Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Tart ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Notes at the end.


“Roxas, how close are we?”

“Don’t tell me you’re getting tired of walking already, Nami. The station’s literally right around the next corner.”

“Um, no, I-” Naminé eeped as Roxas, in a smooth motion, swept her feather-light body up into his arms, and carried her bridal style as he continued to walk at the same leisurely pace. It’d stunned her into a momentary silence, before she managed to meekly look up with her big shimmering blue eyes and finish what she’d started to say. “Wh-what I was going to say was you misunderstood my question. I meant, how close are we?”

Roxas slowed down and quirked an eyebrow.

“Considering I’m carrying you, I shouldn’t think it was a distance that required the need of a measuring tape.”

“N-no, I didn’t mean... wait, Roxas,” Now she looked up to him, tilting her head aside. Judging by her cute expression, it looked like she was finally figuring out what he was doing. “You’re not... teasing me, are you?”

“Oh, I most certainly am,” Tugging her closer, Roxas gave her an Eskimo kiss. “Because you’re cute, gullible, and you pull some of the funniest faces when you’re being teased.”

What he got for that, from her, was her perfect teeth latching onto his nose before he could retreat. He chuckled nasally.

“You’re a mighty vicious little kitty, aren’t you? Okay, uh... we’re close, Naminé. Really close, if you’d like.”

Satisfied with his answer, Naminé let go and Roxas twitched his nose.

“I would like, very much,” Naminé muttered with a shy smile, and a soft red tinge to her cheeks. “Is it... would us being very close be the same as... you are with Olette?”

“Closer, actually, because we’re here and Olette’s at Yuffie’s house over in-ahh, hey now,” He narrowly avoided her teeth upon his chin by turning his head. “Can’t take a... If you want an honest answer then yes, you and I are as relatively close as I am with Olette. Are you happy now, Nami, or would you rather continue eating my face?”

The last part was said in jest, and he broadcasted it as such in his body language. It looked to him like she was seriously considering that offer, and while he personally wouldn’t mind her clambering onto him and nibbling his wares, they had a train to catch. Perhaps later...

“I’m happy,” Blushing, she relaxed and snuggled into his hold. “And I guess, if we’re that close... I’m qualified to seek your personal opinion should I want to wear any slinky outfits...”

“Slinky outfits, I’d imagine, would only work if you’re going downstairs,” He said to himself, before really thinking about what Naminé was insinuating. Quite bold for her to suggest such a thing, he thought, but he’d play on it. “Ooh, please tell me you’ve brought a nurses uniform along with you! One that’s dinky enough to fit into that satchel of yours!”

“You’d like to see me dress up as a nurse? Truly?”

Oh, she was so cute. There was a bright, hopeful glow in her wide, adoring eyes.

“In keeping with the honesty racket,” He said in a suddenly dry, croaky voice. “What you’re wearing now is spoiling me enough. It’s absolutely gorgeous, Nami. In addition, I’d die a happy man if there were ever a time you’d honour me with a glimpse of you in any uniform. Nurse, police, army... it’s possible I could even squeal myself to death should you don a clown costume.”

“You’re not making fun at me, are you?”

“I can never understand why no one ever takes clowns or jesters seriously,” Roxas gave her a serious look. “No, I’m not making fun. I’m being honest. Whatever you wear, you look fantastic. As I said before, right now, your dress is flippin’ gorgeous.”

Her happy, innocent expression made him feel all warm and tingly inside. The only issue now, however, was after all this talk his head was filled with the visions of Naminé in a variety of sexy costumes, and he was about to spend forty-odd secluded minutes in a small box with her. Damn, he hoped to St Bernard he could control himself.

He did feel pretty tired, though, having spent so many hours expending energy on his two girlfriends and ‘older sister’. Maybe he could catch up on some sleep? That should, hopefully, keep him out of trouble...


