Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Mis-hap ❯ Sora in the Deep Jungle ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

WOW!! It's been so long since I updated last! I've missed writing so much! Well when you get the chance, please review ^_^
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts. How I wish that I did though…
Sora in the Deep Jungle
Sora went with those two Disney Bastards Donald and Goofy to go on their so called journey. “I wanna fly the fuckin gummi ship! I'm bored god dammit!” Sora couldn't sit still. Then Donald's all like “shut the fuck up. I'm flyin this mother fuckin ship if you like it or not!” and then Sora gets all mad and goes for the controls like the Idiot he is, because heaven forbid the skip a mother fuckin world because his retard friends Riku and Kairi MIGHT be there, god knows for sure! Then Donald was all like “Fuckin Dumbass give me the controls! We can't waste our time looking for your bone headed retard friends, we gotta find the mother fuckin king!!” and then Goofy was all like “Knock it off you fuckin children! The fuckin ship is spinning outa control!” And then Donald all pushes Sora outa the way and he all falls out of the ship cussin at Donald like the moron he is! Then he all falls like a hundred feet and lands in this poorly built tree house in the middle of the freakin forest! It was poorly built too! I mean what the hell! So then Sora all falls through the roof, as if he didn't have enough mental problems already, and then lands on his ass. He gets up and starts talking to himself “THAT FUCKER DONALD! THIS IS BULLSHIT!” and then a random leopard comes outa nowhere and Sora's all like “Aw this is just GREAT!! I get THROWN outa a fuckin ship, and now THIS!! Now I suppose I gotta FIGHT this stupid cat.” And then he all knocks it out and then this weird person comes in and Sora's all like What the HELL is goin on?!?!” and then he all walks over to him as Sora backs up. So then Sora was all like “What the Fuck! You smell like monkey ass! Get away from me! No wait before I make fun of you and hurt your feelings, I needa know something from you!” The strange person just looks at him like Sora's the moron-which he is. The strange person was all like talking in his stupid gorilla language and then Sora was all like “ DO I even GIVE a shit of what you just said” and then the strange guy was all like “Tarzan. Tarzan go.” And then Sora was all like “What the fuck is Tarzan” and then Tarzan was all like “ok I know I'm not following the lines here, but DAMN!! You are a DUMBASS!!!! Tarzan is my NAME you FUCKTARD!” and then Sora was all like “Oh NOW I get it!! Tarzan is your name, huh?” like Tarzan didn't say anything, and then Tarzan was all like “You're too much of a dumbass get the fuck outa my jungle!” and then Sora's all like “No wait you fuckin STANKY monkey! I Needa see if my friends are here, and if you don't like it, then you can go fuck yourself!” Then Tarzan was all like “Bitch you did NOT just dis me!” and then he runs and jumps out of the tree house and Sora all follows. Meanwhile in the camp, Donald and Goofy decided to fallow Sora. They're all at this poorly organized camp when they all run into a random gorilla. So then Goofy was all like “what the fuck is that” and then Donald was all like “Like I give a shit” and so then they find a little colorful block. Whoop de Fuckin do! It all ends up being a stupid gummi block. WOW! GREAT value! Why dontcha just gag me with a spoon while you're at it? Anyway, those two Disney Bastards all found Sora cuza STUPID Clayton and all that shit, and it gets boring around here, so I'm gonna skip ahead.
