Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Call of the Dark ❯ Broken ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
**Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any characters therein. They are the property of Square Enix and Disney. All Company members are my own property. Do not steal them. Warning! This story contains graphic scenes of an adult nature, including scenes of rape. If you are under the age of consent, or such content disturbs you, please do not read any further.**

Loshul sat back, smiling. Things were going very well, despite Celine and Ameys disobeying him. Kairi was falling to them and he’d sent Freya and Easton to go retrieve their next victim. He was enjoying the position of power he was in. Xenia had chosen him because she knew he’d be the right one to deal with the girl and break her down. Even if others were not following the plan exactly, all of them had the goal of bringing down those that had destroyed the Organization.

It had been because he’d been able to wrangle those that had been hesitant that Xenia had fallen for him as hard as she had. He’d cowed Yvette into line with a fight between them. Yvette was one of the few Company members who could hold their own in a fight against him and he’d challenged her to make sure they followed the path. The fight had been close, and Loshul won. It hadn't hurt that Loshul had drugged her just enough to beat her. All was right in his goals. After that battle, Yvette had acknowledged that their course was right.

Veruca had been simple enough. The girl was promised at least one pet for herself to play with and that had made her more than content. The girl was definitely unbalanced, but she was very adept at doing what most of the Company could not, show compassion for an enemy. Veruca had been keen after that, and knowing she was one of the best at manipulating the enemy, Loshul had no problem with placing the Princess in her capable hands.

Celine’s had been simpler than he thought it would be. Tell the girl a simple lie, and her anger had been honed directly at their enemies. It had been simple to hide the truth from her, and hide the lie from everyone else. Celine rarely talked about her obsession with the fiery Organization member, and that was just fine with him. When Celine fell into line, Damian came with her.

United was what they had to be, even if they didn’t like each other. Norian and Easton actively hated him and Veruca thought he was nuts. He didn’t much care. Xenia cared for him, and the fledgling that was supposed to replace Roxas was seen as the perfect leader for the Company. With her by his side, this would succeed, so long as the Company remembered their mission.

The door to the control center burst open and in stormed an enraged Veruca. Loshul looked up at her, curious. "I assume this is not to tell me the Princess is broken?"

"No! She’s escaped!" Loshul sprang to his feet, but was caught off guard as Veruca hit him in the stomach with a crystal stick. He sank to his knees and felt her grab his head and stare at him. "I nearly had her! And then you go and let James, James of all people, loose to come after her!"

Loshul tried to gasp out something, but Veruca didn’t seem to want to hear an excuse. She punched him in the face twice and kneed him in the stomach before Syrus burst in at the ruckus and pulled the raging girl off him. Veruca squirmed in the blue-haired man’s grasp as Loshul tried to regain his breath. "I didn’t…let him out."
"Let who out?" Syrus asked.

Veruca squirmed some more, finally being let down as she told Syrus what happened, tears streaming down her face. She flung down the broken collar as she talked and Syrus leaned down picking it up. He focused and the broken parts fixed themselves. She finished with a sob and Syrus handed her the collar again. "She was supposed to be my pet, and now she’s gone! If you didn’t let that meanie out, who did?"

"I did," came a soft, silky voice. Loshul looked up as Maya sauntered into the room. The woman was five foot four and had long, wavy dark red hair. There was no sign of frizz, and seemed to shine at times. She had dark blue eyes that looked like the sky just before the sun set with amethyst flecks. She had freckles peppering her skin, making her look like a leopard at times, though the highest concentration framed her cheeks and nose with fewer on her shoulders and arms. She had a soft roundness to her, more so than most of the women in the Company, but she made it look very sexy, with nicely sized and shaped breasts to match. When she entered the room, she caught your attention, looking like a Greek goddess of plenty.

"Maya?" Veruca said, unbelieving. "But…why?"

"He needed to be dealt with, childling, and I knew you’d be able to get rid of him." She smiled as she pet the girl on the head. "You did me so proud."

"You sacrificed one of our own?" Syrus said, appalled at her nerve.

"I would hardly call that musclebound idiot one of us," Maya said, cold running through her voice as her eyes fixed with Syrus’. "Ever since Marluxia died, he’d gone to insanity. We were wasting our time and people dealing with him. I simply fixed the problem."