Aboard the ten-thirty ‘Disney Express’, most carriages were packed to the rafters with families, teenagers, paired and single adults, all expected for the summer period. Luckily enough, for those willing to pay the extra munny to make the forty minute journey quieter and more comfortable, private compartments were readily available. Two young friends going out on a non-date were such patrons, the forker-outer for the luxury being Roxas, who managed to get the payment in for the train tickets before Naminé could reach into her purse.

The luscious green scenery rolled past the window without a blur, yet no one cared to grace the view with their attention. Nose stuck in her sketchbook, Naminé sat opposite her crush and sketched, amongst other things, Roxas’ handsome sleeping face. While she understood plenty the truth behind his fatigue, she was a tad disappointed he wasn’t awake for her to make clear a few details concerning the material portraying him as the insatiable sex-beast who quite easily managed to handle three girls at once.

Not that she’d ask anything outright. The questions would be subtle and build up to an eventual ‘Would you be happy to do the same with me? Oh, and my sister as well? We’re more than happy to share with others, because my mummy says... oh, that’s right, my mummy would also like for you to do her, too...’

Squirming uneasily, Naminé lifted her butt off the seat and sat down again, this time tucking her bare feet up. The vibrating toy thing she picked out from the mystery wonder-bag had made her wet on a scale like never before, and left her almost literally stewing in her own juices. It was a small price to pay, should it lead to greater success on the road to tempting him.

Turning a page in her sketchbook, virtually every space on the two-page spread had been filled up with rough outlines of those positions Roxas and the girls were in. It was some fascinating stuff which she couldn’t stop drawing; however she missed a fair amount of detail due to the camcorder’s screen size. Other than hooking the camera up to a monitor to enlarge the images, an option no longer available at this point in time, another way to get the detail would be to maybe ask...

Shyly looking up, Naminé chewed on her lip as she contemplated rousing Roxas from his nap and asking him if he wouldn’t mind showing it to her.

‘No, no,’ She shook her head. ‘That’s being too forward... and I wouldn’t want to disturb him, he’s had ever such a tiring morning already... plus, he looks so handsome when he’s asleep...’

Well, he always looked handsome. That face of his... she really, really wanted to kiss it.

She could. They’d kissed before, right? If he woke up, he wouldn’t be angry or grouchy with her. No way Hosé... or at least she hoped he wouldn’t. In any case, it was unlikely he would wake up because she knew he slept like dead log from the few times they happened to fall asleep with one another, like that time on Sunset Hill. Ooh, remembering that night sent a delightful shiver up her spine... but then again, it could still be that toy thing causing the shivers.

Carefully setting down her drawing gear and cautiously stepping off the seat, Naminé placed her small hands on his knees and neared his face with her own. The train was a smooth ride and had virtually no sway, thus she hadn’t any worries about balance or accidentally being jerked forward to headbutt him. Although, the toy-thingy inside her was currently making her fidget like she badly needed to go to the toilet, so she needed to do something about that.

For some strange reason, ‘taking it out’ hadn’t crossed her mind. Instead, what she did was climb up onto the seat with him, and straddled his lap. Again, what hadn’t crossed her mind was the fact she was dripping wet down below, and would certainly leave a large stain. Also, the vibrations were likely to pass on if she were to really get close, which she did. High chance she might end up stimulating something of his...

Oblivious to these thoughts, Naminé puckered her lips and scanned his face for the best place to kiss him, or where to start on an opportune kiss-binge should she really want to take advantage.

Usually, he was the one who kissed her. They were small kisses, most commonly on her cheek, but often he’d deviate and kiss her someplace else, like the forehead, or the nose, or the neck, and sometimes the shoulders. Any which place, she liked it. Oh, and they have kissed on the lips once or twice. A friendly kiss on the lips, that is. Both of which had stretched on for a great length and somehow managed to include their tongues, all whilst remaining purely friendly. It wasn’t so much French as Belgian kissing, which is okay for a guy and a gal to do if they’re just being friendly.

