Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ One Month ❯ preparations ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
One Month
Summary: One month away from home, parents, and reality. What can happen on a month long
summer vacation with the two hottest couples ever in Florida? What happens there, stays there.
Featuring: RxS, LxC, AxR, and many more.
Disclaimer: I own nothing...nothing but the pocky that made this possible. Trust me, if I owned
Kingdom Hearts, there would be hot steamy bishonen sex EVERYWHERE!!!
A year. It had been an entire year since they had started a relationship. An entire year filled with
wonderful memories of his silver haired angel. Sora smirked; Riku was the farthest thing from an
angel. If nothing else, their homosexual relationship and under-aged sexual activities were
enough to grant a pitchfork and pointy tail.
He woke up nestled deep into a warm body. Silver hair fell upon his apricot complexion as he
opened his eyes to find what he already new lay by his side. His boyfriend of a year held him
closely, protecting him even while he slept. Sora leaned in close and brushed his lips across the
sleeping god's beside him.
Riku woke to the most wonderful thing he could have imagined. It started simply as a brush of
lips, but slowly, sensually, morphed into a passionate kiss that left him breathless. He was in love
with the greatest guy on earth, and did nothing to hide that from the other. Sora's hand began to
slip from Riku's muscular chest, down to rest on his hips.
All Riku could feel was the fiery touch that suggested so much for such a simple move. The
platinum haired teen rolled over on top of the fragile, cinnamon-haired lover that was his. He
ground his hips down, earning a throaty moan from the man beneath him. He began nipping
down Sora's body, finally reaching his goal. A throbbing erection leaking its pearly substance
twitched before his eyes. It felt so amazing that he could reduce his lover to that state, but being
begged to pleasure his lover always seemed to turn him into an animal.
He licked the tip of the leaking shaft earning a loud cry for more. "Ri..ri-kuuu." Riku engulfed
the cock, letting Sora thrust freely into his moist cavern. After a year, deep throating the brunette
male had become much easier than at first.
Sora looked down to see a silver head bobbing on his cock. He knew what was to happen next. It
was common knowledge after many of their sexual encounters. In a minute, he would see white
as his senses would be flooded over with pleasure so great that he had fainted a couple of times
in the past. He could feel the rush in his lower regions grow as Riku gave him yet another
amazing blow job. Soft touches played along his sack as a lubed finger was circled around his
entrance. /Where the hell did he get the lube...?/ Riku put pressure on the opening and then pulled

back, teasing Sora to a great extent. The brunette began pushing back onto the finger awaiting,
begging for more contact and penetration.
"Ri...ri-FUCK ME! RIKU! Please..." Sora was growing desperate. He reached up and began to
grasp his cock when his hand was smacked away.
"Do that and your hand is all you'll get for summer vacation." Riku made his voice a low, sexy
whisper. Sora let out a cry of frustration.
Cloud burst through the door causing a frightened Sora to kick a preoccupied Riku in the head.
"FUCK!" Riku screamed as he held his head and glared at the blonde-headed bastard that had so
rudely interrupted his foreplay. "ASSHOLE!" Sora tried his best to cover up his erection, failing
Leon pushed past Cloud to examine the highly aroused teens in their moment of humiliation.
Cloud held his sides as he burst out laughing. "Damn. I was sure they were already fucking each
others brains out." Leon smirked as he reached in his pocket to pull out a twenty. "You win
Cloud." The older brunette walked over to his overly-excited blonde and handed him the money.
"What the fuck?" Riku asked Leon through gritted teeth. "Were you guys betting on us?!"
"No shit, Sherlock." Sora's blush had spread down his neck by now, as Riku glared daggers at
their supposed `friends'. Cloud reached into his back pocket and whipped out a digital camera
that he used to click a quick snapshot of the nude couple.
"Hello internet." He smiled deviously as he turned to leave, but Riku had already launched
through the air and tackled the blonde to the ground.
"CLOUD! Give me the camera!"
"No chance!" Cloud was dangling the camera just out of reach of Riku.
"BASTARD!" Riku reached forward and squeezed Cloud's nipple as hard as he could.
pained cry only seemed to amuse Leon, however.
" couldn't hold out for that long. You'd cave before the end of the day." Cloud's
scowl only justified that to be true. "Now quit bickering and get ready. We're leaving at noon
wether you two are ready or not. Get some clothes on, Riku, and quit fondling my boyfriend. "
The older brunette gave a sharp glance to the younger teens before he began to trot out the door.

