Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Tart ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Authors note at the end.

Naminé's cute sleeping face scrunched as someone persisted to wake her up. Moaning in protest through tightly sealed lips, she rolled onto her front and covered her head with her hands as if ducking from an explosion.

"Wakey wakey, honey-muffin, your breakfast is nearly ready," The mattress sunk on her left side, where someone had knelt down and proceeded to pretend they were chewing on her exposed forearms with their lips. "Num num num num num."

"Mnnnnnnn," Naminé moaned again, and squinted as the disturber seized her wrists in a single hand and held them in their place over her head as they rolled her onto her side and lipped her exposed cheek. "Okay, okay, I'll be up in a minute, mummy..."

Smiling, her mother, one Quistis Trepe, pushed her rimless oval glassed back up the bridge of her nose and ducked back in to lip her cheek again. This time, her free hand wove into the open gap in Naminé's shirt and tickled under her arm. Naminé's reaction was instantaneous, being very ticklish.

"I think 'now' is the answer I'm looking for," She teased as Naminé wriggled and giggled. "I need you to say I'll get up right now, mummy," She playfully commanded.

Cracking after a few seconds, Naminé begged for mercy.

"I-I'll get up right no-NOOOOOWWWW," The intensity increased. Naminé's struggling feet kicked away the sheets. "I'll get up right now, mummy!"

"That's a good girl," Her mother stopped, removed her fingers from Naminé's shirt so she could wipe away the ruffled hairs and kiss her forehead, then released her grip on Naminé's wrists as she sat up and swung her legs off the bed. "Now I'll go and wake your sister up. See you downstairs."

Pushing herself up into a seated position, Naminé watched her mother leave her room through very-awake eyes. She drew her knees up closer to her chest, the hem of her wrinkled white shirt falling softly off her bare thighs to her waist, exposing her small, pale blue panties.

Quistis Trepe was a teacher, recently transferred and the whole reason why the family had moved to Twilight Town. She was so unbelievably popular with her students that she'd gained a dedicated fan club known as the 'Trepies' within a few months of arrival. Many, many students looked up to her, whether through inspiration, admiration or raging hormones, and the teachers wished they could harness the same level of respect from their students as she did.

If only they knew how childish and crazy she could be when she was at home.
'I really should just buy myself an alarm clock to save the hassle,' She thought as she slid one leg off the bed. Her silver ankle bracelet jingled as her bare foot touched down on the wood floor and reacted to the slight chill.

Through the wall, she heard her twin sister cry out as their mother subjected her to the same wake-up method she'd just experienced. At that point, Naminé wondered if it would be a good idea for them to go back to sharing a room, that way only one of them would have to worry about being woken up in such a manner.

'It's a viable option. I'll have a word with Xion about it later,' She nodded to herself.

Naminé leaned across to reach for her red-rimmed oval glasses on the nightstand. She was short-sighted like her mother was, but unlike her mother, she never wore her specs outside the house. It wasn't vanity as such, with them on she appeared to be so cute people always had a tendency to fuss over her like she were a fluffy-faced kitten from one of those novelty calendars, and the attention embarrassed her more than anything. So, to avoid it, she wore contact lenses, which she hated with a passion.

She stood up and walked across the room to her desk. Partway, she checked her shirt in the mirror.
The crinkles weren't a problem, so she ignored those. She adjusted the collar to how it should be, rolled her sleeves so they were level again and gave it a general brush down. The top four buttons were left undone as they were, exposing the shallow valley between her small breasts.

Unlike all the other girls of their age, Naminé and her identical twin sister, Xion, were neither tall nor average in height. Standing at a meagre four feet and nine inches, they were regularly mistaken by one and all for seventh graders, which just so happened to be the point in life when each of them stopped properly growing. The childlike characteristics they'd retained alongside the height were mostly their facial proportions such as the big, round eyes, a small nose and chin, while personality-wise, they'd maintained childish shyness and naivety around most people.

Cute, cuddly and beautiful as they were, guys tended to avoid them and head straight for the cold showers. Anyone at the school who wasn't aware they were both sixteen didn't question why they were there in the tenth grade with the 'older students'. Their mother was a child prodigy back in the day, and they figured her daughters took after her in that respect.

And they all eagerly waited to see if her daughters would take after their mother in body, too. She, too, looked young for her age, being thirty-two but not looking a single day over nineteen, and had maintained a body that'd make a swimwear model green with envy; slender limbs, shapely hips, tight buttocks and round, D-cup breasts. Trumping all those aspects though were her facial features, especially the eyes.

Dignified, calm and kind, normally her eyes could warm the cockles of anyone's heart just like a mug of hot cocoa on a cold winter's day. With the slightest of changes, like for when she might take an interest in something, for example, she could turn that dignified, heart-warming mug of cocoa into a sultry saucepan of boiling hot jam thrown straight into the face. It had to be said that her daughter's eyes had their own charm and the effects were similar, only they were more 'Awwwww!' than 'Phwooooar!'

Combing the out of place hairs down with her fingers, she continued on to her desk to collect a few bits before she headed down for breakfast.


Sitting down to the healthy, nutritional and traditional Trepe family breakfast, which consisted of baked beans on toast, low-fat mixed-berry yoghurt and a glass of pure orange juice, Naminé routinely switched between each mouthful and defining addition to the drawing she had out on the A4 sketchpad beside her plate. Quite the budding artist, her Manga-esque style rivalled some of the greatest in terms of quality and creativity, including the likes of Kozue Amano, Masamune Shirow and Tony Taka, and works numerous sources had commissioned her provided a tasty income for someone still in school. Currently, a client from a videogame company had her working on designs for a hero with a magical blade to suit a saga spanning many dimensions filled with colourful characters and environments.

"Looks like your picture's coming along nicely," Her mother observed as she leant past her with another plate of beans on toast and placed it in the spot for the currently absent twin sister. "What did you say it was for, again?"

"It's a character for a videogame," Naminé leaned forward again. "I've been asked to provide at least eight different concepts for the main character following their requirements, trying different clothes and hairstyles, that sort of thing. After that, they need me to work on a range of supporting characters."

"Sounds like they've been keeping you busy the whole summer," Her mother went back to the cooker to serve up her portions of beans, and continued talking with Naminé without looking back. "It's not one of those violent games with the guns and blood, I hope."

"I try to steer clear of that genre where I can."

"Glad to hear that," She returned to the table, and sat down opposite Naminé. "Has the company set an immediate deadline for the work?"

Pausing to look at her mother, who calmly stared back at her over the top of her rimless oval glasses, she knew what she was angling at. Nervously, she twiddled the pen around her fingers.

"...No, nothing immediate."

"Then, might I suggest you take a break for a while? It'd do you good to head out for a day with your friends, rather than wasting your summer away on an assignment of no pressing value," Noticing her faint smile and the way her eyes narrowed knowingly, it almost seemed to Naminé that her mother enjoyed watching her squirm in embarrassment. "I'm sure if you were to give Roxas call, the two of you could go on another one of your dates."

"T-they're not dates!" Naminé pathetically squeaked.

Yes, there were times before and during the summer period where the two of them would meet up and go someplace nice to see some interesting sights, meet some other interesting people and taste some interesting foods... but they were most certainly not dates, not by a long chalk. Even if he always heeded her request to hold hands as they walked through the markets, or bought her that honey of an ankle bracelet she really cherished and never took off, or cuddled together during the sudden rainstorm over at Sunset Hill, or kissed her cheek when they said their goodbyes, they were never considered dates. They were just two friends going out on a common-garden 'this is not a date' daytrip.

"Oh? Has the meaning of the word 'date' changed since I'd last been on one?" Her voice low and husky, her mother placed her elbows on the table, laced her fingers together and rested her chin on top. "The two of you went out for dinners, walks along the beach and, on more than one occasion, sat down to watch the sunset together... that sounds very much like the kind of thing I used to do on a 'date', sweetie-pie."

Biting her lip as her cheeks flared, Naminé wanted to try and play down the importance of her time with Roxas in her mother's eyes. If she thought they were getting even a little bit serious, her mother would take her through that embarrassing discussion again about the birds, bees, kinky outfits, why it's a good idea to keep stocked up with whipped cream and cherries, and how to achieve the hardest orgasms.

While there was the clarification the talk on the subject wasn't what was considered to be 'oral sex', and 'fellatio' wasn't the way an Italian chef gave an instruction on how to neatly slice fish, the practical part was even more awkward. In all her virgin years, she never imagined she'd be learning to do weird things with her mouth to a yoghurt-covered banana whilst being told to pretend it was a guy's tool.

And whether she'd be able to hold her nerve and perform as instructed during the real thing was another matter.

"H-he was just showing me around the town," Naminé's voice virtually drowned out at the end as she exaggerated the focus needed for her artwork. Her forehead was an inch from the page, and her chin tucked in to really hide her heavy red blush.

"'Showing you around the town'? Sounds very much like a euphemism, to me," Quistis suppressed a giggle as Naminé squeaked, her shoulders jerked, and lead on her mechanical pencil snapped. "You both found all the hottest tourist spots, I imagine."


"Sorry, dear," Quistis apologised, with the smile still there in her eyes. "You left yourself open for that one. Speaking of which, I bet you'd keep your hotspots open all night if it meant receiving plenty of visits from his-"

"Pleeaaaase, stoooooop," Naminé whined, almost on the verge of tears.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," She apologised again, giggling heartily. "In all seriousness, though, I do think it's high time you made it clear to him your feelings. He's a lovely boy, and the two of you are a great match."

"Y-you think so?"

"I know so," Her mother reached forward and clasped her hands to emphasise her emotional support. "A person would have to be blind, mad or both to not notice how cute you two kids look when you're together. And the sooner you are the better."

Naminé's shoulders trembled as she felt a question arise. It was a question that had to be asked, not necessarily one she wanted to.

"...What about Xion? She likes him, too."

"Now, you already know the answer to that one, sweetie," Her mother whispered as her thumbs soothingly rubbed on the back of her hands. "Take a moment to think about it. It'll come to you in a second."

Naminé took a moment, and the answer flooded in as the question busted like a paper dam. Yes, she already knew the answer; this situation was an echo of the relationship between her mother, her late father and their mad auntie Jihl ('Mad' as in always seriously angry at someone or something, not as in a certified Cadbury's fruit n' nut). The knowledge hadn't been with her long, about a week, as was the revelation her and Xion's two cousins, auntie Jihl's daughters, were actually their half-sisters. She didn't know if they already knew that, but if they did, they've kept schtum about it.

Shyly, she responded, "W-we share him?"

"That's the one," Her mother said chirpily. "Just like your aunt and I did with your father, Lord rest his soul. And if there's any guy I know from a glance who would be man enough to handle the love of both my girls, Roxas is that guy. I reckon he could even handle all those other girls who look at him in class at the same time, too, if you ever felt inclined to have a wealth-sharing party amongst your friends."

The comedic tone and wiggling of her mother's thin eyebrows didn't necessarily relay she meant that last statement to be a joke. Unblinking, Naminé stared thoughtfully at her mother as she let go of her hands. Even if it was a joke, the idea didn't sit uncomfortably with her, not with the way her mother had drilled how important it was to keep a sexual relationship on top form through experimentation, and she'd be glad to have someone else there to help prevent her usual nervous disposition from surfacing and forcing her to chicken out at the last minute. To reject someone like Roxas at such a time wouldn't just be a spanner in the works; it would be the whole bloody tool chest and workbench thrown into the cogs of their relationship.

"O-okay, that's... I'm happy with that," Regaining her shyness on the overall subject, Naminé managed to relax once more.

"Wonderful. Oh, and if you do plan to have some fun with that handsome scamp under my roof while I'm in the house, you'd have to let me in on the action once in a while."

Smiling vaguely and quietly reaching for her orange juice, trying to avoid her mother's gaze and put the gone discussion really far behind her, Naminé spotted her sister coming down the stairs. As per usual, Xion, with a pair of oval glasses similar to Naminé's only with black rims, had her large headphones on as she grooved her way to the lower level.

A particular dance style known as rebolation, consisting mainly of loose arm and leg movements and seamless gliding across the floor, became all the rage for teenagers in recent months. Despite its difficulties, many persevered to learn what it was all about, and had become quite good at the whole game. One of the lucky ones was Xion who, despite no previous experience in any dance forms, learnt quickly enough and made it look as though it came as natural to her as breathing oxygen.

Boy-bloody-howdy, did she make it look good. Each morning, she starts to practice the dance more or less from the moment she wakes up, and that means she dances in the clothes she slept in. Clothes being the minimalist word, she only slept in her panties. In this case she wore black-laced briefs, leaving all else of her skinny, lightly-toned body to show. Much like the anklet worn by Naminé, Xion wore a silver spiralling armband on her upper left arm which was a gift to her from the boy they both had feelings for, and cherished it just as much.

The pair of oversized headphones connected via cable to the slim MP3 player she had slipped down the back of her briefs, no doubt churning out a funky club mix to suit her sexy hip work and smooth gliding across the open floored living room/kitchen. From her bewitching movements, the fluid motions of her hands, feet, hips and shoulders, it was almost like watching an exotic animal ritualistically try to attract a mate, to which in this case, would receive an immediate response from every hot-blooded male within a ten-mile radius like salivating dogs to a meat festival.

Using the complicated pivot-heel footwork, Xion slid into the sunlight which poured in through the room-spanning patio doors, making her moist skin glisten and appear as if she herself was sculpted from glass. Halting somewhere in the middle, her feet stationary, she rocked her hips and swayed her shoulders. Her hands swept outward and low in a wide semi circle like she was trying to keep balanced, pulled back to her shoulders as if she were ready to push someone else away, then alternated in a continuous motion as if she were combing her hair back with her fingers. Again, they swept outwards for a moment, and when the rocking and swaying motions of her hips and shoulders heavily increased, she put her hands to her ears like the music was deafening.

Dropping her arms to her sides, her legs and feet kicked back into action. Considering the speed and complicity, there appeared to be very little concentration shown in Xion's expression as she hazily gazed at the floor and mouthed along to the words of the song. She reached the table, repeated some of the hand movements she'd done over by the patio doors, and slowed down to a virtual stop.

"Morning all," She greeted, slightly out of breath, patted Naminé's head and kissed her in a sisterly manner on the nose. "Sorry I'm late up."

"Morning, sweetheart," Their mother swivelled on her chair to kiss her daughter on the cheek, who in turn kissed back before she sat down onto her lap facing the table.

Xion's only 'say' in the matter was a cheeky grin as she made clear it was the place she wanted to sit. She did this often, which was a constant reminder to Quistis that they needed to get a new kitchen table with comfier chairs, and was welcome so long as she didn't suddenly gain two-hundred pounds in weight. There was a minor shuffle to get comfy, and a short game of 'pass the parcel' with the breakfast plates before everyone was satisfied.

The air briefly filled with the techno-beats from Laurent Wolf's 'No Stress' as Xion hung her headphones off her neck, took out her MP3 player and switched it off, lulling the room back into early morning tranquillity. She tucked into breakfast as her mother cuddled her.

"So," Their mother started after a short period of eating in silence, aiming the upcoming question at Xion. "Do you have any proper plans for today, or will it just be another one of your lazy days at home?"

"That depends whether there's anything worth doing," Xion responded after she'd gulped down a part of her breakfast.

"Mhmm," Their mother, her mouth full, picked up her glass of juice. Once she'd washed down her food, she cleared her throat. "You certainly could do with a bit of socialising, missy, rather than wasting all your time either upstairs in your room or moping around in the back garden."

"Meh," She mumbled quietly. "Maybe."

"There's no 'maybe' about it," Quistis set her chin on Xion's shoulder. "Don't forget, at your age, I was already pregnant with the two of you."

"I'm not entirely sure you're supposed to promote the idea of teenage pregnancy to both your young daughters, mum," Xion's nose crossed her mother's as she turned her head. "That's the sort of thing you should be trying to deter us from."

"I would, if you could at least be bothered to go out and find yourself a boy," Quistis said calmly. "Or, as I was saying to Naminé just now-"

"Right, finished," Naminé cut in abruptly, pushed her chair back and collected up her drawing tools. "I'm just going to drop this off in my room, and then I'll go jump in the shower."

"Mm-mm," Xion, covering her mouth and waving the other hand urgently, caught Naminé's arm as she hurried past. "If you wait up a sec, I'll jump in there with you."

Sharing the bathroom, or the shower, or a bath, wasn't an uncommon thing in this house, especially not between Naminé and Xion. They were, after all, identical in every way, with the exception of their hair colour and style, so it wasn't as if either of them had something different that'd frighten the other. On the plus side, they saved quite a lot of money on the water bill.

"Um, okay," She agreed, looking down at her sister's half-finished breakfast. "You finish your breakfast, and I'll start the water running."

When her sister let her go with a smile, Naminé tried to block out the tempting suggestions fed into her head by her mother as she made her way upstairs to her bedroom. Calling and asking Roxas out for another 'this is not a date' daytrip was a good idea on its own, and they could go visit the nearby Magic Kingdom theme park she heard so much about. Not that the park was expensive, as she'd checked before online, money wasn't going to be an issue thanks to the wages she'd earned from her work.

Or, at least she hoped he'd allow her to pay her way. Each time they went out, he refused to accept her cash and ended up paying for everything, which made her feel more than a little guilty.

'I'll buy the tickets online before I call him,' She switched her laptop computer on as she placed her book and pencil on the desk, dropped back into her swivel chair, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 'But if he can't make it...'

