Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Love ❯ Dreaming of you..... ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: kairi000 She fell asleep after she woke up to early. She was having a strange dream about herself and a strange person.
~Kairi Dream~
"Uh? Wha- Where am I?" her voiced echoed thru the cold dark room.
"Hello? Wha- What is this place? I never been here before." she began to walk around trying, and hoping to find her way.
"It's- it's so- so cold..." she said as she shivered coldly.
She fell to her knees, holding herself shaking. She stood up again to get back on her feet, but instead she fell back on her knees. She stood up one more time and was finally on her feet again. Ahead of her, was a man with a long black coat.
"Who- who are you?!" she yelled to the man in the long black coat.
The man didn't respone to her question. He walked forward towards her. She began to back up slowly, still holding herself trying to warm her shivering body. Her head felt light and dizzy. Her cold body wobbled back and forth, she was trying to keep her balance. Finally, her eyes started to close as she fell backwards as a final word came out her mouth.
"Sora....." she said softly.
The man in the black coat ran for her. He caught her in his arms, looking at her face, beginnning to turn blue. He gently placed her under his long black coat, warming her body. He picked her up holding her up in his arms.
"Kairi, I'm here for you...." the man whispered softly.
Non Anime: Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 12.11.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 16 | Visits: 210 | Status: Work In Progress
JessicaL.Hill Monday,Nov13,2006
710 Mr.Hamburg
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