kairi giggled and gestured to the road where a parked car sat by the side of the road. A young man waved to her when she looked his way.
Riku and Sora let out groans, still panting for breath. Leaning against Riku's back the two boys collapsed into a sitting position in the sand, shoulder to shoulder.
“She beat us again.” Riku panted with a smile.
“Yeah, not fair.” Sora offered breathing heavily before raising a hand. A soft `tsk' came from Riku before he raised his hand clasping Sora's in it. Sighing Sora tilted his head back resting it against Riku's, “We gotta beat her one day.”
“One day.” Riku assured with a chuckle giving Sora's hand a soft squeeze.
As they rested, Kairi went away to bid farewell to her mystery man. When she returned the two boys got up and brushed off all the sand they'd collected.
“That's so cheap.” Riku told her with the shake of his head.
“What was a girl to do? Sora got his skateboard and you were jumping rooftops. I had to even the score.” She explained as they made their way to a small dock, with a single boat tied to it.
“Coulda evened the score with something a little slower.” Sora complained, “I was gonna win too.”
“No way! I was so winning.” Disagreed Riku as the hollow `thump' of his shoe hitting wood sounded. Making their way down the tiny dock Sora hopped into the boat with dangerous carelessness, “Hey! Be careful! You want to tip the boat?” Riku scolded as he untied the boat.
“Oh come on Riku.” Sora voiced, “The water's only a few feet deep here. It's not gonna kill me.”
“Right.” Riku sighed as he helped Kairi into the boat before pushing off and getting in himself. It was a small row boat; the three barely fit in it now, “We really need to save up some money to get a bigger boat. If Sora gains anymore weight from eating sweets I think it'll sink.” Riku laughed as Sora made a face.
“Hey! I resent comment! I'm not getting fat!” Sora objected.
“Did I say that?” Riku feigned innocence before pinching Sora's cheek between a thumb and finger, “My! Got some extra meat on ya there.” He laughed before his hand was shooed away and a disgruntled Sora begged Kairi to defend him. Taking the oars in his hands he began to row across the calm sea passage to the island.
“Now Riku, he's a growing boy.” She said giving Sora some sort of argument.
“You telling me that's baby fat?” Riku questioned before letting out a grunt as Sora gave him a punch in the arm.
“Riku be nice.” Kairi insisted.
“I'm always nice, where've you been?” Asked Riku with a wry grin.
“I've been right here. Where were you?” Kairi came back cleverly.
“Ah-“ Riku tried to answer but his words escaped him. Sora laughed.
“Nice job Kairi! You stumped Riku! Savor it now, cause that's never gonna happen again.” Sora said smiling cheerfully.
“Yeah, yeah. Shut up.” Riku muttered, slightly embarrassed.
“I know! How about a fight when we get to the island? That way you can reclaim some of that dignity we just stole away.” Suggested Kairi.
“Yeah! Like the good old days! It'll be fun!” Sora agreed.
“All right, but no keyblades, wood swords only.” Said Riku, “Three rounds. Whoever gets knocked down or falters first looses. Kairi will be the judge!”
“You're on!” Sora confirmed looking over Riku's shoulder to judge how far they were away from the island. With Riku's strong and swift strokes they were actually fairly close, “Wanna go for a dip?”
“You mean a race?” Asked Riku raising a brow.
“Yeah. First one to shore gets first pick of the stash.” Sora told him holding out his hand. Pulling the oars in Riku clapped his hand into Sora's in a brief deal confirmation. Then, with a grin, Riku pushed Sora out of the boat. Ignoring its unsteady rock, he stood and jumped in.
When Sora came up, he shook the water from his eyes and looked around. He spotted Riku coming up for breath a yard or two away before he disappeared under the water. Letting out a playful growl Sora began to swim to shore. For a moment he did front strokes before he found swimming underwater was a lot faster. Unfortunately, by the time he figured that out Riku already had a good head start and he no longer had a chance at beating his light haired friend.