Roxas' popularity was unquestionable, and with all the friends he had, he was likely to have social plans here, there and everywhere. Expecting him to have some free time on such short notice was similar to the scheduling standards of the London Transport system; devoid of any real hope.

On a similar note, the likelihood the two of them would ever evolve beyond friendship was depressingly bleak in her mind. As much as she'd like to live a crazy life with him in a way her mother suggested, like fooling around in various public places, eating stuff off one another's body, dressing up in all sorts of crazy albeit sexy outfits, or experimenting in various forms of sex like, maybe, trying it out in the butt or doing it in a group, it could never really happen. Not unless her life was being directed by some freakish, perverted, sexually deviant and downright creepy maniac with a penchant for making up stories where handsome young heroes with incredible stamina levels fall for plain, flat-chested girls like her and then takes them on a wild, sex-filled adventure where she might get to experience all those things stated above, most especially the groups and trying it out in the butt thing.

'Ridiculous,' She shook her head sadly. It's not the sort of thing that happened in the real world, where she lived...

As the laptop brimmed with life, the screen welcomed her with a desktop photo picturing a large group with herself, Xion, Roxas, and many other friends they'd made at their new school including Kairi, Sora, Riku, Selphie, Olette, Hayner and Pence. It was a wonderful feeling, having all these friends, when at her old school the other students were all an unfriendly bunch of sods, and almost seemed oblivious to her very existence.

"Haven't you been into the bathroom, yet?"

Swirling in her chair, she looked to see Xion who, now without her headphones and music player, leaned against the doorframe with her head tilted in curiosity. Recalling she should've started the shower running by the time her sister had finished her breakfast, and having no idea how long she had been sitting in her chair looking at the photo, she sheepishly smiled.

"Er, no, not yet," She pulled her legs up onto the chair as Xion wandered in, and swivelled the chair back to face the laptop. "I was going to buy some tickets to the Magic Kingdom online before I started."

"Hmm. You'll need to borrow mum's card if you're planning on doing it that way," Xion, eyes on the desktop photo, cuddled Naminé's neck from behind. For a silent moment, they both looked directly at the smiling face of the person who stood between them, his arms seized by theirs. Finally, Xion asked, "I take it he's the one you're going to ask out?"

Naminé, lightly stroking her sister's forearm, nodded.

"Would you like to come along?"

"Me?" Xion thought about it for short time. "...Nah, its fine. I haven't got the funds to go to a theme park."

"I could pay your way," Naminé offered.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'll tag along some other time."

"...Okay then," Naminé said quietly. "But it's all a last-minute thing anyway, so it's riding on whether or not he's available."

"Yeah, I s'pose," Xion, her arms remaining in their place around Naminé's neck, straightened upright and pushed her hips forward to stretch her lower back, then fell back into her hunched position over Naminé with a sigh. "Well, in the event he can't make it, I might as well go to save wasting a ticket. That'll keep mum off my back about getting out the house for another day, at least."

Reminding Naminé the need to later discuss the possibility of re-cohabitation in a single room, she reached forward and closed the lid on her laptop to put it into sleep mode. Without her mum's card she couldn't buy the tickets, and rather than bothering with the trouble now, she decided to do it after a shower.

"C'mon, let's go get washed before mum takes over the bathroom," Xion, double kissing Naminé's cheek, took off her own black-rimmed glasses and Naminé's red ones to put on the desk, twirled the chair around to face her and helped Naminé up onto her feet.


"What's wrong?" Xion, sensing her fidgeting twin's hesitation, used her finger to lift Naminé's downcast chin and regain eye contact.

"You like Roxas, don't you?"

A big red blush coloured Xion's cheeks, making her an exact mirror to Naminé.

"Yeah, yeah I do," Xion managed a smile, and put her forehead to Naminé's. "I know you do, that's more obvious than an elephant amongst a flock of sheep. But if you're building up to tell me about the two of us and mum's reckoning that we're going to share him, as you'll gather, I already know about it. I most certainly don't mind if it's sharing with you, Nami."

Naminé gave a wobbly smile.

"We've shared pretty much everything else in our lives, haven't we?" Xion enticingly licked her lips. "Cuddly toys, clothes, toothbrushes... and... also..."

With Xion's finger still under her chin she couldn't lower her head, and if she had, she'd have missed the long, soft kiss she placed upon her lips. Her hands shakily raised, her fingertips dragging upward Xion's bare, sweaty, flat chest, and gently touched the sides of her neck. This made Xion shiver. Naminé sought to find out why when she wearily withdrew one hand to brush her own cheek, and brought her to realise that her hands, previously unbeknownst to her, were quite cold.

"S-sorry," Naminé's apology was whisper quiet, due to a sudden, croaky dryness to her throat.

They'd barely broken away an inch before Xion, who seemingly took no notice of her sister's apology as she pensively stared at the pale, trembling lips, gulped heavily and took a deep breath before she re-established the kiss. Her hands, her warmer hands, cupped Naminé's cheeks. This time, her kiss was harder, and her tongue had made sure it played its part.

Feeling somewhat small and helpless, being unable to squeak as her twin prised her lips open with her tongue and pinned down her own, Naminé's hands balled up into weak, floppy fists under her chin. Her legs, too, felt weak, so much so her strength to stand gradually drained away, and her knees eventually buckled inwards. Almost certainly aware of that eventuality long before it happened, Xion managed to quickly drop her hands to Naminé's hips before she dipped an inch and firmly pulled her back up to press against her body.

Saved by Xion's quick reflexes, Naminé sighed in both relief and pleasure into her mouth. Her sister's hands on her hips made her feel safe and secure, until they suddenly cupped her tight buttocks and hoisted her up, to which they helped her find that missing squeak from earlier.

Wrapping her legs and arms around Xion's slim waist and neck with a monkey-like grip, Naminé was only made aware her sister intended on carrying her to the bathroom after she was momentarily propped against the wall and their lips parted with a hot, wet smack. A heavy string of saliva maintained the connection between their tongues until it bowed and fell to Xion's throat and down to her jugular notch. Feeling it such a waste, Naminé tilted her head and ducked into her twin's neck, lapping at what she could to take it back. The salty sweat on Xion's skin clung to the surface of her tongue for ages, even after they'd continued their kiss inside the bathroom.

"I'm... feeling so hot..." Naminé pitifully whimpered as Xion knelt down and lowered her onto the floor of the shower chamber. She'd felt like this since she'd started thinking about Roxas and that crazy albeit unlikely sexual adventure, and now, thanks to Xion's interaction, the flames of desire had engulfed her nervous system.

"M-me too," Xion, rolling her lower lip under her top row of teeth, looked up to the shower dials. "I'll start the shower," Twisting her upper body to slide the shower door shut, Xion then reached up to get the water running. "We can... still get undressed in here."

As always, the water started out cold. Trembling from the low temperature at first, then in a moment of delight, Naminé stayed in her position leaning back against the wall as she lifted her knees up and wrapped her legs around Xion's back, cupped her cheeks when in a comfortable range, and started the tongue-swirling kiss up once again.

Following a sudden shuffle and an upright kneel on Xion's part, Naminé's back rubbed against the tiles as she was raised and firmly sandwiched. Her legs, their strength once again waning, slipped from their position and her heels dropped into the water sloshing around the shower tray. Hopeless though the attempts were because her feet kept slipping, Naminé tried to stop herself from slowly sliding back down the wall where her twin had difficulty in keeping her pinned without some effort on her part.

Lips breaking contact again, Xion continually assured her sister it wasn't a problem as she desperately tried to regain height. Naminé's butt touched down lightly, her panties and the hem of her white shirt soaking up warm shower water.

"Wait there one second," Xion, still kneeling upright, reached for the low corner shelving aside the dials. She picked up a large bottle, three quarters full with a blue liquid, and squirted a palm-full into her left hand. "We should, at least, have a wash while we're in here."

Nodding, the motion somewhat assisted by Xion who'd started to rub the liquid into her sister's hair, Naminé reached for the bottle placed aside and read the description. It wasn't too hard despite the fact her head was being bowled around by Xion, and managed to determine that it was the scent of lavender she'd detected when Xion squirted it into her hands, and that it was an all-over hair and body wash. Squirting it into her own hands, Naminé put the bottle aside and started to massage the liquid into Xion's sides, stomach and around her back, although she could feel the substance wash away from her back before the lather could build up like it had done around the front.

Xion made it easier for Naminé to reach places when she sat down on her heels. With the occasional top-up, Naminé spread the lather onto Xion's thighs, polished around her small breasts, over her shoulders and around her face. Xion knelt upright again and leant back, coursing the shower spray down her front to wash away what was there and to leave her body looking squeaky clean, but more was still needed. Naminé leant forward, which made it easier for Xion to get her fingers through her hair at the back, and reached for Xion's laced briefs.

Her lips on Xion's hip, Naminé's fingers delved into her twin's briefs from up top and slowly pulled them down to her knees. First of all, Naminé focused on Xion's soft, tight buttocks, polishing them in a similarly firm, rotary fashion as she had done with her breasts, then applied more of the blue liquid to her fingers as she worked up and down the crevice. Moving to the front as the water washed it all away, Naminé carefully loaded her palm up with a lot more and prepared to cup Xion between the legs.

Exactly like her own, Xion's loins were small, balder than a plucked chicken, and nothing protruded through the tight cleft between the chubby majora. What else they had in common was that neither girl was brave enough to venture so much as a finger within to explore themselves, and stayed solely on the outside. They'd have to overcome any doubts sooner or later if they ever expected to get anywhere with Roxas, and between the two of them, Naminé knew Xion would be the first one to do so. After all, she was the one who convinced Naminé that making out with one another was a good way to hone their skills.

Momentarily blinded by the heavy downpour upon her head from an extra detachable handset Xion had picked off the wall, Naminé rubbed her palm back and forth against her twin's crotch in a smooth motion. When all the soap had been washed out her hair, Xion handed her down the handset so she could clear it all down there.

"My turn, now," Xion and Naminé changed places, and repeated the process in different roles. The white shirt Naminé wore to bed had to be peeled from her body, as did the blue panties, and Xion's hair was a little easier to wash, being shorter than hers.

"Say, Nami," Xion asked, her hands running up and down her twin's right thigh. "If it turns out he can go with you today... given the chance, would you tell him how much you like him?"

"I-if the chance is there," Naminé nervously responded. "...Y-yes. I would."

"And, given the chance, would you do something naughty with him?"

Naminé squeaked.

"I'll take that as a yes," Xion, smiling, kissed Naminé's bellybutton.



Wincing as she rolled off her side and onto her back, tightly coiling up in the thin bed sheet that covered her warm, sweaty body up to her chest, Olette released a short, squeaky sigh. Sliding her forearm across her eyes to block out the morning light when the sharp ache flowered inside her head, she lay still for a short while, just breathing steadily, and tried to cobble together all the broken pieces inside her head to create a working mind.


The cogs started turning, and the recollections began to flow like a gentle stream. Olette sat upright, kept some of the bed sheet pulled up over her chest to cover her naked torso, grabbed the nearby curtain and yanked it across. Her head felt a bit better without the morning glare; however the same couldn't be said for her poor hips. Not only did they feel as if they'd been ground to fine dust, her pelvis continually clicked as she slowly swung her legs around to the edge of the bed.

Hissing through the teeth she sunk into her bottom lip as the ball of her foot touched the chilly hardwood floor, she began to wonder if all mornings after a night with Roxas and Fuu would be like this; waking up all alone, tired and confused with aching loins and a body that felt as if it'd been bundled up and stuffed into a suitcase. Didn't matter much if it did, considering the type of night they had, but some kind of cream or lotion to apply afterwards within an arm's reach wouldn't go amiss.

Leaving the sheet behind, Olette unsteadily stood up from the bed and staggered out the bedroom. Walking was difficult, she realised, as she just made it to the sink in the bathroom down the hall before her legs caved inwards. What little strength she had in her arms kept her upright. She momentarily trusted to one arm when she turned the tap on for some water to wet her dry whistle, and then she sat down on the rim of the bath for a quick break.

Within a minute, a familiar wail made Olette's ears prick up.


Using the sink as an aid, Olette stood back up and went to the frosted awning window. She opened it as far as it could go, craned her head to see, and out there in the back garden she spotted those two shamelessly taking their exploits outside for the world to take a gander. Well, for anyone living either side of Roxas, including their sister figure, Aqua, who surely would've heard the ruckus as she did, of which they must be aware…

Maybe that's what they wanted, she considered. Getting someone to watch and/or join would add more fuel to the fire. That's their game.

"Give me some of that," Olette said to herself somewhat chirpily, wanting to be part of whatever they were doing, no matter how bad her body cried for a longer rest.

Stumbling back to the bedroom and the bed, Olette dragged one of her shopping bags to her feet and rooted through to find a suitable outfit. Well, something more suitable than being plainly naked while at the same time being foxy enough to attract a lot of attention.

"I think this one'll do," Unfolding the chosen outfit, she proceeded to change.

Perversely inspired by the golden ball gown famously worn by Princess Belle, the dress had been split into two parts. The skirt had been dramatically shortened to show as much thigh possible and designed to keep the matching and practically microscopic g-string concealed up until the point of the wearer's movement, where multiple panty-flashes reduced all watchers to drooling cabbages. The upper portion had also been shortened, pretty much showing off the wearer's slender and gorgeously toned belly, converted into an off-the-shoulder, low-cut bra top that worked marvellously in its intention to enhance the wearer's cleavage.

The garnishing features included the just-above-the-knee length socks, up-to-the-elbow fingerless gloves, and a barrette for styling hair into an offset ponytail, a beaded choker and, the Pièce de résistance, a fake but effective navel piercing with Beast Castle's famous 'Red Rose' crest. Taking into consideration her current walking capabilities, Olette gave the optional high heeled shoes a miss. It didn't matter much if the socks got dirty on the grass, what with the use this outfit was to be put to.

The trip downstairs was tricky, and came too close to being literal on a few occasions if not for the safety of the handrail. When she reached the back door heading out into the garden, she had to psyche herself up before she moved away from the wall and trusted her legs to carry her across the lawn without giving way.

On the plus side to her hobbling, it did boost the swaying skirts 'flash' effect. Eyelids drooping under the outdoor light, she successfully relied on her heightened sense of smell and followed the wafting mixture of Roxas' fluids rather than shielding her eyes with her hand, which she imagined would've further detracted from her entrances not-entirely-spectacular allure. The last few feet she gradually dropped to her knees and crawled on all fours with the air of a tigress, a manner which she hoped redeemed some points lost for her previous stumbling.

"Wowza," Roxas, who'd unthinkingly taken the liberty to tease the also pleasantly surprised Fuu's clitoris with the underside of his shaft having been distracted during his alignment for penetration, looked utterly enthralled by her appearance. "Olette, that looks fuc-"

Before he had the chance to explicitly emphasise how awesome her costume was, there was a right ruckus over at the fence. Olette wasn't surprised to see Fuu rise up and head over towards the fence to check it out, but she was when she noticed Roxas' sheepish expression.

"Um, I think I might know who that is... and what it is Fuu's about to do..."



Light yet comfortably warm rain fell from the skies. Knees pulled up to her chest, rocking and shivering from something other than pleasant sensation of water on her bare skin, Olette watched from a distance as Roxas tried to smooth things over with a distraught looking Aqua. She wasn't sure how much progress he'd made over the past five minutes, but whatever it was that was taking him so damn long started to annoy her.

'Damn,' Olette shook her head and tried to remain calm. His scent, everything from what lingered on the bed sheets to what drifted through the morning air, was still clear in her nostrils, and it'd left her on edge. 'Get a grip, girl. You're acting like a freaking heroin addict who's gone for a week without a fix.'

Turning her head, she looked at the calm and relaxed girl sitting similarly to her, only her head was tilted back to catch the soft raindrops on her face. Maybe it wasn't just the nasal memories, but the actual scent of Roxas clinging to Fuu that was driving her nuts. She absolutely reeked of him.

Squirming, she felt she should seek some answers to help the time pass.

"After all the stuff we did last night, my hips are aching badly," Olette muttered reproachfully. "I wish someone would've told me I'd wake up the next morning feeling I've aged by ninety years."


"Don't apologise, just tell me how I'm supposed to sit down without getting that feeling that my legs aren't getting all the blood they need," Olette changed to sit cross-legged. "And how to get back up on my feet, afterwards."

Fuu said nothing and her facial expression remained as neutral as ever, either because she didn't know what to tell or she couldn't be bothered to respond. Olette tried to sit with her knees up again, but found it more uncomfortable the second time around. She pushed her legs out in front to see if that helped, but it didn't, not until she used her hands and arms to lift her butt off the floor.

"'S'better, but it'll only make my arms ache," Nudging her head towards the other two, Olette thought aloud, "I wonder if he's making any progress over there with Sis."

"Uncertain," Fuu said in a monotonous voice. It was pretty hard to tell from the distance apart.

"Does this sort of thing happen a lot?" Olette ventured. "The two of you getting caught in the act, I mean."

Fuu, her expression unchanged, nodded.

"Jeez. Does he have to be the one who makes up for it each time?"

Again, Fuu nodded, only this time she had a faint smile. A part of Olette wished she knew what went on inside Fuu's head when she saw that, whereas the rest of her knew it was best for her own mental health that she didn't.

