Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Riku's Tale ❯ Awaken ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the characters or worlds.
Chapter 1: Awaken
`Ugh where am I?' Riku asked standing up and looking around. He saw that he was on a tower with a picture of someone he had never seen before. (A/N: the towers from the first game.) `What the heck's going on?' Riku said his curiosity piqued. Step forward can you do it? Asked a mysterious voice. Riku took a couple of steps forward and then three pedestals appeared one had a sword, another had a staff, and the last had a shield. Power sleeps within you if you give it form it will give you strength. The voice said. Riku approached the sword and took it. The voice then asked him which one he wanted to give up and he chose the staff. The floor of the tower then collapsed.
`This isn't good I have to do something.' King Mickey thought walking over to a table and writing a note for his magician Donald to find. `Hopefully your son will `Awaken' soon Xehanort otherwise your heartless will destroy all of the worlds.' The king sighed and walked to the hangar unnoticed and then left.
Riku finished off the last of the week enemies and made it to the final tower. There a man stood. “Who are you what do you want with me?” Riku shouted a weapon that was a key and sword at the same time showing up in his hand. The man didn't seem scared although his face was covered by the hood of his black coat Riku could tell the man was smiling.
“Well now it seems like your going to awaken soon lets see if your ready.” He said then flames erupted around each hand and a chakram was in each one when the flames cleared. “This is going to hurt you more then me.” He said. Riku got in a fighting stance and took on the hooded man after a while he beat him.
“Now answer my question or I swear I'll cut you down.” Riku said still in a fighting stance looking at the hooded figure.
“Sorry are times all up.” He said as darkness surrounded Riku. Riku tried fighting it but just kept falling.
Riku sat bolt upright in his bed. `That wasn't a dream there was no way it could be it was too real. And what did that guy mean `Awaken'?'
Me: well there you go the first chapter.
Riku: you do know that Sora fought Darkside right?
Sora: yep I did
Me: I know that but you look nothing like Darkside Riku
Axel: Awesome I was Riku's first opponent
Everyone: Great ruin it for the readers
Axel: woops hehe well anyways review. Oh and this is Riku's Dark's first fic so go easy. No flames allowed.