Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts: The Call of the Dark ❯ Return ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
**Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any characters therein. They are the property of Square Enix and Disney. All Company members are my own property. Do not steal them. Warning! This story contains graphic scenes of an adult nature, including scenes of rape. If you are under the age of consent, or such content disturbs you, please do not read any further.**

Norian watched the last of the returning gummi ships land in the hangar, with some amusement as Celine watched in fear. Only Ameys’ ship had returned, and soon the girl would learn if her twin had died or not. Either way, it’ll be fun to see her reaction. Norian hoped the boy was still alive. Damian was still on her list of conquests and she would be miffed to see it unfulfilled.

Bastian held Celine’s hand tight. He’d been doing so since they’d arrived ahead of the others, and Norian watched her hold her breath as the door to the ship opened. Ameys walked out, hauling an unconscious Damian with her. The boy’s skin was pale, but Norian could see him breathing. She gave a slight nod of satisfaction as Celine ran to help Ameys. More the better. I’d hate to have my goals cut short. She ignored the exchange, thinking of the redhead trapped inside, her mind playing over when Kairi had eaten her out. Now that she’s fallen, I’ll get more of that and without fighting her.

Ameys approached the door and seemed shocked when Norian did not move out of her way. “Let me through. I need to get him to the med center.”

“I can’t do that. We’re in lockdown.”

Norian was grateful Bastian stood up to restrain Celine. The girl had been bouncing between emotions and the rage that had sprung up was not wholly unexpected. The girl had a tie with her twin, one that Norian wanted. Norian would normally have broken the orders, just to irritate Loshul, but the situation was dangerous and even she was not such a fool to cross Xenia’s plans. Not yet anyway. Besides, she loved driving a knife into the girl. It was fun watching the spitfire squirm. She’d been just fine with the lockdown until her twin needed it broken. Ameys probably would have been fighting as well if she hadn’t been holding the boy.

Bastian ruined her fun, glaring at Norian with cobalt eyes. “You never did tell us. Why are we in lockdown?”

Norian grinned. “We detected a Nobody intruder.” Ameys looked shocked and a little pale, which accentuated her fire-orange hair. The woman always did have too soft a spot. “Loshul and a few others are currently hunting her down. The little blond witch is going to join the whore she came to rescue.”

Celine seemed to calm down and Norian smiled as Bastian slowly loosened his grip. Just when she thought it was over, Celine broke Bastian’s grip, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her into the hangar door. “Listen you balloon-chested bimbo! My twin doesn’t have time to wait! You open the goddamn door right now!”

Norian struggled in Celine’s grasp. “I…can’t…” she squeaked out. “Lockdown…procedures…”

Bastian grabbed Celine’s arm. “She’s right. Doors can only be opened from command during a lockdown.” Celine growled, but Bastian shook her arm. “Celine!” Celine turned, looking at him. She sighed, finally putting Norian down.
Norian’s hand went to her throat, gasping as the color returned to her face. “Damn bitch…nearly killed me…”

“Think of it as a warning to stay away from Damian.” Celine said shortly. “Next time you try touching him, I’ll rip you apart.”

Norian stood up, towering a good foot over the shorter green-haired girl. “You try it and I’ll make sure you regret it girl.”

Celine’s brown eyes turned completely black, shadows swirling around her and Norian jumped back from the girl, sashes swirling around her. She ignored Bastian yelling at them, intent on her target. Celine had always joked about her power being flimsy, but she was going to put the fiery girl in her place. Celine swung herself forward, shadows ripping along the ground, bringing up chunks of concrete and forcing Bastian to throw up a wall of Earth to protect Ameys and himself from harm.

The sashes wrapped around the incoming shadow, causing the impact to happen early. She threw out one, and it smacked Celine across the face. She growled, but a sash wrapped around her mouth, cutting off any noise. “You were always too impetuous, Celine.” Sashes wrapped around Celine, tying up her arms and legs. “I guess that’s a failing of being young. Maybe I need to teach you to think before you act.” She began to use her sashes like whips, striking the younger girl over and over.

“Norian, you’ve made your point!” Ameys cried, though she couldn’t intervene while holding the unconscious Damian. “Let her go!”

“Oh, I will. I just want to give her something to remember this by, so she doesn’t cross me again. Maybe a nice scar on that pretty face just like Loshul.” She sent the sash flying at Celine, loving the wince the girl gave. The sash stopped short though, falling to the ground like an ordinary piece of cloth before vanishing.

“That’s enough, little lady,” came an older voice. Norian spun, ready to give the old man a piece of her mind. “You call her impetuous, but I remember when you were just learning yourself. I didn’t give you any scars.”

“That was different, Quinn.” Norian’s voice had turned sulky, the anger receding out of her. She hated being talked to like that.

“No it wasn’t, Nori. I was created specifically to be a voice of reason and sound judgment to the group. It’s the whole reason my powers shut down all others.” He hobbled over, helping the thrashing girl out of her bonds.