"Perhaps you should stick to doing it behind closed doors. Saves a lot of trouble in the long run."

"Unmatchable excitement," It was hard to tell whether Fuu blinked slowly or tried to wink. Whatever it was meant to be, it looked odd when done with an emotionless voice and face.

"Whatever you say," Olette said. Her arms started to ache. "...when they're done talking, are you going to carry on out here?"

Fuu nodded.

"Then I'll see if you're right," Hissing, Olette lowered her butt to the floor. "...What would happen if, y'know, she... what if Sis was to join in?"

Fuu smiled greatly this time.

"Ah. No problems, as ever."


"I think a cushion would work a treat," Olette, originally thinking about her butt, caught the meaning of Fuu's question the second time around despite there being no changes to either her expression or tone. "Oh, you mean with Sis. No, not at all, I'm all up for that."

At that point, Olette noticed Fuu taking more interest in her attire, and felt a question coming on.


"I thought you'd ask," Olette smiled proudly. "They're in the bag upstairs. You're going to have to help me up if you want me to show you, seeing as my butt seems to weigh as much as a lead balloon."

With help from Fuu, Olette was up onto her feet again. Momentarily glancing back, she figured it would be okay to leave them on their own for a while. Who knows how they might progress in their absence...



'Gruelling' would be the single word to describe the difficulty level when trying to offer an apology to a young woman, who'd been the older sister he never had, over a matter concerning sexual indecency whilst sitting naked and covering the shamefully stiff organ with his hands, all at the same time becoming more and more aroused over the image of her sitting before him, her clothes soaking up the rain and becoming a whole lot more clingy to her bare skin underneath. Roxas wasn't a good negotiator, but even he knew it wasn't a good idea to point out how her erect nipples were visibly jutting through what was quickly changing from a regular night shirt to the world's most transparent bodysuit.

Roxas looked up, high up, so he could only make out her head with his peripheral vision. He couldn't see her face, mainly because she'd hung her head forward like a child being told off by an angry parent.

"I'm really sorry if we've caused you some distress, Sis," He apologised for the fiftieth time.

"...'s okay..." She responded for the fiftieth time, her voice quiet and shy.

"I realise that it's not the sort of thing you'd catch a normal couple doing, but, you see, we've kinda got a thing for taking risks. Within reason," He added, noticing her panicked expression when her head shot up. "It's all under control. It's not likely you're to become an aunt anytime soon."

Aqua's facial features reverted back to the way they were previously, and her head fell forward again.

"...'s okay..."

"And, uh, well... we thought about the excitement of doing it outside, as we've done so before," He started to admit. "Of course, it seems that while we were none too bothered about people watching, we completely skipped over the possibility that the people watching might not necessarily be standing on mutual ground. That's where I'd really want to apologise, for not taking your feelings into consideration. You're my sister, my role model, and if wasn't for you, I wouldn't have even gotten where I am today," He stopped and thought hard about that one. It didn't sound right when he said it out aloud. "What I mean is that you spent all your free time back then taking care of me when you didn't even have to. I have you to thank for everything, and by that I mean absolutely everything from learning to walk to passing my exams at school. I'm ashamed of myself for allowing you to see all those things that you saw me doing with Fuu, because it's not the kind of bad behaviour you taught me."

"...'s okay," She fidgeted, and finally kept her head up to talk to him. "It's all a part of it, isn't it? You're a growing up to become a man. I can't really expect you to stay as that googly-eyed little brother I never had forever now, can I? Even if it is... quite an extreme path you've chosen to walk down, I don't have the right to tell you to stop for the sake of keeping me satisfied."

He wanted to give a response, but he couldn't think up a good one to put her mind at ease. Instead, as he sat there silently, he had the decency to look ashamed of himself.

"They're both... your girlfriends?"

"I... think that's the way it works," He knew something or other was said to him about Olette's role in this relationship being more than a sexual tag-along, if those happened to be the words spoken to him, but his head was still in too much of a spin to properly concentrate on details of past conversations.

"Have you... had... many girls?" She asked, her words chosen carefully.

"Not in the way you're thinking," He started in his own defence before he remembered something crucial, like, the fact she would be spot-on. "Actually... scratch that. The way you're thinking would be the correct way."

The 'many' girls he'd encountered wasn't a number that required two hands to count up to. Fuu and Olette inclusive, there'd been five total. Jessie was the first, Selphie, second, and Kairi, third. Last week, they'd bumped into Selphie and her boyfriend, Irvine, who had the same idea as them by choosing a secluded spot in the park to get busy, and it subsequently turned into an energetic foursome. In a similar fashion, when they went to the beach only yesterday, Roxas and Fuu encountered Sora and Kairi who'd picked the same out-of-the-way cove to get frisky, and that, too, turned into a foursome. It got a lot more hectic when Selphie and Irvine turned up at the cove, saw what was going down, and joined in.

"So you would accept just anyone?" The tone was simply; you're a man-slag, then? "When someone offers them self up to you, you wouldn't think to turn any of them away?"

"It was hard to say no under the circumstances," He thought about the way Fuu forced him into them... well, the Jessie one, anyway. It seemed rude to turn the other lot down.

They sat there silently for a short while. The soothing patter of raindrops on the leaves helped take the edge off the uncomfortable mood.

"I wonder where they're going?"

Not sure why he had a sneaking suspicion about the way Aqua was acting after he'd told her about his exploits, Roxas turned his head and saw Fuu helping Olette back into the house.

"It could be the rain, or they're probably going in for breakfast," He said, realising that he was actually pretty darn hungry. "None of us have eaten yet..."

It was one of those moments when you think to yourself, 'If I can't see it, it's not happening'. Roxas could feel what could only be Aqua's warm breath on his twisted neck and ear, entirely enhanced by the rainwater drizzling down his naked body. It was awkward to stay still in the position he was in, uncertain how he should move on to whatever the next stage could be, or even what he should say.

So he said nothing, and he didn't move. He waited to see what she would do, and whether she had the patience to wait for him while his spine had trouble getting used to this weird way in which he'd turned.


They all talked about it. Her girl friends at college all talked about it, like it was something fun. Something amazing. And they were very surprised that Aqua, with so many guy friends, hadn't had any experience at all, nor did she even know how to kiss.

And now, feeling so very hot n' horny, she wanted to make use of this opportunity to discover for herself whether it's worth all its salt.

"Would you... have me?" She whispered breathily.

There wasn't a vocal response, but she could make out the cheek twitches from his attempt to suppress a grin. Over half of Aqua's twenty one years on Earth had been spent growing up with and helping to raise Roxas, and she could always tell whenever he was playing a game of silly buggers. She'd show him, though.

Smiling faintly as her droopy eyes followed the lines of water rolling down his ear and jaw line, she decided to surprise him with a little something she learnt from a romantic novel. Deliberately concentrating warm, breathy blasts just behind his earlobe, she was delighted to see his immediate reaction was to shiver, and to hear the noisy intake through his chattering teeth. Still smiling, she moved her lips closer to his ear and emphasised their lusciousness with the way she made the moisture between her lips slap when she parted them.

Teasingly, her perfect teeth grazed his earlobe. Then her lips, her lovely plump, wet, lips, softly replaced them and playfully tugged a few times. When a combination of her teeth, lips and the tip of her tongue came into play, it appeared she managed to flick his switch. He groaned throatily and turned his head around, his hot cheek pressing with hers, and placed his hands upon her shoulders.

"Ohhkay, Ohhhhhkay," He trembled, groaned, and moved his hands up from her shoulders to the sides of her neck. "You win, Sis, just-ahhhhhhh..."

Hearing him beg pleased her. Her knees shuffled up closer so when she did finally let go and straightened upright, she was a whole head taller than he was. She was naturally taller than him in any case, but now, for the first time when she looked down upon him, she felt her heart thumping in her chest like an Indian war drum.

"I... I'm going to kiss you, Roxas," Aqua was resolute in her tone. "It won't be anything like how we used to kiss... this one, I want it to be a real one, on the mouth, like you would do with... with... er..."

Nothing like being put off your stride when you're trying to play the dominant figure, Aqua sighed. It was all going so well until she realised she hadn't a clue who the buxom girl with the lovely silver hair was.

"Fuu," Roxas helpfully informed. "I think you might mean Fuu. She's the one I was-"

"Anyhow," Aqua cut in sharply, and dropped her hands to his thighs in a stinging wet slap. She thought she'd reclaim her ground with a tougher approach, which had always worked against him playing up in the past. "We'll do it... now."

Despite her plan to take a tougher approach, the kiss started out simple and gentle. It was her first proper kiss after all, so she had to get a grip on the basics before she could fully take on a far more experienced kisser. When his hand slid up the right side of her face to brush aside long blue hairs tickling her nose, and his, she guessed, she felt his tongue take advantage of the partial gap between her lips. She opened an eye, just barely and briefly, slid her hand up the sweaty line from his shoulder to the neck and closed her eye again. Perhaps I should slip my tongue into his mouth, she decided, by opening her mouth wide, straightening her knees a little bit to gain more height, and then speared in from above. She thought she'd done well, getting one over him, but it wasn't until he fell back down to the grass with her dragged along that she realised he'd taken measures to get her back.

Somehow, he knew the sensation of her round, tender D-cups squashing against his chest under her own weight would make her shudder in such a way she'd momentarily lose any strong advantages, and his tongue came out on top. To try and regain control in this situation was useless on another account, notably the hot, moist organ pressed to her belly.

Shuddering more so, her mouth disconnected from his to expel a brief whine as he gyrated his hips and rubbed that big thing against her.

"R-Roxas, stop," She whimpered. "You're... you're making me...hyahhhh!"

Beads of water flung into the air off the tips of her dark blue hair as her head flew back. Her sharp cry was of surprise, as he'd cupped the side of her left breast and suckled her stiff nipple through the soggy night dress. If not for her lower lip, her secondary cry would've been more than a squeaky whine through her top row of teeth.

Rooting her hands down on the ground, fingers tightening and ripping up the dewy grass blades, Aqua couldn't prevent any more embarrassing moans, nor could she stop her shoulders from shaking. He'd switched breast but continued to tease the former by use of his fingers, and pinched, twisted, pulled and rubbed her nipple in ways that made her tingling spine spasm uncontrollably. He switched again, referred the same treatment to the opposite while his other hand tenderly squeezed the one he suckled.

Though it was all very sexy, Aqua would prefer to get out this night shirt and allow his lips and fingers to come into direct, undiluted contact with her skin.

"Stop... Stooooopp..." Resorting to begging wasn't where she wanted to stoop to, but there was no other way she felt she could have stopped him.

Aqua disallowed even a second's break between his finishing up on her breast and another steamy kiss, partly because she wanted to kiss him, mostly because she didn't want him to get the chance to say he'd won that time around. All the while they spent time massaging one another's tongues, Aqua tried to think up things she could do to tease him.

'Ah,' Her eyes drooped each time she opened them. Something had sprung to mind, something she'd partially witnessed earlier between Roxas and Fuu.

Breaking the kiss, Aqua sucked back the string of drool which dangled off her tongue and slowly crawled backwards until she sat on her own feet. Mud stained her hands, elbows and knees, and while she couldn't do much about most of it, she maintained the alluring look in her eyes for Roxas as she discreetly rubbed her palms on her soggy shirt behind her back.

"If you would be so kind," Aqua brought her hands back to her lap. "I'd like you to stand up for me, Roxas."

Without word or hesitation, and a curious half-smile on his face, Roxas stood upright for her.

'Oh Mother Minnie,' Her cheeks flared as she was properly introduced to his huge erect member for the first time up close, pointed at her like an accusing finger. The tip was but a tongue's reach away from her agape mouth, and though she was tempted by a nagging imp at the back of her mind to see how much of that chunky piece she could gobble up, her own rational mind struggled whether she should be concerned over any possible sanitary issues relating to such an act. After all, before she'd interrupted, he was about to stick it inside another girl's body.

'But before he was going to stick it inside that girl, he'd put his mouth to that part of her body, didn't he?' Aqua recalled. 'It can't be harmful, surely.'

She considered it for a half second.

"Sod it," Aqua muttered in a careless tone under her breath, placed her hands on his hips, and at speed took the head of his member into her mouth with a wet, breathy 'nyum'. Roxas' body jerked in a surprised reaction, and if her hands weren't where they were, she wouldn't have been able to stop him fumbling back a step.

"Urrrrrrhhh," He groaned through his teeth. "Y-your mouth... it's... s-so incredible..."

Proud at the compliment, Aqua looked up with her eyes. She felt a bit silly when all that hot saliva she had pooling up in her mouth leaked out the corners and rolled down her chin when she smiled, but judging by the look on his face and the incredible pulsation of his member between her tongue and the root of her mouth, he must have found it somewhat sexy.

Casting her eyes back down, Roxas' body jerked again as she took her hands off his hips and gripped his length from the base. Although this wasn't what she'd initially planned to do, she could set that momentarily aside and carry this out for a bit.

"Mmmwaaahhhh," Alongside her content sigh her lips made a wet squelch as she opened her mouth wide and, spilling more saliva all over the head, her tongue slowly swirled round and round. The gooey texture picked up on her tongue must've been his semen, she guessed, and while she was disappointed it wasn't a little less salty and a bit sweeter, her loins were on fire at the imaginings of this stuff pouring down her throat in copious amounts like a thick yoghurt drink.

Aqua's grip on his shaft loosened in case her squeezing him would restrict the flow, and opted to gently stimulate him with her fingers in light strokes. Whichever way she touched him, rubbing her fingers up and down the sides or using both thumbs to tackle the sensitive head in junction with her circulating tongue, by the sounds of things, she had him on the ropes. He groaned and spluttered as she continued, and placed a trembling hand on her head.

"Y-you're really good at this," Roxas said, his voice cracking. "I-I'm not sure... I can hold out... much longer..."

His words made Aqua's heart race with excitement. It brought on a sense of urgency and, she decided, the need to pick up the pace. Her fingers slid down to the base, gripped it lightly this time, and she proceeded to swallow his length. About halfway she paused, pulled back, and then returned to the same spot. She started out at a generic rocking speed, added a quick swirl of the tongue with each return to the head, and pushed on a little faster following the sixth stroke. The certainty she could consume more, that she could go further along the shaft, cropped up on the fourteenth go, but she wasn't going to pull her punches by going only an extra inch or two. It was to be all or nothing.

Forming a 'diamond' with her thumbs and forefingers around the base, Aqua reined her speed a tad as she, in one gargling motion, managed to take it all in. Her gag reflex kicked in to try and stop her but she persisted, pushed herself until the tip of her nose bumped his pubis, and reacted with a strangled squawk before she pulled back. Determined to keep on, she repeated the motion over and over again, fighting the resistance and releasing the same noisy squawk.

"Fuh... ahhhh-I'm... I'm going... to..." Roxas cried, both his hands tangled in her soaking wet hair, and followed her timing as he bucked his hips into her face. "Here... it comes...!"

Aqua was halfway back before he started to ejaculate, and if it weren't for his hands, she'd admit, she'd have tumbled backwards onto her arse from the amount pouring down her throat out his hot, throbbing member. The other half of his length that wasn't in her mouth was under the care of her hands, pumping away like no tomorrow to ensure he let it all out.

"Mwooohh," Aqua, her vision foggy and her mind likewise, slowly withdrew. "Hwwwwergh."

Gulping audibly, Aqua slowly and satisfyingly sighed.

"W-whoa..." Roxas tilted her head back, and she hazily stared up into his dogged, blushing face. His thumbs caressed her cheeks gently, making her feel quite relaxed and, in time, a little more on the ball. "You're incredibly skilled at giving head... are you up for a little more action?"

"Yuh-huh," Tongue hanging out as she fought to regain a regular, calm breathing pattern, Aqua cradled Roxas' still-hard member in her hands and nuzzled her cheek to its side. That certainly was an experience, she thought incredulously. When she went to bed last night, she never expected she'd wake up in the morning to do this kind of thing with her 'little brother', nor did she expect that she'd be to one to continue it with a similarly filthy technique she'd just found out existed. On that note, she recovered enough to give him a sultry smile. "And, to be honest, that wasn't initially what I had in mind. What I wanted to do, what I'm going to do, rather, for you, is this..."

Kneeling upright and lifting her soggy t-shirt from the hem and stopping just below the bust line to unveil her knickers and toned abdomen, Aqua cupped her bountiful mounds and guided them over Roxas' member, lowering and encasing it within the oven-warm crevice. The bulging head of Roxas' member bobbed under the wet fabric and nearly thumped her in the mouth following his reaction to her decision to make a nice, tight mould by crossing her arms and hugging her breasts inwards.

"Heh, it feels like you're growing bigger and harder between my breasts," Aqua cooed, using her knees and hips to start up a movement where she could effectively create a friction to stimulate his encased member. "You like being done like this, don't you?"

"Y-yeah," Roxas choked. "It feels amazing. Your breasts are squeezing me..." His body trembled when she licked the tip through the material. "And God, does your tongue feel good when you do it through the fabric..."

Licking turned to suckling. At some point she stopped moving, and he'd taken over with his hips, thrusting between her breasts like a deprived dog with its master's leg. A good thing, as it allowed her to concentrate more on one thing than having to worry about both.

"Mind if we join you?"

Olette's head popped over Roxas' right shoulder, and Fuu appeared at his opposite side in entirely new attire. Disappointed somewhat by the slowdown of Roxas' efforts through the distraction, she had to acknowledge the two other girls wanted to organise things to satisfy all parties, and she shouldn't be so selfish as to keep them from doing so.