So Sora was all like “Finally you Bastards decide to show up” and then Donald was all like “shut the fuck up, ya key bearin ass wipe!” and then Goofy was all like “we decided to come down here because that fuckin Rat who calls himself the king just MIGHT be here!” And then Sora was all like “THAT'S the only reason?! You fuck tards!!” and then Donald and Sora start arguing back and fourth and then Jane was all like “What the fuck are you still doin in here? Go and find my fuckin projector slides!” and then Sora was all like “Bitch go find them yourself” but they end up going to find them anyway. So when they all get back to the tent, Jane is all waitin for them and is all like “ what the fuck took you guys so long” and then Sora was all like “What the fuck! I dunno how the HELL you got the slides all over the fuckin place like that, but if you think you can find them quicker I'll put them back out there and make your whore ass find them!” and then she all ignores him and puts the slide into the projector. She flips through the slides, and then Sora was all like “This is all abuncha bull shit! You made US find slides that doesn't even HELP that uneducated fuckin monkey ass smellin idiot” and then Donald was all like “you cant even talk!” and then Goofy was all like “Donald's right” and then Donald was all like “you think that's bad, goofy, smell your fuckin BREATH!” and then Tarzan was all like “All of you shut the fuck up. I'll take you to the mother fuckin gorillas if you just SHUT UP!” and then they all went to the tree house where they saw Kerchack and Terk. So then stupid Clayton all tries to shoot Terk and then Donald tackles him and he misses. So then Sora was all like “what the fuck, Donald! When the hell did you learn to tackle like that” and then Donald was all like “haven't you EVER heard of the OREGON DUCKS!! That's MY team you idiot!” and then Goofy was all like “what the fuck ever! You made the fuckin gorillas run away! Now let's go back to the fuckin tent so we can tell you off and tell you that you can't go near the gorillas anymore.” And then they all go back to the stupid tent and then they tell Clayton to go fuck himself and then he all leaves with this freakish grin on his face. Then when he's gone Tarzan Donald, Goofy and Sora end up going to find the STANKY gorillas again. So then they all find them and then Tarzan starts talking in that stupid gorilla language and no one else is listening, so Sora Donald and Goofy start to have their own conversation. Sora was all like “I can't WAIT to get outa this forest! It smells like MONKEY ASS!” and then Donald was all like “so do you!” and then Goofy was all like “I needa latte.” And so then Donald was all like “This shit is gettin very ANNOYING! OBVIOUSLY, the fuckin king isn't here, so let's all make a break for it.” And then Sora was all like “Fuck you guys, I'm goin home!” and then Goofy was all like “WHAT home you fuck tard! Your fuckin island is gone!” and then the gorillas all stare at them and they all stop talking. So then they went to this other part of the jungle, where a buncha bamboo was and then that stupid leopard came out again and then runs away. So then Sora was all like “what the fuck! That's not in the game! We're supposta fight! But oh well I'm not complainin! As soon as we beat that Fucker Clayton we can get the fuck outa here!” and then they all went to where a buncha gorillas were and then saw Clayton and Clayton was all like “What the fuck are you doin here I will fuckin shoot you!” and then Sora was all like “OOOOHHH I'm SCARED” and so then all the gorillas got out of there and they all start to fight. But then Clayton was all up in the air, and it seemed like there wasn't anything holding him up. So then Goofy was all like “What the FUCK is goin on here?! He shouldn't be FLOATIN! Its not natural” and then Donald was like “What is holding this fucker up!” so then they start fighting and see that it was a giant lizard heartless and they kill both of them, after the giant lizard heartless all falls on him and squishes the hell outa him. So then the giant gorilla Kerchack or some shit like that all picks them up and throws them up to this stupid higher ground and then Sora was all like “What the FUCK you fuckin monkey! I will kick your ASS!!” and then the gorilla was all commin their way and then Sora started running like the coward he is to not even back up what he just said. SO then they all end up in this giant waterfall place and have to climb up a buncha vines and they FINALLY end up in this little cramped up space where a buncha butterflies were. So then Tarzan was all like “Your friends are here.” And then says that little thing that he said earlier. And then Jane was all like “Not that anyone gives a shit… but what the Stanky monkey just blurted out means heart.” And then Donald was all like “What the FUCK does that have to do with anything” and then Sora was all like “that's where he said Riku and Kairi were! Heart? What the FUCK is that supposta mean” and then Goofy was all like “fuckin retard! Riku and Kairi in your mother fuckin heart!” and then Sora was all like “Yea, you moronic asswholes lost me.” And then Tarzan lost all management of sanity and was all like “YOU ARE THE MOST FUCKIN MENTALLY CHALLENGED RETARD I'VE EVER MET IN MY WHOLE LIFE! IT MEANT THAT YOUR FUCKIN FRIENDS ARE IN YOUR HEART MEANING THEY'LL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!! NOW TAKE THIS FUCKIN KEYBLADE AND GET THE HELL OUTA MY SIGHT! YOU FUCKIN MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A COLLEGE PROFESSOR!!” and then Sora was all like “Well excuse the fuck outa me!” and so then they all left the deep jungle and their stanky ass smelling gorillas and FINALLY got some fresh air!
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Well that was a long one huh? Next one is the one when they go to Wonderland. I hope you review! ^_^ and see you in the next chapter!