Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Mis-hap ❯ KH in the Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What's up? If you have found this fanfiction, then the title has caught your eye, or you have read some of my other stories, and saw that I have written a new one. I need to remind you that this story has lots of uncensored language. So please enjoy and review!
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. It is only my favorite game. Anyway, the only thing I own is the idea to make this story and I also own a can of orange soda that I will drink while writing this chapter. I also don't own Disney.
Night in Traverse Town
It was that fateful night in Traverse Town when Sora had gotten separated from his friends. He wakes up to finding a dog licking his face. Sora was all like “What the Hell! Get this fuckin dog offa me!!” Then Pluto was all like “woof woof and ran off. So then Sora gets up and is all like “Whoa like where the fuck am I? and then he goes around looking at the place like the baka he is and is all like “What the hell is this bullshit? What the Fuck happens now?” So he started walking through the districts an is all “This fuckin sucks!!!” Meanwile those two Disney bastards were walkin thinkin they were all great. And Goofy was all like “Where the Fuck is that bastard Leon?” And then Donald was all like “Who fuckin cares?!” So they went all around chasin after someone who they were searchin all day for, and he just so happens to be right near the accessory shop. Sora goes inside and is all like “Great. I travel like forever in this fuckin town and all I see is a fuckin old geezer!” And then that guy was all like “My fuckin name is Cid and I aint no geezer! Fuckin Kid!” And then Sora was all like “ I ain't no KID!!! My name is Sora, God dammit!!” and then Cid was all like “ Whatever. If you run into trouble I got your back and all that shit…Now get outa my shop.” And then Sora was all like “ bitch calm down” and then when he went outside when he got there he heard Leon's voice and sees him:
“Those fuckin heartless bums are chasin after you cuz you're carryin round that fuckin piece of shit!” And then Sora was all like “ Oh no you didn't!” and then he was all like “ Give me the fuckin thing or those bums will keep chasin you!” And then Sora was all like “ Oh no you don't ass wipe” So then They started clashing swords WHOOPTY FREAKIN DO!!! And so then Sora was about a fall and Yuffie comes in and is all “ Oh My God you finally found it!” And then Leon gets all pissed and is all like “ Why the hell are you here? You're early!! The fuckin kid hasn't even fallen yet!” Then they both watch Sora faint of exhaustion. Then Yuffie was all like “There are you happy now?” And then Leon was all like “ Now we can get on with the mother fuckin scene and take the care of the kid in the hotel.” And then Yuffie gives this sour look and is all like “ I bet you will take care of him, if you know what I mean.” And so they all went to the hotel where Sora woke up thinking Yuffie was Kairi. Sora was all like. “ Bitch where the hell did you go? I've been looking for you everywhere, god dammit Kairi!!” So then Yuffie was all like “ Bitch who the hell are you talking bout? My fuckin name is Yuffie!!” and then Sora was all like “Bitch what the hell you talking bout?” so then and then Yuffie was all like “ Squall, you fuckin idiot! I think you hit him too hard!” And then Leon comes and is all like “How many fuckin times do I have to tell you?! Call me LEON, you whore!” and then Sora is all like “ Well, aren't you gonna tell me about tell me about those heartless bastards?!” And then Yuffie was all like “We don't need to, ya hollow headed MORON!! You already know all that you need!” And then Sora was all like “What the fuck ever!” So then they see this heartless thing and Yuffie screams like the bitch she is and is all like “EEEKK!! Leon there's a heartless!” and then Leon was all like “Bitch! Don't you think I know that? Sora, get off your lazy ass and lets go!” and so Sora yells “I WAS NEVER ON MY FUCKIN LAZY ASS, AND HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW MY ASS IS LAZY?!!” And then Yuffie runs outa the room and the door smashes into that Disney Bastard Donald. Meanwhile Sora and Leon jumped out the window. Sora landed on his ass and then Leon was all like “Get offa your ass!!! Don't fuckin bother with the small heartless bastards and find the mother fuckin bigger one if you're not too dense to figure that one out.” And so then he runs ahead and doesn't think to go back to the item shop before he goes to the third district. When he got there, he was all like “Wow its fuckin quiet!” and then he looks around and all of the sudden he gets crushed by those Disney bastards and they're like “It's the dumbass chosen one with the fuckin key!!” and then Sora was all like “IF YOU BITCHES DON'T GET OFFA ME!!!” and then there's all these little heartless bastards popping up everywhere and they're all like “What the hell!” so they start fighting them and then they kill them all. LA DEE FREAKIN DA!!! So then the giant heartless pops up and then Sora was all like “oh HELL no!!” and then they start fighting that one. The giant purple armor-like heartless kept on swinging its arms and then Donald was all like “That bitch just swung at me!!” so then Goofy was all like “Don't give up, Donald you fuckin loser!” And then Donald was all like “At least I don't drink from the toilet!!” and then Sora was all like “Shut the hell up and get rid of this god damned HEARTLESS!!!” so then they FINALLY killed it. BIG FREAKIN WHOOP!! And then Donald was all like “Now that we've found your scrawny ass, we can FINALLY get on with finding the GOD DAMN KING!!!” And Sora was all like “Who the HELL is this fuckin king you speak of and how is it gonna help me find my fuckin friends?!” then Goofy was all like “Before you start a fuckin fight, we'd better tell each other our fuckin names!!!” and then Donald was all like “DONALD DUCK, ya scrawny hollow headed dumbass!” And then Goofy was all like “Name's Goofy” and the Sora was all like “And my fuckin name is Sora! I ain't putting my hand in the middle and Goofy, you better not say anything about all for one and one for all cuz that line drives me fuckin crazy!!!!!!!” and then Donald was all like “Shut the hell up, scrawny boy! We need you to help us find the mother fuckin king!!!!” And then Sora was all like “I ain't finding no one but my own fuckin friends!!” and then Leon comes in outa no where and is all like “Sora, you fucker go with them if you wanna find your mother fuckin friends!” and then Sora was all like “Who asked you, ya wanna be punk rockin moron!” So Sora decided to go with them anyway and thus they started their journey.
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So anyway, I'd appreciate it if you reviewed! Please do so! See ya in the next chap!