All of the above applied to Xion, too, except she most definitely French kissed Roxas. She also had a tendency to jump into his arms and wrap her legs around his waist, which wasn’t something she had the gall to do. Nope, but Roxas had saved her the trouble by picking her up, and the legs wrapping around his waist was a natural follow up to that.

Okay, so Naminé had decided she was going to start out by kissing his cheek. That seemed safe enough in the circumstance.

‘Only a peck...’

After the brief contact, Naminé checked to see if he’d reacted in any way. Not as far as she could make out, he hadn’t.

‘Try the jaw,’ The brave mind suggested to the squeamish body. ‘Give it a kiss, and then try doing what he sometimes does to your nose.’

Suckle on his nose? Perhaps not, Naminé mulled. While it was all very nice and sent all kinds of magical tingles down her spine, she couldn’t do it to him in his sleep. It could restrict his oxygen intake, and he might very well wake up kicking in a spasm.

‘Then try something else. Anything you think he might like, but won’t disturb his sleep.’

Naminé raised her right hand, and tapped her chin with her index finger. What to try...?


Elsewhere aboard the train, three others who were also headed for the Magic Kingdom the same as Roxas and Naminé, but had lacked the foresight and/or funds to purchase private carriage passes, stood in a not entirely uncomfortable spot towards the back and in a corner. Luckily for them, they’d picked the side where the doors didn’t open up at every station otherwise they might’ve been flushed out the carriage by the press of bodies.

Speaking of press of bodies, Kairi found herself compact between Sora, her boyfriend, and their close childhood pal, Riku. Given that dear, sweet Sora was a massive pervert with the sexual capacity of a rutting rhinoceros, Kairi would have been shocked if not insulted had he not taken this highly intimate opportunity to try anything downright despicable with her. He had, happily, so no hard feelings. Well, no hard feelings other than the ones pressing into her crotch and lower back.

Yes, Riku was also in on this. He had been for a long, long while as per Sora’s many kinky suggestions, and she had to admit, Riku was a fantastic lover; although, she wasn’t entirely sure who he was more interested in between her and Sora. It didn’t bother her much at all, because having sex with Riku was great, and watching him and Sora oil up and go at it like sea otters was frickin’ hot. All three together could shape goddamn mountains.

Sora didn’t have to say anything to her before he started. With his boyish, goosebump-inducing smile, he ran his fingertips along the outside of her bare thighs, and with due care and dramatic slowness, he raised the hem of the skirt to her favourite pink mini dress up to the waist. As they were headed to a Disney park, it seemed fitting for her to wear Sora’s favourite underwear set; the powdery pink thong with frilly black edges and the Mickey and Minnie Mouse love heart print design.

Words weren’t necessary. Kairi could see he approved when his face lit up like a small boy who’d been a downright lucky sod to have received the number one most wanted gift on Christmas day, and thanked her with a great big messy wet kiss.

Kairi hooked her arms around his neck, and relaxed with a heavy sigh. Riku, whom she had her back to, smiled, and she knew that because he, being almost a whole head-height taller than herself and Sora, had rested his chin atop her head and she felt his jaw widen from the grin. She was a little upset when he rudely interrupted her and Sora’s spit-swap, and only forgave him after she’d seen the method to his madness.

Hands on her hips and shuffling in a small circle, Riku led Kairi around in the confined space until she now faced the train door, and Riku was behind her still. His large, muscular frame pressed her smaller body firmly against the glass, which was quite chilly on her cheek, shoulders and forearms. The chill wasn’t the only explanation for her stiff nipples, tremendous shudder and stifled gasp, however, as Riku had at some point taken out his mighty erect length and fed it between her increasingly damp thighs.