/...wait...trot? He only did that when he was in the mood for.../ Cloud smacked Riku hard against
the forehead before shooting up and following his horny lover. "Leon! I've finished packing and
have nothing to do. Can we entertain ourselves for the next..." Cloud checked his watch, "...two
hours?" He tried his best seductive voice, but it sounded more like a whine to Riku. Then again,
it was more than likely a whine...he knew how Leon loved to be begged for sex, after all, the four
men had been living together for a year.
That didn't mean that he and Sora enjoyed hearing rough pig-sex through the walls all the time,
or even that they had gotten used to the noises...but both couples respected each other. They were
all friends, in a warped friendship kind of way... "Come on, Sora. Lets take a shower and finish
packing. Nothing is better than a road trip."
"You mean, nothing is better than a road trip away from home for a whole month except...
making love in the shower to the willing body that you call your boyfriend...right?" Sora ran his
finger over Riku's jawbone as he walked by, leading him to the bathroom that they shared.
Twisting his hips as he went, he pulled Riku to the white haven of porcelain. Ghosting his fingers
down the silver boy's toned chest and stomach, he rested his hands on the slender hip as his body
was pushed hard against the wall.
Cloud threw off his tight shirt to lay on the couch tempting his lover to crawl in with him. Leon
strode over and threw his leg over the blonde, straddling his thighs, making sure to grind their
groins together to emphasize how exactly hard he was going to take the man. Cloud groaned
loudly as brunette hair lowered and began massaging his nipple between teeth. They never ceased
their grinding as Leon tugged his tee from his glistening skin. He launched forward and began to
ravage the heated orifice in front of him. Twinning their tongues together, they neglected the
intruder that walked straight in through the front door. Slowly, quietly, the stranger walked over
to the sexual cluster of skin heaped onto the couch and leaned down to an auburn-sheltered ear.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." It was but a whisper...a whisper from someone who was
not there before. Leon sprang up hard and fast to only fall over the back of the couch in surprise
and...fear? Nah. Long silver hair stared down at the panting blonde that still inhabited the couch.
"My, my. What have we got here?"
"Damnit, Sephiroth!" Leon screamed. "Your supposed to knock before you enter someone else's
house!" Cloud Jumped up and ran to help Leon.
"I did, but I guess you guys were a little to preoccupied to notice?" He smirked. "Seriously
though, I came to tell you something. You know what you guys are planning for Sora's birthday,
right?" Blonde and brunette both nodded. During their one- month trip, they were gonna treat
Sora to his birthday present, which would take place during their vacation. The younger
brunette's birthday happened to be during the summer, so they had decided to keep their present
a surprise for now and celebrate during their trip. It was all planned out perfectly. "Well, you
know who he misses a lot right?" Two more nods. "They live down there with Axel's family, and

Axel was hoping to get the boys reunited for their birthdays. You know, since it's been a month
since he left."
Leon dropped his head at that. The kid's parents had kicked him out because of who he loved. It
wasn't right. It wasn't right when it had happened to Sora either. That's why he and cloud had
taken the boys in, but when Roxas moved out to live with Axel in his hometown, Sora had been
happy for them, yet devastated that he may never see his friend again. It had been a month since
Roxas' departure, and you could still hear Sora speak about him all the time. Leon couldn't help
but think that something might have gone on between the two seeing as Sora always got a hard-
on while talking about the blonde. Still, Sora loved Riku, and was delighted when Riku had
moved in with he, Leon, and Cloud.
/ they can have hot monkey sex everyday.../ Leon couldn't help but laugh. It was
true, all four of them did have great active sex lives even though Riku and Sora were under age.
He didn't see a problem with it though, even he and Cloud were together since high school, so it
never crossed his mind to really stop the two. Besides, it wasn't like Sora was going to get
pregnant from their activities.
Cloud looked over to his lover with confusion. He had no idea for the sudden giggle that escaped
from the man. It was so unlike him. In the blink of an eye though, Leon was back to his unfazed
attitude again. "That would be great. I know Sora misses him more than any of us put together.
Even Riku was friends with the kid when they hung around. You got their number?" Cloud said
after drawing his attention back to Sephiroth. He reached for his cell phone in his back pocket,
pulling it out and flipping it open. Sephiroth recited the number to the blonde as Cloud punched
in the number to his contacts. "I'll call them when we stop at a gas station. We need to leave in
an hour." Cloud got up and walked to the kitchen.
"Yeah, we should keep it on the down-low in order to surprise him." Leon got up behind Cloud
and lent in the doorway. "I'm kinda hungry..." Cloud looked over his shoulder at his lover and
"We have some left over sausage....and some `milk'..."Cloud wiggled his hips to accentuate his
Sephiroth shook his silver locks as he walked to the door, laying his hand softly on the knob.
"That would be my cue to leave." Opening the door, he let the two horny beasts alone. "Like a
bunch of fuckin' rabbits."
Sora held onto the sink in exhaustion. He would be limping for a while after the fun they had just
had. "...god...Riku..." He said through pants. He could hardly catch his breath.
Riku bent down to pick up his disheveled lover and tote him into their bedroom. Brought into
warm arms bridal-style, Sora snuggled into the chest that he was held next to. He was so satisfied

