Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Love ❯ Stay in my Heart...... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was midday, Kairi,Tifa,Hikaru,Rikku and Niamine were enjoying each others company by resting in the grass eating
sandwiches and fruit salads. Everything was nice, the boys were just out doing what boys do best, nothing.

"Finally, we have time to get away from those boys and time for us girls....."Tifa said as she stuffed her face with her

"Yeah, but sometime when you want them around, they don't want to be around you. But now, they need to stay away
for awhile and give us a chance to breath."Rikku added.

Everyone was having a good time, everyone except Kairi. She wanted Sora around her. She just couldn't help but to
think about him, her world evolved around him. Hikaru turned around and noticed that her younger sister wasn't saying
anything at all.

"Kai, are you okay? You look upset......" Hikaru asked with a concerned look.

"Um, yeah I'm fine. It's just that--I'm thiking about someone." she began to say softly as she looked up at everyone.

"So what's--- Oh my god, are you thinking about Josh from school? I know you are Kairi." Niamine said with a smile.

"No, I'm no thinking about Josh, I'm thiking about Sor---"she stoped suddenly and looked down at her feet.

"SORA?!!!" everyone shouted.

"Kairi, you have a crush on Sora? Why didn't you say anything to us?!!!" Niamine said joyfully.

"I didn't want to tell you because I don't want you guys sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." she said as she began to giggle.

"Fine, and we SWEAR we are not going to tell the boys anything promise! You too guys."Tifa promised her.

"We promise.." the rest of the girls said.

They saw the boys coming and looked as if they never heard anything.