This certainly reminded her of the odd times when she and Riku shared a shower, usually on those nights when it was just him who slept over at her place. In a manner as steamy as the chamber where they stood, with hot running water gushing down upon them, he pressed her against the fogged glass and slid his rock-hard member between her legs for her thighs to squeeze down upon. His hips were so strong they literally lifted her off her wriggling tiptoes with each agonisingly slow upward snake, and her damp, shiny flesh made a sorrowful squee as she rubbed up and down against the glass.

Squeezing her eyes shut and biting down on her lip when Riku, with a deviant grin, pointed out she was heavily dripping all over his length when he hadn’t even done anything to her yet, she realised the shameful memories were almost entirely to blame. All those times in the shower, when she and Riku performed oral sex on one another and always, always topped it all off with a mix of vaginal and anal sex, which flowed into the bedroom where they continued to do the filthy deed until sunrise, turned her on so much because it was so sinful. Sora actually knew all about it, and being the strange type that he was, happily played the voyeur to his girlfriend being taken against the glass panel by his best friend... or sometimes even switched places with her, and let her play voyeur. Again, she wasn’t entirely sure about the deal between Riku and Sora, but when she watched or thought about them, she was just too horny to care.

Dropping her hands to her lower back, Kairi clawed up the hem of her skirt to ensure her fabulous arse remained unveiled for Riku to find his way. Still with the deviant grin, Riku trailed his thumb down her cleft and hooked aside the thong. She upped on her toes, shivered and clenched her teeth to choke down a squeal as he wet his fingers up in his mouth and deeply probed her anal passage to ensure there was a little lubrication at least. His thick fingers felt so good, but what she was really after and nearly drew all the world’s unwanted attention towards her with a scream for was coming right up, real slow.

Bending his knees to accommodate their difference in height, Riku pressed the bulbous tip of his large phallus against her rear hole, and gently eased himself inside. He was a very big boy, yet no matter how many times he took her here, she was always as tight as the first time.

She knew he was in all the way not when his pelvis squished her buttocks, but when he straightened up and literally swept her off her feet, which dangled inches off the floor. Sweat trickled down her face and her neck, which was where he’d started to lick her. One of his hands cupped her covered breast, and the other dragged her skirt back up at the front to make her ready as he slowly turned back around, bringing her once again in between him and her very patient boyfriend.

Seeing him smile in such a way when she had another guy’s member deeply penetrating her constricting rectal tunnel was somehow more of a sinful turn on that the shower memories, and if she had the capacity, she’d try to squeeze her thighs together and hide the evidence dribbling down her legs. With ease, Sora parted her thighs and thanked Riku with a simple nod as he helped out the height difference by pushing back against the door, bending his knees a bit and becoming a human chair for Kairi. Hooking two fingers under the soaked material covering her puffy, shaven loins, Sora peeled it aside and prodded the cleft between the fat, juicy majora, and just teased her for a short while until he obviously noticed from the look she gave him she was so damn close to either seizing his collar and screaming into his face for him to put it in, or grabbing his tormenting organ with a tight fist and pulling it in herself.

He licked her nose, which had the same stunning effect as a slap to the face. He followed that up with a dreadfully slow entry into her hot, tight body, but only for the first inch; the rest speared into her to the very hilt, and if he hadn’t picked that time to force his tongue down her throat and muffle her shocked gasp, she’d have alerted every bastard aboard the train to their lewd activity.

They kept the rhythm nice and slow, which was a good idea, because she couldn’t really ever contain herself when she had two great big phallus’ pumping into her body in a rampant flurry like they normally did. Sora pulled out, Riku pushed in, Sora pushed in, Riku pulled out... nice and slow, nice and smooth, nice and easy.

A silvery saliva string collapsed between their tongues as Sora broke the kiss, and allowed her to share an over-the-shoulder snog with Riku. She gargled as Riku overpowered her tongue with very little effort, a fault she blamed on Sora for distracting her by suckling on her bobbing throat.

Sora’s hands slid along the outside of her thighs and dragged her knees up under his armpits, and she automatically wrapped her legs behind his back. His gravity-defying hair made for a great place to lose her fingers as they combed and weaved and sometimes dug in during the odd rough hip-buck, which came from either him or Riku.