Roxas mock huffed when she reluctantly lifted her breasts off his wet shaft.

"Can't you guys wait your turn? I was enjoying that."

"Shaddup and sit your butt down, Roxas," Olette said, not unkindly. "And we'll all give you something you can really enjoy."

Directed to sit down, Roxas didn't make a fuss after Olette's promise. Aqua wanted to make a fuss because she felt like she'd just been kicked out of all the fun, but then she had to remember that Roxas was their property. Holding her finger to a thought, she imagined this might be a good time to observe a little closer, watch how these two performed, and to jot down mental notes for future usage.

Sucking back the drool rolling over her lower lip, Aqua swallowed hard and met Roxas' hazy, smiling eyes. The slight twitches, the heavy blush and his jerky breaths were reactive to the way Olette and the girl called Fuu devoured his sweaty body with their tongues, lips and fingers, trailing, sucking and stroking their way across and through every groove on his chest and beyond. Olette was particularly obsessed with kissing and sniffing the neck, she noticed, whilst Fuu made an effort to explore further down by the stomach.

The girl with silver hair turned her head, her one eye shimmering fantastically as she gave Aqua such an inviting look, poked her tongue out and slowly, so slowly, dragged it upward along the side of Roxas' tall shaft. It quivered more and more as she reached the tip, aided slightly by the rapid waggle of her tongue, and the moist slapping sounds made by the batting rung in Aqua's ears like a dull bell. She bit her lower lip anxiously and watched Fuu, who watched back with a temptress' grin, and cupped her sodden loins with one hand following the slow, slimy disappearance of the thick organ into the girl's mouth.

Exhaling sharply, Roxas placed a hand on top of Fuu's sinking head. To Aqua, it was hard to tell from his twisted expression whether the whole process was pleasurable, painful or both. She'd ask, if only her voice hadn't backed in on itself following her disbelief that a girl with such a small mouth could consume something so big, so easily, when she hadn't found it to be an easy task with her bigger mouth.

Gripping the base with one hand and cupping the bulky testicles with the other, Fuu's head bobbed up and down at varied speeds. Sometimes she'd wiggle her head, pump the base, circulate her tongue around the tip, or pause briefly at full consumption. By these actions, Roxas groaned his satisfied compliments and even gave his hips a little shake. Although Aqua would've expected a displeased growl from the base of Fuu's throat after a distorted gargle he'd stirred up, the girl just withdrew momentarily to gasp widely, a copious saliva amount overflowing her lower lip, then dropped back to suck on the head.

Another hand came to grip the shaft, this one belonging to Olette. Having heard the compliments Roxas gave to Fuu, as they all did, the brunette seemed eager to please the strapping lad in the same manner if not better.

Visually, Olette and Fuu seemed to be pleasing everyone and each other with their chosen outfits. Aqua could admit without shame the sexy magnificence they projected, and wondered if Olette in particular would ever seriously consider wearing clothes like that more often. And Fuu... Lord, she was born to wear such things.

Princess Cinderella famously ran away from the Prince's ball at the stroke of midnight. If she'd have worn the variation of her dress Fuu wore, she'd have famously run away from the Prince's midnight request to stroke his balls. The design twisted the mind as much as it hardened the body.

Split into two parts, the upper was, by rights, a tight push-up bra with a lace-up front, made from a shiny satin material that was strong enough to contain the generous assets of the current wearer, even though it looked ready to burst open. The petticoat skirt, while falling to the mid-thigh, opened at the front like a pair of curtains to reveal the bottoms of a microkini which, while already small enough, was riding up into the crack.

A black cameo choker, a blue headband, knee-length socks and full-length gloves were the finishing touches. Like Olette, Fuu had forgone the idea of shoes and stepped confidently into the muddy grass without concern for the state of the socks.

"'scuse me please," Olette, wanting some room to get at Roxas' member, tilted her head and flicked Fuu's nose with her tongue. With a wet 'pop' and a light sigh, Fuu backed away enough to let her in.

The two girls worked their tongues around the shiny head, taking a side each, and then took turns to slip one over the tip. Saliva and other such gummy fluids spilled onto the head, strung from the tip of one tongue to the other, and rolled down the throbbing shaft over their fingers. It looked very messy to Aqua, but from what she could tell, it also looked pretty good for all three.

Roxas shifted and patted both girls on the back. From the way he ogled Olette and the fabulous costume, it was pretty darn clear he wanted to do something with her. Aqua wasn't all that surprised, certainly not as much as she expected to be, as anyone in Roxas' place would undoubtedly feel the urge to do a whole horde of dirty things to a luscious lass in such an erotic outfit.

"Sorry, Fuu," He apologised at having to brush her aside, staggered up to his feet, and looked down at Olette with a schoolboy's 'this is going to be SO awesome' smile. "Right, if you could just…"

Looking dozy and curious, Olette followed the directions given by his hands. There she sat, cute butt on the floor with her knees out to the side, both arms straight behind and palms pressed into the ground to support her arching back. Clearly, Roxas had led her to pronounce her chest for some kind naughty deed, and he said as much to her in a fairly jolly tone.

"Seeing as you interrupted me and Sis, so you'll have to take responsibility for the rest."

Olette's pink lips formed a delicious 'O', and a heavy red blush scorched her cheeks. Aqua had expected he'd find a creative method to grace her breasts with attention whilst they maintained their supported state, rather than diving in ham-headed to rip the bikini-like bra from her chest and spoil the effect. Hands gently cupping her breasts from the side, fingers flexing into Olette's soft flesh, he slid his member between them from underneath.

"Ehhhh," Olette looked lightheaded as she sighed and tilted her head back to gaze up at him in admiration. "It's all slippery and slimy..."

"I-it's a good thing, too," Roxas shuddered. "If it weren't, I'm not sure I'd have been able to slide it in so easily. Your boobs are squeezing me real hard with that bra you're wearing."

"Feels good though, right?"

"H-Heck yeah," Roxas groaned.

Observing from the outside, Aqua couldn't play down the resemblance to a tasty Bratwurst in a bun she had at the annual German Christmas Market last year. Very much like it, Olette's smaller baps could only encase a meagre third of Roxas' meat. That didn't hamper either one's enjoyment, though.

"Ah... hang on, one second," Roxas, who had just noticed Fuu sitting patiently on her knees and staring up to him in a very cat-like 'you wouldn't mind sparing a minute to make a fuss of me, would you?' manner, bit his lip unsurely. "Um, let's make this... ah, yeah, I got it. Olette, I'm gonna have to ask you to lie down this time."

There was a moment's awkward reluctance to let him go, until Fuu intervened to give Olette what Aqua assumed was assurance this wasn't to be the end, merely a momentary hiatus, and relaxed as Roxas removed himself from her busts crevice. Olette lay down with help, was none too bothered about mud on her rain soaked clothes, and was happy to have swiftly found the truth in what Fuu may have told her.

Kneeling over Olette's head, Roxas went into what Aqua imagined was referred to as the 'sixty-nine' position. Although, processing what she'd overheard from her college friends' experiences, she thought it would've been more gentlemanly for heavier-set Roxas to have gone underneath. Ah well, from the faint cheer, it didn't sound like Olette cared. The young man, his face brightly lit with a grin, penetrated her cleavage from the top.

"Yah, good call! I much prefer it this way," She heard a muffled Olette say, followed by Roxas' jumpy, surprised cry.

"H-heh, yeah, m-me too," Roxas, his hips suddenly grinding crazily, coughed. He turned to Fuu, kneeling down by Olette's waist, and their open mouths collided into a fiery, tongue entangling kiss.

Aqua, mesmerised by the intensity of Roxas and Fuu's dribbling tongue battle, dropped her gaze when she heard Olette's whine and noticed her back kick into an arc from her peripheral vision. Fingers belonging to the snogging couple had wormed their way into Olette's yellow panties, and from the vigorous wrist-shakes and twirls, they were going to town on her loins.

"Y-you guys...!" Olette cried, wriggling helplessly from the assault on both ends. A small, gunky pool of Roxas' precum had formed on Olette's stomach, a testimony to how great her breasts felt for him to ravage with his massive member, and due to her erratic thrashes, spilled and trailed down her sides.

That's it, the final straw. Aqua had had enough, sitting back and watching the entire spectacle like a drooling vegetable, and wanted back in the game.

On all fours, Aqua cautiously approached Roxas' side, opposite to Fuu, and raised a hand to keep Olette's knee from whacking her one in the ribs. Hooking the leg with her arm to play it safe, Aqua came within a hairs breadth of Roxas' cheek to request a kiss... while he went one better by acknowledging her immediately, turned his head to come cheek to cheek with Fuu, and together with their open mouths, saliva-dripping tongues and hot, hoarse breaths, initiated her in a three-way tongues-out-of-mouth kiss.

It was strange to kiss two people at the same time, sampling the different flavours they had to offer, like strawberries and chocolate, different strengths and weaknesses where you touched and tangled with their tongues, and even how much spit they tended to contribute. Sure, it was all very messy, and Aqua had never kissed a girl before... or a guy until about ten minutes ago, but it sure made her feel all hot and gooey on the inside.

Before she broke away, Aqua ensured to get a full lip-lock with both Roxas and Fuu to try and determine who strawberry was and who was chocolate. No definite results the second time around, she dropped her head down a level and, quite greedily, lapped at the sticky leakage upon Olette's belly. Defying the rhythmic thump from his thrusting bulb on her cheek, Aqua tilted her head to scoop up all she could closer to Olette's bust line and then returned to play around with the cute bellybutton piercing the brunette had in. Olette's abdominals wobbled like jelly when she touched the decoration, which made her giggle.

"I'm... I'm going... to..."

She heard Roxas groan, muffled somewhat by Fuu's tongue, she imagined. Anyway, she found out what his warning related to soon enough. If getting poked continuously by his shaft wasn't enough, taking a multitude of powerful shots in the eye, ear, cheek and chin topped the bill when he ejaculated.

Aqua sat back on her heels and wiped her face with her fingers, complete with the intention of licking them. Unfortunately for her, or interestingly depending which way she wanted to look at it, no sooner had Roxas dismounted Olette had the two other girls tackled her to the ground and proceeded to steal the sticky, stodgy substance she badly wanted for herself. She felt that as she was the one who took it in the face, in the eye even, she deserved the lot. Not so, according to those two. A team effort meant the wealthy reward had to be shared.

Hugged up to either side, Olette and Fuu pawed over the release on Aqua's face and fingers in a heated frenzy. Olette was at her cheek and her ear, Fuu at her chin and eyelid, and both had grabbed her hand to bring the Roxas-y goodness level with their mouths. Not too dissimilar to the three-way kiss they'd shared previously, their wet tongues sloppily whipped and lashed about fiercely. However, whosoever managed to collect the biggest bits from the fingers hadn't taken it entirely for them self. They shared it out as equally as possible for all to enjoy.


The rain had finally stopped. Roxas wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the sudden absence of little steam clouds fizzing upon contact with the girl's sizzling hot bodies. Okay, so maybe it was his imagination running wild and none of that stuff actually happened, but if it did, it'd be awesome. Watching the three girls on the ground, moaning, panting and writhing as they kissed, licked and fondled one another gave him strong, pleasant chills that prickled at the lower back as if an invisible force stood behind him, shunting him forward and saying 'Go on, lad. Go n' get stuck right in there!'

Against all his own expectations, he managed to temporarily withhold the temptations so he may assess the situation and decide on the best course of action. While he could get stuck in there, maybe take the express lift to the highest level with Aqua by picking her hips off the ground and slamming his massive tool right between those chubby, juicy-looking lower lips Fuu and Olette had started to play with using their fingers, he took a step back and observed the current position these girls were in and planned accordingly how he could put it to good use that'd suit each of them. Also, it'd give him the chance to finish off that exhilarating titty-screw with Aqua.

"As you were, ladies," Roxas, using his hands to keep the girls from rolling apart when he stood over them, all three cuddled together between his legs, he slid either hand on Fuu's and Olette's upper backs as he bent his knees and, keeping most of his weight up, sat on their sides.

Figuring she'd be the one to suss him first, Fuu gave him a sultry smile as she pulled her bra down below her bust line, her breasts bouncing a little like they were excitedly jumping and screaming 'Hiyaa!' to a drooling Roxas, and led the example to Olette who copied her with a dawning 'Oh, I think I know what's going down' raise of the eyebrows. On her behalf, Fuu and Olette grabbed the hem of Aqua's soggy nightshirt from where it had fallen to her slim belly, and slowly peeled it off her skin until her breasts were free.

Roxas angled his hips, laid his shaft partway between the increasingly ecstatic Aqua's breasts, and released a sigh as Fuu and Olette rolled in to squish theirs together and fully dock his length in more fleshy warmth than he could wrap his head around. And boy-bloody-heck was his head spinning.

"Hooooly moly," He groaned from the base of his throat.

Shifting like ocean waves, under the experienced instructions of Fuu, the girls used their assets to rub, tease and squeeze his member. His teeth were chattering loudly, and the girls, Aqua included, were making sly faces and telling, not asking, how good he felt. He couldn't retort, because they were spot-on with what they were saying.

Already sensitive from the previous engagement, and these three girls spoiling him so with their flesh, tongues and lips, Roxas felt his climax build up quickly. Groaning hoarsely, his hips kicked up with speed as he started to thrust.

"I-I'm... I can't hold it back!"

Anticipating his release with open mouths and tilted chins, one not wanting to deprive the others by greedily consuming the head for them self, the girls panted in excitement. The looks on their faces alone; Fuu's impishly eager, Aqua's soft and dreamy, and Olette's frantic, almost desperate eyes were enough to make him let loose upon them. Arching his back, Roxas grunted strenuously.

"Hyaaahhh!" The girls all cried together, tongues whipping out to catch what flew through the air. Thick, gloopy strings stained their faces, mostly Aqua's as she was on the bottom facing up, hung across their noses, chins and foreheads.

His vision a bit hazy, again Roxas was an outsider who watched the second frenzy for his release. Not a problem because Criminy, was it a turn-on.

Aqua, gorgeous, dignified Aqua, looked so damn hot with strands of her short blue hair falling across her blushing, semen-stained face as she breathed deeply, shoulders quaking, and stared into space with wondrously droopy eyes. Her left cheek was under assault from Fuu, who wasn't only licking but sucking and chewing on it with her lips. Olette was on her forehead having brushed the blue hairs aside, and worked her way down to the eyebrows and followed down the bridge of Aqua's nose. For a moment Roxas lost sight and stared at the back of Olette's head, but from the muffled, squeaky moan and judder of Aqua's body, he pictured them in a liplock.

His attention had been caught by Fuu, who'd backed out for Olette to get in to Aqua's mouth. Her usually piercing red eye was no longer so but a rather sweet, gentle radiance, peered at him in a loveable expression when she took the dripping head of his still-going erection with her peachy lips and suckled it soothingly for whatever was left.

Hunching forward and rolling aside, slowly so Fuu could stay on him with her hand and mouth, he lay on his back as his girlfriend curled up at his waist.

"Hwaaah," He heard a sigh from aside, and turned his head to see the dozy-eyed Olette smiling curiously at him. A thick, shiny saliva string dangled from the tip of her tongue and poured like syrup from a bottle into profiled Aqua's open mouth, onto and down her jutting tongue. Jeepers, did that make his spine tingle. "Hey... you are planning on going all the way with Sis, right?"

To the question, Roxas kept his eyes on Aqua who, with a gulp to presumably swallow down Olette's spit, looked back with some hope in her deep blue eyes.

"Yeah, I am," He said at last, patting Fuu on the head. His girlfriend had been dragging her wet lips up and down the spine of his length like it were a harmonica. "Give me a minute or so, would you?"

"Sore?" Fuu asked, coming over all gentle on his member.

"Nah, I'd just like to take a short while to recoup before, y'know," Roxas' fingers stroked through her lovely silver hair. "Before we get down to business."

"Fair," Fuu nodded, leading him back to the ground as she kissed his lips. Her bare nipples and soft, spongy breasts squishing against his chest made his little chap react in such a way it seemed he needn't the rest he requested.

"So much energy," He heard Aqua say in wonder. "Is that thing he's got natural?"

"Not from what I've heard," That was Olette. Both voices were roughly down by his legs. "But I'm not complaining, anyhow. Roxas, have you had a break enough? It's been a coupla minutes."

Had it? Well, they do say time flies when you're having fun, and Roxas was having plenty of it with Fuu's tongue in his mouth.

"Mmm, myeah," He replied in a voice distorted by the copious fluids in his mouth, courtesy of the wet kiss with Fuu. He had to swallow pretty hard. "Yeah, I'm all go."

So was Aqua, it seemed. Her nightshirt had fallen below her waist again, and when she lifted the hem above her navel and held it there like there wasn't anything else about her she wanted him to see just yet, he regretted swallowing Fuu's spit for his mouth parched in an instant.

Sweat or rainwater trickled down her glistening wet body. He didn't care much whichever it was, he just wanted to fight his temporary paralysis to grip, squeeze and prise those firm thighs further apart so he may suck the water beads back out from where they'd disappeared between the tight lower lips. Jiminy, he was far more excited about the baldness of her puffy loins than he was disappointed to find she hadn't the thin blue hairs he'd expected, licked his thumb, and rubbed in a circular motion over her hairless mons pubis as if he expected the shiny skin to produce the typical squeaky sound effect. Still, sexy as Hell. As soon as he's given the opportunity, he's going to take Fuu and even Olette up into the bathroom to shave the both of them.