Syrus’ face darkened but Maya’s attention was returned to the smaller girl. "I didn’t beat him though. Princess did. She pulled out her Keyblade and killed him. I thought she was gonna kill me too."

Maya pulled in a sharp breath. "She did? How?"

Syrus shook his head. "She shouldn’t have been able to remember she even had it anymore. Not if the Heartless did their job."

Loshul had watched the exchange in silence, fingering the scar under his left eye. "Ruka," he said, calling the purple-haired girl by her pet name, "you said you almost had her?" The girl nodded, trying not to cry. Loshul looked at Syrus. "Could she have pulled it out a desire to protect the girl?"

Syrus looked at Loshul and nodded. "It’s possible."

Maya looked between the two as she held Veruca close. "So what do we do now? She’s escaping as we speak."

Loshul looked around. "We recapture her and we take her weapon away."

Maya nodded. "This is my fault. I’ll go get her…" She took her hands off Veruca and headed for the door.

"No!" Loshul said, interposing himself in her way, "I’ll deal with the girl myself."

"But I’m the one that…"

"It doesn’t matter, Maya. Take Veruca and protect her. Syrus, track my position and notify Norian, Kerowyn and Olan to lock down the building. I’m going on the hunt."

"You sure you don’t need backup?" Syrus said.

"If Xenia finds out I lost her, I’ll be the one in trouble, old friend. I must find her now, or suffer her wrath." He held out his hand and a rapier materialized in his hand, small flames burned onto either side. "Wish me luck," he said as he vanished out into the hallway.

He raced down the halls, keeping an eye out for the redhead. When he caught up with her, he’d show her just who could wield a blade, and then he was going to punish her disobedience. Veruca might have thought Kairi was her pet, Loshul had always intended her to be a present for Xenia . It was time to show her just who was her master after all.

* * * * * *

Kairi slipped down one hall and peered around the corner. Silence met her there and she turned the corner. The building was a maze. It was amazing anyone got anywhere. Her sock-covered feet seemed so loud to her, even though they muffled her passing. She wished that she could have found something to wear to cover herself up, but she dared not try now. Let Sora and Riku find her nude. What did she care anymore? Everyone else had seen her nude here, and if she escaped this nightmare, she would be so overjoyed to see her friends again that she would throw her body into their arms and make sure they knew how grateful she was to be with them again. Maybe they would fill her the way the Heartless had. Her eyes widened at that thought and she nearly smacked herself. Oh hell, what have I become?

Kairi found a set of stairs that led her to the floor below. The building seemed to be deserted. Had Veruca not told anyone she was missing? It seemed unlikely, but the little girl had been frightened of her, so she might still be hiding from her. The floor below looked just like every other place here, a stale white hall and nothing much else but doors. It was maddening to keep passing them and find no exit to this hellhole. Not only that, but her body was demanding that she stop and find pleasure, and it was taking all her will not to sink to the floor and pleasure herself as she had for Norian. The need for pleasure was warring with her will to escape. She half-wanted to go back to Veruca, to let the girl bring her over the edge. She did not know that the Heartless cum she’d had in her was on the verge of breaking her completely.

At the end of this hallway, however, was a large wooden door painted the same white as the hall, and yet had a marking on it she didn’t recognize. I hope that’s the symbol for exit.

She pushed the door open and stepped into a large room that seemed to be for training. There was a door on the other side and Kairi saw no point in going back unless she wanted to be the slave to her pleasures that her body was calling for. Her mind was still clear enough to fight. She shut the door behind her and made her way across the training room.

"Stop right there Princess!" The voice boomed out from above and a tall man leapt off the balcony on the second floor, landing in the way between Kairi and her goal. He had long, raven-like hair and dark green eyes that seemed to pierce into her soul. He was draped in a cloak similar to the ones the Organization wore. A hooklike scar ran under his left eye. In his right hand was a rapier. "You aren’t going anywhere."

Kairi recognized the voice and she gripped her Keyblade tighter. "You must be this Loshul the others told me about." She dropped into a fighting stance, hoping what had been taught to her by Riku and Sora would carry her through. She gave a wry smile. "The Organization is gone, Loshul. You should give it up."

"You’re in good humor, I see," Loshul said, no expression on his face as he raised the blade. "And you think you have some skill with your blade. Shall we test that?"