Again, she switched kissing with Riku to kissing with Sora, and the spit-mix messily spilled onto her bare shoulder with each quick snap of her head left and right. It didn’t matter, as the mess was always ‘cleaned’ up by whoever was free. Riku’s hands, one of which she caught sight holding onto a vertical handrail, cupped under her buttocks as he regained some height.

At that moment, through some kind of psychic connection, both Sora and Riku decided a little extra ‘oomph’ was the next best thing, and they added a wiggle to their thrusts. She hoped she could keep her voice down now that they started this, but they weren’t going to make it easy for her.

Good, she thought happily, as she choked down another neck of Sora’s saliva.

Her legs remained crossed, slid down Sora’s back to his waist, and she tried to use her heels like a cowboy with a horse, albeit without the spurs, to make him giddy up. He smirked against her lips, slid a hand down to her butt, and gave one of her cheeks a playful slap. It was a risk, as the resounding smack could’ve turned heads, but luckily it didn’t. Too many people on board, especially with children, made enough of a racket that that one noise would’ve gone totally unnoticed.

It didn’t sit uncomfortably with her, being discovered in a situation like this. That was all part of the thrill, basically... and the sudden thought made her tighten more, which obviously didn’t go unnoticed by Sora and Riku, and they verbally teased her for it.

There wasn’t an accurate way for Kairi to calculate how long the fun rolled on for, other than making a rough estimate on the time by judging the number of stations they’d stopped at. The midway point of the journey was Ropeway Station, which they’d just passed, and that told Kairi she had the two hot, solid lengths alternately plowing her for somewhere between fifteen and twenty minutes. She also noted she’d cum at least three times in that space, making her so much more sensitive to their movements, and her slick bodily fluids dribbled down her legs and drip, drip, dripped on the floor by Sora and Riku’s feet. Not by hers, as they were still dangling off the ground.

Voice muffled by Sora’s swirling tongue and wet lips, Kairi hoped she made no more noise than before as the boys, in perfect harmony, showed signs of reaching their climax by reducing the wiggle and increasing speed. Her thighs clamped on Sora’s ribs, a decision that wasn’t made by her mind. Riku’s hands hadn’t moved off her buttocks, whereas Sora’s snaked in between their chests and clasped her squished breasts through the pink dress. She’d prefer there wasn’t the dress between her mounds and Sora’s clammy palms, but she couldn’t have everything.

Shuddering immensely, Kairi squeezed Sora’s neck in a similar albeit marginally weaker manner as her vaginal and rectal walls squeezed the living daylights out of the throbbing members energetically churning her sensitive innards. At the same time, Sora and Riku both locked in to the hilt, and filled her body to the brim with their tingly-warm fluids in a series of pulsing eruptions.

No way was that the end. Kairi knew that for sure as she pressed her mouth into Sora’s neck and released a shuddery breath through her nostrils. So long as this train kept on going, so could these boys... the only issue she had with that, was either Sora or Riku might have to carry her off as they’d have ground her poor hips down to dust.

It’d be well worth it, as it always was.


A gentle chomping on Roxas’ ear dragged him from the land of nod, back into the waking realm... or maybe not, because he was one hundred percent certain that he and Naminé hadn’t yet reached the Resort Gateway for the Magic Kingdom, let alone returned home to be sitting on the bed in his own bedroom. He also never recalled Naminé owning a pair of cat ears... real cat ears, at that. Hey, she’s even got a cat’s tail... a real cat’s tail, which actually wagged... Ooh, she also has a cute collar with a gold circular nametag, to which has her name embossed into it. His name was on there too, right beside the word ‘Owner’.

Now there’s an intriguing thought. Him being cat, or rather ‘kitten’ Naminé’s owner. Cute Kitten-Naminé, all his to hold and pet and love... he liked the sound of that.