"Mhnnn," Aqua sighed through her teeth, and gave him a contented look he could feel in the hip pocket of his currently absent trousers.

Squatting over him with her legs open, Aqua used the soppy cleft between her chubby labias to mould around the underside of his shaft and gently dipped her hips back and forth, dragging her swollen clitoris against it. If she was intending to set him off without any proper penetration, she was doing a damn good job about it.

"I'm much bigger than you," She said in a quiet, breathless voice, pointing out the obvious. "Would it be better for you if I was underneath?"

"Nah, it's okay," He replied in tone not too dissimilar from hers. "I rather enjoy the view from here, thanks."

Roxas meant it, too. Both Olette and Fuu had moved in on either side of Aqua to assist in the upright insertion while at the same time have a 'play around' with her. Watching Olette suckle on Aqua's stiff nipple through a sodden shirt and fan open her lower lips as Fuu directed the tip of his member to and lapped at Aqua's wet folds and Olette's sticky fingers was as electrifying as sticking your finger directly into a mains socket.

Roxas wasn't the only one to release a sharp breath as his member gradually disappeared into Aqua's body. Intensely warm and copiously slick with her honey juices, Aqua shuddered and moaned aloud the words he had bobbing around in his thumping skull; my hips have gone numb. Neither of them moved to start with, whereas Fuu and Olette shared their own sentiment and continued to play with Aqua's nipples and penetrated folds. Roxas didn't complain as such if Fuu wanted to tease the exposed half-inch from his shaft, but he did want to know what the Hell the thin trickle of blood was about.


There it was. He's just gone and deflowered his 'sister'. That was a right old kick in the teeth with a sharp stick. What with all her close guy friends she's had for many years, he never expected she'd still be a virgin.


He was silenced by Aqua's lips. She'd suddenly dropped forward, sweat or rainwater and most definitely tears splashing on his cheeks in the move, and kissed him full force. Maybe it was still from the shock, but his tongue was pinned down and couldn't rally the strength to fight against hers.

"Why so surprised?" She asked in strenuous voice, face flushed a bright red, wincing as his member flexed against the hot walls squeezing him.

"Ah, er..." He couldn't think anywhere to place his hands. Should he hug her, and squash her mounds more so to his chest? Should he grip her thighs like he wanted earlier, or perhaps her buttocks? He would've without a second's hesitation a moment ago, but now... "I-I didn't know you were a... th-that you hadn't..."

"Has it... turned you off?"

"No, no, of course not," Roxas went ahead and hugged her with one arm, and placed his other hand on her lower back. Maybe as a reaction to this, she pressured her hips downward and wriggled as if she were making a snug home for his member within her.

"Then, we can continue?"

Adoration like he'd never seen before reflected in her shining blue eyes. The fires within the pit of his stomach had rekindled and started to burn fiercely once again. Aqua must've noticed, for she pushed herself upright again with a slight smile.

"I'll do the work, 'kay? You just lie back and enjoy," Aqua leant back, arms behind her pressing down on his legs for support, and proceeded to grind her hips. Thanks to her squatted position she was able to lift her hips up and down with what looked like little effort for all the stimulation as if he was the one thrusting up into her.

The lewd noises made from the movements were ear-ringing. The sight of her hot juices coating his length and the gripping tightness of her love-tunnel was mind-numbing. The reappearance of Fuu and Olette on the scene, the former drawing Aqua's nightshirt up to the neck to completely expose the round, jiggling mounds and treat either nipple to a whippy tongue and suckling lips, and the latter doing something quite similar only it was upon Roxas' own nipples and sweat-drenched chest she performed, was teeth-chattering.

"Nhmm... nmm," Olette's expression was heavenly. Not only had she sealed her lips around his left nipple, flogging it with her tongue and sucking with all the force he'd tormented her with before, she'd tilted her head to swipe her nostrils across his skin and absorb his strong smells like she were a bloodhound on the trail of a fleeing suspect. "Mmm... nmmhmm..."

Toiling away so eagerly with her tongue, lips and nose, Olette was on her knees and huddled over him. She was close enough for him to reach, so he thought he'd keep his hand busy by sliding his hand into her yellow panties, once again inserting his fingers between her fat, squishy loins, and pumped in the same slow instant as Aqua's hips moved. Olette's breathing hitched and her teeth came into play, weakly gnawing at his skin, and her formerly-stroking hand pressed against the back of the one he'd jammed into her panties, almost trapping it to prevent a withdrawal.

Unfazed by the D-cups on top her head, Olette continued to do what she was doing as Aqua squatted forward again, looking down upon Roxas with a most pleasurable look upon her face, and drove her hips at a much quicker rate than before. He couldn't help but meet with her, bucking his hips upward each time hers fell, and though she wanted him to remain still for her to do the work, she didn't seem to mind his participation. In fact, she grew increasingly excited by it.

"Hyaa... hyahhh," She placed her hands beside his head. She salivated like a feral dog, and made all the noises to accompany that likeness. "Hyaa... ah-yes... yes..."

Roxas opened his mouth. Olette was in the way so Aqua couldn't get down close enough for them to kiss, but that wasn't an issue. He liked was it was Olette was doing, he especially liked being able to see the heated expression on Aqua's face, and was content with catching the string of saliva dripping from her panting tongue.

"Ahh... hyah... hah, HYAA!"

The grass blades between her fingers crackled in Roxas' ears as Aqua cried aloud and her back arced. He didn't quite understand or see what had happened at first, until Aqua practically blurted it out for everyone to hear.

"Sh-she's... she's licking me!" Aqua gargled, no longer bouncing but forcing her hips down in a single slam as if she were trying to crush Roxas' pelvis into the floor. "She's licking my... m-my arse!"

It was Fuu. Using his free hand, the one that wasn't still drilling into the soaking honey pot between the to-busy-to-care brunette's thighs, Roxas felt around Aqua's soft buttock to find his girlfriend's tongue was licking into the small hole at the back, and hadn't stopped when he came to investigate. He wasn't going to stop her anyway, seeing as Aqua's inner walls tightened the moment Fuu had started. In fact, to make things a little more interesting, Roxas used his fingers to help Fuu out.

"Wh-what are you two doing? S-stop! Stop it!"

The desperate pleas fell on deaf ears. Fuu licked and sucked on his fingers, lubricating them, and he inserted them. At the same time, Roxas took over from where Aqua left off and rammed his hips upward.

"Hyaa, it feels too weird... please don't... hahh... anymore..." Aqua's droopy eyes were begging just like her tone, but Roxas wasn't going to let her have her way. He was too close to his climax to let up, and the effect his fingers and Fuu's tongue up her butt had on her ever-tightening vaginal walls were making it all the more gratifying.

"You say that," Roxas groaned between thrusts, also picking up the pace with his fingers inside both Aqua and Olette. The brunette had just quit on his chest and turned on the crook of Aqua's neck. "When you obviously enjoy it like this."

"Ah... n-ahh..." Aqua wanted to protest, but Olette had intervened with a hoarse chuckle.

"Even I can tell how excited and horny your naughty body's become, Sis," Olette murmured. "You might as well admit that it feels great to have your butthole teased... I like it, Fuu likes it... Roxas likes it, too."

Roxas didn't know which part made her snap, but Olette's incitement did the trick. Aqua had quit moaning about her butt being teased and started moaning for it to be teased.

"Hyah, hah, haaaah," Aqua's fingers gripped his shoulders like sharp talons. "More, more... ahh, yes... moooore..."

Sticking his finger inside, no longer pumping but wriggling his wrist around and around, Roxas gave her full whack as he edged closer to his climax. Roxas let Olette be as she suddenly rejected his fingers, knowing she had something else in mind, and slapped his sticky free hand on Aqua's thigh. A strong, musky scent wafted up his nostrils and his view was filled by Olette's dripping wet folds as she squatted over his face, peeling aside her yellow panties and furiously rubbing her swollen clit in an attempt to reach her peak in time with him. Opening his mouth in anticipation, his tongue flapping at her spongy loins, Roxas hit home with a final slam and a powerful climax as Aqua's tight walls clamped down on his massively throbbing shaft.

Olette wailed in her release seconds after, and her warm fluids gushed down his throat. Over all the heavy panting and his own ringing ears, he could still hear and feel the all-round elation.

"It's... all hot, and... bubbly, all the way up into my belly," He heard Aqua gasp hoarsely. As Olette practically collapsed aside, leaving Roxas to noisily smack his sticky lips, he was reunited with Aqua's droopy, satisfied eyes. "Ahh... I don't really want... to take it out..."

"You'll have to, because it's my turn next," Olette panted, lying on her side as Fuu had crawled over to her and, like a cat, lapped at the remnants of her release staining her inner thighs.

Aqua pouted and, deliberately, removed herself as slowly as possible. She wobbled unsteadily and flopped aside, and Roxas wasn't at all surprised to see Fuu turn from Olette and onto her. Keeping up with her cat-like nature, she hadn't any apparent loyalty to either girl. It was all on account of who had the lap that was to her most liking.

"So you want to be next?" Up on his knees, Roxas tapped Olette's thigh. "Let's have you, then. Come on, flip over."

"Oh, you're such a romantic," Olette responded in a voice overweight with sarcasm as she lay on her back. Ignoring her, Roxas hooked his arms under her knees and raised her hips off the ground. "You'll promise to be gentle with me, won't-YAOW!"

He hadn't noticed her, either. Fuu had appeared almost from thin air to give Olette a sharp slap on the bottom for her cheekiness and, with a devilish look in her red eye, help Roxas make his move by spreading the brunette's chubby labias apart. While he wanted to feel the warmth of Olette's body wrapped around his hard on, he was just as tempted to jam it into Fuu's mouth when she started to lick her clitoris.

'Olette did ask first,' He shrugged, lined up, and slowly entered her. The last few inches or so he locked in with a quicker buck, hugged her thighs so her feet were over his shoulders, and remained motionless as the fidgety Olette and her tight, twitching innards re-acclimated to his the presence of his thick length. At this point, Fuu had given him some room to do his thing and lay down on her side next to Olette, nuzzling her blushing cheek and now using her fingers to stimulate the brunette's pink pebble instead.

"Would you like me to go slow, or were you wholly taking the Mickey...?"

"A-actually," Olette whimpered, one eye closed as Fuu lightly licked beneath it, reached her hands up and interlocked her fingers with his. "It'd be nice if you would for a little while..."

Complying, Roxas gave her another restful minute. In that time, Aqua had crawled by and lay down beside Olette, opposite to Fuu, and commented on her 'little sister's' lovely serene expression. That was subject to change the moment Roxas started moving his hips, withdrawing only a few inches and slowly easing them back in to suit her request, and when Aqua took a little less care and affection in her bid to repay Olette's callous treatment upon her sensitive nipples earlier. Despite Olette's jerky thrashes and squealing, Roxas remained calm and kept to his tame rhythm.

Chuckling as he watched Aqua submit the brunette to some hard suckling, bud-nipping with her teeth and pinching with her fingers, he was doubly amused to see Fuu had joined in with the 'let's torment Olette's breasts' game. They sucked, yanked, nipped, licked and squeezed her C-cups for all they're worth as she cried for mercy, and as a result he noticed how much tighter and wetter her insides had become. Fuu was still stroking Olette's clit with her other hand, which was something Aqua had taken up, too.

"Time to play rough," One last gentle movement, then Roxas decided it was time he upped the ante. Rather than speed he went for depth, pulling out almost the whole length and returning up to the hilt each and every time, flexed as he used his knees to circle his waist round a few times, and repeated the process over again. Six, maybe even seven times he did this, and then he settled for a good, hard, rhythmic pound.

"Ahnn... ahhh," Olette gasped, still clasping his hands and suffering the torment upon her breasts and clitoris. "I-it feels s-s-so good...!"

"No arguments from me," Roxas grunted as he leant further forward with Olette's knees over his shoulders, upping onto the balls of his feet to get a better standing and to make for easier thrusts. Her hot, wet loins were goddamn amazing. "Your insides have coiled tightly around my... gyahh, it's almost like your body's sucking me off...!"

His shaft was certainly throbbing from the heat within, plus the sudden naughty look on Aqua's face as she winked up at him. In a climax without him, Olette's hips jerked, inner muscles squeezing down harshly on his shaft, and her high voice kicked up a few extra pitches moments after, reasons to which he discovered thanks to the brushing of Fuu's knuckles beneath his bulky, slapping testicles. Fuu had let off the clitoris and begun fingering Olette's butthole, and he had to wonder from the wink whether it was something Aqua was prepared to do, too.

Yes, it seemed. However, unlike Fuu, her victim wasn't going to be Olette.

"Krrrrrghhh!" Roxas growled as Aqua plunged a finger into him, all the way up to the knuckle, out, and back in again.

"Yeh... R-Roxas, I can feel you growing... even bigger!" Olette panted.

"Oh, Olette was right. You do like a finger in the butt," Aqua nuzzled his red cheek, kissed it, and moved on behind him. He figured she wanted some vengeance for what he did to her, and frankly, he didn't think she could do him worse. That was until she added one extra finger to her invasion, cupped his balls with her other hand and sucked on each like a jumbo gobstopper.

Roxas was now leaning so far forward, his forehead touched Olette's. He hadn't the capability to perform with the same lengthy slams as before, what with Aqua's revenge in play. Instead, he made up with shorter, more rapid, but less rhythmic thrusts.

"Fah... Fuu...?"

His girlfriend had left Olette's lower half alone completely, and had moved up to request a favour or two from the brunette and himself. Minus her blue panties, Fuu had shuffled along in the crab position, keeping up all her weight while she basically sat her fine arse onto Olette's mouth. Olette went without a moment's hesitation, twirling and digging her tongue up Fuu's ring, whereas Roxas took a few deep breaths before he smothered her dripping slit with his mouth.

She must've already been on edge, as her delectable fluids were squirting into his mouth in a matter of seconds. He gulped them down like there was no tomorrow, and in the same manner, sucked and nibbled on her swollen clitoris.

Lips smacking loudly, Roxas latched his teeth onto Olette's chin. She stopped licking Fuu, stopped taking in the channel of fluids he'd missed that flowed down her perineum, as her jaw quivered not from his weak bite, but the telltale signs he was set to blow.

"Ahhh, hyahh! I-inside... I-I want you to fill me up... so shoot it all inside...!"

No need to tell him twice. He was grateful Aqua let him off, withdrew her fingers and quit sucking on his balls, and that Fuu dropped back so he could crush his lips with Olette's. An odd mixture of flavours blossomed in his mouth when they exchanged tongues, none at all unpleasant. Fingers clasping and tearing up the grass, his body squashing hers more so into the ground, Roxas' raging shaft slammed in to the hilt one final time before he ejaculated a thick, heavy load into her womb.

"Myaghhww," A little late to the party, Olette's vaginal walls shrunk around and wrung out his pulsing member for every last drop. "K-keep shooting more into me...!"

Olette gargled and whined as they shared a sloppy wet kiss, and he shook his hips a little for good measure. Finishing off with a kiss to her forehead, Roxas struggled to remove himself as her body clamped down hard in an effort to cling on for longer. His length came out with a spring, flinging a splodgy mixture of his and her fluids about the place, and Fuu was in there like a shot. Crawling over Olette on all fours to get to it, with a rather desperate element to her working, Fuu gripped him at the base and swallowed a whole third.

Almost toppling over backwards, only almost as Aqua had slung her arms under his armpits to hold him steady, Roxas groaned and held Fuu's twisting, bobbing head. It was nice, very nice, having her do that and Aqua nibbling at his earlobes. It was still nice when Fuu stopped, lapped a couple of times at the sticky wet tip and trailed her tongue along the topside line, all the way up his chest and to his collarbone, and finished by stealing Aqua's attention for a kiss that boasted the 'Hey, why not check out the Roxas/Olette mix?' appeal.

Sucking back a sharp breath, Roxas used the short break to psyche himself up for the next round. This will have to be the final round for the moment, because he was flipping famished and wanted some eats. Perhaps later, if everyone's up for it, including himself, they could continue this business upstairs.

Back to the matters at hand, and he had little choice seeing as Fuu had just snapped him back to the steamy, oversexed reality in which he lived by gripping his shoulders and gnawing at the opposite earlobe to which Aqua had returned her attention to, Roxas loosely hugged Fuu's waist with one arm and held the other out to the side. The tender focus on two of his known weak points left him with a feeling the energy in his muscles were being drained, and his stability was in such peril that he might need an arm out in case he collapsed aside. Unlikely, as Aqua's hold was so firm her breasts had moulded quite nicely to his back and Fuu's... well, she had a light grip on his shoulders and her breasts were nicely squashed to his chest, but he didn't think her strong enough to hold his weight should he topple.

A smidgen of his strength came back when Aqua unlatched her teeth and popped a question regarding his preferred position. While he didn't mind being here, sandwiched between two nubile beauties with tantalisingly soft, bouncy assets burning their way through to his soul from the front and back, he suddenly thought up an addition or, rather, a deflection of the question to someone whom currently had the most important opinion regarding positions, taking their current state into account.