"Any time. You’ve stolen a lot from me. I’m gonna take it out of your hide." Kairi’s eyes were almost wild as she watched him, something having changed in the girl who had been kidnapped by them.

"I doubt it," Loshul said harshly. "When I’m finished with you, I’ll break you myself." He pulled off the cloak and tossed it to the side, revealing his bared chest. Twin scars laced from shoulder to side. Kairi licked her lips involuntarily, wondering what he’d look like completely stripped and had to kick start herself as she felt a wetness between her legs. She thought of him breaking her and the thought brought new waves of pleasure. She nearly dropped her Keyblade to pleasure herself. Only her need to escape kept her steady.

Kairi’s face went grim and she charged at Loshul, the flowery blade slicing through the air. Loshul’s blade met hers midway, and he shoved her back on her ass. He looked down at her nude body. "Pathetic! I thought you’d have more skill than that."

Kairi snarled and threw herself back up, swinging her Keyblade wildly. Loshul parried each blow calmly, watching her as he did. He ducked under one blow as he moved, coming behind her and grabbing her ass with his free hand. Kairi squealed and turned, slicing and making him jump back.
"Good. But you need to develop that work to ever have a real shot of beating me." He gave a cruel smile and began to press the attack. Kairi deflected three blows, but the fourth nearly knocked the blade out of Kairi’s hand. Loshul took the opportunity to pull Kairi in and kiss her violently, his tongue forcing into her mouth before he shoved her back.

Kairi screamed in rage and tried to get at Loshul, but the larger man was through playing. He caught the hand that held the Keyblade, keeping Kairi from striking him despite her struggling. He lifted her off the ground and then slammed her body down hard. She felt the Keyblade fall out of her grip as her exhausted body tried to give up. He lifted her up again and then threw her into the wall. "It’s over."

Kairi forced herself back to her feet. "No..." she said, coughing as she drew breath. "I’m not done..."

"Oh, but you are," Loshul said, grinning. Kairi wondered what he was thinking, just as something reached out from the wall behind her, snaring around her arms. She cried out, but it only allowed for one of the tendrils to force its way into her mouth. She struggled against the pull but more tendrils came, wrapping around her feet and pulling her to the wall.

She hung just off the ground as her legs were spread by the substance. A tendril came up, brushing at her sex and sending a jolt of electricity through her body. She knew she was craving this, but she tried to will it to stop. Another came up, brushing lightly over her nipples. A darkness fell over her mind, one she fought with all her might. She waited for them to fill her, to make her feel that wonderful but despised pleasure, but it was not to be this time. The tendrils did nothing more than tease and Kairi moaned in despair and want.

Loshul picked up the Keyblade, wandering over. “This has to be the girliest weapon I have ever seen.” He smiled wickedly, looking at the bound heroine. “It’s my weapon now though. I collect them from the enemies I defeat. Not that you deserve a weapon so pure anyway. Not anymore.”

Kairi started to cry as they kept it up, bringing her body to the heights without letting her fall. It was maddening, but the tendrils refused to do more than tease. It was robbing her of her anger and bringing her back to the brink she was at before she’d drawn her Keyblade. She felt her skin become sensitive to all the touches of the goo and when Loshul reached up, caressing the underside of her breast, she started to try and talk through the tendril in her mouth.

“What was that, Princess?” he asked, a devious smile on his face. He motioned, and the tendril pulled out. “Did you have something to say to me?”

“Please. Please stop teasing me.” Her moan was desperate. She still felt a small amount of guilt at taking pleasure in this, but her body was clamoring for more. “I need it.”

“And are you willing to accept your new role here? Because this time, you’ll need to earn your reward.” He cupped her face, making her look at him. “What do you say, Princess?”
Kairi looked at him, trying to bring up the will to deny him again. Her mind was desperately trying to keep fighting, trying to keep the part of her that was still Kairi alive. The tendrils were doing their job and, with a mental scream, her last refuge was extinguished within her. She looked at Loshul and nodded. “I will…Master.”

Loshul looked as though he would cheer. He tossed Kairi’s Keyblade behind him, motioning for the goo to release her. She dropped to the floor and immediately began rubbing at her pussy. “Princess, stop.” She looked at him, longing in her eyes, but she did as she was told. Her body ached with longing and she whined pitifully at him. He touched her on the shoulder and she looked up at him. “I told you that your pleasure would come after you earn it.” He smiled wickedly and pressed a button on a device from his pocket. “Veruca, it’s resolved. Bring the collar.”