and couldn't wait for their trip to begin. "Well, love. We are cleaned and packed with an hour to
spare. Watcha wanna do?" Riku spoke softly into the brunette's ear as he sat them on the bed.
"Well, I'm a little hungry. I wonder if they've cooked anything." Sora stood and walked wearily
to the dresser. Pulling out some boxers, he looked over his shoulder at the platinum blonde that
lie looking at the ceiling. "You hungry too?"
Riku sat up and held his stomach. As if on cue, it gurgled in need. "Yeah...maybe just a little."
He smiled, holding his thumb and index finger slightly apart to show his level of hunger.
Sora giggled as he trudged out the door and to the kitchen.
Sora walked through the living room only to be greeted by, not the sweet smell of breakfast, but
long, hard moans.
"LEON! H-har-der...unh....!"
"Shut...up...Cloud...mmh!" Through pants and, what sora had grown to know about the couple,
love-bites of ecstasy, he knew that there was no way that Cloud had made breakfast this morning.
The smallest brunette walked into the kitchen only to receive two hard glares. ""
After dodging a box of Fruity Pebbles and a Slim-Fast, he decided to stop Riku for being in the
midst of the scene.
"Ha ha ha!" Low and behold what he was trying to avoid. "Don't get too rough you guys! It's
gonna be a long trip full of sitting in a cramped car! Cloud's already gonna be sore!" The
platinum-haired teen busted out laughing at the sight. Cloud was shoved up against the fridge
with no pants on and a preoccupied Leon thrusting hard into him. The many magnets that had
been on the fridge at the beginning of the morning were now scattered across the tiled floor in
random spots. Pre-cum was sliding down the legs that were wrapped around Leon in streams as
well as splashing on his stomach from jacking Cloud off. Sora could only blush and walk away in
fright knowing that Riku would probably not make it to Florida in one piece.
"FUCK OFF!" was all that Cloud could get out as Leon never ceased his animalistic pounding.
Leon growled as he came deep within the blonde. Cloud could only scream in ecstacy as he
momentarily forgot the little bastard that was pestering his pleasure as he came all over his
lover's hand and chest.
Leon quickly turned to glare at Riku as he slid out of Cloud. The death glare, which he was
famous for, always resulted in him attacking the person receiving it. Riku, knowing this, had no
choice but to run like a bat out of hell as Leon zipped his pants and flew towards the teen.
"SORA!!!" He ran up the stairs only to slip half way up. Knowing what was to come, he did the

only thing he knew to do at the moment...curl up into a ball and beg for mercy. "I'M SORRY
LEON!!! DON'T KILL ME!" Leon launched onto Riku and held his hands and trapped the hands
above his head.
"KILL YOU?! Oh, no no no! Why would I kill you when I could show some very interesting
pictures to all your friends? You know, the ones from last Christmas?"
Riku stared in horror. "HOW DID YOU GET THOSE!!!" Yes. He remembered last Christmas
very well. That was when he let Sora take him for the first time. He had let Sora chain him to the
bed in a maid's outfit and fuck him hard with many toys that he had bought for the occasion.
Special ordered from a BDSM website. /But how did Leon get pictures of that? He and Cloud
had been at Axel's party./

"We have a security system dipshit. With lots of cameras."
"You wouldn't dare." Riku narrowed his eyes at the cum-covered body above him. Sora stood at
the top of the stairs laughing his ass off.
"Yes I would. Only a click away from being e-mailed to EVERYONE on my list. You know,
even the guys you met from our college party." Leon held the most devious smile Riku had ever
seen. To say he was screwed sideways in a truck-stop would be an understatement.
"Please! I'LL DO ANYTHING! Just don't show those to anyone!"
"I don't know, I don't really need anything from you. I don't need anything to be how
will you pay?"
"Anything! I'll do whatever you want, just name it!"
"Hmm. Cloud!" At the sound of his name, Cloud showed, fully dressed.
"Yes my Lord?" Leon motioned for him to kneel down beside him. Riku stared in horror at what
they might do. Where the hell was Sora! But he felt relieved when Leon only whispered
something into the blonde's ear. /Wait...he could have whispered anything into Cloud's ear./
The blonde stood and flashed a very amused smile. Eyes flickered to the young brunette at the
top of the stairs, receiving a frightened look in response. /Oh shit.../ "It was Riku that said it!
Torture and molest him!" Sora said, staggering backwards.
"Oh come ON Sora. Why would I want to molest your boyfriend? Mine is perfectly fine."
Another devious smile. "Besides...we have something even more fun that you can to inflict on
him instead of us.
"NO! Run Sora! LEON! I take the blame, I take it! Wait...he gets to punish me?" Riku cried with

hope in his eyes. /Thank you God! Maybe I actually will get to Florida alive!/ There was no way
Sora would, or even could, hurt him.
Grey came eye-to-eye with aqua. "Yes, but don't get your hopes up. The mental pain is much
worse than the physical, but OH won't the physical be painful."
Riku glanced back up to his lover and was met with another devious smile. ...yep...he was
Good? Bad? Cruel and unusual? OH! Looky, a cliffhanger. Hmm...
Well, Join me next time to find out what the devious trio will do to Riku. Trust is utterly
terrifying. Well, to Riku it is! LOL!
Read and review! Well...I guess you've already read...hehehe... Flames will be used for hot bishie
sex on the trip. Wonderful pics of Riku from last Christmas for all reviewers!

Document Outline

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