Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Call of the Dark ❯ Weakness ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
**Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any characters therein. They are the property of Square Enix and Disney. All Company members are my own property. Do not steal them. Warning! This story contains graphic scenes of an adult nature, including scenes of rape. If you are under the age of consent, or such content disturbs you, please do not read any further.**

“Bank left!" Celine cried, wrenching the wheel as her gummi ship rolled over, avoiding the shots from the King’s ship. Bastian’s ship followed her lead as they closed in on their target. As Xenia had expected, King Mickey and his lackeys had flown out to find their missing princess. Celine had led one batch of Nobodies along with three of her fellow Company members out to deal with the King. Damian had the second flight to go deal with Sora and Riku.

So far, the battle had been hard fought. Despite the fact that they were horribly outnumbered, King Mickey’s gummi ship was stronger and better equipped than the gummi ships they were flying. All of the Nobody ships were destroyed and they’d also lost one of their own. Zan’s ship was nothing but debris. It was down to the King, Isme, Bastian and Celine.

"Are you all right, Celine?" Isme’s frightened voice came over the headset.

"Don’t worry about me! Focus on getting the King!" Celine had no idea why Maya had insisted that Isme come in her place. The girl was most definitely not ready for this.

"Calm down Isme. Just keep flanking the King’s ship. Celine and I will take them down." Celine smiled. Trust Bastian to stay calm in a situation like this. It was hard enough for Celine to keep her rage down. She had wanted Sora instead of the King, but any of them dead right now would make her feel better. Oh Axel, my love, soon your death will be avenged.

Celine turned on the burners, the burst of speed pulling her gummi ship out in front of the King’s ship. She maneuvered around the blasts he shot, returning a volley of her own. The King’s ship took a hit, but flew out of both hers and Bastian’s line of fire. She cursed and turned her ship to follow, but Isme flew out, trying to cut him off. Both ships traded blasts, but Isme took the worst of it and Celine bit her lip as she heard her sister scream before her ship exploded.

Celine growled and focused even harder. Damn you! She was just a child! She swerved and rolled, firing at the ship as Bastian moved to get around him. The King was flying well, but Bastian had her back and the two of them flew well together. She went low and Bastian high, the two blasts catching the King’s ship in the crossfire. It was badly damaged after that and Celine knew it wouldn’t last long.

The King must have known it as well as he flew straight for the nearest world. "No, you don’t!" Celine yelled, but she hadn’t expected her prey to do that and she only got one shot off which caught the wing before it was close enough to the world that she dared not follow. She cursed, slamming the console. "I’m going down there. Mickey is mine."

"No, you aren’t." Celine’s head shot up at that sound.

"Syrus, don’t tell me what I’m going to do. I’m going to finish this now."

"Negative. Xenia wants you and Bastian back here immediately. The King’s ship is disabled. He’ll be easy prey later. We need you for phase three."

Celine growled, nearly slamming the headset into the wall. She reined in enough of her temper to keep it intact. "That bastard killed Zan and Isme! I’m not going to just leave them unavenged!"

"Celine," Bastian said, his voice calm and collected, "Syrus is right. Fighting the King and his lackeys with just you and I would be suicide. We’re no match for them on our own. They aren’t going anywhere though. We can finish the job easily enough later."

Celine stared up at the ceiling of the cockpit in frustration. Tears started to run down her cheeks. "But we’ve already lost so much . . . "

"And it will do them no good to change the plan and die before we can avenge them." She could almost picture the boy’s stoic expression. And a boy he was too, like herself, Damian, Veruca . . . and Isme. The five of them were the youngest of the Company.

She closed her eyes and nodded, knowing he couldn’t see. "All right, Bastian. You win . . . " She turned away from the world, though it left a bitter feeling of failure in her. She decided to check on Damian to take her mind off it. ~Brother-mine?~

~Not now, Celine!~ came the panicked mental response, and then there was a major feeling of pain from Damian.

Celine gripped the wheel as tight as she could, her knuckles going white. "Syrus, what’s going on with Damian?"

"He’s lost two of his members, and his ship is badly damaged. I’m not getting communication from his ship any more, but it’s still fighting Sora." Syrus’ voice was tense.

"Which two?" Bastian asked.

"Harlin and Terra are gone," came the reply, causing another pang to go through Celine. So many lost to these evil men. She was about to cry when there was a scream of pain across her mental link and then everything went blank.

~Damian?~ she called, getting no response. She tried again and again, finally switching to the comm link to try and get him.