He also rather liked Kitten-Naminé’s playfulness, chewing on his ear like this. Roxas raised a hand to stroke her silky smooth hair, to which induced an onset of purring. Kitten-Naminé chewed on the lobe and gave it a tug or two, and he didn’t mind her being a bit rough, as all the sensations were good sensations. He had to lift up the skirt of her tantalising white dress when he lowered his other hand to scratch her lower back right by her tail, and her reaction was a most pleasant, quivering one.

“Aww, you’re so cute, Nam-Nam,” Roxas chuckled as Kitten-Naminé’s tail wagged.

She mewed into his ear, and her dainty fingers curled around his shirt collar. From his lobe, her lips followed his jaw around to the chin, barely grazing the line and feeling very much like a soft albeit moist feather tickling him. Her nose brushed his upper lip, and he just... well, he knew what he really wanted to do.

Roxas suckled on her nose, which came as a surprise to her. She mewed again to express it, trembled, and her fingers slowly lost their grip. Her body wilted, her breathing pattern picked up and hitched, and if not for the two hands he ‘helpfully’ planted on her soft backside she’d have slid off his lap backwards... maybe. Any excuse is a good excuse in this circumstance.

What really perked his ‘interest’, or rather made his member harden like a concrete bollard, was the intriguing discovery made by his fingers and palms. Kitten-Naminé wasn’t wearing any underwear.

She was also very wet between the legs, he found, as his materially-restrained lump grew against her crotch. The shameful organ in his trousers was somewhat of a ‘scratch post’ for her sinfully hot and wet loins as her hips started to move in a series of slow grinds, and of course, he was happy for it to be; he would be even happier if he could remove the material barrier between them first.

Well, it was his dream. He should be able to do whatever he wanted.

“Nam-Nam’s being very mean to her Master, teasing him with such a naughty body,” He breathed on her flushed, dreamy face as he released her nose, now shiny-wet with his saliva. He leaned in close, and gave her soggy nose an Eskimo kiss like he did earlier. “Nam-Nam needs to play fair, now, so... what Master is going to do, he’s going to want Nam-Nam to be a good girl and to obey his every command, ‘kay?”

Nodding fervently, ‘Nam-Nam’ as he called her mewed once more and buried her face into his neck.

“Good girl,” He cuddled her, twisted his upper body, and carefully laid her down on her back. “Good Nam-Nam...”

Good Lord o’ mercy, n’ all. Kitten-Naminé’s ears flickered, tail attentively wagged, her hands were up at her shoulders making ‘paws’ with her curled fingers and her knees were drawn up to her quaking elbows... she was poised, ready to play, just like a real kitten.

Roxas leaned forward, his pleasant grin coming face to face with her droopy eyelids and coy smile, and gave her a very gentle kiss on the lips. In return, Kitten-Naminé meekly licked upwards in one line from his chin, over his lips and under his nose, an action that sparked an unexpected shockwave from the tip of his nose where she’d finished, down his spine and to his hips.

“Wow,” He sighed in disbelief. Again, just like a real cat, the surface of her tongue was covered with papillae making it somewhat rough and ticklish, which might’ve been why he reacted in such a way. To think how it would feel if she were to run that tongue along other parts of his body...

Roxas leant back a moment, hands down lightly on Kitten-Naminé’s flat tummy, all with the intention of plotting what to do with the bundle of cuteness, and then realised something major. With Kitten-Naminé’s knees up, he had the ultimate view of her chubby folds in all their bald, glistening and juicy glory. He tried to suck back the drool but it was to no avail, due to Kitten-Naminé’s eye-wateringly cute mew as she was gravely embarrassed by his hungry eyes gawping stupidly at her precious place.

Knowing it was all a dream didn’t change his attitudes, which was why he unzipped his trousers and removed them and his boxers rather leaving it to his monstrously raging hard on to tear its own way out. It had the strength to do so, which wouldn’t be surprising, given the fantastical platter before him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he finally let it spring out and sucked the air back in following Kitten-Naminé’s whimpering reaction to the first sight and being pelted with flecks of precum.

