Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ There's nothing to be nervous about, right? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or the wonderful characters used in this story and there is no self-profit attached to it, it's purely for my enjoyment and that of others.

One: There's nothing to be nervous about, right?

There you had it again. It was always the same, why didn't they tell him this in advance like normal parents would?


Dear Sora,

Your father and I we're called on a business trip at the last minute and won't come back for a week. We're so sorry honey, but we believe that you can take care of things around the house and act responsible enough to make sure everything goes okay.

We didn't want to send you to your grandmother because of that, but she said that she would come and check on you on Wednesday, so that she can be sure everything is alright.

In the cookie box on the top of the fridge you'll find your father's credit card. The code for it is in the box as well. Make good use of it, you have a credit of $9000. Just in case something was to go wrong or if you were to need anything. We do not expect you to finish it, alright? Your birthday is in a couple of weeks, so think of that too.

We love you dear and hope you can manage. All dinners for the week are in the fridge.

Think of us,

Mom and Dad


He groaned, but felt his feeling of annoyance slightly ebb away. At least they hadn't forgotten about his seventeenth birthday... but why did they always send grandma over to check up on him? Alright, $9000 was a lot of money, but they had left him with money before? And besides, he was not a kid anymore...

He tore the note from the fridge and crumbled it in his fist. He then opened the door and searched for his breakfast. Glancing at his watch, he noticed that it was only 9.30, which gave him plenty of time before Riku would come over to go to the island.

The brunette sat himself at the kitchen table and started to make his cheese and ham sandwich, thinking about the day ahead of him. Of course they would just go and hang around the island, they always did. But he didn't know exactly when or why, but with time their group didn't 'play' like they used to anymore. They spent their time more talking about stuff then wrestling or racing each other like in the old times. Noticing that he had forgotten his orange juice, he shrugged the thought off of him and stood up again. Everybody was probably just maturing and starting to leave their childish behaviour behind them and taking on their responsibilities. Like he was now.

But the person, who really changed in the last two years, was without a doubt Kairi. He knew that girls grew... well, more curved when they entered their puberty, but he just couldn't believe that it could happen that fast. Everything that had been plain and simple about Kairi was now round, well defined, sometimes complicated and... Kind of causing strange feelings and thoughts to enter his mind. The redhead had always been precious to him and to Riku too, they had always seen her as their little sister that they had had to protect at all times. Never would he want to change that between them... They would always have so much fun together...

And not much had changed about the fun, but they just experienced it in a different way than before... like when they went to Riku's birthday party almost a year ago. And that was when he had noticed that something else had changed...

The older teen had thrown it without the supervision of his parents on the beach they would always hang out at, with loud music and alcopops. All youngsters on the island above 15 and below 18 had been invited; making his birthday party the wildest one Sora had ever seen.

At some point when they were dancing, he spotted Riku making out with a girl the brunette didn't recognise on the dance floor. The sight had him a little baffled and without realising it, he had been standing there gaping at the two until Kairi's hand on his chin closed his slightly parted lips. After the song had ended, he saw his best friend leave the party with the girl, only to return a good half hour later with a satisfied look on his face.

When the silver haired teen had come to sit next to his best friends in the sand he didn't say a word. The look on Sora's face must've been hilarious for Kairi glanced at the puzzled brunette and started to stifle a giggle. Sora asked her what had been so funny and she then looked at Riku who was shaking his head, softly chuckling.

"Oh god Sora, you really are ignorant at times." Riku smirked.

"I'm not! Where did you go with that girl anyways? And why did it take so long for you to come back?"

At that Kairi burst out in laughter, letting herself fall on her back in the sand and giggling non stop. "Oh my God, Sora!"

Now the brunette was totally lost, what the hell were they both laughing about?! "What did I say?!" he growled, looking back at Kairi who was wiping her tears from her eyes and sitting up again.

"I think the question should be; 'Where the hell were you during the sexual education classes!'" The little redhead chuckled, "You can't be serious about this, Sora." She then stood up and walked towards the dance floor, still chuckling.

"Huh? You" Sora whispered, his voice slightly shaking, feeling kind of uneasy although he didn't know why. After all, the platinum blonde was his best friend and they would talk about, right?

Riku laid himself in the sand and stared at the star filled sky. He slightly nodded and gave his friend a wicked smile. "You wanna know how it was like?" he whispered in a strange tone.

"Yeah! Ah... eh I mean, no! Uhm... I'm not sure..." The younger teen whispered in a small voice. The images of the man and the woman having sex in the educational video had disgusted him, but in a strange way he had found it rather fascinating... and he didn't exactly know what Riku had meant when he had asked that question.

Sea-green eyes closed themselves in amusement and the birthday boy laughed softly, "Maybe we'll wait a little with practising for you. I think the theory scared you enough."

"I was not scared...!" Sora hastily said, eliciting a nod from his friend and a soft 'sure', "I wasn't!" he assured him again. "I just... I thought...I mean only parents have that...make babies..."

"Oh, Sora!" Riku laughed, sitting up again and patting his hand on his friend's shoulder, "You crack me up! Parents have sex not only to make babies! Other wise you would have six or seven sisters and brothers now!"

The brunette was a little confused and couldn't help but ask, "Why... why do they do it then? It looks so gross and messy..."

"For the pleasure it gives." He answered with a reminiscent look on his face and a small smile.

Sapphire blue eyes shot open wide, "P-pleasure? You mean... it's fun?" he said loudly, grimacing.

"Uh huh, and when they moan it makes it all the more exciting." He whispered, biting his lip and moving his eyes towards the dance floor. Sora followed his gaze and saw Kairi dancing with Tidus. He frowned when he noticed how close they were dancing and gulped when the redhead grinded her body against the blonde, making him smile in a very odd way. He didn't know why but watching her like that in her short purple top and jeans skirt stirred something in him, or preferably something lower on him...

