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"Kingdom Hearts Riku's Tale" Reviews/Comments [ 1 ]
 Title: Too Short
Reviewed By: The_Haku_Story_Writer [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 18, 2007 20:56 CDT
Style of Writing: 5 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 3 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 1 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 5 of 10
Overall Rating: 5 of 10
Dude, that's WAY too short! Good God, can't you write more than that? You didn't even catch my attenttion! You misspelled alot as well! But other than that, it was okay. But you could have made Axel more mysterious. Held off on telling who he was. Though it was sort of good, you need work. Even so I'm adding this to my favorites! Next time MAKE IT LONGER!!!

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