“Relax, Nam-Nam,” He shushed, gently touching her knocking knees. “Master’s not going to hurt you.”

The childish innocence and heartfelt trust in her eyes made him well up like he’d bitten into an overly-sweet mandarin, and if he wasn’t so keen on slaking the lusts of his pocket monster, he’d have forgone the sexy stuff and stuck with extreme cuddling and petting.

So... very... cute...!

Relishing that special tingle at the lower back when he felt the heat radiate from the tight furrow between the fat-lipped majora after he laid the underside of his thick erect length atop it, Roxas sucked in a deep breath and slowly slid his hands down the outside of her smooth, twiglet thighs. He pushed them inward to hold them in place, and her soft, moist flesh moulded superbly around his shaft.

Roxas released the deep breath, and very slowly started to thrust his hips. The slickness of her thighs from all her excitement made the motions smoother, and listening to her quivering mews with each sluggish thrust was like listening to a mystical serenade, and raised the hairs on the nape of his neck. He loved the sensation as his balls patted the underside of her thighs, too.

Shuffling forward so his knees were beside her hips, he hugged her knees together and pulled them towards his stomach. Her bare feet were up on his shoulders, toes wriggling. He liked the look of them, and thought they looked rather tasty... thus he turned to her right foot, caught and engulfed her big toe, and suckled on it with a delicious ‘mmmm’.

Much to his delight, Kitten-Naminé reacted with a pathetic yelp to his toe-sucking, and again when he gave it a tongue-lashing. His hips hadn’t picked up much speed, as it was mainly about the power of each thrust that mattered.

Everything except his toe-sucking halted when he felt her dainty, trembling fingertips touch the head. He struggled to hold a smile back as she looked up to him, silently requesting his permission for her to continue touching it, until he could hold it back no more. His lips curled, and seeing as he still had her toe in his mouth and so much saliva built up, it messily dribbled out the corners and spilled down her foot, leg, and all the way to her butt. She didn’t really register that as permission, so he told her to go ahead. Well, not exactly like that, because of his unwillingness to give up her toe. It was mumbled, and came out as ‘Mahsthur purmitz hyoo’, and, naturally, came with more drool.

Both her hands were on the case, and she cupped the bulbous dome and used her small thumbs to rub and play with the slick tip. He continued where he left off with the thrusts, although he slowed them down for her sake. Perhaps to compensate, each time he fed the whole length through, Kitten-Naminé had him pause for a second or two while she gave the shaft a hearty jerk with her sweaty palms. After a short while the rhythm changed, where he’d do a few quick thrusts, pause for a slightly longer time so she could pump him more, and then repeat.

The rhythm changed once more, as did the position. Although he didn’t really want to stop suckling on her toes, Roxas did so but only with the promise to himself that he’d continue it later... in another dream, that is. Keeping her thighs pressed together, moulded around his shaft, Roxas folded and set her knees aside on the bed and kept her upper body twisted and facing up. He then hunched forward over her, pillaring his upper body with his elbow behind her back and his other hand pressed down atop her thin thighs, and locked lips with her in a very passionate kiss.

His hips started up like they were ready to go for gold, not slow, but hard and fast. Her tail whipped against his leg on one side, and on the other, her legs were curled and her feet pressed to his thigh, where he could feel her toes flex and fist. Roxas relieved the pressure of his hand off her thigh, which were squeezing his member well enough on their own without his assistance, traced his fingertips up the front of her white dress and cupped her blazing hot cheek. His thumb then widely stroked and swirled the silvery trails of mixed spit rolling down, while his fingers tickled and scratched the nape of her neck.