Over Fuu's shoulder, Roxas passed the question onto Olette. She still seemed to be recovering, taking it easy after their invigorating pelvic boogie, and otherwise unable to add little more to the effort than her fingers. It explained the varied hitches to Fuu's breath and the lewd sloshing noises, and that served her right for choosing to straddle Olette's stomach. The devil makes work for idle thumbs.

"It'd make for easier breathing should you lot shove off me," Olette said in a strained giggle. She'd got him started, picking on Fuu's behind, and he'd now clasped Fuu's soft-as-freshly-baked-bread buttocks and fondled them as they so often begged to be.

Back to full strength now that Fuu, releasing him in a shuddery little whimper and burying her face into his neck, no longer had any influence over the condition of his muscles or balance thanks to his and Olette's combined assault on her fine rear and hot loins, Roxas twisted his upper body and carefully lowered his girlfriend onto her back on the grass. He had to go down with her all the way, seeing as she clung to him like she'd been glued, and because he wanted to keep playing with her buttocks for a little while longer before they got down to do the real dirty business.


Partway through licking her fingers clean of Fuu's clear fluids, Olette dozily glanced at Aqua as the sister figure sidled up beside her and nudged her head toward the other two. Taking it as a meaning she'd something to point out about them, she checked them out with an interested perk to her shoulders... and then realised it was a simple, playful distraction so Aqua could seize her hand and steal the slick remnants off her fingers.

"Thief," Olette smirked, hooking her fingers inside Aqua's sucking mouth, and holding her sister's head at the back with her free hand. She kept on sucking and Olette took to licking the Fuu juice/Aqua dribble mix rolling over her knuckles. "If you're going to steal mine," Olette continued in a whisper, licking up Aqua's jaw line and to her ear. "Then I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal yours."

Olette deftly pushed Aqua down to the grass and straddled her stomach, facing down towards her legs, and was somewhat surprised when she realised at no point did the older girl make any attempt to resist. Then again, why would she?

Licking her lips, Olette hunched forward and spread Aqua's thighs further apart. She hadn't much experience in eating a girl, maybe only a few times since her first go with Fuu back in the bathroom stalls, but she sure as heck wouldn't pass up the opportunity to try Aqua's chubby, hairless crotch. Hooking an arm under Aqua's left leg for a more comfortable reach, Olette used her fingers and thumbs to start testing the softness of the spongy flesh and, puckering up, dribbled onto the fat, bald pubis. Watching the translucent fluids roll down and get sucked into the cleft, all of a sudden, Olette wanted them back.

Spreading the fatty labias wide open and looking into the beautiful pink hole for a second or two, Olette speared inside with her tongue and flailed it around like a lively fish. She carried on lapping, flapping and sucking up the honey-sweet juices within despite the mounting pressure from Aqua's damp, vice-like thighs on her head, and stepped up the game by sliding her fingers in, too. Right hand sliding underneath her chin, her index finger and thumb teased the swollen clitoris with cheeky pinches and fierce rubs.

She must've been doing something right, because the gasping, writhing Aqua's hands came down to push on the back of her head and kept her wet mouth to her smoulderingly hot, copiously drenched loins. In addition to the jerky pelvic thrusts, Olette figured she was close to cumming.

"O-Olette! Oh...OletteOletteOlette...!"

Said brunette's eyes flung open wide following a sweet liquid explosion into her mouth. Aqua's climax caught her by surprise, and she had to struggle against Aqua's pressing hands and thighs to break free for air. Straightening up on Aqua's stomach with a deep gasp for breath, and plentiful fluids spilling over her lower lip, Olette fell forward again with a series of chesty coughs.

A hand hastily came to pat and rub her back. Following a shift, Aqua sat up to hug and cradle Olette from behind, and she repeatedly apologised for what had just happened.

"Eh... eugh," Olette suppressed another cough, hiccupped, and swallowed hard. Most of her sister figure's release, the stuff she hadn't managed to consume, spewed down her chin. A shame, really, because despite the fact it could've choked her, she'd have liked to have drunk it. "Urgh... eh... i-it's... it's fine, don't... don't worry..."

Aqua's right hand cupped underneath her chin and tilted her head back to her shoulder. The hug tightened and became a caring, apologetic squeeze, and Aqua's right hand turned her head aside so they could lock lips. All very nice and gentle to start with, Olette sighed as she relaxed into it. Gradually, as Aqua seemingly grew more and more intrigued by her own lower-body flavours within Olette's mouth, the kiss fired up in its intensity.


They say the best comes to those who wait. If the loving glimmer in Fuu's droopy red eye was anything to go by, then Roxas would say she felt the old saying was playing the truth game. Taking all the time in the world, the bulbous head of his trembling, stiffer-than-a-straight-shot-of-vodka phallus prised open her chubby majora and led the deliberate, almost agonisingly slow march down Fuu's tight, twitching, brain-meltingly hot and wet pink tunnel. Perhaps a thing he'd wanted to do for a while, or just as little thing he conjured up during the wait to get to the anticipated full-lock, Roxas took her wrists, pinned them above her head with a single hand, and teasingly tickled her smooth, shaven underarm with his tongue.

Wailing like he'd never heard before, Fuu's entire body racked with an extreme spasm.


Pausing with the tip of his tongue lingering on a spot under her exposed upper arm, utterly intrigued, Roxas couldn't help the upward curl of his lips.

"I don't recall you ever complaining about such things in the past, Fuu, what with all we've done together," He whispered, channelling spit down his rolled tongue and doodling with it on her skin. "Could it be... that I've found one of your weak points?"

It certainly seemed that way. Not just using the tip but the full surface of his tongue to wetly torment her armpit, Roxas watched and felt her pleasurably tortured reactions with a high level of glee. Her body was heating up, her innards shrinking and becoming increasingly wet, and her expressions... eye squeezed shut, cheek rapidly twitching, jaw and lips quivering as her mouth varied between stretched open and clamped shut, depending on which shrill moan, gasp or whine she released... were such a pleasure to see and hear, these moments being the only times he ever got to, he and his thick, juddering staff were close to blowing in their own respects, mentally and physically.

At that point, he realised he only had a single solid inch to go. Still pinning her arms above her with a single hand, and definitely continuing to lap at her underarm, Roxas cupped her breast and pinched her stiff pink nipple between thumb and index finger while at the exact same time slamming his pelvis to hers with a dull, squelching thunk.

Accompanying Fuu's sharp cry and the lifting of her knees as she tried to curl up into a ball, Roxas barely staved off ejaculation when her vaginal walls clamped down and squeezed the bejesus out his shaft. Best he didn't move for the time being, and spent a little extra focus on Fuu's other sweet spots.

Redirecting his tongue, sliding it along the side of the jiggling breast he cupped and leaving a slimy, silvery trail in its wake, Roxas flicked her erect nipple once, twice, covered it with his mouth in a tight seal and then flickered a further twenty-odd times in rapid succession. Pulling off with sigh and a wet smack of his lips, still waggling his tongue in the same motion to break the thin saliva string joining it and her nipple, it was time to move on to the next, and his most favourite, spot.

Upward went his tongue, into the jugular hollow and out, up her throat and over her chin, diverting around her mouth when her tongue came out to try and catch him, and across her nose. His hand released her breast, brushed away her silver veil and cleared the path for his tongue to tackle the thin mark around her formerly concealed eye that became his raging obsession.

A hand softly touched his shoulder blade as he started suckling on the scars curvature beneath her eye. He didn't break contact right away, held on a few seconds, dabbed with his tongue as if performing a temporary clean up, and then, finally lifted his head. It was Olette, and there was an almost pitying awe about her expression as her gaze fixed solely on Fuu's fully revealed face. Obviously, she'd never seen it before, and from Fuu's frightened whimper and attempt to turn her head away, there was reluctance for an introduction at this moment.

Roxas had her hands pinned and her head held at the chin. He stopped her from turning away and made it clear it was definitely time for her to show Olette just what it was she had under the silver curtain, and Olette pitched in with her own method to show it wasn't anything to be ashamed of. Well, it wasn't really her own method, it was the exact same as Roxas'. Despite more whimpering, both Roxas and Olette gently licked and butterfly kissed the thin scar and, on occasion, whispered to Fuu that everything was okay.

A sense of belief in there toned down the level of her whimpers, until they stopped entirely to become a regular, soft breathing pattern with the occasional moan. Roxas raised his head to see that Aqua, on all fours beside him on the opposite side to Olette, nodded with a smile and indicated she could keep a hold on Fuu's wrists if he wished. He did, thus he allowed her to while he straightened himself upright, settled both hands on Fuu's raised knees, spread her legs apart and pressed them to the ground to put her in a lying butterfly pose.

This position greatly pronounced her mons pubis, and he fondly stroked the thin silver hairs with his fingers. Lovely as they were, he definitely wanted to shave the mound bald and spend a good evening or two coating the resulting smooth surface in honey, cream, coulis and various other sauces for him to suck off. Mmmm...

Flexing his thick rod, Roxas started to move his hips. Unlike his gentle rhythm with Olette, Roxas was too fired up from the previous thoughts to go it slow and just went ahead with a well-rounded hard pound. The fingers he had been using to stroke Fuu's mound travelled down to her stiff little clitoris and pinched between thumb and index print, urging a howl from lungs and the arch of her back. This slightly interrupted Olette's caring attention to Fuu's flushed, unveiled face and Aqua's play on Fuu's perky nipples, but neither seemed much too bothered.

"Oh, she loves that," Olette cooed, sticking her fingers into and sucking the drool off the corner of Fuu's mouth. "Don't you, Fuu?"

"Mhmnnn," Fuu mumbled sorrowfully and nodded, her droopy eyes snapping shut. Yeah, she certainly did; her innards were coiling tightly around him again, beckoning him to cum with her, and he was at the utmost point where he'd love to oblige.

Growling through his teeth, both Olette and Aqua took the cue to move aside and he leant forward, scooped his hands under Fuu's knees, lifted, rolled and pressed them beside her shoulders and crushed his lips to hers. Pounding downward at a much tougher rate, feeling the constrictions becoming ever more so almighty around him, and they shared a gratifying moan as the last and strongest squeeze enticed the pulsating hardness to ejaculate its hot, gooey load into Fuu's eagerly awaiting womb.

Barely hearing Fuu's panicked request, but managing to react just quickly enough, Roxas pushed himself upright and pulled out, flicking hefty flecks of her soppy juices along with his final spurts over her stomach, breasts and face.

"Hyu... kyahhh!"

Not giving Fuu a moment to bask in the warmth that was both filling and covering her, Olette and Aqua dived back in to feast upon the thick, sticky gunge like pack animals after a fresh kill. Roxas watched with interest, his breath and his body shaking slightly from fatigue, and thought he'd treat himself to a quick fondle of both Aqua's and Olette's loins, seeing as their butts happened to be pointed his way.

And then he heard a dull beep, and looked up at a flickering red light.

"Hey... did anyone else notice the camera's still rolling, or was it just me?"



Variously-sized dressing gowns had been distributed from the laundry room cupboard for the time being. Dirty hands and faces had been washed in the sink, whereas the odd muddy patch on the neck, lower legs and feet remained. A shower was most definitely on the cards, but first, something to settle their rumbling bellies. Roxas, Olette and Aqua sat around the kitchen table munching on different cereal brands.

"Hey, where's Fuu run off to?"

"To get washed and dressed before her mum comes along and pick her up," Olette replied, her mouth nearly full with Coco Pops. "While we were fetching that outfit from upstairs and you were outside getting your card stamped, her mum sent her a text message in reminder she's going with her to see her grandma up north for a few days."

"Oh," Was all he managed at first, as he slowly crunched the quarter-block of Weetabix in a cow-like manner, and mulled over the possibility his girlfriend's mum was privy to his existence, and if she was, how major a role he played in her life. He had yet to inform his own dear mummy and daddy to their little champion's relationship status, and while he was certain they'd have no problem with it, he dreaded the outcome should they discover just how sexually explosive it was. Lord, if they ever found out what happened within the four walls of this house, upon the many surfaces, sofas and floors in the kitchen, living room, bathrooms and hallways, they'd have his gonads for wind chimes. "They must be coming early if she's skipped breakfast to get changed."

"Oh, she made herself a fruit smoothie before we came to join you in the garden, so she's not missing out on anything. As for her arriving early, yeah, she'll be here at half eight."

"It's nearly twenty-five past, now," Aqua helpfully added, pointing her spoon up at the novelty cat clock with the hypnotic swinging tail and shifty eyes.

"Hmm," Roxas tapped his spoon on the bowl's rim. "And when's she coming back?"

"Monday evening."

In the following silence, filled only by three different jaws munching on different crunchy cereals, Roxas came to decide he should try his luck and see if Olette knew anything about Fuu's family. He'd never been over to Fuu's house let alone met her mum, whereas Olette had previously mentioned some time ago that she'd been there. Everyone knew those two were friends, despite what went on between their 'rival gangs'.

"Olette, you wouldn't happen to know if her mum's aware-"

"As far as I know," She cut in, picking up on what he was to ask before he'd finished. "She's told her you're her boyfriend, so there's no need for you to panic when they come knocking-"

Speak of the devil.

"That'll be her," Olette said, somewhat unsurprised. "Off you go. Try to keep yourself covered up so she can't see all the mud, or else you'll give the wrong impression."

"Yeah, thanks," Roxas adjusted his gown a little more. He got up to answer the door, and was met with the world's most critically harsh stare from a tall, attractive blonde woman. She dressed in black, which was suitable for someone who was shrouded in the aura of the damned.

"Hey," She nodded, almost like it was in the sudden acknowledgement to his existence. "So you're this guy Fuu keeps talking about. In her own way," She amended, probably for his benefit after a reflexive quirk of his eyebrow.

For a moment they stood there in silence. He wasn't going to say anything or move a muscle; there was something about this woman that made him feel like he was being judged on everything he did, like his breathing or blinking patterns, and that she was busy looking for the tiniest excuse to belittle him. Saying that, though, he found it hard not to crinkle his brow as he mentally rifled through his box of memories, trying to figure out where exactly he'd seen this woman before...

But then, she broke the silence with an unusual casualness about her remark.

"You look different with your clothes on."

"I-I beg your pardon?" He spluttered.

"Up until now," Smirking devilishly, she leant against the doorframe. "I've only seen you in pictures and through videos on her laptop, and I'll admit, I'm quite impressed with that beastie you're packing," She leant in. The smell that filled his nostrils was either from her literally breathing malice, or she had a cold and that was Vick's nasal spray. Whichever, it didn't sit comfortably with him. "She doesn't know I know, and while it seems like I'm snooping, I'm just looking out for my little sister to make sure no-one screws with her. In a sense, that is. Wouldn't want to worry her with that titbit of knowledge, so best keep it between us, right?"

"R-right," Roxas racked his brains to try and remember whether Fuu had told him about her sister, and if she did, to remember her name. It might help him recall where the Hell it was he'd seen her.

"Good. Oh, hey, sis," Roxas looked back over his shoulder, following the woman's line of sight, and there was Fuu coming down the stairs. "Just telling your man here how much you like to talk about him. In your own reclusive way, that is. Mum's got the car parked just around the corner, so kiss Rojas goodbye and get your arse in gear."

"Roxas," He corrected to her back as she walked away. He turned to his girlfriend, and while he had no way to accurately confirm this from trying to read her aloof expression, felt like she wanted to apologise for not informing him earlier about the trip. In response, to combat her possible worries, he kept his tone upbeat. "So, you're... leaving for the weekend, are you, Fuu? Off to see your grandma up north? Should be a barrel of laughs, provided it wasn't from her side of the family your sister inherited the means to make someone feel inadequate through a scowl. What was her name, anyhow?"

"Larxene," Fuu, head hanging forward, touched his hand.

"Larxene? Hmm, nice name," Damn, even with a name, he couldn't quite remember. He took the hand she reached out, held it up to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. "Look, I don't want you to worry about not telling me earlier. I'm not at all bothered, seriously, I'm not. You could do with some time off, and I sincerely hope you have a nice time up there. Can I expect a text from you once you get there?"

Fuu, lifting her head and sporting a rare smile of happiness, nodded. Texts and emails where, with Fuu's vocal limitations taken into account, the best way for them to communicate over a long distance.

"Fantastic. Have a safe journey, I look forward to hear- reading from you," Roxas, squeezing her hand, kissed her lips tenderly. "Bye."

"Farewell," She kissed him back again, with a bit more fire, before breaking away and following after her sister.

After seeing her off, Roxas shut the front door and started on his way back to the kitchen. He noticed Aqua was the only one there, finishing up on her cereals, so he went and checked out the front room. Olette was in there, changing into her clothes, which stumped Roxas slightly because she hadn't even washed yet.

"Are we aboard a sinking ship? Why's everyone getting ready to leave so soon?"

"It's not that I want to," Olette said glumly. "I have to. While you were out there, I got a call from Yuffie saying she needs my help with her summer project."

"Summer project? Since when were we given a summer project?"

"You're a dope," Olette chuckled, pulling up her Capri trousers. "Set on the last day by Miss Trepe. We were given a choice whether we'd want to do a report on a book that's more than three hundred pages long and that's all words with no pictures, to learn the basics of one new language, that's new as in one we haven't started studying already, or to use our crafting skills to make something, anything, like a bag, clothes or a hand-puppet, for example. We were all made to write it down so we wouldn't forget."

"Oh," Roxas felt embarrassed. "Bugger."

"Yeah, that's what Hayner said yesterday," Olette shook her head. "Anyway, Yuffie's picked crafting. She needs me at her house ASAP to help with ideas and planning, and I can't very well go round in this state. I need to head home and get washed-"

"Why not take a shower here?"