Destiny Island-
The Beach
“Hey, Sora! What took you so long?” Riku asked with a grin as the younger boy waded to shore.
“You pushed me.” Pouted Sora.
“All's fair in love and war.” Said Riku putting an arm around Sora's shoulder and smiling at him, “Tell you what, I'll let you have a bite of whatever I choose.”
“Sure.” Nodded Riku before a chime at Sora's foot caught his attention, “Hey, what's that on your shoe?” He asked in curiosity.
“Oh, it's nothing really, I just kind of woke up and it was there.” Sora said as he slipped out of Riku's grasp to bring his foot up so that his best friend could see the trinkets. Taking Sora's foot in one hand, Riku inspected the red metal rings in his other.
“You woke up and it was on your shoe?”
“No, no! I woke up and it was lying on my chest. I almost dropped it. It… It's kind of important to me, sentimental value.” Sora told him.
“That's weird. You wake up with it on you and you suddenly are attached to it? You're an odd duckling, you know that right?”
“Y-yeah, ah-AH!” Sora, losing his balance and unable to pull his foot back fast enough, began to fall. Before he could, however, Riku's arms came around him catching him before he hit the ground.
“Idiot, if you're going to fall over because of holding your foot up you should've just taken off your shoe.”
Sora grinned a goofy grin, “Yeah, guess your right.” He laughed rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment before Riku set him up straight.
“You've got to be more careful, at this rate you'll die of a concussion.”
“I don't want that to happen! I better hang around you more often so you can catch me when I fall.”
“There's an idea, I guess.” Riku hummed before looking down the beach, “Ah, Kairi's got the boat in; let's go help her pull it up onto the beach so it doesn't drift away when the tide comes in.” Sora gave an exaggerated nod before dashing off. Giving Sora another head shake, he chased after the other boy.
“Hey! Need help?” Riku as the two as he walked up to Riku and Kairi. The two looked like they were battling with the small boat. It really shouldn't have been so hard to push it to safety. He figured it was because Kairi wasn't strong to begin with and Sora was tired from the two races they'd had today already; the boy had only been up a half hour or so.
“Kairi move.” He hissed before she hopped out of the way. Sora paused and looked over at her before Riku gave the boat a shove. Because Sora had been pulling the boat, he tumbled in head first landing on his back.
“Ow!” Sora complained.
“Oh, it's not that bad.” Assured Riku as he pushed the row boat up into the small pond, that lay outside the secret hideout where Sora had first discovered the other worlds, “Come on. We'll grab a snack from the shack and give your poor little muscles time to rest before we have our match.” Riku said jumping back down onto the beach and disappearing to the disheveled and poorly made shack, where they kept a small amount of preserved foods, like candy bars and chips.
Sora pulled himself out of the boat and followed Kairi into the shack. Riku sat on a crate, leaning back with a triumphant look on his face. In his hand he held Nut Roll; a caramel, marshmallow, and salty nut candy bar. They weren't his favorite snack, but he'd purposely taken the candy bar because it was one of Sora's favorites.
“Ah! Gimme a bite!” Sora demanded.
“I said I would.” Riku said as he unwrapped the treat, watching in amusement as Sora crept forward greedily. With a smug smile he took the first bite making Sora pout.
“Ah, come on. Stop teasing me.” Sora whined before making a grab for the candy bar.
“Nuh uh!” Riku scolded quickly moving the Nut Roll out of Sora's reach, “You have to be good if you want a bite.”
“Riku,” Voiced Kairi waggling a finger at him. Riku gave her an innocent look, while his eyes were off the brunette, Sora jumped up, pulling Riku's hand down, and stole a bite of the candy.
“Ah! Hey!” Riku protested pitifully as he looked back at his candy bar, which was not half of what it had been when he'd taken his eyes off it. Laughing Kairi picked out some starburst and took a seat on a crate next to Riku, “You don't deserve a snack, half of mine's gone.”