As noted before, her tongue was rough and ticklish. He had, on more than one occasion, chuckled into her mouth as their tongues tangoed, and judging by the tone of her mews, she was embarrassed by that. Briefly they parted, or he parted, with a thick translucent string dangling from his warm, amused smile back into her mouth, which then stretched and collapsed across her nose and closed eyelid when he smooched her forehead. He trailed back down to her mouth, not before butterfly-kissing close to every inch of her face, and reinitiated the heated French kiss. Not the Belgian kissing like they did in real life, because this was a dream and he could French kiss her all he wanted.

What he didn’t want to do, despite this being a dream, was make a mess of her delightful white dress. That’s what would happen in the next minute or so if he didn’t redirect his badly-pulsating member fast, but to where, he didn’t know. Unless...

Drawing in a big hissing breath through his teeth, Roxas prised Kitten-Naminé’s thighs apart and withdrew his entire length. He was desperately holding back, trying not to blow just yet, as he hastily straddled Kitten-Naminé’s upper body. He kept his weight off her entirely by squatting on the balls of his feet, held the base of his soon to ejaculate member with one hand, and swept a hand under her head and into her golden hair with the other.

Kitten-Naminé, despite being a beacon of innocence, knew more or less what he wanted to do, it seemed. With real, desperate urgency in her eyes she opened her mouth when he aimed it, and her small hands cupped around the bulging head as he gave the throbbing monster a serious beating.

Groaning through his clenched, grinding teeth, a wholesome load of Roxas’ thick seed spewed into her gaping mouth. Some of the spurts strayed, stringing across her cheek, chin, and into the strands of her blonde hair framing the right side of her flushed, dreamy face. What he let out felt so damn good, it was like it’d been stored up for a whole year, and one of his ways of expressing that was through a satisfied shudder and a throaty, gratified sigh at the ceiling.

Still straddling but not dropping his weight onto the kitten-girl under him, Roxas moved off the balls of his feet and settled on his knees. He watched, almost in a trance, while Kitten-Naminé lifted her head to safely swallow what he’d given her, and proceeded to scoop the gooey strings from her cheek to her mouth using her fingertips.

“Oh,” Roxas pulled a sheepish face as he combed up a sticky clump of hair beside her neck. “I’m so sorry, Nam-Nam. Master’s been a bit of a messy pup, and has gotten some in your hair.”

His apology distracted Kitten-Naminé from her ‘grooming’. Blushing and smiling shyly, both her hands gently came together to gracefully clasp his.

“Please don’t worry about it,” She whispered, turning his palm to her lips for a kiss.

Hmm, strange, he pondered. Kitten-Naminé never spoke before...

Wait a goddamn tick.

A cold shiver shot up his spine. Kitten-Naminé looked a little less... like Kitten-Naminé. Her ears and her tail were both gone, as was the gold-tagged collar she wore around her neck, and where was... his bedroom? That’s where he and Kitten-Naminé were just now, wasn’t it? Not aboard the train...

Roxas then realised he wasn’t in his dream anymore, and that Kitten-Naminé, whom he’d just had his way with, was now regular cute-as-a-button and innocent-as-a-newborn-babe Naminé... regular cute-as-a-button and innocent-as-a-newborn-babe Naminé, who was gulping down a big mouthful of his fresh cum.

Oh, bollocks...


As I mentioned in my notes on the previous chapter, I’m posting these up in dribs and drabs to make for faster updates.

The Cat/Kitten-Naminé idea can be attributed to reviewer Sleeping in the Shadows, whom I’d like to thank. I’d also like to say not to worry if you thought the content was short, or not up to your standards; there WILL be more Cat/Kitten-Naminé scenes coming up in future chapters, amongst other fantastical cosplay scenes!

In regards to Sora, Kairi and Riku, I’ve added them in because I have something planned in future chapters. You might be able to guess, right? I did get a little carried away with the Kairi x Riku shower thing, I’ll admit, and now I want to write that scene out for my KH oneshot lemon collection. Keep a look out if you’re interested!

The next part will focus on some naughtier Naminé and Roxas content.