"Because," She stepped in front of him, and drew a line across his shoulder with her index finger. "You know what that'll lead to..."

"It doesn't have to," He said, sliding his hands up her upper arms.

"It will," She sighed, and dropped her forehead into the crook of his neck. "Doesn't matter which way you look at it. You, me, a shower, lotions, oils and lather... that could only end one way, and you know it."

Chewing his lip, Roxas mentally agreed. All this talk about showering filled him with the want to see Olette with soaking wet, glass-shiny skin, soap suds and frothy foam channelling down all her bodily grooves like the collarbones, jugular notch, cleavage, the ripples on her gorgeous slim belly, within her navel and all else further down below, not to mention the fun places around her back. Even if they were to go in separately, the temptation to pop in and give her a rough scrub with his loofer was far too powerful for him to restraint. There's that, and then there's having a gander at her afterward with a towel wrapped tightly around her slender figure, accentuating all the incredible curves and bumps... Bloody Nora, Roxas was salivating just thinking about it.

"Why's that a problem?" Aqua, walking in on the conversation, sat down on the arm of a sofa and crossed one leg over the other.

"For starters, I'll be late to see Yuffie. Secondly, I'd like to be able to walk straight when I make my way to the train station this morning. I can't do that after he's stuck his todger up my bottom, which he has a habit of doing."

"Up your bottom?" He wasn't surprised that Aqua was surprised. Compared to fingers, a great big phallus up the jacksy was a whole different kettle of fish.

"Yeah, or wherever else he might like to stick it, great as it may feel. Look, even now, I'm trying to get ready to go and already we seem to be gyrating against one another," Olette pointed out as they indeed were, but there was an awfully long time between her saying that and there being any effort for them to stop it.

Roxas coughed.

"Would you like me walk you to the station?"

"Nah, I'll be fine. Besides, you can't go because you're covered in mud."

"But, you're-"

"Not nearly as much as you are, trust me," Olette, reluctantly letting go, kissed his lips. "I'll see you... when?"

"I should be asking you. You're the one with the busy schedule."

"We'll have to wait and see how things pan out, then," Looking around, Olette walked over to and weighed up one of her bags. "These things are surprisingly heavy, and there's another one upstairs... Roxas, mind if I left my bags with you?"

"Go for it," He shrugged indifferently.

"Cheers. I'll be off, so see you when I see you," Olette gave his lips one last long, lingering kiss. She broke away and went over to give Aqua a goodbye peck on the cheek, who returned it equally. She received a playful smack on the backside from Roxas on the way out the room. The wink she gave him over her shoulder when she parted filled his britches with untameable glee as it promised 'when we meet next, I'll allow you to do more to this butt than spank it, gee-whiz, boy-howdy etc'.

Quietly, Roxas closed the front door. Slender arms draped over his shoulders as a warm, soft mass embraced him from behind, engulfing his smaller body in the same tender, caring hug he'd known since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. Aqua's chin peeked over his shoulder, her right cheek pressed affectionately to his left.

"I'm not in any hurry to go anywhere," She whispered in a voice he imagined she deemed suitable to winch a heavy load off his mind in light of his girl's sudden departure, which it did, and instead replaced it with a powerfully unsavoury urge to have her put on that school uniform he spotted in Olette's carrier bag so he could give her buttocks a good ol' fashioned caning with his painfully hard penis.

That devilishly delightful thought pranced around his head like dancers around a maypole, which might have been evident in his expression, for Aqua's words and actions to take him out his stupor reflected the fact.

"You're thinking of something really... naughty, and... dirty, aren't you?"

Keeping that tone of voice she had before and remaining in the hug, her free hand gracefully unravelled his dressing gown so the monster propping the tent could breathe freedom. Her breasts, squished to his back, and her cheek, still pressed to his, all seemed to become intensely growing hot-spots, and the sweaty palm she gripped his shaft with directly beneath the sensitive head sent an electrifying surge all the way throughout his body and finished with a suffering groan. When her thumb caressed the corona and sticky tip, both his palms shot out and slapped the door so hard it heavily rattled.

"Whatever you were thinking, I want you to know that your big sister is here and is willing to help you out. Okay? Just say what you want to say, what you want to do, and I'll take care of you."

Roxas sucked the air in through his teeth.




To his credit, Roxas was able to keep his urges in check and for the most part, the time spent in the bathroom actually contained tame cleansing. Yes, they were both touchy-feely-squeezy-stick-the-odd-finger-in-there-y as they washed and rubbed one another up with soap and gels, but they refrained from performing anything truly sexual whilst doing so. It was for afterward, when their bodies were clean, that they wanted to knock things up a notch.

From a box in Roxas' room, a connoisseur's selection of Swede's deliciously fruity flavoured and warming massage oils which, and this being the number one reason why he and Fuu originally picked them, were safe for licking, had been lined along the bathtub's rim. Various mixed flavours including raspberry grapefruit, apricot orange and sparkling strawberry were all to be put to good use when Aqua returned from Roxas' room. He sat cross-legged on the bath mat, bouncing eagerly, playing 'eeny, meeny, miny, moe' with the bottles to decide which he'd like to start off with.

Aqua sashayed into the bathroom, unintentionally stopping and striking a supermodel-like pose that, in her current state of dress, made his jaw drop and his erection shudder like a mighty enraged gorilla. The outfit was a few sizes too small for her, most certainly a bugbear to get into, and awfully or, rather, pleasingly tight around the... well, everything. If Aqua moved around too much or much more at least, the fabrics would tear at the seams.

That wasn't an issue that had Roxas worried. He rather enjoyed the possibility a bit of cloth might go 'rrrrip!' and something fleshy might fall out.

A white blouse, under pressure from the swell of Aqua's chest, looked ready to burst open at any given moment unless the threads were strong enough to keep the buttons from pinging around the room. The emblem of an imaginary school, because no chance in Hell was there a 'School of Hard Knockers' in any borough, was emblazoned on the upper arm of the long sleeves she'd rolled up to her elbows. The hem would've tucked into the waist if it were worn by Olette or Fuu, for whom the clothes would've fit, instead of hanging untidily above Aqua's bellybutton to show off her lovely abdomen... this way, he actually preferred. A wide-knot navy blue tie hung from the neat open collar.

The short, or shorter, blue-plait skirt was a masterful piece of work, but the dark, over-stretched and slightly torn pantyhose were goddamn spectacular. Also, pouring the alcohol on heavily to turn the controlled flambé into a full-fledge kitchen fire, Aqua wore a pair of rectangular, thickly rimmed glasses, which made Roxas groan lustfully in wanting like a convict that hasn't seen a real woman in over a decade.

Beckoning her over, Aqua crawled across the floor on all fours to where Roxas had gotten up onto his knees. Pointing his finger at the floor and twirling it to indicate her to turn around, he lifted her skirt, clasped her tight buttocks and squeezed, squeezed for all things sacred, before he tore a mighty hole in the pantyhose and slid his solid shaft up along her butt crack. Commenting so, combination of the pantyhose, her plain knickers and warm buttocks wedged around him was mind-numbing.

Aqua, shuddering and moaning, raised her butt as he vigorously thrust his hips. Stopping short, he dribbled onto and suckled on the supple flesh of her right butt cheek, chewed with his teeth, and tore some more off the pantyhose. He had her kneel up, turn and face him, flung the tie over her shoulder and ripped open her shirt.

Quickly, his mouth engulfed her bare right nipple. His hands, multitasking, grabbed a random bottle off the bath and popped the cap open, pouring it into his palm. Warm and slippery, he slapped the oil onto the other breast and changed to taste... ah, apricot and orange. Fantastic! He poured out more and oiled her up as she writhed, moaned and gasped.

With the shirt slipped off her back, Roxas covered all bare areas until her skin was shining glassily under the lights, slick to the touch and tasted of the citric flavours. One hand down the front and the other reaching around her back, both hands tucked into her panties and simultaneously rubbed and dug the oil into her pink slit and tight anus. Panting, Aqua's upper body folded over his shoulder as he worked away, suckling and licking at her sides whilst his slippery fingers pumped in and out.

Dropping her to the floor, mounting her back, he pushed down her panties and really went to work on her backside. Fluffing them up like cushions, nipping, gnawing, sucking, squeezing and sticking his tongue into the tight, clean ring, she cried and begged for him to stop teasing her so much and to go ahead and...

What was it, Sis? What was it you wanted me to do? He grinned maliciously. Out of shyness she wasn't saying it, not audibly, only so much as indicating by gripping, with some difficulty because of the oils, her butt cheeks and parting them to reveal the small, glorious hole at the rear.

You'll have to tell me what it is you want, or else I won't be able to give it to you, he taunted. Mumbling louder so he could hear, Roxas smirked. Why ever would you want me to put it in there, Sis?

Because Olette says you always do it, and I want to know what it feels like, she replied. Good enough for Roxas, he stuck both thumbs on the ridge to spread it open, at least open enough, to jab the tip in. The oils made fantastic lubrication, and slowly, he plunged his full length into her arse. The tightness coiled around him, drawing a harsh groan.

Whimpering, she asked him to take it slow. He did, pulling it all the way back out and scooping more oil off her buttocks to re-lube, and slid it back in. The unhurried process had been repeated eight, maybe ten times, until at her behest, to maybe go a little faster. Obliging, perhaps too eagerly, he pulled all the way back and slammed it in hard. Her upper body hit the ground in shock, her backside still up high.

Churning it in, the bathroom was filled with squelches, fleshy slaps and irrepressible panting. On more than one occasion, Aqua had tried to lift her chest off the ground to get back into the all fours position, but her arms were like jelly. Roxas noticed this, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her upright. Sitting with his back to the bath, digging his feet into the floor and having no problem supporting her taller, heavier figure, he bucked upwards and bounced her on his lap.

Licking the remnants of oil off her side, ribs and breast, Roxas tucked one arm under her leg and another wrapped around her hip. Both hands and all fingers caressed, prodded and pumped between her slick folds, surprising him how much tighter her front was now she had his length up her rear. She must really love it, he smirked, if her screams weren't already enough to go by.

He was getting closer to the edge, and she wanted it inside. More than happy to meet her request, Roxas tipped her onto her side and pulled her upper leg over his shoulder, straddling the one she had on the floor, and gave her the full whack of his hips. Ripping pantyhose with his teeth, Roxas sucked on the flesh of her knee as he approached the final hurdle, hugged her leg tightly and slapped his length into her body full-lock.

Her rectal muscles twitched insanely as his member pulsated and spurted a thick load into her body.

With Aqua gasping and writhing on the floor, Roxas turned to look at the other bottles of oil. Which one to try next, he wondered...



If eyeballs could sand down wooden doors, there'd literally be nothing left of the front door to Roxas' house but the letterbox and the brass door handle. Naminé had been standing outside for what might've been a good quarter hour, staring doe-eyed up at the door from the bottom step, clutching her sketchpad to her chest like it was her final lifeline. Butterflies weren't fluttering around her stomach; they were kicking at the lining with steel-capped boots like Goths in a mosh pit.

"Ohhhhh," She whined, shivered, and put a balled-up fist to her mouth in a worrisome fashion. "This is such a bad idea... at least if I were to call him from home I wouldn't have to face him directly if he rejected me..."

According to her mother, she stood a better chance with him saying yes to her proposal if she went and asked him face to face than if she asked him over the phone. Naminé wasn't sure why that would be, seeing as door to door sales people and Jehovah's witnesses were on the same low-level of the appreciation scale as the tele-sales lot, only they had an increased risk of injury from having a door slammed in their face. Not that Roxas would do such a cruel thing to her if she came begging on his doorstep.

"Can't turn back without an attempt at asking him," She reminded herself, eyed the first concrete step like she'd never seen one before, and regained control over her nervously shifting feet. "Up the steps, ring the doorbell, ask him out... try to stay calm and avoid panic."

Ascending one step at a time, it felt as if she were wearing a pair of heavy iron boots. Like a mantra, she repeated the instructions over and over again. After each step she stopped, blinked, rubbed her eyes, and continued. Bloody Nora, did she hate contact lenses...

"Oh, excuse me," Gasped the incredibly beautiful blue-haired woman in the purple dressing gown at the front door, who'd abruptly opened it just as Naminé had reached for the doorbell. For a moment there was a silence between the two which Naminé would've personally described as embarrassing, for the woman was looking her up and down the same way most people over as certain age tended to, usually followed by the words 'well, aren't you the sweetest little thing?'.

"U-um... i-is Roxas home...?"

"You're here to see Roxas?" Coming back down to Earth, the woman seemed taken aback. "Are you a friend of his?"

Naminé nodded. The woman looked her over once more, only this time, in a different light. Maybe it was her choice of clothes or, rather, what her mother suggested she wore that made her look so gobsmacked.

It was a lightweight, pearl-white mini dress, different to her usual favourite on a number of features, including the halterneck strap, narrow ruched waistband and the lovely embroidered design of a vine with silver-hinted white roses snaking up her left flank and curling beneath her small bust line. The lower half was a mid-thigh mesh skirt, uneven and rising on one side to show off a lot of leg, and if you caught it in the right light, you'd swear you could see right through to her small, tight-fitting knickers. Heck, you could most likely see her knickers when she started walking.

To garnish, where there was more thigh for the eye to feast upon there was also a silky, shimmer lace garter with dainty little white roses and a ribbon, and footwear consisted of flat-soled ankle strap sandals.

"A... close friend?"

"Well," Naminé blushed, missing the full extent of the underlining tone. "We go out together some times... not on dates! They're not dates!" She added quickly. "We met at school, we're in the same class and... and as I said, we sometimes... go out on non-dates..."

The woman was perplexed.

"You're in the same class at school? As Roxas?" There were some calculations going on inside her head, Naminé could tell. "I don't wish to come across as rude, but... would you mind me asking how old you are?"

Ah, it's her age that's in question. Completely used to it, and expressing it in her sigh, Naminé replied. "I'm sixteen."

Silence followed, and the woman at the door just stared at her like she was a magical singing unicorn. Following another judgement on her appearance, the woman finally said, "Seriously?"

"Mh-hmm," She nodded, almost bowing. "I know I don't look it, being so small n' everything... why, is there something the matter?"

"Um, no, nothing the matter," She shook her head, and her face lit up with a smile. The woman seemed eager to brush the awkward interrogation from previous under a proverbial rug and start the introduction anew. "Sorry, I was in a bit of a... never mind, not important. It's always nice to meet Roxas' friends. Hello, I'm Aqua," She bent over to level with her, and reached out a hand which Naminé took without reluctance. "I'm his next door neighbour, part-time big sister."

"Naminé Trepe. It's lovely to meet you, Aqua-"

"Ah, please, call me 'Sis', Naminé. It's what all Roxas' friends call me, and I'd love for you to do the same, 'kay, sweetheart?"

Naminé, rolling the word off her tongue as a tester, smiled and nodded.

"Great. You... oh, look out, here he comes," Woman named Aqua, to be referred to preferably as 'Sis', straightened up as Roxas made a noise coming down the stairs. "Roxas, you've got a visitor."

Sweat trickled off her brow. Even her top felt clammy. Roxas, with a pleasantly surprised look on his face, came to greet her in a pair of grey jogging bottoms... and that's it.


Aqua, or Sis, stepped aside as he came out and pulled Naminé into a tight, squeezing hug. She didn't mind, especially since he wasn't wearing a top, and timidly used her free hand to try hug back. She considered dropping her sketchpad to free up her other arm, too, and to bring his noticeably moist chest closer to hers, but the hug ended far too quickly for her to reach any conclusion.

"It's great to see you. Come on in, and I'll make you a tea."

"I'll leave you two alone to your business," Aqua, or Sis, gave him a look which she couldn't decipher. "I might pop back round later Roxas, if that's okay with you?"

"Er... yeah," Roxas nodded, and Naminé watched the two kiss. While she was no judge on the way people kissed, it seemed to her that the one those two shared was a little... spicy, for a brother/sister. Never mind, not to worry, it's nothing. They're just really close, and besides, she'd be one to talk when she's the one who's actually snogged her twin.

"Grand," She swung a set of keys around on her ring finger. "I'll drop these back to you when I come over. Take care... bye, Naminé. It was lovely to meet you," Aqua, or Sis, pecked her cheek on her way past.

"Buh-bye," Naminé waved a little, blushing. Sis, so Aqua preferred to be called, hopped over the knee-high wall separating another flight of stairs leading up to the next house's front door, used the keys and went inside.

"Come on, let's get your tea," Roxas put an arm around her shoulders and led her inside. "Um, you would like a tea, right? Or would you prefer something else?"

Naminé trembled.

"Tea's fine," Naminé tucked her chin down and tried to hide her mouth behind her sketchpad. For a moment, with her eyes following a rogue water bulb rolling down his pectoral, she nearly blurted out 'I'd like that water droplet on your nipple'. "Milky, if possible, and two sugars, please."

"Righto. Make yourself comfortable, and I'll be back in five."

Naminé was left alone in the living room, peering around curiously like a visitor at a museum. Taking a seat on the sofa, which she could feel was a bit wet and had been sprayed with something aromatic to cover what must have been a bad smell, she took her messenger bag off and put it down by her feet. After a slight consideration, she put her sketchpad down, too.