“Mf mur owm alt.” Sora replied the huge bite of the Nut Roll muffling his speech. Crouching down he dug through the box of candy.
“What was that? I can't understand you when your mouth is full of MY candy.” Said Riku sorely, though he really didn't care that most of the candy was gone; he liked to pretend he did.
“I sheag,” Sora swallowed, “I said, `It's your own fault'. You have to watch your candy better next time.” Riku huffed playfully before he took another bite of the Nut Roll.
Crossing the room Sora leaned up against the stack of crates next to Riku. There were a lot of crates in the shack now, they'd pulled them in from the beach but really had nothing to do with them. Distracted by the odd amount of boxes in the shack Riku leaned forward; he did so casually so not to attract attention. He waited a moment before leaning over and snatching Sora's candy bar with his teeth and making a break for the beach.
“Ah! My candy bar!” Sora cried out as he started forward. Riku didn't get more than two feet out of the doorway before the brunette pounced him and tackled him to the ground, “Hey give it back!”
“Mwa uh!” Riku refused biting the candy in a third eating part of it while holding it out as far as he could so Sora couldn't reach it. The smaller boy tried desperately to crawl over him but with a hand on Sora's sternum the brunette couldn't get any closer to it.
As they sparred on the ground Kairi, giggling at the two, walked out stepping over them. Bending over she plucked what was left of the candy bar from Riku's hand.
Both of the boys instantly stopped and gazed over at her. As she stood up straight again she gave them a sweet smile before eating it. Then she turned and ran down the beach.
Aghast, the two lay on the beach for a moment Sora sprawled out on top of Riku and Riku pinned on his back by Sora's weight. Glancing down at Sora they made a silent plan. Then with a nod Sora leapt up in pursuit of Kairi and Riku scrambled to his feet to find a way to cut her off on a different section of the island. This game of cat and mouse lasted a good 45 minutes before they caught Kairi on the wood bridge. At which point they'd all forgotten what they'd been chasing her for and sat down for a rest.
Sora leaned back on his hands, “We were gone so long…”
“Yeah.” Riku breathed lying back, lacing his fingers behind his head.
“I hope things stay like this forever.” Commented the key blade master.
“So do I.” Agreed Kairi.
“Me too… I don't think things between us will ever change a lot.” Riku stated staring up at the blue sky.
“Really? Why's that?” Asked Sora leaning back and lying down on his side to look at Riku. Kairi leaned forward a bit, tilting her head in curiosity as well.
“I don't know. I mean, we left and we were gone so long everyone else began to forget that we were ever here. Kairi didn't forget though, and she waited for us. And neither of us forgot about this either. I think that no matter what… We'll always be right here.” He unlaced his hands and patted his chest over his heart.
“Yeah, I guess you're right. As long as we can remember what we have right now, nothing can ever tear us apart.” Said Sora before Kairi shifted to lie down as well, “I think, next time we come here, I think we should bring a camera and take as many pictures as we can.”
“You're kind of strange, you know that right?” Riku inquired making Sora laugh.
“I know, I just don't ever want to forget.” Replied Sora.
“Maybe we could bring a video camera.” Suggested Kairi.
“A video camera?”
“Oh yeah! That would totally work. That way we can record all the goofy things Sora says.” Riku grinned.
“Hey!” Objected Sora.
“And I could record your matches-“
“The match!” Riku sat up, “I almost forgot! Come on, Sora! You have so had enough time to rest! I want that match to reclaim my stolen dignity.” Said the silver haired boy enthusiastically as he got to his feet.
“We didn't STEAL your dignity; you lost it fair and square.” Sora groaned still tired from the running.
“Don't act like an old man Sora, come on! I'll go easy on you this time, promise!”
“All right, come on Kai!” Sora called as he got up and started down to the beach once again. As he passed by the cave he paused. It sounded as if there was something inside it. Creeping closer, he could here a soft voice coming from inside. It was too quiet for him to make out, drown out by the sound of the moving water beside him. As he moved to step inside Riku called to him, “Coming!” He called over his shoulder before looking back at the cave. The sound was gone.