“Lemme go!” Celine cried, jerking her arm away. She rolled away, heading for her brother. Norian smirked. Celine hated to be rescued. She was too independent. Quinn seemed to take it as a personal slight. His bushy eyebrows drooped, but he straightened up nonetheless.

Norian sighed. “Stupid girl doesn’t understand that we have rules here.”

Quinn turned on her. “Yes we do, Norian, and you were stupid not to follow them.” He walked past her, ignoring her scathing look as he grabbed the comm. unit. “Syrus, this is the hangar. What’s the situation?”

Syrus’ voice came crackling back. “Loshul and Kerowyn are leading her to Yvette. I’m making sure she can’t go anywhere else.”

“Are you sure that’s wise, given...?”

“Yvette knows what must be done.”

Norian was confused by this exchange, but she did not push it. She was wondering what Quinn was up to. “Are they anywhere near the hangar or the medical bay?”

There was a pause. “No, they’re over near the labs, why?”

“Damian’s hurt and we need to get him help. I need a clear path that won’t come near the plan.”

“I’m not sure, Quinn...”

Quinn smiled. “Don’t worry, Syrus. Loshul will understand, and it’ll be on me. We need all of us.”

Static was his response and the group stood there, waiting. Finally, the door opened and Syrus’ voice came back. “Praxis is waiting. Norian, you and Quinn stay in the hangar. The rest of you hurry. The doors are on a timer. That’s the best I can give.” The comm. then went silent.
Quinn motioned to the others, while Norian watched with contempt. Such acts were weak. They could endanger the plan and though she wanted Loshul to fail, it was only so she could take over and get the perks of leadership. The last thing she wanted to see was Xenia’s anger should it all go wrong.

As Quinn began helping the younger ones, Norian thought she saw movement coming from Ameys’ ship. What the hell...? She approached it, trying to make out what she saw from the shadows of the cockpit.

“Everything all right?” Quinn asked, coming up next to her.

Norian waved her hand, walking up the walkway, all her senses on guard. She shouldn’t have been so worried. The cockpit was deserted. She stomped back down, anger in her every fiber. “Nothing, Quinn, just my eyes playing tricks on me.” She glared at him. “Next time you want to subvert my authority, I’ll make you regret it.”

“Norian, child. Next time I want to subvert your authority, I’ll have you in bed.” He chuckled and Norian flushed. She’d never thought about something like that, Quinn being too old. He was powerful though, and he could shut down power from the others. She smirked. Maybe it would be worth it. She sauntered after him, her hips swaying.

“Maybe it’s not so far off,” she said, trying to turn on her seduction, unaware a pair of eyes was watching the two and waiting.


Namine’s sandals made loud echoes for each step she took. She was sweating and tired, but she’d been victorious so far. Every Heartless they threw at her had been destroyed, though they were acting very strange, seeming more interested in her nightgown than her. This was all new behavior for these creatures and she still couldn’t figure it out. At least they die the same.
She never thought she would be back to this place again. She had been here for a short period of time before leaving for Castle Oblivion with Marluxia. She didn’t know at the time that he was not allowed to take her. He had been her superior and she had followed without question. When she had noticed that Sora had been there, she’d been overjoyed at the thought of him being with her. But as she worked her magic on him, it didn’t make her feel better. It made her feel worse. So much so, that she betrayed the Organization to help him.

Now she was back here again, in a place she’d tried hard to forget. She knew what she had to do here, but there had been friends in this lonely place. Friends she was hoping she would not see.

Namine was not so foolish to believe she had entered unobserved. They knew she was here and they were leading her along. She had no choice but to follow and hope to dispatch their traps until she found Kairi. She just hoped she was strong enough. Kairi was counting on her.
The path led through three doors and Namine knew where she was nearing. The labs were an integral part of the operation here and Namine knew that Kairi was not anywhere near here. She passed the labs, unable to get into any of them, but the next door did open and she entered into the testing facility. While the labs had been interested in the creation of more powerful Heartless and Nobodies, the testing facility was where they came to find out if their experiments worked. She shuddered in remembrance of the few failures she’d seen, how grotesque and unstable they were. Only the twisted truly worked in this facility.

She looked around, intending to make sure it was safe before entering. She didn’t want to run into anything like that. She saw nothing, and she could feel Kairi closer now. It took her a moment to realize that some of the rooms were mere yards away. Were they foolish enough to keep Kairi in one of their own rooms? She’d find out soon enough. Nothing was going to keep her from getting her other half out.

Pain laced along her body, though it wasn’t something happening to her. It was happening to Kairi. She pushed the feeling to the side and instinct made her run into the room, wanting to get to her faster. It was a mistake. The door slammed shut behind her, the boom echoing through the room and a Heartless appeared in front of her. It was huge, looking like a gorilla’s body, though twice the size and muscle. It had large pointed ears and glowing eyes with a nose similar to an anteaters, complete with tongue coming out the end. It also had a long curling tail that was twitching back and forth.