Kairi sat, waiting, as he stood before her. She was desperate to feel someone, anyone inside her now. There was no hesitation in her anymore. “If you want it, Princess, you’re going to have to do your work first. Use your mouth and make me cum.” Kairi nodded and crawled forward, feeling his member beneath the pants he wore. She unbuckled his belt and pulled down on the garments, exposing his penis to the air. It was large and thick, the head making it look like a giant mushroom. She ran her tongue along the tip, trying to work her way onto it, but Loshul grabbed her by the hair and shoved his cock in her mouth, making her gag as it went all the way to the hilt. “Quit pussy-footing around. I don’t want any foreplay. Just do your job and suck my dick.”

Kairi nodded, starting to bob up and down. Loshul helped her out, holding her head as he shoved himself deep in her. She felt him quivering as he did, and she knew he was getting off on being within her. It gave her some pride, knowing she was learning to pleasure her Master this way. Loshul groaned, feeling his pressure build and he came. Part in her mouth and part onto her face as he pulled out. “That was decent,” he said snidely as shoved her back, “but you’ll learn better techniques while you’re here.” The door to the gym opened and in rushed Veruca, smiling as she came over to Kairi.

Loshul leaned down, ruffling her hair. “Welcome to your new life, Princess. Welcome to the life of a sex slave.” He cackled as Veruca gave her the collar. Kairi put it on without hesitation, the gold heart with the name Princess on it smacking against her throat. She looked up at Loshul expectantly, wanting to feel her own pleasure as promised, but Loshul did not seem to care what Kairi wanted. He had pulled up his pants and belted them back up, then wandered over to the Keyblade. He picked it up, running his hand caressingly over it. “Veruca, I’m sure our new pet wants you to finish what you started. Do take care of her. There are plenty here that will want her over the next few weeks.”

“What do you mean, Loshul? She’s my pet.” Veruca stamped her feet, and folded her arms across her chest. “I want her for me…”

“You have a pet coming, child. A beautiful brunette who is going to need your special touch to keep her from busting apart. The princess belongs to us all, child. She is our triumph.”
Kairi looked between Veruca and Loshul, unsure what to do now, but she stood still. No one had told her what to do. She was surprised to see her old blade glow and then vanish from Loshul’s hands. She didn’t know what it meant, but it wasn’t her place to question it anymore.

Loshul turned, his face darkening. “Veruca, take the Princess and keep her in her room. We’re going to have company.”

Veruca looked like she wanted to argue, but something in Loshul’s face brooked no argument. She glared at him, then grabbed Kairi’s hand and led her away, back through the hall. Kairi trudged behind, feeling that overwhelming need in her again, but when she brought it up, Veruca gave her a big smile. “Don’t worry pet, I have plenty of toys in my room that can fill you better than that slimy Loshul. Just leave it to me.”

Kairi smiled brightly, knowing Veruca would take care of her. She would be a good pet to them, and they would make her feel good inside. Veruca led her back to the bedroom, her body radiating meekness. Veruca pulled out a strap-on and told Kairi to bend over the bed. Kairi did as she was told, spreading her legs so Veruca would gain access easier. As Veruca entered her though, there was no fear in her at all. There was only pleasure, and the will to serve.

* * * * * *

Kairi’s Keyblade appeared in a flash of light into the hands of a blonde girl wearing a white nightgown standing outside Company headquarters. She held it up, swinging the blade awkwardly, but she knew she would need it as she got inside. Her pale blue eyes were lit up as lightning flashed nearby, making them brighter than normal. All she knew was that her other half was in great danger inside.

She had waited, not wanting to separate from Kairi. Even though Kairi had been in peril, she hadn’t wanted to return when it was not her place to be around anymore. But even she couldn’t stay hidden when Kairi had fallen. She did not know what they had done to Kairi, but she had felt her break inside. She had to separate, or lose herself as well. She had been surprised to be outside the building, but she’d go back in and retrieve her soul’s connection.

Rain fell on Namine as she headed for the building, determination filling the girl up. I’m coming, Kairi. I’ll save you.