"Kairi has grown into an attractive girl, you know Sora."

He snapped out of his reverie with his friends words and nodded absently, turning his head towards him. "Don't you think she's dancing a little too close to Tidus?" he whispered. The other teen chuckled and shook his head again.

"She's just responding to her body's call."


"When you're ready, you'll hear it call too. But until then, you should probably don't try to understand or rush it." he stood up and made his way back to the dance floor, leaving the young brunette with his puzzled thoughts.

That had been almost a year ago and he could understand the part of his body calling and the part of pleasure now, but he was a little terrified at the thought of being that close with someone and exchanging body fluids in that way... But his curiosity grew with each passing day and he really wanted to find out...but he knew he would need help. And now that he thought about it, his best friend had in some way offered to help him...

He nodded and stood up determined, if he was to learn what there was to learn then it would be best to do it now, when his parents weren't around to walk in on him or worse...

He looked at his watch again and read 10.15. Okay, so he had enough time to take a shower and clean up the house a little before Riku would get here. Good. Now just hope that he would be willing to show him.

There was no need to be nervous, right?

Watching his chronometer as he reached his house, Riku stopped it and smiled in satisfaction as he saw that he had beat his own record with a whole minute. He laughed and breathed in deeply, running his fingers through his sweaty hair. The usual jog around the island always made him feel more awake and active than anything else. Even morning sex couldn't beat the feeling of satisfaction his daily run procured.

He entered his house and smiled as he met his mother in the kitchen making breakfast. Her silver hair that he had inherited was still damp from her shower and she looked at him with a loving smile. "How did it go this time?"

"One whole minute." He simply answered and walked to her to kiss her on her forehead, "And I'm starving."

"Ugh!" she jerked her head away and pushed him off, "Go get a shower first, Riku."

He chuckled and grabbed a pancake from the table before leaving the kitchen.

As soon as he set a foot outside his house, Riku noticed the little droplets of water starting to fall on his nose. Even though the day had started brightly and rather hot, it was fairly common to see it change into nothing but rain for the rest of it here on the islands.

Breaking into a run as it rained a little harder, he spent less than 2 minutes on his way to Sora. By the time he arrived, it was really bucketing down and he hastily knocked on the door, his hair already dripping and his jean and tank top all drenched.

"Riku! You're all wet!" Sora cried and hastily stepped aside to let him in. "I didn't think you would come anymore seen the weather."

"I was already out before it began." He whispered, sniffling a bit and wiping droplets off his nose.

"I'll get you a towel, just wait here." The brunette said, turning around and making his way up the stairs.

Noticing how silent it was around the house, Riku asked in a loud voice, "Hey Sora, your parents gone again?"

"Yeah, for a whole week." Came the answer, followed by the sound of descending steps, "Here." He handed him the towel and stepped into the kitchen. "You want to eat something?"

"Na uh, ate at home." He whispered back, noticing the evasive behaviour of his friend, like he didn't want to look at him, "Why are you acting like you're uncomfortable around me? Do I smell bad or something?" he joked, seeing his friend give him a weak smile and leaning against the dresser.

"Why do you say that?" the brunette asked in turn, pushing himself away from the furniture and walking passed him and into the living room. Riku dried his hair with the towel and then dropped it on the kitchen table, raising one eyebrow as he followed his friend.

"Then why can't you just stay still for one minute? You haven't stopped moving ever since I got here." Leaning against the doorframe of the living room, the older teen watched Sora as he tucked away his console under the TV set and arranging the scattered magazines that were lying on the low table. "Oh, now you're cleaning? Ok, what's wrong with you?"

Sora sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I'm trying to buy time." He then whispered, one eye opened to look hesitantly at the silver haired teen.

Riku folded his arms on his chest and smirked, he knew that the brunette wanted to ask him something and he was either going to like it or he absolutely wasn't. "Ok, shoot already, what is it?"

"Uhmm..." was the only thing Sora said for a whole minute before shaking his head, "Never mind."

"I sure won't." pushing himself away from the doorframe, he walked towards him and stopped just in front of his face. He had an idea of what this all was about and he decided to use Sora's one weakness in battle; his inability to lie efficiently. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that this isn't about sex." He whispered in a low tone, putting a soft stress on 'sex'. Aqua met blue and for a moment it was very silent in the room. Riku felt an exciting tingle running up his spine and couldn't help but smile when his friend started to stutter. He was close enough to feel the younger boy's erratic breathing on his own skin and his smile widened itself.

"Thought so." He then whispered, lowering his eyes on the other boy's lips when the brunette closed his eyes in defeat. Running his tongue over his lips briefly, Riku felt the sudden urge to catch the brunette's ones with his own. He frowned for a moment and took a step back in confusion. What was that?

"I just thought that it would be better to do it now, now that my parents aren't home and..."

"Do what, Sora?" Riku calmly inquired, masking his surprise, his tone so low it made the other boy shiver unwillingly.

"Hum...well; remember at your birthday party last year you said..."

One eyebrow raised itself again and the platinum blonde chuckled, "I know what I said, Sora. But I'm just wondering how we're going to do it."

Now it was Sora's turn to be surprised, "Do what?!"

Riku chuckled, "Nervous already? We didn't even begin." He laughed again as brown eyebrows knitted together in worry.


"Come on, Sora. There's nothing to be nervous about, really. All you need to do is relax and let it take over. You trust me, right?" Gulping again, the young boy nodded.

After all, he was his best friend and he probably knew what he was doing. There was absolutely nothing to be nervous about.


To be continued…     -Blackdiamond Princess-