“All right! Bring it on.” Riku taunted bringing up his false sword.
“Oh, don't worry, I will.” Sora reassured him before rushing at his opponent and slashing at him with a diagonal slice. Effortlessly Riku brought up his sword deflecting the blow over his head and bringing it back down in a counter attack. The flat of his sword hit Sora's side making Sora stumble a bit before swinging his already moving sword down to catch Riku's leg. He managed to nick the other boy's shin but that was all. While recovering from the swing Riku jumped forward and brought his leg around under Sora, tripping the brunette.
“Score 1 for me!” Riku cheered while waiting for Sora to get up. Unfortunately, he'd overestimated the time it took Sora to get up and the brunette landed a blow to Riku's right shoulder blade. Stepping forward to catch his fall, Riku swung his sword and spun around close to the ground. The move was meant to hit Sora's ankle but the younger boy leapt up just in time, landing directly on top of Riku's false sword.
Taking the opening Sora landed another blow to Riku's right shoulder before Riku pulled his sword out from under Sora. Jumping back Sora landed on his feet and sprung forward bringing his sword up under Riku's arm knocking Riku's wooden sword from his hand.
Riku let out a gasp of surprise and made a break for his sword, Sora chased after him in pursuit, unfortunately a little too close. Changing his strategy last second Riku ducked down to a knee and Sora tripped over him. As he hurdled forward Riku stood up and caught Sora over left arm and held him there.
“Ah! Riku! Put me down! Put me down!” Exclaimed Sora wriggling like he was in the arms of a sea monster.
“All right.” Riku confirmed before stooping down and dropping Sora on his back. The impact earned a soft grunt from the blue eyed boy, but he was back up on his feet in no time. As he brushed on the dirt Riku gave him a pat on the back, “I'll be taking my pride back now.” He grinned.
“Ugh! You can have it. It's not worth the trouble.” Sora sighed in exasperation.
“Come on. Let go to the obstacle course, for a rematch.” Riku suggested.
“Good idea, something Sora can actually have a chance at beating you at.” Laughed Kairi.
“That's mean.” Whined Sora before noticing that the small weapon replicas from his shoe were gone, “Oh, I'll meet you there in a moment, I have to find something.” He said before dashing off in search of the miniatures.
“Do you need help looking for it?!” Called Riku.
“No! I'll just be a minute!” Sora explained before the other two set off for the course. Running up to the bridge he looked around, “Let's see, where could they have gotten to.” He murmured tracing his steps back to where he had been earlier. He spotted the first one pretty quickly, on the stone path. Ten minutes later, he passed by the pond. In the water he caught a glimpse of red, “Ah! There it is.” He voiced in excitement and he jumped into the water and picked out the spiky circle, “I'll have to put it is some solution tonight so it doesn't rust.” He commented as he pulled himself out of the water. Relief and pride swelled in his chest upon having the two items together again. Holding one in each of his hands he held them up to the sun and smiled.
A voice sounded and he whipped around, “Who's there?” He demanded before the voice sounded again, softly. Remembering the voice from earlier he crept towards the cave mouth. The voice got louder, but not loud enough to comprehend. Looking back over his shoulder, Sora saw Kairi and Riku were coming from the beach towards him. He'd taken too long. Again, he heard the voice and he stepped forward a bit listening hard.
`We have to go.' Came the whisper, `We have to go now.' It sounded urgent, getting louder the second time.
“Roxas? Is that you?” Asked Sora calling loudly, so loudly he was sure Kairi and Riku could hear from how far they were.
`Someone's in trouble, please hurry.' The voice urged. Sora looked over his shoulder; Kairi and Riku were coming up the stones now. Turning from them he rushed into the cave. He heard Riku call to him but the words were slurred by the sound of water and darkness fell over him.
Save Game: to be continued…