"He’s crashed, Celine. He knew his ship was damaged, and he took it into Sora’s ship. Both of them crashed onto a world." The voice belonged to Ameys. "I’m scanning now to see if he’s . . . still alive." Celine held her breath, praying for a good response. Each second that passed was a knife in her soul. The rest of the Company were her brothers and sisters, but Damian was her twin and she didn’t want to think of him as gone. Ameys’ voice came over the comm. “I’m picking up his life sign, faint but there. I’m landing to pick him up.”

“No, Ameys! Leave him and return to base,” Loshul shouted over the comm.
“Loshul, he’s hurt. He could die down there.”

“I don’t care. Landing could give Sora access to your craft. Return at once!”

“Don’t listen to him, Ameys,” Celine pleaded, “Don’t leave him behind.”

“Celine, stay out of this!”

“No, he’s my twin!”

“Relax, Celine,” Ameys said calmly, “I won’t leave him behind. I’m landing.”

Celine breathed out a sigh of relief, ignoring the yelling Loshul was doing at Ameys. She didn’t respond again, but Celine knew Ameys would save her twin.

“Don’t think that you’ve escaped punishment, Celine. When you return, I will deal with you myself.”

Celine just smiled as she piloted her gummi ship back. As long as Damian is okay, Loshul, I don’t care what you do. My revenge will come.

* * * * * * *

“Good morning Starshine!”

The voice crashed through Kairi’s dreams and Kairi pulled the sheet over her head, not wanting to see who was trying to wake her. After her encounter with Norian, it had been three straight days of hell with nothing but Heartless taking her in every hole, filling her body and destroying her sense of self. At times, when she was alone, she found herself longing for more and that brought despair to her soul. She was fighting a losing battle. However, at least the Heartless only worked over her body. With what little she’d seen of her captors, they were interested in destroying her mind as well. She feared them even more than the creatures that were violating her.

“Now, now,” the girlish voice said, pulling the sheet off Kairi, “You’re not gonna hide from me all day." Kairi didn’t even bother covering up her nudity, sighing as she looked up. She was surprised to see someone slightly older than she, a girl with bright green eyes and purple pigtails staring back at her. The girl appeared to be upside down at first, but then Kairi realized that she was just perched on the headboard. “Morning, Princess!” she yelled cheerfully.

Kairi blinked at this girl. This was new. “What are you…”

The girl pressed her finger to Kairi’s lips. “Shh…No need to worry yourself.” She crouched and leapt over Kairi’s form, landing at the foot of the bed before spinning around. The girl was wearing bright pink fishnet stockings, a scrap of multicolored cloth that she supposed someone would call a top and a shiny black vinyl miniskirt. Including her mannerisms, Kairi thought this girl was really odd. Whatever she was, she wasn’t trying to intimidate anyone.

She spun around, a girlish smile on her face. “Like what you see? I can get you something like it?” Kairi shook her head. The girl shrugged and hopped up on the edge of the bed. “Let me introduce myself. I’m Veruca.” She held out her hand and Kairi, after hesitating, shook it tentatively. Veruca giggled and bounced up and down. “I was supposed to try and scare you. You know, blah blah revenge blah blah.” She shrugged. “Loshul’s a crazy fuck but, hey, I’m not the one in charge here.”

Kairi blinked. This girl acted more like she was twelve. “I...I’m Kairi.” She wasn’t sure what else to say.

“Of course you are. You’re one of those kids that destroyed our beloved Organization!” She smiled and bounded up next to Kairi. “But now you’re here with me.”

“I’d rather not be,” she said, sitting up and getting out of the bed.

“Aww, but it’s gonna be fun here.” She ran over and grabbed Kairi’s hand, pulling her to her feet. She stared around the room and shuddered. “But not here. This place is creepy. How can you sleep with all those dolls around? Ugh. It’s like their watching you.”

Kairi let the girl take her out of the room. “It’s not like I have much to hide any more.”

“Well, you’re very pretty, pet. C’mon. I’ll take you to my room.” The short girl skipped down the hall, Kairi in tow, and Kairi could help notice her smallish breasts bounce. She mentally smacked herself, trying not to think that way and focus on escape, but it was getting increasingly hard to think of that these days.

They arrived at a door in the plain white hall, and Veruca threw the door open and hurried Kairi inside, shutting it behind her. The room was plastered with color, almost blindingly so, and there were candles and incense littering the room. There was a small circular table, a large canopy bed, and some strange objects in glass cases all over the room that Kairi was fairly certain she didn’t want to know what they did. Veruca brought her over to her bed, and then she shoved Kairi onto it, bouncing down beside her. “So…what do you think?”

Kairi looked at her. “It’s…vibrant.” She didn’t want to appear rude to this girl. She seemed to be with her tormentors, but the girl was not like the others she’d met.

