Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Mis-hap ❯ The Trip to Wonderland ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

OK it's been a long, VERY long while since I've updated, huh? ^_^ did you miss me? ANYway, this is the next part to the Kingdom Hearts mishap, when they go to Wonderland. It's been a long time, so I may have lost my comedy touch, but hey at least I tried right? Please enjoy and review ^_^ Oh yea, and one more thing… this story had VERY bad language.
Disclaimer: I do not own Disney. I do not own Kingdom Hearts. They only thing I DO own right now is this bottle of soda that I will drink as I type this story.
Trip to Wonderland
Ok so those retarded dumb asses FINALLY left the deep jungle, but in need of a SERIOUS bath… except for Goofy, he smelled like wet dog.
So when they were in the Gummy ship, they were gonna decide where to go. “What the FUCK are we goon do?!” Sora all complains like the LAZY ass he is. So then Donald was all like “Like I FUCKIN know everything! All I see is a sphere thing with a FUCKIN question mark over there, and the same fuckin thing over there!” And then Goofy was all like “which one should we go to” and then Donald was all like “how the fuck should I know. Ask the fuckin KEY bearer, while the lazy ass still fuckin thinks he fuckin knows EVERYTHING!” and then Sora was all like “I do NOT think I know everything, you fuckin DUCK! I'll eat you for dinner!” and then Goofy was all like “just pick a fuckin sphere” and then those stupid `CHIPMUNKS' as they call themselves were all like “there's a tournament being held somewhere.” And then Donald was all like “Where? WHERE?!” but the chipmunks were already gone. Either that, or they weren't gonna answer them. Then Sora was all like “I choose…. THAT sphere thingy with the question mark on it.” And then Donald was all like “What the FUCK gives you the idea that you getta choose?!” And then Sora was all like “you said so yourself! Now shut the FUCK up and go there before I make you my Thanksgiving dinner!” And so then Donald was all like “FINE” and they went to the sphere thingy with the question mark on it that Sora wanted to go to.
When they landed, it wasn't what they thought it would be. They started FLOATIN' in MID AIR!! And when they landed, they saw a little white rabbit running for the door.
So then Sora was all like “What the fuck is HIS hurry” so then Goofy was all like “I dunno but let's get into his business and find out.” And so then Sora was all like “Yay I like gettin in to other people's business” and so they followed him into this room where they saw a small glimpse of him and then he disappeared behind a door with a face on it. So then Sora was all like “What the FUCK! How the HELL did he get so fuckin small!?” and then that stupid door with the face all spoke and was all like “You Fucktards don't even know how to get small, but I do, ha ha I'm smart and you're moronic retards who don't know anything but how to scratch your asses all day! Oh well I feel bad for you.. I'm going to sleep.” And then Sora was all like “Wait ya mother fuckin piece of wood! Tell us how ta shrink or Ima burn yo ass and use you for fuckin fire wood!” and then the door was all like “OK this is what you fools do. Look on the mother fuckin table and look at the fuckin bottle that has a tree and then an arrow that points to a seed. If you use your Fuckin BRAIN, you'll know that that's the one that shrinks you. Now all of you shut up. I'm going to sleep.” So then Donald was all like “Fuckin Door…. I'll STILL use you for fire wood….” And then Goofy was all like “let's drink this shit so we can follow that fuckin rabbit.”
So they drank the junk and then the fuckin door was ALREADY asleep, so they hadda take a DIFFERENT route to follow that fuckin white rabbit. So then Donald was all like “This is fuckin STUPID!! This way is all filled with HEARTLESS!!!” so then Goofy was all like “That mother fuckin Door!” and so then Sora was all like. “Fuck this shit, I know where the Queen's Castle is, I'm running and I aint wastin my fuckin time on these pieces of shit.” So then they all follow Sora to the Queen's Castle and then they all see a little trial goin on and sora was all like “What the fuck is going on here” and then Donald was all like “A trial you fuckin moron” and then Goofy was all like “Let's watch and see what the fuck happens” and then they all hear the bitchy old lonely fat ass bitch (the queen) say “you're goin to fuckin lose your head for stealing my heart.” And then they all hear a little girl (Alice) say “What the fuck I didn't steal your mother fuckin heart! Hell you probably don't even HAVE a heart to fuckin steal! You replaced it with another stomach!” and then the Queen was all like “Well then what the fuck do you have to say in your poor pathetic defense” and then Alice was all like “You fuckin better believe it ya old hag! I was only trying to get home, so I didn't take your mother fuckin second stomach ya fat ass! I didn't do anything wrong!” and then the Queen was all like “Off with her head” and then Alice was all like “No you fuckin idiots! I'm innocent, God dammit! You and this fuckin justice are ALL fucked up!” and then Sora was all like “What the HELL is going on here” and then the Queen was all like “Who the fuck are you” and then Sora was like “Wouldn't you like to know you fat ass. All I'm here for is to find my retarded friends Riku and Kairi, but it's in the script to say that Alice is innocent you fuckin dumbass.” And then the queen was all like “then who fuckin stole my heart” and then Goofy was all like “it was the heartless you bitches” and then Donald was all like “shut the fuck up you fuckin mutt you're not supposta tell the morons about the heartless” and then Sora was all like “If your heart was stolen bitch, then you wouldn't even fuckin be here, so stop blaming people for takin it.” And then the queen was all like “then bring me evidence that she didn't do it.” And then Sora was all like “I just fuckin EXPLAINED IT! How the HELL do I get myself into these things” and then they left the place and then the cat appears and so then Goofy was all like “What the fuck?! It's a purple cat” and then Donald was all like “I think it's on crack” and then it all spoke and was all like “the fuckin evidence is that way, but you're doin this for nothing cuz the mother fuckin shadows already took Alice and they WAY gone.” And then Sora was all like “FUCK! I'm leaving now!” and then the Crack cat was all like “Bitch! You can't go no where! I hafta give you this mother fuckin ice magic” and then Goofy was all like “good now let's go” and then the crack cat was all like “Are you bitches prepared for the mother fuckin worst? If not then too fuckin bad!” and then this giant heartless thing all came outta nowhere and then Sora was all like “Oh FUCK we gotta fight this thing don't we” and then Donald was all like “Duh ya fuck tard” and then they all start fighting it and then they win cuz the heartless was more retarded than Sora, Donald and Goofy put together, and then the crack cat was no where to be found cuz he hadda go sell his left over crack and take a leave. And then their retarded selves went to the future firewood door and then Sora's retarded keyblade was all acted like someone jammed it up the ass if it had one and then they all heard a locking sound and then Goofy was all like “Duurrrrrrrr what was that noise” and then Donald was all like “DUH YOU FUCK TARD! If you hear a lock noise and see that moron Sora's Keyblade all actin up its cuz the fuckin keyhole was locked” and then Sora was all like “fuck all you guys. My fuckin retarded friends are OBVIOUSLY not here. Im fuckin leavin with or without you fuckers.”
And then they left for another world
Yay that was not the end of this story. ^_^ please review and see you in the next chapter.