Namine held her Keyblade at the ready, hoping she could overcome her fear and dispatch the creature quickly. The creature didn’t want to give her the chance. It slammed its paws into the ground and the whole room shook throwing Namine off balance. With speed she would never have thought possible it leapt towards her. She managed to avoid it landing on her by diving out of the way, but it slammed her in the back with its tail and she went flying, nearly losing her grip on the Keyblade. She didn’t have much time to react as she leapt up over the incoming tail, landing on her feet. She slashed at the creature, but it leapt away to the other side of the room.

“Damn thing is fast…” she said under her breath, panting. She was more tired than she thought from battling all the Heartless on the way. “But I’m not going to lose…” She kept watch, wanting to see the creature’s next move. It started charging toward her and she steadied her Keyblade. Halfway across the room and it vanished from sight. Namine gasped, wondering what was going on and the next thing she knew, her arms were trapped at her sides as the monster’s tail wrapped around her. It slammed her into the wall, and she barely held on to the Keyblade. She slashed at the creature’s tail as it was close and it roared at her in pain before flinging her across the room.

She sailed over, crashing to the ground and wincing as she felt her skin tear a little as she slid. In a flash, the beast was over her and, despite the pain, she lashed out at it, cutting its arm as she fought back. It roared again, smacking her with the back of its hand as she slammed into the wall, dropping the Keyblade as she slid down the wall. It was just too fast and strong.

The creature stood over her, and it tore away her nightgown with its massive hands, exposing her body to it as she struggled to her feet. It didn’t let her get to her Keyblade, picking her up with it’s the tail, the black fur rubbing against her nipples as it grabbed one of her legs with each paw, spreading them to a point that it hurt. Is it going to split me like a wishbone? It hurt quite a bit and she didn’t want to die like this. Kairi needed her.

She felt one of its free paws come up between her legs and the panties she wore were ripped away as well. She then saw what was coming up between her legs and shrieked. The creature was planning to impale her on its cock and the member was enormous. There was no way it would fit where she knew it was going. She struggled against the tail, but it was to no avail as it began to press into her pussy. Namine screamed in pain as it forced it’s way in, inch by painstaking inch, and the pain intensified as it ripped through her hymen.

Finally, it could go no further and it was only halfway in as it basically impaled the blonde. The tail unwrapped from around Namine, but she could not force herself off the cock as it gripped her sides and began to move her up and down slowly as if she was a doll. Namine struggled to no avail as this monster began taking its pleasure with her.

She felt the massive member sliding inside her, rubbing painfully against the inner walls as the tail began rubbing up along her breasts. Namine cried out in pain and fear, unable to stop the fucking and unable to reach her Keyblade to fight back. The creature grunted, sounding like it was laughing at her plight as its paws began playing with her nipples, rubbing them along with the tail. Namine kept trying to focus, but each thrust brought her back into the moment. The worst part was that it was starting to hurt less, and that worried her.

Namine was about to moan in despair when a small voice entered her mind, calling for help. Kairi. That brought Namine back to herself and she focused enough to summon the Keyblade back to her. She swung it at the cock and the creature gave a sickening cry and it shuddered, throwing the small girl to the ground. It began to moan and shake, the room trembling with its movements before it imploded, vanishing into itself. Namine pulled herself to her feet, chuckling a little. “Is that the best you’ve got?”

Movement drew her attention and Namine swung instinctively at the descending Shadow. Instead of dissipating like it should when she destroyed it, this one exploded in her face, causing Namine to cough as she inhaled the dust. She sank to her knees, trying to breathe, and then her body started to go haywire. Her nipples became hard and her pussy went wet. Something in that Heartless had to have done this to her.

“Well, friend, it is bad for you to be here.” Namine spun to see a blue-haired woman staring back, a bastard sword in her hand that she held with obvious practice. She was wearing tight, brown, leather pants and a tight white top that was tucked in. She also wore black boots that came up to her lower thigh. Her blue eyes watched Namine closely. “I wish you had not come, as I did not want to have to capture you.”

“Yvette. Why are you doing this? Let Kairi go.” She gripped the Keyblade tight, trying to ignore the clamoring from her body.

“I am sorry, but I cannot.” Her speech held a slight accent that Namine had remembered fondly when she’d been captured. “You are a traitor to your people and must be punished. I just wish it had not been me.”

“I’m sorry as well, Yvette. I didn’t want to have to do this. But if you will not get out of my way,” She dropped into a fighting stance, “then I have to go through you.”
“You can try, Namine. But you could never beat me before. What makes you think you can now, in your current state?”
Namine blinked. “You did this to me? I thought petty traps were below someone of your skill.” Her body twinged and she had to lock her knees to keep from sinking to the floor in lust. Whatever Yvette had used had been potent, but Kairi needed her.

“Loshul has taught me many things since you left,” she said.

Loshul?! Namine gulped, knowing that if that madman had finally beaten her in a duel, she would have begun to study under him to get better. That was trouble. She could no longer count on a fair fight. “I’ve learned much too…” she said, but the confidence had gone out of her.

“Then show me, friend. And pray that you don’t fall to my blade.” With that, she rushed at the blonde, and Namine prepared to meet her good friend in battle to the death.