'Eh?' was the first exclamation to pop in her head when she leant over to the coffee table to check out the camcorder on the surface. She just wanted to see what brand it was and to feel the weight, as she was in the market for a camera herself, and out the corner of her eye she saw a pair of knickers on top a carrier bag beside the very sofa she sat on. Not your ordinary kind, but very naughty looking knickers, with strategically sliced openings in the front and back.

Leaving the camera, Naminé ventured to the bag. She looked and listened, and could faintly hear Roxas clattering about the kitchen with cups. Considering it safe, she peered into the back and rifled through a few items.

'J-Jiminy Cricket!'

The articles within were, to Naminé, quite frightening. Not so much the thought of the risqué designs, but for whom in Roxas' household they were for. His parents? No, they were away and they really wouldn't leave them down here the whole time. Aqua, or rather, Sis? Maybe, they did seem a little too 'friendly' with their kiss, although the sizes were on the small side for her... or was it another girl entirely?

A sudden thought occurred, and Naminé stuffed the clothes back in the bag. No, that's daft. Surely, it couldn't be Roxas who wore these...

"Tea's up," He came back into the room, with a t-shirt on now, just as she'd sat back down. "Nami? What's wrong?"

"No-nothing's wrong," She lied, and tried to get the images of him in a thong and bra out her head.

Propping the cups on the table, he knelt down in front and cupped her cheeks. His hands were warm, and her cheeks were boiling.

"You look hot, and you're sweating! You haven't got a fever, have you?"

Naminé couldn't shake her head because he held her so firmly.

"I'm fine, really," Her voice was miniscule. "I was just shocked to see..."

"See what?"


She must've given him a clue with her eyes when she quickly darted a glance toward the end of the sofa, where the bags were. Carefully releasing her cheeks, he had a look.

"Oh, those?" He looked into the bag. Her hobby for art helped her understand human expressions, and she could tell he was nervous about explaining. "Don't worry about those, they're just a few bits Olette dropped off last night on her way to the train station."


Roxas nodded.

"Last night?"

"Yeah," He nodded again. "Well, she didn't simply drop them off, she stayed over, too. You know that summer project Miss Trepe... your mum, set us? She mentioned crafts, or, something, and Olette's idea was to make a crazy outfit. She bought those for research purposes, and wanted my input on her ideas, me being her best guy-friend."

Naminé, detecting a hint of truth, relaxed a bit. Only a bit. She still felt a layer of embarrassment where she'd like to bury herself under the sofa's cushions to hide away.

"Olette wore a few to try out for fit and comfort," He said, pulling an expression she barely recognised as 'I'm choosing my words carefully'. "And... asked me to tell her how they looked. We're good friends, it's allowed. More importantly, what brings you out here so early in the morning?"

It appeared he wanted to redirect the conversation away from the mysterious bag filled with outrageously obscene clothes. Her hands were shaking, which was why he hadn't yet let go of the cup he went to place in them, took it away to put on the coffee table, and sat down beside her. While most welcome, his hug made little difference at first.

"I-I, uh," Naminé stuttered, curling up more so in his lap as he lifted her on it and held her bridal style. He swayed, resting his cheek upon her head, and cuddled her closer. "I... came over to ask if you wanted to go out with me... somewhere."

"Okay," He responded so quick and casual, she caught her breath in her throat. "Anywhere in particular, or were you thinking about an unpremeditated wander around town?"

Almost dozing off she was so comfy, Naminé had totally forgotten why he was hugging her. She also forgot why she was here and what he'd just asked her, which was why she was so surprised when his face, split by a huge grin, levelled with hers.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

"Huh?" Naminé dozily stared into his eyes.

"I asked if you were thinking of going anywhere in particular."


"Today," He replied with a patient smile.

"To-... Oh!" Naminé, floundering like a lively fish at first, relaxed back into his hold only when she found out she'd little to no chance of wriggling out. Not that she'd want to. "Sorry, sorry... I came to ask if you wanted to go to the Magic Kingdom. If you weren't too busy."

"Over there, huh? Yeah, alright, sounds to me like a good way to spend the day rather than kicking about the house."

Naminé brought her balled fists to her mouth as she restrained a joyful squeal.

"I've got some money upstairs to pay for both our tickets-"

"Nononono," Naminé, shaking her head furiously, tugged his shirt. "I've already bought and paid for them online."

"You have? In that case, how much do I owe-"

"Not a penny. I'm paying for them, my treat," Naminé cut in.

"Oh, but I'd much rather-"

"My treat."

"Thanks all the same, but-"

"My," Naminé, managing a glare, tugged very hard on his shirt. Her nose and his touched. "Treat."

Roxas, somewhat shocked, blinked.

"...What if I paid-shutting up," He gabbled nasally as she latched onto his nose with her teeth. "I'll head upstairs and get changed, shall I?"

"You do that," She released him. "There's a train leaving from the station every fifteen minutes, so no need to rush."

She quite liked the fact that, during the period of 'not rushing', he held her for another few minutes in his lap. When he did let her go and went upstairs to get changed, Naminé took one last look at the bag.

"I wonder... if they do anything like those in my size," Naminé reached for the otherwise forgotten cup of tea, paused, and looked at the video camera. "Maybe they had this out to keep a record on what was worn and how they looked. I'm sure Olette wouldn't mind me looking..."

She turned it on, switched to the playback menu, and played from the first recording.



Going through his wardrobe, Roxas was sure glad Naminé had come along and presented him with an idea what to do today. He wasn't so glad she refused to let him pay his way, being the type who didn't like to feel he was financially indebted to someone, but he could still sneak in a payment or two for lunch and snacks in the park. The prices may be steep, but getting ripped off in an amusement park was all part of the fun, right?

In the reflection of the wardrobe door's inside mirror, Roxas spotted Fuu's little pink friend half-wrapped in the bed covers. Whoopsie, we definitely don't want to leave that lying around after Naminé found those clothes downstairs. While she may or may not set foot inside his room anytime soon, it always paid to play it safe. If she reacted in such a way when she saw the clothing, he'd hate to imagine how the poor darling would feel if she caught an eyeful of the ribbed dildo.

Taking the offensive item and tucking it away in his sock drawer, Roxas also made a point to stash away the other bag of clothes. Not before taking a little peek inside, that is.

'Aw, man, this one would've been good,' He grimaced, biting his lip, lifting out parts belonging to a bunny girl costume, including the big fluffy ears. 'And these... ooh, this one as well...'

He paused to think about Fuu and Olette in these clothes, and immediately wished he hadn't. His grey jogging bottoms were now tight under the strain, and he had to fight the images out to try and regain his calm.

Oh shit.

Naminé was in his thoughts. Naminé was in his thoughts, wearing a bunny girl costume, and damn, did she look mighty fine. Imagine how she looked in real life with this on? She knows about the costumes, he'd told her he'd watched Olette parade around in them in a 'we're friends, we're allowed' situation, so why not go down and ask if she'd-

'Get a grip on yourself, you tosser,' Roxas chided himself, then again for his choice of words. 'Grip', 'yourself' and 'toss' was an act he should be steering his thoughts away from.

Naminé was adorable. Cuddling her was an addiction. She was so delightfully sweet he'd been tormented by the taste of honey on his lips for hours after each time he'd kissed her cheek. He liked her. He liked her a lot. What he wasn't sure about, however, was how she'd handled his prowess as a lover.

Not to spend too much time blowing one's own trumpet, not when he normally has someone to do that for him, but he was considered to be legendary in the sack and, as it has fairly often been, out in the wilderness. The weird things he gets up to when he's in the mood might be okay with Fuu, Olette, Aqua, even Kairi, Selphie and, a big gulp, Jessie, but Naminé... he wasn't too sure. In his eyes she's a delicate flower of innocence, and in all likelihood his 'methods' may very well be too much for her to handle.

But then again, for Naminé to turn up in a dress that looked like it was designed to spark randy emotions, she couldn't possibly be that innocent.

Carefully folding the clothes back into the bag, he pushed it under the bed just as he pushed all images out his head. 'Naminé's waiting for you downstairs. Get on with your changing, and try not to make an arse of yourself.'

Sighing, Roxas stood up and checked himself out. 'Yep, it's calming down. One of these days, I'll put my eye out with this bloody thing.'

Donning his favourite short-sleeved black under and white over jacket and mixed dark/light grey trousers, he rifled through his bedside cabinet drawers for his chained wallet and checked his current balance. Barely a hundred in cash, that should be enough to pay for their lunch, snacks, dinner unless she fancied a home-cooked meal, and something from the gift shop. He slipped it into his back pocket and clipped the chain to his belt.

The phone rang on his desktop. Recognising the number as Hayner's, Roxas had an inkling this concerned the topic of the summer project they'd discussed earlier, after his and Aqua's shower and before Naminé had called round.

"Stuck for ideas?"

"You got me there," Replied the voice of Hayner. Roxas could hear the creak as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Olette's already been onto both me and Pence, giving us a right grilling for forgetting all about it. Take it she's been riding your back about it, too?"

Roxas bit his lip. She hasn't been riding his back, exactly...

"She mentioned it."

"In how loud a voice?"


"That answers that question," Hayner chuckled. "Listen, have you got time today to meet up with Pence and I at the usual place? If we banged our heads together, got some ideas floating around, we might be able to come up with something to show come the end of summer."

"Ah, sorry, no can do for today," Roxas apologised. "Naminé and I are just about to head out to the Magic Kingdom."

There was a silent moment before Hayner, and Roxas could picture his wide grin as he did this, did a credible impression of Leslie Phillips.

"Ding dong. So you two are off to gallivant around the Magic Kingdom, are you? I know they're world famous for having a massive firework display on at the end of every night... expecting any massive bangs after the date, chap?"

"It's not a date," Roxas touched his cheek. Yep, he was blushing.

"Question still stands, old sport."

"And no, I'm not expecting a massive bang. Not unless I eat another burrito from that Tortuga Tavern again," Roxas rubbed his palm on his cheek. Mexican food really doesn't sit too well with him. Ay caramba, does it not. Two hours on the can with his bowels machine-gunning the stuff back out him wasn't what he'd consider a fitting end to an otherwise great night out. "Naminé and I are friends. Very, very good friends, that's all."

"Hah. I'll believe that when I hear you've stopped going red in the face."

"What's that?"

"You've been touching your face, checking to see how much you're blushing. I can hear you on the other end of the phone, it's that obvious," Hayner said. "Why don't you stop pratting about, and just go ahead and tell Naminé how much you fancy her? We all know you do, so there's no point in denying it... unless..." His voice quietened. "It's Xion you're more interested in?"

"Could you just leave it alone, Hayner?" Roxas stopped when he heard the creaking of the phone casing. He must've been gripping it pretty darn hard.

"Alright alright, Mister tetchy. I never meant any harm by it," Hayner backed off.

"Look, why don't you and Pence try to come up with some ideas for the project in the meantime, and I'll see if I can contribute anything when I'm free tomorrow morning," Roxas, calmer now, suggested.

"Yeah, suppose we could," Hayner sighed.

"Alright. I gotta go now, anyway, so I'll talk to you tomorrow when we meet up at the usual place."

"Yeah, yeah. See ya," The line went dead, and Roxas hung up the phone on his end.

Sighing to himself, Roxas shook his head. 'Xion... bloody Hell.'

Hayner asked if he was more interested in her than Naminé, when the truth was, he was just as interested. How could he not be? She was everything Naminé was, except she came in an intriguing gothic package. One hot summers night, some weeks ago, the three of them went out to Sunset Hill to watch just what the name had promised... and when he woke up, having realised at some point that he had fallen asleep on the hill with the two cutie-pies curled up in his arms on either side who were sleeping like kittens, he was filled with a childish glee so intense he thought he might melt from it.

And that was the other problem. If he did, somehow, end up dating Naminé, or there was some mad twist in the fabric of space and he found himself with Fuu, Olette and Naminé as his girlfriends, or bed partners or whatever, what the Hell was he supposed to do about Xion? Of course it was rather arrogant of him to assume she liked him simply because she had a tendency to cling to him whenever possible, and that she'd pine over him if were to become romantically involved with her twin sister, but it was still a situation that'd leave him with a few restless nights. Unless, Xion, too...

'Now you're really pushing it, boy, and yes I am talking about the sweet time you're taking to get your arse ready to leave with Naminé, too.'

Clucking his tongue, Roxas left his room and went downstairs. He went for his shoes before he returned to find Naminé sitting in the front, sandals off and bare feet up on the sofa, knees almost entirely tucked up to her chest, sketching in the pad she supported with her angled thighs. Roxas wasn't entirely sure which he found more appealing; the wonder, immersion and light pink hue on her face and the absentminded humming as she worked before she realised he was standing there, or the timid, downcast eyes, heavily flushed cheeks and the 'curl up into a tight ball like a hedgehog' defence when she caught him standing, staring and smiling at her.

For God's sake, he'd be happy to leave the Magic Kingdom well alone to spend all day standing here watching her, maybe even going over to cuddle her up and cradle her against his chest, if it wasn't for the fact it was her money spent.

"Sorry it took so long, but as you can see, I'm just about ready to go," Roxas stepped into the room, stopping at the opposite end of the sofa. "Would you like another five more minutes to finish off doing what you were doing? I'd hate to think I've disturbed you and doused your creative flare."

Unsure if his eyes were watering as if he'd taken a huge, chunky bite out of a sour lemon when mousy little Naminé peeked over the top of her sketchpad, her knees gently trembling and bumping together and her small, inwardly pointing toes wriggling and occasionally making fists, he brought a finger to his cheek and pretended to scratch while he checked. Ooh, blimey, they were.

"N-no, I'm all good," She squeaked. "And I wouldn't say you've disturbed me... I actually find you to be highly inspirational."

Roxas had the feeling he wasn't meant to hear that last part. His suspicions were set when she quickly snapped her mouth shut and diverted her gaze. Deciding not to push it, otherwise he might lose her to burrowing deep within the vast recesses of the sofa to which many a pen, coin or note had vanished forevermore, he walked around and knelt on the floor beside where she sat.

Placing his hand on her knee, and then using the side-edge of his hand to separate it from the other knee by gently slicing between the two, he slid his hand down her bare inner thigh until about the midpoint, tucked his elbow in and hugged her leg to his left side.

"C'mon then, Nami. Let us be off," He said softly, touched her shoulder, and slowly guided her around until she sat up normally on the sofa with her legs off the edge. He noticed the time according to his wristwatch which, at its worst, was sometimes a few minutes out. "About five past... we'll miss the ten fifteen, should be able to catch the half past no problem. Park's open until half eleven, so another reason not to worry, right?"

"Uh-huh," Naminé, pencil held between her lips, leant back and, it seemed, wanted to make sure he didn't catch a glimpse of what it was she drew. Fine with him, everyone has a right to privacy with their work, and he was, frankly, more interested in her holding the pencil in her mouth. Even with the littlest of things, she was cute as a button.

"Right, I've just got to go and make sure everything's locked up, so I'll be back in a minute or two, okay? That should give you time to get your sandals back on and to be ready to head out the door."

"Sure," She nodded.

When they were ready and the house was secured top to bottom, Roxas and Naminé linked arms and left for the station.

Minus Commando Naminé's panties, which she had removed during his last-minute security checks and left beside the sofa, but plus a small remote tucked into her garter, with its cable snaking up her inner thigh to the vibrating love-egg lodged into a particular place...




I toyed with the idea to introduce other Birth by Sleep characters, Ventus, Terra and Zack, but couldn't think of a place to put them. I was going to add them in as Roxas' other neighbours, to help him out with Fuu, Olette and Aqua (I fear, even with the unholy stamina levels I have granted him, the lad should've withered away and died by now. Seriously, he needs help!) I'm not sure whether I should get them in for the next chapter. If anyone would like any one, two or three of them to make an appearance, do let me know what it is you'd like me to do with them and I'll see if I can implement it. I also thought about a Roxas, Olette, Hayner and Pence foursome, an Olette, Hayner and Pence threesome, even a Roxas, Naminé, Aqua, Ventus, Terra and Zack orgy... the idea's are there and I could work them, but I'd leave it up to you guys to see what you think. If you fancy any one of those, or any other combination, just say the word.

You may also notice the addition of Final Fantasy 8's Quistis Trepe and the mention of a 'Jihl', being Jihl Nabaat from Final Fantasy 13 (both of whom are property of Square-Enix, and their usage doesn't provide me with any financial incomes whatsoever). While the latter may be a cold, cruel, heartless and manipulative sadist, they're both abso-bloody-lutely smokin'-hot, especially when they're wearing their glasses (a common albeit entirely understandable fetish many of us share, am I right?) and that's why I'm going to slap them into the story for a ruddy good seeing to.

I'd also like to note that Xion's rebolation dance, along with the song 'No Stress' by Laurent Wolf, was based on the amazing routine by an extremely talented young lady, whom I think is called 'Juu', and I can't claim credit for anything other than the idea of making Xion dance in her underwear with a large pair of headphones and black-rimmed glasses (here I go again with the glasses..!).

Anywho, thanks for reading. For quicker updates, I shall release the next and the subsequent chapters in drips and drabs. I've also had the urge to write a lemony two-to-three chapter KH fic where the characters (Sora, Kairi, Roxas, Naminé, Riku, Xion, Fuu, Selphie, Yuffie, Olette, Hayner etc.) head to the beach for some sun and (Wooheyhey!) fun. An orgy, if you will. Lots of skimpy outfits, rubbing oils and sandy balls.