“I’m glad you like it. I plan on bringing you back in here over and over.” The girl ran a hand along Kairi’s tie, bringing her close to Veruca’s face. “I can make this so much better for you than that bully Loshul or that bitch Norian. I really can.” And then she leaned in, her lips gently brushing Kairi’s. It was tender, almost loving, and not at all what Kairi was used to in this place. She wanted to melt into it, let it flow through her and never let it go. Veruca let her go, her eyes more adult now as her hand came up Kairi’s side. “You just let me do the work.”

Kairi looked at the girl, conflict in her face, but Veruca took charge, laying Kairi down on the bed. She straddled the poleaxed captive, her smaller body above Kairi’s. She leaned down, kissing Kairi gently along her neck and then up to her lips. Kairi returned the kiss, her body feeling warm as the girl laid down, her body in contact with her, her breasts through her top pressed against Kairi’s. Kairi moaned into the kiss, the touch so much better than anything else she’d experienced just yet.

Veruca smiled and began trailing kisses down Kairi’s neck, each one light as it tingled against her skin. The girl reached the top of her breasts and hesitated a moment before started to kiss along one. Veruca reached a nipple and took it in her mouth, rolling her tongue along it. Kairi moaned in pleasure and arched her back a little. Veruca took the nipple between her teeth, biting it just a little and Kairi cried out in pleasure.

Veruca worked on her breasts, one then the other, for a few minutes and Kairi felt her body reacting immediately. She was enjoying this. Nothing forced or truly painful, and the girl was working her body expertly. She felt herself get wet down below and she moaned in want. Veruca reacted to her response, moving off her breasts and going lower, kissing along the stomach and down to her belly button. Her hands caressed Kairi’s hips as she brought Kairi along the edge of the bed.

She nipped lightly at Kairi’s mound, licking the area after she did that. Kairi moaned out and looked at Veruca from her lying position, but had to drop her head as Veruca began to tease her lower lips. “Oh!” Kairi cried out and squirmed a little, but Veruca gave her a small smack. “Relax, pet. I’ll take of you. Can you let me pleasure you?”

Kairi nodded. “I…I can do that.”

“Spread your legs wider then. I’ll do the rest.”

Kairi did what she was asked without question, and Veruca dove in with her tongue. Kairi whimpered as Veruca touched her clit briefly, bringing Kairi’s pleasure up before diving back into her. Every so often, she’d return to her clit and it would spiral Kairi higher and higher. Each time Kairi thought she was going to explode, Veruca slowed down, leaving Kairi wanting more. Her pussy felt like it was on fire and Veruca was stoking the flames. “Oh…Oh Veruca, please!”

“Please what, pet? I’m getting you ready.” Veruca’s tone held a little malice in it as she pouted at her, but Kairi was too far into this to stop herself.

“Please…let me cum…I…I need it.”

“It’s ok, pet I understand. Let me just get a few things.” Kairi whimpered as Veruca stood up, but she went over to her dresser and began to rummage through. Kairi felt her pleasure falling and she started to rub her breasts in an attempt to bring it back up. She couldn’t help it anymore. Any time she was started on now, she felt the need to finish it.

Veruca walked back over, and gently pulled Kairi’s hands away. “No, Princess. I will help you with that.” She leaned down, licking one nipple, then the other, watching Kairi gasp and buck both times. She brought a box into Kairi’s view. “Do you want this? How badly?”

“Please,” Kairi whined, “I’ll do anything.”

It seemed that was what Veruca wanted to hear as she pulled at Kairi’s tie, lifting her to Veruca. “Let’s get this off you. I have a better one for you to wear.”

Kairi let her undo the tie and handed her a thin purple collar, with a little tag underneath that said ‘Princess’. Kairi looked up at Veruca, shame filling her. “Please…don’t…”

“You said you’d do anything.” Her hand brushed against Kairi’s pussy lips, causing her to go ridged. “If you don’t want my help, you can always go back to Norian.”

Kairi looked up at Veruca, but being with someone gentle right now was better than being with someone cruel. She grabbed the collar from Veruca and slipped it around her neck, snapping it shut.

Veruca reached up and ruffled Kairi’s hair. “Good girl.” Kairi flushed, feeling as though she were a dog being praised for doing a trick. It was a humiliation she forced herself to endure. Veruca reached into the box again, pushing slightly on Kairi’s chest. Kairi fell back onto the bed and she was again told to spread her legs. She did it without hesitation, letting Veruca come up between her.

Instead of her tongue though, Kairi felt something cold and artificial pressed down there. She started to sit back up, but Veruca looked at her. “Relax, Princess. This is going to feel really good. You’ll love it.” She was her bubbly self again as the object was pressed between Kairi’s lips. It felt like a penis and Kairi cried out as it entered her. It was not as large as the Neoshadows, but it was covered in bumps. Veruca came near her face. “Would you like this to feel even better?”

“Yes…please Veruca.”

“Call me Mistress, pet,” she said softly.

“Yes mistress. Please…”

Veruca smiled, victory in her eyes. She reached down and turned on the vibrate function and Kairi screamed, arching her back as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her. “YES! YES!” Veruca lowered her lips to Kairi’s nipples and began suckling on them as the redhead moaned in whorish delight. Whatever resolve Kairi had, the princess was losing it faster than ever to the pleasure she felt.

Veruca climbed on top of the girl, lifting up her vinyl skirt. Kairi didn’t even need to be told as Veruca pulled her black panties to the side. She began using her tongue as Veruca laid down, thrusting the dildo in and out of Kairi. Pleasure was washing through her soul, removing what small vestiges of whom Kairi had been as quickly as they could be destroyed. Kairi felt herself falling, falling…

“Veruca!” came a loud man’s voice as the door to her room splintered open.

Veruca leapt off Kairi and into the path of the man who came charging at her. “James! Get out! How’d you get out of your room? Loshul said you weren’t to take part in this.” She held her hands in front of her and Kairi came back to herself enough to pull the vibrator out. She cringed on the bed as she saw the man who had entered.

He was enormous, as though he were built entirely of muscle, and he was tall as well. He had dark, unkempt hair and his eyes were a dark blood red. He wore a leather tunic and long brown pants. He also had on silver gauntlets and gloves. He looked like he was out of a medieval story. He stalked into the room, staring beyond Veruca at Kairi herself. “Move, V, and let me deal with her myself.”

Veruca shook her head. “ Xenia said…”

“I don’t care what Xenia said!” He slammed his hands down, smashing her table to bits. “I will kill her with my own two hands, and then I’ll kill those two runts she calls friends and fuck their corpses! They destroyed Marluxia and they are going to pay!” He walked slowly toward the tiny girl. “Now move…”

Kairi expected Veruca to flee, fear clinging to her from this man, but Veruca shook her head. “No, James,” she said calmly, “The girl is under my protection. She is my pet and you will not harm her.”

“As you wish!” he cried, swinging at her. Veruca raised her arms and a dome of crystal surrounded the pigtailed one. James’ fist crashed into the dome and, though it cracked, it did not break. The crack resealed itself and Veruca began trying to wrap the enraged juggernaut in a crystal prison. “Not this time, bitch…” he snarled and broke the bars apart with his bare hands. Veruca squealed and Kairi backed up against the head of the bed in terror. Something was tingling in the back of her mind, something she should do.

Veruca tried to ensnare James, but he broke through again with very little effort and brought his fists down on her protection. There was a crunch as the dome cracked and then he brought his hands together and swung it as a single fist. The dome shattered and Veruca screamed in fear as James stood over her. “Sorry sis, but you shouldn’t have gotten in my way.” He raised his fists again.

Kairi simply reacted, shoving away from the headboard and launching herself at him. Her Keyblade appeared in a flash of light and she swung at James with it. For a big man, he managed to move fast enough to not be hurt by it, but Kairi did not let him recover. She swung again and again, closing the gap each time he tried to move away. James seemed to know he couldn’t run away forever. He tried a dangerous move blocking Kairi’s strike with his gauntlet and counterattacked, but Kairi ducked under the blow and brought her blade up, slicing the giant from hip to shoulder.

It was a shallow wound, but James stumbled back anyway, trying to get away from her. Kairi pressed on, giving no quarter. “Stay away. I’m sorry!” He pleaded, his tough exterior crumbling under her assault as he backed into the corner. He grabbed one of the display cases and threw it at her.

Kairi dodged left and then flew at him, ignoring his pleas as she rammed the Keyblade through his heart. He cried out and then his body dissipated, leaving no physical trace he’d been there. Kairi stood there for a minute, just staring down at the blade, before turning to face Veruca.

Kairi expected relief, or possibly gratitude, on Veruca’s face. She did not expect to see sheer unadulterated terror plastered all over the childlike girl’s face. That fear shook Kairi to her soul and she turned away from the girl, feeling more like herself than she has in the past week. She reached up, tearing off the collar and ignoring the pain that it caused. She dropped the object of her enslavement on the floor. Time to finally escape this madness.

She turned back to the girl, hoping to at least assuage Veruca’s fears, but Veruca cringed away from Kairi. Perhaps she feared for her life as well. Perhaps it was all an act, but Kairi couldn’t bring herself to harm the girl. Of all that she had met, Veruca had been the gentlest with her. Kairi simply turned and hurried out into the stale light of the hall, picking a direction and hoping to find a way out.

A way home.